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Decide what kind of a future they wanted for their children and for their families and for their nation itself. No one could make that choice for them they had to do that themselves today the world sees that they are choosing cooperation over conflict friendship over enmity, prosperity over poverty and hope over despair they are choosing a future in which arabs and israelis, muslims, jews and christians can live together, pray together and dream together side by side in harmony, community and peace once again, let me congratulate the people of israel, the people of the United Arab Emirates, and the people of the kingdom of bahrain. This is an incredible day for the world. A wonderful and beautiful occasion i want to thank all of the members of congress for being here senators, congressmen, congresswomen. We just appreciate it so much. Everybody wanted to be here. Its a very important day for the world. Its a very important day for peace. Before the parties sign the accords, id like to ask Prime Minister netanyahu to say a few words followed by the foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates and the foreign minister of bahrain. Thank you very much. Its a great honor thank you. Our dear friend President Trump, first lady melania trump, thank you for hosting me, my wife sarah, and our entire delegation on this historic day. I want to recognize Vice President pence, secretary pompeo, National Security adviser obrien and other cabinet members Jared Kushner, berkowitz, ambassador friedman and other members of the president s able peace team. Senators, members of congress, israeli ambassador, his emirate and bahraini counterparts, as well as all the dignitaries gathered here on this sunny day. I want to also express my gratitude for all israelis who have worked for years. Sometimes in less sunny climes to bring this day and i thank each and every one of you. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, mr. President , this day is a pivot of history it heralds a new dawn of peace for thousands of years, the je wish people have prayed for peace. For decades the jewish state has prayed for peace and this is why today were filled with such profound gratitude i am grateful to you, President Trump, for your decisive leadership you have unequivocally stood by israels side. You have boldly confronted the tyrants of tehran. You have proposed a realistic vision for peace between israel and the palestinians and you have successfully brokered the historic peace that we are signing today, a peace that has broad support in israel, in america, in the middle east, indeed, in the entire world im grateful to crown prince muhammad bin zayed of the united emirates and to you abdullah bin zayed. I thank you both for your wise leadership and for working with the United States and israel to expand the circle of peace i am grateful i am grateful to king hamad of bahrain and to you, abdullahtif al zayani for joining us in bringing hope to all the children of abraham. To all of israels friends in the middle east, those who are with us today and those who will join us tomorrow i say peace unto thee. Shalom and you heard from the president that he is already lining up more and more countries. This is unimaginable a few years ago. But with resolve, determination, a fresh look at the way peace is done, this is being achieved thank you, mr. President ladies and gentlemen, the people of israel well know the price of war. I know the price of war. I was wounded in battle. A fellow soldier, a very close friend of mine, died in my arms. My brother lost his life while leading his soldiers to rescue hostages held by terrorists. My parents grief over the loss of yoni was unrelieved until their dying day. And over the years, when i have come to console the families of israels Fallen Soldiers and victims of terror, i have seen that same grief countless times. And this is why i am so deeply moved to be here today for those who bear the bouwoundo war, cherish the blessings of peace. And the blessings of the peace we make today will be enormous first, because this peace will eventually expand to include other arab states and ultimately, it can end the arab israeli conflict once and for all. Second, because the great economic benefits of our partnership will be felt throughout our region and they will reach every one of our citiz citizens and third, because this is not only a peace between leaders, its a peace between peoples israelis and emeratis and bahrainis are already embracing one another. Were eager to invest in a future of partnership, prosperity and peace weve already begown cooperate on combating corona, and im sure together we can find solutions to many of the problems that afflict our region and beyond so despite the many challenges and hardships that we all face, despite all that, let us pause for a moment to appreciate this remarkable day let us rise above any political divide let us put all cynicism aside. Let us feel on this day the pulse of history for long after the pandemic is gone, the peace we make today will endure. Ladies and gentlemen, i have devoted my life to securing israels place among the nations to ensure the future of the one and only jewish state. To accomplish that goal, i work to make israel strong. Very strong. For history has taught us that strength brings security strength brings allies and ultimately, and this is something President Trump has said again and again, ultimately, strength brings peace. King david expressed this basic truth thousands of years ago in our eternal capital jerusalem. His prayer immoralized in the book of psalms in the bible echoes from our glorious past and guides us toward a Brilliant Future [ speaking Foreign Language may god give strength to his people may god bless his people with peace mr. President , distinguished guests, this week is rosh hoshawna, the jewish new year, and what a blessing we bring to this new year. A blessing of friendship, a blessing of hope, a blessing of peace. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, his highness, the minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the United Arab Emirates mr. President , mr. Prime minister and my friend abdul zayani let me start by conveying the best regards of the uae people and the leadership and especially of zayed, you, mr. President , and everyone gathered here today ill continue my speech in arabic and im sure there will be translations to that. [ speaking Foreign Language translator i stand here today to extend a hand of peace and receive a hand of peace. In our faith, we say, o god, you are peace and from you comes peace. The search for peace is an innate principle, yet principles are effectively realized when they are transformed into action today we already we are already witnessing a change in the heart of the middle east, a change that will send hope around the world [ speaking Foreign Language [ speaking Foreign Language translator this initiative would not have been possible without the efforts of his excellency, President Donald Trump and his team who worked hard and sincerely for us all to reach here most notably, my counterpart, secretary of state mike pompeo and Jared Kushner, Senior Adviser to the president of the United States, and all those who are genuine about the principle of peace in the United States who have strived to realize this major achievement. Thank you. [ speaking Foreign Language translate your excellency, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of the state of israel, thank you for choosing peace and for halting the annexation of palestinian territories. A position that reinforces our shared will to achieve a Better Future for generations to come [ speaking Foreign Language [ speak Foreign Language ] translator ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing today a new trend that will create a better path for the middle east. This peace accord, which is an historic achievement for the United States of america, the state of israel and the United Arab Emirates will continue to have a positive impact as we believe that its reverberations will be reflected on the entire region every option other than peace would signify destruction, poverty and human suffering. This new vision which is beginning to take shape as we meet today for the future of the region full of Youthful Energy is not a slogan that we raise for political gain as everyone looks forward to creating a more stable, prosperous and secure future [ speaking Foreign Language [ speaking Foreign Language translator at a time when science is prevailing, the regions youth are looking forward to taking part in this great humanitarian movement. We are pleased that the United Arab Emirates will be part of the momentum towards stability and the growth of Human Potential in a new civilized approach that opens wide the doors of opportunity for those who look forward towards peace, prosperity and the future. Our societies today possess the foundation of modern Human Development such as infrastructure, a solid economy and scientific achievements that will enable them to advance the future of the middle east. [ speaking Foreign Language [ speaking Foreign Language translator the United Arab Emirates believes the role of the United States in the middle east is positive, and this belief is evidenced by the accord that we are signing today at the white house for which you have taken the lead. And will remain a beacon in Human History for all peaceloving people around the world. And as for us, in the United Arab Emirates, this accord will enable us to continue to stand by the Palestinian People and realize their hopes for an independent state within a stable and prosperous region this accord builds upon previous agreements signed by arab nations with the state of israel the aim of all these treaties is to work towards stability and sustainable development. [ speaking Foreign Language [ speaking Foreign Language translator in this difficult year when the world is suffering from the repercussions of the covid19 pandemic, my country, the United Arab Emirates, has reinforced its humanitarian commitments, established by our nations founding father chief zayed who told us that standing with others, regardless of the religious or ethnic affiliation is a humanitarian duty and a firm principle [ speaking Foreign Language [ speaking Foreign Language translator during this difficult time, the United Arab Emirates, my country, was able to launch a probe to mars. The hope probe indeed represents hope that our region is capable of advancement and progress. If governments and people embrace science. After the United Arab Emirates sent the astronaut last year at the first arab astronaut to reach the International Space station and launch a Peaceful Nuclear power plant, this accord opened up prospects for a comprehensive peace in the region [ speaking Foreign Language [ speaking Foreign Language thank you, mr. President ladies and gentlemen, peace requires courage and shaping the future requires knowledge. The advancement of nations requires sincerity and persi persistence. We have come today to tell the world that this is our approach and that peace is our guiding principle. Those who begin thanks in the right way will read bright achievements with the grace of god. With grace of god, sir. Ladies