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The only public event on todays schedule, the signing of a proclamation to honor reverend dr. Martin luther king jr. Heres how it ended. Mr. President , will you give a statement about your comment yesterday . Are you a racist. Were talking to the president , not you, sir. Mr. President , are you a racist . And thats about how the day went. And the new yorker magazine sums out where the president finds himself. The president s comments yesterday throwing things into a tailspin. Trump worked the phones thursday night calling friend and allies outside the white house to gauge reaction from the fallout from the blankhole comments. Another source told nbc news the president sought insight about how the episode might resonate among his base of supporters. That led to these tweets from the president this morning, quote, the language used by me at the daca meeting was tough but this was not the language used. What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made, a big setback for daca and never said anything negative about haitians, other than it is a poor country, never said anything about taking them out, made up by dems. I have a wonderful relationship with haitians. Probably should record future meetings, unfortunately no trust. Dick durbin was in the room with the president and today he refuted the story. Senator graham made his presentation. The president interrupted him several times with questions and in the course of his comments said things which were hate filled, vile and racist. Youve seen the comments in the press. Ive not read one of them thats inaccurate. To no surprise the president started tweeting this morning dee anywayi denying that he said those word. Thats not true. He said those hatefilled things and he said them repeatedly. And from lindsey graham, he also reportedly confirmed hearing trumps racially charged remarks. He said the comments as reported in the media were basically accurate. If that comment is accurate, its incredibly disappointing, scott told the post and courier. But two others put out their own statement and took a pass. President trump brought everyone to the table this week and listened to both sides but regrettably it seems not everything is committed to negotiating in good faith. In regards to senator durbins accusation, we do not recall the president saying these comments specifically. To get a sense of where both sides stand, listen to the reaction today from speaker paul ryan. I read those comments later last night. First thing that came to my mind was very unfortunate, unhelpful. But you know what i thought of right away . I thought about my own family. My family, like a whole lot of people, came from ireland on what they called the coffin ships then, came here and worked the railroads. Whether youre coming from haiti weve got great friends from africa in janesville who are doctors who are just incredible citizens. And i just think its important that we celebrate that. Here now House Democrats john lewis and Sheila Jackson lee. If there is any dignity among the leadership, if there is any commitment to patriotism, if there is any desire to put country over party, this is the week. It is unreal. It is unbelievable to hear the president of the United States of america saying Something Like this. In this day and age. I think the words and his action tend to speak like one who knows something about being a racist. It must be in his dna, in his makeup. Congressman lewis, of course, is a living icon of the civil rights movement. He is among those who has announced they will not be attending the state of the Union Address later this month. All of this brings us to our leadoff panel on a friday night. Ken thomas, White House Reporter for the Associated Press, Vivian Salama formerly of the Associated Press, now working for nbc news and good evening and welcome to you all. Ken, i was reminded tonight as we sit here and approach next weekend, it will mark one year in office for this president. As you look back, not to give analysis but more reporting, how much of it has been marked by selfinflicted damage . Here we are at the end of another week where that surely is the headline. Its often two steps forward and five steps back with this white house. You know, they went into this week hoping that they could, you know, set aside these concerns about the president s stability and his fitness for office. I was in a 55minute pool spray on tuesday over immigration in which, you know, we really saw the sausage making in the works. And, you know, then you have these comments come out reported the other day and its really set back the process a lot. You have on the 20th will be the oneyear anniversary of the president s inauguration. It could also be the first day of a government shutdown. And right now theyre trying to come up with some way forward on immigration and spending, but these comments make all of that very difficult to accomplish. Vivian, you and our own Hallie Jackson broke a story today about a different interaction that the president had with a briefer who was there on business appearance before the commander in chief. Tell us the outline of that story. This briefer went in to talk to President Trump about hostage issues, very capable television analyst. She discussed these issues. He said where are you from . She said new york. He asked again. She said manhattan. And she said, no, where are your people from . And she said my parent are s ar originally from north korea. And he turned to others in the room and say we have this pretty korean lady, why isnt she negotiating for us with north korea . Its this departure from the typical Political Correctness have you seen with previous president s and government officials. We have to emphasize a lot of this is what President Trump supporters really like about him, he just shoots from the hip, he says it like it is, he doesnt sugar coat any of his comments and thats how he interacts with people. Nobody thinks he meant by harm by this particular exchange but its sort of that that approach