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As this white house is preparing for a storm that would test any administration while the ongoing political and legal anxiety continues to hang over this west wing, between the mueller effort, lets not forget the approaching midterms. First, to this approaching storm, it is poised to complete an intercontinental journey from the coast of west africa to the east coast of the United States. By this time tomorrow night we will be covering the hammering of the north and South Carolina coastlines that florence will deliver. The International Space station today used their widestangle lens to fit the entire storm in one frame from 200plus miles above the storm. It was hard to shoot that picture out the window. About preparedness, the president talked about that tonight while engaging in some selfcongratulation at the same time. We have some really big situation confronting us. Its coming in fairly fast. And its going to be one of the biggest to ever hit the east coast, one of the biggest to ever hit our country. Tremendous people working on the hurricane. First responders, law enforcement, and fema. And theyre all ready, and were getting tremendous accolades from politicians and the people, we are ready but this is going to be one of the biggest ones to ever hit our country. The good news, just in the past few minutes, came in this form. Florence is now a category 2 hurricane. Having already felt itself from the outer banks of North Carolina where the very first bands of rain and clouds have arrived. If you have been following our meteorologist bill karins all day today, then you know he has called this at every stage along its progression into the coast. Bill is with us here in the studio tonight. Bill, i believe im on solid ground when saying that a 3 to a 2 speaks mostly to high wind speed. Completely. The wind speed is how we characterize category 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5s. And typically, when you get a category 5 and the highest wind speeds, youll get a larger storm surge. But thats not always the case. Remember Hurricane Sandy on the east coast of new jersey, that wasnt a category 4 or 5 and that was one of the worst storm surges ever. So a lot has to do with the size of the storm and how much water it can push, not just how intense it is. So when youre hearing the headline it is weakening, yes, the max winds are weakening. But thats really about it. Not much has changed. Ill show you the storm surge forecast. This hasnt changed from when it was a 4. Because its already got a huge amount of momentum behind it. Its already created these huge waves off the coast. All of that energy is heading to the shoreline. It doesnt really matter anymore how much the storm weakens. So were still expecting a 9 to 13foot storm surge even though at this time yesterday the Hurricane Center was saying wed have a category 4. Right now its only a category 2. So its not changing this equation at all. So for all the people that evacuated off these Barrier Islands, you did the smart thing because this waters going to come up not just for one high tide cycle but maybe two. Maybe three if it stalls out long enough. And thats going to cause devastation at the beaches. Let me get to the new advisory and refresh everyone joining us at the top of the hour, again, we went from the 3 to a 2, top end of the 2. Five Miles Per Hour it goes back to a 3. Thats just semantics there. Still moving at a good clip, northwest at 17 Miles Per Hour. So were going to close in quickly to the coastline as we go throughout the overnight hours and into the morning. Were only about 385 miles away now from wilmington. Now to the allimportant path. If you were with us early this morning the path shifted considerably to the south. It took virginia out. Now the path is leveling out and notice its not stalling as much. Were taking it now, almost looks like a guaranteed landfall near wilmington. We were thinking it could go like, this like the european model had it, and paralleling the coastline. Thats looking more and more unlikely at this point. Sought Hurricane Center does have it weakening over the top of wilmington. That would be about 8 00 a. M. So sunrise come, friday morning, the eye of the storm could be right over the top of wilmington. Then it weakens ever so slowly as it drifts down across the South CarolinaNorth Carolina border. So what does this mean for the worst wind damage and what does this mean for the worst storm surge . Its all to the right of this landfall center. So if it goes right into wilmington, if youre familiar with onslow county, the marine base there, camp lejeune, thats one of the areas that could be right through the eye, all the way up to north thompson beach, the emerald isle area, atlantic beach, ocracoke island. That could be in the northern eye for numerous hours as we go throughout tomorrow evening. Thats where the worst destruction and damage will be, storm surge and wind. And then as the storm continues then well start to deal with other