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Efforts have been suck saysfcesd views the 2018 midterm elections as a potential target for u. S. Russia operations. The intel chiefs releasing a report to go along with it. So everyone can read it themselves. Russia getting bolder and even more disruptions in their cyber operations. Attacks on our infrastructure which could include the electrical grid which means our power. Again, i have to repeat this, because theres so much debate about the facts these days. Thats an assessment from team donald trump. And it is obviously d. C. Lly da. So what is President Trump directing be done about it . Nothing. Here was a truly disturbing revelation in this hearing. Has the president directed you and your agency to take specific actions to confront and blunt russian influence activities that are ongoing . Were taking a lot of specific efforts to blunt directed by the president . Not as specifically directed by the president. What is Congress Going to do about that . In a few moments im happy to tell you ill be joined by a democratic senator with a plan on trump and putin. We also have information on whether that russian false flag operation worked to confuse trump. I start with n ned, did you see anything wrong or concerning with the picture paint in the that hearing . Absolutely, ari. We have heard that President Trump has personally himself done absolutely nothing to help our National Security establishment and infrastructure stop the next round of russian meddling that should be hugely troubling to all of us. We learned not too long ago that the president has not convened his National Security council on this subject. But what he has done, hes billed secrets to the oval office with russian, he has refused to implement sanctions. So all of these, both what he has done and has not done is a clear signal to moscow, a clear signal that they have the green light to continue. Thats why youre here as a cia expert. I turn to you as a lawyer for your theory of the case. Heres the most damming theorying. That bob mueller is gathering evidence on trump and it does relate to russia so it concerns President Trump, so shes actually doing a worse job as president on these issues because hes so worried and sort of scared of doing anything that feeds into this russia narrative, so hes just hands off and letting putin run the table. What i want your analysis of is that donald trump didnt do anything wrong, at least nothings been released on him through the Mueller Campaign so far, but he has an equal problem with his own folks saying they have a russia issue, he doesnt do anything because he just worries it will feed a perception that the russians did interfere with the election, so it comes from a place of looking guilty but not being guilty. Analyze those two pieces of the theory for us. He has as far as i can tell, probably committed some crimes. He may have committed them unintentionally. But that doesnt mean that there isnt a theory of the crime that has been committed more than once, because you have the obstruction of justice claim that he didnt actually collude with russia in a way that actually violated the federal elections laws, he nevertheless he would need to actually worry about how he appeared there. I think that if he accidentally violated laws, which is he was benefiting from what russia was doing, he wasnt intentionally colluding with them, but yet using the information ways that made him appear to be guilty, he certainly would have to worry at this stage. I would actually have to argue he would have to worry about appearance, but he would, if he was acting president ial and taking the National Security interests of the country to heart, he would actually appear more innocent than he currently du does. Ned, i want you to weigh in on there, that there isnt a there there, just for the sake of argument, that he didnt the mayas saying you could look at the other side of it and say if he took these actions that would make him look more innocent and yet he doesnt, your view . Thats right, i think we have to talk this up to the fact that President Trump is versus sensitive on this issue. He doesnt want to do anything that could undermine what he perceives to be the legitimacy of his win in the electoral college. And if he were to take a hard line, if he were to punish russia for its meddling. And if he were to admit that russia meddled, in his warped view, he would be giving credence to the fact that his electoral victory was illegitimate. I think what worries many of us in the National Security realm, with that victory in the electoral college, he became the commander in chief, he became the one thats responsible for our National Security and hes been derelict in executing his authority especially in this context. Theres a saying in hiphop that can actually apply to russian meddling, cant stop, wont stop. And that was what each intel chief was emphasizing that trump doesnt want to hear. Do you agree with director pompeo that we havent seen a decrease in the russian activity. I agree with director pompeo, this is not going to change nor is it going to stop. We have not seen any evidence of any significant change from last year. I agree with director pompeo. Youve been waiting for that answer. I have had that one in the pocket for a while, yes, sir. Its not going to change, it not going to stop, it is a little bit of congressional giggle because these are long hearings and it goes and on and on and its almost funny that we all agree. If the president was the last one on that row, would he say cant stop wont stop. What he has done during his presidency is actually undermine the intel. He has done nothing new with this National Security saying we have a problem with russia, actually we had a Bipartisan Panel of senators saying we need a bipartisan strategy on russia in 2016. What trump had done and as pret politifax said in 2013 was that there was no russian interference. In my view, putting aside trumps legal problems, is that the