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Good evening and welcome to politics nation tonights message of hope. Tonight is our final politics nation show before election day 2020. I would be remiss to leave you with anything else as you cast your ballot which at of this minute more than 90 million of you have. Because donald trump is finally facing a referendum on his presidency and appears to be doing something we have never seen from him. Taking things seriously. He is in North Carolina tonight for an event later in the show. So as senator Kamala Harris is also in the tar heel state about to speak any minute and joe biden speaking in philadelphia shortly after a week of civil unrest around a Police Shooting of unarmed Walter Wallace jr. I will be talking to Wallace Family members short lly about what his death means in the light of the election. They are on the ballot. That was on my mind this morning here in new york when i cast my vo vote. To tackle police brutality, the pandemic, Climate Change and the reunionification of migrant families. Grim as this has been, seeing my fellow new yorkers engage over the last few days in the peoples business, reminding me of the millions that have done the same for weeks now. And that the courseness of the last four years is giving way, at least visually, to something hopeful. This is what democracy looks like. The Great American election turn out greater than 2016 and election day is still two days away. On paper the turn out appears to favor mr. Biden. The final nbc wall street journal poll has got him up by ten points nationally over President Trump. As great as early turn out has been democrats are worried it is not enough with mustwin groups in mustwin states. Now at the street level with reports of right wing vigilantes allegedly harassing voters and campaigners. But remember, america, cliche as it sounds in this most cynical time, if you vote didnt if your vote didnt matter, no one would be trying to take it from you if it didnt matter. If you vote, it mattered. We start with senator Kamala Harris who is campaigning in North Carolina. Lets listen in for a couple of minutes. Never to return to their home again. I met with the firefighters two were fighting fires while their own homes were burning. My brotherinlaw is a firefighter. You look at the gulf states and the storms. This year there were five major storms, just this year. You name a storm because it is really bad. Joe says that we have to deal with this and have a sense of urgency. We must embrace the science. We must take it on with a sense of urgency. We must have timelines for net zero emissions and understand that there is an opportunity in the moment to create jobs and to invest in Renewable Energy and invest in research and development and Wind Turbines and solar panel and partner up with the Building Trades and electricians and the carpenters and see what the potential is here to allow us to be a leader on the globe. To see what we will do. We are committed to investing in americas Auto Industry so we will be the number one global manufacturer of electric vehicles. Now to the Biden Campaign in philadelphia and nbcs Priscilla Thompson is in rome, georgia where the president will hold a rally later tonight. Reporter this is what Campaign Events look like at the democratic side of the ticket. Drivein rallies. The Biden Campaign is seeking to be out here in the campaign embodying the way they would govern, abiding behind the science in the pandemic and keeping them safe in their cars and still allowing them to participate in the last wave of the democratic process. Seeing joe biden making one of several stops through pennsylvania. This is the start of a twoday blitz throughout the state. The focus for the Biden Campaign is turning out voters in pennsylvania and really paid attention to philadelphia. This is a place where especially black voters did not turn out in 2016. That is why you have seen surrogates from president barak obama to biden to Kamala Harris who is coming here tomorrow speaking directly to the community saying their vote matters. If your vote did not matter they wouldnt make it so hard. Kamala harris urges them to get out to vote. There is a lot of focus on the voters that did not turn out in 2016 but they want to turn out in 2020. You look at the New York Times poll that came out today, across these battleground states we are seeing a lot of voters that didnt turn out come out to the polls and vote early. But only 36 of voters that did not vote in 2016 have already cast their ballot here in 2020. Reminding voters on the democratic ticket they need to vote. I think that is a different story but thank you. Now to you priscilla. What is the vibe in the trump event . Reporter well, a lot of enthusiasm here on the ground for president donald trump. Ali talked about the safety precautions in place. Here there are not a lot of folks wearing masks. When i asked what they wanted to hear about. Many said they dont want to hear about covid and the coronavirus. They want the president to focus on jobs and the economy and what they call conservative values. This is really important because he is campaigning in northwest georgia, a very conservative part of the state that he won with more than 70 of the vote. But overall he only carried the state by five points. As we look at the recent polling out of georgia showing a very tight race with joe biden tied with donald trump or leading him. The president has work to do if