and gentlemen, the minister of the Foreign Affairs of the kingdom of bahrain. Mr. President , the first lady, Prime Minister, your highness, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon today today is a truly historic occasion. A moment of hope and opportunity for all the peoples of the middle east. And, in particular, for the millions in our younger generations. The declaration supporting peace between the kingdom of bahrain and the state of israel is an historic step on the road to genuine and lasting peace, security and prosperity across the region and for all who live there regardless of religion, sect, ethnicity, or ideology for too long, the middle east has been set back by conflict and mistrust causing untold destruction and thwarting the potential of generations of our best and brightest young people. Now i am convinced we have the opportunity to change that todays declaration was made possible by the vision, courage and commitment of his majesty who supported by supported by the people of bahrain has protected, institutionalized and enhanced bahrains centuries old spirit of coexistence and harmony. And has the wisdom to recognize that genuine cooperation is the most effective means to achieve peace and to safeguard legitimate rights. Thank you, your majesty, for this vision of peace for the region based on trust, respect and understanding between all faiths, races and nations. To our brothers in the United Arab Emirates, i congratulate you on your own momentous peace accord being signed today with israel his highness bin zayed has shown great leadership and foresight to make peace possible and secure a Brighter Future for our region for the state of israel and Prime Minister netanyahu, we welcome and appreciate these steps from you and your government recognizing that enduring peace and security is only possible through a genuine engagement that protects the rights and interests of countries and peoples in the region in particular, i want to express my deep appreciation to President Donald Trump and his administration mr. President , your statesmanship and tireless efforts have brought us here today and made peace a reality and to secretary pompeo, Senior Adviser Jared Kushner and special represent atiative who e have and others, many others who have carried out their mandates with dedication and skill. Ladies and gentlemen, todays agreement is an important first step, and it is now incumbent on us to work urgently and actively to bring about the lasting peace and security our peoples deserve. A just, enduring twostate solution to the palestinian israeli conflict will be the foundation, the bedrock of such peace. We have shown today [ applause ] we have shown today that such a path is possible even realistic what was only dreamed of a few years ago is now achievable. And we can see before us a golden opportunity for peace, security and prosperity for our region let us together and with our International Partners waste no time in seizing it thank you. [ applause ] well, as we await the president , the Prime Minister netanyahu and the two Foreign Ministers to make their way for the official signing, im going to bring in Peter Alexander who is also standing by. And i have to tell you, peter, this is they spared no expense. They pulled out all the stops for this, the white house did. They are trying to make this as politically helpful to the president s cause as they possibly can on a day like this. So close to the election yeah, chuck, youre exactly right. Just seven weeks out before the election an opportunity for this president to focus not on the coronavirus, not on Climate Change but instead on foreign policy, casting himself today as a peacemaker, as a dealmaker and as a statesman beside Benjamin Netanyahu and the leaders of bahrain and the United Arab Emirates these are countries that have benefited from the Trump Presidency Benjamin Netanyahu benefiting numerous times before his election by President Trumps intervention on multiple occasions. All right, peter. Well stand down here and watch the signing. Thank you, sir a treaty of peace, diplomatic relations and full normalization. They will each sign three copies one in english, hebrew and arabic we kindly ask that all guests remain seated for the signing of the documents. [ applause ] all right welcome to an abbreviated mtp daily. Weve been watching a signing ceremony at the white house. The United States, israel, uae and bahrain put the ink on a deal known as the abraham aaccords uae and bahrain becoming the third and fourth countries to officially recognize israel joining egypt and jordan let me bring in Peter Alexander. Benjamin netanyahu, israel is on a second lockdown, and yet, as you noted before we came, in that brief interlude as they were walking down the steps headed to the south lawn, the president has done what he could to help out Benjamin Netanyahu with his reelection issues. And here is a returned favor israel is in lockdown right now. A second lockdown because of the virus but he chose to come to the United States for this on the president s timeline thats exactly right, chuck even as Bebe Netanyahu faces protests at home given the circumstances there, his own corruption allegations and faces the coronavirus pandemic with another additional threeweek lockdown taking place there, there was a ceremonial handing of a white house key from trump to Benjamin Netanyahu. Hes given netanyahu a lot more than that over the last several years. A chance to show an historic picture of unity and to deliver peace as he is presenting on the world stage today. The backdrop of this being the election here in the United States, the president who has