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Snow. There is a new danger now that the snow is stopping. Up to seven feet of snow. Temperatures are about to go up. Flooding could wreak havoc next. People are trying to clean up what they can. Take a look at those visuals. It hasnt been easy. Also take a listen to this conversation they had with a family there. How many cars do you have here . I department know they were cars. Its unbelievable. The last one was my daughter. He was visiting and the weather got so bad, they said i will stay tonight and drive home tomorrow. He has been here for about a week. A long time. Sending warm thoughts. All of the snow had an impact and the bills game scheduled for sunday and buffalo has been moved to monday in detroit. It turns out it helps to be able to find the field. Bill cosby will take the stage as another woman accused him of Sexual Assault. This will be the seventh woman to join the claims. A florida nurse said he drugged her and raped her in 1976. She was 19 at the time. Cosby is scheduled to ark peer at eastern Florida State college. A show scheduled for next friday at Treasure Island hotel and casino and two shows planned for virginia have been scrapped as well. Cosby has been tight lipped and no criminal charges have been filed, but this is triggering a firestorm of discussion about the culture around Sexual Assault in hollywood. We will keep an eye on that for you. Republicans responding after the big announcement on his executive action on Immigration Reform. They are not what you call happy. Heres john boehner just this morning. With this action, the president has chosen to deliberately sabotage any chance of enacting bipartisan reforms he claims to seek. As i told the president yesterday, he is damaging the presidency itself. President obama had a simple message last night to republicans who question his actions. To those member who is question my authority to make our immigration system work better or question the wisdom of me acting where congress has failed. I have one answer. Pass a bill. Supporters rallied all night at the white house last night. Lets go there live right now. Chris jansing is there. An interesting timing for this announcement that happened during sweeps and a lot of them watching the Big Bang Theory and now the president on the road with this announcement rather than in washington. Who is he selling this to . There is this huge battle in the court of public opinion. He is not going to change minds. John boehner is not going to be won over, but he does think there is a case to be made. He had to win back a lot of these pro immigration groups and latinos. They were frustrated. He said from the beginning of his presidency this this was something he wanted to do. Now that he has finally done it. There is the political reason and the last time they did an action, they were eligible for it and they like to see that number or better this time. They are working with the immigration groups to get people informed about how they can participate. We will be watching this all day. Chris jansing, thanks for the update. We will hear from the president again this afternoon when he speaks at that high school in vegas. We will take that live here on msnbc starting at 3 55 eastern. Yesterday in boston, i interviewed jimmy carter about this action. He defended president obamas decision to go it alone. Was he right to go around congress . Yes. [ applause ] to expand on that, i think he tried every possible way to get congress to pass a reasonable bill. Both Speaker Boehner and majority leader Mitch Connell said they will take action when new members are seated in january. What specifically can congress do . Kelly odonnell is with me from washington. Kelly, what is the practical next step for congress and does it look like they will mobilize as the president seeps to be inviting . One of the reasons the republican lawmaker were trying to say wait longer, mr. President is they expect the new larger majority in january will want to weigh in. New members have not been a part of the debate. Part of what we will see is a testing of the waters when they arrive in washington. Some of the options will be to actually try to pass legislation to sort of override what the president has done in this way. Put their own mark on the map. They have not been able to get that done. Only the senate has passed a bipartisan bill. House republicans have struggled with this. If they are going to take a step legislatively, they will do it in pieces focusing on Border Security and on different types of enforcement and changes to visas to try to get some of the high skilled workers. We talked about the president on the health care law. They can take a step related to immigration if there was a legal argument. What comes next in that . Its an undercurrent of trust. Thats what this is about. The House Republicans argued they passed a law for the health care law. They provide funding to cost share when they were providing Health Insurance on the exchanges to lower income people. Thats not how it was written. Thats not the law and the president doesnt have the authority to do that. We will have to see how it moves through the courts. Its a long time threat and its separate from immigration, but it flows into the larger conversation about is the president using his authority to the fullest extent or stepping over that line. There is a loss of trust. If they pass a law and the president doesnt enforce it, it under mines their ability to pass laws. Democrats say thats an argument and its a heated argument and that gets donors to write checks, but pass a law on Immigration Reform and see what happens. Its a question