republicans arent actually demanding a significant look at whats happening in our with russian interference. You said the reports of immediating ae i immediate russian meddling, that russia could actually influence our electrical grid. Maya wiley, thank you. Ned, stay with me, i want to dig into the hearing today, the intel chiefs an effort to test the International Black market for stolen Cyber Weapons which u. S. Spies were doing, according to the New York Times and the market for allegedly secret tapes of President Trump. Before i go any further, because this is as explosive a story as you get. I want to be clear, this story im about to show you, does not corroborate any compromising videotape of donald trump that may or may not exist. It does offer, though, an important and tangled plot to sell such a tape by a russian intermediary, to our own american spies. Public discussion of an incriminating tape that came into public view in 2016 and 2017. Wh its all fake news, its phony stuff. It didnt happen. Does anyone really believe that story . Im also very much of a germophobe by the way, believe me. Today that same account back unt in the discussion at this hearing, because there are u. S. Senators who asked the cia director about a report that the u. S. Spies paid 100,000 to hand over one, stolen nsa Cyber Weapons material and two, an allegedly compromising video of donald trump. And the cia director stressed that they were only interested in the cyber tools stolen from the u. S. , not a compromised videotape. The information that we were working to try and retrieve was information that we believed might well have been stolen from the u. S. Government. It was unrelated to this idea of compromise that appears in each of those two articles. The director also insisting this New York Times reporter was inaccurate and he disputed that the cia even made this alleged payment. Reporting on this matter has been atrocious, its been ridiculous, totally inaccurate. In our view the suggestion the cia was swindled is false. Ned price and maya wiley are both still here. Ned, i want to be fair and clear, there is no confirmation of the underlying video part of the story and yet your analysis of the cia director disputing that they involved themselves in paying for this material, but also at times saying things that did seem to, i would say, confirm aspects in the New York Times report that there were russians out there offering all of these alleged goodies. Thats right, ari, director come pay y pompeos approach what the New York Times actually reported was that u. S. Intelligence acted through a cutout, a third party, to provide this to an individual in berlin, who would then offer this information. So what director pompeo said and what the New York Times said, they can both coexist, they can both be true. But in offering this reputation, director pompeo also confirmed the operation. He said the u. S. Government was out there trying to look for, to retrieve this information that presumably Russian Hackers had stolen. And there are only so many carrots and sticks available to the cia. One of which was money. You have been at the nsa and the cia, we all dont necessarily have that inside view you do. But when we read that this happened, what is the level of sort of b. S. Detection that the cia does . Because obviously Anyone Around the world could mention anything they have read online or in a dossier, it doesnt mean it exists. How do they ferret out that theres any chance that what theyre being offered is legit. The bis rate at the cia is very sensitive and very high. I understand in this case, that the russian was known to american intelligence officials. In other words this is not just some random russia who came up. And u. S. Officials had good reason because of past track record to believe that this individual had bona fide connections to russian intelligence. If there was someone that had isnt them an email or walked into a u. S. Embassy somewhere, they would not have gone to such Great Lengths one would presume to try to recover this information. So anyone who offers this kind of information will be vetted using every tool, every database at the disposal of the u. S. President. This was quite a story to begin with before the president responded. One aspect of the story that this article made clear is that theres the risk that those throughout the world that are adversaries are just trying to kick up dust and get the country fighting with the president. Yet theres no confirmation of the tape. Heres trumps response, according to to the New York Times a russian told phony secrets on trump to the u. S. Asking price was 10 million brought down to 1 million to be paid over time. Its all coming out. Drain the swamp. It all appears if you finish the article that they were trying to do. Right. So meanwhile the fox is in charge of the hen house. I mean here we are again, another kind of scandalous moment in the trump administration, with, you know, questionable leadership. Heres someone, heres donald trump jumping into you know, jumping into the fray and started discord, you know, engaging in all kinds of battles, unnecessary battles with the very agency and agencies he should be working with. Its representative of an administration that really is not taking any of this seriously. But that also is giving very little oversight and attention to the real concerns. And instead has decided that this is a political you know, theres Political Capital in turning this into a fight with the very intelligence agencies that are supposed to support, support the white house, and support National Security within the United States. This is typical donald trump. Yeah, and its remarkable when you look at just how much is packed into that story. Ned price and leah wright, thank you for joining me. I turn to senator ben carter, hes authority of the bill to sanction russia. I have a lot to get to with everyone i want to discuss. Starting with your focus on sanctions, what are you pushing for . Ari, its good to be with