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Mount alarm and a huge portion of our country mr. Trump has at times appeared to have inhabited a different eun vefrmts hes brought back the task force briefings. Hes suggested the key to the eve event, which he stopped doing after the last disastrous outing was the ratings. We had very successful briefings. We had a lot of people watching, record numbers watching. We have had this big flareup in florida, texas, a couple of other places, so i think what were going to do is ill get involved and well start doing briefings. Whether its this afternoon or tomorrow, ill do briefings. White House Press Secretary kayleigh mcenany, indeed, confirms the briefings will resume tomorrow. What we dont know is whether we will get to hear from Task Force Member dr. Anthony fauci who has been relegated to advising our country on podcast and zoom interviews amid white house efforts to discredit him. If they start the briefings, i would imagine im going to be part of it, at least some of them the other question, will these new briefings be anything like the old ones. I look at it i view it as, in a sense, a wartime president. Why do you say the americans are scared. I say youre a terrible reporter. The problem is no matter what i give, its never never i want them to be appreciative. Did you know i was number one on facebook . I thought that was very nice. We continue to study the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine i say what do you have to lose. What do you have to ahority is total. Then i see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way we can do Something Like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you may recall, thats when the briefings ended, after his comments about using disinfectants and uv light inside the human body. The president , who is a longtime personal mask denier and who has further politicized the issue of mask wearing ever since the cdc recommended masks on april 3rd, tweeted out a photo of himself today with the unironic caption saying many say its unpatriotic to wear a mask theres nobody more patriotic than me, your president. Again, vastly different from what we heard trump say a few months ago when masking was recommended as a task force briefing. Im sitting at the oval Office Behind the beautiful resolute desk. I think wearing a face mask as a great president , prime ministers, dictators, kings, queens, somehow, i dont know, i dont seeit for myself. Trump still opposes a mask mandate. However, we heard his Surgeon General jerome adams making an emotional appeal for masks and he made it directly to viewers of fox news. Im pleading with your viewers. Im begging you. Please understand were not trying to take away your freedoms when we say wear a mask covering were not trying to take away your abilities when you go to a restaurant if we do these things, we can open and stay open. Despite all of, that it was during an interview on Fox News Sunday that trump continued to downplay the threat from this latest surge while evading any responsibility for mandating the crisis. Many of those cases are young people who would heal in a day they have the sniffles and we put it down as a test. Many of them, i guess its 99. 7 , people are going to get better and in many cases theyre going to get better very quickly. They came from china that. They should have never let it escape they should have never let it out. It is what it is its going to disappear. Im going to say it again. Its going to disappear, and ill be right. Meanwhile there are promising developments in the search for a vaccine. Oxford says it has developed a covid19 vaccine that is safe and produce answer immune reaction the u. S. Government pledged of to 1. 2 billion for effort, secured 300 million doses by october. The vaccine could move to the next stage in the coming weeks that comes as florida remains the center of the surge, confirming more than 10,200 cases of covid bringing the states total to 360,000 the States Teachers Union is sugar trump supporter ron desantis over his administrations push to fully reopen all Public Schools next month even with the relentless spike in cases there, and this afternoon the governor was the target of hecklers there in orlando. If you had been infected [ indiscernible with that lets welcome in our three lead offguests how racial inequality and income and ecology affect our health and longesty good evening shannon, id like to begin with you. Are we being led to believe that reviving these briefings is not a matter of Public Health and has more to do with the president s standing our friend Toluse Olorunnipa over at phil ruckers newspaper tonight has a headline that mentions an attempt to revive the Reelection Campaign are these Campaign Events that touch on Public Health well, advisers at least a week or two ago were saying to me that they thought what was the best Public Health approach would be to have the president on the sidelines and to leave the messaging to the doctors and the Public Health officials who are more trusted by the public and can deliver a, you know, more factual assessment of the situation to the public. And that was supposed to be the strategy and have the president focus on the economy, stay on the sidelines for the most part, and leave the messaging up to the doctors and the medical professionals. There has been a counterargument to that, though, within the white house. Kellyanne conway