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Glad i could just make a play that helped us pull it off. And the play he did. Last night the seahawks head coach faced the media, took responsibility for that decision made that ended in loss. I told those guys that was my fault totally. Everybody was like why dont you run it thats a real good thought. But we had plenty of time to win the game. We would have in our minds thought we would do it on third and fourth down thats how we were playing for third and fourth down. Nbcs craig melvin joins me from arizona where he was on the field for the post game celebration. Also joining me the nations Sports Editor dave sire own. You have on one side euphoria everyone screaming for the patriots. Even those excited are wondering what happened there. People will be talking about that call tamron hall for the next 20 years. People in seattle probably for a lot longer. Heres the image off the top. The most watched program in the history of Television Last night, and why would it not be. That was a game that was full of just about everything. At the end of it of course tom brady picking up his third super bowl mvp, his fourth title. 2420. But you know i think there will be folks that say the patriots didnt win that game the seahawks lost that game. Thats a debate that will continue to rage. On the field after the game patriots players families they were as you put it euphoric. I spent some time talking to Rob Gronkowski his mom there, his brothers there, they were jumping up and down. I also spent some time talking to a cornerback for the new England Patriots who said this was in a small way perhaps something vindication, vindication of course for all of the things that folks have been saying about the patriots in the last few weeks, especially. Again, this is something, that call tamron hall is something that folks are going to be talking about for a very long time. Here is what Darrelle Revis had to tell me. Do you feel vindicated at all, considering everything thats happened in the last two weeks of controversy . Be honest. The controversy about the balls. It is what it is man. Things going to come up. I think as a team we do well with adversity, i am sure seattle has some things they had to work through and fight through, and thats how great teams work through it. One of the nbc sports cameras picked up head coach Bill Belichick telling Darrelle Revis in post game celebration this is why youre here this is why youre here. They want him to come back. Left tampa bay last season. 20 million option on his contract, some folks were wondering whether he would be back for another season. At this point it looks like the pats want him to stay and he said he wants to stay. Craig, stick around. Dave you tweeted out hard fought often brilliant game overshadowed as what will go down as the worst coaching decision in the history of sports. Okay we know that often times people say it is the best game ever worst game best half time ever. Is this an exaggeration . No, i mean the day after i maybe undersold it could have said the worst decision in the history of time. If you talk about an event watched by more people than anybody in the history of the United States, the ball is on the one yard line you have a timeout, second down choose to do something that hasnt happened in the nfl all season throw an interception from the one yard line throw a crossing play across goal line with the game on the line that just does not happen. It is as unusual as if they decided to do a drop kick at that point and go for the field goal and the on side kick. It makes no sense. I tell you something, tamron one of the things surrounding this inside the seattle locker room, isnt just second guessing Coaching Staff but the conspiracy birds are out now as well, saying pete carroll wanted Russell Wilson to have that moment instead of Marshawn Lynch because Russell Wilson is the face of the franchise, not Marshawn Lynch. Not saying that because it comes from twitter or anonymous egg online, these are players saying this. I know theyre in shock and upset, but it certainly says something about some of the divisions in the locker room how angry people are because that game was in their hands. The Conspiracy Theory there, dave, do you think people are trying to search for an answer and end that you look to the absurd, if that is to be defined as that or just it was a bad call and, you know not just a bad call it is unfathomable call. Utterly ununderstandable call. So then people try to search for reasons to explain the unexplainable. And i am not endorsing the theory at all, but anybody that ever coached knows that when youre in situations when youre on the 1 yard line you have the chance to win, you stage touchdowns for certain players, players you want to see win. For seahawks who feel it is marshawn against the world, and Russell Wilson is the Derrick Jeter of the future face of the franchise, all of that vile and bitterness from a loss is dredged up. Craig, did you get a sense of hostility or some conspiracy questions with players from the seahawks . Let me say first of all, i love daves ire. Heres the thing. I tried to