problems like rainfall. Heres the rainfall forecast. Isolated totals up to 40 inches. You do not need a category 4 or 5 to have a devastating flood event. You can get that with Tropical Storms if it stalls out long enough. So its really this area from kinston to new bern. If youre familiar with that area thats where the noose river spills into the Pamlico Sound. When the wind is piling up into here, up into the sound, at the same time this waters trying to go out, we could see flooding, brian, that is worse in areas like river bend, the trenton area, new bern, up to kinston than we do at the coast because this waters going to pile into sounds at the same time as were getting feet of rain coming from the sky, all that water meets in the middle. Its going to be a very interesting storm. Theres a lost dynamics in play with it. We had a lot of changes today. Well see what happens overnight into tomorrow morning. Before we really nail this thing down. Start talking about 40 inches of rain that gets peoples attention. Bill karins well come back to you for an update during the broadcast. Sadly, virtually all as you just heard of those spaghetti strands of computer model predictions of the path of this storm pass right over wilmington, North Carolina. That means that the man joining us live tonight from there has a lot on his mind. We welcome the mayor of wilmington, bill saffo. Mr. Mayor, i know youre not amateurs there. I know this is not your first rodeo. And if any Community Knows how to handle a hurricane, its wilmington, North Carolina. Predict for me what its going to be like if you and i were carrying on this interview at this same time tomorrow night or maybe saturday morning. From the marina where you are right now. Were going to see a lot of downed power lines. Were going to see a lot of trees down, a lot of flooding, especially in lowlying areas. The beaches, the Barrier Islands are definitely going to have a storm surge of some magnitude. We dont know we have kind of an idea, but its going to definitely cover the beach. Its going to go inland from there. Then were going to start dealing with a lot of inland flooding. Weve seen this with a hurricane a couple years ago called floyd. We saw it last year with matthew. Weve got a lot of concerns here with the flooding, with 40 inches of rain. I can tell you this communitys not going to be able to take that. Its going to take us some time to get that water out of here. But were as prepared as we can be. Weve gun through these things as you mentioned many times. But this is a unique storm. Its just a very unpredictable storm. And its tracked all over the place. I think the community heeded the advice of the Emergency Management folks. We have a lot of people that have left the area. When this storm passes i know a tremendous amount of folks are going to want to come back in to check on their property and get back home. Im just asking them to allow us to get all of our resources into place before you make that and to make certain you contact the Highway Patrol when youre coming back to wilmington to determine if those roads are going to be open or not. Or else interstate 40 could look like a parking lot. Mayor, if we have this piling of water, if we get a storm surge anywhere near the 9 to 13 feet theyre talking about, what happens to those vessels behind you, those pleasure boats . What happens to the piers themselves, to the waterfront businesses and homes . Obviously, i know youre from new jersey and you lived on the coast there. Youre going to lose a lot of these boats. Theyre going to be out into the marsh areas. Youll see a lot of these floating docks float away. Ive seen it in other hurricanes where weve just lost a tremendous amount of vessels. A lot of the folks have taken their boats out of the water. But thats something were going to have to deal with with that kind of a storm surge that were anticipating in this area. Mayor, i dont imagine well be able to talk to you at this hour tomorrow night not because coms will be down but because youll have your hands full. All we can do is thank you for being with us tonight. And we wish you much luck, mayor saffo, and all the people in wilmington. Appreciate you being with us this evening. Thank you, brian. This storms track is then expected to turn south as you heard into and including myrtle beach, South Carolina. The states entire coastline has been under a mandatory Evacuation Order since noon yesterday. Nbc news correspondent Tammy Leitner is there. As you can tell, on the beach. Tammy, whats it like . What are they expecting . Reporter well, brian, i can tell you 60 of the residents here have chosen to leave but that means that 40 of the residents are still here. And for those people time are time is running out. Myrtle beach has essentially shut down. Its under a mandatory evacuation. Theres a curfew in place. The stores have been ordered to shut down. All the businesses have boarded up. Its essentially a ghost town here. Earlier today there was a mad dash. The few stores that were open people were