that he takes, whether or not he intends to offend people, whether or not hes just sort of thats the way he is. Theres obviously this concern thats budding about how he interacts with people and how he sort of views diversity, racial issues and religious issues as well. And so this was an example that sort of came out of what we saw in the past couple of days with his comments about african countries being, you know, an expletive that we cant say. And so this is obviously a pattern that were seeing developing. This was a new anecdote that emphasized this issue that is a problem. So how are we doing around the world . How is this story being viewed around the world . Well, what i find striking, brian, is that we are sitting here all day long debating for the umpteenth time on your show alone, weve talked about this before, about whether to call the rez aracist and whether the rest of the world will think hes a racist. We cant get inside his mind but he certainly lacks credibility in denying these remarks, given that hes made over 2,000 incorrect statements in his first year in office. Lindsey graham notably has confronted him about these remarks. Ive jotted down things off the top of my head. Whats important are actions, and how are they perceived not only in our country but around the world. I came up with a list of 15 things just off the top of my head, starting from the 1970s, the d. O. J. Suing his family Real Estate Company for discriminating against blacks. He was sued as a casino owner for discriminatory behavior. And an employee who said he didnt want blacks handling his money, only jews, and he started the birther campaign. And paul ryan during the campaign called Donald Trumps behavior textbook racism when he denounced an americanborn latino judge as being able to judge a case fairly, he attacked gold star families who are black and muslim. He attacked the Football Players for kneeling. According to the new york times, he said that nigerians live in huts and all haitians have aids. Long before he was a political figure, he paid for that advertising calling for the Death Penalty for the so called central park five and was continuing to do so until 2016, ten years after dna evidence exonerated these young people. Lets not forget puerto rico where supposedly those victims of hurricanes were somehow lazy and brought it upon himself according to what he said. All of this, brian, the impact is we are seen badly. The United Nations has denounced his remarks. The African Union has denounced his remarks. We had at least one ambassador to panama quit over this remark today. Its really bad for our image, bad for union testify and bad for our democracy. When we find out where indira buys her envelopes. You said you were present for that moment that turned into a 55minute Live Telecast of this bipartisan meeting in the cabinet room. In the moment were you aware it was a Television Show . The president the next day jokingly welcomed everyone to the studio, talked about his own performance before he caught himself. The second part of my question is has that all now been washed away . There was some sources told us there was a potential for a lengthy spray, as we call it, that we would be allowed into the meeting for a long period of time. But ive never been in a meeting that long covering the white house. But i think most important live th importantly that the meeting opened up this idea that maybe the two sides could come together. They talked in the meeting about how there wasnt a lot of trust on this immigration issue and the president joked that maybe he would just have to lock them all in a room and keep them there until they figure out a solution. And now it just seems like the two sides are really split apart and these comments just do not give democrats much of an incentive to want to work with the president. I mean, you already hear some calls within more liberal circles to just hold out for a clean daca bill, basically just providing protections, you know, to those young immigrants and not have Additional Border security. So i think this has had the effect of really pulling the two sides apart. And we have a deadline in a week in which we could have another government shotdowutdown. Vivian, you started as an a. P. Writer before you saw the light and came with us. Are you surprised now looking back that its been as chaotic as its been . Its definitely been chaotic. And this comes from someone who has been in really chaotic situations overseas and covering wars. Former Baghdad Bureau chief, i should add. I came out of baghdad and it was chaotic, especially in the early days. Whats interesting is the constant effort to push the reset button. President trump letting go of sean spicer because the messaging want quite right, scaramucci and theres a constant effort to restart through the first year. Here we are at the start of year two and were still sort of in this chaotic mode. Were on day 12 of the new year and the tweets have been remarkable. Today i was talking to somebody. The fire and fury book came out last week and it feels like it was months ago. Just the volume of information coming out of this administration learned to this freewheeling spirit that has made this administration very unique to cover. What a nice way to put it, freewheeling spirit. Our thanks to our guests. We appreciate you all joining us. Coming up for us after our first break, a trial date set in a highprofile case in this russia investigation. What we know tonight about the president s physical exam today and when we will learn more about it. And what the midterm elections are looking at right now with a big gop announcing retirement this week. That and more as we continue on a friday night. Migration. Trekking a hundred miles inland to their breeding grounds. Except for these two fellows. This time next year, were gonna be sitting on an egg. I think were getting close make a uturn. Uturn . Recalculating. Man, we are never gonna breed. Just give it a second. You will arrive in 92 days. Nah, nuhuh. Nope, nope, nope. You know who im gonna follow . My instincts. As long as gps can still get you lost, you can count on geico saving folks money. Im breeding, man. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Let your inner light loose with one a day womens. A complete multivitamin specially formulated with key Nutrients Plus vitamin d for bone health support. Your one a day is showing. A busy week in the russia investigation culminated today with news that special Counsel Robert Mueller is ready to set a court date for the first two people charged as a result of this investigation. It was a Washington Post headline today. Mueller has requested a may 14th trial date for Paul Manafort and robert gates, the former Trump Campaign chairman and his associate charged with fraud, conspiracy and money laundering. Were getting another glimpse at the scope of the Mueller Investigation and the piles of evidence collected thus far. This was amazing. Court documents show the special prosecutor has examined nearly 600,000 documents, 87 Electronic Devices and executed 19 search warrants. On monday nbc news first reported that the mueller team was also in talks with the president s legal team to prepare for an interview. As you may have seen, the president seemed to indicate that may not be necessary. Ill speak to attorneys. Certainly ill see what happens. But when they have no collusion and nobodys found any collusion at any level, it seems unlikely that youd even have an interview. All of this comes as two of the three congressional investigations appear to be headed toward dead ends. The Associated Press reporting tonight that, quote, with the exception of. Senate intelligence committee, which has maintained bipartisan comity, it is becoming increasi increasingly likely Congress Wont be able to agree on whether trump was connected to the meddling russian meddling or on how to prevent a repeat of russias 2016 interference in the future. Joyce vance spent 25 years as a prosecutor. Good evening and welcome to you all. Chris, id like to begin with you. In your background and research, what did you find out about what trump is like in a deposition, in an interview like we may very well be seeing . So ive been talking to a lot of lawyers who have questioned him over the years and trump has given dozens and dozens of depositions for various lawsuits in his Business Career and lawyers describe him as sometimes he can be very charming, he can be very focused and very polite. Other times he can be very arrogant, he can be insensitive and one. Most interesting things i learned is sometimes he doesnt seem to want to prepare very much for the interview. Thats something that could really get you into trouble if you get hit with something youre not ready for in a very highstakes interview. Joyce, i always ask you this question but what must it be like to be mueller or one of the cocounsel in muellers office and see the president repeating as this mantra eight times in 90 seconds, no collusion, to see the president seeming to doubt the need for an interview at all while his lawyers are negotiating the scope of a possible future interview . I suspect that mueller simply doesnt care. I dont think hes influenced by the president s public protestations that theres no collusi collusion. Mueller has the evidence. Hes the one who will make the ultimate decision about whether the president should be charged or people surrounding the president should be charged with something stemming from that collusion and i suspect hes largely unmoved by what comes out of president s mouth. Mika, as a veteran of capitol hill, are you saddened that these investigations have one by one gone south, given in to partisanship . Do you agree that its down to the Burr Committee in the senate and that ultimately its up to robert muler . Mueller . It looks like that for now. Im hopeful the senate can get back on track. They have more interviews schedule. Its disappointed to see these representatives are not interested in what a Foreign Government was trying to do to interfere in our election process. I think they forget this will get graded against what mueller produces. They will have a report card against which they will be graded. Chris, i want to go back to the well of your research. The president is verbose. People forget the president when hes in the confines of a room often wants to be the entertainer, the storyteller, the guy whos making people laugh. He wants when he walks out people to say that was a great guy. That coupled with the lack of preparation can be fatal aspects in a sworn deposition or an interview. Well, you definitely see that he likes to play the host. You often see him tell reporters, you know, have a great time while youre here and things like that. In a situation like this, he can prove to be charming, as some lawyers said. One lawyer told me that people can turn gelatinous in front of him because he has that kind of touch about him. But is that really going to play in a situation like this . This is much different. It unlikely that his legal team knows exactly what Robert Mueller has, what exact information theyve collected and it could be very treacherous to be very questioned in that situation. Chris, give me a preview of what the bannon questioning is going to be like. Thats going to come at a very interesting time. Im sure theyre going to have a lot of questions for him about what he heard during the campaign, what communications he had with jared kushner, donald trump jr. The interesting thing about the testimony right now is its coming at a time when the president has totally frayed. And his thinking about what he wants to talk about now could be different than a month ago. Joyce, i just appointed you white House Counsel. What are you worried about where it pertains to what bannon might say . So the white House Counsel, and i think weve rehearsed this before, but white House Counsel does not represent the president , he represents the ongoing institutional interests that are invested in the white house, represents the government. So his concern has to be about the integrity of the white house. He obviously