ask a couple of patriots players about the call none of them wanted to talk about the bad decision that was made. I did talk to fans though. Seattle fans you should have seen them. Beyond shell shocked. These are folks who through the course of the game keep in mind, beginning of the game that first half especially Russell Wilson had thrown more interceptions in the previous game than completions in the first half of last nights game. He was looking bad. All of a sudden comes out second half clicking all cylinders, fans are into it looks like the seahawks can pull it out, and wahwah. So fans after the game noticeably just crushed trying to understand it and figure it out. Oh, my gosh. It was unbelievable to watch. I cannot imagine what it felt like for the players. So much so that i think that explains that little brawl at the end of the game. They were in a bad place emotionally and it went down. Thankfully they got that under control. Guys, thank you so much. A lot of monday morning quarterbacking, do you still call it that . Thank you, guys greatly appreciate it. Speaking of monday morning quarterbacks, were going to ask you to be that. Coming up, our gut check, was it the worst play. And the super bowl coverage the commercials, we will talk about the best, the worst. And this shocking nationwide ad took many by surprise. I could not believe what they put on the screen. Anyway thats my opinion. We will find out what you think about it as well. What nationwide is saying how it is explaining that ad after the fact. Now to yet another dangerous winter storm effecting more than 100 million from the midwest to new england. In chicago, the storm already dumped more than 19 inches of snow setting a daily snowfall record. Power has been knocked out for some 18,000 people. Theres also record snow in detroit where they have not seen a snowstorm like this in 40 years. And in lincoln, nebraska authorities had to close parts of interstate 80 because of crashes. This one involving at least two tractortrailers. More than 5,000 flights nationwide have been cancelled yesterday and today. The today show al roker joins me live just started a mini rokerthon. Whats the latest . The latest is we are looking at a significant snowstorm. For example, what it has done in chicago already, this is a top five snowfall forever. 19. 3 inches. As you can see, it is not that great distance between number one and number five. And it just keeps coming. These snow reports, detroit yesterday, number one amount of snowfall in 24 hours for february. And most in the last 40 years. Starting to pile up in the northeast. The difference is we are seeing some freezing precip. We had a big event, this one in detroit, 16. 7 inches thats the number three snowfall of all time. And heres the problem. We got freezing rain line the 32 degree line if you will laying just south of new york city. This pink is the boundary between the frozen precip and the actual rain. We were thinking this warm air would make its way north by now, but it hasnt. Whats happening is were seeing this frozen precip sleet, a real mess coating the roads, coating surfaces. So it is a real mess. Look at these. The difference in temperatures. 30 in new york city 9 in albany, 38 in philadelphia where it is raining and you have heavier showers and thunderstorms. So this is the problem. Then add the winds. Look at the wind gusts, boston 37. Tamron, had a report unconfirmed by jim cantore at the Weather Channel that one of the first waves of flights from phoenix coming to boston with members of the patriots on it or their families had to be diverted from boston to jfk because of winds. So it is a very changeable situation. We are looking at anywhere from three to six inches of snow generally in this area as this system pulls out. As you get into down east maine and cold air comes in we could see some areas picking up a foot to a foot and a half more of snow and even more significantly were going to be looking at some icing, up to a quarter inch which while it probably wouldnt bring down power lines, it will in time for the afternoon rush hour new york north will cause big problems. A lot to cover. Thank you for joining us on newsnation. Appreciate it. See you later. Lets go to boston where schools are closed for the day, officials are bracing for a foot of snow or more on top of three feet they got last week. Nbcs ron allen is on the road. Ron, how are driving conditions right now . Reporter absolutely terrible. You can see it is pretty much whiteout across the bridge that we are going across. The big problem is there are big huge snow drifts from the last blizzard. This is the fourth significant storm in a week here and they havent been able to get rid of all of the snow, and more is falling. We saw the snowplows come through, i can finally see the blacktop of the road around us. For the most part it is whiteout. Things are shut down schools are shut down, businesses are shut down. Interestingly, the mayor of boston says theyre still going to try to have the super bowl celebration tomorrow about 24 hours from now. That will be quite remarkable. Weather is supposed to get better as the day goes on