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Erbil, hours after 18 fighter jets dropped 500pound bombs against another isis position. U. S. Aircraft dropped food and water whereas many as 40,000 yazidi iraqs remain trapped with no sustenance. The leader of isis released an audio statement warning america that soon enough youll find yourself in a direct confrontation with the sons of islam who have prepared themselves well for the day we fight you. This afternoon White House Press secretary josh earnest repeatedly said the mission would not be prolonged but declined to offer an idea as to when it might end. The authorization that the president has been given for military action is very limited in scope. The president is determined to ensure that the United States is not dragged back into a prolonged military conflict in iraq. Not in a position to offer up a specific date, but i am able to offer a specific president ial commitment that a prolonged military conflict that includes u. S. Involvement is not on the table here. He called the mission in iraq limited and humanitarian, president obama who resisted military action in the middle east has now joined a long tradition of american president s, four of them now, who have authorized military action in iraq. Just two hours ago, allied air forces began an attack on military targets in iraq and kuwait. These attacks continue as i speak. Ground forces are not engaged. Earlier today i ordered American Forces to strike iraq. Our objectives are limited but clear. Earlier today i ordered Americas Armed forces to strike military and security targets in iraq. At this hour, american and Coalition Forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger. Joining me now is chief Foreign Affairs correspondent for nbc news and of course host of Andrea Mitchell reports, Andrea Mitchell. Thanks for joining me. You bet. Lets start first with the breaking news, which is the Defense Department is reporting there was a second series of air strikes by erbil and sort of changes the public calculation over how long this engagement may last. Its clear from what the president said in terms of the humanitarian mission and mission to defend erbil, this is not a shortterm deal and im just getting this right now from the pentagon and from the state department that indeed there were two more as Jim Miklaszewski has been reporting. Were talking about a remote piloted drone attack apparently around 10 00 eastern our time. And then four fa18s dropping a total of eight laser guided bombs on aa convoy an hour later. Both near erbil and both under the Mission Statement that the president has defined to congress under the war powers act where they are notified that this is to defend american personnel and interests in erbil. Andrea, you asked this question earlier but i would love your thoughts on it. The lack of Coalition Forces here, i was surprised that David Cameron so early in the day said the u. K. Was not planning a military intervention in iraq. Were on this mission alone, which is very counter to as you discussed president obamas these sis about engagement elsewhere in the world. Last friday at the president s News Conference he was saying we cant do Everything Everywhere and again repeating that last night. But there was a big but. Genocide and interest of america with kurdish allies in erbil. David cameron, americas closest ally, but think back to how tox irk the bush blair relationship has been with the british public. There was no way he was going to do anything other than humanitarian aid and hollande, speaking to the kurdish iraqis saying afterwards that we will help with humanitarian aid. Theres no french fighter jets, at least at this point, unless something happens. There was a conversation earlier today between the president and King Abdullah in jordan, probably to reassure abdullah that the u. S. Is committed to the engagement but you hear nothing about a saudi Fighter Force or other kind of arab coalition. The regional partnerships seem to be fairly nonexistent. I think partly because of what happened a year ago Labor Day Weekend when barack obama established a red line and signaled we were going to support action air strikes against the assad forces because of the use of chemical weapons and then at the last minute decided not to. That created a huge real diplomatic storm in the persian gulf among the allies saying that he cant whether that was the right decision the right decision militarily, did we really want to get in syria. Were we prepared to do what needed to be done. By proxy, you can say we have entered the conflict by virtue of taking on isis. A point that Michael Leiter made to me earlier, was so tactical, you cannot get at isis unless you go to syria. Youre not going to get them, even if you defeat them in iraq, which is a big if, youre not going to wipe them out as a potential threat to the American Home larnd which is what the Intelligence Community fears if they spread out. They are already in syria, then jordan and clearly at risk. Then they can have the kind of terror camps that created al qaeda. Andrea, hang with me one second. I want to bring on the phone, correspondent for global post, tracy shelton, and kevin sut cliff. Youre in the region. If you can give us your assessment of how effective these air strikes have been . Is there any sense that isis has been incapacitated in any way . Not yet, i think its a little early to tell as well especially from here because there are reports were getting back may take a little time. But yes, i think it is going to take longer. The