Weve spent here. It was apparent how caring and compassionate everyone was. Were appreciative of the opportunity for my husband to be treated here. And believe he was in the best place possible. Do you believe that this will hurt the morale of these doctors from nebraska as well as emery who have all worked to Great Success when you look at the number of patients treated in this country but is it tough when you have two patients and still so many Things Unknown about this disease. You know my heart goes out to the family as well as to everyone who was taking care and doing their best in order to help this patient. The answer is that we do take this very much to heart. Its not just a numbers game. We take one patient at a time and we do our best and give it our all every time we have someone that is under our care. Unfortunately, ebola is going to have Death Associated with it. Even in the best circumstances. And the best thing we can do is give every patient who has ebola the best chance that they can get when they come down with the disease. And obviously the things that have been learned here in this country are being put to great use in west africa where we should not forget the thousands of lives lost and the many thousands who have been exposed to the virus as well. Thank you for your time. In a few hours well hear from the parents of peter kassig, the army ranger turned american aid worker executed by isis. His parents have issued a written statement saying they are understandably heart broken by their sons killing but proud of the humanitarian work he was doin doing. One more american was being held by isis. A 26yearold woman who is asking not to be identified. She was captured more than a year ago and was also an aid worker trying to help syrians caught in the countrys brutal civil war. Meanwhile, nbc news Foreign CorrespondentAyman Mohyeldin knew peter and had lunch with him weeks before he was captured in eastern syria. He was a great guy. Very calm. A person who is driven by great sense of ideals after several years of questioning all that was happening around him in the middle east, he felt, finally, he had a purpose in trying to help the syrian refugee. More on the execution of kassig Richard Engel reports from turkey. Unfortunately a graphic 16 minute video released by isis has been awe then candidated. We will not be showing it here. No need to spread the groups propaganda. Peter was the fifth western hostage murdered and the third american. At the vigil in indianapolis, friends, supporters, and peter kassigs parents remembered the young man who decided to dedicate his life to helping others but paid for it with his own. President obama called the murder by isis an act of pure evil. The 26yearold former army ranger who served in iraq travelled to syria last year to volunteer as a medic. Isis militants stopped him and kidnapped him at the check point. He is said to have endured trau trauma. French journalist shared food and a blanket with him. He wanted ed ted to help th involved and the drama takes place in syria. He thought he could help. Kassig also watched his american and british cell mates taken out one by one to be murdered. He knew his time would come. Last month his father read a passage from a letter he wrote. Dont worry, dad, if i go down, i wont go down thinking anything but what i know to be true. That you and mom love me more than the moon and the stars. Described as humbled and generous he tried to help victims of a war and ended up becoming one of them. Unlike other execution videos, this one did not include a specific threat to murder another western hostage. But isis is Still Holding another western hostages. Richard engel, nbc news. Turning to washington, d. C. , and politics here for the first time. President obama is firing back against the accusation of the Health Care Laws top add visor. M. I. T. Economist made the comment a year ago but they surfaced online. During a News Conference yesterday at the g 20 summit president obama denied his administration intentionally mislead the american public. The fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that ive completely disagree with in terms of the voters is no reflection on the actual process. I think its fair to say there was not a provision in the Health Care Law that was not extensively debated and was fully transparent. And former adviser David Axelrod put it this way, tweet, quote, as one who worked hard to make aca and its benefits clear. If you looked up stupid in the dictionary, you would find grubers picture. Chris jansing joins me now. Former Current White House people are not holding back the punches as it relates to gruber, as you well know. Yeah. Neither is the president. Theyve made it clear that theyre going defend the Affordable Care act better known as obamacare. And in fact, professor gruber last week on msnbc back peddled on the comments which hasnt stopped the republicans from using the fuel. They want to get votes going to repeal all or parts of obamacare. The president has said been there, done that. Lets listen a little bit more what he had to say before he came back from australia. We have a yearlong debate. Look at your stories. Its going to be a critical time coming up. Support for obamacare is dropping. Its incredible the disparity. The new poll from gallop shows 74 of democrats approve of the Affordable Care act. Just 8 of republicans. Again, they feel like they have gotten their constituency at their back to have the repeal votes. So hhs secretary sylvia burwell, she was there on meet the press defending it. The first day of the new enrollment which started over the weekend 100,000 people signed up. He shes in florida today. Shes going to be pushing people to register but were going to be watching very closely both what happens on the hill and how many people are registering. Absolutely. Well take a look at the numbers a little later in the first read. The three things you need to know about aca and where things stand now. And the president is also coming home to a another big policy show down. This