freezing rain sleet giving way, snow giving way to that. Maybe that will help. And of course plows are working overtime to get all of the snow moved, but theres so much here unclear what they do with it. And it will be interesting to see if we have a parade here tomorrow. Thank you very much. Lets go to chicago where they received more snow in the past 24 hours than they have the entire season. Kevin tibbles is at ohare where thousands are already stranded their flights cancelled yet again, kevin. We see the line behind you. Reporter theres a lot of people hoping to get out of here. I can tell you so far about 750 flights are cancelled today, on top of the 1,000 or 1200 cancelled yesterday. A lot of people had to spend the night sleeping here in Ohare Airport which is something that i would never recommend doing, tamron. But the lines are moving. Lets just hope the delay board here shows a lot of delays so people are still going to be taking a long time to get out of town. 19 inches plus of snow here. A lot of people cant get their cars out of snow drifts in the city today. The mayor vows the streets will be open. They have 350 snow plows out there trying to clear the streets. Everyone in chicago knows, if you cant get snow off the streets in a timely manner. Not going to hang around as mayor long. This is big for people in chicago. They have to get the streets clean. The politics of weather. Thank you very much kevin tibbles. Appreciate it. Up next new details on the condition of Whitney Houstons daughter, Bobbi Kristina brown, after she was discovered unresponsive in a bathtub, a live report with the latest on her condition. And the president s budget battle, nearly 4 trillion plan just arrived on capitol hill. Republicans already say theyll fight programs to help the middle class and tax the rich. And she is only 13 but this louisiana girl is already planning on becoming one of the first humans to step foot on mars. This is great. Youre going to meet her. She joins us live with how shes making her dream happen. It is incredible. Find us online at newsnation, on facebook twitter, instagram. Be right back. Youre clean. Bam charmin ultra strong cleans so much better it meets even the highest standards of clean. With a soft duraclean texture, charmin ultra strong is 4 times stronger. And you can use up to 4x less. Charmin ultra strong. Curling up in bed with a Favorite Book is nice. 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Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. Welcome back. A tremendous outpouring of support continues this morning as Whitney Houstons daughter Bobbi Kristina remains hospitalized after she was found unresponsive, face down in her bathtub over the weekend. There are conflicting reports about her condition. So far the hospital is not commenting. Our Sister Network e is reporting shes on a ventilator but that has not been confirmed. Police are still trying to figure out exactly what happened. But the way she was found is absolutely chilling. It is similar to her mother and how she died nearly three years ago. Authorities released this 911 call from the scene. Engine 7, rescue 4, responder, echo level response possible cardiac arrest. 21yearold female in the bath tun tub, face down. When First Responders arrived, they found her husband, nick gordon performing cpr. They just celebrated their first wedding anniversary. He and her father are reportedly at her bedside and asking for privacy. Joining me allison samuels. Thank you so much for your time. You covered whitney houston, covered bobby brown, you know this family. I think people are at a loss for words, their hearts are hurting for this young girl who struggled before her mothers passing, but certainly especially after her mother died. Yes. It has been really difficult the last three years for Bobbi Kristina. Her family her grandmother, her aunt werent happy with her getting married to this young man. She struggled with sort of movie appearances and Television Shows about her mother, things she thought were too soon. She struggled overall. And accusations of being on drugs which her family says is not the problem this time around but they dont know exactly what she has been doing in the last couple months in terms of drug use. Let me play a little of a recent interview with Bobbi Kristina talking about being a newlywed and her life. Lets play that. I had, you know times when i was very very low, you know but who doesnt go through that you know. I just go through it publicly you know and im not any different than anyone else. Im not any different than you, not any different than anyone in this world. Just youre under a microscope times ten. Times 100. The microscope she lived under, tell me what her life has been like since her mom passed away. From the moment whitney died shes sort of been under this cloud of suspicion in terms of drug use, also wanting to find comfort. I think her surrounding, the people surrounding her are not exactly the people her grandmother would like to have around her. Nick is probably the main person in her ear, but there are a lot of other people that arent family members that have a lot of influence over