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Underway right now. Good evening once again, im stephanie ruhle. Tonight, in his First Oval Office address, President Biden made the case for the bipartisan debt ceiling bill. He spoke of an economic crisis averted, and reminded the nation that, without the bill, the u. S. Was in fact headed for a disastrous u. S. Default. Passing this Budget Agreement was critical. The stakes could not have been higher. They were extreme voices threatening to take america, for the first time in our 247 year history, to default on our national debt. Nothing nothing would have been more irresponsible. Nothing would have been more catastrophic. No one got everything they wanted. But the American People got what they needed. We have heard of an economic crisis, an economic collapse. I want to commend speaker mccarthy. You know, he and i, we and our teams, we were able to get along and get things done. The final vote in both chambers was overwhelming. Far more of our bipartisan than thought was possible. The Senate Passed the bill just 24 hours ago. President biden said he will sign it tomorrow and called the Deal Essential to economic progress. This morning, we learned a stunning 339,000 jobs were added in may, a huge number, and while unemployment did take up slightly, it remains historically low. Meanwhile, there are new details related to reports of a recording that captured donald trump discussing a classified document about iran. The New York Times says the Justice Department issued a subpoena for that document. But trumps lawyers say, they cant find it. Earlier, my colleague ari melber asked one of trumps former attorneys about that recording. Heres what he said. It looks bad. But you have to really mattered up with a lot more facts. The tape alone is not something that is efficient. You have to match it up to an actual document. You know, what was he supposedly waving around . Was there any document there at all . Was this all just bluff . When you say, it was a bluff, just to be clear your best offense would be that he was lying about the document . Possibly. The doj has also been investigating mike pences handling of classified documents. That case is officially closed, with no charges, which brought this reaction from donald trump. Quote, when i am going to be fully exonerated, im at least as innocent as he is. But the classified documents case is not trumps only legal problem. The Washington Post now reports that the investigation into his alleged interference in georgias 2020 election has now been expanded to include d. C. And other states. We have a lot to cover cover, so lets get smarter with help of our lead off panel, and bringing my dear friend and colleague jonathan allen, Senior Politics reporter for nbc, peter baker, chief White House Correspondent for the New York Times, and cynthia alksne, former federal prosecutor. Peter, lets start with the president s remarks. He started and ended with bipartisanship. And remember, he ran as the bipartisan president. What were your takeaways from his remarks . Right, exactly. Well, Kevin Mccarthy and republicans tried to talk about how conservative goals they achieved in this legislation. President biden trying to focus on the idea that he was able to reach across the aisle, and solve a big problem. And that is central to his argument for reelection next year. Hes the one grown up in the room. Hes the mature bipartisan leader in a partisan era. And thats what he is stressing tonight, rather than, i got my progressive goals, or anything like that, although, of course he does think that he got a good deal for progressives in that. I think that tells you a lot about where he is at. He wants us to remember that he is of the school of normalcy, if you will, of politics. The idea that when republicans and democrats could in fact have a harsh debate but sit down at the end of the day and reach some sort of a compromise, he wants to know he is the one person he thinks can do that biden saying that neither side got everything that they wanted, jonathan, but america got what it needed. And, again, bipartisanship, bipartisanship does this remind us that joe biden, unlike republicans, does not have to worry about a primary in pleasing only his base . And hes already focused on the general . Such a great point, stephanie. I was on the campaign trail this week with ron desantis in new hampshire. One thing you are not hearing him talk about a lot as bipartisanship. What he is talking about was how republicans can win, and how he believes he is a winner who will be able to, essentially, push the republican line on the rest of the country. And so, yeah, absolutely, a huge contrast here. Biden has the luxury of not having to worry about a primary at all. Although, i will say this. He won whose primary in 2020 with very much this message. He gambled on this. Put all that money on the Roulette Table and last time. 81 this time going back again. He says, look, bipartisanship, putting all that money on a black red, pick a color. But, basically, he sticking with what he did last time. And the belief that that is actually where the sort of middle piece of the countrys end of that will win him reelection well, listen. He has been in Washington Post a long time. He that he was going to lower the temperature and, to peters point get back to normal. So, hearing him, in a president ial address, thank the republican speaker of the