scrambling to get supplies. Were talking the vital essential things that theyre going to need. Food, water, batteries, flashlights. Things that will sustain them not only through the hurricane but after the hurricane. And brian, you and i have covered enough hurricanes to know that the danger continues even after the hurricane is over, the days and weeks afterwards people will lose power, there will be flooding, and thats when the real danger continues. Brian . Tammy leitner, myrtle beach, South Carolina. Good luck there. And to our crew thats there with you, our thanks. In all to bill karins, to mayor bill saffo and to Tammy Leitner. Well be going back to bill for an update on the storm before we go off the air tonight. But on we must go. Today 601 as we said of the Trump Administration as the white house prepares to deal with this storm, after already awarding itself high marks for dealing with this storm. There are mounting questions, of course, about the president s performance. Bob woodwards indepth look at the Trump Presidency so far describes incidents that have raised new concerns about the west wing. Its just been out since yesterday. Publisher Simon Schuster says sales of this book have reached 750,000 copies by the close of business on tuesday. The first day of release. Earlier on this network bob woodward described some of the concerns among the people around this president. People closest to him do not trust him. And the impulsedriven presidency is something the more people know the more they realize were at risk. What matters to people is the performance as president. And when you dig into this and excavate it, again, you find people are worried about the performance. A new report is suggesting trump himself may be taking these concerns more seriously of late. This is according to axios. They write, a few months ago he was scoffing at midterm consequences for him, but now trump has heard the dire warnings from enough advisers that hes shifting into salvation mode, as they call it, sharpening his Campaign Rhetoric and privately contemplating life under subpoena and the threat and reality of impeachment. A new cnn poll out tonight indicates the public is watching trumps response to the russia investigation and to Robert Mueller. 50 approve of muellers handling of the russia investigation. That is 20 points more than the approval behind trumps handling of the same inquiry. For more lets bring in our leadoff panel on a wednesday night. Shannon pettypiece, White House Correspondent for bloomberg, and sam stein, politics editor at the daily beast. Shannon, put it all into context. Here we are preparing for a storm. The president handing out advance accolades. But we have it in context. Bad polling numbers, which we know gets to him. The oped piece in the New York Times which we know still rankles. And the woodward book, which is just starting to get a long ride. I would go back even further well, i mean, you can go back from day one. But i would also add this flap after mccain, the omarosa book and the omarosa tapes that continue to trickle out a little bit. I mean, when you look at these approval numbers, ive been asking people why are we seeing such a drop now and thats what theyre saying. Theyre saying theres just this huge mass of daily controversies and scandals that seem to have picked up where its not only sort of these ones of the president s own making but now these ones being made by those outside and closest to him. And people also tell me that they feel like there was a big shift to go even further back after this immigration issue of families getting separated at the border. A lot of people on the ground working on the midterm campaigns feel like that was one of the key moments that started to really erode whatever support there still was for this president. And then yes, you throw in the books, you throw in the tapes, you throw in a hurricane and thats how you get to the situation were at right now, where the president has about 36 Approval Rating in a number of polls at this point. And sam, i want to show you another poll. This is should trump be impeached and removed from office. Cnn poll. Look at that first column. 47, 48. So sam, within a margin of error plus or minus 3. 8, youre possibly into the territory of a majority of americans there. That happened quickly. Quite quickly in fact. And you know, its foreboding for trump, obviously. The numbers suggest that should democrats take over the chamber its a real possibility. Although of course you need a vastly bigger majority in the senate to make it happen. Bit. Now were pretty much down to dan scavino and Stephen Miller as the people who are still close to the inner circle from the campaign days. You still of course have jared and ivanka. But it seems that the two of them are doing a lot more of their own things, not so much in i mean, theyre obviously still in the west wing but not in these constant daily flows. There is a lot of tension between the president and john kelly. It doesnt necessarily mean its fatal but they dont have