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Watching symone. Im charles enforcement sanderstownsend. Crisis averted, even though no one got everything they wanted, President Biden says americans got what they needed in the debt ceiling bill. Today, the president signed the bill into law. We are talking to the democratic lawmaker about why she voted against it, and what happens next. And republican primaries are about to get more crowded. Some highprofile republicans are jumping in next week. Will that hurt donald trump, or enable donald trump . Our Political Panel ways and. Now, trump may be riding high on the campaign trail, but the thing that could be dragging him down, legal troubles. The Special Counsel in the classified documents case has obtained a recording of trump discussing a document he kept after leaving office. Trumps lawyers said they havent found it. We will unpack what all of that means for the investigation, as you can see, we have a lot to talk about. A resolution to the monthslong a Debt Limit Debate finally made it to the resolute desk. President biden signed legislation to raise the debt ceiling today, avoiding a National Financial crisis. Heres how the deal ended up. In exchange for raising the debt ceiling at it keeps domestic spending at its 2023 levels the legislation also work requirement age for adults receiving snap benefits, or food stamps to 54 years old, but accepts veterans and homeless people. The bill calls back and covid funds and and skills back expanded funding for the irs. The deal spares americans from the economic calamity of a debt default, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have expressed their misgivings. Some progressives objected to Biden Negotiating on the debt in the first place, especially when it comes to restricting access to food stamps. But, in his first address from the Oval Office Last night, President Biden emphasized this concession. Scaling back increased funding for the iris. We almost have to raves revenue and go after tax and make sure everyone is paying their fair share. No one making less than 400,000 a year will pay anyone federal taxes. Most of you at home, i know the federal tax system isnt fair. Thats why last year i secured more funding to get more iris funding to go after wealthy tax cheats. Republicans may not like it, but i am going to make sure the wealthy pay their fair share. Republicans were insistent on at least two elements of this legislation. Restricting low income americans access to food with work requirements, and preventing the irs from making more of the highest income americans pay what they owe. In case you thought this was actually about fiscal responsibility, the ceo projects that the irs funding will decrease revenue by 2. 3 billion dollars over the next ten years. Wiping out the relatively paltry savings from work requirements. All thanks to that ageold republican deference to the ultra wealthy. So, what does this long awaited deal mean for our fiscal future . Joining me now to discuss, democratic congresswoman from texas jasmine crockett, welcome congresswoman caracas. You were one of 46 House Democrats who voted against this bill. What was your biggest concern about it . Okay. So first of all, its great to see you. Second of all, i do want to be clear, because i think that theres been this misconception that somehow progressives were voting against this bill and it was the same thing as ants that cannot be further from the truth. I want every person that is watching right now to understand that a no vote from the progressives was only after we did something that the republicans are not gonna, which is count. So, we did not count our votes until we knew that we were in the clear. But we also did not want to give the false impression that this is how business is supposed to be conducted, nor do we want to give the false impression that this was a good thing. That does not mean that im against the president , the president did everything that he could in a hostage negotiation situation. But the reality is that for me to sit there and say yes, you had a gun pointed at my head, now let me give you all of the thumbs up because thats how we did it, no. Thats not right. Thats not what is normal. It is not normal to put a gun to our heads over Something Like the debt ceiling. With the republicans did not want to do is go through the appropriations process, which let me remind everyone, they are in control. They have the majority in the house. But they never put forth a budget. And you laid it out as clear as day. This was simply about making sure that rich folks didnt have to do their part in this country and poor folks had it even harder. Coming from a district where 20 of my district live at or below poverty, for me, it makes sense for me to say no, especially with the data that we had. It specifically said that black women were going to be the ones that were going to be hurt the most as it relates to snap, even though there was an expansion. You cant just trade out and at other folk and say its okay. Thats not what we do. In the end, how do you see this . Is this a bipartisan win for biden, or is it a show of strength for mccarthy . I dont know. I guess it depends on how you look at it. What i can say is that the American People won and lost at the same time. Thats the reality of it. They won because the greatest threat was the fact that these people were willing to default, not one progressive was willing to default, period. At the same time, we lost. There were things that we lost and for people who dont understand, progressives are absolutely behind the president and his agenda. You just talked about