More on that, though, in a moment. Also, tensions were already high between the black community and police in detroit on a hot summer night in 1967. We will take a look at a New Historical thriller out this week telling that story, its called detroit. But we start with the latest in the investigation into russias involvement in the 2016 elections. Joining me now is jason johnson, Political Editor of the root and professor at morgan state university. Jason, a lot of talk this week about leaks, the attorney general going very high profile and aggressive in announcing we are going after the leaks, that this is, quote, a culture of leaks and they wont tolerate it, even suggesting that they wanted to look again at how and what they can do to media people or people in the press that talk to people that provide them with leaks. I mean, what are we looking at here this week and where are we in this investigation . Well, we are looking at the continuing march forward of an attempted authoritarian regime. You know, rev, the only thing that we can be comfortable with as americans is the shear incompetence of this administration that they havent been more effective in implementing the sort of bit by bit destruction of democracy that people like steve bannon are seeking and Jeff Sessions are complicity in attempting to create. The leaks, as to what or how that information got out about President Trump and his conversations, we have absolutely no idea. And the administration has every right to be curious about those things. But they are so hypocritical when it comes to leaks that its hard to take their threats, its hard to take their concerns as anything other than a shadow attempt to suppress the press. When leaks help the Trump Campaign in 2016 he had no problem with it. When leaks now reveal the cracks within his administration and their inability to handle even the most basic of tasks suddenly they are a problem. Its those very same leaks that might lead us to one day understand what role, if any, russia had in implementing this administration and helping it to continue. Those are the two things that cause the most concern to me. One, of course, the hypocrisy because they had no problem with leaks as you clearly stated when it benefited their particular politics and agenda, but secondly, what is being leaked they are not addressing. We are talking about undermining voting in this country and voters with misinformation. And rather than seeming to be concerned that people are being unfairly and right. In many ways duped with misinformation, which should be an outrage to all of us, theyre more worried about who told than what is being told and what may have transpired. And, rev, i will add to that. You know, part of what makes this problematic and russia and then sort of the behavior of this administration in some respects are two different things. Look, mueller put together a grand jury because obviously they think that something wrong has happened, whether it has to do with President Trump himself or has to do with his children or has to do with associates, this investigation has been going on since 2015 so thats going to continue. But this notion of leaks and how they want to connect that to russia, the issue is we already know that the Trump Administration itself has attempted to leak information, false information in the past, and attempt to trap the press. So its extremely troubling that we have an administration that is so incapable of doing the basic running of the government that theyre concerned with beating up the press, putting out some sort of false narrative rather than pushing forth the agenda that the minority of the country that put them into office claims that they want. Pardon me, maybe im mistaken, but isnt this also where there were meetings with people that told them on emails to donald trump junior we will give you information from russians themselves about Hillary Clinton . I mean, and you are going to cry about leaks when you were seeking to meet with people from the adversarial country that promised you information . But why clutter the issue with facts. Thank you, jason johnson. To continue this discussion i want to bring in msnbc political analyst elise jordan, a former adviser to senator rand pauls campaign and columnist for time and of course tara dardell a democratic strategist and former apprentice contestant. Elise, how do we really get all hyped up and all out of ourselves with concern when were being told by people who on the record sought information by leaks from people from russia, whatever other means, that now all of a sudden they want to come down on the culture of leaks . I mean, can we really understand why a lot of American People are saying, well, wait a minute now, you cant have it both ways . Well, its incredibly hypocritical, but are we really surprised . This was the president asked in a press conference last summer, he said, please, give me russia, give me Hillary Clintons missing emails. So really the behavior isnt a surprise at all. What im most interested in was the friday report from the New York Times saying that mueller was looking into former National Security adviser shortest tenure in 24 days mike flynns financial dealings with the turkish government. That is really a Significant Development that they are actually getting documents from the white house and looking into specific wrongdoing. And this investigation is going to go on for a while, but it certainly seems like there is something there given the team that mueller has assembled. Now, tara, the politics of this, clearly we dont know where the investigation will go, you can have long investigations that go nowhere, you can have long investigations that go somewhere. Well see. But the politics of this, we see the president went to west virginia, we see his base being rallied to support him, and a lot of what the attorney general sessions says is really more toward the politics of the base than really having any legal bearing because i dont know what they would do more about trying to find out who the leaks are and how far they could really go in trying to stifle the press in reality. Is this more about just trying to galvanize your base and keep them intact because there has been some erosion in the polls with some of the white male vote that was with President Trump. Well, there are a few things going on. Number one, to your point, Jeff Sessions is playing politics and one of the main reasons is because he had fallen out of Donald Trumps good graces. So he saw this sort of rhetoric around im going to crack down on these leaks as a mechanism or a means to get back into the good graces an audience of one, donald trump. Exactly. What he doesnt want is for donald trump to keep taking shots at him on twitter and diminishing him publicly, which donald trump was doing. As you can see when he announced this sort of crackdown on leaks, when he announced the affirmative action hes going to pursue cases of discrimination against white people, when he announced those things trump responded positively to those. Secondarily to your point, the base. The base wants to hear these things because donald trump has done an amazing job of playing into this sort of victim mentality that many in the base have, that they are the true victims and they are aggrieved and they need to be made whole. So thats number one. The other piece of that is the base really, really you know, responded to anything that was geared towards attacking minorities. So for some in the base, a big part of it is just pure racism, right . Thats what he ran on. Right. At least he ran with dog