of can the president have good will after the actions he took last night. Republicans say the well has been poisoned and democrats say lets get down to business. They are flarnlg big political fights. Thanks for that. Ferguson, missouri is tense as well. Bracing for a grand jury decision expected any time now. Wrenching scenes there. Three protesters arrested in a demonstration outside fergusons police department. New video as well from Michael Brown senior calling on the protesters to keep the peace. Destroying property is not the answer. No matter what the grand jury decides, i dont want my sons death to be in vain. The grand jury is deciding whether to indict officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown jr. Lets talk about the preparations under way if this comes down in the next few days. You have a number of preparations from the Law Enforcement standpoint. The National Guard was called up last week by governor jay nixon. The ole agencies said they are preparing to work in 12hour shifts. Once they get word that the 12member grand jury reached a decision, we should note that despite all of the speculation that is out there, the tight lipped st. Louis county prosecutor has not given any sort of indication that the grand jury is nearing a decision. The fact of the matter is schools have been told they will get three hourss notice on the week and on the weekend 24 hours notice. The Neighboring School Districts that neighbors ferguson did announce that should an announcement be made on sunday, they will cancel classes on monday and tuesday. Those students set to miss class on wednesday, thursday, and friday for the holiday. A big concern of the first round in the aftermath of the shooting, he had a number of School Districts here that had students missing close to a weeks worth of school. This time around, some School Districts have said they are sending home homework packets and online courses as well. A short time ago, about 100 yards from here, about a half dozen businesses held a conference to do what Michael Brown senior did and what eric holder did as well. They pleaded for peace and calm. Our craig melvin there in ferguson. Thank you so much for that update, craig. We will be keeping tabs on that situation. Ahead, the third and final installment of border battles. Im exploring on the border and how that is changing in the wake of these new announcements on Immigration Reform. Today, what some are calling lawlessness on that border. The legal ramifications faced by making the dangerous and did thely journey. Thats next. Y do i take metamucl everyday . Because it helps me skip the bad stuff. Im good. Thats what i like to call, the meta effect. 4in1 multihealth metamucil now clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. Experience the meta effect with our new multihealth wellness line. I love my Meta Health Bars. 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Because everyone has an off day. The good hands are doing more than ever before. The nation is reeling after president obamas big immigration announcement. Many immigrants emotional. Last nights Latin Grammys delayed as the full house of musicians watched the president. You notice Something Interesting in the new numbers out this week. Undocumented immigration is dropping in 14 states including some border states. Overall proportionately, latin American Immigration is dropping and asia is rising. Asians making up around 45 of all new immigrants. Millions of undocumented migrants come from across the southern border. The president S Immigration plan doesnt touch a quiet battle that they face. A fight for legal rights that groups are suing the u. S. Government over. I dont receive council during the initial questioning . Not during the initial questioning because the initial questions is biographical information. Undoulted Border Crossers risk everything traversing a no mans land into the United States. Its after they are app handed. Many face a different low mans land. A legal imbow. The Border Crossers are an essentially terrible position to put it mildly. Border patrol spring on them with guns, do not provide them with legal rights and what needs to happen is those people need to be hold their rights and Given Council that. Is not happening now and that is given a problem. What does happen when they are picking up the Border Patrol. When we apprehend the alien out in the field. The coordinates of where this person was arrested at, we take down the biographical information and name and date of birth and sex and age. Their role is to detain them for a sport period. This one in the tucson border sector. Before sending them on to other agencies like ice, immigrations and customs enforcement. Before that happens, they are asked to answer three questions. These questions are yes, i would like to make an answer to this, yes, you would like to see an immigration judge and please my case to stay here in the United States. The second question is they essentially have an asylum question and the last response is i am admitting them illily and i want to be returned to my place of origin as quickly as possible. Civil Rights Groups like the aclu acknowledge that Border Agents are acting within the letter of the law. By having immigrants answer the questions. They say thats not enough. One specific set of rights, migrants often arent afforded, miranda rights. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you. The iconic warning given to criminals in proceedings. Illegal immigrants have miranda rights have rights when they are charged with a criminal offense, but do not when they are being changed with an immigration offense. The reason is because they dont have the right to counsel. Why not mirandize them immediately when they are taken into custody . It has to do with the questioning aspect. If they Say Something incriminating or they have been involved in criminal activity, i will read them their rights at that point. The other time that someone will be mirandize side when we are maybe targeting that person and thinking that this person may be a scout or involved in a criminal activity that the field agent was not aware of. For some that leaves too much uncertainty as to what rights are respected and when. A situation the aclu calls a black hole of legal rights. When you ask people around the world what is it that makes america special, they say in america, everyone has rights yet they come here and they are putting in the immigration system where the deck is stacked against them. Thanks again to the Border Patrol for their time and service on an extraordinarily difficult issue. I want to thank them for insights and a shout out to Anthony Terrell who produced the series. We will investigate the unseen facets of the immigration fight as the president rolls out his plan affecting millions. Stay with us right now because just ahead is my exclusive with president jimmy carter. What he had to say about voting rights. 2016 contenters and using him as a punch line. John mccain reaching for the worst possible insult for president obama earlier this year said this. I have never seen anything like this in my life. I thought jimmy carter was bad. He pales in compare to this president in my opinion. The serious question out of that is, what does it feel like and what is your response to these moments of being used as an insult. Thats a compliment to me coming from a war monger. [ applause ] mmmmmmm. Look out. Now theres even more of the amazing cinnamon taste you love on cinnamon toast crunch. Crave those crazy squares even more. Worry a look at what is spiking on immigration, the hash tag impeach obama is trending in a big way headed up by someone who knows her way around a colorful rejoineder. He of course didnt listen and now he is set to go around congress to legalize millions of illegal aliens. He is giving voters the middle finger. Drama. Of course the other side of this debate is well represented online. Journalist and filmmaker summing it up. I can now have temporary status, a work permit and see my mama in the file beans after 21 years of immigration. Finally a republican or a democrat, we looked at them all. This may be our favorite. Certainly the most creative of those trending reactions. Never to disappoint and quite the intellectual. He took to the senate floor invoking the great floss fear, cicero. The words of cicero powerfully relevant, 2, 077 years later. When, president obama, do you mean to cease abusing our patience. What is there that did you last night. What the night before . Where is it that you were . The senate is aware of these things. The senate sees them. And yet this man dictates by his pen and his phone. See ivory tower ibtelectualism still alive and well in washington. They are finding more cicero bus stills than they had to find before for a program. Coming up, the United States top officials are racing against the clock. You will want to see this on what they are doing. They have a deadline of monday on one of the worlds most contentious diplomatic fights. Thats right after this break. The Holiday Season is here, which means its time for the volkswagen signthendrive event. For practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a germanengineered volkswagen. Like the sporty, advanced new jetta. And the 2015 motor trend car of the year allnew golf. If youre wishing for a new volkswagen this season. Just about all you need is a finely tuned. Pen. Hurry in and get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on select new volkswagen models. I lost my sight in afghanistan, but it doesnt hold me back. I go through periods where its hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. Non24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70 of people who are totally blind. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. [ woman ] i will embrace change. Everything life throws my way. Except for frown lines. Those im throwing back. [ female announcer ] olay total effects. Nourishing vitamins, and seven beautiful benefits in one. For youngerlooking skin. So while your life may be everchanging. Your Beautiful Skin will stay beautiful. Total effects from olay. Your best beautiful. Six world powers known as the p 5 plus one for a nuclear deal with iran. No small matter, irans ability to run the reactors. They are saying they have the right to peacefully produce energy. That could lead to the development of nuclear weapons. This morning john kerry pulled back from the talks and will travel to paris to consult with the counterparts about the negotiations. And over in ukraine, Vice President joe biten is plenling support for the new government. They condemned russias behavior with the incursions into the ukraine. So long as that continues, russia will face rising costs and greater isolations and quite straight forward and simple. There is a way to change all that. Do what you agreed to do, mr. Putin. The u. S. Promised ukraine officials about 20 million in new Financial Aid if they maintain democratic reforms. Closer to home, massive protests continuing to rock mexico city, this time overnight. Upon thousands are protesting the apparent massacre with the 43 college students. Protesters threw molotov cocktails at police who responded with tear gas. Demonstrations have been since the students disappeared in september. They believe corrupt Police Officers