Transcripts For MSNBCW NOW With Alex Wagner 20141027 : compa

Transcripts For MSNBCW NOW With Alex Wagner 20141027

quarantining people coming back, we will -- >> they are american heroes. >> stopping this outbreak in west africa, we're going to need doctors and nurses traveling to west africa to treat ebola patients. >> we have toorize that and incentivize that. >> rarely have three syllables -- today we are waiting test results for a 5-year-old boy returned from guinea, now in isolate with symptoms similar to ebowl which could mark the second case of the disease in new york city. kaci hickox, publicly critical regarding her treatment under forced quarantine. kaci has been released. she became the immediate test tails for a quarantine policy put in place by the governors of new york and new jersey on friday. now that she has been released after threatening a lawsuit and mincing no words over governor chris christie's response, does the governor have any second thoughts? of course not. >> i didn't reverse any decision. why are you saying -- she hadn't had any symptoms, and she tested negative. there's no reason to keep her. >> governor christie on the campaign trail in florida with governor rick scott. what about the significant push back from experts who say the 21-day quarantine is necessary and will discourage medics from going to help where they are needed the most? apparently not something that concerns governor chris christie. >> are you concerned you're going to disincentivize people from going over there to help stop the outbreak? >> i am not. i believe that folks who wand to take that stip and willing to volunteer also understand it's in their interest and in the public health interest to have a 21-day period thereafter if they've been directly exposed to people with the virus. >> you know who is concerned? a lot of people on the front lines on the ebola crisis. aid worker and recovered patient nancy writebol told our own andrea mitchell, fear that health workers staying home are well founded. >> the biggest problem is it's going to deter our volunteers. if they say, okay, we can go for two or three weeks to volunteer, but then are placed in quarantine for 21 days, many doctors and nurses don't have the luxury of being away from their jobs or from their practices for that long. >> with states like virginia, illinois and florida instituting their own quarantine measures, the white house said today it could result in higher risks here at home, where contagion remains vanishingly low, the only way to drive the risk to zero is stop the outbreak in its tracks in west africa, and the only way to do that is if we have brave individuals to try to stop this outbreak, because it's in the best interest of the american people. >> vowing that the administration will continue to make decisions based on science, press secretary josh earnest did say today that the cdc will be issuing new guidelines for returning health workers this afternoon. the new guidelines could bar high-risk individuals from using public transport during the early days of their return. joining me from newark university hospital is nbc as kristen dahlgren. kristin, let's talk about kaci hickox. do we know where she is at this point? are there any plans by the state of me in preparation for her arrival? >> she is en route to maine, though we don't know the specifics. it will be up to that state according to its laws to decide what to do when she gets there. they have been notified by the state of new jersey she's on the way. she left university hospital here around 1:20 this afternoon to black suvs in a caravan. we were told she would be accompanied by new jersey state officials, and also some officials of doctors without borders. that's the organization she was working for when she was in west africa. so that came after she threatened -- she hired a lawyer, threatened a lawsuit claiming that it was a violation of her civil rights, and so today this morning we saw the state saying that it had decided to grant her request to travel home to maine, saying that she hadn't shown any type of symptoms in the last 24 hours and her ebola tests continued to be negative, so they were granting that request. >> kristen dahlgren, thank you as always for the latest, kristin. with me is executive director of the aclu of new york city, and editor of voc -- josh earnest, the white house press secretary said in some ways, you can take up this matter with james madison, a clear assertion this is well within the power of the government to keep people at home. it sounds like you disagree. what is your pin on the constitutionality? >> first of all ebola is a public health issue, and the response should be driven by -- we should be treating our medical workers who are risking their lives with dignity respect and compassion. mandatory quarantine of medical workers, who is exhibiting no ebola symptoms and when it's not medically necessary is overbroad, raises serious constitutional concerns and it's counterproductive. it simply makes the dangers greater, not lesser. there are serious constitutional concern and new jersey is calling on governor christie to rescind the mandatory policy. >> ezra, let's talk about the individual versus the state, the grand federalist argument here. in terms of governor christie, he said today -- my job is not to represent kaci hickox. my job is to represent the people of new jersey. is that fair? >> i don't understand exactly where governor christie thinks the distinction is. because it's true, hickox is not from the state, but nevertheless the point that i think is important here is that the way he will protect people in new jersey is by not deterring future nurses and doctors from going to west africa to fight this outbreak. i really think this is a dangerous thing that has happened in the american conversation over ebola, where we have gotten very afraid of the isolated set of indications where people come back and have shown symptoms here. it's a bad thing, it's scary, nobody wants it to happen, but that's not how you get an outbreak. what would happen to make it hard for us to manage is you go from 10,000 cases in west africa to 50 to 100,000, it go ahead to india, it gets to lagos, nigeria, then you don't have enough health workers to do the contact tracing. the way you stop that from happening is you get researchers into west africa, get them there now and give people reasons to go. we shouldn't be punishing people. we honestly should be paying them, making them into heroes, parading them through the streets. >> the interplay between hicks objection and governor christie was not a hero's welcome, if you will, udi. in terms of the precedence this set. we've had epidemics before, the aids crisis, there were crises that didn't really hit the american homeland, sars, h1n1, what precedent does it said for future outbreaks? we know epidemics will be part of our new reality in the globalized climate-changing world. star you guys are concerned, how likely is it we'll see the government do it again. >> we hope it won't. it sets a bad precedent. that's why we need to challenge it. that's exactly what we are doing. >> the government has the authority to quarantine someone if it's medically necessary and if there are no other lesser alternatives. that is clearly not the case here. a medical expert after medical expert has said that mandatory quarantine is nonmedically necessary in order to stop an outbreak. if governor christie has decided not to listen to the medical experts, being