air strikes are just the beginning. It needs a ground force to take back any of this territory. Were waiting for them to mobilize and move in there before we can evaluate how effective its been. Kevin, youve done great reporting with vice on the subject of isis, a lot has been discussed about the Kurdish Fighting forces. Do you think the assessment they were this great bull work is an accurate one and the fact that isis has been able to penetrate them in some ways shocking. Was that a surprise to you . What have you seen from them in terms of their capabilities . I think all of it has taken everyone by surprise, the speed of which isis established the caliphates and threatening lebanon and now threaten the kurds and kurds traditional will fight to the last drop of blood to defend their homeland. What were seeing is that even they are struggling. I am at a lot to understand why this one action is in a way laudible but a bit of a pinprick after one side. It will try to stabilize the situation. You have here the establishment, islamic callie fate by a group brutal determined and how to see how were going to stop them. Andrea, you talked about the red line in syria, it seems for this white house, the falling the fact that the isis has been able to penetrate was almost a red line for this administration, a signal that things have gotten from bad to worse. Do you agree with that . Absolutely. They were really surprised at what they described to me as the lightning speed of what happened on saturday night, the collapse of the forces and the fact they were routed by isis in such an efficient and strategic fashion. They are describing and praising the military commanding control of this operation, it doesnt sound like a Guerilla Force at all. It is combined with the more sunni western military forces. Tracye, what has been the response from the kurds to the air strikes that have taken place in the last 24 hours . Well, i think there so little dont really trust its going to achieve what they hope it is. They are waiting to see the results. The people are happy that there has been some action. Theyve been angry up until now there hasnt been, particularly on the part of the u. S. Some people feel a lot of responsibility falls on the u. S. Even the uprising of the islamic state. Its kind of mixed reaction but at least people are happy that theres action taking place. Kevin, i want to go back to some of the reporting you have done at vice. We have very little footage that shows who is behind isis and this sort of brutality that is a hall mark of their work. Its important to note vice has no affiliation with nbc news and we have not verified the video. Just a clip from that, to give folks the sense of danger that the people in iraq are feeling is at their door step. Lets look at that. Kevin, lets talk about the leader of isis, in terms of the threat he poses to western interests, do you think it is on par or greater than that of al qaeda and Osama Bin Laden at this moment in time . I think hes a very charismatic leader and only know people are trying to understand hes emerging from the shadows, who is he . Its hard to get a picture of him. What is clear, he has that cult status and what he says goes. Hes made one managed appearance recently and i think you had a clip there when he made a speech and made another speech today. Hes emerging as a key figure in this middle east was its worth realizing here the establishment of this caliphate is incredibly destabilizing for not just those two countries but surrounding countries as well. I think it is a real moment and the americans have obviously identified the fall of kurdistan would be an extraordinary problem. In terms of the recruitment process in isis, many distressing features of the series are running, but many is the age of the young men recruited to be jihadist. One kid there is 11 years old. Tell us, if you will, how the isis managed to grow its numbers in such rapid fashion . I think its quite chilling to watch in the film how many young boys being attracted to support the caliphate and older men are indoctrinating them and walking them through islamic tracks and telling them a verse of islamic history and belief. They are indoctrinating them like that and watching online social media. Isis is posting all the time. All of these things are playing in to how these young boys are seeing the world. Its a world that is antichristian and hard line muslim and its a toxic mix. If youre a 9 and 10 and 11yearold young boy and those are the boys we came across in syria and iraq, it must be a very confusing and difficult time for you. Its very troubling to see it. Its a chilling watch when you see a voluntarily a 9 and 10yearold children responding in this way and mouthing the slogans of the caliphate. The white house has said repeatedly there is not a military solution to this problem. There is a political solution to this problem. Nuri al maliki is demanding a massive immunity if he leaves office and a former official in iraq was quoted as saying mallyky knows if he steps down hes a dead man. Theres very little incentive for Nuri Al Maliki to leave office. Given that, how likely do you think a political resolution is . I think a private plane to switer land will be in order. There are a lot of places he could go and live among whatever wealth hes accumulated. It would be so much better for iraq if they could come up with another Shiite Coalition leader, the iatola sis tolly is almost anyone other than maliki would be an improvement in the short term. It is a situation that is developing day by day indeed. Nbcs