house, that was a kind of normal politics we have not seen since donald trump went down the escalator in 2015. How strange is that two here in 2023 . John . Oh. Stephanie, the trump years were so very different than anything we have seen before. Certainly, there were some bipartisan deals during the trump administration. But what we can mostly remember is donald trump assaulting his enemies in the other party, and in his own party, much more than anything he said that was sort of gracious about a leader in the other party. Here you have got joe biden looking across the table, basically, from Kevin Mccarthy and saying, look, this guy operated in good faith, saying the same thing about Mitch Mcconnell and, of course, the leaders Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer of the democrats and in the house and senate, respectively. This is very different. It is very joe biden. And its very much in the tradition of the United States, when a deal gets done. Look, as biden said this is not everything democrats wanted. He said he was not going to negotiate at all in the first, place that we just want to get a debt limit increase. What they ended up with was a suspension of the debt limit in quite a few things that the republicans wanted or at least, sort of, in the direction of what the republicans wanted. But for joe biden, its a huge policy victory, and also a political victory. Because, had the economy falling off a cliff as a result of a default, the person most likely to be blamed would have been the president of the United States, joe biden. Peter, wasnt this also a reminder, or even a realization that maybe that matt gaetz, jim jordan, Marjorie Taylor greene of the Republican Party, at least in the house, is not nearly as powerful as a lot of people who thought they were . This was a return to normal. Old school politicians classically negotiating right. It was a test of Kevin Mccarthy. And we knew, of course, that joe biden sees himself as a bipartisan leader. He passed a number of big bills in the last two years with bipartisan votes. We did not really know about Kevin Mccarthy. Because, of course, he won the speakership after 15 ballots, only by making concession after concession to the matt gaetz, Marjorie Taylor greene wing of the party. So, the theory was, okay, hes going to have to be beholden to their view, the much more Explosive View of politics rather than the deal making view. Instead, what he proved here is that he does actually, at least in this instance, he wanted to govern. He want to come up with a compromise even though it meant that he had to give up a lot of things that he would have liked and have his caucus wouldve liked. It does not necessarily mean hes going to do that going forward. But its a very interesting moment for him, where he can chose to basically say, im in charge of this caucus here, i can take some of the negative votes if i have two for my own hard right, in order to get the deal against me part way to the goals that parkway even if not all the way. Peter, it is a huge relief that weve avoided Economic Disaster. But we shouldnt celebrate this like its an enormous win. No lawmaker, from either party, should ever do anything that tips us into default. Given that, given what was achieved in the last 24 hours, where do you think the two parties are headed in terms of working together. Yeah, its a good question, you are right. The debt ceiling, ideally, is not used as a vehicle to impose budget restrictions. The debt ceiling is all about paying the bills, spending that they have already authorized. But you are right that President Biden originally said, no, im not going to negotiate on that. Turn around, and he did. Thats obviously not ideal from the perspective of Good Government advocates. On the other hand, nothing in washington, it seems, these days, gets done without a catastrophic consequence and a deadline attached to it, right . So, in fact, while it may not be ideal, it was the only way that the republicans sought to get biden to play ball. The question is whether they can get each other to come to the table on anything else without such a catastrophic end result looming if they fail to do so. That is a bigger question, and harder to see. We are going to have this fight all over again. They suspended the debt ceiling now for two years what we still have to have an appropriations bills, budget bills this fall. They are going to find out a lot of these things that we think are sort of settled in this bill all over again in just a few months. Or at least we are going to make it another few months. Cynthia, lets go to a new topic, former president donald trump. His lawyers are reportedly now saying they cannot find the classified document that he referred to on that tape. How big of a problem is it . And what does it mean for the Special Counsel . You know, this entire brouhaha about the tape and what it means is important. But it is not the be all and end all. First of all, its obviously important. Because it does show that trump is a liar. Because he has had inconsistent defenses. It does show that, on some level, he understands the concept that everything was not declassified. But remember, the classification issue the truth of the matter is, no classified documents are required for the elements of the crimes that we are talking about. Its espionage, retention, 1000 of one witness statements or obstruction. So, on some level, its not as important