he wants to win in what historically has been a red state. We know democrats are making a play. Barak obama will be here. Kamala harris was here today. It is shaping up to be a very competitive race. Now to the swing state of michigan. Joining me now the michigan senator gary peters. Thank you for being with us this evening. You were there yesterday with the former Vice President biden and president obama. What does that mean in michigan and how is the coming back of president obama returning on monday and other efforts by the Biden Campaign, how do you think that it will help the biden harris tick oet and your efforts for reelection. It was great to have president obama and biden in michigan and it is about energizing our voters to have turn out. They were very well received and a great deal of energy on the ground. You know, in michigan we know how these two individuals stood up for michigan during a difficult time in the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009 when wall street greed brought our economy to the knees. The oopt industry was hanging on by a lifeline. There were many folks that said gm and chrysler. Let them go bankrupt. Donald trump said that. Vice president pence voted against the rescue package. Joe biden and obama stood up for workers saying that we will bet on the American Workers and it was a Great Success and michigan wouldnt be where it is right now with the effort of these gentlemen. It is something that resonates very well with michigan voters. This week there was a michigan rally. You came and your opponent wasnt. Many supporters there supporting you. So much they thought it was a peters rally but it was nonpartisan. Your opponent was invited to come. Your opponent hasnt come on this and other shows. He is black and says he is a thousand percent behind the president. How has the black vote which in many ways when i talked to some of the ministers there off stage saying that they are supporting you. How has it been for you to run and to deal with the issues even though you are running against a black candidate who may have different views than many of us in the Community Whether we supported anyone or not. You are right. He actually said he was 2,000 with donald trump, a pretty big percentage. Critical issue for me is to make sure that we make sure that health care is protected. The Affordable Care act as you know very well was under attack and we have got a case that donald trump has been pushing that is coming before the Supreme Court a week after the election. And if the Affordable Care act is thrown out and ruled unconstitutional. It would be a devastating impact in the community and particularly communities of color. And my opponent clearly has no plan. He is a pretty typical republican. He has got no plan. I asked how to make sure that folks get the health care they need. Mitch mcconnell is all in. Michigan is a key battleground state. We have a shot to take the majority in the senate, but not if we lose michigan. On friday Mitch Mcconnells super pac of billionaires put in a ad buy over the weekend and on top of a massive amount the time before. They are trying to take this seat. You saw donald trump who will be in our state tomorrow. He was here a few days ago. Michigan is clearly the center of the political universe. We have to have every democrat what happened is at stake. All of these critical issues. We have to make sure that we come out in force. We need to win big. We need to reject the politics of hate and of division that we have seen from the Trump Administration and bring people together. I just spoke a few minutes ago with a state representative and reverend charles williams. I am told that the former mayor Kwame Kilpatrick could be released from prison this evening. Would that be something that would impact black voters if it is true and if President Trump was responsible. I know many people including me appealed for this. But the timing of it could have political implications. Senator gary peters. Thank you. We will be following that news to see if it happens and what was the cause to make it happen. I do think that he was given too much time. I also do not think that we ought to be playing politics with the criminal Justice System. Now to democratic aisha mills. Thank you for being with me. Lets go right to the battleground states. Looking at pennsylvania and florida. We are being told mustwin states and at least pennsylvania at this point for joe biden. Do you agree with that . Well, florida is always a wild card. Pennsylvania, absolutely. If you remember, reverend, 2016 Hillary Clinton only lost pennsylvania by a handful of votes, less than a percentage point of the votes. If joe biden can really energize what i am going to call his base in pennsylvania. Those workingclass white folks that did not feel like they were being spoken to as much as they could have in 2016. If you can energize those folks and go after the hearts and minds of africanamerican voters in philly that would make up the small gap lost in 2016 for democrats to take pennsylvania. Florida is just hard for a variety of reasons. The number one reason is about Voter Suppression and keeping the people from the polls there and making sure that it is fair for everyone to be able to access it. Formally incarcerated folks or otherwise. I think that he has got a really good chance at getting philadelphia and getting the urban regions of pennsylvania. It is looking really good. Susan and aisha, listen to what joe biden