Andrea Mitchell, thank you for your time. Great to have you in washington by the way. Great to be onset with you. Thank you so much for your time and thoughts. After the break, the lives of tens of thousands of people may depend on the success of u. S. Engagement. Ill talk with ken roth about iraqs humanitarian crisis and what it means to use the word genocide. Thats next on now. [cat meows] meow, meow, meow, meow. Its more than just a meal, its meow mix mealtime. With great taste and 100 complete nutrition, its the only one cats ask for by name. Honey, look i got one to land. Uhhuh announcer theres good more. Honey, look at all these smart rewards points verizon just gave me. Ooh, you got a buddy. Im like a statue. I just signed up and, boom, all these points. And theres notsogood more. Youre a big guy. Huh. Oh no. Get the good more with Verizon Smart rewards and rack up points to use towards the things you really want. Now get 50 off all new smartphones. So factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria . Even if youre healthy and active. Phillips Digestive Health support is a duoprobiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. Im doubly impressed phillips Digestive Health. A daily probiotic. In laying out the mandate for military action in iraq, president obama said the United States cannot turn a blind eye to potential genocide. The humanitarian catastrophe has been building for months as isis abducted and killed and expelled ethnic and religious minorities from their homes. Desperate and terrifyed, 40,000 are estimated to have fled to northern iraq, cut off supplies and food and water. Unicef reports that at least 56 children from that group have died. The president announced that the u. S. Has completed a humanitarian air drop delivering 5300 gallons of Drinking Water and 8,000 meal packets with the possibility of more aid drops to come. But Big Questions remain about just what it will take to prevent slaughter in iraq and what exactly constitutes a humanitarian crisis worthy of american response. White House Press Secretary josh earnest warned of drawing comparisons between iraq and kris ease elsewhere in the world. While there are lessons to be drawn from involvement in other places, there is no direct correlation between action in one place and action in another in terms of guiding the decisions that are made solely by the consequences for American National security. Joining me now is the executive director of Human Rights Watch, ken roth. Thank you so much for joining me. Theres a lot going on in the world today as far as humanitarian catastrophes. Lets start in iraq, hrw has been warning of this pending crisis for months and i guess if you could, give us a sense of what exactly the situation is like, not just for the yazidis trapped on the mountain but all religious minorities in iraq. As Human Rights Watch reported, every ethnic and religious minority is in jeopardy as isis moves forward. The yazidi are the latest example. When isis took oef mosul they expelled the latest Christianity Community dating back for centuries, the kurds have been holding their own are very much in jeopardy and shia muslim as well are in jeopardy. You all remember the execution videos that isis distributed when it had taken over takrit, if you dont fit into the narrow extreme ideology, youre in jeopardy. Given the breadth of those who are victims or potential victims to isis, what will it take to protect them . We know weve done one humanitarian air drop to a specific group of people trapped on the mountain. Given this sort of broad nature of those who could be targeted from a human rights and humanitarian perspective, what else should be done . The air drops in many ways are comparable to the cross border humanitarian assistance the u. S. Has been doing for some time in northern syria. I think know what president obama is in a sense balancing is on the one hand hes very concerned about the prospect of military advances into erbil, the capital of iraqi kurdistan, far from perfect, the government is far more democratic than anything else in the vicinity, certainly than syria, iraq, iran. At the same time, president obama has been adamant and appropriately so, that he will not contemplate military action to protect the government of iraqi Prime Minister maliki because its his abusive sectarian rule that is the cause of isis many victories today. A coalition included both the sunni tribes who were part of the prou. S. Awakening several years ago as well as the sectarian sunni former bathists shows that among the sunni population, theres a insinuation, they would rather throw in the lot with the jihadist and risk the torture and murders and abductions and disappearances of the very sectarian maliki government. Obama is pushing for a change of government, a ruler in iraq what would be more inclusive and make clear iraq is for all iraqis, regardless of sect. That is a searing inindictment of malikis government, they would prevent isis to the unknown enemy. In human rights circles and humanitarian circles, anyone who follows the subject matter around the world, the use of the word genocide is a very specific one and not one president obama has used often in his presidency. When he uttered that last night, were you surprised . I am in a sense theres a broad view that if genocide is happening that theres a duty on the part of the international to step in and stop it. But in fact, theres that same duty that exists for any widespread massacre or killing. Its a particular form of killing and involves the intent to eradicate a