released this morning. now the rush to find the shooter. >> when this happened when they heard the shots, and when they heard the bullets singing past that they saw muzzle flashes, but the muzzle flashes were probably about 125 yards away. this is the number one priority right now of the st. louis county police department to identify these individuals. that individual or individuals who shot our police officers. >> today condemnation from across the country. attorney general eric holder saying his stomach churned when he heard the news, calling it an ambush. and president obama saying quote -- violence against police is unacceptable. our prayers are with the officers in missouri. the path to justice is one all of us must travel together. and the parents of michael brown today denounced the shootings as senseless, saying it can't be tolerated. tonight law enforcement from missouri state highway patrol and st. louis county are taking over security from local police -- from local ferguson police. let me be clear. this shooting was deploreable and reprehensible. those of us organizing in ferguson are denouncing this. we don't know who did it or why, but we must come together police and protesters standing as one against this despicable violence. that's how we can begin to heal and lead to a new day. joining me live from ferguson are's trymaine lee, brad rayford, an eyewitness to and pa trisha barnes, a democratic committee woman for ferguson township. thank you all for being here. trymaine, what are you hearing about this manhunt? are they close? >> chief john bellmer setting the county police department's number one priority to catch the individual or individuals who fired at those police officers. here we are just hours away from nightfall. everyone is bracing. i spoke to protesters who say they're tired and exhausted emotional and physically. jan bellmer said they're going after the folks with full force, as typical in ferguson as nightfall and protesters gather so much is unknown, but again, the family of michael brown, organizers all denouncing this violence, but until those individuals are captured the police department and the county police are on a mission to find those folks. >> committeewoman barnes people will gather for a candlelight vigil tonight. what's the mood? >> the mood is very com better because we don't know who did this and we also aren't quite sure someone would try to backtrack the progress that's being made when we have so many people it seems resigning, and things are starting to move in the right direction, where people are being held accountable for things something like this could very possibly deter and take us off-course. >> this is something i've been saying committee woman, this hurts those of us who have wanted to see progress towards some kind of police reform. it certainly doesn't help. it hurts the cause. >> it most certainly does. actually there were many people involved in the protests that were very scared. the thoughts many of them said the shots came from behind them and they were very, very scared about what happened. >> brad you were an eyewitness to the shooting. tell me what you saw. >> i saw -- the muzzle fire from the guns up the hill on temperaturet. ppen avenue as well as the officer on the ground wounded by the gunshots. >> brad reportedly the shots didn't come from the protesters in front of the police station where the officers were struck but is it instead from across the street. i heard the police chief saying that it was many yards away more than a football field away by someone armed with a handgun. so brad the protesters were actually in the line of fire, weren't they? >> we all were in the line of fire. there's no telling who they were aiming towards, and the bullets really don't have a name to hit anybody. so it's only a matter of time. i'm glad no one got hurt last night besides the officers but there could have been anybody hit by the bullets last night. >> what was the mood after the three shots rang out? what was the mood like? >> after the shots rang out, the crowd pretty much dispersed, except for around 25 who couldn't leave because their cars were parked which was now a crime scene. they couldn't go anywhere until please released them. it was very, very somber as patricia said. the officers were obviously in the streets wondering what can they do to help out their injured officers fellow injured officers that were hit by the gunfire. it was definitely a scene i won't forget for a long long time. >> brad let me ask you something straight up. you've been out there, active. i've been in and out, certainly patricia has been there night and day. have you heard anyone act as though that this is any way, shape or form something that they condone or celebrate? >> not at all. i've talked to a lot of the remaining protesters last night. they want to emphasize the fact that they said people to know this was not a protester-sponsored shooting. it's sad to say that but they wanted people to know it's a person or persons who want to cause harms towards officers or people, no telling who the target -- but they won't -- -- and they were able to do that last night, protests want people to know they were not involved in any way, shape or form. >> give the people around the country, brad an idea of what the protests have been like? what are the normal protests like? >> if you watch the live stream the protesters come they gather they plan what they want to do. they most likely will block the streets. the officer tell them to get off the street, it's like a band and forth all night. and reply much at the end of the night people go home. >> but no violence nothing of confrontation in terms of violence with police? >> certainly, of course, if you consider a confrontation of a person getting arrested. but that's