made it quite public on friday, saying that she believes the president needs to be out there, that the public wants to hear from him, and she very pointedly said that his Approval Ratings and poll numbers have gone down since he stopped these briefings. Now, a lot of things have happened as well since he stopped these briefings, like this enormous surge were seeing in texas and california and florida and other places, and the massive unrest from these protests have also occurred and could be contributing to his numbers. But she was attributing it to the end of these briefings so her and several other people, im told, in the west wing have been pushing the president to Start Talking publicly about coronavirus again because it is hurting his approval of course, it does stand t reason that the president should be talking about the numberone issue in the country that is killing thousands of people a week but from a Public Health perspective, yes, the advice had been to pull back on the president and leave it to the experts to deliver the message okay, doctor. It falls to you to give us what were not getting from the white house and to put the public in Public Health, start with locally how dire is the situation in your state of arizona tonight . Well, brian, thanks for having me back you know, since the time i was last on with you, our Positivity Rate is still the highest in the country. Not to quote the president , but if you do fewer tests, youll have fewer cases, and some of that is indeed reflected in the numbers. But if you look at the percent of our tests that come back positive, theyre still the highest in the country, which means its very widespread in the community, so much so that there are multiple doctors now getting sick i was supposed to be off the next couple days, but im covering for a colleague who just contracted covid. Just 30 minutes ago i was speaking to my best friend in phoenix who is a urologist he has multiple colleagues who are not just sick with covid but hospitalized youve got surgeons who are hospitalized with covid. So as you can imagine and weve got the best ppe around, right . Were doctors. And even we can get sick so as you can imagine, its very widespread in the community, and its concerning which way its headed doctor, i insist we are optimistic people by nature, but how high should we let our hopes get about this report of a vaccine . Am i incorrect that the average time for a vaccine rollout thats considered fast in the modern era is closer to four years than a couple of months . Thats exactly right. At least four years, i would say. Usually it takes multiple years to get a vaccine out listen, were all optimistic im a researcher id like to see what the data will show, and im glad people are working on it. But a vaccine isnt a cureall as you know and as your viewers know, we have flu shots as well, but that doesnt mean people dont still get the flu. So to roll out a vaccine this quickly, im glad were working on it. But at the same time, its not foolproof. People can still probably get sick, and i dont want people so focused on the treatment without thinking about prevention. Remember, the best treatment for covid is just not getting it and we actually have a blockbuster drug for that, believe it or not. Its called masks. Theyre not perfect, but theyre extremely effective, way better than any drug we have, and we just need to use it. I mean if the president s going to talk about how its patriotic, listen, a couple days ago i said after 9 11, we all put up flags we all had them pinned to our jackets. We all had them in our houses as a show of solidarity now, a flag probably didnt save many lives directly. Masks do so at the very least, people, as a sign of solidarity, even if you dont believe they work, which they do, at least as a sign of solidarity, please wear a mask well put, doctor. Thats exactly why we needed to hear from you again right about now. Hey, phil rucker, is there any reporting that were going to hear any expertise at this briefing tomorrow because one assumes, looking at past practice, that were going to hear mike pence thank donald trump for his leadership well, we hear that a lot, brian, but theres no clarity yet from the white house about what the stagecraft will be like tomorrow at the first of what we assume now are going to be regular briefings featuring the president. It has been billed just in the last few minutes in the daily schedule that the white house put out as a News Conference by the president as opposed to the daily coronavirus briefing, which is what they were called before now, remember these briefings all through the spring included dr. Fauci, dr. Deborah birx, the White House Coronavirus coordinator, oftentimes the cdc director was there, the fda administrator as well. But its unclear whether tomorrow were going to only see the president or whether were going to see that full array of Government Experts and i would pay close attention to dr. Fauci because the last few weeks theres been a great deal of tension between him and the white house and the president himself in a number of public appearances, including that Chris Wallace interview on Fox News Sunday was critical of dr. Fauci and pointed out instances where he thought dr. Fauci had poor judgment and was wrong. So it will be interesting to see whether fauci is invited to the lectern to join the president tomorrow or frankly in any of these future task force briefings. Doctor, ive