as, somehow, it might seem in this new cycle. Lets look at the other its a log on the fire. But lets look at the other logs on the fire that are already there. We already know that trump has lied to his lawyer about whether or not there were more documents. We know that he basically misled him on we are to look. We know that that lawyer has testified and turned over notes. We know that they moved boxes after the subpoena, that trump ordered the boxes removed after the subpoena. And they would not let bragg go ahead and see them and it was right before the doj came. We know that he has had all these contradictory defenses. He has had contradictory explanations. And we know that there was a tape, a Security Tape may have been tampered with that overlooked the area of the boxes. So, this is one more log on the fire. But it is a burning inferno ready to be indicted. I want to share, cynthia, what our legal analyst colleague, neal katyal, said about this. All sorts of ways that implicate him further. Its as if trump is to dumped even played, which was his defense. I mean, honestly, do you really buy this, that he could have been bluffing on this tape and it was never really even a document . Yeah, i buy that. Just because he every moment he has to have some excuse on apparently, on this moment, he had to have an excuse on milley, why milley was going after him. So, he made up something about milley. So, i buy it. But i agree with, neal katyal, he is his worst enemy. The best thing that could ever happen to this prosecution is if donald trump decides to take the stand in his own defense. Because all these statements are so contradictory and he is so terrible and he makes applies on the fly. And we saw that in the e. Jean carroll deposition. Nothing would be more fun to watch. And i think would be more devastating. But he is in huge trouble here. And the fact of whether or not this was, an document or a recipe for lemon squares, doesnt matter. Hes going to be indicted by jack smith for the espionage, the retention of records, the 1001 false witness statements, and obstruction, and i should come relatively soon. Devastating for our country that a former president of the United States would be in this position. Peter, you have Coverage Donald Trump extensively. What do you think about these developments . I think thats right. I think it shows that there is sort of zeroing in on this case. And im not a lawyer, obviously. But you talk to the lawyers, you hear again and again, as we just heard, that the prosecutors have a lot of elements of various crimes here. And its not like the mike nance case, contrary to what former President Trump said. Mike pence discovered documents on his own, returned them without question, did not obstruct any inquiry. Theres just not even a close parallel here. And what former President Trump has done, even by the fact that we already know, put in clear legal jeopardy and thats what we dont know. The question, i think he has timing. It is a question the deeper into the year we go the closer we get to the republican nomination debates and more political it might look. The more ammunition it gives to donald trump trying to discredit prosecutors against him as just being partisan witch hunts so, thats obviously something that the prosecutors are aware of. Its not, maybe, the first important comparative in their mind as they are building a case. But they have to be aware, obviously, of Public Opinion out there is part of the environment here too. Now, peter, didnt you hear all of this is going to come to a head Fourth Of July week, when every lawyer is trying to go to a guard the queue have a barbecue, maybe go to a few fireworks. Thats all when its going to come together. Cynthia, new topic. There is a report that the Fulton County d. A. Fani willis is brought in great Appearance Investigation outside georgia, to d. C. And some other states. What does that tell you . To the extent that she is getting information from these two organizations that did research for trump after the election, and they both told him there was no reason that the election was going to be overturned, that make sense to me, that she needs that for her intent requirements. I have to say, im not really a fan of her suddenly trying to investigate what happened in arizona or what happened in michigan or pennsylvania. She has got a complicated case enough. She has a case where she could introduce the raffensperger phone call. She could introduce giuliani lying to the legislature. She could introduce Election Workers being harassed. She could introduce the slate of fake electors that came after they already had three counts of the vote and the Republican Party had certified the election. And they were getting hiding from the press or trying to hide from the press she can introduce everything that was happening in Coffee County and the software. He has a big enough case as it is. And it is going to be complicated enough. And i do think timing matters. And it is timed, also, to get that underway, and get that case indicted. A lot in her own backyard. Cynthia alksne, good to see you. Peter baker, jonathan allen, you gentlemen know i love spending my friday nights with the two of you. When we come, back new details that you really have got to hear about on the final days of Jeffrey Epstein and a wellknown fund he tried to contact. But will the documents quiet the Conspiracy Theorists . The report who exposed it