you. Thank you. We would like to see the law enforced, itwe want mr. Putin t understand if he continues his conduct, there will be a heavy price. So we gave a list of mandatory sanctions for the president to impose, and he hasnt imposed a single sanction under this law against russia. The message to mr. Putin is, you can keep doing what youre doing. Does that mean you view the president as in violation of this law or to put it back on congress that it wasnt written tightly and specific enough to force action . Well, there are certain divisions of responsibility, congress has the responsibility to pay pass laws, the president has the responsibility to carry out those laws. We need to impose and enforce sanctions against russia. We have made that very clear to him. Hes starting the process, hes holding open that he should use these sanctions, we think they should have been used by now. The other thing that i mentioned was discussed at the hearing, your view of that was the cia according to the New York Times, doing the right thing to try to run those leads down, or is the president right that this was a plot against him or is the story wrong in your view . Well, every one of our intelligence agencies have concluded that not only was russia actively engaged in our elections in 2016. But theyre continuing those activities. And they have if anything accelerated their activities against the democratic institutions. I think the New York Times account that director pompeo was discussing today, the allegation that u. S. Spies put 100 k to get allegedly stolen cyber material and an alleged tape about the president. These intelligence agencies are doing everything they can to protect our country, theyre taking this Russian Investigation very seriously. They dont know where its going to lead, but there was certain intelligence apparatus that we needed to get back that the russians were using against us, we needed to get it. So it shows how sensitive the Intelligence Community is to this threat, the only person whos not taking this with the right grain of commitment is the president of the United States. I see what youre saying, thats part of the info they have to just gather up. Before you go, a lot of criticism of john kelly at the white house, does he still have your confidence as the white house chief of staff . General kelly has a very tough job, my hope is that he would be more independent in allowing information to get to the president. Hes done things that i find very, very questionable. But its important that the advisors to the president get access to him with information necessary to make decisions. At times it appears that President Trump does things that are against our National Interest but also against the advice of his own advisers. Senator ben carson, thank you for joining us. The other bing storbig stor. Everybody lies, they lie about everything, in their background thinking it wont be found. And the trump lawyer who reportedly paid off Stormy Daniels, tonight use blereaks tt hes dropping his own tell all book. Tori smith says hes been in the white house with obama but says he will not go to the white house. Youre watching the beat on msnbc. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. Fisher investments never does. And while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, Fisher Investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other money managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. A farmers market. Ve whats in this kiester. A fire truck. 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All across new york state, were building the new new york. To grow your business with us in new york state visit esd. Ny. Gov. White house criticism now coming from a place close to trumps heart, reality tv. We would be begging for days of trump back if pence became president. Thats all im saying. He ees extreme. Im christian, i love jesus, but he thinks jesus tells him to say things. Im like jesus didnt say that. Its scary. A long ways from when amarosa was a trump defender. Every critic, every detractor will have to bow down to President Trump. And she honed that kind of drama and that view of performance from being with trump on the apprentice. Youve got to have a lot of ammunition to combat that, and i didnt have that ammunition. He was fired up. He was fired up. You know why he was fired up . He was fired up because of you. He was fired up. Now she says this isnt just a show, it a lie. They lie. Everybody lies. They lie about, you know, everybody. On their background, thinking it wont be found and then you get the folder. Why would you think it wouldnt be found if youre talking about the u. S. Government. Obviously if youre toys are us looking for a job everything from dui, speeding, domestic violence. Anne, as you know, its quite common when people leave senior white house posts to go on reality shows and to use that as a venue to discuss matters of state. What do you think of amarosas role in this particular freak show that were all living through as if its normal . Yeah, that happens all the time. So, yes, there certainly is a history of people leaving white house jobs and doing tell all interviews or tell all books, it doesnt happen that often, but now we have tell all reality tv. Shes endlessly entertaining and we shouldnt forget that she really did have a front row seat for a year almost into the way this white house got up and running, the kinds of decisions that were made early on. She was there when rob porter was hired. She knows rob porter. No, her choice of venue and the utter lack of professionalism that i have seen her exhibit in her role as a shes a taxpayer funded employee, does not detract from the access. She talked about these immigration crackdowns, take a listen. Guess what, the crackdowns are happening and theyre aggressive. Theyre intention. And theyre going to get worse. And i suppose thats the other question for you, we do see aids tell their story, but how is it that shes actionable against known knowns about