got another one for you. Im going to play you this audio. This is mike parson, the governor of the state of missouri well talk about his comments when its over these kids have got to get back to school theyre at the lowest risk possible and if they do get covid19, which they will and they will when they go to school theyre not going to the hospitals. Theyre not going to have to sit in doctors offices. Theyre going to go home, and theyre going to get over it doctor, no one needs to remind you kids go home. Parents and sometimes grandparents are home. Kids interact with teachers, who go home to their own family members. What is the governor talking about here what could he possibly be advising as a human cost to return to school, which everyone desperately needs and wants . Yeah. You know, i was almost hoping you wouldnt ask me about the governor because it really riles me up. Listen, these kids dont live in a bubble they go to school. They dont teach themselves. Teachers have to teach them, and they go home, and they live with their parents. And actually i think a lot of us are forgetting that a lot of people are impoverished, believe it or not, in the United States of america, and they live in multigeneration families all in one small house. So the kids will come home, and even if they dont get necessarily very sick and its true. Ill grant that kids on average dont get supersick theyre definitely carriers. Anybody who has had a kid knows that kids pass diseases to their siblings, to their parents now, if youve got grandparents who are getting it, imagine how sick they will get in the state of arizona, the elderly, if they contract covid, have a 12 mortality i dont know about you, brian, but if i tell you you have a 12 chance of dying, i dont think youd be happy with that so, you know, there are ways of opening schools safely, if you have distancing in classrooms, if you have extra buses for the kids, if you can protect their family members a lot of that requires funding i know thats a crazy thought, but we need to fund education. In arizona right now, we rank 51st for teacher student ratios and teacher funding. There are only 50 states in our country. Even if you throw in d. C. , we still rank last. Are we going to miraculously going to somehow come up with funding to have students distanced and be able to keep them away from their elderly grandparents im a little skeptical, and thats about as mildly as i can put it. Shannon, the doctors passion reminds me of a question i wanted to ask you, a headline i had to read twice. Is there truly still an effort to cut funding for testing in the next relief bill well, that was something the administration has discussed now, oftentimes there are things that are threatened or that the white house tries to put out there to be able to use as leverage or a bargaining chip to get other things that they want. We know the main priorities that the white house wants to see out of this next stimulus bill is a payroll tax deduction. They are sort of wavering whether or not they want to extend this 600 unemployment benefit or some other benefit because they think people are disincentivized to go back to work if theyre getting this 600 supplemental unemployment payment. And they want Liability Protection for businesses so they cant get sued if someone alleges that they got coronavirus while they were there. On the testing front, yes, Administration Officials have been telling members of congress that it was a big question about how much, if any, money they wanted to see additionally put towards testing. And, of course, the administration has also the president directly has threatened to pull money from schools. Of course, schools who are grappling with all these additional costs, talking about pulling money rather than giving money to schools if they dont reopen in full its going to be an ugly battle on the hill over the next couple weeks. This is going to be a real heavy lift i mean theyre going to have to get there somehow because the country needs this but i think this is going to be one of the more challenging things we see Congress Take on maybe this term. Phil rucker, heres Ari Fleischer of 43 white House Press Secretary fame tonight on fox news until he gets a handle on covid, its going to be very hard for him to define joe biden. Sorry to say it. So, phil, we go into tomorrow is it possible that the president read the weekend pieces in your newspaper, the New York Times, where republicans are starting to stick their heads up to see if its safe, if theyre going to be, god forbid, tweeted about, and theyre starting to ask for more information, Public Health, more briefings is it possible the president assumed that meant they wanted him . Thats entirely possible. Look, the president used himself as his own best advocate, his own best communicator, strategist, you name it, lawyer. He knows hes in trouble he needs to do something to try to turn this campaign around, so hes going to try to do it himself. He cant imagine having somebody else up there at that lectern doing it for him its got to be his own show. Dr. Murtaza akhtar, thank you for your passion phil rucker, shannon pettypiece, thank you for your reporting we greatly appreciate it tonight, gang. Coming up for us, 10,000 new coronavirus cases a day. Suddenly the state of texas is in big trouble well talk to a former u. S. Army covid planner, who confirms indeed the Lone Star State is in trouble. And