her, and thats been difficult. And also again, if you read her latest tweet, she talked about missing her mother more than she missed her in the last three years, it seems to be getting worse, not better. Thats the saddest part. You mention her husband and people that are not relatives, what about her grandmother and others who were part of her life immediately after who were family members, right . They were family members but there was some strain with her grandmother before whitney died. There were problems there before that. And after she married, they felt it was too soon. I think now theyre really questioning it how did this happen where was he when this actually went down. So i think those suspicions only grow now. Thank you very much. Let me bring in natasha u banks, founder and owner of the blog young, black and fabulous. Social media, we learn so much news and how people feel. Instantly you have celebrities like missy elliott, still praying for Bobbi Kristina. I see people making jokes. She lost her mom, thats tougher than you might think to deal with. The list goes on and on. Prayers for Bobbi Kristina. A lot of celebrities. They have known Bobbi Kristina since she was probably born and have seen her progress and like some may say come down a bit. You know she started off as a very fun girl we saw her on the bobby and whitney show seemed sweet. She was a kid. She was a kid, and it just took a tumble. No one knew where it started, maybe codependency with her mother. I know a lot of celebrities are reaching out and praying for her. Even a casting director that casted her mom in sparkle she even tweeted the sweetest message saying lets keep her in our prayers. This is whitneys daughter we love her. Andy cohen, praying for Bobbi Kristina today. The family has been through enough. It is interesting when allison was talking about her support system being Bobbi Kristinas husband and a couple other people, it seems like from tyler perry on there have been groups of people wanting to help her, celebrities who understand that microscope but for whatever reason she just stayed away. Right. We have to remember shes 21 years old. When youre 21 and youre in love whether youre supposed to be in love with this person or not, your family is like no, dont marry him, dont be with him, when everyone on the outside is saying no, no, youre going to do it anyway. She may be ignoring those people, especially tyler perry who is at her bedside, brought her on for better or worse, he is there with her. Tried to get her out of her funk, tried to lift her spirits. It may take i am not sure what it is going to take, i am not sure sure. Shes 21. They go for love. Theyre focused on her recovery hopefully getting her back healthy and obviously from everywhere thoughts and prayers. Shes so young. Thank you so much. Allison, thank you as well. Greatly appreciate both you ladies. Up next, new efforts to release an american held hostage by isis this as president obama talks about u. S. Efforts to save her. And new today, learning this breaking news, Johnny Football Johnny Manziel has entered a treatment program. It is one of the stories we are following around the newsnation today. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends. Three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. 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Nobody works harder to keep america safe than the people who are gathered here today. And you dont get a lot of attention for it. Thats the nature of the job. But i know how vital you are and i want to make sure that more americans know how vital you are because against just about every threat we face from terrorist networks to microscopic viruses to Cyber Attacks to weather disasters, you guys are there. You protect us from threats at home abroad by air, land and sea, you safeguard our ports, you patrol our borders, you inspect our chemical plants screen travelers for ebola, shield our computer networks, help hunt down criminals from around the world. You have a busy agenda. Full plate. Here at home you are ready to respond to any emergency in a moments notice. It is extraordinary how much department of Homeland Security does every day to keep our nation and people safe. It is a critical job and you get it done without a lot of fanfare. I want to be sure you have what you need to keep getting the job done. Every american has an interest in making sure department of Homeland Security has what it needs to achieve its mission. We are reliant on that Mission Every day. Today im sending congress a budget that will make sure you got what you need to achieve your mission. It gives you the resources you need to carry out your mission in a way thats smart and strategic and makes the most of every dollar. Also broader blueprint for americas success in the new global economy, because after a breakthrough year for america, a time when our economy is growing and business creating jobs at the fastest pace since the 1990s, wages are starting to rise again, we have some fundamental choices to make about the kind of country we want to be. Will we accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well or are we