one over his planned executive actions on immigration. At 2 15 this afternoon eastern time the president will meet with senior advisers at the white house and Immigration Reform will be at the top of the agenda. With an announcement expected as a early as this week. Senior white house officials tell nbc news the executive action plan would grant legal status to millions of undocumented workers. But republicans have made it clear that they intend to put up a big fight against the plan and are currently debating their options on how to react. Senator john thune is the latest republican to say a government shut down is not off the table. I think republicans, chris, are looking at different options about how best to respond to the president s unilateral action, which many people believe is unconstitutional, unlawful action on this particular issue. But my concern is shutting the government down doesnt solve the problem. My concern is what happens if we end up shutting down, what could be a records of legislative accomplishment there for the taking for the president would choose cooperation instead of conflict of. And joining me now live is melissa franco. Also with me is born to the new black actress. Shes written a powerful on et about her own family how the family was broken up by deportation when she was 14 years old. Thank you for joining us. Key began, let me start with you here. Youre a successful actress on what is a brilliant show now. You have put all of that aside to talk about your family. And i can see it in your eyes it was not an easy decision. No. Why did you decide to take the step . I think its important for stories like mine to be shared. I know, a lot of people out there who have been through the same things ive been through. What happened to your family . They were deported. I was 14 and they were taken away. I was left alone. And they made a hard decision which was to let me continue my studies and take advantage of the opportunities that this country has to offer since im a citizens. When people hear that the president wants to give families an opportunity to Stay Together some 5 to 7 million. Some of these children have done exceptionally well in life, as you have. Exceptionally well in school. And when you hear from those who say, listen, perhaps theres a way forward but theres time to fix this problem. Theres no reason for the president to take executive action immediately. How do you explain the immediate need for this now . I dont think there is any more time. The system has been broken for a long time. And you see with families like mine we waited long enough for some sort of relief. I think if we wait a little longer or anymore then families are going to keep on being separated and there are going to be more deportation that is adding to the problem. Its not fixing it. You wrote children who grow up separated from their families often end up in foster care or worse in the juvenile system. Despite having parents who would love them and would like to be able to care for them. Youre looking at the worst case scenario. That is very possible. Absolutely. Absolutely. Let me bring you in, my rari. Africanamerican voters were about on par. There was a drop in hispanic voters, young voters, and many see the problem. We heard recent problems from former president bill clinton about the strategy among democrats not to push hard prior to the midterms regarding Immigration Reform. What do you say . I think that it definitely had an impact. What we saw is that candidates were not matching the courage of their constituency. As dianna explained in every deportation has a story. Weve seen so many people suffering and waiting and the question is how much longer do we have to wait . And see the president delay once again was extremely disheartening. People who are living with the fear of deportation every day know what delay means. It has real implications. I want to play what senator mike lee what he said on face the nation. Regarding the midterms and the message believes was being sent to the white house and the president. 74 of those who voted in last weeks election oppose the president taking the unilateral executive action. I think even if he doesnt respect elections, he at least, needs to respect the rule of law. Ours is not a government of one. I wont get into the rule of law or the litigation here with you. Lets just highlight the 74 of those who voted to oppose the president taking this unilateral action. Is the president ignoring the wishes of the majority if he does go through with executive action . The president has the legal authority. I think there is clear support for it. Its the people were voting for an republican agenda. Im not clear what the republican agenda was. People need to be see what the president stands for. So the president has an opportunity right now to unequivocally change course on a recordbreaking deportation policy and set on the right course his legacy as one where hes standing on the right side of history. Diane, going back to your story. You wrote about coming home one day and finding your parents gone. When you see the video or hear the stories of other children who are going through the same thing as marissa pointed out the Record Number of deportation. Yeah. What gives you hope there wont be more children like you if this administration does not act effectively here . Well, if they dont active effectively im lose home day by day. I mean in the president and the administration in what . I guess the administration. I mean, i know i can see that the president would like to offer relief. I know, he wants to help and i know that by him wanting to take executive action i think that shows that he cares about what is happening to the families here in the united states. And i know that he believes in immigrants rights. And marissa, do you believe that, again, as president clinton noted there was a little bit of a loss from hispanic voters perhaps he says, because the president didnt issue the immigration order. With that said, do you believe that after so many years after waiting