later, militarized, camouflaged, anonymous, seemingly unaccountable, and theyre feds on the streets of portland, oregon and there may be more on the way to a city near you all of it as the 11th hour is just getting under way on this monday night as we start a new week reinventing. Its what Small Businesses do. With comcast business, your Small Business can work faster, with powerful internet from the nations largest gigspeed network. Work safer, with all your connected devices automatically protected by securityedge. And work anywhere, with comcast business at home, our new businessgrade Internet Solution for remote workers. Whatever your business needs, comcast business has the solutions to help you not just bounce back, but bounce forward. Call or go online to find out more. In the great state of texas, navy medical teams are now being deployed to try to help hospitals struggling with the surge in cases we know enough by now to know this happens weve seen it before we turn to the military when civilians, including doctors and nurses, become overwhelmed over the past several days, texas has reported about 10,000 new confirmed cases a day. Our next guest served as a covid19 crisis planner for the army as part of the northern command. The nowretired Lieutenant Colonel Kris Alexander warns this Health Crisis coupled with another Natural Disaster could be devastating for states like texas writing, quote, a hurricane in the middle of a pandemic was very much on our minds at northcom. We started calling it the covicane the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is calling for an above average Hurricane Season this year with a possibility of 19 named storms lets hope theyre wrong for more, we welcome to the broadcast the aforementioned Kris Alexander, retired u. S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, is now a contributor, as you might have seen there, to the daily beast. Thank you very much for coming on lets talk about this potentially toxic brew, a way imperfect storm of a hurricane in the middle of coronavirus based on what we know happens during hurricanes. Lastminute evacuations, shelters, and volunteers and paid First Responders all coming together yeah. Well, thanks for having me on, and thanks for giving me the opportunity to talk about this issue and really, i mean, it is it kind of is the worstcase scenario that we would have a hurricane in the middle of the pandemic and we had hoped our assumption was the curve and the cases would be flattened as we entered the Hurricane Season thats not been the case what we saw was theres a lot of vulnerability in how our response system works. If you look at the 2017 Hurricane Season when we got a onetwo punch, you know, from harvey and irma and almost 200 billion in damage, you know, thats something that would stretch the system and were really concerned, and one of the things were really concerned about was the volunteer community. And they do Amazing Things so, you know, they feed people they shelter people. They take care of people, and they do it out of the kindness of their hearts. But if you talk to the volunteer organizations at the national level, you know, their demographics are the most vulnerable demographics. Most of them are in their 60s, and those are precisely the people that are most at risk for covid. So it could be a real problem, and if you look at places like south texas that are really having some big problems and, you know, it might be really hard to recover from a hurricane. And, Lieutenant Colonel, thank you for mentioning the First Responders and what happens during these storms. As you were talking, we were looking at some very familiar pictures think about a shelter. Lets say poor folks who live in a submerged area the virus loves people in close proximity, on the floor, on cots, sharing the same airspace. Think about activeduty military who need to respond. The virus loves their Living Conditions they live and work in close proximity. And even worse, the guard and ready reserve, they do all of that before going back home to their lives and families yeah. I mean, and its not like its not like the Emergency Response community and the Disaster Preparedness community hasnt been thinking about this. Ive heard from colleagues in texas. They said theyve amended their plans, theyre exercised, and i think texas is set up as a secondtonone organization. But, you know, precisely what you described. I mean if youre evacuating a large metropolitan area like houston or a geographically isolated area like the Rio Grande Valley of texas, its going to be hard to have shelters that arent exactly what youre talking about, you know, high school gyms, Convention Centers where people are in close proximity to one another. And if, you know, you bring response elements from inland, you know, theres a chance they could bring it back home what i wrote about in my article, lets say you deploy an activeduty force from somewhere like ft. Carson, you know, and i am in the middle of moving from Colorado Springs where i was stationed home to texas, you know, if you look at it, you bring them here, colorado is doing pretty well. But if you had to send people into a hurricane zone where the spread is pretty big and then brought them back home, theres a risk, and it could be mitigated, and the military thinks about things like that, of them bringing it back home and causing spikes elsewhere in the country. None of this happens in a vacuum