driven by politics and fear. just literally now as we speak to also get more information about what this policy actually is. governor christie likes to go on tv, announce policies, yet provide no details. >> are you more supportive of what governor cuomo has done? they are originally working hand in glove. governor cuomo has now modified the procedure? is that acceptable? >> we do not support mandatory quarantine of medical workers who are exhibits no ebola stock markets and when it's not medically necessary. >> ezra, let me play devil's advocate for a minute which is, you know, setting aside the treatment of the health ware worker who is doing truly god's work. on a resource left. when you look at the case of this new york city doctor who came back, traveled around and there had to be contact tracing done on subway lines, at a bowling alley, at a meatball shot through ubers, taxis, just in terms offal indicating resources to trace where he was and who he came into contact with, is there not some sort of fiscal or resource incentive to better monitor these health care workers so that so much doesn't need to be done on the back end in terms of detective work? >> no, i think this very much goes to the point. contact resourcing is intensive. you have checking with people who exchanged fluid. so it's not like anybody who hand hobble in a subway car that needs to be watched. but the scary thing about ebola is what happens when you don't know what contacts you are tracing. a recent cdc estimate in west africa held for every four cases we know about, there are six that we don't. that is where this gets scary. it's where we don't know who to trace. when you get into policies like travel bans and quarantines, where you're effectively punishing, or criminalizing or at any level hurting and scares people who possibly have been exposed to ebola, you raise the chances of them essentially going underground, not saying they were around with anybody with ebola, doing a reroutic of their travel plans so they were not tagged as having come from west africa, doing the things people might do to avoid that, either because they could take time off word, they're scared of the authorities, whatever it might be. when you get them, that's when you don't know how to do the contact tracing. that's when you don't have the resources to do is, because you are having to answer instead of clear questions, who was at the bowling alley, open-ended questions of might this guy have been? where did they go? we didn't even know who they were. if you don't want this to spiral, you need to make sure that people do have assen centive to cup forward. >> this is also a baird study. if you threaten people, and as you said, they go underground. one last thing. "new york times" reminds us the last time we had a sort of blanket approach to an epidemic and quarantines is the pandemic of 1918. if there's a silver lining, it'sen 100 years since america has had to grapple -- and by no mean is ebola an epidemic in the united states, but these questions which are very much specification to a globalized economy, and at a time in our culture when we're looking at questions of civil liberties vertebra national securities through a distinctly different lens. this is part of a huge debate and dialogue. no better time to be raisings these questions over what is truly democratic. >> i think what we have seen is in times of crisis, government tends to overreact. it is the responsibility of the public to make sure that it doesn't. we immediate to make insure we don't needlessly sacrifice our civil liberties in the name of security. so in this situation, governor christie fortunately so far an outlier, but we think he needs to rescind the policy immediately, and i think he owes kaci an apology, and an apology to all the workers who should be treat treated -- >> i'm not sure you'll get an apology out of christie, but much luck to you. thank you both for your time and thoughts. after the break, gloves off, mitts on. in the tough race for the kansas senate, romney is the latest national republican leader trying to help pat roberts keep his seat. will it work? plus syrian refugees are desperately seeking asylum as a neighboring nation closes its border. later why secretary john kerry is calling tunisia a beacon of hope nearly four years after the arab spring. all that is ahead on "now." we asked people a question how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to like, pull it a little further got me to 70 years old i'm going to have to rethink this thing it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,nd. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24, a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70 percent of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit don't let non-24 get in the way of your pursuit of happiness. for most people, earning cash back ends here, at the purchase. but there's a new card in town. introducing the citi® double cash card. it lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay. that's cash back twice. it's cash back with a side of cash back. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay . with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. twith available forwardd collision warningigned. and new blind spot monitor and a 2014 top safety pick plus rating. cost of entry? a fortune. until now. hey sarah, new jetta? yup. can i check it out? maybe at halftime? introducing lots of new. the new volkswagen jetta. isn't it time for german engineering? it is down to the wire in the sunflower state. the latest poll shows greg orman with just a one-point lead over incumbent republican pat roberts. orman's lead was as big as ten points earlier this month, a lead that roberts has chipped away at with a little help from his friends, friends that today include mitt romney. a vote for greg orman is a vote for bottom bottom, and america should not make that mistake three times. you go through this presidency and compare what he said when he ran for office with what he has done. there's such an enormous gap, a gulf, the american people are understandably angry. they want to see some real change and they'll see it if we have a republican senate. that's what they'll see whether we reelect pat roberts to the senate. tomorrow rand paul flies if for three events. by the way, there have been a lot of friends who have flown in to help pat roberts. at this point it's hard to name a single republican who hasn't flown in to help out pat roberts. >> you give us the majority and we will repeal and replace obamacare. >> he is a conservative, and he is what america needs. he's not wishy wash on the fence look like you know who, the other guy. >> pat roberts was one of a handful of senators who came down and stood by my side and said obamacare is a disaster and we've got to stop it. >> while the entire republican party has been racking up frequent flyer miles to topeka, greg orman has notably campaigned alone, casting himself as an outsider with no ties to either party. >> both parties have -- i would not vote for harry reid or mitch mcconnell for leader. i don't care that much about the future of the democratic party or the future of the republican party. i do not intend ton a silent soldier for either the republicans or democrats, i will stand for a better way. >> as a ten-point lead has shall rink, the orman party of one strategy might be proving to be not so successful, especially given the fact he's up against mills onof outside money like this ad