said earlier today about the george floyd case. George floyds little girl, six years old. I knelt down to say hi. She looked at me and said daddy is going to change the world. Now, i was in that meeting and today the Biden Harris Campaign released a photo of that meeting with members of the family, George Floyds brothers and myself sitting there. I was there when the sixyearold said that to him. He has taken a stand, he being joe biden, saying that he wants to deal with criminal justice. He is against any form of violence and looting as protest but stands on the side of people that want to see police reform. The president has taken the opposite view saying i am the law and order man. How important will this contrast be in pennsylvania and in florida, particularly among black male voters that people are saying are not going to vote at the same percentage as black female voters. I think that when you look at the situation, the president of the United States is not a law and order president. The president of the United States, President Trump, is a divider. He spews hatred. He causes civil unrest. What he did in wisconsin and in other places when he would speak about slicing through crowds like butter and just all of the horrible violence that he provoked, that is not what anybody wants to see but for a sliver of his supporters. That is why he is not going to take the summers in pennsylvania. He is going to have a lot of problems with women and raise the awareness level of trumps ear to the issue that will hopefully increase turn out among black men and all voters against donald trump because it is such a dividing and hurtful message. That is not what the country needs right now. Aisha. Yeah. I appreciate you, susan, for bringing up the fact that donald trump insights violence. Donald trump talks about being a law and order tough guy. But the biggest threat to most civilians here in the United States is White Supremacy and donald trump is stoking, intentionally by the way, the type of angst between communities and the type of violent threats that are coming up against whoever. I really hope that joe biden didnt just have generic conversations about policing reform but really calls out who is the biggest sdplthreat and cs the most violent and how we are going to deal with them and not on the backs of brown and black people wholl be categorized as looters. Some people with insurance might have a couple of broken windows in their buildings as opposed to the lives that are lost and being decimated by police all around the country. All right. Well, thank you. We are not taking a break. Up next a Police Shooting in philadelphia put the focus of Racial Justice just days before the election. First my colleague richard lui with the days other top stories. Boris johnson announced the return of a lockdown coming thursday. Wales, scotland and Northern Ireland will set their own rules as the u. K. Hit over 1 million cases of covid19. The hope is that the onemonth measure will lower cases before christmas time. Cases in the u. S. Hit a new single day record. It happened on friday with almost 100,000 cases. Over 231,000 deaths. Montana is reeling from the surge. Thursday was it second highest day to date. Saint Vincent Health care just expanded to three covid19 units treating patients from all across the state. Now right back to politics nation with reverend al sharpton after the break. With reverend n after the break. Lets move to another battleground state, pennsylvania. The city of philadelphia spent last night under curfew with the National Guard deployed following several days of unrest after 27yearold black man was shot and killed by police on monday. Body cam footage of the 911 tapes that could shed new light on the death of Walter Wallace jr. Are expected to be released on wednesday. Joining me now are members of walters family, his twin sister, center, brother john and wife dominique and their lawyer shaka johnson. Lets me go to you first attorney johnson. When we spoke earlier in the week you said it was an issue of Mental Health and you didnt want it to be clouded by the violence or the looting. Some of the outrage was understood by the family but they didnt want to be identified with the issue at hand and had nothing to do with encouraging or condoning the violence. Tell us what happened and what the position is of the family. Absolutely. The family, starting with the patriarch started with that sentiment. They dont want their sons legacy marred by the looting and the criminal activity that is going on in the city. While they do understand that there is a lot of pain, this is the ripping of a scab off of an all too familiar wound. They are perfectly in support of peaceful protests and in support of civil disobedience. What they are not in support of, and this is almost a direct quote from the father, tearing down the stores they need in their communities and tearing down the pharmacy they utilize in their neighborhoods. While all of it is entangled with their sons name attached to it, they want to be clear that this is not what they want and maybe not what that young man, Walter Wallace jr. Who was executed by the police would have wanted. He preached it to his children. His family knows it all too well. Well, what is it that you would like to see happen . What would justice mean for you. Clearly they called an ambulance. He was deathing with me idealin health issues. You agreed to come on with the attorney and his siblings. What is your message