all is here. And later, it is friday night, of course. So, the nightcap is here to break down all the big stories of the week. And President Bidens bipartisan win, the Season Finale of succession the 11th hour is just getting underway on my favorite night of the week, friday. We moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. But then he got us tmobile home internet. I was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. I mightve taken it a step too far. Chainsaw Revs tree crashes chainsaw continues daughter screams lets pretend for a second that you didnt let down your entire family. What would that reality look like . Well i guess i wouldve gotten us xfinity. And wed have a better view. Do you need mulch . New documents uncovered by what, we have a ton of mulch. The Associated Press are shedding light on Jeffrey Epsteins last days in federal prison. One of the most shocking revelations . This blew my mind that epstein tried to contact larry nassar. Remember him . The disgraced u. S. Gymnastics doctor convicted of sexually teasing scores of young athletes. So, lets dig in. With us for more, mike balsamo, u. S. Law enforcement editor for the Associated Press. Hes one of the reporters who broke the story. Mike, we have to start there. It seems larry nassar never received epsteins letter. But how insane is that . Its like the devils lieutenants all existing on earth, trying to get together. How do they even know each other . Yeah, this was one of the biggest revelations that we found from this massive document dump from the Federal Bureau Of Prisons in response to a Freedom Of Information Act request. And basically, what happened was a present investigator, after Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City discover this letter in the mail, returned back to the jail they, are addressed to epstein Jeffrey Epstein. And in this email, the investigator basically says that epstein had sent the letter, apparently addressed to larry nassar. And then it never made to larry nassar. It made it back to the mcc in new york after and theres some exchanges between a Prison Investigator and a lawyer for the bureau of prisons. The document itself the, letter itself, was not included in the foyer response. Thats unfortunate. We talk a lot about conspiracies on the show. And theres obviously a ton surrounding the details of it epsteins death. The documents that you got, what did they tell us about those details . Yeah, i think they dispel many, many of those conspiracies. With a duis, they really put a spotlight on issues within the Federal Bureau Of Prisons. This is the Justice Department s largest agency. We are talking about more than 35,000 employees, a budget of Eight Billion dollars, and significant failings at every level. With these documents really spell out was that Correctional Officers were supposed to be falsify log entries. Those logs are included in the 4000 pages of records that we obtained. They show that the two officers who prosecutors say were shopping online and sleeping while they should have been checking on epstein certify that they made those checks every 30 minutes, as required by policy. And it also showed just other massive failures in the agency, the bureau of prisons did what they call a psychological we view after a suicide happens. And that document really lays out what they believe led to Jeffrey Epstein suicide. He was despondent while he was incarcerated at the mcc in new york. He had started to unravel. But he kept telling Prison Psychologists he was not planning to kill himself, he was doing fine. And ultimately he was placed on Suicide Watch, unsuccessful suicide attempt. It was placed on Suicide Watch, he was taken off of Suicide Watch by the Federal Bureau Of Prisons, placed on a lower level evaluation status that ultimately left without a cellmate when he took his own life. Heres what i dont get. An attorney for epstein said it was the medieval conditions of the prison that are to blame for his clients death. He killed himself. He didnt freeze to death. How can they say, oh, it was the bad conditions of the prison that forced him to hang himself . Yeah, one thing that we definitely do know is that the conditions at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City were really bad. The building itself was crumbling. At the Justice Department and the Biden Administration has closed the jail because of the conditions there. And we know from these documents that epstein was put in a cell where the toilet was not working. At one point, he was sitting in the corner of his cell covered in his because the toilet was running so long. A Jail Psychologist asked officers there to move him out of that cell, move him to a different cell, to make sure that he could get some sleep. He did not have his Sleep Apnea Machine. But ultimately, it was Jeffrey Epstein who took his own life, alone in a cell at the mcc. Yeah. Not having access to a Sleep Apnea Machine is not a cause for death. The big question, michael, that is still unanswered how did this man make that much money and who paid him . Thats what i want to know. Michael, so good to me you. Please come back soon. We are always interested in knowing exactly what happened to Jeffrey Epstein. When we come back, you know what it time it is its time for friday nightcap. We are talking a bipartisan win that helped us avoid a catastrophic default, when the 11th hour continues. We planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. You think those two have any idea . That they can sell their Life Insurance policy for cash . So theyre basically sitting on a goldmine . 