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Tomorrow. And while trump was on the Campaign Trail this weekend claiming that he is being lauded by the justice system. I just preached to funerals just one day apart. Both of them, Black Americans who died violently, needlessly, and senselessly at the barrel of a gun. Our nations Mental Health crisis playing a role in one of those killings, our numbness to Anti Black Violence Playing A Role in the dissipating Media Coverage of the other. I will explain my frustration with both, in tonights rise up. And with the eyes of the nation here on Fulton County, georgia. I will talk to the chair of its Reparations Task force. A few days after its first public meeting. She will unpacked the history. The push forward and the push back against preparative justice in the peach states blacks county. As the topic of Reparation Rears nationally ahead of the 2024 season. Joining me now though, is congressman roy connor, he is a democrat of california. Congressman, thank you for joining us tonight. Congressman, to work this week after a Summer Recess amid several harrowing challenges facing the nation right now. Probably paying the looming fight over Government Funding and the threat of a shutdown at the end of the month, if both chambers cannot agree. A course in the house, that conversation is with a push from some hard right house republicans. Not to reach an accord without a formal vote to impeach President Biden. And that same, On Trump Conservative Ring is calling for additional spending cuts. That centrist Republicans Ward may impede a deal to avert a shut out. And on top of all of that, we are about to enter the election here. How do democrats, returning to capitol hill, cut through all of the growing noise and actually legislate during these crucial, september weeks. Congressman . Reverend, it is very frustrating. Because President Biden had a deal with Speaker Mccarthy to avoid this kind of shut down. Some of us warned that mccarthy would not keep his deal. What is at stake, it is funding for childcare, 70,007 are for childcare. Funding for Social Security, if youre calling for your Social Security check in on hold for 30 minutes. That funding is at stake. Funding for food stamps, and what mccarthys folks are saying is unless you impeach the president. Unless you cut funding from ukraine we are not going to keep the word we made with joe biden just a few months ago and that is just not how Washington Heights ever operated, but there is an extremism in the Republican Party that makes this all unpredictable. So, what do you think the millions of americans, literally millions that are impacted by these cuts that you just named. The various things that would be impacted and affected by this. Do you think that they understand that they are put on a block to be sacrificed in terms of some of the services, and resources that they need to play politics with a few of the far right wing members of the house that want to have Impeachment Process for President Biden that most people, republican and democratic, wont go anywhere . Reverend, i think we have to make that clear. They understand what is at stake. This is food stamps for prices that have gone up. This is rental assistance, this is maintaining your Social Security check. But what they need to understand is this is not an order or negotiation where democrats compromise, republicans compromise, that negotiation already took place. It was with joe biden and kevin mccarthy. There were progressives like me who were upset at the cuts that the president agreed to but that took place. There was a deal and now the republican extreme is saying that we dont want to honor that deal unless kevin mccarthy, you vote to impeach joe biden and start an inquiry. Unless you agreed to cut ukraine funding. They are holding hostage kevin mccarthy, from living up to the deal that he made with joe biden. The deal that was already made. Let me go to this, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced last week that she will seek reelection and the San Francisco district. The Spelling Talks of retirement at her age of 83. At the same time, Senate Minority leader Mitch Mcconnell all is facing calls from hard right members of the gop caucus to step down after freezing up in a pair of recent press conferences. And of course republicans and even some democrats have been hounding President Biden over his age. Some democrats fretful that it is a liability with voters ahead of 2024. As a party tries to went back the house while holding on to the senate, and the white house, with that in mind, is there any validity or good faith to the concern that our top Legal Leaders are too old to be with the best parts of the stewards of the nation right now . I think you have to look at everything on a case by case basis. I can tell you what speaker pelosi, it is hard to keep up with her. I have traveled with her overseas. She keeps as schedule starting at seven in the morning, and then at 11 pm. And anyone who knows nancy pelosi, even her critics, acknowledge her energy and her passion. And she is mentoring a lot of young lawmakers in the house while staying away from getting in the hair of leadership. I am glad we are going to continue to have her voice. And President Biden is energetic to. You go to events. He is on top of the issues, he is conversing. Now i do think it is important that we get young people in real positions of leadership. Not to say just that they are the future. But have people in their twenties and 30s a point. It may be the president ial put someone in their twenties and 30s and a Cabinet Position on issues of importance to youth. So i think it is important that we bring up young people as we go into 2024. As last weekend we had republican president ial candidate, vivek ramaswamy, here on the show. He is one of the prayers in that gop Primary Field who said that they would at least consider pardoning donald trump if convicted over his many standing indictments. A case he