pretty much the gist of the conversation that folks have with the police department. >> right. >> that's pretty much what i've witnessed the last seven months. >> committee woman, as i mentioned tonight, law infers friend from missouri state highway patrol and the st. louis county are taking over security this is after the justice department report. what are you expecting, committeewoman? >> well, i'm expecting decrease i'm kind of glad they have done that. i think the officers from the ferguson police department will be quite anxious and scared after last night's activity so i can certainly see why we have the need to st. louis county and the state troopers to come and step in. i'm sure they'll be anxious and bracing for what happens, but at least it won't be the ferguson police department under this constant pressure to man the protests tonight. >> trymaine you've got in there for i teases that anytime i've gone in and out i've almost -- have you seen any shift in the mood? what are you sensing on the ground? is there a shift in all the time i've been there? >> it's always tricky and so when you talk to those organizers and protest ersers they're trying on how to pivot from the broader moment, that validated what so many in this community had said the police targeted black folks, poor black folks to buoy the city's budget. they have insdrim instantly arrested and targeted with fines and fees. they're still reeling from the report that validated their claims but they're also waiting for the next hammer to drop perhaps a consent decree. with all of that going on, last night's shooting threw everything into greater chaos. folks on the ground last night said it almost felt like august all over again. there were so many people officers lined up with shields, and protesters on edge then the shooting, and now the fallout, and another night of preparation as night begins to fall. the mood is -- >> we're watching. we saw some live tape of their moving barricades around for the night. >> that's right. >> patricia what is your constituents? what do they want to see next? isn't there an election coming up? are there any preparations from political motivations? what's next in terms of organizing on on the ground? >> as a matter of fact tonight there is a candidates forum for wards 2 and 3, wards 2 is where the police department is, and ward 3 is where cantfield is. so even tonight there's a candidate forum scheduled to take place here in ferguson. i'm sure there will be even more questions for the candidates on how they feel about what happened last night, and what they think are good ideas to start trying to repair the relationship between the police and this community. but the candidates -- >> is the mayor on the ballot? >> the may is not. there are three city council seats up one in each ward. the election is april 7th. >> let me show you to you, patricia brad and trymaine let me tesh you what eric holder said. >> i stand ready to offer the full investigative resources much the department of justice, the fbi to solve this crime. what happened last night was a pure ambush. this was not someone trying to bring healing to ferguson. this was a damn punk a punk who was trying to sow discord in an area that's trying to get its act together and trying to bring together a community that's been fractured for too long. >> no doubt it's deplorable reprehensible, and i'll be talking about it more in the show but i they we cannot in any way, shape or form rush to conclusions. everyone is calling for the apprehension of whoever is responsible for this, and we should not blame anyone until we know exactly what happens. brad, what is it that the protesters beyond wanting to see this person captured, what is it that you said to see happen now in terms of the reform of policing in ferguson? >> talking to some of the protesters, they have a topdownover all-of the ferguson administration completely. they want the city hall mayor to step down the administration step down and start fresh, anew to -- a new start for the community as a whole so we can move past and move forward. >> that's what they're going to keep fighting towards, patricia including these three council seats that are up in less than a month? >> absolutely. ferguson is a strong community. it's going to move forward regardless, because of the people. we are fighting for the direction of the city. that's what the fight is about. the city needs to move in a right direction. we need a culture change in the city government in the police department and in the municipal courts. >> trymaine lee, and brad rayford, and patricia barnes thank you for your time. i agree the city needs to move forward, they need to move forward together and whoever did this horrendous act certainly is trying to move the city back. they have in many ways harmed all sides in something that must come together and move toward progress. coming up, what's wrong with the secret service? the agents shown in this video reassigned after allegations of drunk driving into a white house barricade. we'll go live to the white house. and new york police making an arrest in that awful mcdonald's brawl caught on tape. the question everyone is asking -- why didn't anyone step in? >>. plus john mccain has a bizarre new explanation for why republicans wrote that letter to iran. big show ahead. please stay with us. buying a used car can be a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours, but aleve can last 12 hours... and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are you? aleve, proven better on pain. serious questions need to be answered tonight after an explosive report revealed two secret service agents spent a night drinking then crashed their government car into a white house barricade. now, those agents are reassigned to non-supervisory and