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Katie, thanks as always. Busy news weekend and day. Developing news. Russian investigation and report on hurricane irma. Big news, problems at white house caused by steve bannon, breaking silence in first tv interview sunday claiming he only wants to support the president. Clearly doing that his own way. Confirming in interview that trump firing jim comey was a historic mistake. Someone said to me that you described the firing of james comey, youre a student of history, as the biggest mistake in political history. That would be probably too bombastic even for me, maybe modern political history. The firing of james comey was the biggest mistake in modern political history . If youre saying thats associated with me, ill leave it at that. By leaving it at that, bannon ensured the critique would hit the white house today. At time when Trump Officials would like to push agenda on taxes or focus nation on hurricane relief, instead once again pressed to revisit the scene of the firing of jim comey, not by special counsel mueller or democratic critics. Sarah Huckabee Sanders forced to because of steve bannon. Do you have a reaction to Steve Bannons comments on 60 minutes saying that it was biggest political mistake. Since his firing learned new information about his conduct that only provided further justification about that firing. Giving false testimony, leaking information to journalists. Important moment. Sanders alleging that gave false testimony. Second looks down at notes suggesting prepared attack. Third sanders asked a direct question about trumps judgment coming from ally bannon and throws a legal allegation at former fbi director. What is the legal basis for that . Sanders had an answer. Said that he was responsible for giving false testimony. Down that comey either perjured himself before congress or misled congress in his testimony . I think thats something for doj to look at, not me. Im not attorney. But using white house podium, government taxpayers funded post not political one to launch this allegation and throw to the doj which is fraught, overseeing the russia probe. We asked doj, no comment as of sar time. This is potential federal felony and new line follows the strategy of trumps private legal team leaking memos saying he was source of leaks to the news media. White house moved line from comey from unreliable to false. Sounds like at time when may have been better off deescalated, maybe not planned focus but stuck playing hand that steve bannon dhemt after primetime sunday night appearance. If youre having trouble keeping score, remember bannon said only here to help. Begin with nine years as federal prosecutor. Whitecollar crime, financial fraud and cybercrime. Legally did the white house make a serious allegation accusing comey of giving false testimony . Certainly. Committing perjury is a crime. Essentially you have the white house suggesting that doj investigate a witness against the president. Its a very serious thing for the white house to do. Thats interesting, when they refer it to doj, that could be interpreted as modest. From the podium, im not a lawyer. Youre saying could be more severe. Right. Typically walls again the white house and department of justice and specific channels of communication between the political side and Justice Department about ting investigations. So what this is, seems to me, like an end around. Sanders representing white house makes a Public Statement in which she suggests that witness against the president be prosecuted for perjury, will get in the papers and people at doj will hear it and suggestion of what white house wants them to do. Not saying that doj will follow that but its inappropriate and part of a calculated effort by white house to go on the offensive against comey and attack the system. Other thing that comes out in her theory of the case today is argument that somehow we all have learned that he was bad at his job or somehow exposed after the firing. Take a listen. I think that weve been pretty clear what our position is. Certainly i think that its been shown in the days that followed that the president was right in firing director comey. I got to tell you, curious of your view, strikes me as most factfree position. Substantive and legally just fielk creatics center on past record with one big investigation, how he publicly talked about the clinton matter. Heard from both sides of the aisle because seemed to have fbi taking power that frigrightfullr the prosecutors. But view we learned something bad about him. Doesnt matter legally. What matters legally is what was in the president s mind when he fired comey. What weve learned since then is legally irrelevant for determining intent. What republicans and president are focused on is revelation which president tweeted about september 1st that comey prepared a draft of his speech regarding clinton before the interview was completed which doesnt tell me much of anything, just that there was no evidence that clinton committed a crime or not sufficient evidence so prepared a draft. But to them suggests something more sinister and its sort of an avenue of attack against comey. Stay with me, bring in conversation, having gotten