made here on the show last week and last week on the heels of former proud boys leader, when rico, Enrique Torino of being criminally cents to 22 years for his role in the insurrection. Ramaswamy called sedation convictions, that some of their insurrections are receiving recently, quote, rob. Suggested that they were being treated more harshly than members of the antifa, or black lives matter engaged in civil disobedience. But i want to stress that ramaswamy is not the only gop candidate expressing these sympathy for insurrectionists. Your thoughts on this Matter Congressman . Because i do not know how you compare the two but, your thoughts . Reverend what makes what vivek is doing so dangerous, is his ignorance. He is not the only candidate that is saying that we should have sympathy for the proud boys who were there on january 6th. But he is the only candidate calling it peaceful, of nonviolent protests and in doing that he is invoking the legacy of god being k and carrying a moral stain on that. I just wish he would read what we [inaudible] wrote about [inaudible] which is not violent protests. He coined the term meaning first and adherence to truth, and it here is the moral principle. These people have no adherence the truth. Secondly, if you read gandhi and ken, they believe you have to live up to the laws. And had a duty to follow the laws before you could have an engagement, or say the law was unjust. These people have had criminal background. Have had no reverence for our laws. So it is such a stay into the history. What he is doing, and it is really frustrating and someone who is unamerican and has grown up honoring gandhi. And putting him in the same sentence of people who are going to commit violence at the capitol. And to conflate the two. It is outrageous. As a young activist, jordan king moving in the north as a Teenager We Study [inaudible] by gandhi, and of course dr. King. And we were all ursula told if you do violate the law that you think is an unjust law, and weve done, that ive done as much as three months in jail for nonviolent protests. I did not ask anybody to distort. That we didnt know that we were doing. But we for vivek ramaswamy, before you go. I want to ask you this congressman. After the first republican primary debate last month in which the candidate crib the line from former president barack obama about being quote, a skinny guy with a funny name. You took to acts, formerly known as twitter, writing quote, somewhere barack obama must be smiling, that a 38yearold son of immigrants running to the right of trumps craving from him. Obamas mansion for multigenerational democracy is seeping into our politics, despite the intense backlash. A slow, but satisfying vindication. Can you tell us briefly, in an amount of time, but i have to bring that up. What was it about ramaswamy land that you took such issue with . First of all, hes copying the great brock obama. Imitating him, an invitation is a sincerest form of flattery. Secondly, as a Hindu American Running and a republican primary. And that fact i think is only possible because of what barack obama did in opening the imagination of people to different parts of leadership. I reject what vivek is doing with his platform. In just distorting gandhi and kings legacy and giving voice to the proud boys, and defending them, and calling Climate Change a hoax. I think i wish he would acknowledge the death of people like obama, king, gandhi, and others who make it possible for him. And the civil rights movement, without which, his parents wouldnt have been arrived in the country. Like mine where. So his an acknowledgment to get to the civil rights movement, and use this platform, which hes gotten on the shoulders of so many others to push him. Its just disappointing. Thank you for being with us congressman. Switching coverage now to the issue of reparations. Joining me now is because chic saying alvarado. Chair of the georgia county task force. Doctor, first of all, thank you for joining us tonight. Fulton county has picked up the baton of reparations that several cities have run with in the last four years. Your task force is holding its first inperson meeting last week. In the interview that you gave to local news in atlanta, you said that among the factors that have impacted Fulton Countys black residents. The task force would be looking at slavery, it minetto nadine, and also convict labor. And at the center of the Task Force Work is an empirical study on how black descendants of slaves have suffered from those inequities and others overtime. Along with a Feasibility Study that will take public input, and recommendations into account, ahead of your final report in october of next year. Now you are an Assistant Professor at Africana Studies at Morehouse College there. And atlanta. You hold a ph. D. In history from Georgia State university, with that background, what is unique about Fulton County about atlanta, that drove you and the task force to take up this work . Thank you for having made shedding light on the work that task force has been doing. It was actually formed last year in april 2021, in response to l. A. County, the supervisors of the county investigating the return of land to the family and its errors. It was taken away in the 1920s. So in response to that the faulty County Commissioners particularly the commissioner marvin errington jr. He sponsored a revolution and it was actually coal offered or corps sponsored by Nathalie Hall to create the very first county led, the first, let me get this right because it is important. The first county led Reparation Task force in the former confederacy. And so that is so important. When we begin to look at the history of slavery, urban grenoble, and the united states. And considering our History Of Atlanta being the epicenter of the civil rights movement, it is only fitting for Fulton County to actually begin this initiative. So i am glad that the commission was actually, took it upon himself to form and. It was actually supported