group on the basis of religion or ethnicity or race. Theres a threat of that with the yazidi right now but in fact isis has been killing people left and right on sectarian grounds. Theres a strong i am ped miss for people to do what they can to stop this but nobody pretends thats easy. Let me ask you one question. I know we have talked about conflicts elsewhere in the world that have taken a grave toll on communities. Does it concern you that the white house is it trying to separate this conflict from other conflicts like the one in the Central African republic . U. N. Security council authorized the deployment of 12,000 peace keeper and south sudan as well. Unlike iraq where the government is giving permission for western military action, its opposite in syria and everybody has been reluctant to get involved there because they dont know what the long term consequences are going to be. Executive director of Human Rights Watch, ken roth, thanks for your time. Thanks. Coming up, threeday ceasefire between israelis and palestinians ends in new violence. The latest up next. A card that gave you that im 16 and just got my first car feeling. Presenting the buypower card from capital one. Redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac with no limits. So every time you use it, youre not just shopping for goods. Youre shopping for something great. Learn more at buypowercard. Com this is bill. His doubleheader day at the park starts with back pain. And a choice. Take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. Peanuts peanuts crowd cheers when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. 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Viagra. Talk to you doctor. It was last night while president obama was addressing the nation about possible air strikes in iraq at 9 36 p. M. Eastern that the Israeli Defense forces announced on twitter that two rockets had been fired into israel violating a 72hour ceasefire. These rockets fired not by hamas but Islamic Jihad came before the ceasefire was due to expire. Exactly three days after the truce began it officially ended. Hamas resumed hostilities firing the first of over 60 rockets towards israel wounding two israelis. The Israeli Military responded by attacking 70 targets in gaza in a series much air strikes. According to the health ministry, five palestinians killed and 31 wounded, the latest in a conflict that claimed over 1900 palestinians and 67 israeli lives. The resumption sparked violent protests in west bank. One palestinian was reportedly killed and 40 injured as pro testers clashed with israeli troops. As for the indirect peace talks in cairo, they are now on hold as the israeli delegation. Cessation of all violence. When hamas broke the ceasefire and launched rockets and mortar shells at israel, they broke the premise of the talk. There will not be negotiations under fire. After a threeday lull when people returned to their homes, the u. N. Relief agency says its shelters have begun filling up once again. 221,000 gazans are seeking refuge, 65,000 of whom have seen their homes destroyed in the conflict. It was fairly obvious there was a fair chance the ceasefire would not be renewed but most people were optimistic. Gaza was very lively and people were buying things and there was a genuine sense this was over. This morning people are very demoralized. After the break, ill discuss the standoff in the middle east with Mark Ginsburg and Jonathan Schaefer from new York Magazine join me next. When healthcare changes. When frustration and paperwork decrease. 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Its quite clear that what happened here is that the israelis who expected an unconditioning cease fire in exchange for an effect, these negotiations are now facing hamas, that is demanding that israel make important economic concessions that the israelis refuse to, in order not to grant hamas some sort of victory to take back to their public that is demoralized as it was with this terrible month they endured. Jonathan, lets talk about the israelis and the changing sent. To some degree youve touched on in your writing, relating to israel supporters around the world maybe perhaps not necessarily in israel. Ill read an excerpt where you see a decade ago i would argue its a fair reading of the facts to view israel as a state that desired peace and use of force was justifiable. That argument weakened substantially in the intervening years. Tell me about that. Well, the last major negotiations between israel and the palestinians before the ones heard last year were in 2000. What basically what happened was that israel offered a fair deal to the palestinians for a twostate solution and they couldnt take the deal. Now, there were negotiations last year and i think you had a very different story where you had israelis refusing to even stop settlement construction and real partner for peace or at least the most moderate palestinian leadership weve ever had in the history of the palestinian people. I dont think you had the real interest in the Israeli Government in making a deal. The situation on the ground has changed and if youre sympathetic to israel, you have to acknowledge that it is not as clear cut as it used to be. A. M. Bass dore, do you feel theres any sense inside the Netanyahu Administration that an opportunity was squander and they would be further along if they had taken opportunity when it presented itself given the fits and starts we have gone through and violence and blood shed that have occurred in the last month . Alex, inside this crazy quilted coalition