legal briefing, Howard Feynman post and holliday from the wall street journal. Theres nothing to the russia investigation. Its a waste of time. What do you believe . You know what National Security institutions believe. What do you believe . What do you mean . We dont really there may have been i was there, total and complete farce. Russian collusion is a farce. Howard . What the white house has decided and i still put steve bannon in a way in that orbit. They dont think that special counsel mueller is going to be able to prove actual collusion between russia and donald trump. Theyre focusing on the obstruction part of the task that hes been given. Was there obstruction of justice . As has been said, in a way the lead witness for the obstruction case if there is one is probably james comey. So political as well as legally, theyre going to go after comey in every way they can. On another level politically, this is a wasted effort by the white house. Comey is out of the way. What they did was they basically got rid of somebody they would have been able to politicize and attack in the way that donald trump likes to attack people, which is personally, attack them personally, morality and character, et cetera. Got rid of comey, instead of potential pinata, uparmored battle tank coming after him in mueller who doesnt play politics, stays under the radar and immune from political attack. Attacking only person they can politically. Politically doesnt matter. Legally it might. As often the case, given us poetry to work with. P pinata to bulletproof hummer. Navigating two former people. Comey and bannon both gone because of the decisions of the president. And precisely the point that steve bannon was making, mueller has broad powers and reaching into things trump never wanted him to reach into. Telling that bannon said biggest mistake in modern political history. In same interview talked about Bush Administration going into iraq. But at the same time tried to cast doubt that russia meddled in the election. Strange interview but regardless cant change the fact that decision to fire him and way in which he fired him was massive mistake. Normal administration fired director, released a statement and moved on. President trump talked to lester holt, released tweets about comeys tapes, hosted russians in the oval office and called comey a nut job, created the problem for himself because of the firing. Snowballed in ways no one thought it could have. And going to inhernt contradictions. Another high point. Republicans need a civil war and democrats need a civil war. Advice to every Political Party is have a civil war. War. Thats the kind of guy he is. But also what he says about the establishment. Says hes influential the whole time but comey firing historic trump mistake meaning he was against it and establishment continues to be in charge which hes against. 48 hours after we won, fundamental decision that was made. Might call it the original sin of the administration. We embraced the establishment. Totally embraced it. In President Trumps mind and jareds and familys mind, i actually agreed with the decision because you have to staff a government. Bannon saying that original sin was the gucci loafers, the gucci gulf where the lobbyists hang out. That was the sin. Then he said that i expected him to finish that by saying should have appointed me chief of staff. That would have been a real signal. But donald trump didnt do it. And dont forget that steve bannon had a lot to do with the last few weeks of that campaign, helping to decide where to go, driving the message. I mean functionally he was kind of in charge in the stretch run of the campaign. But he said hey, i guess i cant do it. Thats how Reince Priebus came in. But think bannon probably consoled himself in concluding rightly that Reince Priebus was a weak character who couldnt carry the role of the establishment entirely. I think bannon decided i can take this guy, turned out not to be true. Miscalculation on the firing of comey trump didnt understand that sessions would have to recuse himself and rod rosenstein, number two, gone along with firing of comey, helped write that letter, had to turn around and in good conscience name a special prosecutor. Trump and people in the white house missed that entirely. They had rozen stein at beginning and lost him at end and thats why mueller is where he is right now. Goes to the question of the learning curve. Howard describes how somebody who doesnt understand history and has no interest in it, obviously going to repeat it as trump did. And bannon, his friend, saying you messed yourself up, more super sized russian probe and today white house still choosing to take shots at james comey while better response would have been not going to comment, goodbye. Havent learned and took the bait. Bannon said hes trumps biggest wing man outside the white house. Not sure this helped trump. White house took the bait and ran with it and comey have to go back to the hill to defend himself. Being as understated as possible . Perhaps a bit sarcastic. In no way helped. Coming up. Fbi investigating a Russian Tv Network accused of being a front for the kremlin in the United States. Speak to the reporter who broke the story and nick stahl. Millions without power, american citizens in the caribbean crying for help in humanitarian disaster. And bannon ramping up war against the republicans he says is on behalf of donald trump. A republican establishment is trying to nullify the 2016 election. Thats a brutal fact. Im ari melber. Youre watching the beat on msnbc. This is a story about mail and packages. And its also a story about people and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,. 