allied himself in effect with not just israel but these allies of saudi arabia there given his relationship to that country and their shared common enemy, which, of course, is iran here and the anticipation if joe biden is to win the white house that he may be more inclined to reengage iran President Trump withdrawing from the iran nuclear deal. This administration has been very forceful in its condemnation of iran peter, this deal is a bit uncomfortable for a lot of observers to watch because it seems so transactional its as if pulling out of the iran deal is what got these gulf states on board to do this to then recognize it. It feels like there is a lot of quid pro quos involved in this that it isnt something larger than that. Then again, sometimes middle east diplomacy, the only way to make things move is through the transactional nature obviously, what is ignored here as well, chuck, even as the president says that he has created peace in the middle east, thats usually referred to as peace between the israelis and the palestinians here, but the Trump Campaign has been touting this preemptively as the president having achieved peace in the middle east they even noted he was a nobel prize nominee at this point, though they spelled nobel wrong in the note they put out they feel theyve been betrayed not just by the Trump Administration which theyve long felt but also by these arab gulf states, as it relates to jerusalem, the palestinian cause, and to al aqsa mosque in jerusalem itself but this does demonstrate the realignment thats taking place in the middle east and trump is pushing that forward no, you never thought a day that youd see the United States take sides on sunni shia splits, but on this one it looks like theres a Sunni Arab Alliance with israel and the United States and what the consequences of that are going forward, we will all find out. Peter alexander on the white house south lawn, observing a signing ceremony peter, thanks very much. This ceremony at the white house comes with just 49 days until the election here in the United States as the president is facing a series of domestic crises that seem practically biblical fires, floods and, yes, a plague the fires out west have spread to new areas with new evacuations in idaho joining oregon and california and Washington State in dealing with outofcontrol fires the smoke can now be seen on the east coast both in washington, d. C. , and in new york. Both have seen smoke from these fires end up in these sfaefires. Yesterday the president downplayed the impact of Climate Change, a reality hes long denied which comes amid a sign the Climate Crisis is getting worse. Warmer waters are fueling yet another major hurricane in the gulf sally is expected to dump feet of rain on parts of alabama and florida as it sadly crawls were talking 2 miles an hour. As it crawls its way to landfall early tomorrow lets go to Chris Jansing in gulf shores, alabama, which is now closer to the path of Hurricane Sally than we thought yesterday. Also with us is the today shows al roker. Well start out west following the wildfires. Erin mclaughlin who had to file this report for us because she and her crew had to leave the area because of deteriorating air quality. Reporter chuck, the fire is well and truly gone from this area, but as you can see behind me, its left behind a trail of devastation and death. 15 kuld in this area alone, part of the north complex fire. Entire community of barry creek totally flattened, including the home of jillian and her family this is the second time theyve lost a home to fire in two years. They lost their home in 2018 to the paradise fire. They learned key lessons from that this time around. They knew when they got those alerts to evacuate that they needed to get off the mountain, and they needed to leave quickly. But they left behind everything, and they lost it all once again. Take a listen. Its kind of become the new normal i dont know if it really has registered, but just trying to make the best of what weve got. This right here is whats most important. I dont even know if im making safe decisions anymore because it feels like the fire is following us. Complicating matters, they didnt have insurance. Now they have insurance for the paradise fire. They were able to take that money and buy their barry creek cottage free and clear now they dont know what theyre going to do next they say it feels as though the fire is following them chuck . It has to be an eerie feeling when you feel like you just cant escape it right now. And speaking of not escaping, weve got lets move to the other side of the country, down on the gulf coast. Gulf shores, alabama, where Chris Jansing is awaiting Hurricane Sally. The storm has slowed, and it looks as if it is shifting a bit east what can you tell us, chris . Yeah, its coming a little closer here than we had expected just 24 hours ago, chuck they are talking about the potential for historic flooding. This san area that has known some nasty hurricanes. Ivan in 2004 then it was the winds over 130 Miles Per Hour they dont expect that from this hurricane, maybe 70, 75. The real problem is going to be exactly what you said. When you have a storm thats moving this slowly, and weve just been feeling the rain felting and pelfelt i pelting and peltzing then you have sustained rainfall and were on the early side of it, its going to get worse into Late Afternoon and really bad in the overnight hours. They are talking about potentially as much rainfall from this one storm as alabama and gulf shores are used to getting in an entire month so theres a evacuation order. Its voluntary, but some people have been going into shelters. They have