just because youre not in a hurricane zone doesnt mean it doesnt affect you because theres a chance that responders and volunteers and soldiers and people could come from all over and then come home sincere thanks for your years of service and sincere thanks for ringing the bell and writing the article you did and for coming on our broadcast. Retired Lieutenant Colonel Kris Alexander, thank you very much coming up, our friend Steve Schmidt calls them federal storm troopers and jackbooted thugs. The president suggests the militarized show of force in portland, oregon, could be coming soon near you a former fourstar u. S. Army general on what some local lawmakers warn is an unwarranted military invasion by these guys when we come back. We have more federal Law Enforcement. That i can tell you. In portland, theyve done a fantastic job. Theyve been there three days, and they really have done a fantastic job in a very short period of time no problem they grab em. A lot of people in jail. Theyre leaders. These are anarchists these are not protesters the police are afraid to do anything im going to do something, that i can tell you, because were not going to let new york and chicago and philadelphia, detroit, and baltimore and all of these oakland is a mess. Were not going to let this happen in our country. All run by liberal democrats so there was the president today threatening to send federal Law Enforcement to more cities to deal with black lives matter protests. And make no mistake here when we say federal Law Enforcement, thats the polite term we mean militarized, anonymous, apparently autonomous, camouflaged, pseudosecret police in unmarked vehicles. This is a new thing for our country, certainly a new look on our streets. Chicago tribune reporting today, department of Homeland Security making plans to deploy some 150 agents, in quotes, to chicago this week with the scope of duty unknown. The mayor said they are not welcome. The move comes in the wake of another violent weekend in portland where unidentified federal agents clashed with protesters among them we want to show you this Navy Veteran Chris David he was drawn to the protests by the disturbing images hed seen on tv. Thats him there wearing a white sweatshirt approaching federal agents in an effort to talk to them about their role. Instead, he is beaten with a baton by a fellow citizen, unmarked, of course, and the doused at pointblank range with pepper spray he talked about his experience on this very network tonight the thing that was so upsetting was that there didnt seem to be any recognition that as a veteran, i was even going to be listened to or treated any differently than anybody else. And that sort of makes sense because if theyre going to gas moms, theyre going to beat up vets portlands mayor is demanding the federal authorities be removed from his city. Back with us again tonight, retired fourstar u. S. Army general barry mccaffrey, decorated combat veteran of vietnam and a former battlefield commander in the persian gulf, former head of u. S. Southern command, where they were allowed to wear camo former u. S. Drug czar. General, i got to read this from general russel honore. Make a note, we need to forbid police and federal agents from using military uniforms. The camo uniforms are meant to blend into terrain they want to be warriors, should be in full Police Uniforms the wanttobe warriors, forgive me, should be in full Police Uniforms with names and badge numbers. This secret police b. S. Is a misuse of the department of Homeland Security. General, ive been waiting to talk to you because if we saw this in the chile of augusto pinochet, wed think its a military junta jumping out of an unmarked van in the streets of a city this is the United States of america. First of all, whats with the camo second of all, whats their chain of command, do you think well, look, this is a troubling situation. Theres no question portlands been in chaos for almost two months now and by the way, the state of oregon has 6,700 Law Enforcement officers, 8,000someodd National Guard so theyve got adequate manpower and resources to deal with these problems but as you know, brian, our constitution essentially has the overwhelming majority of criminal Law Enforcement at state, county, and municipal level, and the assets are there to do that and i think what were seeing now is mr. Trump has taken the department of Homeland Security with its fifth director, an acting director, and has created a National Police. Theyre turning it into a ministry of the interior theyre deploying people in camouflage uniforms in big numbers, and its not just to protect federal property so weve got to step back and think about this, you know the department of Homeland Security, 240,000 people, its a gigantic agency, was formed primarily for Natural Disasters and antiterrorism, not to conduct anticriminal operations in the streets of American Cities so this is an outrage. Your former persian gulf colleague, retired general Mark Hertling, has written a piece today about why when they were training up police in places like iraq, they didnt want them wearing camouflage and i know it goes against military standards and all that youre used to, to have just the word police, no markings, no badging, no identification, no names. Well, look. I have cringed every time ive heard troops applied to this group. What weve got is a disparate collection of federal Law Enforcement officers i dont