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Good evening, and welcome to politics nation. Tonights leaned, to the bottom. Race to the bottom. As expected, donald trump extended his Winning Streak in the republican primaries last night in South Carolina. But as he closes in on the gops coronation, the former president is revealing more about his State Of Mind as he contemplates a second term as president , promising more vengeance and retribution to his enemies at a major meeting of conservatives. And the night before, saying his strongest appeal to black voters is a shared cultural comfort with criminality as he faces down four indictments, 91 felony charges. The racist remarks were met with thunderous applause from a gathering of black conservatives. Tonight, ill talk to the author of a new bestselling book on Black Republicans about how the gop went from the party of lincoln to the cult of trump. Meanwhile, the next primary contest is just two days away in the swing state of michigan, where President Biden is trying to mend fences with muslim and arab voters upset over his middle east policy. And democrats are hoping to hang alabamas ruling on ivf squarely around Donald Trumps neck. All of that tonight on politicsnation. Joining me now is congresswoman debbie dingell, thank you for being with us tonight ahead of michigans primary, which is next tuesday. We will get to that shortly. But first, i must ask you. What did you take away from South Carolinas gop primary in which donald trump racked up another win last night . And especially that exit polling finding republican primary voters not just are firmly behind trump as the candidate to defeat President Biden, but two thirds of them still dont believe that biden is legitimately our president. Reverend, first of all, its always good to be with you. Thank you for having me. And quite frankly, what i saw in South Carolina last night continues to worry me and to reinforce my concern that democracy is at stake in this next election. A lot of people are angry. I fear that former President Trump puts us against each other. He tries to divide us. He doesnt try to unite us. We need to remember these famous where its. United we stand, divided we fall. He plays to the worst in people. And i hope that what people understand is at stake is the future of our country. And that were able to talk to many of those voters who did vote that way. We need to get into the union halls, and we need to talk about what former President Trump says but hasnt delivered on, and what President Biden has delivered on. I do have to ask for your reaction to what trump said at the black conservative form in South Carolina, ahead of its gop primary. Lets play this clip. I got indicted for nothing. For something that is nothing. They were doing it because its election interference. And then i got indicted the second time, and a third time, and a fourth time. And a lot of people said, that thats why the black people like me. Because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against. And they actually viewed me as im being discriminated against. Its been pretty amazing. Now, congresswoman, i do not believe for a second that these comments from trump are him trying to ingratiate himself with black voters. He never, in new york, stood up for blacks who were treated wrong. In fact, he called for the Death Penalty of some blacks who ended up being innocent. And he still wont take it back. But i really think that hes playing to the worst assumptions about black people held by some White Conservatives, saying that were criminal by nature, and that we are somehow turned on by mugshots because thats who we are. How do you expect those comments to play with the voters in michigan . Black and white, left and right, ahead of tuesdays primaries in your state . So, reverend, i was offended by those remarks. I want to start their. And for a long time. And i do think first of all, this man has 91 indictments. You dont get 90 in one indictment charges against you if there isnt something there. We do have a problem. I didnt understand it growing up. Ive spent a lot more time in this community, in these communities, where we do have to worry about why people are stopped. And at the same time, i think everybody wants to be safe. But Law Enforcement is taking us this is a tough issue that weve spoken about. Donald trump placed to the western. This is just another example of him trying to divide us. I found this really offensive. Hes taking an issue that has very serious consequences, that we all need to be dealing with, and trying to put progress that weve made taking it backwards. And no, i dont think he had any good intentions with it. And i worry about michigan, in the sense that we do have to encourage everybody there are many communities im concerned about. Im not worried about tuesday. People vote, they dont. This is why we needed an early primary in the state. Were gonna talk about issues that matter in november. But we have to turn out voters in november. And its one group of people that we have to turn out, but we have to turn them out. The young voters, we have to turn out the young americans, we have to turn out women and the africanamerican community. Certainly, you know, congresswoman, i spent decades, most of my life, fighting against Criminal Justice that was unfair to blacks and others. And this, clearly, donald trump, his mugshot was for trying to, in many ways, change an election. Its election interference. People that i have been met by had a mugshot for trying to get the right to vote. He is denying that right. Thats what hes being tried for. Its an insult to anyone that ever fought for Voting Rights. And lets not forget he appointed three judges that voted with two other conservatives