that constitutes the Israeli Government. You have hard liner right wingers whoe are against the creation of any palestinian government, much less any negotiation that would appeal to palestinians but you have more moderates in the coalition, mns minister, livni, the head of the party, threatened to resign unless there are negotiations. But at this point in time, the challenges the Prime Minister has seen himself, the fact that netanyahu had squandered the opportunity he had that secretary kerry provided him, and that he is in effect demonized the moderate president that jonathan just mentioned, president abbas, that they now need in order to demilitarize gaza and mitigate the role hamas is playing. The israelis will have to take a good look at the situation they created for themselves if they want to break out of the box they are in. It remains to be seen where they do and netanyahu himself wants to break out of that box. There have been many surprising moments but one was the vitreol that accompanied secretary kerry in the efforts to broker peace. The times of israel says where is kerry in negotiations in cairo . John kerry has a lot on his plate but this is also series of negotiations where he has been termed maligned for being there and his absence is questioned weeks later. Yeah, you can certainly question some of the ways in which he handled the ceasefire negotiations in gaza, hasnt been his finest hour but you have to question what is netanyahus strategy at all. Number one, i dont understand what it does for you to actually give palestinians give hamas the dead Palestinian Civilians they say you know they want and giving hamas the victory, you know thats what they are after and give it to them anyway. Then what is the longterm vision . Do this again in six months, 12 months . Its unfewer fur rating to watch the leadership move from crisis to crisis with no plan. Your defense of zionism as you know it has gotten a lot of pickup and subject of debate. And in the New York Times today theres an oped who says basically israel is not going to worry about what nonisraeli jews in the Global Community think. Do you think thats true . Do you think netanyahu and his advisers are not that concerned with what the rest of the world is thinking . I think that mentality has gotten stronger among israel and its post conservative supporters, its really disturbing. Most of the people in the world are not jewish. You can go to the jews and say you have to be on our team. If youre dividing the world into team jew and nonjew, theres more of them than of us. Its not going to work. You need to have a justification that can appeal to appeal who arnt zionist loyalists. Its really baffling they cant see that. Ambassador, if we see any kinds of solution to this process, what do you think at this point that might look like . Well, im going to make a plug. I wrote a piece yesterday laying out the points i believe are necessary. But the most important one is for israelis to take advantage of the situation and announce a unilateral halt. That would reempower president on abbas and it would provide the context by which secretary kerry can come back into the negotiations and play the orchestrated role he needs to play. Thank you both for your time and thoughts. Sure. Coming up, hawaii gets its first Tropical Storm in decades and now a hurricane is on the way. The latest just ahead. vo get ready fancy feast broths. Theyre irresistabowl. Completely unbelievabowl. Totally delectabowl. Real silky smooth or creamy broths. Everything shes been waiting for. Carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any byproducts or fillers. Wow being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. Fancy feast broths. Wow served daily. Your studied day and night for her drivers test. Secretly inside, you hoped she wouldnt pass. 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This video shows a waterfall in the big island before the storm and this is what that waterfall looks like today. That is unbelievable. Meanwhile, theres a second storm lurking behind iselle, hurricane julio threatening to deliver a followup punch. For more on the path, im joined by janette, give us the latest. Were keeping close tabs on iselle and julio, set to impact the hawaii an islands. Max mux sustained winds of 60 Miles Per Hour and it is moving away from the big island and conditions will be improving in the big island through the rest of the today and into tonight local time, kuai could see the local gust of winds and continue to batter the big island over next several hours, upwards of a foot if not 18 inches of rainfall. Meanwhile following closely behind is hurricane julio, a category two hurricane that may impact the hawaiian islands, its taking a similar track to iselle, maybe further north and the big island may be spared by julio, smaller islands may feel the impact into early next week. Thanks for the update. Coming up after the break, republican lawmakers weigh in on president obamas air strikes and Jonathan Allen and Michael Crowley join me coming up next. Honey, look i got one to land. Uhhuh announcer theres good more. Honey, look at all these smart rewards points verizon just gave me. Ooh, you got a buddy. Im like a statue. I just signed up and, boom, all these points. And theres notsogood more. Youre a big guy. Huh. Oh no. Get the good more with Verizon Smart rewards and rack up points to use towards the things you really want. Now get 50 off all new smartphones. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. 