the cbo and im glad that you brought that up because that was one of the really other big issues, right . Was the fact that his agenda gave at the irs 80 billion dollars. What they did has brought back 20 billion dollars, and the way that you properly claw back funds would be by passing legislation. But we know that they would never get that through the house as well as the senate, and avoid the veto. So therefore, they decided that they were going to do that this way. I want americans to understand that this is not how we conduct business in this country, and so i think that is why you saw and that there were those that could vote, because of their districts, and felt it necessary to vote a certain way. But none of us were 40 faults and to be clear, we all, 213 of us had signed a Discharge Position for a clean raising of the debt ceiling. We only needed five republicans who had a little bit of courage to do the right thing. I very much understand this concept of voting the way you did on a principle, because you knew the people that would be hurt by it. Some of your democratic colleagues have expressed misgivings that the white house was too deferential to republicans and negotiating this deal, and that there should have been more communication with congressional democrats. Do you share that opinion, and if so, how are you and your colleagues going to ensure that the same time endemic doesnt unfold in the budget talks . Yeah. So the budget talks, i have no idea of where that is going to end, because of the Budget Process is one of the most complicated if not the most complicated thing that we do in congress. I will point out that our Ranking Member on appropriations voted against this. And she spoke out a vigorously about how this was tying our hands. I also want the American People to understand that the number, the Bottom Line Number was kept the same of what we had in 23. But, within that number, we saw a Defense Spending be increased. If the number is the same and defense went up, what did that mean . Non defenses going down. When we look at nondefense, these are the things that affect your everyday life. This is the funding for the things that every day americans rely upon. And so we have decided, we dont have all the specifics. One is going to go up, what is going to go down. I wont pretend to have been in that room and be able to say what i would have done. Because the American People have not elected me president of the united states. What i will say, is that the republicans were rogue in this process, in deciding to do this. And if they were doing it for their constituency, i would at least have respect for it. But the reality is that the fights that we were fighting, the fights that we waged, they actually are going to help more republican constituents than the republicans were helping them. Because if you want to talk about s. N. A. P. Benefits, and who is using the vast majority of s. N. A. P. Benefits, it is rural right americans. Im sorry, but when we look at democratic districts, they typically dont look like rural white america. So just to be clear, the fights that we were waging werent just for our constituents. They were for everyone, and at this point in time all i can say is that i trust the president and he made sure that our government was kept open. Texas congresswoman jasmine crockett, always good to see you and you talk to you. Thank you so much for coming in today. Look out. Theres a tank. Up next, the recording that torpedoes Donald Trumps defense in his case of handling of classified documents. But first, it has todays other top news story. Richard . A very good afternoon to you. And investigation was launched into one of the worst Rail Disasters in indias history. 288 people were killed and more than 800 injured when two Passenger Trains derailed friday. Each train had more than 1000 passengers. Prime minister visiting the crash site, and survivors today. He said those responsible for the crash would be held accountable. Rescuers in iowa and in their search for survivors at the site of a Apartment Building collapse in davenport. Three people are still missing and feared death. Begin recovery efforts. And in the home of the Kentucky Derby is suspending racing. Announcing the decision friday after the deaths of 12 horses in just the past month. Truck Officials Say they will use the time to reexamine safety measures. The final race and the triple crown still scheduled for a week from tomorrow. More symone for you right after this break. This Break Type 2 Diabetes . Discover the power of 3 in the ozempic® trizone. oh, oh, oh, ozempic® in my ozempic® trizone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. Ozempic® provides powerful a1c reduction. In studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. 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To receive 1000 off your kohler® walkin bath. And take advantage of our low Monthly Payment financing. Were back now, and the investigation into former president Donald Trumps handling of classified documents took yet another term this week. Trump was caught on tape acknowledging he took a classified document related to iran from his time in the white house, according to sources familiar with the matter. This essentially undercuts trumps claim that he declassified documents. He took. The Special Counsels office obtained the reporting from 2021. But when the Trump Legal Team went looking for the document at the request of the justice department, they couldnt find it. Thats very convenient. All of this as the Department Of Justice has closed its investigation into trumps former Vice President mike pence for his own handling of