to the nation about you think his widow and being there having to carry on life now when he should have gotten assistance and not gotten what he got. I am stuck at a stand still right now. I dont know what to actually say or do. I am just trying to stay mentally sane for the sake of my children and family and just trying to keep his legacy alive. Mental is not crazy. I understand. This is hard. I just turned 30 on friday. We just got married. He died and i gave birth all in a week. Right now, i dont know what to say. Married, gave birth and now he is gone. Give us a sense of what the family, the mother and the father. What are you as family members calling for . To you as the sisters and the brother and one twin sister. What does justice mean to you . I think that justice for us is on something being done in the Justice System, our work with police force. We cant tell you how we feel because we do not give the wrong idea. We had to leave it to the Justice System to come to the conclusion, once they see the videos. We just want what is right. We want them to view it accordingly and we want them to view it properly so that my brother can get the justice that he deserves. Attorney johnson, as you sit there with the family and certainly our heart is breaking hearing his widow talk about all of this just happening in a week to her and the sisters and the brother there two are in grief but they wanted to give a message they dont want to be involved in any way seeing his legacy tarnished with violence but wanting to see justice. The overriding issue you were seeing is that we are dealing with a Mental Health issue and how they understand to it and deal with it in law enforcement. As the widow said he wasnt crazy. He just had Mental Health illness. That is exactly right, reverend. When we dial 911 far too often it is a loss we are calling the police. We are calling a group of professionals that we feel can customize their response to whatever our exact issue is. The same way if you locked your child and called 911, you dont expect the police will come and kill your baby. When a person is having a Mental Health issue and a documented Mental Illness, you have new officers that lack experience. It is a perfect storm for what took place. They were ill equipped in terms of being given poor training and a deadly weapon. Those two ingredients. Then you have a person suffering from a Mental Illness that really couldnt control the situation in terms of his response to police command. What would have been nice is if a supervisor, someone with experience had responded to the scene. If they had a taser or a less than lethal force they could have employed. What they really wanted to do is to just stop him from moving forward. They wanted to disable him momentarily. But you shoot a person 14 times your intention, i believe, is to kill someone. Yeah. That comes from shots 1 through 14. Let me say that i think we will be following this. We will see what happens when the tapes come out. I will certainly be in touch with you. Again, you have to vote for people that will change and will enforce what is right and just. Thank you for coming on politics nation to talk about this nationally for the first time. Coming up, the allimportant africanamerican vote. We will be right back. Mportant africanamerican vote. We will be right back. At dell technologies, we started by making the cloud easier to manage. But we didnt stop there. We made a cloud flexible enough to adapt to any size business. No matter what it does, or how it changes. And we kept going. So you only pay for what you use. Because at dell technologies, we stop. At nothing. Straining, and bloating, again and again. No way. More exercise. More water. And more fiber is the only way to manage it. Is it . Maybe you think. Its occasional constipation. Maybe its not. It could be a chronic medical condition called ibsc, and time to say yesss to linzess. Linzess works differently than laxatives. 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As we get closer to election day, black and brown voters are far less likely to have voted early than their white counter part. In philadelphia nearly 75 of black registered voters have not cast their ballots. Now joining me the House Majority whip. The fact that blacks in some of the key rust belt states are not voting early at the same level as whites, a lot of that is that they do not trust mailin voting and an accounting which means that he is going to he being biden, get them out in huge numbers, big numbers on tuesday, on election day. I hope so and thank you for having me this evening. You know, our experience with the electoral process has been one of keen observations as to what is going on around us. When we listen to the post master general, and i for one have talked to the people that work in the post offices. I can tell you that there is a broad effort to suppress the vote. They are not treating the mailin ballots or even the applications for absentee ballots the way that one would hope for or would expect. That is what the problem is here and that is why black people, by in large are not participating. And i think that was part of the calculation that the Trump Administration when they did this. Knowing full well they can cast all kinds of doubts upon the process and that would would be a part of their suppression efforts. I would hope we will all spend the next 48 hours, i know i have. I just finished doing robo calls and ads for black radio stations that i