working with drug cartel s may be responsible. Keep it here because coming up we have a conversation with jimmy carter and he is no holes barred. What the former president will have to say about Republican Leadership and voting rights. What needs to change in terms of democratss ability to connect with voters . Does anything need to change . Something needs to be changed, yes. I just think we need to continue to fight in the courts to this is one of many things. To prevent the republicanss successful effort to deprive young people and old people and black people and hispanics from voting. This is a deprivation [ applause ] retirement. A new home. Earning your diploma. Providing for your family. Real associates, using walmarts benefits to build better lives for their families. Opportunity. Thats the real walmart. Over 12,000 financial advisors. So, how are things . Good, good. 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During the subaru share the love event, subaru owners feel it, too. Because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need. Well have given 50 Million Dollars over seven years. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. John mccain reaching for the worst possible insult for president obama earlier this year said this. I have never seen anything like this in my life. I thought jimmy carter was bad, but he pales in comparison to this president in my opinion. The serious question is what does is it feel like and what if your response to these moments of being used as an insult . Thats a compliment to come from a war monger plauz. I was lucky enough when i was president to keep our country at peace and provide peace for others. I was lucky enough to go through in those four years, we never shot a bullet or dropped a bomb. President carter last night at the jfk library. As the current president rolled out the plan, i sat down with the 39th head of state and drilled down on the commitment and laid out a call to action and violence and power and got the leaders unvarnished take on how the office has changed since he left office. When you look at right now the president rolling out executive action on immigration, was he right to go around congress . Yes. [ applause ] to expand on that, i think he has tried every possible way to get congress to pass a reasonable bill. The senate on a bipartisan basis they overwhelmingly supported the senate version. I think president obama worked as well as he can with the house of representatives. Was he justified in waiting to reveal what he was going to do until after the midterms . My grandson was running for the governor of georgia and i am biased on that sent now although all the democrats lot of all over the nation as you know including the governor in massachusetts. I think from a partisan point of view, he was justified to wait until after the election and mistaken in thinking it would make a difference. In 1977 you sent a letter in proposing ways you would tackle Immigration Reform. You were rebuffed by that congress at that time, but didnt pursue executive action to go around. You said you support president obama doing so. We didnt have nearly the problem we had now and we didnt have the infusion of people across the border. We didnt have 11 million socalled undocumented aliens in this country then. I had a quite harmonious relationship with the congress. Democrats and republicans. I didnt have the polarization that we have now. I think its a different situation. One of the things that the polarized and a product of a dangerous addiction to oil that it would attract and what do you say that the pipeline would have effects like creating jobs. The only jobs they would create is during the construction phase itself. Once you make this big pipe and put it in the ground and cover it up with dirt, thats the end of the jobs. Plauz i think this is the wrong step to take since the United States and china and other countries must move to correct the horrible threat of global warming. What about the argument that is t reduces reliance on foreign sources of oil . We are making Good Progress without canadian oil. We are producing more oil now in our country than we did before with fractioning and so forth. Using a lot more natural gas. We are becoming already much more selfsufficient without the pipeline. Do you think this administration has eroded privacy rights . This one and the one before it, yes. It happens that they have come after 9 11. We have lot of that protection of privacy in our country. Maybe quite often with the approval of the american people. I think we have exaggerated the danger to americans to overemphasize the right of a federal government to intrude on us. When i have a private mess tooj send to a foreign leader who might be unpopular. I will write every now and then to castro and cuba to the president of sudan and leaders in north korea. I handwrite the letter and mail it through the post office. So that it wont be intercept intercepted. Yeah, right. I dont have a doubt that every message is recorded. I understand that officials deny that they read your mail, but they deny that every email sent in this country is recorded. If they want to, they can go back and read it. You dont want them doing that . No,i dont. I dont want my communications to be read. There those who credit Edward Snowden to exposing those changes. Do you think changes against him should be drap dropped . No and he hasnt requested that either. I think what he did has been beneficial to our country, yes. It made americans aware of the i think illegal intrusion on our privacy. Its good for americans to know whats going on. I dont believe there has been any evidence that our own