classified documents, discovered at his indiana home without charging him. I want to bring in msnbc legal analyst and former new york prosecutor cf coleman jr. I want to start with trump and this recording. The former president s legal team says they cant find any record of the classified material that trump described. But, its also unclear whether or not the prosecutors have been able to track it down. So, its about to just be out there somewhere or trump might have been incorrectly describing it or just lying about it. If they cant find the document, is trumps best defense that his lawyers basically say, listen, everyone knows that trump doesnt always Tell The Truth and he is just exaggerating again . I wont go that far, charles. I would say that them not being able to find the document does in some cases hurt that specific aspect of what it is that theyre trying to establish in this case. But its important to understand that donald trump has said so much and done so much, and theres so much other theres so many different other things that support the timeline here that quite frankly, prosecutors dont necessarily need this smoking gun because they have so many others. So well in most cases you would be concerned if there was no physical evidence that is found to support or corroborate what is being said on a tape like this, prosecutors like jack smith know that they have more than enough other things to go on to move forward with a prosecution and indictment. With respect to the maralago case. So it would be something that would be a significant concern under normal circumstances, but there is just so much else to go on and that they could actually rely on it to move forward with this prosecution. Charles, trump himself has not been silent on the many investigations into him since he left office. I want you to take a listen to what he had to say on this one in an interview with fox news is sean hannity. News broke yesterday that there might be a Tape Recording that you acknowledged that you understood that these were classified documents. First of all, do you know who this coal might be with . I dont know anything about it. All i know is this. Everything i did was right. Charles, if you were Trump Lawyers at this point, i about continuing to publicly address these allegations and the investigations, especially now that he is running for office again in 2024 . You know charles, you talked about previous conversations about trumps attorneys and what it is they are doing from the standpoint. And i think that if you signed up to represent donald trump you need to understand that you are going to spend the duration of your period representing him in a scramble sort of posture. And i think part of the reason why that is is that we have a client who refuses to accept and abide by your advice. I do not think for any stress that Donald Trumps attorneys told him hey, its okay, talk to these public, do the interviews, i think hes been advised repeatedly, do not open your mouth about these pending investigations or the pending case thats going on in manhattan. Do not talk about these legal issues. Avoid the conversations. But yet, they know they also have a very typical client who was sub bird, will not listen, thinks he knows better than they do, and leaves them with messes to clean up. He has no aversion to making the degree of difficulty much higher for his attorneys as compared to most normal clients. And so his attorneys have no doubt advised him, charles, stop talking about this. You are only digging yourself into a deeper hole. But he refuses, and ultimately he is going to have to play the part in a court of law. And difficult client is one way to put it. Finally, i want to ask you this. The Washington Post reports that the investigation in Fulton County, georgia, looking into election interference by the former president and his allies is now broadening to include activities in washington, d. C. , and several other states. I what could this expansion tell us about where trumps legal problems are going . Not in the right direction. I think we have known that for a very long time. I think this might not necessarily be centered on donald trump exactly, but it could expand to some of the other people we talked about. I am loathe to speculate, but i will call viewers attention to the very long list of individuals who weve heard from in the Fulton County grand jury that included senator lindsey graham, it included Rudy Giuliani and several other people who were heard from or who we believe or heard from as part of that. We dont know the whole list as is, but as you begin to talk about this probe expanding to washington d. C. , the question then becomes whos in washington and what relationship would they have had to the elections process as well as particularly to Fulton County . And so i think that not only would donald trump, is there a need to be concerned, but there should be a rising concern for some additional members of people who are highly recognizable, people who are highprofile, who may likely be a part of that conversation as well. Charles coleman, from one gray beard to another, thank you very much. At least two more people looked around at the state of the republican primary and decided they might want in. But do mike pence and Chris Christie even stand a chance in todays a mega Republican Party . And could they just increase trumps chances of being the nominee . My Political Panel weighs in next. Next connect your business, you can make it even smarter. Now ports can know where every piece of cargo is. And where its going. dock worker right on time. vo robots can predict breakdowns and order their own