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John many of our classes are designed around our own students cultures. Kenny its about working with the parents. David the educators, the parents, the students. Rafael we all come together to better meet the needs of our kids and our families. Jackie its been really powerful. Terry im excited to go to work every day. Narrator californias Community Schools reimagining public education. Ill, right boys and girls, this is our friday night cap, and i have a fantastic group joining me tonight. My old friend dan nathan ceo of risk reversal, a cnbc contributor and host of the on the tape podcast. Mara s. Campo, revolt black news anchor, and managing editor, and the one and only toure, host at thegrio. His new podcast being black, the 80s, is out now. And author, playwright and screenwriter paul rudnick. His new book, farewell covington, the limits of style, comes out tuesday. You are all very, very busy. And you know who else is . Joe biden. President biden promised to be the bipartisan president. People were laughing at him when he said this and he was running. But he got infrastructure done. He got something done on gun control. And now, the debt limit. You are already giving me im not that impressed. How do you think hes doing . It would be impossible to be bipartisan in 2023. The Republican Party does not want that, they but my point is, he has been the Infrastructure Law got down on a bipartisan basis. The Republican Party goes to washington to destroy government. That is their point. So, if we are pretending that they are willing to come to the table and work as good faith actors, we are not doing the viewers a service, right . The whole goal is to destroy government. So, they are not working with him. It would be impossible. Obamas our biography was really interesting on this he talks about, i thought, we could work with them. And fairly late in the process after we were saying why is he still trying . He finally realizes, oh, they are not trying to work with us. They are still not trying to work with them. But the debt ceiling was raised, and it got done with republicans and democrats votes. Thats just a fact. You know, if they dont do that, and there is no government at all, right . And just as we moving into the 2024 election, we cant have the Republican Party shut down the government. Im not saying its a grand, enormous when. But we cant say that something didnt get done. Because we just laid out three things that got done in both parties. Well, to toures, we definitely see a lot of principle of productionism thats not but to your point, we have seen some significant victories. We have seen some things happen in the middle. There is the debt deal, infrastructure, climate. And we see that in joe bidens case, not just in a divided senate, but Relapse Goals in his own party. Joe manchin and senator sinema hes been 35 years in the senate. He has forgot more about political negotiations than most people will ever know. So, we have seen some evidence of that. And these are early years. But he comes from a time when there was actual bipartisanship and you could work across the aisle. That does not happen anymore. Well, it did happen this week. But also, biden was elected to lower the temperature and not be a clown. And hes accomplished that. The other day does he get enough credit for . No. But i think it will be somewhat cumulative, especially the uglier the republicans get, because it can only look keep jacking things up. Would he pardon trump, and all he did was laugh. And i thought, that was the perfect, most elegantly calibrated response. So, i thought i think he will surprise people because americans like to complain and say, oh, everything used to be better, our lives are miserable. But, under biden, they really there has been a sanity. And i think that would be very much in his favor. No matter what he does, is his age going to be a big problem for him in 2024 . Earlier this, week he felt any of us could fall. But you know it got walltowall coverage in rightwing media. Yeah, it will be. In the general it will be, right . Because, especially if its not donald trump, i think thats really the main point here. And i think thats probably the biggest vulnerability right there. But, if its all trump versus joe biden, and we are all very familiar with that matchup, it will be much less of an issue. But i guess what i would say is, if they are ever on a debate stage, watch out. Remember 2016. It was just a wipeout, right . And joe biden, i dont think, has the stamina to go toe to toe with you are talking about 2016. We saw that hillary won all those debates and the country did not care. Look, anybody who is buying the Sleepy Joe Narrative that he has dementia and all this would have never voted for him in the beginning, right . So, thats already the fox news rightwing crazies who are subscribing to that, right . So, i am not sure how much this ageism thing this is a weird thing that we are able to just be ageist against the president. And nobody is going, hey, thats ageism. Like, we should be talking about an older person like that. Okay, maybe we shouldnt be talking about it. But there are certain things that people think and they feel. And voters think and feel. And if we