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Brian Williams examines the days top political stories and current politicalcampaign news. Here in new york. Day 581 of the trump administration, and just tonight a short time ago, in fact, new legal troubles potentially for the president on a new front. Well let the New York Times tell it. Quote, the Manhattan District Attorneys Office is considering pursuing criminal charges against the Trump Organization and two Senior Company officials in connection with Michael Cohens Hush Money Payment to an adult film actress, according to two officials of the matter. A State Investigation would settle on how the company accounted for its reimbursements to mr. Cohen for the 130,000 he paid to the actress, stephanie clifford, who has said she had an affair with President Trump, closed quote. Mostly along those same lines a big story today had to do with a long time friend of the president who has apparently turned on him. The publisher of the national they came from me. Remember we heard the president on audiotape talk about one of the payments, and with that answer there the president could just have admitted to possibly violating another Campaign Finance law. Because if that money came from him trump would have had to report it as a campaign expenditure, something he did not do. The president also took issue with cohens guilty plea and suggested that cooperating with authorities in any form should be against the law. If youre saying the payments if theyre not illegal, then why would he why he use that information . Because he makes a better deal when he uses me. This whole thing about flipping, they call it, i know all about flipping. I 30, 40 years ive been watching flippers. Everything is wonderful and then they get ten years in jail and they flip on whoever their next highest one is or as high as you can go. It almost should be outlawed. If you can Say Something bad sought his lawyers advice several weeks ago on whether to pardon manafort, and they talked about, quote, pardons in general. Tonight the white house denies that a pardon is being discussed and that no decision has been made. Meanwhile, as the president grapples with his legal challenges and the investigations of his associates, he is taking aim once again at his Attorney General jeff segs who has been one of his most loyal lieutenants in this administration. Coming up youll hear the president s latest complaints about the job sessions is doing. But first here now is how trump describes his own job performance. What grade do you give yourself so far . So i give myself an a plus. I dont think any president has ever done what ive done in this short we havent even been two years. I would honestly give myself an a plus, and so would other people. On that note lets bring in theres increasing pain being brought to anyone associated with this president. And when you bring pain to associates of the president you increase the likelihood that people cooperate as they assess that cost benefit analysis. And thud, brian, while the u. S. Department of justice may well have a legal memo in their files discouraging the indictment of a sitting president theres no such memo in the Hmanhattan Da office or the Attorney Generals Office in new york. Frank, i thought about you today. All of of the former friends. He is supposed to be the protector and up holder of the rule of law and there he was today talking about socalled flipping, coming out against cooperating with government prosecutors. Its becoming increasingly clear, brian, that this president never truly had payments but also other settlements. The way the National Enquirer appear tuesday have worked is they had this catch and kill policy, wrab they would pay people for their stories in an effort to prevent them from ever being published. It was something frustrated for writers who worked there because you got a big scoop and then you have your boss out there saying no, this can never be published. And what the reporting reveals and Court Finding revealed is this pattern that cohen had with this organization and actively using them to try to find out whether there are any stories brewing out there and sending them after to kill them. Jill, did that includes stories against opponents, Commissioning Stories against people like Hillary Clinton . I know we have a montage of some of their covers in the past. Im glad you mentioned that. Its really interesting. As early as 2010 employees said that cohen and the national enquirer were in conversations. It was as early as 2010 the National Enquirer was running stories, kind of boosting the president s ambitions. Linking to a site cohen had set up. And theres stories in which the National Enquirer wrote no negative stories about President Trump and had story after story that was deeply negative not only to Hillary Clinton but remember their ted cruz coverage, really ridiculous allegations the president then used on the Campaign Trail to try to discredit ted cruz. You see this pattern of this News Organization i use the term News Organization very loosely this organization, you know, seemingly working on behalf of