to take section two down from the Voting Rights act. It is absolutely offensive. But speaking of michigan primaries where you were, india last part of your statement, on the democratic side, well be watching President Biden showing and former congressman beto orourke came out friday urging democrats in the state to vote on committed as a message to the president over his handling of the israel hamas war. Joining others including congresswoman from michigan rashida tlaib. What are your thoughts on this on committed campaign . So, i have a very different perspective than many do. Ive worked 30 years to have a state that represents trying to bring about change as part of the early primary system. Iowa and New Hampshire do not represent the diversity of this country. And we are talking about issues now that are going to matter in november. And id much rather be talking about them in february, and getting the president s attention, and having him understand the need to talk about these issues than in october 15th. So i come at it from that perspective. Well have to see what i fear, and what i feared does not go into november, is having talked to a lot of people, people are saying theyre just gonna stay home, theyre not gonna vote this year. Thats not okay either. I think the listen to Michigan Campaign is trying to tell the president , make really worried about the humanitarian situation in gaza. I could go on about it. And weve got to find a solution that brings a cease fire. Temporary ceasefire now, and i will say that his white house has conversations now, ongoing with the Senior Leadership of this community that i think are very, very important and critical. The Alabama Supreme Court ruling that forced hospitals to pause Ivf Procedures has left republicans scrambling to take positions on the issue. Donald trump just came out in support of ivf. But he also takes credit for overturning roe v. Wade, which set the stage for what we are seeing in alabama, with democrats looking to use the Abortion Issue to drive turnout in november. How can they make sure he doesnt get away with that . We have to be very clear. Im one of those women that desperately wanted to get pregnant and could not. And no one can understand how that feels, or what youre going through. And it is a former President Trumps Supreme Court that overturned roe v. Wade. In my state, women thought that they protected their personal Health Care Decisions on the ballot two years ago. And they dont understand that if we reelect this man, there are conversations better between them, their doctor, and their fate, if they want it, and their family, if they wanted. But the federal government does not belong in making that decision. And secondly, these republicans who will not stand for the right for women to make our own Health Care Decisions are racing to say they support ivf because they know how emotional it is for women like me. And its a sham when they say it, because they are not letting a woman make her other personal Health Care Decisions. These are tough, hard decisions sometimes. But they are not where the federal government or a State Government belong. Its a womans decision. She has a right to make her own womens Health Care Decisions. Thank, you congresswoman dingell, for being with us tonight. Lets turn out to tonights political panel. Rick tyler, a republican strategist, and daniel moodie, host of woke af daily podcast. We are, on the heels of Donald Trumps South Carolina primary when, a growing number of his aides and allies want him to pivot from talking about his personal grievances, and start targeting President Biden and unifying the Republican Party, as hes there likely nominee heading into the general election. Weve seen trump get similar advice before. Do you think theres any chance he can stay on message . You know as well as i do, rev, no. He cant stay on message. Its all about him. Its always been about him. And he is, by all accounts, incumbent for the republicans. Thats why its very difficult to dislodge him. We havent had a president who lost his seat and then run again for 100 years. And so, they do see him as the incumbent. Which is why hes getting these high numbers. But hes one of the weakest incumbents ever. Nikki haley took 40 of the republican vote in South Carolina, and ill just note that biden took 96 of the democratic vote. So he is a very weak candidate, because 40 of republicans voted for someone else, or wanted someone else. He has no capability of bringing those people back into the fold. Its not in his nature, he wont do it, its a political skill that but good politicians have, which is after theyve won, they need to bring in the people they defeated. And donald trump is not the one to do that. Danielle, the focus now shifts to michigans primary on tuesday. Donald trump and President Biden are expected to win their races. But we could learn a lot from how they come out on top. Trump will once again have to be convincingly while biden may face a rebuke from voters who choose to vote on committed. What could the results of tuesdays election tell us about how the state may lean in november . I mean, i think its important for the Biden Campaign to Pay Attention to the people of michigan, right . Who are saying that they want a ceasefire, they want humanitarian aid to enter into gaza, and they dont want their tax dollars to be funding what theyre seeing play out on social media every single day. So it is a very Large Population of muslim americans. But on top of that, weve seen several articles come out in ads by the black church as well, calling for a ceasefire. So i think that this is gonna be very indicative and an ally for this campaign to understand that it isnt just domestic issues that people are paying attention to in