how donald trump would be in government before she came in . That is unusual and it obviously raises the immediate question for anyone still in the white house or Donald Trumps defenders to say, well, then why did you take the job or why did you stay there if you were opposed to so many of the things that were happening around you and not only happening around her, but that were as you say, really pretty clearly going to be part of the agenda from the beginning, why did she take the job at all . All that said, i think your observations about immigration and the idea that theres sort of a meanspirited intent behind all of it is very interesting. Obviously, many people pursuing that at homeland security, justice department, i. C. E. And elsewhere would disagree. But shes expressing something that is a fairly common criticism from outside the white house. This is the first time i have ever heard it from anyone with access inside. With access and a prediction a crackdowns continuing. Up ahead, are trump allies trying to smear key mueller witnesses . Next. For all the people who sneeze around dust. Theres Flonase Sensimist allergy relief. It relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Its more complete allergy relief. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. And 6 is greater than 1. Flonase sensimist. So allstate is giving us money back on our bill. Well, that seems fair. We didnt use it. Wish we got money back on gym memberships. Get money back hilarious. With claimfree rewards. Switching to allstate is worth it. Its 6 am. 40 million americans are waking up to a gillette shave. And at our factory in boston, more than a thousand workers are starting their day building on over a hundred years of heritage, craftsmanship and innovation. Today were bringing you americas number one shave at lower prices every day. 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There was an acquittal and it was because someone tried to change witness testimony. Florida officials are looking into whether there was witness tampering the Casey Anthony trial. Were not sure which witness, though. What about witness smearing, this tack exposed in a certain policy magazine report that noted certain bolster an obstruction of justice case. The issue there is, heres the issue, let me explain this. When you have people who are key witnesses, right . They could hold the key to the whole case, whether its obstruction, collusion, whatever it might be. Now were seeing these efforts to go after people who will be potentially the sources for any mueller case. Take a listen to this attack on the man behind the dossier. Either he lied in london or he lied to the fbi. Lying to the fbi is a crime if its a crime against flynn, it ought to be a crime against steele. That was senator grassley discussing christopher steele, trump has also attacked fbi director comey as a liar, comey of course has appeared under oath, trump has not. Trump also attacking comeys deputy, andrew mccabe. And said that the fbi should clean house against other top staff. These are not officials that can just come and go with the churn of government. These are key potential witnesses in any case that bob mueller ultimately builds. I turn now to congressman mike quigley, hes a member of the house intelligence committee. When you see this level of attack, i wonder what you think as a member of congress, i imagine you care about First Amendment rights and people can say a lot of things and you in the congress have a special protection to say all kinds of things as senator grassley has that protection, and yet, there are serious questions here about whether this is potentially going to undermine these people as witnesses in any future prosecution. Absolutely, its a pattern of behavior of the president clearly has his allies who are willing to do anything and say anything to protect the president legally and politically. We saw this with this recent memo a long list of obstructions, mr. Nunez refusing to release theyll do it to just about anyone. As you, i think alleged or discussed earlier, the white house is getting nervous, right . There have been four indictments, clearly flynns violent has been i have watched this for over a year now from the intel committee. I dont believe theres anything they wont do or say to protect the president. Do you think there are some things that members of congress can say or do that go beyond their protective roles and that could hinder the investigation . I think there are elements of what mr. Nunez did that bringing them into the realm of obstruction of justice. I think theres a really broad range that we give members for their ability to speak freely. Youre saying tonight that its possible that congressman nunezs conduct could be part of the obstruction case . Let me put it this way, i think that the chairman as helped the white house obstruct this case. Whether thats part of a legal entanglement, thats a different story. This is part of my job, pushing everyone a little bit. When you say the white house obstructed this case, are you saying that as a legal terms of art of obstruction of justice. I this that mr. Mueller is probably developing a case, what are we talking about when we talk about obstruction, there has to be an intent, in words and deeds, i think that an outsider looking at this would say that mr. Mueller could develop a case like this. I mean pressuring mr. Comey not to go after general flynn, firing director comey, trying to fire mueller twice. Theres a whole series of things hes done. And i think there are members of congress in their words and deeds, i dont know if its a legal issue, but clearly they are helping him obstruct the investigation, whether thats a legal aspect of this or just the general sense of were going to make it as difficult as possible for you to find out what took place here. Right, and look, its a serious statement you make about a set of very serious issues, particularly because were speaking here in the twoweek period after which there was this