from the koch brothers super-pac. >> they can stop the failed policies how? don't vote for greg orman. why? the senator could be the deciding vote for more of obama's unchecked agenda. >> they are not swamped with ads. outside groups have poured into $10 million much in the last two weeks. joining me now is white house correspondent at the huffington post sam stein, and senior writer for politico, glenn this rush. glenn, if you say barack obama enough times, do you think kansas voters will forget it's pat roberts they may be reelecting? >> here is my question. i would actually like to get into a time machine for several reasons, but -- >> but for this particular discussion, let's focus on one. >> >> the first reason would be hair, but i don't want to get into that. bur i would ask mitt romney if he could pick pat roberts out of a lineup. he's a fairly obscure kansas sonar, former head of the intelligence committee, but with the stakes this high they're flooding the zone. the question for orman is, who would he have come campaign? who does he want to be associated with? >> let's talk about the party of 17 that pat roberts has had in recent days. mitt romney, jeb bush, bob dole, sarah palin -- this is the most unified the republican party has been in years. my concern is there's been a huge schism between conservative republicans and establishment moderate republicans. i wonder if some of them don't cancel out the votes they might bring in? >> i think it's very clear that pat roberts has made the kansas is a republican state, clearly, and if you with get enough regardless of where they fall, he'll win, so he's basically taking anyone he can find to come in and rally their support. kansas went 60% to romney, 38% to obama. that was in 2012. things have even deteriorated further for the president since then. if they can just say the president's name enough times, i -- it could very well end up being a winning strategy for republicans. >> yeah, i mean, glenn, i'm not a cynic, but i play one on television. >> you're not? >> exactly. i guess the question is, can you be an independent anymore in this country? can you say i'm beholding to the american public and not one particular party? roberts' spokesman -- mitt romney spend five minutes talking only about president obama, not all about greg orman. it is literally guilt by association, never mind what the man actually wants to do. >> i think, you know, you have a better chance in a presidential year with a larger electorate, but this is a polarized electorate. >> the one thing i would warn democrats, this is a preview of 2016, and the barack obama and the democrats for really the last three cycles have benefited from a fractured republican party, but this is a hungry group of people. >> it does seem they are coalescing -- imagine what they would do with a halfway decent candidate in 2016? >> but glenn, this is also a product of an amazing terrain for republicans. glow they can do it because it's kansas. >> there have been republicans with an open mutiny against governor brownback, who has a problem within his own party. do you think it is possible for sam brownback to lose and for pat roberts to win reelection? >> well, sure. in part baas his fingerprints are all over the policies that some find so repugnant. they are his responsibility, but let's step back to a second and recognize this is kansas. we're talking about a senate razz that one percentage point within the margin of error. if you had told anyone five months ago, six months ago, that this would be a to theup race with a week to go, they would have been shocked. this isn't exactly like republicans are finding their groove. they're barely holding on, and they may not. >> and they are flooding the zone with money. >> right. let's just say, in terms of these surrogates, it's a freebie, right? >> they get to where we're talking about them. they get to sort of share the national stage. i don't know about you, i don't know what ann romney has been telling mitt romney, but this guy sounds very interested in something beyond -- >> are you saying that? c'mon, glen, really? >> stop it. >> let me just get you on the record. you think mitt romney will run for president for a third time? >> whenever i hear that honeyed bar i tone coming over the airways, the perfect hair. >> when you're talking about the trees being exactly the right height, some national pride is -- >> run mick, run mick, the wind through the trees says to him. >> what just happened to this panel? >> the same thing that always happens. >> why is he out there? if not for some some future purpose. >> because it's his version of the time machine, to reconcile what happened to him in 2012. maybe, i don't know, i'm just trying to bring it home with a metaphor that you began it with. let's jump in the time machine together, my friend. >> take care. >> bye, alex. bye. >> israel ramps up construction plans for 1,000 new homes in eat jerusalem, defying warnings it will poison the well with palestinians. that is next. erages. no one else gives you options like that. 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>> i think two things are driving it. at a point where there's an australia jay government that's come to power about you fueling the fear of people heading its way, our in europe where they're much more concerned about -- than protecting lives the people who are fleeing in desperation, lebanon, along with jordan and turkey have been enormously generous. each has admitted about a million people. just fears, one being overwhelmed. >> one in five people. >> they're also worried about the syrian conflict spilling over into lib not. it's remarkable, apart from a bit of violence, there hasn't been large-scale tit for tat retaliation, but they're worried that isis will infiltration into lebanon to wreak havoc. >> iraq and egypt have been taken refugees, and it's a testament to how bad this situation in syria is that people would be flying to iraq, certainly not a stable country. this is not just the -- should the west be doing more? the answer is always yes, but i was stunned by the fact that 191 syrians have been resettled in the u.s. since 2011, we are processing more amnesty claims, about you that seems extraordinarily small. >> it's tiny, and the same is true throughout the west. and the big focus has been on kobani, but there's a dispairing joke, where is syria? and they say oh, it's south of kobani. there was a piece quoting a refugee says there was a durala, and now there is no durah. will they return home? will they ever return home for syria, given what has happened to the country. >> i think it's extraordinarily unlikely you will find a unified syrian state anytime soon. i think the foreseeable end to the conflict will be a series of fiefdoms. it would take a long time for a safe, broader syria to emerge, if it ever does. >> when we talk about refugees, the thinks is once they're in camps they'll be better off, but certainly there's all kinds of heinous crime that goes on, especially violence towards women. tell us what about -- in jordan "new york times" talk about young syrian brides and really an insurance policy, well under the age of 18 are getting married on so they're not raped in camps. >> you can imagine the despair that it's safer to marry out their 12 or 13-year-old women to older men, and you have stories of children being put to work, there's a real lack of education. these are in many ways. lucky ones. as you noted at the beginning there's 6 million displaced who haven't been able to get out. 10 million in urgened neat of humanitarian aid, which assad continues to block. >> this is a lost generation of people, and increasingly a stateless people. ken roth, thank you, as always, for talking about an issue we should be talking more about. >> exactly. thank you. human rights watch. everyone should go to human rights watch immediately and donate money. can democratic candidate michelle nunn turn the peach state blue? chuck todd is on the road talking to voters. we will check in with him, just ahead. i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.... can get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today. it's monday. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. with our visionary cloud infrastructure, global broadband network and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable - secure - agile. and with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. centurylink your link to what's next. we know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. at first, we were protecting networks. then, we were protecting the transfer of data. and today it's evolved to infrastructure... ♪ and military missions. we're constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber battle, wherever it takes us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. that's the value of performance. to map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. what they do actually is rocket science. high tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. we're just their bankers, right? 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>> in north carolina, you know, i guess you would have to says it's certainly the national environment certainly does favor the republicans in general, but north carolina has always been different for what you just set up. this is an area where they've been able to create that whole -- you always hear do you want it to be a referendum or your campaign to be a choice? president obama created a choice election and successfully was ability to defeat mitt romney. they focused on making it a choice, not a referendum. here i think kay hmm agan's campaign has made it a choice? by the way, do you know my opponent is part of the republicans in raleigh? which i think has made this so accuse. we note this polarization, pardon san ship, people are not happy when one party does one thing which looks like they're caving to a base, what does the middle of the road voter do? do they even exist? a lot of folks don't think there are any persuadable voters, this is really about motivating the base. >> to that point, chuck, you saw this "the charlotte observer" endorsed, and i will put that in quotes, kay hagan says disappointment versus danger. not exactly a ringing endorsement. they talked about her chronic reluctance to take firm opinionses. >> well, that's right. i think, look, she's been very cautious, very careful throughout her six years, i think almost mindful of this issue. this is really tough political terrain in north carolina. it is different from all the other purple states, look, north carolina will be part of the president atbattleground again and will be for some time, but what's different from colorado or virginia or florida, there isn't a large group of independents. it is more of a 47% d. and then maybe 6% in the middle. so a midterm election is about base motivation. they're there to talk about base motivation. this is where i think kay hagan does feel better about things in general, because the issue of the education cuts in general, this is what is very unpopular that happened in raleigh, that is a way in particular with groups that don't necessarily vote in mid terms might motivate them though vote in mid terms. >> to that end, you know, the polar zag and turnout and base, there's been a lot of money spent on the north carolina senate race. i think topping maybe over 103 million. persuadable voters what is that money bus focused on at this point if everybody has basically made up their mind? >> well, you know, it's interesting, a couple things. tom tillis, for instance, and this to me is a sign that they believe they're a bit behind. he's now doing candidate to camera tv ads here at the end. those are sometimes the last ones that have any chance of breaking through, if any even break through at all. let me give you aneck dote. i had a voter group of charlotte-area mothers, a group here, a very active group, charlotte mommies, a listserv that grew into something bigger. they were telling me they have seen hagan and tillis ads on minecraft. any parents with kids, minecraft is very popular, but with kids. i know my kids love playing it. i'm just thinking ads are popping up on minecraft? that tells you they have run out of so much real estate on tv. >> minecraft ads? >> then you're wondering -- embedded pokemon cards next? let me shift gears, about of we have to watch you drive on of into the sunset. in terms of georgia, what is happening there? is michelle nunn going to win this thing? >> you know, he certainly looks like she's got all the momentum. david perdue is definitely on defense. the issue of outsourcing in particular with sort of the shrinking working class jobs. when you look at what's happened, and the issue of outsourcing, issue of automation over the last 20, 30 years, people that end up involved in those decisions, and these are businessmen turned politicians, we saw mitt romney struggle to defend his business practices at a time when working class voters and more rural or smaller cities in places like iowa, ohio, she saw their jobs go away, it's pretty powerful. michelle nunn has been struggling with the working-class vote in georgia, and if she does, that's how she gets to 50%. >> nbc news political director and of course moderator of "meet the press" i wish you incredible gas mileage, and even better road snacks. thank you, my friend, for taking the time. >> thanks. and of course catch chuck on confession meet the press" each and every sunday morning on nbc. nearly four years after a attitude mission venter set himself on fire and set in motion the arab spring, it's in and out broadband called a rare light in a dark region. more on that in a moment. smart sarah. seeking guidance. just like with your investments. that sets you apart. it does? 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[sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! it's eb. want to give your family the very best in taste, freshness, and nutrition? it's eb. want to give them more vitamins, omega 3s, and less saturated fat? it's eb. eggland's best eggs. eb's. the only eggs that make better taste and better nutrition... easy. eggland's best eggs. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. it's eb. thousands of them are foreign fighters, coming from saudi arabia, from jordan, morocco, lebanon, europe, and even in the u.s. but the majority of these foreign fighters actually come from a rather unexpected place, the small north african country of tunisia. but why exactly this is happening is a bit of a paradox. four years after a tunisian fruit vendor set himself on fire, his country has become somewhat of a success story. one of the few governments to rise in the wake of the uprisings and resemble a democra democracy. according to "new york times," the new freedom that came with the arab spring has allowed militants to preach and recruit more openly than ever before. that is the thing with freedom. yesterday at least yesterday there was some hopeful news when millions of the secular antiislamist party, one of the most progressive in the region appears to have prevailed. it prevailed because earlier in this year, the islamist party ceded power and agreed for an interim government. in a statement today that defeated party said we have accepted this result and congratulate the win of john kerry called tunisia a beacon of hope, a region that badly needs one. that is all for now. i'll see you back here tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern. the ed show" is up next\s. live from new york, let's get to work. \s . this once was a woman from kentucky. >> she's gotten the momentum noun. mcconnell is very unpopular in kentucky. >> if we turn out our vote, we win. >> i've had about enough of that. >> she wants what's best for kentucky ka. >> does senator mcconnell have a health care plan that he would replace the affordable care act with? >> we need to fight back. >> absolutely no plan. >> it's time, my friends, to rise up and fight back. >