this election. They are also holding to account how we are dealing with the israel situation. Rick, Nikki Haley Says she staying in the race through super tuesday. As she looks ahead, what should her message be . Well, she should stay in the race. Because theres a large number of republicans who are dissatisfied with donald trump being the nominee. And as long as she has enough money to keep Going Forward and enough support, she should stay in the race as the alternative. If i might just say, on the michigan i think it is incumbent on every freedom loving muslim to call for hamas, who is the root cause of the problem in gaza, to lay down their arms. Not only should freedom loving muslims do that. Biden should do, that the u. N. Should do that. Why is it done combined on the israelis, who were attacked, to lay down their arms . The terrorist organization that committed all the atrocities in october. So i think biden could have a very strong message about that. But he hasnt done it. Danya, let me ask this. Lawmakers returned to washington this week. Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer is out with a letter to colleagues tonight seeing republicans in the house need more time to work out a Spending Deal to avert the partial Government Shutdown on march the 1st. Meanwhile, the house has yet to vote on the Military Aid Packages for ukraine and israel, which passed the Senate Nearly two weeks ago. And in the senate, some republicans are demanding a trial of Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas On His February 14th has some peach mint charges. How do you expect this week to go . I expect us to see the same circus in the house that we have been seeing, right . And what republicans in the house are doing with their inability to pass any type of legislation, right . With their inability to provide aid to ukraine, as we are seeing more deaths of soldiers in ukraine happen as a result of them not friend of the Republican Party. So i think we are seeing once again who the Republican Party is. Theyre not a party that believes in Upholding Democracy In Fighting For democracy. And as it pertains to the larger bill, this is an less able to get the rapid republicans in that house in order. And we have yet to see that happen, we have. Im out of time. But rick, do you think were gonna see a shutdown . I think will avoid the shutdown. But the message going into november. All right, rick tyler, danielle moodie, thank you both for being with us. Coming up in this weeks gotcha, a glimpse at what a second Trump Presidency would really look like. A hint its not pretty. Not. Aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. Search one and done. My frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. For one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. As the world keeps moving, help prevent covid19 from breaking your momentum. You may have already been vaccinated against the flu, but dont forget this seasons updated covid19 shot too. After advil lets dive in but. What about your back . Its fineeeeeeee [splash] before advil Advil Dual Action fights pain two ways. 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The prospect of a Second Trump Administration is becoming more real, and we dont have to wonder what it would be like. Because trump and his allies are telling us exactly what to expect if we are listening to them carefully. For example, theyve been telling us to overturn the overturn of roe versus wade was just the beginning. The New York Times reports trump has been talking in private about a 16week abortion ban, though he denies it publicly. Think tanks close to trump are hoping to push Christian Nationalism in a second trump term, targeting contraception, same sex marriage, and even divorce. Theyve told us they want to push our Immigration System to the brink. President biden has pushed for a bipartisan compromise. The trump vision calls from mass deportations, migrant encampments, and military troops massed at the southern border. And trump has been telling us repeatedly that loyalty to him would be the only currency in a second term. Our nato allies could see long standing partnerships abandoned, while brutal dictators are embraced. Even members of trumps conservative base where he could become too consumed by a first for retribution to advance their policy goals as we focus on the problems of today. It can be easy to forget about the chaos of the first trump administration, a presidency that was born in scandal and ended in insurrection. But Pay Attention to this. Trump and his closest advisers say the first term wasnt merely radical enough, and making their plans for a Second Administration thats even more ruthlessly effective. They are hoping only their supporters are paying attention. But many of us are listening, and listening closely. Listeni and listening closely. The United States Postal Service built for how you business. This isnt charmin no wonder i dont feel as clean. Heres Charmin Ultra Strong. 