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Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Livestreat the airport. E sport binge dvrd shows while painting your toes. On demand laughs during long bubble baths. Tv on every screen is awesome. The Xfinity Stream app. All your tv at home. The most on demand your entire dvr. Top networks. And live sports on the go. Included with xfinity tv. Xfinity, the future of awesome. Donald Trumps White House lawyer just got his own lawyer. Another sign of the potential breadth of special counsel bob muellers approach reaching in the oval office. He and Reince Priebus tapped same highpowered d. C. Lawyer. Hope hicks has also hired separate attorney. There is nothing automatically negative to be drawn from hiring a lawyer. At minimum exercising a right to counsel for potential cooperation for interviews in inquiry but other insights to be drawn. Whose inquiries aligned and where the questioning is headed. Back to renato marriotty and peter emerson, advised a member of the House Impeachment Committee for watergt. Sharing a lawyer. Roles in the investigation or the treatment for mueller created a conflict, lawyer not continue to represent both. Thats right. Its not uncommon for a lawyer to represent more than one person in an investigation. But as you pointed out, if theres conflict of interest, the lawyer couldnt continue. Typically waivers of conflicts in advance but some cant be waived. Tells me that lawyer knows that mcgan and Reince Priebus not pointing finger at one another and he doesnt believe either will be a defendant with other as witness again him. That goes to the politics. People remember that mcgann was close political adviser to trump in the beginning when people didnt think he was going anywhere and priebus the opposite, i want you to sign in support because one will be nominee and donald trump said sure, and he became the nominee. Think both will have interesting testimony on the election side. Mcgahn in particular, the original letter was allegedly edited by mcgahn where he rejected parts of it as legally problematic. And priebus involved in the discussions. Suggests to me both are witnesses in the minds of the lawyer and not adverse, going at one another. Not adverse and don mcgahn, in a town that talks about how donald trump doesnt listen to anyone, apparently prevailed upon him. Something in the original letter he stopped. And frankly this situation has happened in every Administration Since obamas, from nixon through reagan to clinton, white house found themselves with multiple layers of lawyers. And problem is creates contaminated environment in which everyone has to be out for themselves and now have to be talking to their lawyers minute by minute to make sure they dont get in conflict of interest. But major point and interesting News Development is when people start at white house hiring new york attorneys to protect them with a investigations here in new york which cant be pardoned. And thats something weve hit on couple of times, other ways this could continue outside of d. C. While i have you as adviser in administrations in crisis, Jeff Sessions according to ax yos wants to put the National Security counsel staff through Lie Detector Test to root out leakers. Unbelief if happen. Floated to more than one person. And really go right for the thumb screws. My favorite is the rack and why not waterboard. Ive been through Lie Detector Test as experiment. Not 100 reliable. Create contaminated environment where youre get, theres no way around it. Investigationitis. Good or bad idea . Bad. If you cant trust the people youre working with, create culture of distrust, not going to be effective. Thanks for joining the conversation. Fbi is investigating whether a tv network and website alleged to work for kremlin did something in the u. S. And ramping up the war on the gop and establishment ahead. Ill never find a safe used car. Start at the new carfax. Com show me minivans with no reported accidents. Boom. Love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. Start your used car search at the allnew carfax. Com. And lifes beautiful moments. Ns get between you switch to flonase allergy relief. Flonase outperforms the 1 nondrowsy allergy pill. When we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Flonase helps block 6. Most allergy pills only block one and 6 is greater than 1. With more complete relief you can enjoy every beautiful moment to the fullest. Flonase. 