building an economy where everyone who works hard has a chance to get ahead. That was the focus of my state of the union address, what i called middle class economics. The idea that the country does best when everybody gets a fair shot everybody gets their fair share, everybody plays by the same set of rules. The Budget Congress now has in its hands is built on those values. It helps working families paychecks go farther, with paid sick leave and child care. It gives americans of every age a chance to upgrade skills to earn higher wages. And it includes my plan to make two years of Community College free for responsible students. It lets us keep building the worlds most attractive economy for highways jobs with new investments in research and infrastructure and manufacturing as well as expanded access to faster internet and new markets for goods made in america. It is also the budget that recognizes that our economy flourishes when america is safe and secure. So it invests in our it networks. It supports our troops. Strengthens our border security. And it gives usury sources to confront global challenges from isil to russian aggression. Now, since i took office we have cut our deficits by twothirds. I am going to repeat that as i always do when i mention this fact because the public often times if you can them thinks that the deficit has shot up. Since i took office we have cut our deficits by about twothirds. Thats the fastest period of sustained deficit reduction since after the demobilization at the end of world war ii. So we can afford to make these investments while we remain fiscally responsible, and in fact we cannot afford we would be making a critical error if we avoided making these investments. We cant afford not to. When the economy is going well when we make investment, and are growing, thats part of what keeps deficits low because the economy is doing well. Weve just got to be smarter about how we pay for our priorities. Thats what my budget does. At the end of 2013 i signed a bipartisan budget agreement that helped us end some arbitrary cuts known in washington speak as sequestration. And folks here at dhs know a little too much about sequestration because many of you had to deal with those cuts and the uncertainty around them and it made it a lot harder for you to do your jobs. The 2013 agreement to reverse some of those cuts helped boost our economic growth. Part of the reason why we grew faster last year is we were no longer being burdened by mindless across the board cuts and we were being more strategic about how we handled our federal budget. And now we need to take the next step. So my budget will end sequestration and fully reverse cuts to domestic priorities in 2016. And it will match the investments that were made domestically dollar for dollar with increases in our defense funding. Just last week top military officials told congress if congress does nothing to stop sequestration, there could be serious consequences for National Security at a time when our military is stretched on a whole range of issues. Thats why i want to work with congress to replace mindless austerity with investments that strengthen america, and we can do so in a way thats fiscally responsible. Im not going to accept a budget that locks in sequestration going forward. It would be bad for our security and bad for our growth. I will not accept a budget that severs the link. Others on capitol hill say we would be willing to increase defense spending but not going to increase investments and infrastructure for example, or basic research. Well, those two things go hand in hand. If we dont have a vital infrastructure, if we dont have broadband lines across the country, a smart grid all of that makes us more vulnerable. America cant afford being short sided. And i am not going to allow it. The budget i sent to congress is fully paid for through a combination of smart spending cuts and tax reforms. Let me give you an example. The tax code is full of loopholes for special interest like the trust Fund Loophole that allows the wealthiest to avoid taxes on unearned income. We should fix that and use savings to cut taxes for middle class families. That would be good for our economy. Now, i know there are republicans who disagree with my approach. And ive said this before. If they have other ideas for how we can keep america safe grow our economy, while helping middle class families feel some sense of Economic Security i welcome their ideas. But their numbers have to add up. What we cant do is play politics with folks National Security or Economic Security. The work you do hangs in the balance. In just a few weeks from now funding for Homeland Security will run out. Thats not because of anything this department did, it is because the republicans in congress who funded everything in government through september, except for this department. And theyre now threatening to let Homeland Security funding expire because of their disagreement with my actions to make our immigration system smarter, fairer and safe. Now, lets be clear. I think we can have a reasonable debate about immigration. Im confident that what we are doing is the right thing. And