nonoperational jobs but these were high-ranking guys one of them mark connelly was the second in command on president obama's detail the original george ogilvie was a senior supervisor in the washington field off. according to the post officers on duty who witnessed the march 4th incident wanted to arrest the agents but the officers were ordered by a supervisor on duty that night to let the agents go home. this comes less than a month after the president named a new director to fix the scandal-plagued agency. from eight agents getting fired after accusations involving prostitution in colombia to a man with a knife getting over the fence and deep inside the white house before an off-duty agent tackled him. today congressman elijah cummings says it's out of control. >> i'm very upset about this. we've made major changes to the secret service with regard to leadership, but obviously there's still a lot of work to be done. you cannot have two supervisory personnel disrupting a crime scene. it's ridiculous. >> so what happens now? and has anything really changed? joining me now from the white house is nbc news senior white house correspondent chris jansing. thank you for being here. >> thanks rev. >> a spokesperson for the president says he's quote, disappointed to hear about the allegations. what else can you tell us? >> there's a lot of investigatoring going on one of the key pieces of evidence is there are cameras everywhere. there's government video of this and one of the people we have talked to who has actually seen the video said that those agents, when they broke through a police tape and arrived on the scene, they came very close to hitting it. that area was secured, but you had a woman who got out of her car and said this was a bomb. so obviously this was a potentially very dangerous situation. the other thing that i think is happening, reverend is they want to get this done quickly, because joe clancy who was brought in to change the agency wants to show he can take decisive action here. >> but chris, mark connelly is the second-most senior member of the president's personal security details. this news certainly suggests the secret service has not been fixed. is that the feeling there at the white house? >> i think there's actually a feeling not just at the white house, but also some of the biggest critics of the agency on capitol hill have said to me that they're taking a wait-and-see attitude. they think that joe clancy have made some changes that have born fruit. some feel it's institutional, that there's vision 245 the a little believe they can get away with anything. we have seen it in cartagena, in amsterdam. >> this is very concerning. chris jansing at the white house, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> joining mess is congresswoman eleanor holmes norton a member of the house oversight committee. thank you for being here tonight, congresswoman. >> of course, reverend. >> what's your reaction to this new secret service report? >> i think this new set of incidents is beyond unacceptable, probably career-ending, but it's useful in this sense. it points us to the guts of the agency, the personnel, and we have to ask ourselves -- why has there been this misbehavior overseas, now in the nation's capital? if you read the report of the special panel on the secret service, you begin to understand what's been happening to the personnel. these men and women have been working 12-hour days getting one day off there have been increasing mission, terrorism, cyber, drones no new resources, and here you have people blowing their steam. unacceptable when it comes to a mission that must have zero failure, but you've got to look at the men and women of the agency not just at the leadership. >> are they not moving quickly enough on this congresswoman? >> absolutely not, but congress is to blame for that. we just got their appropriation out last week. the leadership was able to do nothing until that appropriation came out. the panel whose report has been out now for about a month, said that the men and women are working an unsustainable number of hours. you see people doing what human beings will do except you can't do it if you are involved in protecting the president of the united states. >> congresswoman, though there was another car crash inside the white house barricade back in 2013 when a woman crashed a car with her child inside into the white house barricade. agents and police shot and killed miriam carrie. what are the differences? >> the only difference is one is perhaps even more inexcusable, this one. they didn't even get punished. they didn't get aroasted. >> they didn't get a breathalyzer either. >> extraordinary disparate treatment. that's why i think this is career-ending for them. but it ought to make us look more deeply into the agency itself and into the men and women we depend upon. there's something going on there, reverend. while we have looked at the leadership changed the leadership finally got the appropriation out, it's time to focus on what the manual said was a need for significant new resources. they say you need 200 more uniformed officers and 85 more new agents and they say that's a starter. >> well the question is is this security fixing by the secret service? congresswoman, thank you for your time tonight. >> my pleasure. still ahead that terrible mcdonald's brawl on tape. a teenage girl beaten as witnesses stand and watch. tonight new questions and an arrest. also new reporting tonight shows the racist chant in that frat video may go back decades. stay with us. if you're running a business legalzoom has your back. over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. shopping online is as easy as it gets. ♪ wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? 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