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Transcripts For MSNBCW NOW With Alex Wagner 20141027 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW NOW With Alex Wagner 20141027

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quarantining people coming back, we will -- >> they are american heroes. >> stopping this outbreak in west africa, we're going to need doctors and nurses traveling to west africa to treat ebola patients. >> we have toorize that and incentivize that. >> rarely have three syllables -- today we are waiting test results for a 5-year-old boy returned from guinea, now in isolate with symptoms similar to ebowl which could mark the second case of the disease in new york city. kaci hickox, publicly critical regarding her treatment under forced quarantine. kaci has been released. she became the immediate test tails for a quarantine policy put in place by the governors of new york and new jersey on friday. now that she has been released after threatening a lawsuit and mincing no words over governor chris christie's response, does the governor have any second thoughts? of course not. >> i didn't reverse any decision. why are you saying -- she hadn't had any symptoms, and she tested negative. there's no reason to keep her. >> governor christie on the campaign trail in florida with governor rick scott. what about the significant push back from experts who say the 21-day quarantine is necessary and will discourage medics from going to help where they are needed the most? apparently not something that concerns governor chris christie. >> are you concerned you're going to disincentivize people from going over there to help stop the outbreak? >> i am not. i believe that folks who wand to take that stip and willing to volunteer also understand it's in their interest and in the public health interest to have a 21-day period thereafter if they've been directly exposed to people with the virus. >> you know who is concerned? a lot of people on the front lines on the ebola crisis. aid worker and recovered patient nancy writebol told our own andrea mitchell, fear that health workers staying home are well founded. >> the biggest problem is it's going to deter our volunteers. if they say, okay, we can go for two or three weeks to volunteer, but then are placed in quarantine for 21 days, many doctors and nurses don't have the luxury of being away from their jobs or from their practices for that long. >> with states like virginia, illinois and florida instituting their own quarantine measures, the white house said today it could result in higher risks here at home, where contagion remains vanishingly low, the only way to drive the risk to zero is stop the outbreak in its tracks in west africa, and the only way to do that is if we have brave individuals to try to stop this outbreak, because it's in the best interest of the american people. >> vowing that the administration will continue to make decisions based on science, press secretary josh earnest did say today that the cdc will be issuing new guidelines for returning health workers this afternoon. the new guidelines could bar high-risk individuals from using public transport during the early days of their return. joining me from newark university hospital is nbc as kristen dahlgren. kristin, let's talk about kaci hickox. do we know where she is at this point? are there any plans by the state of me in preparation for her arrival? >> she is en route to maine, though we don't know the specifics. it will be up to that state according to its laws to decide what to do when she gets there. they have been notified by the state of new jersey she's on the way. she left university hospital here around 1:20 this afternoon to black suvs in a caravan. we were told she would be accompanied by new jersey state officials, and also some officials of doctors without borders. that's the organization she was working for when she was in west africa. so that came after she threatened -- she hired a lawyer, threatened a lawsuit claiming that it was a violation of her civil rights, and so today this morning we saw the state saying that it had decided to grant her request to travel home to maine, saying that she hadn't shown any type of symptoms in the last 24 hours and her ebola tests continued to be negative, so they were granting that request. >> kristen dahlgren, thank you as always for the latest, kristin. with me is executive director of the aclu of new york city, and editor of voc -- josh earnest, the white house press secretary said in some ways, you can take up this matter with james madison, a clear assertion this is well within the power of the government to keep people at home. it sounds like you disagree. what is your pin on the constitutionality? >> first of all ebola is a public health issue, and the response should be driven by -- we should be treating our medical workers who are risking their lives with dignity respect and compassion. mandatory quarantine of medical workers, who is exhibiting no ebola symptoms and when it's not medically necessary is overbroad, raises serious constitutional concerns and it's counterproductive. it simply makes the dangers greater, not lesser. there are serious constitutional concern and new jersey is calling on governor christie to rescind the mandatory policy. >> ezra, let's talk about the individual versus the state, the grand federalist argument here. in terms of governor christie, he said today -- my job is not to represent kaci hickox. my job is to represent the people of new jersey. is that fair? >> i don't understand exactly where governor christie thinks the distinction is. because it's true, hickox is not from the state, but nevertheless the point that i think is important here is that the way he will protect people in new jersey is by not deterring future nurses and doctors from going to west africa to fight this outbreak. i really think this is a dangerous thing that has happened in the american conversation over ebola, where we have gotten very afraid of the isolated set of indications where people come back and have shown symptoms here. it's a bad thing, it's scary, nobody wants it to happen, but that's not how you get an outbreak. what would happen to make it hard for us to manage is you go from 10,000 cases in west africa to 50 to 100,000, it go ahead to india, it gets to lagos, nigeria, then you don't have enough health workers to do the contact tracing. the way you stop that from happening is you get researchers into west africa, get