will have run all day tomorrow urging people not to allow this Voter Suppression efforts to succeed. We know what they are doing and lets defy it. Now the Voter Suppression tactics have been escalating with armed voter intimidation at the polls. Votering wearing black lives matter tshirts ejected from the polling places and fake robo calls and mailers. Do you think it will dampen black turn out or inspire blacks to be even more determined. I think it is going to inspire all of us. Four years ago nobody knew what was going on around us. We heard some of the stuff. We are paying close attention this time. And i know that i have been sounding the alarm in the country. I have been zooming all day for the last two days. I have been on the phones today. I have been doing tapes it. I have been doing robo calls. We are not going to allow these efforts to succeed. You do what is necessary to connect to the voters and they have a game they are playing, lets not play into the game. Lets play our game. That is the way that you win. Jim clyburn, thank you for making time for us. We will be right back. Hello, weekday anchor at 3 00 p. M. Eastern. The one thing i will be watching for on election day is whether the courts will stop every vote from being fairly counted. We would be talking about the campaign and the stops and the rallies but this year with voting being disrupted by the pandemic it is all about how the vote gets counted and if the courts can stop ballots from being processed and it could be the difference in states where it is close. That is what i will be watching for. It is close. That is what i will be watching for. Tired of overpaying for your prescriptions . Try optum perks. Its a new way to save up to 80 . And everyone can do it. Its from optum, a Health Care Company thats trusted by millions of people. You dont have to sign up for anything. Just go to optumperks. Com. And get a coupon to use at your pharmacy. Thats it. I opted in. I opted in. You can, too. Opt in and save big today. For this weeks gotcha i want to turn my attention to the Republican Party, and specifically to the longterm project to inject untraceable money into politics. A strategy that might back fire on them this tuesday. It started a full decade ago when the conservative justices on the 2010 Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United that money was equivalent to speech in the eyes of the institution, enshrining the idea that those with more money should have a bigger voice. Please note the last president ial cycle before the decision you was 2008. It was then candidate barak obama harnessed the power of small sum internet fundraising directly from voters for the first time and won in a landslide. But such power exercised by the people was not allowed to stand. In practice that 2010 Citizens United decision allowed for corporations and wealthy individuals to spend as much money as they wanted on political races, blunting the impact of small dollar donations from every day americans. And you can see the impact on american elections, adjusted for inflations, the 2008 election cost just over half of what is expected to be spent this cycle when all is said and done. It is only the Democratic Party that made any serious effort to change the status quo. The Campaign Finance bills are still langishing in the senate, never to become law. The republicans world view was summed up neatly by then candidate mitt romney who claimed corporations are people too. During his failed campaign against president obama in 2012 he said that. Of course romney lost in a landslide in that election. I guess not enough corporations voted for him. But the republican view of Campaign Finance was made clear in that campaign. Unfortunately for the gop it stands to reason that if corporations are people, some people are as powerful as the corporations. Like former new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg who built a multibillion dollar media empire and now is using his considerable wealth for Democratic Candidates spending on state and local races, sums that republican opponents cant hope to match. And donald trump, two like to pretend he has the type of wealth bloomberg wields is quickly running out of money in the crucial final days of the election. As the Trump Campaign is forced to tighten the built, bloomberg is personally putting millions in ads in swing states like ohio and even spending big in texas and the crucial swing state of florida, bloomberg committed to spending 100 million to defeating trump. Bloombergs financial might trapped the Republican Party between a rock and a hard place, either watching helplessly as they are outspent in key areas or finally admit that Campaign Finance reform is starting to look pretty good after all. Either way, i gotcha. I gotcha President Trump is speaking ahead of a rally in North Carolina. Lets listen in. Ballots in the same day. They could have put the ballots in a month ago. I think it is a ridiculous decision. Thank you. W, theres skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months after just 2 doses. 