is obligated to participate in the process in a way that supports that integrity. So he will be concerned about what bannon might have seen that he doesnt know about. Really as white House Counsel, youve got to be trying to put together as much information as you can so that you dont get blindsided. He needs to be taking care of their internal operations and if there are any problems, cleaning them up. And bannon is a huge wild card because he spent a lot of time with the president , he spent a lot of time with kushner, he spent a lot of time with other players in this entire administration. And there is literally no telling what might come out of his mouth in front of the house. But its interesting to know, brian, that he has hired as his lawyer at least to represent him in his questions on the hill a lawyer bill birch who represents don mcgahn and prereince priebu. That suggests bannon is a witness, not a target. If he was a target, that would be a conflict. It might not be too hostile at this point. And mika, whats been your biggest revelation to date in the russia matter . I think there are two. One is the trump tower meeting where the russians were very interested to get to Hillary Clinton emails. That would be a crime to get someones emails that were not out there in public and the russians were meeting with people very senior in the Trump Campaign about it and potentially the candidate himself. The second thing weve learned this year is the effort by the white house and at very senior levels of the white house to undermine the fbi director comey of russias interference and the firing of the director of the fbi and what that means for rule of law. Thats a potential obstruction of justice charge. Our thanks to a firstrate journalist and two firstrate attorneys. Thanks to the three of you. I really appreciate it. Coming up for us, what we know tonight about the president s First Physical exam since taking office when the 11th hour continues. Dad dad can you drive me to jessicas house . Uuughhh this is what our version of Financial Planning looks like. Tomorrow is important, but so is making the most of the house before theyre out of the house. Spend you life living. 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And if we can fix damaged heart valves without open heart surgery, imagine what we can do for an irregular heartbeat, even high Blood Pressure. If we can use analyze each patients Breast Cancer to personalize their treatment, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. Imagine what we can do for you. How do you think the physical went . I think its going to go very well. Ill be very surprised if it doesnt. President trump full of confidence heading into his First Physical as commander in chief, even suggesting the stock market might fall if it didnt go well. After the president spent about three hours, give or take, with doctors today, the white house released a brief statement from the lead white house official, who happens to be a u. S. Navy rear admiral, dr. Ronny jackson said, quote, the president s physical exam today at Walter Reed Medical Center went exceptionally well. The president is in Excellent Health and i look forward to briefing some of the details on tuesday. Thats going to happen in the White House Press room. The Washington Post reported this today and keep this in mind as we watch the briefing by the president s physician on tuesday, undergoing this physical is voluntary and trump can pick and choose what the public hears about his health. Lets talk about this. With us is dr. John torres, a practices Emergency Room Physician and matthew nussbaum, practicing White House Reporter for politico and a veteran of our broadcast. Doctor, Excellent Health is a big thing to say about your patient. What are the labs, whats the bloodwork and what are the details youre going to hear about tuesday . Excellent health is very subjective. It depends on the doctor and the patient and the relationship they have. What we know from his prior physicals is the lab work we looked at, his cholesterol is the main one. Hes on a statin medication because he presumably has high cholesterol, on an aspirin and we know hes overweight and his diet is not that good and he doesnt exercise all that well. The main labs will be the cholesterol levels to see if theyve changed from last year. Matt, why has there in your view i cant remember this much attention surrounding we journalists always call it the routine physical examination at walter reed. I cant remember a time when it had this much attention. I think thats right. One, the president s age. Hes the oldest firstterm president ever. Ronald reagan was a few years older when he was sworn in for his second term but hes 71 years old. We know his die st is not very good, we know hes overweight. Those are reasons that would generate interest in this and then theres the elephant in the room and thats these questions swirling around about the president s psychological state and his mental stability. There were calls for there to be a neurological component to this exam that was unlikely to happen. But i think all of that has sort of culminated in people being very, very interested in what the results are here. But its unclear just how much information were going to get. They said in that statement that were going to be briefed on some of the details tuesday. Ill be interested to see just how many questions the doctor is willing to answer. Doc, im not going to ask you for a television diagnosis. However, as matthew points out, the psychological aspect, the dementia test, that kind of thing, was not to be part of the physical. But in the course of a physical exam with a patient, dont you engage in conversation and ask questions that would give you as a professional markers of a potential problem . And, brian, youre absolutely right. That does happen. It something called a mini medical examination that often we do on patients as they start getting older and we think there might be issues with dem eentia and medical care recommends a wellness examination and looking at