that close relationship they had anymore. So when you look at who his advisers are at this point that are incredibly close i would say were down to as i mentioned scavino, Stephen Miller. Bolton is still very close. Pompeo. Though hes traveling a lot. And the Vice President. I would note the Vice President often gets forgotten but hes probably one of the people the president spends the most time with. And again, one of the last few survivors in this administration, if only by the fact that the president cant get rid of him because he was elected. Sam, i have Something Else to show you. This is the president s remarks from earlier this evening. The audience recipients of the medal of honor. Lets listen. The congressional medal of honor is the supreme symbol of american courage. It is the ultimate tribute to american valor. You are the strongest, the bravest, and the finest among us. See, my egos not that big. I ask that, sam, because it speaks to his wiring and because lets go back to the storm for a moment. Ive always believed hurricanes are empathy tests for president s almost above all. So when 43 flew over new orleans, that was plainly not good enough. Yeah. I mean, listen, to a certain degree i guess that clip shows some selfawareness from donald trump. But to your point, he seems just emotionally detached from what are the traditional demands of the presidency. And thats never more true than when youre in the crucible of a hurricane. His comments this week about how puerto rico, a hurricane in which an estimated 3,000 people died in the aftermath, that it was an unsung success for him, werent tone deaf, they were insulting. The only thing i would just add, thoughs we now this by now about donald trump. We have plenty of data points to point out that he lacks an empathetic gene that many politicians do have. What is more problematic in my estimation is the fact that we have members of congress who know this as well but have done very little if any oversight. So for instance, the response to puerto rico, theres not been a real congressional inquiry into what happened and what went wrong. They know that more storms are coming. They know that donald trump will be president for those storms. But they have yet to actually try to find out real concrete answers about what the administration did wrong so that we can be better prepared for the next one. So i think thats the real negative l story, not another reminder that donald trump lacks empathy. Indeed. I heard you make that point yesterday. A death toll that rivals that of 9 11 and not a single question has been asked in congress. Our thanks to our returning veterans, shannon pettypiece, sam stein starting us off on our stormshortened thats hard to say political segment. And coming up a live update from the national Hurricane Center on the path and strength of this storm. And later, a man who knows about investigating a sitting president. Former independent counsel ken starr with us here in the studio here this evening. The 11th hour just Getting Started on a wednesday night. This isnt just any moving day. This is moving day with the best inhome wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. And this is moving day with Reliable Service appointments in a twohour window so youre up and running in no time. Show me decorating shows. This is staying connected with xfinity to make moving. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and twohour appointment windows. Click, call or visit a store today. A powerful, damaging hurricane is hours away from our coast. It packs punishing storm surge, fierce winds, and torrential rains. If youve been asked to evacuate, dont wait. That warning, very direct warning this afternoon from the governor of North Carolina, roy cooper. And the window to evacuate indeed is all but closed now. Some of the highways in the carolinas have been converted to that contra flow, just one way out. Everybody gets their Evacuation Orders from the national Hurricane Center. Thats where ed rap apart, the Centers Deputy directors standing by. This storm in the last hour has been downgraded from a 3 to a 2. But tell the good folks watching that that refers mostly to wind speed. Thats right. Its a little bit deceiving in terms of what we expect will actually wind up happening. Sure, its great news that the wind has come down a little bit. The problem, though, today is not only has the wind speed come down but the wind field itself has expanded. So in fact, if we take a look at a graphic here to show that, heres the coast of the carolinas with the warnings in place. Heres the center of the hurricane. This is the size of the Hurricane Force winds. This is much larger than what we were looking at yesterday. Heres the size of the Tropical Storm force winds. Were going to bring all of that towards the coast. The problem is that storm surge is dependent on two factors of the wind, the maximum intensity but also the size. So while the maximum intensity has come down, the wind field has expanded. Thats balanced that out. Were still expecting