replacement parts. foreman nice work. vo and retailers can get ahead of the Fashion Trend of the day with a new line tomorrow. With a verizon private 5g network, you can get more agility and security. Giving you more control of your business. We call this enterprise intelligence. From the Network America relies on. A republican president ial primary is about to get even more crowded with nbc news reporting that former Vice President mike pence, former new jersey governor Chris Christie, and north dakota governor are expected to announce their candidacies in the coming days. They will be joining nine other declared candidates, all trying to themselves as the person most suited to steer the nation to the right. But in this crowded field, there is one elephant leading the room. Former President Donald Trump remains the clear front runner, including in the crucial early primary states. Maga Republicans Holding borderline religious reverence for donald trump, making it easy for him to score political trappings of scandal or shame. This dynamic presents him and his competitors with a choice. Do they go on the attack in hopes of wounding trump before a general election, or do they splinter the republican vote and enable his renomination . Joining me now to discuss, Ameshia Cross is a democratic strategist and a former republican congressman out of illinois, john giles, who was also a 2020 president ial candidate. Welcome. Congressman, i want to revisit what you wrote in the Washington Post in 2020 as you suspended your own primary challenge against trump. You wrote, i realized what that nobody can beat trump in a republican primary. Not just because hes become his party, but it has become a cult. And hes a cult leader. He doesnt have supporters, he has followers. And in their eyes, he can do no wrong. Do you feel the same way, leading into the 2024 election cycle, or do you think that one of these candidates can actually take him out . Charles, thats fascinating. I havent read those words in three years, but yes. I feel exactly the same. And how scary is that . Two years ago, trump lit a violent attempt to overthrow an american election, and he remains the cult leader. Look, this is still his party, he was always going to be the nominee, and pence and haley and desantis, charles, all of these candidates getting in, they dont really believe they can beat trump. And in fact, most of them wont try to beat trump. What they are all hoping for is that the Justice System will take trump out, and then they will be standing there as an alternative. Ameshia, President Bidens incumbent status gives him a crucial advantage. He has no real serious primary challenges. How can he use this advantage to influence the republican primary in a way that best positions him for the general . I think he gives speeches like the one he gave last night, where he talks about the victories that he has made for the country. This is not a republican or democratic strategy. This is one in which he gets to talk about and tout the things that matter. Bringing us back for the pandemic, talking about relief, talking about job creation. He has a record. And that record has not only improve the lives of democratic voters, it is improve the lives of Republican Voters as well. Even though we know in many states where these jobs are actually allocated that people were going around touting them are republicans. Many republicans who did not support and do not support joe biden, i think a lot of this is him getting out and taking to the streets and having those conversations. Is he going to win over a ton of Republican Voters . I agree with walls here, i do not believe so. But then again, he didnt win over a ton of Republican Voters in 2020 either. Many of those people still came out and supported trump. He needs to focus on diverse voters, younger voters, focus on the people in the middle, and focus on Unifying America and showing people what can get done. What this presidency can do, what his presidency has done, and that trajectory America Needs to move forward. Congressman, trump has been able to present any criticism against him as an effort by some deep state or can do you think that thats affecting his strategies as they prepared to take him on and maybe go into attack mode, or not . Charles, trump is at his strongest when hes the victim. The victim of the deep state. Every indictment will only strengthen trump. And heres the trip that desantis and pence and haley and all of them are in, and charles, theyre all in this trump because of their own power. Trump says that 2020 election was stolen. Thats a bunch of bs. But nikki haley, mike pence, desantis, all of them kind of sort of have to say the same thing, or the base will turn against them. Every time trump is indicted, he will say a witch hunt. Well, pence and haley and scott and desantis kind of have to say its a witch hunt, or the base will turn against them. They are not they are on an impossible road. We discussed legal troubles in the last segment. How much of an effect you think it will have on the race if those legal troubles will got even worse for trump . It depends on which legal troubles we are speaking of. With the documents case and the georgia case, they are the strongest. I said that for months now at this point. But, his voters do not seem to be moved by very much. They heard the access hollywood tape, they heard what e. Jean carroll said, they saw what actually ended up liability for the former president when he came to sexual misconduct. And it defamation. When he came to the arguments he made when he was in that cnn town hall. They do not care. Im not necessarily sure that they are moved