that the potential wrath of this powerful group the Fastest Growing group of people in this country will be felt in the next election . Absolutely. I think its precisely the courage of folks who have skin in the game. People who will be helped or harmed by what the president does or doesnt do that got us here. I think when people see our elected officials stand up and dot right thing people will defend that. Everyone has been pushing to get us here. If the president makes a move, most definitely youll see people defended. Not only in forthcoming elections but also just advocating for new solutions, more solutions and other in congress. Diane, congratulations on the success and overcoming what some would see as insurmountable odds. Bill cosby is remaining silent as another woman comes forward with a new allegation of rape. The latest word from bill cosbys attorneys. Plus blind sided in the nfl. Dea officials surprised the staff of nfl medical teams and even more teams could be targeted. It is one of the stories were fooling around the newsnation. And tornado watches are posted in the south after a tornado tore through a florida prison. Well have the latest forecast for you and my interview with legendary author ann rice. Shes bringing back one of her most famous characters in the return to vampire chronicles. Anne rice will join us live. Join our conversation online. You can find my te team newsnation. You can find me on facebook, twitter, and instagram under my name. Looking for one of these . Yoplait. Smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. Its monday. A brand new start. Your chance to rise and shine. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. With our visionary cloud infrastructure, Global Broadband network and Custom Communications solutions, your business is more reliable secure agile. And with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. Centurylink your link to whats next. From San Francisco to silicon valley, Boston Private Bank works with all kinds of people who are innovating, building, contributing individuals, business owners, private partnerships, nonprofits, families planning their financial futures. People like you. If you want the individual attention and expertise your financial needs deserve, this is your time. This is your private bank. Welcome back. Bill cosby remains silent today after a fire storm this weekend over allegations of Sexual Assault and another accuser coming forward. One of several women who claimed they were sexually abused by cosby in some cases decades ago. No charges have been filed against the 77yearold but the subject came up during an interview on weekend pr. There have been serious allegations raised about you in recent days. Youre shaking your head no. Im in the news business. I have to ask the question. Do you have any response . Youre shaking your head no. Hour was a the interview cosbys attorney released a statement. Cosby has in the past denied any wrong doing. Im joined by boston globe report era nay graham. Thank you for your time. Thank you, tamron. In your headline from the oped you wrote. Bill cosby losing in the court of opinion. You make the point throughout his career hes been seen as meshs dad. But the silent moments there, for some people, that says so much. How do you process this . Well, i think he might have been better off if he said no comment or even made the statement his attorney did that i wont dignify the allegations with a statement. The silence was staggering. I think probably scott simon didnt expect that reaction. I think at this point, i dont think bill cosby really knows what to do but to go along with his business. I think maybe he thought by saying nothing it was a way of shutting it down. Obviously its really ignite the things that much more. You often see powerful people or celebrities live in a bubble. Their staffers protect them from negative press and negative things being say. Theyre oblivious when they walk in for interviews. He talked about allegations of bill cosby being a racist. Soon after you have the memes people. It turned into his disaster and the allegations of rape. He goes on to the npr interview. Did it appear he was aware of this fire storm that was brewing around him . I find it hard to believe that he is. I think what happened with npr and he and wife have been doing publicity at the museum of afric african art. So far no other news outlet asked about the allegation. Its entirely possible he never felt it was going to come up. He felt safe going on to npr with the assumption it was going to be about art. If people are unaware of what has been going on online if there was somehow unaware of the han ball burrs performance. Im stunned. I would be shocked if they didnt know. But maybe he literally thought he was so insulated and that people would never attack him. Maybe thats been propelling this forward for him. I would be stunned to think hes not aware of what people are saying. Its a different world now meaning the social media aspect and how a comedians stand up can then turn into this viral moment where people then start to google bill cosby rape. Bill cosby rape allegations and theyre learning the time line and thus new questions. When you look at the time line, for example, the first accusation was 2004, january, Temple University administrator claimed that bill cosby Sexual Assaulted her. The following year she reported the incident to canadian police. She had move there had. 2005 she filed a civil lawsuit. Then you have june of 2005 witness beth fur comes forward alleging that mr. Cosby assaulted her in the 80s and fast forward to know. Barbara bowman wrote a piece say, quote, bill cosby raped me. Why did it take 30 years for people to believe my story. It seems no one believed her story or any other story or credence to the possibility it was true until the hanball stand up act where he called bill cosby a rapist. Since then its been the series of blunders on the part of bill cosby and his people to get their arms around this thing. And now its become all this. They will have the t