unusual release of classified information on a rank obvious partisan basis because the republican memo was released, the democratic memo has not been released. Then you have the number three official at the doj leaving last week. Now youre saying that nunez should be scrutinized for that. That goes to my final question, should he be fully recused at this point from any russia probe . I thought that he was, but clearly hes still signing subpoenas or refusing to sign them and that obstruct this is case and that makes it especially difficult. And as you recall those transcripts that were made public, it was my understanding that he refused to acknowledge that they didnt work with the white house to develop that memo. We covered that a lot. I mean you made news, whether you meant to or not, because i know it was in the transcript, not the most exciting place, it wasnt like a press conference, but we covered that, what made you ask that question of nunez, what made you say that its easy to claim coordinating with the potential suspects of their probe . Hes supposed to be an independent investigator, i have watched for over a year where hes been anything but. I think hes been an agent of white house to help obstruct this case. I think it began with his midnight run to the white house to try to give information that would company rate the president. I think the best indication of future efforts are past efforts. The reason i asked those questions is that it was a pattern and it was a fair question to ask. I think you made a little news tonight and i appreciate you time. Turning to another important story, ethical conflicts in Donald Trumps financial deals. Forbes reporting that trump used his own white house my colleague Rachel Maddow has reported on these plans, trying to build a trump tower back in 2012 in georgia and the issues were surrounding fraud and money laundering. Trump agrees to license his name to brand this new Seaside Resort Development in georgia. He did a big Publicity Campaign for the deal with georgias president. Nobody cared to ask where all this money was coming from, or why Donald Trumps new partner in this real estate deal was able to secure all this money which literally was all over the news at the time. Thats the history. Heres the news. Forbes Dan Alexander reports, Trumps White House meeting i should say with the Prime Minister became an effort to push his own businesses. Why does this matter . Well, you know, its sort of interesting, basically what happened is that deal had already been cancelled. And they said, going into the presidency, hey, were going to pull out of that one with concerns of the emoemollmentes clause. Then the according to trumps two former business partners, its a really short meeting and he walks in and one of the first things trump says is hey, how is the old project going . I want to be clear here, at the time he was not still involved in the project. But those two partners i actually met over in georgia with them a handful of months ago and they said they were going to continue building the project and if at some certain time during the presidency or after the presidency, if trump wanted to put his name back on the project, they would be more than happy to have it. Which goes to whether hes thinking about the United States or trump or when hes doing these meetings. Also the reporting here, trump tower lists the attendant of the Industrial Business Group of china and whos paying the rent, the Chinese Government. If youre looking at the trump tower, the Largest Office tennant is that chinese bank. These guys are paying about 2 million a year. Whats interesting here, is they might actually be renegotiating that lease as we speak. So on a 2012 document, it says that the lease is up in 2019, which puts renegotiation right about now. Does that mean that donald trump and eric jr. Are right now speaking to an entity thats scrolled by the Chinese Government and how many millions donald trump is collecting. We talked to trump back in 2015 just as he was gearing up his campaign, he said oh, yeah, that chinese bank, as he was walking us through trump tower, oh, yeah that chinese bank, i just signed a new deal with them recently. It sort of passed in the moment and nobody really picked it up. Now in hindsight, we learn what a big deal that lease is. I know one thing, your reporting is important here and youre digging into a story that needs more reporting. The second thing i learned is that donald trump impression, dan, it needs some work. Im sure thats true. Dan alexander with a big story tonight. Up next, Donald Trumps personal lawyer has a tell all book and it involves Stormy Daniels. In the 2018 lexus es and es hybrid. Lease the 2018 es 350 for 339 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. If you wear a denture, experience amazing you not only want a clean feeling every day, you want your denture to be stain free. Did you know theres a specialty cleanser thats gentle enough for everyday use and cleans better than regular toothpaste . Try polident cleanser. 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You say its not a shake up, but you guys are down. And it makes sense says who . Polls, most of them, all of them . Says who . Polls. I just told you, i answered your question. Okay, which polls . All of them. Okay. That exchange was ridiculed at the time. But you can see why cohen wants to focus on it now. He did get the last laugh. Political insiders, reporters and others thought that those National Polls reflected that trump was losing, well the polls reflect that trump was unpopular, and he did win where it matters, not the polls, but the electoral college. Jim moray, correspondent for inside edition, he questions Stormy Daniels in her first tv interview since this whole story broke out in the open. Liz, i come to you first, books matter. Fire and fury mattered. It did something that a lot of other things, tv, criticism, whatever, didnt do, it dislodged steve bannon for his role in breitbartcohen is owl with this