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Graham and mccain launched a joint statement, we need to get beyond a policy of half measures and comprehensive strategy to degrade isis, if ever a time to evaluate disastrous policy in the middle east this is it. Many democrats back the president s actions, some echoed a war weary public. More forceful quote, we cannot allow a humanitarian crisis to draw us into a war that would again cost the iraqi people far too much in destruction and lives lost. Joining me now is Jonathan Allen and Foreign Affairs correspondent, Michael Crowley. Michael, in terms of the interesting position which is to say uncomfortable position these air strikes put both republicans and democrats. We have been talking a lot about rand paul and his strategy of not getting engaged and just what it creates inside the republican party. What do you imagine the broader response to be in the coming days . Its another test of this cleavage and the party is trying to finds out what its real direction is. The kind of interventionists have been very assertive. There was a time when people thought the rand paul view would prevail and polls go against for calling for more air strikes and intervention in the middle east. The wing of the party is not of the view that intervening in iraq didnt go so well and now we have to pipe down. But that fight is going to continue to play out and i think were seeing one instance of it after another. There are some republicans focusing on the tactical question. John boehners statement, for instance said the president doesnt have a strategy and not clear what he wants, didnt seem to take a clear position one way or the other. Surprise. Thats the safe position, lack of strategy or rhetoric. John mccain and Lindsey Graham are 2 of the United States senate and seem to get 50 bill cristal is not in the u. S. Senate the folks that are critical and say that the president should have greater engagement across the world are not listening too the American Public the way the president has been and people in his own party. If you look on the republican side and what boehner is saying, he needs a strategy but not saying what it is. Nor is he advocating. Weve seen the return of the neocons and i dont think the American Public believes them or wants to listen about iraq and certainly i dont think the American Public is excited about getting involved in war in countries that maybe difficult for them to finds on the map in some cases. This is not a time when the American Public is looking for greater, deeper American Military involvement. That is why this white house has been so deliberate in saying this could threaten lets keep in mind, the reason were doing this, we have u. S. Personnel near erbil. This is a direct threat to u. S. Citizens and u. S. Personnel. And they have been very firm in trying to redraw that line between isis and u. S. Security interests. Theres also a humanitarian component which is interesting. The president used the word genocide, very electric, emotional loaded but in this case it probably is appropriate. So but its not first time we do talk about him sometimes to excess as never being willing to pull the trigger. We forget about the intervention in libya. There are real parallels. Libya did not start as a operation to knock out gadhafi, it was because benghazi and we associate that word with other things, was a city filled with innocent civilians that would be slaughtered by gadhafis forces to save the people of benghazi, much of the same language in yazidi on the mountaintop. That limited intervention to save people of benghazi dragged on, complicated regime change operation. No u. S. Casualties. There was a little bit of a slippery slope there. Youre seeing hesitation from democrats too. The president knows his own party and to your point the American Public does not want to see Mission Creep here. Given the complexities its hard to imagine this ends cleanly. This is his doctrine to the extent he has one about the use of military force. If you go back to when he won the Nobel Peace Prize before he earned it for sure, wins the Nobel Peace Prize and says the use of force is to protect american lives and prevent genocide and since surrounded himself by what you call humanitarian interventionists, susan rice and tony blinken and ben rhodes, all people who believe in the use of force to prevent genocide. You often look at something and say genocide, they believe in this forceful stopping of slaughter and secretary of state john kerry. Absolutely. You see the president right now trying to earn the peace prize in reverse. He gets it first now trying to live up to it. Look, this thing aside, these folks stuck on the mountain, this is a bad spot for them and to the extent that the United States can get them food and water and prevent them that seems like it doesnt cost a lot but if you look at the spread of what hes done, its been very cautious. It is also were saving one group of 40,000 begets a question, when do you not save another group of 40,000. Thanks a lot for your time here on this friday afternoon. That is all for now. Ill see you back in new york on monday at 4 00 p. M. The ed show is up next. Good evening americans, almost to the ed show, this is iraq 3 . Lets get to work. Today america is coming to help. For anyone who needed a wakeup call, this is it. I directed our military to take targeted strikes against isil terrorist convoys. Security of our people. U. S. Military aircraft are in action in the skies over iraq. Authorized targeted air strikes. The u. S. Dropped two

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