trumps campaign. And i imagine a lot more will be coming out. Bob costa, you had the president today seemingly divorced from his role as the head of a lawabiding society. Youve always been a very good west wing whisperer and interpreter. By how much is there a sense that the walls may be closing in . Theres a sense of shock inside this white house because of the double barrelled legal news that happens on tuesday. Still reeling from that in most respects. And the president has become isolated, but it was isolated in many ways over the last few weeks. Hes been unhappy with Michael Cohen, the person he relied upon to talk to people like david pecker, keep him in the tabloids, handle situations behind the scenes. Now he feels betrayed. The candidates been named by cohen in court, and so now its been brought to the presidency. When you listen to sara sanders, the Press Secretary and others, they keep saying theyre not talking about pardons in the white house. But that doesnt mean the president is not talking about manafort and cohen with people like giuliani playing golf in scotland. For frank, for all of us who dont have a background in your decision to protect himself and to cooperate with the special counsels office, and that should give the president and his attorneys great pause tonight. The contents of that safe that were talking about, which mr. Pecker relocated those contents soon after the president was elected, we have to assume and the president s attorneys have to assume those are in the hands of the special counsels office. They should be very worried about that. In my lifetime anytime you say the word safe it gets peoples attention because it means stuff they dont want out there. Whats the difference you tell people between immunity and the president s term, flipping . Theyre sort of different species but similar. If a person doesnt have quite enough criminal expoegsure, so u cant require them to take a plea, theyll respond the fifth. And you can give them immunity. They still have to tell the truth, still have to testify. But unlike Michael Cohen had to plead guilty to a charge someone whos immunized doesnt actually have to plead guilty to a criminal charge. Its a way to get testimony you might not otherwise be able to get. Theres manafort tonight in a lock up. Hes already been through one trial, awaiting his second. Hes already been knicked on enough charges if they give him the maximum, he could be in prison for a long time. Hes getting a message thats not a phone call but its pretty much as direct as a blinking red light. When you get joll yawny talking about how he has had conversations with the president about pardons in recent weeks, its a reminder why mr. Manafort hasnt said a word in court. Sitting, waiting, convicted but he sees hope on the horizon. And his lawyers im told are telling him to sit tight. He has another trial coming up in d. C. , but if he sits tight he could get a play out. We were all home from our shift here, which we consider the night shift, 1 10 a. M. , the president took to twitter and had caps lock on. Obviously no collusion, rigged witch hunt. I dont imagine, jill, the president feels hes getting the air support he would like these days. No, he doesnt. And this is something even allies of the president outside of the building have also been critical of, feeling theres not been this coordinated effort to fight back. Youve got Giuliani Making Contradicting statements and youre not seeing, for instance, what you saw during the clinton administration, where there was an organized effort, outside team who were there to try to push back in a coordinated professional manner. And that means youve got a president whos furious, who always feels like the media is out to get him, and who now is watching the television, you know, flipping the channel and not seeing any type of coordinated defense for him. Much obliged to our front four on a busy thursday night. Robe thank you all very, very much. Coming up President Trump once again attacks his own Attorney General, but this time Jeff Sessions hits back. And then later president ial scandal. An investigation into the president and chatter of things like high crimes and misdemeanors. The kind of talk we havent heard in this country since way back in 1998. The 11th hour is just Getting Started on this thursday evening. To find the right hotel for you at the lowest price. So you barely have to lift a finger. Or a wing. Tripadvisor. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . I put in an Attorney General that never took control of the justice department, jeff session. Never took control of the just department. Jeff sessions recused himself, which he shouldnt have done, or he should have told me. Even my enemies say that Jeff Sessions should have told you he was going to recuse himself and then you wouldnt have put him in. He took the job and then he said im going to recuse myself. I said what kind of a man is this. And by the way he was on the campaign. You know, the only reason i gave him the job because i felt loyalty. President trump attacking his own ag again for recusal as you heard and never taking control of the justice department. But hours later came a rare brush back from the a. G. Himself, quote, i took control of the department of justice the day i was sworn in, which is why we have had unprecedented success in afeck chting the president s agenda. While i am Attorney General the action of the department of justice will be not befluenced by political considerations. While it may be a new dynamic to this presidency this president has openly trashed and diminished his own chief Law Enforcement officer. I am disappointed in the Attorney General. He should not have recused himself almost immediately after he took office. And if he was going to recuse himself he should have told me prior to taking office and i would have quite simply picked someone else. Sessions should have never recused himself, and if he was going to recuse himself he should have told me before he took the job and i would have picked somebody else. The Attorney General made a terrible mistake when he did this or when he recused himself. Or he should have certainly let us know he was going to recuse himself and we would have put a different Attorney General in. Trumps twitterbased attacks on sessions have included disgraceful and its close cousin beleaguered. Just last week the president said if we had a real Attorney General there would be no russia investigation. Weeks ago he called on sessions to stop this rigged witch hunt right now before it continues to stain our country any further. Sessions had only been Attorney General for about six months when he was asked about, lets call it his working conditions under donald trump. Youve seen the president s criticism of you. Do you think its fair . Well, its kind of hurtful, but the president of the United States is a strong leader. He is determined to move this country in the direction he believes it needs to go to make us great again. Joining our conversation tonight jeremy peters, political reporter for the New York Times. And we talked robert costa into just hanging around for a few more minutes as well. Jeremy, today comments came at an unusual time. Theres a chance, i guess, that well look back at this week as a low point in the Trump Presidency. Theres a chance itll be further eclipsed. And sessions i think looking at the calculus thought he might get the better of todays exchange. I think, brian, what youre seeing here is kind of the Trump Presidency writ large. This was a whole lot of fun for Jeff Sessions and donald trump when they were riding around on a Plane Together Chris Crossing The Country and campaigning. And now that its gotten very real, its gotten very ugly. Donald trump is all about himself. Preserving himself and avoiding, you know, any type of bad political outcome here in his presidency. Jeff sessions is a lawyer, a prosecutor, somebody who understands the law and the role of the Attorney General not as the president s personal attorney but as the chief law enforcement officer of the nation. And thats where they diverged. Once they had to Work Together in the scriptures of the United States constitution, something Jeff Sessions understands very well but donald trump does not. This vindicates two things like my mother says this is all Fun And Games until someone gets hurt and this is why we cant have nice things. This relationship has gone absolutely sour. Is it all in your view over the russia subject which the president keeps talking about and specifically recusal and the like . You think about the Attorney General going to the white house today to talk prison reform, the president s soninlaw Jared Kushner doesnt like the Attorney Generals Hard Line Position and how hes really against kushners own reform. The president was looking for someone to be his enforcer on the russia probe, to be a loyalist. But hes in this box now. All his lawyers are telling him do not get rid of the Attorney General because it would be similar in a sense what happened with jim comey in 2017 if you push out someone from the justice department, whether the fbi director or a. G. And you had the intent of doing that because you wanted to obstruct the investigation, you could be up for obstruction. And when they sit down with muellers team, asked about the president pushing around sessions on twitter, behind the scenes, these are coming up in the obstruction interviews. Jeremy, i want to roll for you some video of some of the men and women you two guys cover on capitol hill for a living, specifically a couple of senators talking about Jeff Sessions today. He serves at the president s pleasure, so the president can fire him but i sincerely hope he doesnt. People worry about the dominos if Jeff Sessions goes. It would be a very, very, very bad idea to fire the Attorney General because hes not executing his job is a political hack. Clearly Attorney General sessions doesnt have the confidence of the president , and all i can say is i have a lot of respect for the Attorney General, but thats an Important Office in the country. And there after the election i think there will be some serious discussions about a new Attorney General. So jeremy, Lindsey Graham says very little by accident. Did