6 is greater than 1 changes everything. Heres something important and new. Reports the fbi is now investigating whether russian propaganda efforts in the u. S. Broke federal criminal law. Former d. C. Writer for sputnik, a russian linked english language website and supposedly News Organization that targets american readers says he was interviewed by fbi and they wanted to know where did my orders come from and if he ever got direction from moscow, a new report from ya hoos hunter walker. Andrew says his supervisors would say moscow wants this or that. Fbi obtained thousands of internal memos from sputnik to see how it ran from the outside. Another staffer says the outlet pushed him to try to obtain private emails from john brennan, and refused because viewed as request to commit espionage. Sputnik says this inquiry undermines press freedom. Look at this fairly. If the government is investigating a real news outlet for its journalism, could be bad for press freedom. But thats actually the whole question the feds are investigating. Are outlets like sputnik independent news or kremlin propaganda . It matters. Theres freedom in United States to write whatever you want including adversaries. Its illegal to fraudulently pose as American Media if theyre something else. Line drawn at dawn of world war ii to combat nazis. Had got operatous in the time. You have the freedom to write about the nazis but not write for the nazis and pretend its independent journalism. Obscure but not more air lately. Michael flynn, law is federal agents investigation act, cropping up in the russiarelated investigations. Hunter walker broke it and joins me and Foreign Policy analyst. Hunter, where does this inquiry go . Already seeing it may be widening. The story i did with my colleague mike issuekof focused on sputnik, its funded by russian government. But this afternoon rt, english language tv station run by russia and reporting that one of their suppliers has been contacted by doj and told to register under this act, fara, foreign agents registration act. It does seem to be widening, never seen fara used to go after foreign media, hard to tell where it would go. Allows for criminal penalties up to five years in jail but wouldnt necessarily ban a foreign media outlet. Just require them to give better information about their finances and material theyre putting out. Required to file regular reports. Could just mean that sputnik has to be doing more paperwork or some people found to deliberately obscured role as direct foreign agents could be in trouble. And more in paperwork in that paperwork could get people in trouble but question is what are you . Propaganda, Foreign Government or media . Lines are blurrier than ever. How the french president put it. Calling out sputnik from the story and rt. [ speaking french ] false propaganda, no more, no less. And part of a pattern. One of the most important parts is not how does it tie to trump russia campaign, but us looking at how russia is trying to systemically influence american democracy as it tried to do to french democracy. You have to look at rt and sputnik and bots and outreach from government representatives to political campaigns as part of a really comprehensive effort still going on now. And one of the things to do is address the 2016 election but just as important to address the 2018 and 2020 elections to ensure this meddling doesnt go on. Does Vladimir Putin see this as key part of its efficacy. Kremlin saying this is what putin says is different than trying to get into bloodstream in ways that people dont realize the source. Vladimir putin is saying use all the tools at my disposal. Also if we get into debate on what is true or not true, everybody is compromised. Thats what hes using rt and sputnik to do, undermine the position of legitimate media. So confusion and chaos is a goal in and of itself. In this particular case, fake news is a putin stratagem. Hunter, your view of former employees that you spoke to. The company says theyve all had performance issues but Justice Department is clearly taking it seriously. As david was alluding to, rt and sputnik both described by u. S. Intelligence community as part of the influence campaign by russia to influence the election. Thank you both. More with sputnik with insight from former ambassador to russia michael mcfall. Also the war against the gop and fallout, up ahead. Aggressive st. The bold lexus is. Lease the 2017 is turbo for 299 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. You totanobodys hurt, new car. But there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . 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At t Network Security helps protect business, from the largest Financial Markets to the smallest transactions, by sensing cyberattacks in near real time and automatically deploying countermeasures. Keeping the world of business connected and protected. Thats the power of and. Its not just a car, its your daily treat. Go ahead, spoil yourself. The es and es hybrid. Experience amazing. Welcome back to the beat. About to interview former ambassador Michael Mcfaul about the russian inquiry but first update on irma in georgia heading to alabama. One death in florida, another in georgia and many across the caribbean. Keys hit hard. Video from National Geographic photographer, shows damage that people are assessing today. That wind started blowing, heart started pounding. Not just for my family but everybody. Nobody wants to go through it. We heard damage all through the night. Strong