the storm surge values we were talking about yesterday, upwards of perhaps 9 to 13 feet of inundation with waves on top along portions of the North Carolina coast and potentially up some of the rivers as well. Ed, there are people who depending on where they live and how they live, their living situation would rather see a 3 or 4 blow through over top of them quickly, than have a 1 or a 2 for 40 hours in their region. Well, 3 or 4 causes much more damage in terms of wind. But in terms of the rainfall, thats the other big risk from this hurricane, particularly in the inland areas. We talked about the storm surge first along the coast, and thats where particularly if youve been told to do so by Emergency Management officials, evacuation really needs to take place right away, if not now first thing in the morning. Look at the area that were expecting torrential rains over. This is North Carolina and South Carolina and virginia. Huge areas of five to ten inches of rain. A swath of even more along the coast, potentially 15 to 20 inches of rain. Locally as much as 40 inches of rain. Its one thing to have it in an isolated spot or two. The entire area is going to get these heavy rains. And unfortunately, theyre going to fall on already saturated grounds from previous rain. 20 to 40 inches of precipitation at the very, very deep core of this storm. Ed rappaport, well be thinking of you in the hours ahead and the forecasters at the national Hurricane Center. Thank you so very much for joining us live tonight. Coming up, two decades ago he was a key figure during house impeachment hearings. Well talk to former independent counsel ken starr about whats different now and what may not be. roger being a good father is important to me so being diagnosed with advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer made me think of all the things that i wanted to teach my kids. avo another tru story with keytruda. roger my doctor said i could start on keytruda so i did. With each scan things just got better. avo in a clinical study, keytruda offered patients a longer life than chemotherapy. And it could be your first treatment. Keytruda is for adults with nonsmall cell lung cancer that has spread. Who test positive for pdl1 and whose tumors do not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. Its the immunotherapy with the most fdaapproved uses for advanced lung cancer. Keytruda can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. 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Few people in our history have been entrusted with the power to investigate a president and those around him. It has been over 20 years since president bill clinton faced the whitewater investigation that eventually expanded into the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Ken starr was of course the independent counsel during the investigation. Back in the late 90s he was almost as ubiquitous in News Coverage in real time as one Robert Mueller is today. Ken starr lived to tell about it. Hes here with us tonight. Hes a former judge and former independent counsel as we said in the whitewater and Monica Lewinsky investigations during the clinton administration. He also happens to be the author of a new book, look whos on the cover, called contempt a memoir of the clinton investigation. Counselor, thank you very much for making us part of your tour. Thank you, brian. Im very curious to talk about a guy you know. Robert mueller is probably the subject of more of this broadcast for someone whose voice we never hear than anyone else. Talk about him personally. Talk about how he operates and your opinion of how he has acquitted himself thus far. Well, i think the contrast of the Mueller Investigation and the investigation i was charged with as i describe in the book is pretty clear. He reports to the attorney general of the United States. I and my fellow independent counsels were independent of the attorney general. What a huge difference that makes. And so the assurance that the American People have is that when he undertakes an investigation into an area, lets say paul manafort, he has secured the authority, the authorization of the attorney general, here the acting attorney general rod rosenstein, who is a man of integrity. Now, i know bob mueller to be a man of integrity. Ive expressed concerns about some of the people around him and some of the noise that we have seen. I think its important for the American People, all of the American People, to have confidence in the integrity of the investigation. Those issues were raised when i was on the duty station, and theyre being raised now with bob mueller. But i know him to be a man of integrity. So its not a witch hunt . Its definitely not a witch hunt. That is a term used by any and every politician. It was used by bill clinton. It was used by the entire Clinton White house when we were doing our work from really day one. Theres nothing there. Well, there was a lot there. There were 14 criminal convictions including the president s Business Partners and hillary of course