by january six, even though we all know what happened there in the videos, and we heard from officers who were there on the scene in addition to congressman and women who were actually in danger. They do not care. I am not so sure that anything that is not an actual indictment, but an arrest that means they may charge and him being walked off in handcuffs is going to stop this myth not only from running, but from potentially getting that vote from republicans all over again. Because this isnt a people like to say that this was a maga doctrine or a maga thing, no. The Republican Party is the party of donald trump. And we have to admit it, because those people arent moving. His poll numbers are where they are because he can do nothing that will stop them from supporting him. We have less than a minute, but i want to get in a question about this debt deal. Congressman, how concerned do you think that Speaker Mccarthy should be about pushback from the House Freedom caucus, because they were really very much in opposition of this bill . I am not a fan of mccarthy, and i hate to admit it charles, but i think this Debt Ceiling Deal has strengthened him among his caucus. I think hes got a deal with this caucus that they can go after him publicly as much as they want, and i think that his job is pretty secure. Ameshia cross, think you so much. Up next, a congress a conversation you will see anywhere else. Simone sits down with the mayors of Oklahoma City and arizona, how these two Republican Leaders of conservative cities want to the status quo and find Bipartisan Solutions to gun violence, lgbtq rights, immigration, and more. We will be right back. Be right back. 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Today on symone, we are going beyond speaking to two republican mayors who are leading their cities by embracing bipartisanship, a word we rarely hear in our current political climate. Mayor david holt is the 38 city where he was first elected in 2018 to become the youngest mayor of Oklahoma City since 1923, and the youngest mayor of a u. S. City with more than 500,000 residents. He is known for taking a more moderate approach on issues including gun violence and lgbtq plus rights. A staunchly conservative state. Simone sat down with mayor holt during of the u. S. Caucus of mayors in columbus ohio. She started out by asking him how he manages to lead with support for republicans and democrats alike. Take a listen. Mayor, you are a real republican. You are a real republican leading at a very interesting time, at the time you were first elected mayor of Oklahoma City you are the youngest mayor since 1923. Oklahoma city is one of the top 20 cities in the country, top largest cities. How do you do it . What is the secret sauce . We are very politically purple. So we are about 50 50. Donald trump won our county by one point in 2020. So it is about split. So, in my view since i took office in 2018 has been, we have to work together. There is not enough of any side to get anything done. So we have to f purpose. Our Electoral System incentifies is that. We have a nonpartisan talk to form of elections. I was a republican State Senator for eight years before this, so people know what i am, but i certainly embrace the way that we run for office and i had prominent democrats and prominent republicans supporting me when i ran for mayor and julie. And i have stuck to that philosophy ever since. And so, we generally adopt outcomes in Oklahoma City that are broadly representative of the electorate. What i say is really, i think the american middle of about 70 of people who just want to work together. And they will stutter fro outcomes that are arrived at through a compromise process, and they will accept things that arent exactly perfect from their perspective. I have read a lot of articles about you, and some of the articles say that you are providing what they call a post trump roadmap for republicans. You Oklahoma City sits in one of the most conservative states in the country. You have taken a number of moderate issues, you have taken issues that represent the people to whom you serve. How do you spread that with this larger political climate, where people are going to watch this and say, maybe Oklahoma City, maybe at that conference of mayors meeting, but not in most places in america. Maybe the right. But, i would say that at the municipal level, many cities seem to be functioning a very well. And are bridging that divide. And i think that it is often the result of an Electoral System that incentivizes that kind of behavior. So many mayors are elected as i am in a system where we dont close partisan primary process. So we are incentivized to get support from normal republicans and normal democrats and build those coalitions. It is only a recent phenomenon where we court the extremes at either end depending on whether you live in a red or blue district. I think that if the country wants people who win elections and get things done, when theyre in office, the mayors of america are ready to serve at every level of government, and well do a great job. I dont think america is ready for that. Why not . Well, first of all, a lot of state and congressional and president ial elections are generally going to be run in a closed partisan primary process. Which gives an outside voice to extremism. And this is not a healthy way for democracy to function, but it certainly, when it is the trap that we have found ourselves in in america. But in American Cities it is different. And after covid, after the murder of george floyd, i had persevered through all of those challenges in a very i would say it nonpartisan but certainly bipartisan