winds. All night. Hitting top of the house. Safe zone in the hallway, pulled mattress out in case we needed it. Fear, anticipation of what youre coming home to. We have work to do but happy to be alive and happy that so far havent heard too many but glad were still here. Jacksonville, florida with record flooding. Morgan . Reporter wish i could tell you im at beach but im not. Just looks like beach. This is st. Johns river. Once a pier, benches where youre looking. Bring it back this way. This is part of an actual residential facility. If you look to the right, see where this water has completely taken over this entire neighborhood. Just behind me here, you can see where the waves have crashed into this is a gentleman coming out, wading through with walking stick. How people have been forced to leave homes all day as water has risen. Its crashed into the windows there of the first floor of that apartment building. Weve been speaking to people in this residential area, hearing what they had to say, how they prepared, how they got out and what they expected. Take a listen. Have you ever seen anything like this . Not this bad. Been through hurricanes, born and raised in florida but never seen the river like this. It was cresting through here like we were in the ocean. I didnt expect to see this at all. Okay flooding, okay. No big deal but these were waves. Is this the ocean or a river . Reporter it is an ocean or river . Huge waves crashing in here now. If you come through here, see where its been flooded. This area along the river, they had mandatory evacuation and these are tens of thousands of people without power. None of the homes have power. Theres a car in front of me already flooded. And been seeing this all day. Followed storm from puerto rico where i was earlier in the week and last week. Moved up to georgia, went to gainesville this morning, now in jacksonville and storm weakened to Tropical Storm outside this area, its really the aftermath affecting people, loss of power, loss of not having running water. People werent sure how to shower. 21 shelters set up in county of gainesville, 164,000 residents there when school is in session. Trying to figure out how to recover in the days ahead. Ari. Morgan radford, thanks for your reporting. Stay safe. Now back to the fbi digging into sputnik. Michael mcfaul, thanks for being here ambassador. Youve dealt with sputnik in professional capacity and its hard to know what to call it. That itself is part of what is under dispute and investigation. Walk us through your experience with employees and what you thought of their work. I know the people that created sputnik, one an old friend of mine. Sputnik, i dont think its that confusing. Like rt, governmentfunded organizations, russian government organizations, that serve the purposes of the russian state. And by the way, theyll tell you that candidly, dont deny that. And therefore how they do it is complicated and sophisticated i would say. But at the end of the day, rt and sputnik are trying to serve the interests of the russian government, not independent media. Period. Lets start there. Not independent media but there is confusion because some of the representatives claim we have links but we have First Amendment rights to provide media content or use the word journalism. I think journalism means many things to many people but doesnt mean whatever Vladimir Putin tells you to write. Correct. In my view. And i think anybody who follows either of those two entities closely knows there is a certain perspective, an opinion, during the elections it was clear as day. When sputnik puts out crookedhillary, its pretty clear what side theyre on. And theres normative and ethical and maybe legal issue we have to come to grips with as a country. We dont allow the russian government to provide direct noun a candidate right . Thats illegal. Should we allow the russian government to tweet crookedhillary. And at minimum should we tell people that see that tweet its the russian government . And putting finger on the other issue. Weve got reports they were there trying to push government officials to respond to them as if they were legitimate press, to give comfort to Syrian Government position on chemical weapons. It becomes a government question. Is that a legitimate press inquiry that u. S. Government should respond for kremlin, putinbased diplomacy or by other means. Its putin instrument by other means. Do they have opinion shows and disagree, thats all true. Part of the strategy. Just raw propaganda would be easier. Is it instrument of russian power, answer is absolutely yes. And this is an area you put it well. Ethical, diplomatic and legal question. This is new stuff because you think about the legal rules. Far less important levels weve got forced legal disclosure on advertising or whether doctors are behind something exactly. Truth in advertising labels and Surgeon General warnings. Here you have this stuff flying at American Public affecting potentially the debate and elections and fbi trying to figure out if should be stamped propaganda and treated legally differently. Ambassador mcfaul, thank you. More on this tomorrow on fwht the beat. Speaking to former employee Andrew Feinberg for how it worked. Ahead, state