dont talk about it, it does not mean that it is not a concern for people. And it is fair to say that people could look and say thats the age of my parent who is who has lost their fastball. Or, dan nathan, you follow business. No one is looking to hire a ceo thats 80. So, we could say its ageist, which it is and, not talk about it. But people are going to talk about it in the privacy of their own home and when they vote. So, its a reality. Oh, im sorry go on. I also think there are very different priorities when you are 80 versus 30. A 30 rolled cares about things that are very different from someone who is 80. If you are 80 the climate not be that big of a concern, because you are not going to be around to deal with. This if you are, 80 reproductive rights are not of your concern. Because youre not getting anyone pregnant. And your kids are out of childbearing years as well. So, if we are talking about peoples priorities and what you want your leaders to reflect, i dont think its unreasonable to want our leaders to reflect some of the priorities of people who are raising a family, people who are buying, homes people who are much more in that phase of their life. And we see them underrepresented, underrepresented in government at every level. Paul rudnick . But i think the Republican Party the platform has, basically, one plank, which is, please dont ask us about abortion. And that is going to be a huge win for biden and for any democrat running. And i think people have consistently underestimated how powerful that. Is because its also now been proven the Republican Party will do anything. You know, once roe v. Wade was gone and i think desantis who was very much, oh, i dont back down, on the new sheriff in town, its only going to get worse. And i think thats going to resonate. But people will say, i almost dont care who the candidate is. As long as he is not that especially young people. Yeah. One thing people do care about is the economy. People vote on what affects them, not offense them. Unemployment is really low. Inflation has cooled. We did just avert Economic Disaster this week. How do you feel like we are doing economically . Its funny, what you just said about credit hes going to get the credit right now, i think they are kind of locked into the main argument, other than abortion, that i think they can win. On if they can avert a recession and, again, this is not in the hands of congress or the white house or anything like that. It really is the normal course of economic sort of cycles here. And we are due for. One we were due for one prior to the pandemic, right . We threw five trillion dollars of monetary, economic just fiscal stimulus at that problem. We had a mild recession. So, right now, it seems like the Business World is fixated on when will it come . And that was the one thing about this debt ceiling that, if our debt was downgraded, if we did to fault, we were most likely going to be in a recession very quickly, and it could have been longer and deeper than a lot of people would have hope for. I think the one thing they have to lean on stephanie, to your point is ways go for this pretty start here. So, if they can get through, into this 2024 period and everton recession, they have to lean into the economy. And it brings me back to 1992. But i dont know if the messaging is getting through. Because i dont know that people feel it. You know, exile cost 8 a carton. A box of cereal is 10. Your credit card bills are going up every month by hundreds of dollars because the fed keeps raising interest rates. The Housing Market seems frozen because Mortgage Rates are at high sky sky high rates. We are all afraid of getting shot by some lunatic with an ar15 because no place feel safe. So, there are a lot of things that people are just feeling that dont feel good. But maybe when it comes to the economy it is not reflecting the messaging and the reality. But people are not really very enthusiastic but we, being the media, are somewhat responsible for that. Gas prices is the perfect example. When gas prices are up, like they were last, year every News Organization and every reporter were standing in front of the gas station talking about. When Mortgage Rates were really low, prices were super high, because you could get a really cheap mortgage. And so, we instilled a sphere and unhappiness in people. And one of the reasons prices have been so high because people are willing to pay those high prices. We keep them inflated. And so, we actually are somewhat to blame for the narrative out there. But you are right in the fact that people do not feel good. What about infrastructure . You are joe biden huge Infrastructure Package passed. But i remember Mike Bloomberg said years ago, lawmakers dont pass infrastructure because it takes years for voters to see. It to see it and by the time you see it you, are out of office how does joe biden take the win and show america, look what i just did . I think part of this conversation, we are acting like he may might be able to peel off some potential trump voters, right . That does not exist. They are not coming. What he needs to do what joe biden needs to do is pull out as Many Democrats as possible. And independents yeah, but i dont think thats really the race anymore. If you can pull out lots of democrats, you can win. If trump can pull out lots of republicans, then he can win. I dont think theres really the same purple voter that we are fighting over