provided Legal Services for madison guarantee savings and loan. There was a lot there. So so the independent counsel or the special counsel has a tough job to do. And he or she needs to get the job done as quickly as possible. Did you ever think in your adult lifetime youd have a president of the United States that when you wake up in the morning you read has attacked the Justice Department and the fbi . I think thats a mistake. No, did i think that . And i think the president is illadvised to follow his instincts in this case. But i must say, i was the victim of an unrelenting assault from the Clinton White house. It began virtually on day one. And i found myself transmogrified. And i describe it in the book. Overnight from being a former judge and former solicitor general into something that i was not. And so its easy for politicians, whether the president of the United States or member of congress or a city councilperson to say this is all political. Lets get to the facts. Lets get to the bottom of things. Forgetting for the moment about how he talks, should the president of the United States sit down with the special counsel . There are two perspectives on that. The criminal defense lawyer says absolutely not. And thats what we heard from david kendall, as i describe in the book. President clintons very able lawyer was saying well, no, no. And eventually we issued a subpoena on behalf of the grand jury. So we will see what unfolds. You know, its perhaps the fourth inning, maybe the fifth inning of whats unfolding. But the other perspective is that of the president of the United States. And i think there is ab obligation on the part of the president to assist and cooperate in a duly authorized federal investigation. God forbid youre on your deathbed someday and someone says, judge, did this go too far, did it get out of hand . Whats the answer, in addition to being sad that youre at the end of your life, whats the answer for the ages . . The answer for the ages is that Congress Demanded that a report be given in an impeachment context in the special counsel statute in effect. That is no longer in effect. That statute drove the dynamic toward impeachment. Impeachment is hell. And were seeing polls in terms of impeachment. And so i think we have reformed that under the aegis of attorney general janet reno, when this statute under which i was appointed expired, we went to essentially a restoration of the tradition that began with ulysses s. Grant and had been the tradition for lo, those many years. We depend on the executive branch to engage in a certain amount of selfpolicing, including saying lets go outside to appoint this particular investigator to investigate the president. Let the record reflect ken starr is in good health and indeed has authored a book, and there it is. The choice of the cover art does show it is a correction of the record. It is called contempt a memoir of the clinton investigation by the man who knows, ken starr. Counselor, thank you very much for joining us on the air. Thank you, brian. On a wednesday night here in new york. Coming up, three new polls have democrats up by double digits in generic ballot races. Is it necessary necessarily because of the president s numbers headed in the opposite direction . Well talk about that when we come back. Three new socalled generic cancer. Its very personal. Each of us is different. And each cancer is different. How it reacts, how it evades and adapts. And how we attack it. Thats why at Cancer Treatment centers of america, we use diagnostic tools that help us better understand what drives each persons cancer. This is what we mean by outsmarting cancer. And for some, it may uncover more effective treatment options. Like christine bray. After battling Ovarian Cancer for several years, her test results revealed a potential treatment not considered previously a drug therapy that targeted her tumor. Today, christines metastatic cancer is in remission. This is precision Cancer Treatment. Because at Cancer Treatment centers of america. Were not just fighting cancer. Were outsmarting it. Visit cancercenter. Com and schedule an appointment with our cancer care specialists today. Three new socalled generic ballot polls released today spelling bad news for republicans in november. Voters in all three polls say they would choose a democrat over a republican for the house by at least a tenpoint margin. From Quinnipiac Dems see a 14point advantage. Npr marist poll dems up fivepoint jump since july. And a new Politico Morning Consult poll finds dems have a tenpoint advantage, 4535. If the trends of the last two months continue to the next two months, republicans could face an even greater challenge than expected in the house. Well, with us tonight to talk about it, anita kumar, White House Correspondent for mcclatchy newspapers. And bill kristol, a veteran of the reagan and bush administrations and editor at large of the weekly standard. Bill, in the hurricane coverage business they talk about an eyewall replacement cycle, like putting an electric mixer