where Hillary Clinton won and obamacare is popular and gop civil war might boil over. For over 75 years. Hey, big guy come on in let me guess your weight win a prize sure, why not. 12 ounces sorry, mate. Four ounces. Ive been taking the stairs lately. You win, big guy. Sorry, scuse me oh, he looks so much more real on tv. Yeah. Over 75 years of savings and service. Get your rate quote today. And its also a story mail aabout people and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you gloria always went big. So we helped her plan a Memorial Service that no one would soon forget. This ones for you, gloria. Only a dignity memorial professional can celebrate a life like no other. Find out how at sanfranciscodignity. Com. The republican establishment is trying to nullify the 2016 election. Thats a brutal fact we have to face. The republican establishment . Republican establishment. Trying to nullify the 2016 election. Absolutely. Bannon talking up a fight with republicans over trump. First tv interview since leaving the white house. Im going to be his wing man outside for entire time. Not be attacking donald trump in your role at brietbart . Our purpose is support donald trump. And destroying his enemies . To make sure his enemies know theres no free shot on goal. Enemies also getting named. Nevada senator dean heller, crossed trump on health care and danny tar canian says hes backing him. Joining me now. Thanks for having me on. Start with the health care, obamacare plan as it exists is more popular in your state than it has critics. What would you want to do about that and would you be willing to go against your constituents on it . Im not sure what polls youre looking at, millions of dollars tloub into the state to advocate obamacare and demonize support of it. It was huge obamacare is failing and going to go under. Increasing the cost of not only the debt and taxes imposed but middle cls americans like my fami family 500 more for our deductibles. The copay to see a specialist which my son has to see eight times a year is 150 when it used to be 25. I go all around the state and listen to stories like this from hardworking class middle americans, the people who dont have a voice back in washington, d. C. Maybe the ones youre not polling when you Start Talking about the like or dislike of obamacare. Its an American Medical Association poll, that one that is 4537. In favor of obamacare and taking care of by the health care provisions. Let me ask you this. You have been basically depicted as a real trump loyal senator if you were to become senator that would replace senator heller. Are there issues like russia sanctions where you might stand up to President Trump . Would you have voted for that russia sanctions bill . There is all kinds of things that i may not agree with President Trump when i get into office. But im a firm supporter of his America First policies. And i agree with those policies. And those are the things that donald trump ran on and won his election in 2016. And those are the policies that the gop elected officials should be supporting him on. Russia sanction, then, yes or no . Well i would probably have voted for the sanctions, but i have to know all the details on it. Look, i agree with President Trump that we need to try to work with everyone in this world. In fact, we were working with the russians in world war ii when we were fighting the germans. And they were much worse than they are now. It doesnt mean that youre going to give the russians a free rein to do what they want,ed me until our elections and so forth. And if there are sanctions that needed to be done, yes, lets do it. But at the same time lets try to work with everybody around the world and make this a safer, more prosperous place. Thats policy. Also there is a question about standing up to some of Donald Trumps false statements. Im sure youre familiar with some of them. And we see candidates sometimes struggle to see what they want to do. Youre from a state in nevada that went for Hillary Clinton. Donald trump lost the popular vote but won the electoral college. Would you be able to stand up to him and say he is wrong when he claims he won the popular vote . Look, donald trump has a different style the way he acts and interacts with different people. Its worked for him. It isnt the same style that would work for me. When you talk about him winning the state in nevada, he lost by 2 when romney lost it by 7. He lost the state with our gop governor, our gop senator, dean heller, the Senate Candidate joe heck, and another congressional candidate, crescent hardy, repudiated him. I hear you. Politically he outperformed prior republicans there and some other places. Yes. But would you be able to admit he made a false statement about the popular vote, and thats not good for the credibility of our elections . Look, he has made statements that are certainly questionable. But obama has made much worse statements dealing with extremely important policy issues. How about obamacare . Its going to reduce policies for individuals by 2500 , or that with respect to iran were going to have the most stringent inspections we possibly can and find out the iranians themselves are inspecting them. Or how about benghazi