believe theyre adequately trained as a group to conduct protective measures on federal property, never mind antiriot duties but Mark Hertling makes a good point. When were advising foreign governments, we tell them do not create an internal police force that either looks like a secret police, violates the rights of its citizens, or looks like an army so theres just absolutely no reason to have these very intimidating martial presence on the streets, never mind one that doesnt appear to be responsive to the governor, the mayor, and the local police force this is not the way america works. How about a navy veteran in a hoodie, unarmed, getting whacked by a fellow citizen and pepper sprayed for approaching the police line . Well, there is no adequate chain of command, no sense of federal if youre dealing with an fbi agent, these people are civil. Theyre lawabiding. Theyre investigators. The federal Marshal Service as a general statement is charged with guarding courthouses. Normally theyre a very professional Law Enforcement agency i dont know where these people are coming from. Its a s. W. A. T. Team for customs and border protection. Sometimes apparently its been bureau of prisons, no patches, no markings on their uniforms. Congress has got to get a control on this. I opposed department of Homeland Security when it was first being set up it was an organizational fix to a bad leadership problem now its put together, and its starting to act like a National Police force this is not what the American People want. They want Law Enforcement to be the elected sheriff, the police chief, and the state police under control of the governor. Strong words we will remember and applu , lets talk about your idea for renaming army bases around this country. Retired fourstar general barry mccaffrey, thank you very much for having us in tonight, general. 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Can once more, as during the Great Depression, embrace longneeded changes that would have been impossible in cheerier times back with us again tonight, Nicholas Kristof, author, Pulitzer Prizewinning columnist for the New York Times. Nick, thanks so much for coming on, and thank you for writing this and at least trying to get out there and make good news allowable. Im going to sit back and have you talk about what good and how any good can come of this. Sure. Well, i mean its obviously incongruous to talk about hope when we see 140,000 people dead from the coronavirus, we see this level of racial inequity, we see the economy in this situation. Only one out of six americans says he or she is proud of the country. But in many ways, it is precisely because things are so manifestly off the rails that does, i think, create an opportunity to help fix them with the problems ive addresses. If the Great Depression had been merely a recession, then fdr might not have been elected. He might not have flipped the senate in 1932 we might not have had a great deal and in this case i think because President Trump has so discredited the whole gop, has so discredited the conservative approach to so many of these policy issues, that we may finally have a chance to move a little more on the track of canada, of europe, and get things like a National Health care plan, like paid sick leave, like a program to address Child Poverty and so on. It wasnt that long ago you wrote that this president should wear a mask to show patriotism, so we thought of you today when he tweeted the picture of him in a mask taken at walter reed with the unironic caption about how it shows patriotism. I was stunned at the kind of comically normalized coverage in most of the news media tonight, who have yet to find a way to change kind of boilerplate, heres how weve always covered president s and spoken about them, false equivalent coverage. But that aside, your reaction to what you saw from him today. Well, i mean, one of the things weve learned from Public Health over the decades, from aids, from tb, from the flu, is the importance of communications and of a president modeling behavior and of course President Trump precisely modeled the wrong behavior, resisting masks. So it is great that he is belatedly doing this now and encouraging his followers to wear masks but i just think how many lives could have been saved if he had done this, you know, back in march or even early april. But, you know, that, too, i think, is an element of th degree to which he is seen, the emperor has no clothes and i think and hope that that will come to pass and we will see the results of that in november in ways that will create a mandate for farreaching change to address not just covid but so many of the other issues that have left the u. S. Off track nick kristof offering hope to the subjects of the unclothed emperor, as it were. Nick, thank you. Always a pleasure to have you stop by our broadcast. Thanks for having us in. Coming up for us, the fatal attack in the dark of night on the family of a federal judge in this country and the emotionally disturbed lawyer believed to be the gunman it is an extraordinary story well have it for you when we come back. My blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Onceweekly trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. It starts acting from the first dose. And it lowers risk of heart attack, stroke, or death in people with known Heart Disease or multiple risk factors. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if youre allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. 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There are just under 1,800 federal judges in our country. Theyre important, powerful members of our society theyre appointed to the bench for life last night a gunman dressed as a deliveryman went to the home of a federal judge in a residential neighborhood in new jersey and started firing, killing the judges collegeage son, critically wounding her husband. The judge was fine today that suspected gunman was found dead of a suspected suicide. Our report on all of it tonight from nbc news correspondent Anne Thompson reporter they are a legal power couple federal judge esther salas and her criminal defense attorney husband mark anderl. Their domestic life shattered late sunday afternoon. Law enforcement sources say a gunman dressed as a deliveryman shot mark as he answered the door and then killed their only child daniel as he tried to help his father such kind people. Always so proud of their son reporter daniel, a 20yearold student at catholic university, wanted to follow in his parents footsteps salas, a trailblazer, new jerseys first latina u. S. District court judge, nominated in 2010 by thenpresident barack obama. This family was a tight family just close, loving, doting parents. Reporter presiding over the fraud trial of real housewives star Teresa Giudice and her husband joe, and a lawsuit brought against Deutsche Bank for failing to monitor highrisk clients including convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein her husband, a wellknown figure in their town of north brunswick, says mayor mac womack. Did mark have enemies marks a criminal defense attorney, and before that he was a prosecutor at the essex county prosecutors office. And i dont think you can be a prosecutor and do your job and at least not have some people who dont like you. Reporter the shocking crime taking another bizarre turn today more than 60 miles from here in rural new york there Law Enforcement Officials Say they found the body of the suspect, attorney roy den hollander, dead of an apparent selfinflicted gunshot hollander, a new york lawyer well known for his antifeminist agenda, on msnbc in 2010, discussing his lawsuit challenging the legality of ladies nights in bars they get in for free. We, however, had to pay 20. Reporter calling salas in his book, a lazy and incompetent latina judge appointed by obama. He is also a suspect in the shooting of a california lawyer july 11th. The judges family now in mourning her son dead and her husband hospitalized, recovering from gunshot wounds Anne Thompson, nbc news, north brunswick, new jersey. And coming up for us, what we people of a certain age were watching 51 years ago tonight when we come right back. Not long after he tweeted out that masks were patriotic, we got this video. The trump hotel in washington. You see him with a bunch of luminaries theres meadows and rudy and lindsey. No masks, no problem the president socializing, his aides socializing at this gathering tonight in d. C so that happened the last thing before we go tonight, if youre not on twitter, bless you real good youll probably live longer than the rest of us but if you are on twitter, there is a good place, a quiet place to learn and remember, and its the twitter feed of the always elegant historian and author michael beschloss, who every day publishes archival photographs of historic people, places, and things, usually keyed to that day, that days newsmakers or anniversaries. And today that meant one thing, the 51st anniversary of the apollo 11 moon landing, which we will remember here using just the photos our friend michael has posted and on that night over a half century ago, our nation was great. We were the wonder and envy of the world. People really did gather in places like central park to watch the grainy blackandwhite tv pictures on big screens the New York Times headline really was bigger than any other in our lifetime. How about the big smile on the taciturn and unflappable man from ohio, Neil Armstrong . Thats what joy looks like when youve been up for a couple of days and youre just back inside from the first moonwalk. Michael shows us nixons phone call to the moon from the Oval Office Even the period green desk phone from the oval office that nixon used the world really did feel as one on that night. Everyone watching us and where we had gone. Several people remarked today, we cant fly to europe these days the bahamas wont accept americans because theyre smart enough to live in paradise after all. Nope, going to the moon seems like the impossible dream on this particular july night in the year 2020. We let our guard down. We didnt choose greatness this time in plain english, we cant go anywhere, and we are stuck here with each other until we figure a way out of this. But 51 years ago tonight, it was different. That is our monday broadcast as we start yet another new week together thank you so very much for being here with us on behalf of all of my colleagues at the networks of nbc news, good night after rereatedly dismissing the rise in coronavirus cases, the president appears to look at strategy the president is also making a push for face masks after mixed messaging. He says its patriotic to wear one. Also the early results of a vaccine being created by the university of oxford, that its safe and shows

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