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I never believed we would have fight this hard, though. I never believed it would be this much in jeopardy. We launched our campaign over on the oval back in 20 may, 2019. But you know what i said then, weve been through a lot since then. What i said then is even more true today. I said, what we need is a president whos willing to lead. Who will insist on dramatic change for our childrens sake. The singlemost important thing we have to do is accomplish these things in order to get them done, we have to defeat donald trump. Folks, im honoreded to have with me in that fight so many wonderful friends, who are here tonight, including my good friend and hes been a good friend, his dad was a friend, his mom was a friend, his wifes a friend, his whole family, because im from scranton, senator from scranton, a guy named bobby casey. Hes a great friend. And i want to thank congresswoman scanlon. Lets send her back to the house on tuesday. And the vice chair with the pennsylvania demes, City Council President clark, and look, we have so many of you for the energy weve poured into this election. And look, i want to also recognize one of the rising stars in our party, weve been breaking his neck for me for a long time and all day today, malcolm kenyatta. Kenyatta, youve been so honored to have your support throughout this campaign. And i also want to thank philly freeway for being here and performing. I know hes heart broken, hes heart broken tonight with the loss of his son. I know the pain of burying a son and he does too now wurv, unfortunately. And it means the world to me he chose to be here, because they think so this election is that important. But i tell you what, youve got to find purpose, because when you lose a child you know, voting is the only way we can make the world better for our children, folks. And doc rivers, we grew up, welcome to philly, doc. And lets bring it home on the court, and in this campaign. I was quoting doc rivers, a quote he made after the shooting of jacob blake on the campaign trail. He asked to imagine what it takes for a black person to love america as much as he does. And they do and how it is the deep love for this country that so far for too long has never fully been recognized by the rest of the country. But i think two ways yesterday, theres two ways people get inspired. Theyre inspired by inspiring leaders that do great things like barak, and get inspired by really bad leaders. Im not being facetious. When they see the bad side. We need American Leadership that seeks to deescalate tensions. It brings together to heal, to hope. As president , thats precisely what i will try to do. Philadelphia, two more days. Two more days two more days in two days, we put an end to a presidency that has divided this nation. In two days, we put an end to a presidency that has failed to protect this nation. In two days, we can put an end to a presidency that has fanned the flames of hate all across this nation. Millions of americans have already voted. Over 91 million. And millions more are going to vote today. But theres still a lot of pennsylvanians who havent voted yet. We need every single one of you to get out and to vote on tuesday. My message to you is simple. Pennsylvanias critical to this election last time donald trump won pennsylvania, he won by 44 votes, 44,000 votes. Every single one of those votes mattered. The power of change in this country, not figuratively is literally in the hands of philadelphia and pennsylvania. I dont care how hard donald trump tries, theres nothing, nothing thats going to stop the people of this nation from voting and voting overwhelmingly. And when america votes, america will be heard and when america is heard, i believe the message is going to be clear. Its time for donald trump to pack his bags and go home were done with the chaos, with the tweets, with the anger, the hate, the failure, the irresponsibility. Weve got a lot of work to do. And if im elected your president , were going to do it. Were going to act. Were going to act to get covid under control. On day one of my presidency, ill put in action the plan ive been talking about for months, masking, social distancing, testing, tracing. A plan for the full and fair and free distribution of vaccines when we get one. Imagine, imagine where wed be if this president just wore a mask instead of mocked it from the beginning. I can tell you this, and every major Health Expert agrees with me, i can tell you this. We wouldnt have 9 million confirmed cases of covid in this nation. We wouldnt have over 230,000 dead almost 9,000 here in pennsylvania. We wouldnt be seeing new record numbers of cases were seeing every day now, nearly 100,000 cases nationwide on friday alone more than 6,200 of them here in pennsylvania. It was an alltime high. We wouldnt be facing another 200,000 deaths in the next few months as the doctors predict if we dont change course. Folks, we make up 4 of the worlds population. But guess what . We make up over 20 of the deaths. This president knew back in january how deadly this virus was. You may have heard me say the Intelligence Community briefed him on it and he said, no, i never read the briefing. Well, that doesnt surprise me. That he doesnt read. But, but he was lying. He knew how bad it was. He hid it from the american people. He went on record, he went on record with a leading journalist and said he knew. He knew how dangerous it was. But he lied to the american people. He knew it wasnt going to disappear. But he kept telling us, a miracle is coming. It will be gone by easter. Goes on and on and on. Hes repeatedly had the gal to suggest just the other day that american doctors, the people who have been on the front lines of this crisis for nine months, along with nurses and so many others, he suggested these

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