them there now and give people reasons to go. we shouldn't be punishing people. we honestly should be paying them, making them into heroes, parading them through the streets. >> the interplay between hicks objection and governor christie was not a hero's welcome, if you will, udi. in terms of the precedence this set. we've had epidemics before, the aids crisis, there were crises that didn't really hit the american homeland, sars, h1n1, what precedent does it said for future outbreaks? we know epidemics will be part of our new reality in the globalized climate-changing world. star you guys are concerned, how likely is it we'll see the government do it again. >> we hope it won't. it sets a bad precedent. that's why we need to challenge it. that's exactly what we are doing. >> the government has the authority to quarantine someone if it's medically necessary and if there are no other lesser alternatives. that is clearly not the case here. a medical expert after medical expert has said that mandatory quarantine is nonmedically necessary in order to stop an outbreak. if governor christie has decided not to listen to the medical experts, being driven by politics and fear. just literally now as we speak to also get more information about what this policy actually is. governor christie likes to go on tv, announce policies, yet provide no details. >> are you more supportive of what governor cuomo has done? they are originally working hand in glove. governor cuomo has now modified the procedure? is that acceptable? >> we do not support mandatory quarantine of medical workers who are exhibits no ebola stock markets and when it's not medically necessary. >> ezra, let me play devil's advocate for a minute which is, you know, setting aside the treatment of the health ware worker who is doing truly god's work. on a resource left. when you look at the case of this new york city doctor who came back, traveled around and there had to be contact tracing done on subway lines, at a bowling alley, at a meatball shot through ubers, taxis, just in terms offal indicating resources to trace where he was and who he came into contact with, is there not some sort of fiscal or resource incentive to better monitor these health care workers so that so much doesn't need to be done on the back end in terms of detective work? >> no, i think this very much goes to the point. contact resourcing is intensive. you have checking with people who exchanged fluid. so it's not like anybody who hand hobble in a subway car that needs to be watched. but the scary thing about ebola is what happens when you don't know what contacts you are tracing. a recent cdc estimate in west africa held for every four cases we know about, there are six that we don't. that is where this gets scary. it's where we don't know who to trace. when you get into policies like travel bans and quarantines, where you're effectively punishing, or criminalizing or at any level hurting and scares people who possibly have been exposed to ebola, you raise the chances of them essentially going underground, not saying they were around with anybody with ebola, doing a reroutic of their travel plans so they were not tagged as having come from west africa, doing the things people might do to avoid that, either because they could take time off word, they're scared of the authorities, whatever it might be. when you get them, that's when you don't know how to do the contact tracing. that's when you don't have the resources to do is, because you are having to answer instead of clear questions, who was at the bowling alley, open-ended questions of might this guy have been? where did they go? we didn't even know who they were. if you don't want this to spiral, you need to make sure that people do have assen centive to cup forward. >> this is also a baird study. if you threaten people, and as you said, they go underground. one last thing. "new york times" reminds us the last time we had a sort of blanket approach to an epidemic and quarantines is the pandemic of 1918. if there's a silver lining, it'sen 100 years since america has had to grapple -- and by no mean is ebola an epidemic in the united states, but these questions which are very much specification to a globalized economy, and at a time in our culture when we're looking at questions of civil liberties vertebra national securities through a distinctly different lens. this is part of a huge debate and dialogue. no better time to be raisings these questions over what is truly democratic. >> i think what we have seen is in times of crisis, government tends to overreact. it is the responsibility of the public to make sure that it doesn't. we immediate to make insure we don't needlessly sacrifice our civil liberties in the name of security. so in this situation, governor christie fortunately so far an outlier, but we think he needs to rescind the policy immediately, and i think he owes kaci an apology, and an apology to all the workers who should be treat treated -- >> i'm not sure you'll get an apology out of christie, but much luck to you. thank you both for your time and thoughts. after the break, gloves off, mitts on. in the tough race for the kansas senate, romney is the latest national republican leader trying to help pat roberts keep his seat. will it work? plus syrian refugees are desperately seeking asylum as a neighboring nation closes its border. later why secretary john kerry is calling tunisia a beacon of hope nearly four years after the arab spring. all that is ahead on "now." we asked people a question how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to like, pull it a little further got me to 70 years old i'm going to have to rethink this thing it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,nd. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24, a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70 percent of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit don't let non-24 get in the way of your pursuit of happiness. for most people, earning cash back ends here, at the purchase. but there's a new card in town. introducing the citi® double cash card. it lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay. that's cash back twice. it's cash back with a side of cash back. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay . with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. twith available forwardd collision warningigned. and new blind spot monitor and a 2014 top safety pick plus rating. cost of entry? a fortune. until now. hey sarah, new jetta? yup. can i check it out? maybe at halftime? introducing lots of new. the new volkswagen jetta. isn't it time for german engineering? it is down to the wire in the sunflower state. the latest poll shows greg orman with just a one-point lead over incumbent republican pat roberts. orman's lead was as big as ten points earlier this month, a lead that roberts has chipped away at with a little help from his friends, friends that today include mitt romney. a vote for greg orman is a vote for bottom bottom, and america should not make that mistake three times. you go through this presidency and compare what he said when he ran for office with what he has done. there's such an enormous gap, a gulf, the american people are understandably angry. they want to see some real change and they'll see it if we have a republican senate. that's what they'll see whether we reelect pat roberts to the senate. tomorrow rand paul flies if for three events. by the way, there have been a lot of friends