three area shelters that are open. And look at the surf there weve seen these waves whipping up again and again and again, and the other problem is going to be that surge theyre talking about something potentially as much as seven feet high, and theyre warning people, as many as weve seen driving in were about an hour, hour and 15 minutes south of mobile. We havent seen a lot of people on the roads weve seen very few people out who are obviously heeding those warnings theyre very experienced here. Were getting that horizontal wind which brings the rain thats coming across but if you can imagine, im about 57. Imagine a 7foot wall of water coming at you. So thats what theyre watching for. They are preparing for they have a federal disaster declaration already thats been signed by the president. Theres a state of emergency here, and now its a matter of waiting because its so slow much slower than you and i can walk, chuck. Yeah, that slowing down is what has everybody so upset there. All right, Chris Jansing in gulf shores, alabama. Be safe. Lets turn to al roker lets start with the water issues were dealing with. I have to say, how did we go from sally being a disturbance we need to monitor on the gulf side of the state of florida to what we saw. The initial, and i say this. I have family and friends in the panhandle, so i pay a lot of attention to the gulf side the initial projections, this storm was never going to achieve hurricane status how are we missing these super fastforming hurricanes so quickly right now at the Hurricane Center well, you know, actually, chuck, we were looking at this earlier this week. And we it was part of the development zone, right . Right now you can see this frenzy weve got going on. So we knew that it was going to be developing. And we thought early on this could become a storm so this one actually was picked up by the national Hurricane Center you can see weve got quite a bit going on but what we were concerned about and what we have been seeing this season, weve seen twice before, the systems that generally would be fairly weak start intensifying they start rapid intensification. They overperform this is a category 1 at this time but chuck, earlier yesterday, it went from a 1 to a 2 it achieved rapid intensification status and so what we are watching with this now is not only is it going to be a slow mover, but it is going to be a rainmaker as chris alluded to its now starting to move to the north. The good news is as a 1, the winds arent going to be that horrible but as we remember a couple of years ago with harvey, it was basically became a tropical system it comes onshore about 4 00 a. M. , give or take, wednesday morning as a category 1 storm. But it is moving so slowly that it is going to produce a lot of rain but even as it makes its way inland, its still going to dump a ton of rain. Look at this graph this shows you on average when a storm is moving about 25 Miles Per Hour, it dumps about five inches of rain when its at 5 Miles Per Hour, chuck, 30 inches of rain well, cut that in half its only moving at about 2 Miles Per Hour in fact, this could be one of only if not the slowest landfalling hurricanes ever. Possible historic flooding from southern alabama into western florida. And, in fact, mobile, gulf shores, biloxi, i should say mobile and gulf shores, are going to be on the dirty side of this storm the stronger side. The northeastern quadrant. And so they could be really looking at dangerous its 4 to 7foot storm surge, but also that heavy rain. 30 inches or more falling. And the winds, while not going to be, you know, 100 milesplus, you can see gusts anywhere from 50 to 90 Miles Per Hour. That takes down power lines and trees. So were talking about, you know, significant Power Outages as well. Al, Mother Nature is quite cruel. I know a region of the country that could use a lot of rain right now, and slow moving, and its obviously out west. Erin mclaughlin had to move because of the air quality issues al, walk us through this air quality issue for the west coast, its something theyll have to live with for quite some time absolutely. We are talking probably some of these fires could be weeks were talking 3 million acres burned already first, third and fourth largest in california, and, chuck, i dont care what anybody is going to tell you. Climate change is a factor in this the summer and fall, not just for california but the Pacific Northwest, hotter and drier. Weve seen more extreme fire weather days california is 3 to 4 degrees warmer than usual. And look at these air quality alerts from Central California all the way to the Pacific Northwest and the Western Plains we are talking about air quality. Its a big problem, and its going to continue. Fire alerts through today. And the dry conditions with locally gusty winds going to keep those the dense smog advisories and the red flag warnings going as well, chuck. And again, yes, there is a Forest Management issue, but only 3 of californias lands where the fires are burning are under state control. 