by four commissioners out of seven. And it began initially with only four Task Force Members being added on to this initiative. And gradually we post for the County Commissioners to add to representatives pro district. And that we have our numbers up to nine. So it is been. Let me pause right there. Because i dont have to tell you that as recently as a decade ago, the idea of reparations for Black Americans was considered a political nonstarter. Yet in the last four years, starting with the chicago starter. Evidence to several cities and most conspicuously the state of california, have at least considered comparative judge says for black residents. But californias legislature currently looking for proposals from the states Reparations Task force. Which we feature here on the show. Several times in fact. Did your task force take anything from the work that has been done in california or evanston, in other cities that have moved in this direction . Almost definitely. They were definitely inspired by its. And i am glad that you mentioned that before. Reparations, you know, he would say it under your breath. And people use other words to describe reparations. Even in the 1960s for dr. King he use the word guaranteed income. But it still means reparations. And so it has gained traction. And what were hoping to do with our task force is actually creating a blueprint for another County Commissioners to actually create a task force so one can actually go online to actually look at the reports that we recreated. It leaves out a blueprint of how to establish a task force. Talking about the task force, the task force has already begun with pushback over the summer. A County Commissioner allege that you had her appointed to the task force, from speaking to media. An allegation you and the democratic chair of the board of commissioners has clarified is untrue. But that same board chair, is the one being against reparations himself. What is your response . Right, there was a little bit of and tension about who should have priority in speaking. As you understand with any civil rights organization, that you must have structure. So it was clearly understood that the chair and the vice chair, myself in my coleman. With actually service the natural leaders and responding to the press. We have actually been the longest members of the task force, and those who spoke out of turn is, that individual wasnt familiar with the history of the task force what. We simply wanted to do was for all our Task Force Members, when they are presented to speak before the president they have the proper knowledge that is needed to respond to questions. As you, know individuals are going to be tripped up and the words can be taken out of contests. We but they want to make sure that all our taken out of context can trip up the whole goal of what youre trying to do. One way or another. Now without asking too much on your political views on Fulton County with commissioner fondly luiss racketeering with donald trump. I wonder what its like doing this work in the midst of the nations i being on Fulton County. And i would be remiss if i knew the Ratio Aspects of play. The threats to fanni willis and her staff. They attempt by trump and her alleged coconspirators in validate the will of black voters in georgia. And specifically his most populous, and population wise, his blackest county. Is any of that on your mind as you conduct this task force . One of the things that we are actually looking at, with the task force we can only look at those areas that fall under the purview of the county. And one of those things actually consists of voting. So this voting, health care, property taxes, libraries, of course that falls under the purview of the county. But we know that Fulton County residents have been disenfranchised during the years of jim crow. And in fact in our studies we may actually find that more individuals had a greater chance of voting during the years of reconstruction and, then up to the case of smith versus altright, or king Versus Georgia in the primary election. So the history of voter fraud is nothing new. So we are familiar with all of this so. We are prepared to deal with it. Doctor karcheik simsalvarado, thank you for being with us. After the break, the true cost of ignoring the nations rising hate crime rates, and why it is simply too high of a price to pay. And new polling shows President Biden is losing support among key demographics, who helped to get him in the white house. What it could take to get those voters back on his side. All of that is coming up. But first, my colleague, richard louis, with todays other top news stories. Richard . Reverend, thank you for that. An update on that breaking story in north africa. That death toll in morocco has increased to more than 2100 people as of today. It is expected to still rise. 2400 people were injured, with a major shortage of ambulance and rescue vehicles. Amidst a major aftershock. The rescue teams there were scrambling to dig out people buried in the rubble day to. The homes were damaged. So many were forced to sleep outside in the streets for a second night. The u. N. Estimated over 300,000 were affected by this. 6. 8 magnitude quake. The u. S. Embassy saying a small number of americans were injured there. And search for a convicted murder in pennsylvania, he eluded authorities after a scathing jail over a week and a half a bore. Police reporting today that the escapee stole out 2020 wide for transit ban. He was spotted overnight, 25 miles from his own. He also has a new appearance, whether she even beard and mustache. More politics nation, with Reverend Al Sharpton after this break. Hi break. With Fewer Medicines. Thats why i switched to dovato. Dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. 