book, but he feels vindicated. Expecting a tell all book on trump by Michael Cohen, is like expecting a tell all book about investigative reporting by fox and friends. Im not expecting much to come out of this book except for it basically being like a love letter to donald trump. This is Donald Trumps number one yes man. Hes the one polls guy. Hes not the smartest tool in the shed, but hes also kind of a bad boyer, as you should know, as you are a great lawyer. He didnt even know what marital rape was, remember in 2015, when Donald Trumps exwife, there were reports that she had made accusations of being raped by donald trump. He said you cant rape your spouse and then he also threatened a daily beast reporter who was asking him about that story on the record. So i dont expect much of Michael Cohen, to say the least. So, yeah, you think tell all is a bit of trumpian hiyperbole in and of itself. If you want to be charitable, you call say maybe he was hoping this book proposal wouldnt leak. But book proposals are sent to dozens of publishers, right . Uhhuh. Which is all over new york media. So its a ticking time bomb. So from the Trump White House perspective, were talking about stormy again, why . Because of your ace lawyer. If the president wasnt defending men who are accused of beating up their wives, right now were being investigated for the russia probe, this story would be all over the news, it wouldnt be brought back and you wouldnt be one of the very few people actually covering it. This is a huge story, and it gives us an opportunity to repeat the timeline here and express the timeline of Stormy Daniels. She came forward to the press exactly one week after the access hollywood piece came out. And when she was paid one month before the election, she stopped talking about media outlets. At best this is an affair, but at the least, we dont know what she knows. Jim has covered this story and were about to look at some of your interview footage. We continue to cover Stormy Daniels story on the beat because this is a huge story. Its a big story, it has a lot of big implications. Jim, let me play some of your interview here with Stormy Daniels. Did you have a sexual relationship with donald trump . Have you been paid to keep quiet . Have you signed a nondisclosure agreement . Are you frustrated that you cant talk about these things . You clearly want to say youre looking at me like you cant talk. Im taking this that you cant say anything. Is that accurate . Im taking that as a yes. Now jim, interviewing silent film stars has always been known to be challenging. Walk us through what you did learn with an individual, a woman who allegedly did make a legal agreement, a contract for her silence, allegedly her silence was purchased and we just saw what that looks like. We cdo know that in 2011, sh gave an interview to in touch, and gave tremendous detail about what occurred between she and donald trump and we do know that after she was allegedly paid, she didnt say anything. I spent about four or five hours with her. What i got from her was, she is a mom, she has a 7yearold daughter, she has a husband, they live outside of dallas. She leads a fairly quiet life. She rides horses in competitions. Most people around her dont know what she does or didnt. They do now because she says shes gotten Death Threats, shes been frightened to speak, she didnt say anything on or off the record. She said, look, im worried. Why would she be getting Death Threats . She believes, you know, its one of these conspiracy theorys, i suppose, but she thinks that certain jobs that she got were cancelled because people close to trump put pressure on these folks. She thinks that shes getting threats from people who support. Whether its true or not, she believes its true. Thats all i gleaned from that. And wider context, there are also reports as part of this story about you talk about killing jobs. Theres also reports about using the national enquurer to buy up stories and never run them. Buy up columns. From Rachel Maddows reporting, i want to play the money trail. A lot of this goes to the money trail. Do we have it at all . She basically interviewed the wall street journal reporter who explained cohen arranged for the payment from this bank account of keith davidson, stormys lawyer and says there was not a clear trail of whether the source of the funds comes from Michael Cohen who arranged the deal or from donald trump or elsewhere. And jim, as an Investigative Reporter you know where im going with this. That matters a lot because the source of the funds and their accounting could spell the difference between whether this was a private legal payment which means then the voters can hear about it and care or not care, fine, or a me tension violation of federal election law, jim. Right, that harkins back to the john edwards scandal. If this were about ari melber or jim moret, we would be brought up on charges. My concern is that this is just the saga, the scandal of the week, right . Im curious why trumps own lawyer says he wants to clarify this unfortunate saga. Hes bringing it up again. Its not unfortunate. Either there was a relationship or there wasnt. He paid her off or he didnt. Its straightforward. This could be federal Election Commission violation. Thats another interesting part. Jim and liz plank who covered the story with us before, thank you both. I have Something Else special on the show tonight right after this. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. 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Who knew a tiny sensor could help keep the food chain safe . Ilgs player torrey smith will join me tomorrow to talk why he is snubbing the Trump White House and hardball starts right now. General confusion. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in washington we are now seven days into a crisis the white house cant pull itself out of. Every day brings new selfinflicted wounds. Testifying on captain hill today, trump

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