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We need to build more housing thats truly affordable. We need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. We need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. This, this is why im running for the us senate. Im adam schiff and i approve this message. Rsv is out there. For those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. Arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. Arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. Those with weakened Immune Systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. The most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. I chose arexvy. Rsv . Make it arexvy. Welcome back to politicsnation. Republicans across the country are scrambling to reassure voters they will protect in vitro fertilization after the Alabama Supreme Court handed down a decision last week jeopardizing the procedure in that state, and perhaps beyond. After the ruling declared frozen embryos qualify as children. Former President Trump is urging State Lawmakers to find a solution to preserve ivf. Democrats and Biden Administration officials argue trump created the problem in the first place. Joining me now is Alexis Mcgill johnson, president and ceo of planned parenthood. Thank you for joining me today, alexis. Let me go right ahead. Vice president Kamala Harris made her first ever appearance on the Biden Campaign tiktok page thursday to talk about the alabama ruling. Take a listen. Well. Okay. How did this happen . And i would say, ask whos to blame. And alliance to that question. When you look at the fact that the previous United States was clear in his intention to hand pick three Supreme Court justices overturned the protections of roe v. Wade. And he did it. And thats what got us to this point today. Can you elaborate on how the trump administrations packing of the Supreme Court with extreme right wing conservatives has led to this situation where ivf is under threat in the state of alabama . Well, absolutely, rev. Look, the Dobbs Decision didnt just limit access to abortion. It made pregnancy outcomes more dangerous. And now, were seeing these threats to ivf, and we said this was coming. Together, what these decisions do is not only take away, deny the freedoms of us to decide whether and when to become parents. They also are announcing how we become parents. Right . You follow their logic, right . They have inserted themselves in the private medical decisions related to Reproductive Health care like abortion. Why wouldnt they be able to do the same with ivf . Reproductive health care is all of it. So where does the boundary stop . Contraception, emergency contraception, pregnancy, miscarriage, ivf, and abortion. They have always forecast they are coming for all of these things. We shouldnt be surprised that this judge who relied a lot on his own christian beliefs really spoke very clearly about what the true intent is here with ivf. Trumps own favored Kellyanne Conway shows polls including 78 of abortion opponents, and 83 of evangelicals. Republicans in alabama are trying to come up with a legislative fix for this ruling as we speak. But the question is, can we trust them to protect Reproductive Rights . The republican track record says they will continue to push for more restrictions. I think thats absolutely right. Look, this is a political response because theyre losing politically at every turn, when americans have had the opportunity to vote on reproductive freedom, weve won. Because people, it turns out, do not like their rights and fundamental freedoms being taken away. So they are trying to find a legislative efforts and political efforts to really cover up what the true substance of their values says, and the implication of that on policy. I think they thought they would be able to continue controlling their base. They would be able to continue controlling their constituencies by delivering them these justices and judges that are completely hostile to reproductive freedom. And what were seeing now is that the bases controlling them, and theyre falling even further out of lockstep. I want to remind you also, rev, this isnt just the three Supreme Court justices that trump appointed to the Supreme Court. Right . This is also the federal judiciary that is also filled with many judges, including judge sarah pitlick, in missouri, the Federal District court judge who said expressly during her, you know, in her own writings, that she did not believe believe in ivf or surrogacy. She thought it was demeaning to women. Theyre scrambling because they know that politically, they cannot win. Now, we mentioned our previous segment, the gotcha segment idea, that trumps allies are hoping to push a christian nationalist agenda in a second term, should they get one. Going after not only abortion contraception, same sex marriage, and even to voiceless. How concerned should voters be about this . I think we should be very concerned,. You and i are both christian. I think we should be concerned as christians. Because we understand the fundamental difference between being a christian and being a christian nationalist. We can love our faith, we can love the lloyd, and we can also recognize that our faith should not be used to impose our beliefs on everyone by governmental overreach, by infiltrating into our private medical decisions. And so, their willingness to rely i can, if you just read the judges opinion in alabama, we should be alarmed by the fact that Belief Structure that is higher than that. They are really going counter to the fact that the constitution of these United States was designed explicitly to separate church and state. And so, i think, as we mentioned, reproductive freedom, no fault disorder, all of these things that are gonna be not about the values, even, really, theyre about further building up power and control. That should really be terrifying for any of us who have come through that previous administration. And theyre clear when they want to go buy the bible, they mean they want to go by their Interpretation Of The Bible. All christians should not relax on that, because their Interpretation Of The Bible is much different than mine, and i preached this morning and Bethany Baptist church, and you are a christian. But let me go to this. The Chief Justice in the ivf Alabama Supreme Court decision eroded concurrent opinion defending his position heavily citing from christians scripture and theology, as i was referring to. He has also openly criticized other judges for