into a cake mix. You see the constant churn as it goes on down through the core. Are we watching some sort of replacement cycle in the Republican Party . I hadnt thought of that analogy. Thats very good. Very good, brian. Tying together the two big stories of the day. It could be. I dont know well, well see a smaller republican delegation in the house, probably a minority in the house. Ironically, it will be more trumpy, more conservative. A lot of the moderates are going to lose. In the npr poll, for example, which is i think plus 12 overall, its unbelievable. Men are 5042 republican. Women are 28 6228 democratic. Its the biggest gender gap ive ever seen. Its two, three, four times the typical gender gap, which always women are a little more democratic. I had breakfast with a pollster this morning who said whats striking is in the past College Educated women, College Educated white women in particular who are married have ended up sticking with the republicans even when theyve had qualms with them. Unmarried women overwhelmingly democratic. Married women have been sort of the margin for republicans in the past few cycles. Married women, married collegeeducated women are deserving republicans. But this gender gap there are i had breakfast with a pollster this morning who said whats striking is in the past College Educated women, College Educated white women in particular who are married have ended up sticking with the republicans even when theyve had qualms with them. Unmarried women overwhelmingly democratic. Married women have been sort of the margin for republicans in the past few cycles. Married women, married collegeeducated women are deserving republicans. But this gender gap there are so many interesting things going on in american politics these days beyond trump himself and this is just one of them. The massive gender gap, the education gap. But it looks to me like the momentum is clearly in the democratic direction and usually when you get one of these waves they build near the end. They dont sort of, you know, give back a little bit. So looks pretty good for the democrats. So anita, who runs the president s political shop currently . Does the president listen to that person . And what can they do about that last point bill made . And these coming numbers. And potential trends thatll break late. Obviously, theres a political shop in the white house. The Trump Reelection Campaign is up and running although at a very small level at this two years in advance. But what they are doing and what theyre saying and what we can see is the president is going to states that he won, states where hes still popular, that he won in 2016. Montana, missouri, West Virginia. I think hes been to West Virginia several times. Weve seen him do a lot of these rallies that are shown on tv. People are seeing those rallies. Whats interesting is the political staff is saying that people that go to these rallies are not necessarily exactly who you think. Theyre not all necessarily traditional republican voters. That a third of them are Trump Supporters but theyre not really republican voters. And that he wants to turn those people into republican voters. And that could make a difference. So youre not going to see him in a lot of the blue states. You might see him in some battleground states like florida, although he did win that state. Hes very involved in the governors race there. He was all in for congressman desantis, and hes still going to go support him. But youll see him in parts of the state doing things that, you know, wouldnt turn off democrats in those parts of the state. Bill, a friend of mine go ahead, bill. I was going to say, i think anita makes a key point, which is the republicans right now are focused on holding the senate. That is why the president is going to all these red states that have democratic incumbents where the polls show basically dead even races. Five polls came out today in senate race thats are all within the margin of error. I think four of them seats that are currently held by democrats. So it won be impossible for the republicans to pick up 40 or 45 house seats, have a pretty big win in the house, and for democrats to pick up 40 or 45 house seats and for republicans to hold the senate or even pick up a seat or two in the senate. That i think is how trump would like to blunt the message of this election. Pour resources, pour his own strength insofar as he has it, pour everything they can into these into the red states, the missouris, the north dakotas, the indianas, florida where they have a strong republican candidate for senate, governor scott, and try to pick up one or two senate seats. And so its a mixed verdict. Sought headline wednesday morning is democrats win house, republicans hold or even slightly increase margin in senate. That i think is the core trump strategy right now. And anita, a friend of mine likes to joke that the day after the midterms washington orthopedic surgeons will be busy installing spines in republican members of congress as they will now have air cover to make