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Now you can stream all your games like its nothing. Yes [ cheers ] yeah woho running up and down that field looks tough. Its a pitch. Get way more into what youre into in my capacity as president s when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. Of the National Action network, our eulogize to people just one day apart last week. A devoted mother of three, and grandmother, as well as a beloved son. Both lost their lives to that violence in separate incidents at the age of 52. I use these opportunities to speak to a host of issues including Excessive Police force. A rise in hate crimes and Mental Health awareness. This was part of my message to angela carrs family on friday. As well as the families of aj and daryl galley on. The three victims killed when a racist gunman opened fire on a jacksonville with dollar store. The issue is that this woman, and her father, the sea of ladies father, and the other third person we, we had funerals who deals with their life and we should we had. But we also had a deal with what killed them. We yes, this man had to have a mental problem, thats mental people should not be able to ease get military style weapons. Angela carr was simply dropping off a number of passengers before being shot 11 times, the severity of her fatal injuries including gunshots to the face, led the family to decide against an open casket. And yesterday i eulogized Andrew Jerome washington the third. A jersey city man shot and killed by the police after his family sought medical assistance, while he was experiencing a Mental Health crisis at home. The officers were called by the paramedics and washington was fatally shot after he allegedly brandished a knife. Despite the families plead not to use deadly force. The deaths brought to light some reoccurring challenges in our society. I do not want us to hear about what these history of incidents and think that they are one offs. To rise up, and call of these issues for what they, are senseless, more, than one in five people shot and killed by police have mental illnesses, according to a Washington Post database of fatal u. S. Shootings by armed duty police officers. And then a report from center for the study of hate and extremism at California State University found that hate crimes in 2022. By an average of 22 , and most of the countrys ten largest cities. It marks the second year in a row that overall average numbers of these crimes have gone up. And it tracks with fbi data released earlier this year, which showed a 35 spike in hate crimes in 2021. With the majority of the victims reportedly targeted because of the race, or ethnicity. We Must Stand Firm to ensure that these issues are addressed. Until we rally together, across all lines, to look after the communities most impacted. This will continue to be a reoccurring problem. It is on us to make a change. We must rise up. We will be right back. 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Michael hardaway, a democratic strategist and former staffer at the House Minority leader, jeffries and senator durbin. And brandon buck, an msnbc political analyst and former Press Secretary of the house, to former House Speaker john boehner. Michael, a new cnn poll shows President Biden is facing low Approval Ratings, including from his own party. And his job Approval Rating has dropped to 39 , and some surveyed mentioned his age as a major concern. A separate Wall Street Journal poll reveals that biden and former President Trump are in as such as the cult high. How do you interpret the numbers . I mean, how seriously should the biden camp take these polls . Is it simply too early . How should they view this . I would say they see the pull, in particular early, they should not worry at all. Ive had this conversation awake with friends in the white house, and congressional leadership. It is occurring to me that this particular poll, where 60 of the protests depends where republicans, does not actually reflect the American People. Joe biden does have an issue in terms of his support nationwide, and polling over the last several months, however the cnn poll is not something that you should be concerned about because it is weighted in a way where it is rigged against them. And there is no way that a group of republicans will say that he is doing a good job, and should run again. He does have an issue. Lets put this poll aside then, and say since we have seen them, as you said, and other polls go down a little. Maybe not to the degree that this one does, is there reason for concern about all of these pollings that none of them are saying that he is going up . Or is this just too early . What should the democrats and the white house be dealing with, with these polls . There is a real reason of concern. The good news is that we are more than a year out from the election, but there is a concern that the perception of what the president has, that has not aligned with what he is actually doing. People are concerned about his age, about whether he can do the job. But each has shown that he can do the job. Inflation is down, wages are up, unemployment is at a historic 50 year low. He is doing the work. People dont feel that because prices are still high. Which is why. I believe the white house has really addressed the idea of potential Price Gouging on products in america. Because the supply chain issues that existed from covid, no longer exist. So there is no way for prices to continue to rise when Everything Else is falling. That is what i dont understand. A part of me seems that if you are doing better, inflation is down, unemployment is down, and, i mean how old was he when he did that . With this wasnt in 20 years ago. Hes done that in eight years. But let me ask you this, theres withdrawing concern over President Bidens age. Some republican candidates are seizing the opportunity to attack Vice President , Kamala Harris. Like nikki haley, chris christie, and ron desantis. Take a listen to how the Vice President is pushing back against the gop criticism. Very few of those who challenge our administration actually have a plan for america. They feel a need to attack because they are scared that we will win, based on the