not considering religion in their rulings, and has expressed support for the theory known as the seven mountain mandate, which calls for conservative christians to run the government and broadly influenced american life. Republicans have actively been planning similarly minded justices throughout the country, potentially affecting cases around reproductive freedoms for decades in the future. What account of this . Were already seeing, right . We know it doesnt end in alabama. Just in 2024 alone, weve seen 38 bills. Using socalled personhood language that have been proposed bills that could allow similar wrongful death claims similar to the law used in the alabama decision. And so, the counter to that, right . Is the counter to what we will be talking about all year long, right . Which is about how we need to vote these people out. We cannot accept living in a world where our fundamental freedoms are continued to be chipped away by, you know, religious zealots who care nothing about, you know, the families and the communities that they are setting loss for. They care nothing for i think about those parents in alabama right now, right . He spent Tens Of Thousands of dollars. Theyve gone through, you know, physiological challenges, emotional challenges, financial challenges, just for the right to become extend their family. And that can just be taken away by a christian nationalist judge. So we have to kind of get those stories out and tell people whats at stake so they understand going into 24 all of this is on the line. And make it clear were not antichristian. We are antiany religion dominating what is legally fair to everyone. And clearly, those that interpret scripture their way, i can hear them now saying to us, servant, obey or master. Thats in the bible to, if you interpret it their way, that could be very dangerous. Alexis mcgill johnson, president of planned parenthood, thank you for being with us. Just ahead, despite its push to rollback civil rights on nearly every front, black conservatives have struck by the Republican Party. Im talking with the author of a new book exploring why after the break. Exploring why after the break. You wayfaird your whole bathroom . even the vanity when i wayfair, i wayfair ya know . Oh i know. This is nice. Another wayfair day you know it. New couch in just two days the wayfair word is out. 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But scott is not the only high profile black republican to embrace trump. Despite his laundry list of racist statements over the last nine years, with some of the most deplorable comments having come out of this weekends black conservative form in South Carolina. And a new book examines how and why some black conservatives continue to align themselves with the Republican Party that is tilted further to the right on everything, racial progress included. Joining me now is clay cain, author of the grift. The downward spiral of Black Republicans from the party of lincoln to the cult of trump. Its nice to finally have you on the show. Congratulations on the grift becoming a New York Times bestseller. I make it a point not to question the sincerity of Black Republicans, and how they identify politically. Thats the right is american voters. And i knew some Black Republicans. I knew arthur fletcher, who is the author of Affirmative Action under nixon, who was nothing like these people now. But certain black conservatives in the trump era have tested the limits of my understanding. Like the ones who clapped for this at this weekends conference in South Carolina. Take a listen. The black people are so much on my side now because they see whats happening to me happens to them. My mugshot, weve all seen the mugshot, and you know who embraced it more than anybody else . The black population. Its incredible. You see, black people Walking Around with my mugshot. Im being indicted for you, the black population. Hes being indicted for us, by trying to undermine black voters in georgia. Thats one of the indictments. Clay, how do Black Republicans here that and still for this man, unless its exactly what you call in your book . A grift . You know, really, its heartbreaking. The original Black Republicans, they are rolling in their graves. The original Black Republicans where the first progressives in this country. Today is the anniversary of the first black man in the United States senate being seated. He was a black republican. What we see now, it has evolved into anything for access to power. It is devolved into hurting and shame in your own community with the hope that youll get a congressional seat. Youll get funded by a conservative organization. And you bring up arthur fletcher, who i highlight in my book. The author of the Affirmative Action. Not only would after fletcher be mortified, but so would colin powell. So with senator edward brook. Whats most shameful about those words from trump, is that there werent black conservatives in that room who didnt walk out. He said, this is disgusting. Because it shows you what trump not only thinks about black voters, but about black conservatives. Its heartbreaking, its shameful, and if they knew anything about black conservatives or Black Republicans, they would immediately denounce this hateful, despicable, a historical comments. But we have to also call out they enable him. The lies. You have senator tim scott, he said that trump gave more money to hbcus than any other president. Thats a lie. At that very conference, someone said trump got 20 of the black vote. Thats a lie. But where you find a lie, you often finns find a check. Since his own failed 2020 campaign, tim scott, who you just mentioned, hes played up his relationship with donald trump. He ran against him, but since it failed, hes now played up