in ohio ohio has been read several times in a row, right . So, ohio is not a bellwether anymore. Its can you pull out 100,000 Black Women In Atlanta who did not come out before . Can trump pull out whatever voters he can find in that little democrats and republicans . Those are people who just dont vote. Sure, sure. People who are i am a republican but im not super excited about oh, im excited about trump. Im not excited but romney. But i im not excited about gore, but im excited about hillary. Whatever the case may be that person, thats how you get elected. Dan nathan . Listen, its abortion, its guns, and its going to be the economy. Thats it. When you get those voters for at the end of the day. I do agree, people dont feel great about it right now. Unemployment is likely to go up between now and the election. Afford it and we can afford. At the savings rate has been higher than its been a really long time. So, i think the messaging is really important. I think they have to take hold of some of the things that they have accomplished in the economy. And without all of the drama. I used to sit there at cnbc every day, and the trump economy, that was the getgo, every day it wasnt his economy, right . One of the first thing that they did was cut taxes right . And large donors by a trillion dollars and you know what happened to those really dollars . Cooperations bought back a trillion dollars of the stock over the next two years, using the stock market. And we make the mistake in the media, like you say, assuming that new record highs in the stock market means that there is a really strong economy. And the underlying was not at the end of the day. I think the other big factor would be young voters, who seem especially eager to vote and to make a difference and be heard, and be seen as a block that needs to be persuaded and moved. But they are also better at ground resourcing. So, i think if they are motivated which i think they may be for biden they certainly were during the midterms. That could be an enormous factor because those are not swing voters. Those are usually democrats. I would love for that to be true. Every four years we do the same song. Its young voters. And it usually isnt. But guess what . Now abortion is on the table. And that matters to young voters. But also, we are now seeing with gen z and gen z a lot of them are under age for voting a lot of them are up to 26. What we saw on the midterms is that it was huge turnout and we are also seeing this is the most diverse generation in american history, the most accepting and in favor of lgbtq rights, when we are talking about abortion. And they are even more liberal when it comes to economic policy. But i think that that is going to it feels different. It feels a little bit different than what we typically see with young voters, because this is such a diverse group. And theyre on track to be the most educated america theres a lot more at stake for them, and a lot more of them are engaged in they were generations past. Our friday night cap is not going anywhere. We have our mvps when the 11th hour continues there is a better way to manage diabetes. The dexcom g7 continuous Glucose Monitoring system eliminates painful finger sticks, helps lower a1c, and its covered by medicare. Before using the dexcom g7, i was really frustrated. All of that Finger Pricking and all that pain, my a1c was still stuck. 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Never mind the half fish half human they just cant take if youre black. At one memorial week, and fifth largest Memorial Weekend ever. Now all of these review sites are getting flooded with one star reviews from bots, so they have had to shut down the review process, or put a little acting asterisks. The haters are still mad of. They can stay. Magic could be starring in the color purple, then the star is born. Mermaid arent real. It doesnt matter, well the whole thing i went with wanda sykes. Shes glorious on every level. It started on tiktok and it went all over official media. She, said until a drag queen walks into a school and beat eight kids to death with a copy of to kill a mockingbird, i think youre focusing on the wrong sheet. She said it all. And i thought that is everything. And i thought yeah, that is how i wish i had put it. She nailed it all. Im gonna stay in my lane. Gentlemen, theo of a company that maybe resident or heard of but it tricked trillion dollars in market cap this week. This guy has seen his company grow 350 million in just a week. Nvidia. Ceo they are literally the poster child for this a. I. Craze right now, so we think about 350 million and market cap gaining its julius downing. Whats the magic . I dont even know what this company does. But all week long and keep hearing the name. What is the magic . People understand the magic of google, they know what apple does. They basically are making these chips, the three advanced ships that are going to supercomputers the candidate is under the gun apologies large language models. These generative a. I. Models. This is the thing. Their customers are amazon, google, microsoft. So there at the center of this. Last week they guided the revenues for the Current Quarter up four billion dollars. They gained 250 Billion Dollars in market cap. Almost immediately, i know used to cover business, that is astounding, jenson huang, he owns it for. Me. You go, jansen huang. All weve been talking about all weeks succession. Jesse