that this was a film that caused all this notoriety when they know for sure it was not . These are important misstatements that president obama made but you are holding President Trump on different statements that arent nearly as important. I understand thats your view there last question on immigrants in your state of nevada. About 13,000 people affected under daca. What do you want the say to them, and do you think they should face deportation of congress doesnt pass immigration change in six months. President obama got rid of at least for six months the most unconstitutional usurping of power by a president through an executive order. Even president obama admitted that when he implemented the order. I mean, we are a country with a rule of law and we have a great constitution. The constitution should be followed and President Trump just wants the constitution to be followed. If the order is unconstitutional, why should trump be enforcing it at all today then . He is given a sixmonth delay so that we dont have chaos with whats already been implemented by president obama. He is giving it to congress and forcing congress to step forward and do whats right to make a decision to handle this. Isles, i cant handle you. Im sorry. If its your premise its unconstitutional, how can you continue supporting something for six months if it is as you say unconstitutional . You know its unconstitutional. President obama said its unconstitutional. If President Trump would have eliminated it completely and it took effect today, you would be crucified today. He is trying to find a more stable rollback of an unconstitutional act by president obama. You should be praising that. The daca people should be praising that. Now its back in congress. They have to make the decision. Thats what the constitution requires. And everybody should be happy that its getting back to what theyre constitution require. Mr. Tarkanian, appreciate getting your perspective. And a lot of people are going to be watching your race. Thanks for coming on the beat. Thank you. I appreciate you having me on. Absolutely. Coming up, thousands of Americans Still of course caught in the caribbean in the aftermath of hurricane irma. woman when you have type 2 diabetes, theres a moment of truth. And now with victoza®, a better moment of proof. Victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didnt get me to my goal. Lowers my a1c better than the leading branded injectable. The one i used to take. Victoza® lowers blood sugar in three ways. 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The most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Nows the time for a better moment of proof. Ask your doctor about victoza®. With the pole, and i had to make a claim and all that . Is that whole thing still draggin on . No, i took some pics with the app and filed a claim, but, you know how they send you money to cover repairs and they took forever to pay you, right . No, i got paid right away, but, at the very end of it all, my agent wouldnt even call you back, right . No, she called to see if i was happy, but, if i wasnt happy with my claim experience, for any reason. Theyd give me my money back, no questions asked. Can you believe that . No. The claim satisfaction guarantee, only from allstate. Switching to allstate is worth it. And lifes beautiful moments. Ns get between you switch to flonase allergy relief. Flonase outperforms the 1 nondrowsy allergy pill. When we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Flonase helps block 6. Most allergy pills only block one and 6 is greater than 1. With more complete relief you can enjoy every beautiful moment to the fullest. Flonase. 6 is greater than 1 changes everything. And now a report from the u. S. Virgin islands. Earnest gilbert is a reporter there. What are you seeing . Good evening, everyone. You know, were seeing a lot of relief coming through from the federal government, local emergency entities. Weve been doing well. You know, we were devastated by hurricane irma, st. Thomas and st. Johns specifically. People that are displaced, people are crying out for help. But what youve been seeing is the federal government, fema along with our local agencies here look at law enforcement, everyone has been pulling together and really coming through for us. And the infrastructure, how does it look . Its pretty bad. Its pretty bad in st. Thomas. Buildings, shattered roofs gone. The hospital destroyed. Firehouse destroyed. Even the pd, the corrections facility destroyed. Its pretty bad in st. Thomas and st. John, ernice gilbert, thank you for that report on another part of the storm we wanted to make sure to cover. Praying for you. That does it for our show. Hash hardball starts right now. Danon rips the scab off. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in washington. Weve got news tonight on the recent developments in the russia investigation as well as Steve Bannons remarks about the firing of former fbi director james comey. But first, just a word on hurricane irma. It has left a trail of destruction across much of the state of florida, as we know, triggering severe flooding now in jacksonville, florida, the states largest

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