up their own mind about this president. Is that conceivable . Well, im not sure about that. Well see. It definitely depends on how this turns out. If the congress is split, well see what happens. I mean, the white house is going to be very busy dealing with all sorts of congressional investigations, subpoenas. You know, not necessarily impeachment. So well have to see how the republicans react to that. Obviously, theyre still not going to like that. Will they break with the president . Will they you know, what will they do . Its really unclear because weve said a number of times over the last 18 months, 19 months that this is the breaking point, heres what theyre going to do. Theyre going to break with the president. And we havent really seen that. Two of our favorite returning veterans, our thanks to anita kumar and bill kristol. Always a pleasure. Thank you for coming on on a wednesday night. Another break for us. And coming up, a late live update on this storm approaching the east coast from our meteorologist bill karins. 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You have to go to wind, 8 of hurricane fatalities. Objects flying and trees that fall down. Because the storm surge, category of winds, small slice of the pie. 75 of the problems could be water. Hugest issue. We went t from three to two. Thats just the winds. Its taking a ton of water and throwing it towards the coast. Huge waves are coming along with the storm surge. Forecast path update, key time period, sunset tomorrow to sunset friday, takes us right here, thursday 8 00 p. M. Strong as it is, tomorrow at this time start to see the nasty winds, storm surge and high waves on the coast. And then new hanover, including wilmington. Then will weaken during the day friday. Going down to category i and Tropical Storm into South Carolina. South carolina. Then a big rain problem after were done with the surge. Doesnt stop or loop, comes to crawl. Slowly progress. Wont stop and hit the brakes completely. As far as storm surge, were sunset friday, takes us right here, thursday 8 00 p. M. Strong as it is, tomorrow at this time start to see the nasty winds, storm surge and high waves on the coast. And then new hanover, including wilmington. Then will weaken during the day friday. Going down to category i and Tropical Storm into South Carolina. Then a big rain problem after were done with the surge. Doesnt stop or loop, comes to crawl. Slowly progress. Wont stop and hit the brakes completely. As far as storm surge, were going to see unfortunately all the beautiful houses on the beaches on the pilings, any damage to them with wave action on top of the 9 to 13 foot storm surge, this area here. Heading to emerald isle and atlantic beach. Thats the area of greatest concern. Waterways here. Bay, Pamlico Sound and coosaw river here. Could have consistent problems with wind. Areas well inland have storm surge as bad as on the coast. High tide cycles. Thursday night, pretty high. Peak could be towards lunch hour friday, 11 46. If not, then heading to midnight friday. Three high tide cycles to get through. Then through the weekend, weakening and pushing away. Historic rainfall possibilities of three to five feet in especially coastal carolina. Mountains of North Carolina, asheville or boone, theres lot up there. High elevations can have huge effect far from the coast. Mountains of North Carolina, asheville or boone, theres lot up there. High elevations can have huge effect far from the coast. Thanks for the update. Well start the overnight coverage tomorrow night. When this broadcast is over, stay on duty and get into the storm coverage as it develops. As we track the storm, new record set by this administration. Last thing before we go tonight. Piece of reporting from the New York Times that gets your attention. Migrant children held in custody in the u. S. We quote, even though hundreds of children separated from their families after crossing the border have been released under court order, overall number of detained Migrant Children has exploded to the highest ever recorded. Significant counter narrative to the Trump Administrations. Shot up more than five fold since last summer. 12,800 this month. 2,400 in custody may of 2017. System of shelters is in near capacity because fewer kids are released to live with families and other sponsors. About the issue of separating families, this is not that. Most of these children cross alone without parents. Many are teenagers from central america, housed in more than 100 shelters in the u. S. Complicated story, numbers are troubling. Well stay on it. For now thats our broadcast on about the issue of separating families, this is not that. Most of these children cross alone without parents. Many are teenagers from central america, housed in more than 100 shelters in the u. S. Complicated story, numbers are troubling. Well stay on it. For now thats our broadcast on wednesday night. Thanks for being with us. Good night from nbc news headquarters here in new york

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