who have flown in to help pat roberts. at this point it's hard to name a single republican who hasn't flown in to help out pat roberts. >> you give us the majority and we will repeal and replace obamacare. >> he is a conservative, and he is what america needs. he's not wishy wash on the fence look like you know who, the other guy. >> pat roberts was one of a handful of senators who came down and stood by my side and said obamacare is a disaster and we've got to stop it. >> while the entire republican party has been racking up frequent flyer miles to topeka, greg orman has notably campaigned alone, casting himself as an outsider with no ties to either party. >> both parties have -- i would not vote for harry reid or mitch mcconnell for leader. i don't care that much about the future of the democratic party or the future of the republican party. i do not intend ton a silent soldier for either the republicans or democrats, i will stand for a better way. >> as a ten-point lead has shall rink, the orman party of one strategy might be proving to be not so successful, especially given the fact he's up against mills onof outside money like this ad from the koch brothers super-pac. >> they can stop the failed policies how? don't vote for greg orman. why? the senator could be the deciding vote for more of obama's unchecked agenda. >> they are not swamped with ads. outside groups have poured into $10 million much in the last two weeks. joining me now is white house correspondent at the huffington post sam stein, and senior writer for politico, glenn this rush. glenn, if you say barack obama enough times, do you think kansas voters will forget it's pat roberts they may be reelecting? >> here is my question. i would actually like to get into a time machine for several reasons, but -- >> but for this particular discussion, let's focus on one. >> >> the first reason would be hair, but i don't want to get into that. bur i would ask mitt romney if he could pick pat roberts out of a lineup. he's a fairly obscure kansas sonar, former head of the intelligence committee, but with the stakes this high they're flooding the zone. the question for orman is, who would he have come campaign? who does he want to be associated with? >> let's talk about the party of 17 that pat roberts has had in recent days. mitt romney, jeb bush, bob dole, sarah palin -- this is the most unified the republican party has been in years. my concern is there's been a huge schism between conservative republicans and establishment moderate republicans. i wonder if some of them don't cancel out the votes they might bring in? >> i think it's very clear that pat roberts has made the kansas is a republican state, clearly, and if you with get enough regardless of where they fall, he'll win, so he's basically taking anyone he can find to come in and rally their support. kansas went 60% to romney, 38% to obama. that was in 2012. things have even deteriorated further for the president since then. if they can just say the president's name enough times, i -- it could very well end up being a winning strategy for republicans. >> yeah, i mean, glenn, i'm not a cynic, but i play one on television. >> you're not? >> exactly. i guess the question is, can you be an independent anymore in this country? can you say i'm beholding to the american public and not one particular party? roberts' spokesman -- mitt romney spend five minutes talking only about president obama, not all about greg orman. it is literally guilt by association, never mind what the man actually wants to do. >> i think, you know, you have a better chance in a presidential year with a larger electorate, but this is a polarized electorate. >> the one thing i would warn democrats, this is a preview of 2016, and the barack obama and the democrats for really the last three cycles have benefited from a fractured republican party, but this is a hungry group of people. >> it does seem they are coalescing -- imagine what they would do with a halfway decent candidate in 2016? >> but glenn, this is also a product of an amazing terrain for republicans. glow they can do it because it's kansas. >> there have been republicans with an open mutiny against governor brownback, who has a problem within his own party. do you think it is possible for sam brownback to lose and for pat roberts to win reelection? >> well, sure. in part baas his fingerprints are all over the policies that some find so repugnant. they are his responsibility, but let's step back to a second and recognize this is kansas. we're talking about a senate razz that one percentage point within the margin of error. if you had told anyone five months ago, six months ago, that this would be a to theup race with a week to go, they would have been shocked. this isn't exactly like republicans are finding their groove. they're barely holding on, and they may not. >> and they are flooding the zone with money. >> right. let's just say, in terms of these surrogates, it's a freebie, right? >> they get to where we're talking about them. they get to sort of share the national stage. i don't know about you, i don't know what ann romney has been telling mitt romney, but this guy sounds very interested in something beyond -- >> are you saying that? c'mon, glen, really? >> stop it. >> let me just get you on the record. you think mitt romney will run for president for a third time? >> whenever i hear that honeyed bar i tone coming over the airways, the perfect hair. >> when you're talking about the trees being exactly the right height, some national pride is -- >> run mick, run mick, the wind through the trees says to him. >> what just happened to this panel? >> the same thing that always happens. >> why is he out there? if not for some some future purpose. >> because it's his version of the time machine, to reconcile what happened to him in 2012. maybe, i don't know, i'm just trying to bring it home with a metaphor that you began it with. let's jump in the time machine together, my friend. >> take care. >> bye, alex. bye. >> israel ramps up construction plans for 1,000 new homes in eat jerusalem, defying warnings it will poison the well with palestinians. that is next. erages. no one else gives you options like that. 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>> i think two things are driving it. at a point where there's an australia jay government that's come to power about you fueling the fear of people heading its way, our in europe where they're much more concerned about -- than protecting lives the people who are fleeing in desperation, lebanon, along with jordan and turkey have been enormously generous. each has admitted about a million people. just fears, one being overwhelmed. >> one in five people. >> they're also worried about the syrian conflict spilling over into lib not. it's remarkable, apart from a bit of violence, there hasn't been large-scale tit for tat retaliation, but they're worried that isis will infiltration into lebanon to wreak havoc. >> iraq and egypt have been taken refugees, and it's a testament to how bad this situation in syria is that people would be flying to iraq, certainly not a stable country. this is not just the -- should the west be doing more? the answer is always yes, but i was stunned by the fact that 191 syrians have been resettled in the u.s. since 2011, we are processing more amnesty claims, about you that seems extraordinarily small. >> it's tiny, and the same is true throughout the west. and the big focus has been on kobani, but there's a dispairing joke, where