the lawful thing. I understand they have some agreements with me but i should note a large percentage of republicans agree we needed comprehensive Immigration Reform and were prepared to act in the senate and should have acted in the house. If they dont agree with me thats fine. Thats how democracy works. You may have noticed they usually dont agree with me. Dont jeopardize our National Security over this disagreement. As one republican put it if they let your funding run out, it is not the end of the world. Thats what they said. Well i guess literally thats true, may not be the end of the world, but until they pass a funding bill it is the end of a paycheck for tens of thousands of front line workers who will continue to get to have to work without getting paid over 40,000 Border Patrol and customs agents, over 50,000 airport screeners, over 13,000 immigration officers over 40,000 men and women in the coast guard, these americans arent just working to keep us safe, they have to take care of their own families. The notion that they would get caught up in a disagreement around policy that has nothing to do with them makes no sense. And if republicans let Homeland Security funding expire its the end to any new initiatives in the event a new threat emerges. The end of grants to states and cities that improve local Law Enforcement and keep our community safe. The men and women of americas Homeland Security apparatus do important work to protect us and republicans and democrats in congress should not be playing politics with that. We need to fund the department. Pure and simple. Put politics aside, pass a budget that gives middle class families the security they need to get ahead in the new economy. This is one of our most basic, important responsibilities as a government. So i am calling on congress to get this done. Every day we count on people like you to keep america secure and you are counting on us as well to uphold our end of the bargain. Youre counting on us to make sure you have the resources to do your jobs safely and efficiently. And that youre able to look after your families while you are out there working hard to keep us safe. We ask a lot of you. Least we can do is have your backs. Thats what i am going to keep on doing for as long as i have the honor of serving as your president. I have your back. I am going to keep on fighting to make sure you get the resources you deserve, make sure every american has the right to share in americas success and contribute to americas success. Thats what this budget is about. It reflects our values in making sure we are making the investments we need to keep america safe to keep america growing, to make sure that everybody is participating, no matter what they look like where they come from no matter how they started in life theyve got a chance to get ahead in this great country of ours. Thats what i believe. Thank you, god bless the United States of america. He called it a reflection of american values. Let me bring in senior Political Editor mark murray. Start from the last comment, the president assuring the workers of department of Homeland Security he has their backs and discussing emphasizing the republicans failure to pass dhs funding bill. Mark lets start there. Yeah tamron department of Homeland Security runs out of funding by the end of this month. A lot of it has to do with it is stuck with agreement, disagreement over president obamas executive action when it comes to immigration. Republicans in the house already passed a dhs funding measure that ends up having riders to roll this back. President obama and democrats say we want an up or down legislation. And you see in the president s remarks there on why having the bully pulpit in these types of spending fights is a position of strength particularly when youre talking about National Security. And democrats are making the argument if republicans are playing politics with National Security that youre talking about people who are in the frontlines not having the resources they need. And when you also think about how that positions the republican message of the party that often touts its priority being National Security and protecting this country, if it does not fund the department of Homeland Security then certain initiatives as the white house pointed out, certain new projects and fundings will expire. Thats right. Thats why the politics are treacherous for republicans on this. The other thing is that people made the point that if dhs isnt funded, about 85 of the workers at dhs are still considered essential employees, wont be furloughed they would work without paychecks. That with one of the messages the president was delivering. The other thing is the president is addressing income inequality. And the president proposes a ten year budget monday you pointed out on first read stabilizes the federal deficit but doesnt seek to balance it focusing on policies to address income inequality. Thats the headline according to the First Read Team you worked with. Yes. That shows you how the politics of austerity has gone away at least in the obama administrations eyes after inheriting deficit of 1. 