security has been in danger or any foreign operative has been put in danger because of his revelations. If what i just said is incorrect, i would change my mind. Thats why im standing here at this point. Hollywood as we deal with one iconic figure, bill cosby beset by accusations of this type. I dont know anything about that particular case, but i would presume that a prominent and very popular well deserved comedian would have a special influence within the Legal Profession if allegations made against one of his camera men or Something Like that, they would be much more likely to be prosecuted. I dont know enough about that case to comment. Pulling back beyond our borders, you write in the book that in 1948, eight islamic states signed on to the universal declaration of human rights that explicitly talk about gender equality. You say that wouldnt happen today. Why . It would be impossible to pass the universal declaration of human rights. The u. S. Congress wouldnt vote for it. The u. S. Congress wouldnt vote for it . No. Who would strike that down in the congress . Im not going to call names, but for instance, they passed in about 1948. It was passed unanimously, but russia had a caveat that they didnt cent premises that people could imgreat out of a country. They had jews in russia and south africa had a caveat or proviso. They denied the equality of black and white people. In effect, the universal declaration of human rights was adopted. This past summer we watched john kerry fail pretty miserably at bringing israelis and palestinians back to the table. A Sticking Point is a complete refusal to budge on the issue of settlements. This is an issue that you know very well. Why cant we crack that nut . What will it take to change the stakes in that relationship with israel . There is basic International Principals that have never been abandoned and a basic is two states. With the palestinian state and israeli state living next to each other. The other premises is the inviability of the 1967 borders with minor modifications brought about by good faith negotiations. Those two principals are the ones that must be accepted. And they are not accepted at this point. You can bring peace to israel without bringing peace and justice to the palestinians and other neighbors of israel. Thats what i hope can be resurrected. John kerry has done the best he could. I know from experience that you cannot bring the groups that is israel and the palestinians together which means the president of the United States. Hillary clinton in response to the Staggering Number of dozen in gaza a. I think on israel did what it had to do. How does it make you feel about a potential presidency . That concerns me. I said earlier that my main prayer is to bring peaz to israel. You have to do it with justice and fairness to the palestinians. There is not military power between the palestinians and israel. I have been to gaza and every school in gaza was completely destroyed. Including the american school. Every hospital in gas was destroyed. 18,000 homes were destroyed. I think to strike back at thises ailated place, one of the most densely populated places on earth completely enclosed in a ordnance is impenetratable is not an equal chance. Obviously israel has a right. The policy is concerning to him. It wasnt the only time he voiced reservations about a Hillary Clinton presidency. He got another not too subtle hint about his leadership preferences. Would you prefer to see the next generation of democrats in fire brands like Elizabeth Warren or more established like Hillary Clinton. Im not going to choose between those two. I have a great admiration for Elizabeth Warren. E, once when you buy and again as you pay. Its cash back. Then cash back again. 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The good hands are doing more than ever before. Is he at fault for how acrimonious that relationship is . Its basically a relationship that is agendaed by the republicanss refusal to cooperate with him. President carter on the relationship between skpob republicans. Something carter said he didnt have as many issues with in a more bipartisan time. I sat down in a private setting to talk about the midterms and his book on former president on the midterms and the rights of women and girls. I think the primary prejudice we see now is that we dont see now is against girls and women throughout society. I grew up in archery, george. All of my neighbors were africanamericans. I didnt have any white neighbors. At that time we misled ourselves, the white people did, even those critical on the subject who are moderate, like my mother, who always refused to acknowledge racial distinctions, but we didnt do anything about it. And the Supreme Court of the United States and congress and American Bar Association and and the pastors and bishops and the christian church, they all either denied it was going on or ignored it while they would come into our church, small church in georgia, and try to prove by selective script toures in the bible that distinctions between black and white were gods will. White people were inherently superior. Now we use the same scriptures to say in gods eyes, men are superior. In the catholic church, Southern Baptist convention, for instance, women are not permitted to be priests or deeckens in the church. Theyre not afford to hold high office in the church. This signal that the great religious leaders claim that in gods eyes a woman is inferior, gives men who want to abuse women, an excuse, if they want it, to beat their wives or to pay a woman less than pe paid men for the same job or to deprive women of leadership positions. These kind of things go on. And you