way. I could look out at my Election Night watch party in 2022 and literally see, theres republicans, theres democrats, theres independents. There are not many election Watch Parties for candidates that have that type of partisan diversity. In 1975, we might have seen that novel. But it does in 2023 because it is close to partisan primary process that is sending polarized opposites to congress who cant possibly find any Common Ground and are disincentive biased to find that Common Ground that they will be punished in their primaries. There is no one in office that is incentivized to seek that middle ground. And so, until we create different Incentive Structures for candidates, they are just going to keep following the party platforms. Fascinating conversation. Thank you for your time, enjoy your time here at the u. S. Office of mayors. Thank you so much, i appreciate. It simone, she also sat down with republican mayor john chiles of mesa, arizona. Hes the cochair of the Immigration Reform task force for the u. S. Conference of mayors. Mesa is not a border city, the mayor says his suburb has seen many people who have crossed the border come into the community. In may, lawmakers across the nation were bracing for a possible influx of people at the border, following the Expo Aspiration of title 42. Someone started off by asking him about whether he thought the country was prepared for the end of title 42. Heres the conversation. It seems as though everyone was bracing for a surge, and then what happened was not much. There were less people crossing the border immediately after title 42 was lifted then the week before. From the mayors perspective, what do you think is going on . Well, we have shared all of those concerns and all of that experience with the secretary repeatedly in anticipation of title 42 being lifted. He was our voice very reassuring saying dont worry, we have a plan and we were skeptical. We were planning for the skies you fall, and i think that was not an irresponsible anticipation, because thats been our experience. And so we did see a surge in the couple of days prior to 42 leaving, and then i think the day of. There were busloads of people that were being sent from the border up to the phoenix area. That did happen. But again, we were bracing ourselves for the sky to fall and thankfully it hasnt yet. I think what is so interesting about you is that in this current climate that we are in, you have been a mayor that has enjoyed from what i see, popularity with a large swaths of people. Why is your approach working . I am a lifelong republican. But i was elected in a nonpartisan election, and i dont view myself as a partisan in the way that i am supposed to govern my city. The old saying is, there is no such thing as a republican or a democratic and i think that applies to every situation. So, we do in the extremes of both parties, i think you see folks that are more about claiming victory and beating the other side and then they are about solving problems. So what motivates this approach . Do you think that there is something that naturally of what you are . Saying that there are no democrat or republican i think that people that are drawn to getting engaged at local government level are more drawn to community service, have a sense of calling that there are some things we want to fix as opposed to there are some points we want to score or there are some people we want to cancel. We come not with an ideological bent, trying to prove someone else is wrong or to correct passed it was, we want to solve problems. A problem that mayors across the country that mayors are dealing with is gun violence. The city of mesa recently experienced a tragedy a few days ago, when a man decided to shoot several people in a string of shootings. What is your message to your constituents, the people in your community, that this is not a unique issue to arizona . Good luck finding a city in this country that doesnt have a similar story to tell. So, its ubiquitous throughout our country. Its horribly said, and we deal with the end of vegetable, real consequences of the families and the lives that are impacted by that. This was a very troubled individual, somebody that probably would have been caught by some Red Flag Laws or by some other proactive measures to try to keep our communities safe. We need to point that out, and we need to add this to the unfortunate long list of examples of why we need to get better at this in our country. What are you looking for in this president ial primary . Have you thoughts . I have not endorsed anyone. I dont as a rule, i am looking for someone whos not promoting an ideological point of view, thats not i need someone to try to rise above the namecalling and the vitriol, and just talk about what it is that they hope to accomplish to make this a better country. Thank you so much for your time. This was lovely. Simone also sat down with three other u. S. Men all democrats, for an important conversation about State Lawmakers taking control away from local leaders for political reasons. You can see simones interview tomorrow at four pm eastern, only on msnbc. Coming up, targets response to the right wing backlash against its Pride Displays has critics asking, are you really an ally a few crumble in the face of a culture war . Thats what were talking about, next. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. 