57 are under the federal government control an excellent and important point to make there. Al roker, i think half the country over this week is experiencing what life is like with extreme weather right now Climate Change is not in the future it is here al roker, thank you, sir well be right back. Cal ripken jr. And a consequence of the coronavirus that were not talking abouent ough on the other side. Im a verizon engineer. And im part of the team building. A powerful 5g experience for america. Its 5g ultra wideband, and its already available in parts of select cities. Like los angeles. And in new york city. And its rolling out in cities around the country. With massive capacity. Its like an eightlane highway compared to a twolane dirt road. 25x faster than todays 4g networks. In fact, its the fastest 5g in the world. From the network more people rely on. This is 5g built right. Only on verizon. Welcome back one of the Serious Health effects of the pandemic is how the coronavirus is keeping people from getting screened or treated for other ailments when the country shut down in march, so did many doctor offices and outpatient surgery centers, having patients push on the some procedures. This side effect will result in almost 10,000 excess deaths from breast and cole orectal cancer alone in the next decade they say thats a conservative projection cal ripken jr. Went through Cancer Treatment in the early day. We were also hoping to be joined by his doctor to discuss the but were having a bit of a connection issue, so cal ripken jr. , thank you for coming on boy, the difference between february and march, do you think you would have groan that screening in the midst of the pandemic i would have been scared for sure i know i hurried up my decision on getting the surgery in preparation. The hospitals were already making decisions on elective surgery and whether they were going to postpone things even though my surgery might have been considered six or eight months from now, it wasnt okay with me i pushed forward and was able to get it before the hospitals really did, and i didnt stay in the hospital i got in early early morning, had the surgery, got up, walked around, then i got discharged at 6 30 they wouldnt have let me go unless i was healthy to go, but its very rare in this particular surgery you dont stay overnight, but i didnt want anything to do with the hospital so i can totally understand that youre cal ripken junior, so you have more resources or perhaps sway what about for the average person thats a bit scared they dont have that much control. Well, i didnt look at it that i had sway or influence or i had connections and all. I mean, i got diagnosed in the middle of february, the biopsy had to let heal before i could have my surgery. Most people take longer to make that decision, but it just made me make that decision earlier, and the times for the surgery was there. So it all worked out im very lucky for this baseball guy. Early detection, i cant tell you, we hear it all the time i take it thats what youre now wanting to be a spokesperson for, is the importance of Early Detection. What have you learned about it well, my journey was i didnt have any symptoms. Most times Prostate Cancer people dont have symptoms so the only way you catch it and catch it early is regular testing, regular bloodwork in my particular judgy, my was 2. 1, 2. 5, 2. 9, but well within my range. I wasnt crazy about getting a biopsy in those conditions, but i had a urine test, very simple, prostate test, which gave me another tool in which to make that decision. When i failed that test, i said, okay, lets do the biopsy and found out i had Prostate Cancer. When the doctor tells you you have Prostate Cancer, it blows your world up, but the next word out of his mouth youre wanting to hear, i caught it early if you catch it early, you have a lot of options, the prognosis is good. In my case it has a happy ending, cancer free. I can do anything now that i could do before. A delay of nine months, what could that have done what could that have increased what risks increase with you if you had delayed, say, until postpandemic . Ill give you a scoop there is they said its a slow moving cancer you can make this decision six or eight months down the road. I kept thinking why would you want to make that decision shall the pathology report comes behalf after you have the prostate taken out and there was one area that was growing pretty rapidly towards the end. So if it breaks through that casing, then it can spread to the rest of your body. That would have been a whole different ball game. My doctor said even if we waited six months, it could have been a different ball game and treatment altogether by having it done early, having it done right away, i potentially do have saved myself from breaking through the daysing, and then it would have been a different treatment altogether well, again, you just hear the good news stories are always like yours its the Early Detection if we could make one point here, Early Detection is everything, it sounds like any other recommendations . No. I would just say that a lot of us guys dont really go to the doctors unless you have a symptom. No. In this case, you need to go, listen to your wives, listen to your mom, all the women in your wife that are a lot smarter than us men go get your checkups go get a psa test, its simple, it could save your life and be the difference in good news and bad news cal ripken jr. , i have to say, it was good to have you on, an honor i appreciate you being a spokesperson for this important issue. Thanks so much. Thanks for allowing me to spread the word just a little bit. You go the it Early Detection, Early Detection, please, please please listen to the iron man, for sure cal ripken jr. , thank you. A quick bit of breaking news msnbc has learned the city of louisville has reached a settlement with the family of Breonna Taylor the family is set to hold a News Conference in the next hour. Ty tur will bring you that brings when it happens, after the break. Es. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. Ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. Thats unnecessarily complicated. Make ice. Making ice. But youre not because you have e trade which isnt complicated. 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