merits of the work that joe biden and i, and our administration has done. What do you make of some republican candidate strategy of going after Vice President harris . Is it working . Are they trying to use a subtle massage dna, racism in this . What is the strategy here and is it working . I think it is two things. One, they are looking at polls. And Kamala Harris as far as joe biden has polled, has already done very poorly. And theyre saying that she is an unpopular figure in the white house, so she is an easy target. The other reason, is it helps to accentuate the idea that joe biden is really old. And i hate to say it, but they are floating the idea that potentially human not make it through another term and that she could be president. I dont think anyone is going to say that as explicitly as i just did, but its another reminder that joe biden is getting up there in age. And if you look at him, its very clear that he is getting old and. Does not have it the way that he used to. So its Pretty Simple politics there. I think the main part is just, Kamala Harris has not been very popular. And she is an easy target. Let me get this right, donald trump is only three years younger than joe biden, and has face saying 91 counts, Felony Counts in court when four trials. And they all said that they would endorse him, well all but two said that they would endorse him if he was the nominee. So youre telling me a 77 year old man facing life in jail if he is convicted on any number of these charges, he would think could handle that better at 77 then an 80 year old man that just brought inflation down . How do they rationalize that . Thats the argument that i think democrat needs to be making. Its also the argument that the other people running in the republican primary need to be making. My point is, if you asked voters who have concern about somebodys age. They are going to consistently say that they are worried for about joe bidens age, and donald trump. Thats just a fact. And donald trump presents himself as a little younger i guess, than joe biden. If you watch any joe biden appearance, or president speech. He looks a lot older than he did just four years ago. You cant really say that about donald trump. Thats not my opinion, thats just what the American People are seeing. I agree with you, there are a lot of vulnerabilities for donald trump. People should Start Talking about. I saw a couple of shots with him on the golf course. Doesnt look like hes in super shape to me. But michael, a collection of polls from the New York Times and the Siena College believing that there are signs that President Biden is losing black and hispanic support heading into the 2024 election. The polls show that biden is leading among nonwhite voters, with 53 to trumps 28 . But that is a drop from his 2020 data when he won 70 of the non white vote. What should be bidens Reelection Campaign strategy to rage voters of color, and get them out of the polls . There has to be a real black voter it gauged strategy. President obama, on the 2008 president ial campaign, when i worked for him then, we had a black male Voter Engagement strategy, and the black female Voter Engagement strategy and that is what joe biden needs. We cant be in the business of assuming black folks will come out because they always do for democrats. I think that the Biden Campaign has to have a real strategy that starts now versus waiting to the end of the campaign and hoping that people turn out. Michael hardaway, brendan buck, thank you both for being with us. Coming up, how are voters in the iowa reacting to Donald Trumps campaigning there . One week after his most recent indictment . We will be right back ight back this is a bombas performance sock. For such a small item it performs big in so many ways. Big on comfort. Big on durability. Big on breathability. Bombas gives you big comfort for all your athletic pursuits. Businesses need 5g solutions today. Thats why they choose tmobile for business. Mlb partners with tmobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. Aaa relies on tmobiles network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. And were helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. Nows the time to see what americas largest 5g network can do for your business. Want a smarter way to mop . Introducing the new swiffer powermop. An allinone cleaning tool with a 360degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just cant. Mop smarter with the new swiffer powermop. Tech cracked windshield on your new car . Bring it to safelite. My customer was enjoying her new car, when her windshield cracked. [gasp] customer my car tech vo she didnt take it to the dealer. She scheduled with safelite. We have the latest technology for the newest vehicles. And we do more replacements and recalibrations than anyone else. Customer thank you so much. Tech dont wait schedule now. Pop music welcome back to singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Politicsnation. This weekend donald trump has returned to iowa. As he hit the Campaign Trail for the First Time Since his fourth criminal indictment. But his current lead in the state may not be as strong as his campaign suggests. Msnbc News Reporting reveals that trump allies of concern, are concerned, that his Campaign Leading iowa isnt meant to go the distance. As in the state. Joining me from des moines, iowa is nbcs jake trauma. Jake, start by telling us what the Trump Campaign is facing and i well compared to the rest of the gop field. And what has been the reception to him and his latest swing there . Sir, happy sunday to you reverend, donald trump is back on the Campaign Trail. After a monthlong hiatus. He started at the iowa state versus iowa Classic Rivalry football game. I want to point out some Exclusive Reporting from msnbc s reporters. They said they were concerned about trumps president and i will. At the campaign has fully denied the reporting but lets look at the state of iowa for example. I was the first in the nation