4 trillion it is now in 4 to 500 billion range. The administration is saying instead of continuing to have to cut down the deficit, lets start to invest in things we need whether it is roads and bridges or preschool education. Of course republicans are seizing on the fact that there are estimates showing youre going to end up having bigger deficits in the long term and a lot of it due to demographics seniors who are retiring and baby boomers coming of that age, and so republicans are saying short term deficits arent a problem, but long term they will be. Lets turn to the fight against isis. Jordans king says all efforts are being exploited to secure the release of the pilot held by isis. Jordan renewed the offer to release a female iraqi terrorist on death row in jordan if given proof of life for the pilot. All of this after isis released a video showing the japanese hostage being murdered. Theyre Still Holding one american, not identified. Shes an aide worker who was captured almost a year and a half ago. In exclusive interview on the today show, president obama discussed whats being done to gain her release. We are deploying all assets that we can, working with all of the Coalition Allies that we can to identify their locations. We are in very close contact with the family trying to keep them updated. Obviously this is something that is heart breaking for families and our obligation is to make sure we can do anything we can to try to make sure that any american citizen is rescued from this situation. Joining me Live International Affairs Correspondent and former senior british officer and adviser to britains defense minister, thank you for joining us. Right now, isis has killed at least seven foreign hostages. Japan is now vowing of course to avenge the death of those two individuals. We have the president saying the Coalition Allies are working together. Meanwhile, isis has this female american aide worker and we do not know whats going to happen next. I mean if you go back to all of the victims so far, all of the western hostages and aide workers have been notable in terms of executions has created huge amount of pr for isis. Thats one of the reasons theyve done it now. This American Woman, one of the last hostages that we are aware of, know the u. K. Journalist has been with them awhile, he is being used for propaganda in terms of journalist skill sets. He has been broadcast quite a bit. But we havent seen this american lady. Shes an aide worker 26 years old. Is it believed because shes a woman that isis is waiting to use her and the strategy is interesting at the moment because if you remember at the beginning, they used to sort of line up the next victim if you like and that was used as the leveraging chip the bargaining chip it was used as the mechanism to get all of us interested so we keep talking about it. They havent done that with this lady. I think shes their trump card because theyre running out of leverage. What we must not forget tamron every day tens if not hundreds of people are getting executed. Just over the weekend there were over 30 young curds executed by isis. They have executed hundreds of shia in the country and into iraq. They dont make the headlines. Isis know that. Every time a western person is on the scene, they know that gets them the pr they need. What does this do now for going back to the president s words for the coalition of countries and allies who have to certainly they have done and the president told Savannah Guthrie yesterday during the interview, every option is on the table. However, isis is still very strong. Yeah the president mentioned identifying and locating where they are. Thats incredibly difficult because what isis will be doing is moving the people around every couple days to make sure any predators or eyes in the sky or listening ability cant track them. Thats absolutely key. What isis have been craving for is legitimacy in terms of they are an islamic state, want to be seen as an islamic state. If they can derail anything by negotiating with people like jordan that gives them legitimacy. At the same time, looking to delegitimize jordan not only for involvement in the coalition but internally trying to get the people to rise up against what the government is doing. The u. S. Need to be clever how they go about their negotiations in hopefully securing release. I dont think it will be negotiations. If this woman is managed to be secured, it will be through an assault operation. Thank you so much. Greatly appreciate it. More coming up and developing news in the football world, one of the young famous stars of the game now in rehab, getting treatment. The latest on Johnny Manziel next. The bold nissan rogue, with intuitive allwheel drive. Because winter needs a hero. Now save up to 1,000 when you finance the 2015 nissan rogue. Toenail fungus . Dont hide it. Tackle it with new fdaapproved Jublia Jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. Use jublia as instructed by your doctor. Once applied jublia gets to the site of infection by going under, around and through the nail. Most common side effects include ingrown toenail, applicationsite redness itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. 