cognition. Thats a Screening Test of dementiatype problems. Not sure thats going to happen in this case. They recommend it over the age of 65. It should be done normally. What the president wont like is if this becomes a lingering question. Thats right. We know how important image is to him so i think headlines about how much weight hes gained or anything like that is obviously going to be unpleasant for him and is probably going to rile him up and well probably hear about it on twitter. Theres the transparency question, too. We know this white house isnt always eager to put out much information. I was surprised looking back after president obamas First Physical just how much information they put out. They put out cholesterol levels, pulse, his troubles with smoking and even a kol colonoscopy. Trump may not be satisfied with anything short of being the health yes, sir miest man in th states. Gentlemen, thank you. Well probably have you both back when we learn more about the president s health. And coming up for us here tonight, another week of troubling signs for republicans where it pertains to the coming midterm elections. Weve got Steve Kornacki at the big board with that. Please stay with us. Small plates, with big flavor like yucatan shrimp in chililime butter and caramelized pineapple. And if you like hot, buttery maine lobster, check out this petite red lobster roll. For new entrees, explore globallyinspired dishes like spicy dragon shrimp. And now, when you order any two new or classic entrees, you get a free tasting plate. So get your coupon at redlobster. Com and join us today so get yocoaching means making tough choices. Jim youre in but when you have high Blood Pressure and need Cold Medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. Coricidin hbp is the 1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your Blood Pressure. Coricidin hbp. California republican congressman Darrell Issas decision not to run for reelection is making the math even tougher for the gop if they hope to hold control of house during upcoming midterm elections. 31 have announced they dont intend to run for reelection and democrats are eyeing the 24 seats they need to flip control of the house. With all of it at the big board on a friday night, were happy to say Steve Kornacki is here with us. The only thing missing from all this coverage is the democrats are going to need to have a perfect night for a lot of these scenarios to come true. You say 31 retirements of house republicans, you think thats great news if thats a democrat. But not all retirements are created equally when it comes to congressional politics. This is sort of the front line for democrats, these are the top targets for democrats. He these are republicans. Theres 23 districts that republicans occupy, house districts that have republican members representing them but that voted for Hillary Clinton over donald trump. They didnt like trump in the midterm election. When any of these republicans retire and thats why the news got democrats excited this week, you had two this week, you had royce in california and issa in california. Theyre two longtime republican incumbents. They are pretty popular in their home districts but these are clinton districts that these represent. These are both retiring, theyre open seats and democrats have these circled just like i do on this map right now. And theres a couple other this year. There is dave reicher not running in washington, ross lateen in florida. There are five clinton district republicans who arent going to be running in 2018. Those are big, juicy targets for democrats. If you have expand this out a little bit, weve been showing you the clinton districts. How about districts that trump won but barely won. Thats what youre looking at here and youve got two more retirements so far from this tier. If you have expand it one more out, remember democrats are saying maybe it could be a wave election. If its a wave election, this comes into play, trump won these republicans districts but by single digits, lets than ten points. You have two more retirements here. You got nine total now. Nine republicans not running in districts that either trump lost or trump won competitively. 24s the overall target. But theyve got nine the democrats are looking for, two more just this week and say those are the ones we we should be flipping. Weve still got a lot of time between now and primary season and the general election, will there be more republicans who look up and say i dont like how 2018 is looking, im not going to run. I reckon you and i will be having this conversation a few times between now and november. A pleasure and a tweet to have you on the broadcast. Coming up, women coming to this country coming just to give birth. Well have the story after this. So, that goal youve been saving for, you can do it. We can do this. At fidelity, our online planning tools are clear and straightforward so you can plan for retirement while saving for the things you want to do today. Whoo tonight we wanted to bring you an extraordinary story produced and reported by nbc news this week, and like so much what weve been talking about this week, this one involves russia, involves immigration and specifically something called birth tourism, women coming here from other countries, giving birth in the u. S. So their children can be born legally as u. S. Citizens. As nbc news Senior Investigative and Legal Correspondent Cynthia Mcfadden found out, many of these women are russian, and many of them choose an interesting location as their base of operations. Reporter these russian women all came to miami to give birth. As a result, their babies are american citizens. Mothers, american babies. Im such type of mom who want to give her child the best what i can do. Reporter and the best is an american passport. To give birth in miami a status symbol back in russia. While the practice is controversial, its perfectly legal. The 14th amendment to the constitution makes anyone born on american soil an american citizen. If american citizen, american passport is a big plus for