armstrong is the mvp of the week. It is so hard to land the plane, to have a great finale, to a great show, and it was fantastic. I was on the edge of my seat to the last second. I thought that candle was going to kill himself in the last section. You did . My wife was saying, hes going to, they keep talking about murder, murder, murder throughout the show, and were like, is this . It because you completely despondent, which, you know, if you hated candle throughout the run youre happy to see that. But no one was likable. Thats whats so complicated about the show. Roman, couldnt help but love roman. But at the last moment, the family was asked, can you Work Together to save yourselves and the company, and they could not. And they were, like in a Potato Psych Race together, about to cross the finish line and theyre like no, they all fell apart. Theyre all fighting. Its mayhem and chaos. It was just a brilliant ending. She wasnt able to by accident. It wasnt just succession, ted lasso into this week. We had a big week a finales. All while this Writers Strike is going on. And its going on for a while. Theres no end in sight. What is your take on this . I think there are so many issues on the table. The rioters being one, i completely justified in their demands, which are so tiny compared to the amounts of the streaming services and their ceos are making, that i cannot tell if there has been any movement. But aside from a i, aside from residuals it is crazy and its something that the directors and the actors are gonna go through as well and its gonna keep changing. Its gonna be very hard to hang on for dear life as that marketplace shifts. So radically all the time. So yeah, i dont know how long. The actors are joining the rioters on the picket line. So we are moving in the wrong direction. But they cant give up. The money is part of it. But the a. I. Being allowed to take over their jobs, they cant give in, for the sake of their jobs and future writers and future actors, they cant given. But can you stop technology . A. I is coming. Listen, and the regulatory around this is interesting that were putting these two things together. If you think about all the worries about some of the biggest technologist out there about what a i could do up there to the human race, think of the movies, kind, at the matrix, this is what its all about. Now its gonna. Careless a level of irony. Its killing our jobs, first thing. Were already seeing newsroom saying to the writers and editors, we cant use chat, we cant use a eye to write our articles. So we can make limits within different professions. But what happens when the next derivative of a. I. Improves itself . And to the rooms who say oh, now it did meet our standards. Were not far away from that. Except there is one factor that i think producers will discover. Its not fun to yell at a i. And its not fun to fire it. You cant humiliated in the same way you can with writers. I think theyll miss that. I think there will be other factors in play. We were just talking about succession. The magic of writing, especially when it comes to drama, the scripted series, is in those life experiences. Its in the richness of the characters, in the back, stories and having real people who you believe are real people and you think about, even when the show is over. And i just dont know if a i captures. That i dont know if Human Creativity can be matched by these computers. Were talking about writing. Were talking about painting. When were talking about doing creative things, i understand you all have in 100 years the Computers Robots will rule over us. Because they are so much smarter. I understand that. But in the creative arts, its different. My mvp, is not anyone that i am celebrating. But they certainly are. They had an extraordinary week. And that is the sackler family. The owners of purdue pharma, the maker of oxycontin, the root of the opioid climate crisis, they now have full immunity from civil lawsuits in exchange for Six Billion Dollars to help solve the crisis that they helped create. And make no mistake, they can pay that Six Billion Dollars and they are still going to be filthy, filthy rich. The sacklers may be flush with cash, but i would still much rather be candle roy, lost and alone, staring at new jersey, then be a member of that family, responsible for this crisis. Dan nathan, mara s. Campo, mike balsamo, paul rudnick, toure, and i wish you all a healthy night. For all our colleagues across the networks at nbc news, thanks for staying up late. I will see you at the end of monday. Maisha shared leadership has to do with. Michael acknowledging parents as equal partners. Narrator californias Community Schools. Grant Community Schools lift the voices of folks that have traditionally not been heard whether theyre parents, students, community groups. John its shared decisionmaking with parents. Theyre saying that these are the priorities that they want to see for their kids. Wendy it allows us to create the school that our students deserve. Rafael Community Schools are innovative, and theyre working. Narrator californias Community Schools reimagining public education. Hello, hello im im narrator californias Community Schools hello, im Andrea Canning, and this is dateline. Andrea Andrea Canning canning. And this is dateline. And this is decline. She was a knock, kim, she was outstanding. She stood out, a stunner

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