talk about that so eloquently and at great length in this book, that the roots are indeed, the first roots you referred to when you try to explain why this discrimination against women in religion, and yet you are so deeply religious yourself. How do you square that . Has it ever caused you to doubt, to see religion as a weapon against women . Well, i was a Southern Baptist for 70 years, since my birth. And i was very active in the Southern Baptist convention. My wife and i withdrew our affiliation in the year 2000 when they ordained, by using certain scriptures in the bible, that women were not equal to men, women had to be subservient to their husbands and no longer could a woman be a pastor or deacon or chaplain, and no longer in some Southern Baptist convention seminaries where pastors are instructed, a woman was no longer permitted to teach a classroom if there was a boy student in the class. So, we withdrew. And we have now membership in a small Baptist Church in plains. Weve had a had women pastors and my wife has been a deacon and so forth. So, were still baptist and very committed to our church, but we expressed our disagreement, ill say, in a mild way. Talking about discrimination, you made some news this past month coming out and saying, i pretty much think the states should decide on gay rights, gay marriage. You had said previously about a year prior, this should be a nationwide right to gay marriage. Well, i is that just different fas sets of the same position or no, that statement was really misinterru misinterpreted. I believe in full equality between gays and other people. But i dont believe that the federal government should pals a law that requires my church to perform gay marriages if my church doesnt want to. And so i think that any Baptist Church, every baptist congregation, maybe some others, are fully auto ton mounomous. We decide who will be our pastors, our deacons, what kind of sacraments we observe. I dont think any government, State Government or federal government, should come in and say all churches must perform a gay marriage. I think that should be up to the individual congregation. As far as the government issuing marital rights to people, do you feel those should be equal, as you said . I think so. I think so. With the one exception i just described. Do you see less space for bipartisanship now than when you were in office . Oh, yeah. I had complete bipartisanship. The most difficult proposal that i put to the u. S. Senate was to ratify the panama canal treaty, which was very unpopular. Howard baker who was a republican leader in the senate was fully supportive of what i proposed. In fact, when i asked him to do two or three other things he told me privately, mr. President ,fy vote for you any more, ill never get reelected. Have i to be pretty cautious. But, yeah i had full support from the republicans and democrats, including former president nixon and also former president ford. So, as you look at this sort of turning point where democrats have been routed around the country, looking for the next generation of leadership, would you perform to see that next generation of democratic leadership in sort of populist fire brands as in Elizabeth Warren or the more establishment candidates like a Hillary Clinton . Im not going to choose between those two. I have a great admiration for Elizabeth Warren. Im glad shes going to be elevated to top democratian. I would say i want the future of democrats to be represented, perhaps, by my grandson, jason carter, who run for governor unsuccessfully in georgia. What was that experience like . What experience did you give him before and after that loss . Just tell the truth. Get to know the people you hope to represent as best you can. And he did quite well, you know, considering the republican sweep of america. So, hes hes a future democrat that i hope will prevail. Thank you to president carter for that rare access and his service to the country. Thank you for joining us at home. Sincerely grateful for your time, too. Thats todays r. F. Daily, up next the reid report trr. Big up to you for getting the former president. Big do you koes. We are following reaction to the president s plan on immigration from republicans on capitol hill to the undocumented workers who will be impacted most. Plus, Speaker Boehner threatens to sue the president a reality. And the case have legal standing . We profile medal of freedom recipient the latest alvin a ly. The Holiday Season is here, which means its time for the volkswagen signthendrive event. For practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a germanengineered volkswagen. Like the sporty, advanced new jetta. 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Today on the reid report, immigration action. President obama heads to las vegas to detail his plan to fix our broken immigration laws. While republicans seething over the president s decision to act alone, open up a second front, filing their longthreatened lawsuit over the president S Health Care law. In ferguson, the attorney general calls for calm as anticipation builds in advance of the grand jurys decision. And new trouble for bill cosby. More of his standup shows are canceled as yet another accuser comes forward. We begin in las vegas where in a few hours president obama will follow up on his thursday night remarks with an immigration speech at Del Sol High School where he laid out his principles on immigration two years ago. Introducing him will be astrid silva, the college student, who president obama mention the in his speech thursday night as an example of undocumented person who shouldnt have to live

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