caucus. It is a place where there is regional politics all the time. An opportunity for candidates to come in early and establish a ground presence. Create some infrastructure and really get to know the voters that they help go out and caucus for them. The reality is that that is not the case for President Donald Trump. There is line calories in iowa. What Governor Ron Desantis visited 53. When were talking about Campaign Events in the state of iowa. Former President Donald Trump has battled thousand. Dick ramaswamys had about so there is this clear distinction between former president , donald trump, in the candidates that he is running against. When i talk to his campaign about this they are not concerned. They say that he is up so far ahead of the gop Primary Polls that they are not alarm that he is not campaigning as much because he has such a strong lead. Let me ask you this, jake, what are you hearing from voters about the opinion regarding the slew of criminal indictments that trump has wrapped up in recent months . Reverend, this weekend was the first time that trump, not only has he been on the Campaign Trail not in a month. Its the first time that hes been on the Campaign Trail after being federally indicted in georgia, its safe to say when he spoke at the south dakota rally, he had georgia on the mind. Specifically Fulton County. The president spoke for an hour and 47 minutes. The longest ive seen donald trump speak on this Campaign Trail yet. And he spoke indepth. Often going off script about the indictments. He told a story about how he told his children, the moment that he got indicted. What that was like. He talked for a long time about how he, if he is actually for the president again he would speak with political retribution against his opponents. What he believes President Biden is doing time right now. When asked how voters are responding to the indictments, they follow there later. I have spoken to hundreds of trump voters across the country. Loyal trump supporters. The thing that i hear most from them as whenever i bring up an indictment, they say its a Badge Of Honor. Every single indictment is more and more a Badge Of Honor for them, and for the former president. Just listen to the sound of one person i spoke with this weekend in south dakota. I think that the democrats will do anything to keep trump off of the ballots, because he is the biggest threat to their party. And i just feel like people know these are trumped up charges, literally, trumped up charges. And we shall see. But the people, trump was not part of an insurrection. I watched that whole thing live and eat all the people to go in peace. So, as we are talking about former President Trump, eventually ramping up his campaign. Heading into the primary, heading into the general election. He is also going to be facing for criminal indictments. 91 accounts against them, and a lot of trolleys. He is going to be in quite a lot of time, as he is running for the presidency. Reverend al . Thank you to nbcs Take Traylor In iowa. And full disclosure, jake is a former producer for the show. Politics nation. Glad to see you continuing to grow. Up next, my final thoughts. Stay with us stay with us with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. man that looks really high. woman it is high. Whenever you are ready. man are there any snakes . woman nope. man are you sure . Here we go vo its time to push your limits. man okay. woman youre doing great man oh, is that a buffalo . woman babe, thats a cow. vo the allnew Subaru Crosstrek wilderness. Adventure on the edge. When moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis takes you off course. Put it in check with rinvoq, a oncedaily pill. When i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid Symptom Relief and helped Leave Bathroom urgency behind. Check. 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They saw them as one that they were going to take them all out for whatever points they were trying to make it. I thought about how it is really shameful that we can die together, but we cant learn to live together. It was because of that that i went in, and took a group to israel. We were guests of Showroom Perez who was the Prime Minister in israel. He talked about these attacks being denounce all over the wild. He said you should go tell and i did. Admitting that he set up. Thats why were working now with Jonathan Greenblatt of the antidefamation league, and you needles, and asian americans. And andrea waters k. We are 9 11 tomorrow, should remember that no one send them a mail to tell people of a certain race to leave the building. They killed us all because we were americans. If we could only learn to live equally as all americans. And live the way that on that brutal day, people died as one. Lets live as one. And fight until we are treated the same way as one. We dont have to give up our identities to work together. In fact, it strengthens our identity. We are right back. Right back. Eliot ness say what you say, but give me that bomb beat from dre let me serenade the streets of l. A. From oakland to sactown the bay area and back down cali is where they put their mack down, give me love shake, shake it, baby shake it, Cali Oooooooooooh California Love rsv is in for a surprise. Meet arexvy. the first fdaapproved rsv vaccine. Arexvy is used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. Rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. Arexvy is proven to be over 82 effective in preventing lower Respiratory Disease from rsv and over 94 effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. Those with weakened Immune Systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. 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Even in the most Populated Areas buildings keep crumbling, forcing many to sleep on the streets just in case. Significant damage in the city of mara, cash and you can understand those fears. Theyre clearly now

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