is syria? and they say oh, it's south of kobani. there was a piece quoting a refugee says there was a durala, and now there is no durah. will they return home? will they ever return home for syria, given what has happened to the country. >> i think it's extraordinarily unlikely you will find a unified syrian state anytime soon. i think the foreseeable end to the conflict will be a series of fiefdoms. it would take a long time for a safe, broader syria to emerge, if it ever does. >> when we talk about refugees, the thinks is once they're in camps they'll be better off, but certainly there's all kinds of heinous crime that goes on, especially violence towards women. tell us what about -- in jordan "new york times" talk about young syrian brides and really an insurance policy, well under the age of 18 are getting married on so they're not raped in camps. >> you can imagine the despair that it's safer to marry out their 12 or 13-year-old women to older men, and you have stories of children being put to work, there's a real lack of education. these are in many ways. lucky ones. as you noted at the beginning there's 6 million displaced who haven't been able to get out. 10 million in urgened neat of humanitarian aid, which assad continues to block. >> this is a lost generation of people, and increasingly a stateless people. ken roth, thank you, as always, for talking about an issue we should be talking more about. >> exactly. thank you. human rights watch. everyone should go to human rights watch immediately and donate money. can democratic candidate michelle nunn turn the peach state blue? chuck todd is on the road talking to voters. we will check in with him, just ahead. i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.... can get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today. it's monday. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. with our visionary cloud infrastructure, global broadband network and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable - secure - agile. and with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. centurylink your link to what's next. we know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. at first, we were protecting networks. then, we were protecting the transfer of data. and today it's evolved to infrastructure... ♪ and military missions. we're constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber battle, wherever it takes us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. that's the value of performance. to map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. what they do actually is rocket science. high tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. we're just their bankers, right? 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>> in north carolina, you know, i guess you would have to says it's certainly the national environment certainly does favor the republicans in general, but north carolina has always been different for what you just set up. this is an area where they've been able to create that whole -- you always hear do you want it to be a referendum or your campaign to be a choice? president obama created a choice election and successfully was ability to defeat mitt romney. they focused on making it a choice, not a referendum. here i think kay hmm agan's campaign has made it a choice? by the way, do you know my opponent is part of the republicans in raleigh? which i think has made this so accuse. we note this polarization, pardon san ship, people are not happy when one party does one thing which looks like they're caving to a base, what does the middle of the road voter do? do they even exist? a lot of folks don't think there are any persuadable voters, this is really about motivating the base. >> to that point, chuck, you saw this "the charlotte observer" endorsed, and i will put that in quotes, kay hagan says disappointment versus danger. not exactly a ringing endorsement. they talked about her chronic reluctance to take firm opinionses. >> well, that's right. i think, look, she's been very cautious, very careful throughout her six years, i think almost mindful of this issue. this is really tough political terrain in north carolina. it is different from all the other purple states, look, north carolina will be part of the president atbattleground again and will be for some time, but what's different from colorado or virginia or florida, there isn't a large group of independents. it is more of a 47% d. and then maybe 6% in the middle. so a midterm election is about base motivation. they're there to talk about base motivation. this is where i think kay hagan does feel better about things in general, because the issue of the education cuts in general, this is what is very unpopular that happened in raleigh, that is a way in particular with groups that don't necessarily vote in mid terms might motivate them though vote in mid terms. >> to that end, you know, the polar zag and turnout and base, there's been a lot of money spent on the north carolina senate race. i think topping maybe over 103 million. persuadable voters what is that money bus focused on at this point if everybody has basically made up their mind? >> well, you know, it's interesting, a couple things. tom tillis, for instance, and this to me is a sign that they believe they're a bit behind. he's now doing candidate to camera tv ads here at the end. those are sometimes the last ones that have any chance of breaking through, if any even break through at all. let me give you aneck dote. i had a voter group of charlotte-area mothers, a group here, a very active group, charlotte mommies, a listserv that grew into something bigger. they were telling me they have seen hagan and tillis ads on minecraft. any parents with kids, minecraft is very popular, but with kids. i know my kids love playing it. i'm just thinking ads are popping up on minecraft? that tells you they have run out of so much real estate on tv. >> minecraft ads? >> then you're wondering -- embedded pokemon cards next? let me shift gears, about of we have to watch you drive on of into the sunset. in terms of georgia, what is happening there? is michelle nunn going to win this thing? >> you know, he certainly looks like she's got all the momentum. david perdue is definitely on defense. the issue of outsourcing in particular with sort of the shrinking working class jobs. when you look at what's happened, and the issue of outsourcing, issue of automation over the last 20, 30 years, people that end up involved in those decisions, and these are businessmen turned politicians, we saw mitt romney struggle to defend his business practices at a time when working class voters and more rural or smaller cities in places like iowa, ohio, she saw their jobs go away, it's pretty powerful. michelle nunn has been struggling with the working-class vote in georgia, and if she does, that's how she gets to 50%. >> nbc news political director and of course moderator of "meet the press" i wish you incredible gas mileage, and even better road snacks. thank you, my friend, for taking the time. >> thanks. and of course catch chuck on confession meet the press" each and every sunday morning on nbc. nearly four years after a attitude mission venter set himself on fire and set in motion the arab spring, it's in and out broadband called a rare light in a dark region. more on that in a moment. smart sarah. seeking guidance. just like with your investments. that sets you apart. it does? 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