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[ dog barks ] this pride month, the Lgbtq Community is finding out which of its allies in the corporate world are the real deal, and which ones will cave to pressure from culture warriors. As cities and towns across the u. S. Kick off private festivities, rightwing groups are targeting companies that have prolgbtq plus products and marketing. They are boycotting some of these brands to hurt their bottom lines and in many cases its working. Take bud light. Its current lee facing a rightwing boycott after sponsoring this instagram ad, which featured actress and trans activist dylan mulvaney. Since the ad, its Parent Company has reportedly lost some 27 Billion Dollars in market value, and now rightwing crosshairs are on target. The outrage in this case is centered on accusations that the companys Marketing Transgender Affirming Clothing to kids. It includes vandalism and threats against employees. How did target respond . By quietly moving Pride Merchandise in some of its stores. But that didnt seem to matter, market watch reports the companys stock is now on its lowest Losing Streak in 23 years, and has been downgraded by jpmorgan. Joining me now to discuss is brandon wolf, the press secretary for a quality florida, as well as a survivor of the pulse nightclub shooting. Hello brenda. So there has been a long standing debate in the Lgbtq Community about whether some corporations were only offering support for pr purposes as support started trending up. What do these corporate responses to the backlash tell you about what the true commitment to being allies was or is amongst some of these corporations . Thank you. I really want to zoom out for just a moment, because i understand that target is what the National Conversation is focused on right now. But i think if we allow ourselves to play whackamole with every new rightwing battleground, we are going to lose sight of the war on freedom that is being waged. We are in this place because rightwing extremists are executing a coordinated campaign of harassment and intimidation and that is designed to suppress the values of the majority of the company. Remember, target was not the first. They were threatening to bomb childrens hospitals to they firebombs a donut shop and threatened Mass Violence at pride festivals. They terrorized and threatened violence against School Boards across the country over masks and vaccine policies. And when they got what they want to, its not like they stopped and said good game and shook hands, they took their fight than it to the next victim. Target is the latest victim. Right wing extremists understand that they have lost the culture war, and therefore they have to use intimidation and harassment to try to bully this country into acquiescing to the world view. And that is putting Companies Like target in a very difficult position, having to keep people safe like their employees and customers, while also making their values mean something. I think its pretty clear by now that the answer is not to cave to the police. Its time for courage, its time for all of us to stand up and say, enough is enough. Companies should make good on their statements of inclusion, they should make the mean something, and take steps necessary to keep people safe while still affirming the community. But we as a country have to stop giving these police what they want. We have to say pride is happening, lgbtq people exist, and you are just going to have to get over it. We only have about 30 seconds, but i want to talk about one of those companies that pushed back. You have a company like north face who took its own share of rightwing heat this year after featuring a drag queen in one of its pride ads, but instead of backing down to the presser, the company defended both the Pride Campaign and the Spokes Person by name. So why is it so hard for other companies not to follow that example and literally push back as you are just describing . I think they should. I think the start is to have deep conversations with the community, because the community will be there to support you if you show up and engage in deep conversation. I hope that target is having those conversations, i certainly hope that the rest of corporate americas. But the answer ultimately is not to give into these police. Brandon wolf, thank you so much. Straight ahead, the big and long overdue change at the Military Base formerly known as fort bragg. Rt bragg vo with verizon, you can now get a private 5g network. 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A kohler walkin bath has one of the lowest stepins of any walkin bath for easy entry and exit. It features textured surfaces, convenient handrails for more stability, and a wide door for easier mobility. Kohler® walkin baths include two hydrotherapies Whirlpool Jets and our patented bubblemassage™ to help soothe sore muscles in your feet, legs, and back. A kohlercertified installer will install everything quickly and conveniently in as little as a day. They made us feel completely comfortable in our home. And, yes, its affordable. I wish we would have looked into it sooner. Think i might look into one myself. Stay in the home and life youve built for years to come. Call. To receive 1000 off your kohler® walkin bath. And take advantage of our low Monthly Payment financing. The Department Of Defense is making good on its 2022 promised to remove reminders of americas confederate past. The North Carolina air force base, originally named fort bragg, after confederate general, officially changed to fort liberty during a ceremony on friday. Its part of the Defense Departments Initiative to make u. S. Army more welcoming and inclusive to black service members. Some veterans said the rebrand is a small, but important step in the right direction. Thanks for watching symone, on this saturday, im Charles Plowing for symone

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