whistles. You are not doing what you could be doing. You are not living at the level that you could. Your dreams could come true if it wasnt for them. Theyre taking your dogs, theyre coming across the border dealing with the things you should have. It was the birther politics that he emerged from. That is Donald Trumps political mantra is them, they, they, they, those over there, and thats what they played this week. Well, rev, i mean, you certainly know as well as anyone this is not New Territory for donald trump. Absolutely. You look at the 1980s and he took out a full page ad in the New York Times accusing five young men of murder and saying that they should be executed. I mean, this is not someone who has any moral high ground when it comes to just basic issues of human decency. I had marches on his office about that. I think people dont understand, elise, what you just said, and tara, he comes out of a lot of the racial tone of new york. Youve got to study the 80s and 90s in new york to understand the tone that he nationalized. People think the movement was just in the 60s. New york and the Northern Movement is where you got donald trump from learning how to play dog whistles. Ive got to go. Thank you both. Elise jordan and tara dardell. Coming up, marching for justice in our nations capitol, this time religious leaders of all faiths are talking and taking the lead. 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Among those thousand ministers marching joining me now is the reverend k. W. Tullis miss for of the wella Street Baptist Church in los angeles and rabbi jonah pestner director of the religious Action Center of reform judaism. Let me go first to you, rabbi. One of the striking things about 54 years ago when dr. King and others marched is it was inter denominational, it was interracial. You and i talked by phone, i remember as a kid, i was too young to go to the march, i was about nine years old, but as a kid when i did become involved in the movement at 13 i met rabbi Abraham Heshel who marched with dr. King in selma. So when we have this march today raising issues about maintaining the dream across the board, its very important that we do that across denominational, religious and even ethnic lines as you and others are coming on board saying the dream has nothing to do with how one practices their faith, its the moral code that we need to emphasize for the whole country. Thats right, reverend al. Thanks so much for having me. I will be honored to march with you to commemorate the i have a dream speech. What ran lie heshel said when he came back from selma with dr. King was that it was as if he was praying with his legs. So, reverend sharpton, you and i and the other ministers and the imams and the rabbis, we will be marching and praying with our legs. This is not a nostalgia march, we are marching to protect and dee firsthand the dream which for too many dream has become a nightmare with mass incarceration, Voter Suppression, people afraid of losing their healthcare benefits. Its important that we march, but that we march for the dream, getting protected for the future, not just nostalgia for the past. Reverend tullis it is not a nostalgia march because we saw when President Trump came in Office President obama had put the bust of dr. King in the oval office, President Trump said im going to keep the bust in, but im adding winston churchill, but did he put the dream out, because in the dream of dr. King he talked about Voting Rights, which is now under siege, he talked about poverty which we are really clearly dealing with as the rabbi just referred to, and he talked about criminal justice reform, he talked about the idea of healthcare. Dr. King said that in the speech. All of this is in danger right now, so this thousand ministers march is to say, wait a minute, you cant commemorate the dreamer and kill the dream. Youre so right, rev. Again, august 28th countless ministers are coming beyond the walls of the church to really, really focus on the needs of our community. These last seven months has been dismal. Many of our many of the policies that are being proposed are aimed at cutting the cutting down on the backs of our members. And its very important, again, for us as religious leaders to reach out beyond the walls and the press and to make this administration know that our members are at stake. This is why were here. Were there representing our people. We are there to let the folks know that we are there with them and we want this administration to take notice that, hey, this is important. You are messing with peoples lives and we recognize that everything is at stake and thats what we plan to do august 28th. You know, rabbi, when i look at the fact that you referred to mass incarceration, when i look at when we see the continued cases of Police Brutality that all of us support good policing, but that we are not dealing with the bad police as well as the fact that this attorney general has said im even questioning consent decrees, i look at our colleagues in the naacp this week talking about a travel warning for the state of missouri because of any number of situations with black motorists in the state of missouri, and yet in the midst of all of this i look one morning and ministers are in the oval office laying hands on President Trump and praying and saying god bless him and strengthen him in what hes doing without questioning what hes doing. Thats why i think some other faith leaders need to come and say we are not here to condemn the president , but we are here to uplift justice and fairness while yall are blessing this, lets look at what is going on. Thats right. And i would say first of all, as you know, im a proud board member of the naacp, which is the oldest and the largest Civil Rights Organization in america, and with a long history of jewish involvement, and we all ought to be concerned when the naacp state conference in missouri issues a travel warning. This is a state where 75 more likely to be pulled over by Law Enforcement if youre black than if youre white. And, you know, we need to be concerned. We need to be concerned that we have 2. 3 million souls incarcerated in america, more than any other country in the world, and if you are a black man you have a one in three chance of going to prison, whereas if you are a white man you have a 1 in 17 chance. That is an inequality an enduring racism that must be addressed. So when we march on august 28th we are going to be truly marching for that dream and to hold our elected officials accountable, as you said. By the way, i have great hope because we proved over the last few weeks with Healthcare Access when folks across lines of difference, people of faith, muslims, christians, jews, civil rights advocates, healthcare advocates, when they mobilized across the country in all 50 states and put pressure on the United States senate, with he protected and defended Healthcare Access for millions of americans. So we can do this, reverend al. Reverend tullis you have been on the front line with me and others from Staten Island with eric garner case to ferguson to Voting Rights, in selma recommemorating that and fighting these voter id laws, you worked with what i call the coming new guard of National Action network and other legacy organizations. At this point the Critical Issues have not really been tackled by the Faith Community, the faith leaders and weve seen it appear that the evangelicals who are more to the right have spoken for the church. Will august 28th begin to change that and really raise the profile of those in the Faith Community that are more progressive and more in