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Back to the super bowl now and second thing fans tuned in for the commercials and the advertisers did their jobs in some spots and in others not so much. Lets take a look. Show me what it looks like to fight like a girl. Now throw like a girl. Throw like a girl. Fight like a girl. What does it mean to you when i say run like a girl . It means run fast as you can. Run fast as you can. That ad for always inspiring young women to feel empowered and the like a girl became a trender on twitter. Nationwide, meant to pull at heart strings but pushed some fans buttons instead with this dire warning for parents. Ill never learn to fly or travel the world with my best friend. I wont ever get married. I couldnt grow up because i died from an accident. Fan reaction on social media fierce and fast. This tweet sums up most depressing super bowl commercial ive seen. Way to ruin the evening nationwide. The Company Released this response, they have been working with experts to make homes safer. Some did not care for the ad, we hope it served to begin dialogue to make safety happen for children everywhere. And we want to hear your thoughts on the nationwide ad, go to newsnation. Msnbc. Com. Its time to meet melissa carson, from baton rouge, she plans on being on the first maned mission to mars. Shes already had her space ael met on and undergoing training. Been in over 20 sessions in nasa space camp and officials are well aware of her ambitions. Alyssa joins us now. Good to see you, congratulations. Hi thank you. Nice flight suit. Were about 20 years away maybe even longer this is legitimate. You are really part of serious training here. Yeah ever since i was 3 years old, ive always had such a deep passion for mars space, as tronmy and going to mars has always been my dream and ive been working hard to get there. How did you get in the programs with nasa . Well when i was younger, i would ask for dvds and videos and anything i could find on mars. When i was 7 years old i went to space camp in Huntsville Alabama and there i just learned everything about space history and everything that i wanted to know and from there, just started meeting more people and just everything i was doing to start snow balling. I dont know it naturally became more popular as i got older and did more things to train. So october 9th 2013 you became the first to complete the nasa Passport Program going to all 14 Visitor Centers in the u. S. And appeared on Television Shows. Not going to get distracted from being on tv and following your dreams are you . No i mean im not really in it to get any publicity. Im in it because its my dream and what i want to do for the rest of my life. We cannot wait to see what happens. I know 20 years seems like a long time but it will fly overnight. You speak spanish, french chinese and some turkish, you are an awesome kid. Such a pleasure to end the show with you today. Thank you. Thank you. Good luck. That does it for this edition of news nation. Up next Andrea Mitchell reports. Great rates for great rides. Geico motorcycle see how much you could save. Turn around every now and then i get a little bit hungry and theres nothing good around turn around, barry i finally found the right snack [ female announcer ] fiber one. Jacks heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen. You only know in a fire to get out, to escape and now ok you are outside and you are safe but what do you do now and thats where the red cross came in. We ran out of the house just wearing our pajamas. At that point just to even have a toothbrush that i could call my own was so important. You know it just makes you feel like a person again. Every 8 minutes the American Red Cross responds to a home fire or other emergency. You can help. Please donate now. How much money do you have in your pocket right now . I have 40 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. Theres only one egg that just tastes better. So fresh from the farm. Delicious. Perfect. Only one egg with more great nutrition. Like 4 times more vitamin d and 10 times more vitamin e. And 25 less saturated fat. Only one egg good enough for my family. Because why have ordinary when you can have the best. Egglands best. The only egg that gives you so much more better taste. Better nutrition. Better eggs. Right now on Andrea Mitchell reports isis horrors after another be ks heading and fate of an American Woman being held hostage still unclear, Savannah Guthrie asks president obama about the brutal killings. Have you ever personally watched one of those videos of hostages being beheaded . I think its fair to say that anything related to these terrorist actions i take a look at. I hear you saying that you have. I have. It must affect you deeply to see Something Like that . I think it would affect anybody who has an ounce of humanity. And its part of the reason why i think weve been so successful in organizing such a broad based coalition. Budget wars the president fights for Homeland Security budget against republican opposition. Im not going to accept a budget that

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