we just move the time line up that the president could be allowed to replace the a. G. And the senate if its after the midterms . I think Lindsey Graham, if thats the case, is assuming a lot we dont know. And thats what the margin of victory is in the senate. If for the republicans if they hold onto it or if for the democrats if they surprisingly seize it. So we just dont know. I think if trump does fire sessions and the democrats are in control of the senate it would be very hard for him to get somebody confirm. I think it would be hard for him to get any Cabinet Position confirmed, any Supreme Court justice confirmed for the rest of his presidency for that matter. I do think, though, the difference here between firing comey and Firing Sessions is this. Theres no one telling trump that Firing Sessions is a good idea right now. And when he fired comey there were people telling him that, notably jared and ivanka. So i think that even the president in all his impetuousness is not ready to pull this trigger before the midterm elections because he knows how politically calamitous it would be or at least hes being told how politically calamitous it would be. They say hayes talking about after the election because theyve got to wait on the Mueller Report on obstructions release. Muellers going to do that sometime between now and probably after the election at this point. So they need that report to come out so the president s more free to make a change. Gentlemen, thank you. News doesnt get any fresher than that. And coming up for us as we approach another break, with the white house now in the middle of its own legal quagmire, a discussion thats started back up thats been somewhat dormant for, oh, 20 years now. That when we come back. Adults are just kids with much, much better toys. Introducing the 2018 cclass sedan, coupe and cabriolet. The thrills keep getting better. 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Ill tell you what, if i ever got impeached i think the market would crash. I think everybody would be very poor, because without this thinking, you would see numbers you wouldnt believe in reverse. Congressional democrats are way wary about even a mention of the i word particularly ahead of the midterms and yet you heard the president just use it there. Current circumstances, the president ial coverup occupy of alleged extra marital affairs, Hush Money Payments, the president being implicated in a crime in open federal court just this week, lets not forget, the ongoing russia investigation. Its all happening during this consequential run up to the midterm election. And it harkens back to another, there he is, president ial scandal 20 years ago. Our National Political correspondent Steve Kornacki is with us at the big board tonight. Heres why this is important. Steves new book, and were thrilled to be able to say this, you can never sell these too early, the red and the blue is coming out october 22nd. I know this is your thing. Thank you for that, brian. The parallels between what were talking about right now and what happened in 1998 are abysmal. Michael cohen implicating donald trump in a crime. The crime would be a conspiracy to break Campaign Financial law to cover up a politically damaging affair. And the accusation 20 years ago about bill clinton was he committed a crime, the crime of perjury, the crime of suborning perjury, committing others to commit perjury to cover up an extra marital affair that could be politically damaging. Of course that kicked off the impeachment drama with clinton. Clinton survived. How did he survive, why did he survive and what does that tell us about trumps situation now . Number one, theres this, when the Lewinsky Story broke he was 41 in the polls. And the numbers didnt crash. They kept going up. Clinton was forced in the summer of 98 to admit to the affair. His popularity got higher. Ken starr came out with a report accusing the president of a crime, perjury. The White House Party, we tell you every time were on this Doing Election previews this year, the White House Party always loses seats. They gained seats. That told folks there was a backlash against the idea of impeaching clinton. This is the bottom line story of 1998. By the end of that year when impeachment was being pushed by republicans the question was asked, did the president of the United States commit a crime. The vast majority of americans said yes. Bill clinton committed a crime, a perjury. Those same americans were asked, okay, he committed a crime, should he be impeached . And the vast majority there said no. They needed democrats to go along to convict, and democrats looked otthose numbers, the election and said no, theres no need for us to bolt on this president. And they survived. Steve when we come back from a break will be joined by a guy who was there for it and witnessed it. That and more when we come back. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job whoooo. Tripadvisor makes finding your perfect hotel. Relaxing. Just enter your destination and dates. Tripadvisor searches over 200 Booking Sites to find the hotel you want for the lowest price. Dates. Deals. Done tripadvisor. Now i know youre thinking, i dont want to hear about insurance. Cause lets be honest, nobody likes dealing with insurance, right . Which is why esurance hired me, dennis quaid, as their spokesperson because apparently, im highly likable. I like dennis quaid. Awww. And they want me to let you know that, cue overdramatic music, theyre on a mission to make insurance painless. Excuse me, you dropped this. They know its confusing. I literally have no idea what im getting, dennis quaid. Thats why theyre making it simple, man in cafe. And they know its expensive. Yeah. So theyre making it affordable. 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You have to admire how hard that guy hit the trump pro shop. Hes got the jacket and the hat. Back to news, its inevitable trump wont be impeached and were hearing the iword more often and a general conversation whether the president will reach the scheduled calendar organic end of his term. Well, joining us tonight gym warren, veteran print journalist and political commentator who was there. He covered the Clinton Impeachment Trial for the chicago tribune. These days hes Executive Editor of the news startup called news guard that will rate the voracity of news and information sites. And also joining our conversation is our friend Steve Kornacki. So mr. Warren, are you surprised that were hearing the word and were hearing the word from the president , using it obviously to bat it down. First of all, im surprised you answered the question about giulianis green fees were waived by trump. I would love to know. The stuff is fascinating. One, to have this look like its merely private behavior when in fact as steve noted its apples and oranges particularly with the charge its hush money. Both money would Trade Themselv themselv themselv themselv themselv themselv themselves distinctly as witch hunts. If you remember back there was a show and the venom that we reported that particularly democrats showed towards ken starr was huge. Now, one thing left out of that brilliant brief, concise history of steve was the fact clinton benefitted not just from a good economy but by the unpopularity of his enemies, notably newt gingrich. Notably, amazing he wins seats, Gi Gingrich Times Man Of The Year resigns speakership and now apparently now forgotten by history Bob Livingston was going to be the successor and what happens to him, Lo And Behold hes got to resign from congress because of extra marital complexities. The difference at this point, obviously, was that We Dont Know What Mueller knows. We have no clue. We are just guessing. At some point in that fall we knew exactly what ken starr had in that report steve spoke about of 18 boxes of documents which he unloaded on the house judiciary committee. Steve, some National Republicans are saying they should market the midterms. Even though youre voting on your local member of congress, if you dont want impeachment elect republicans to congress. The dems, of course, cant do to the opposite and advertise the opposite. And thats why the democrats have been so hesitant. In part its the example of 98. A big difference bill clinton was broadly popular in 98. Trump is not broadly popular. He certainliy has the base behid him. They voted election day 98, if you have a republican congress, youre going to have impeachment. There had been talk the talk was going to demoralize. When the republicans said, look, were going to go forward with impeachment the enthusiasm of the Democratic Base surged. As the first time in a sixth year election that the White House Party gained seats since the james monroe policy in 1998. Thats how shocking it was, and that was the Democratic Base waking up. Theres one thought here the democrats have, if you go down to Impeachment Road now, eat into the enthusiasm as the democrats seem to have . And the reality is this also comes down as steve knows to votes. And right now it is improbable, it seems that the republicans are going to lose control of the senate. And remember the process, house votes, articles of impeachment and then theres a trial in the senate. Began what, january 7, 1999. The u. S. Chief justice of the smoet serves as the judge. He sewed stripes on his sleeves hed once seen at an opera and liked. They came over, and it was pretty darn clear early on the air was out of the balloon. And when you invited me on tonight i tried to recall my most vivid memories and sitting up there. And perhaps my most vivid one was looking in the corner of the room one afternoon, and cspan cameras couldnt capture this, and john edwards had totally zonaled out and was reading a Magazine Profile of john edwards. And it was the very same for the people in that room. They showed up because they didnt want be chastised they didnt show up. I wish i had these memories, but i was a small child. Thats the breaks. Coming up President Trumps very first tweet mentioning the continent of africa sets off a storm, some would say as it was intended to do. Well have that when we come back. Hopes you drive safely. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . Let someone else do the heavy lifting. Tripadvisor compares prices from over 200 Booking Sites to find the right hotel for you at the lowest price. So you barely have to lift a finger. Or a wing. Tripadvisor. Now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller transitions™ light under control™ transitions™ presents four new colors style colors by transitions™ you might or joints. Hing for your heart. Transitions™ presents four new colors but do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. We mentioned this before the break. President trump is attracting attention and draw agcriticism after what he said on twitter that was probably intended to do both. He in effect endorsed what has long been a White Nationalist conspiracy theory. It all started with this tweet in which trump writes that hes asked his secretary of state mike pompeo to closely study the south africa land and farm seizures and the large scale killing of farmers. Youll note the mention there of fox news and Tucker Carlson true 0 form, his tweet came following this segment last night on fox news. The president of south africa has begun and you pay have seen this in the press Seizing Lands from his own citizens without compensation because theyre the wrong skin color, that is the definition of racism, nothing to see here says mike pompeo state department. Its totally okay for south africa to steal property for racist reasons. To be clear, while this is complicated, no private land has been seized. There is no large scale killing of farmers going on in south africa. In fact, reuters reports, if you can believe this quote, farm murders are actually at a 20year low. At the heart of what is an immensely complicated issue in a country with a crime rate far higher than ours, is an effort by the South African Government to bridge the gap between white and black south african landownership. Right now black south africans who make up 80 of the population still own just 4 of the land. Trumps posting drew an angry response from the South African Government which totally rejects this narrow perception which only seeks to divide our nation and reminds us of our colonial past, and the former south african ambassador, we dont have a current ambassador under this administration said the president of the u. S. Needs political distractions to turn our gaze away from his criminal kabal and so hes attacking south africa with the disproven racial myth of large scale killings of farmers. Malcolm nance who worked intelligence deployments with the military in south africa offered this assessment on this Network Earlier today. For the president to jump into this without any understanding of the situation and without understanding even the dynamics that are on the ground, he essentially pushed not even an altright, there is a south african neonazi movement there which pushes this White Genocide farmer attack mem. To underscore that point, wellknown White Nationalists and leads are the white supremacists are voicing their support for the president on social media following his comment. This latest racially charged trump controversy comes weeks ahead of first lady melanias trumps first solo visit abroad to the continent of africa. Coming up for us tonight, the New York Times has a new look on the web, but loyal readers couldnt help but notice something very important is missing in action. The story of the disappearance when we come back. I dont care where we go and i dont care what we do just take me with you there are roadside attractions. And then theres our worldfamous onroad attraction. The 2018 glc. 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We are in the midst of an allout newspaper war mostly between the Washington Post and the New York Times. Pulitzers are now delivered and handed out by the truckload it seems. And we are now used to seeing stories with three and fourperson by lines and two dozen Confidential Sources all of it real and not fake. And back to those by lines. The New York Times launched its new web homepage this week and theyre gone by lines replaced by white space on the front space. Wheres baker . Where are schmidt and haberman and peters and davis . They are identified on the inside of the paper which must mean theyre not in the witness protection so why cant we see their names out front. Dean bekay the times editor was forced to explain the decision in a piece all about things like streamlining the reader experience, the kind of stuff that would make mannequin roll over during his eternal rest. Politico asked the question, does the New York Times hate its reporters . Inside media writer Jack Schaefer wrote the obvious, the times has never had more Star Reporters on staff than it has today. Given that their star light helps direct our reading it makes no sense to hide their names in flurries of white space. One journalist at the cross town New Yorker Magazine wondered this week, were any New York Times reporters moms consulted on this by line free homepage idea . Well, obviously not. Watch this space for any updates as we watch to see if that white space on the times front page gets filled in with by lines

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