this great relationship endorsing trump over nikki haley, despite her appointing scott to the senate heat seat hes in. And then that was the senators i love you moment with trump after he won New Hampshire gop primary. It seems that paid off, as top has grown that hes on the list for trumps vp. Your thoughts on Scott Becoming Trump Resident black guy . Resident black guy. Good way to put it. My thoughts, ive said it before, that trump that tim scott would show the loyalty that trump pence didnt. Hes campaigning better for it trump than he did in his own run for our president. And heres what bothers me, reverend sharpton. He provides a particular racial cover. As you know, reverend, he wasnt always like this. He is really involved, devolved, i should say, over the years. This is somebody who went down to the anniversary of bloody sunday, where john lewis had a skull fractured, yet he votes against the voting right act. This is somebody who guided the george floyd policing act, who denies there is some stomach racism. Hes not trying to appeal to black voters. Hes trying to appeal to some, not all, White Conservative voters, you make someone like tim scott feel better about the southern strategy tactics. And i think the biggest proof is how credible Black Republicans, like colin powell, like i said, michael steele, will hurd, another great example in texas theyve been pushed out of the party to make room for these grifters, or people whove turned to grifters, as i laid out in the book. Listen to this, clay. Where from trump at that black gop form this weekend. Best way for people to understand him is let him speak. Listen to this. Joe biden really has proven to be a very nasty and vicious racist. Hes been a racist. Whether you like it or dont like it, i happen not to like it. Most of the people in this room happened to not like it. And if somebody does like it, theyre not supposed to be here. Biden spent years piling around with notorious segregationists. Notorious segregationists. Biden was the Vice President to the only black president weve had so far, and biden has said the crime bill he was part of with clinton did go too far, and has fought i was in the room when obama was president , fought to do things around policing and other things. Trump has been found to discriminate in housing by the Justice Department himself. Not talking about who he hung out with, im talking about him. The Biden Campaign tim has dignified trumps claims here with an official response. But we know theyre troubled by polling showing the president to have lost ground with some black voters, particularly black men. Hes not expected that trump would do better. But even a slight boost in his 2020 numbers shun large black populations like michigan. How does the president prevent that with eight months left to go . Reverend sharpton, i think he has to do better in messaging. You have to speak directly to black communities. Speak to black leaders like yourself. But i want to also say, folks might think im being too optimistic here, but i have more faith and black voters than that. Trump is showing us exactly who he is. He got less of a share of the Blackmail Vote in 2020 than he did in 2016. Im on the radio three hours a day, five days a week, talking to black voters every single day, and what im hearing is the opposite of what the polls are out there. I can recall this time, during obamas presidency, in his first term, they said, obamas bombing with the black vote. Im not saying there isnt work to be done, but i think its a comfortable narrative that it can result in some accidental maybe not even accidental. Voter suppression, or Voter Suppression within media. So i hope i want to see more outreach, but i feel like black voters are informed and they see exactly who he is. And i will tell you this. If tim scott does come the Vice President ial pick, that will incentivize black voters the way black voters were incentivized in georgia with herschel walker. I think im on radio as well five days a week i dont hear from black voters. Author klay cain, again, congratulations on the book, hitting the bestsellers left. Thanks for being with us. Up next, my final thoughts. Stay with us. Final thoughts. Stay with us. On s updated covid19 shot too. start your day with nature made. The 1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. Its hard to explain what this feels like. Moving piles of earth. Towing up to 4,000 lbs. Cutting millions of blades of grass. Nothing compares to experiencing it for yourself. You just have to get in the seat. What is cirkul . Cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. Cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. Cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. Cirkul, available at walmart and drinkcirkul. Com. I repeat the insult of saying that black voters would, in some way, be enticed to support him because he had a mugshot, like all of us are criminals, or to say that because he has four indictments, one of which, or really two of which, both georgia and the federal trying to rob outings, when we had to fight, people were bloodied, beaten and killed and one person, one of his supporters, Got On Fox News saying blacks love him because of the so let me get this right. He didnt support George Floyd Justice and policing act, but he did was supposed to go first sneakers and a mugshot . And those blacks that are standing there with him, have you no shame . That does it for me. Thanks for watching. Ill see you back here next weekend at five pm eastern. Up next, Jonathan Capehart talks to former republican president ial candidates Asa Hutchinson about Donald Trumps march to the nomination, and the damage he says trump could do if elected again. 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