the baby, why not . Reporter among the pluses, these kids will have the right to live and work here. Receive social services, and when they turn 21, they will have the right to sponsor their parents for an American Green card. Were the only place just about thats stupid enough to do it. Report as a candidate, donald trump called for an end to birthright citizenship, declaring it the biggest magnet for illegal immigration. You want to get rid of birthright citizenship . You have to, yes. You have to. They are having baby and then all of a sudden you believe that we have no choice. Repo reporter but ironically, condo buildings with the name trump are the most popular for russianborn tourists. It is a very popular place. And housing in buildings with the trump name are advertised by birth Tourism Agencies catering to russian clients. Some packages including medical care cost over 100,000 for a severalmonth stay. In moscow, we found an agency openly advertising american citizenship. Its called miami momma. The Company Estimates they bring around 100 russians here every year. Do you advise your clients to be completely transparent with u. S. Officials when they are applying for a visa to come . Absolutely. Absolutely. Reporter to say, im pregnant . Yes. Yes. Translator we tell every client, you have the documents, you have to tell the truth. This is america. They like the truth here. Report there are some americans who think it is not right for russians to come to america, have their babies and have the babies become americans. I understand that. But im not going to take something from america. If i can spend my money, why not . Reporter there is no indication that President Trump or the Trump Organization directly profit from this birth tourism. We have called both the company and white house to ask for questions about that but have not heard back yet. How you just told me on the break how much this business is up in florida alone. It is fascinating. Over the last deck id, theres been 90 increase in foreign births in florida. Many of them russian. They dont keep the sta tist nikts state of florida. But we called a number of hospitals and yeah, a lot of it is russian. And what does it get you . What does u. S. Citizenship confer upon you as an infant . Okay. These babies, these kids, these ultimately adults can live in the u. S. , of course, any time they want. Get all of the benefits of citizenship. Social security benefits and other benefits. And when they are 21 they can sponsor their parents for a u. S. Green card. And a final question, how did this end up being in our founding documents . Think about it. When things were starting out, two brits come over here, have a baby. They dont want that baby to be british, we are trying to build a nation. We want american citizens. So what made a lot of sense at the beginning, some people wonder if it still makes sense. It is very interesting. Because clearly there is an exploitation of this this sort of founding principle. This was a great piece of work. Thank you so much for joining us on the night shift on the friday night. What a pleasure to be with you. Thank you. Coming up, once again reminded of the phrase the whole world is watching. We will show you what the worlds been saying about us when we come back right. Remember our special night . Abdominal pain. And diarrhea. But its my anniversary. Aw. Sorry. Weve got other plans. Your recurring, unpredictable abdominal pain and diarrhea. May be Irritable Bowel Syndrome with diarrhea, or ibsd. Youve tried overthecounter treatments and lifestyle changes, but ibsd can be really frustrating. Talk to your doctor about viberzi,. A different way to treat ibsd. Viberzi is a Prescription Medication you take every day that helps proactively manage. Both abdominal pain and diarrhea at the same time. So you stay ahead of your symptoms. Viberzi can cause new or worsening abdominal pain. Do not take viberzi if you have no gallbladder, have pancreas or severe liver problems, problems with alcohol abuse, longlasting or severe constipation, or a bowel or gallbladder blockage. 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We have markedly different circumstances and yet the whole world is watching and listening and they have heard what our president has said about an entire continent, about skin color. And here now a sampling of News Coverage of us from around the world. We have lost count of the hours of brokaws time and acres of news print, Donald Trumps many off the cuff remarks are filled. But tonight after his reported comments of haiti and africa and immigration, many are quite seriously asking, is the president genuinely a racist . [speaking in foreign language]. Some purpose exportly expressing frustration with people from other country. [speaking in foreign language]. Donald trump denied reports he used offensive language to describe haiti and african nations during white house meeting on immigration. That is how they see us and so at the end of another eventful week, just two weeks into our new year, that is our broadcast for this friday night. And for this week. Thank you so very much for being here with us. Have a good week end good night for all of us here at nbc news headquarters in new york. Okay. So where do you start . Where do we start . I will start by telling you right off the bat that senator harris is our guest tonight. Shes going to be here live. Senator harris does not do a lot of interviews. There, of course, is fever pitched speculation she will be a serious contender for the democratic president ial nomination in 2020. Shes in the middle of the immigration fight that led to the latest he said what nightmare involving this president. Senator Kamala Harris is live tonight in a couple minutes. Youll definitely want to see that. Today at the white house they tried to announce something about the Iran Nuclear Deal. They were trying to announce that President Trump will continue to certify the Iran Nuclear Deal for now but maybe not any more after this. And i say they wer

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