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In this case, its to press General Motors to make and confidence in our leaders. Ventilators and to do so asap. Basically the news of the last secretary hagel, very hour reinforces the severity of quickly, would you temporarily lift sanctions against iran the crisis facing this country. Right now on humanitarian as we await the days grounds or not . Coronavirus briefing from the i would. White house, which is scheduled i think for a lot of reasons. To start roughly in 30 minutes. I think its a smart thing to do heres where the crisis stands politically. I think its the right thing to at this moment. The u. S. Now has the most do for humanity. Coronavirus cases in the world. And i think it pays off in the were on the brink of 100,000. End. And i dont think when this is weve leapfrogged italy, which quite ominously just had its over it will be over. Well be out of this someday worst single day of deaths, more than 900. That people in history want to the number of deaths in this look back on us and how we country continues to go up as well. Its now above 2,300. Judged and how we did and performed our responsibilities the situation at the epicenter as the greatest nation on earth. Of the u. S. Outbreak, of course, i think there has to be a is in new york, and it continues to worsen. Mayor de blasio is projecting humanitarian and compassionate dynamic to this. And the poor people of iran, that half of the city will be infected. Hospitals have already begun to be overwhelmed by patients. Theyre separate from their the emergency call volume is the leaders, as the poor people of north korea are too. Biggest since the city has ever so i think weve got to be smart seen, and they broke wednesdays about that, wise about that, and lets do the right thing. Record on thursday. And now there is new concern about hot spots in the American South and in the midwest. Instead i think we increased the president s messaging sanctions in the last week. Meanwhile has been mixed at former defense secretary chuck best. Last night, for instance, he hagel, a former republican made comments suggesting that senator from nebraska, been on the country had plenty of all sides of the aisles these ventilators to handle the crisis. Today hes invoking the rarely days. I appreciate it. Used president ial power to while we are still waiting insist that General Motors make for that White House Briefing to get under way, up ahead, the more ventilators asap. But putting aside the battle against the coronavirus president s continued mixed in hard hit florida. Im going to talk to the mayor messaging throughout this crisis, the public itself of miami about the conditions appears to be tolerating the there and frankly conditions in his own house, as hes somebody profound changes to their who has tested positive for lifestyles as we collectively this. Thats next. Attempt to slow the virus spread. According to a New Washington post abc news poll, nine in ten memory, focus, americans say they are who has tested positive for this. Maintaining distance from others thats next. And see the difference. During this pandemic. Nine in ten say theyre staying home as much as possible. Eight in ten say theyre washing their hands more often. And sometimes, you can find yourself and six in ten say theyve heading in a new direction. But when youre with fidelity, stocked up on food or supplies a partner who makes sure every step is clear, ostensibly to hunker down. Basically the country has been theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. Following these guidelines. So the big question right now, what will the next phase of the u. S. Response look like . How long could it last . How bad is this going to be, and laso you can enjoy it even ifst youre sensitive. Se. , what will the president do to respond as things worsen in yet some say it isnt real milk. Other parts of the country . I guess those cows must actually be big dogs. Remember, we are now just two days away from the expiration of sit the president s 15day social i said sit distancing guidelines. Both dr. Fauci, the top Infectious Disease expert on the White House Task force and vice you cant claim that because its inanimate president president have, in the people ask me what sort of person past 24 hours, poured some cold should become a celebrity accountant. Water on the president s claim and, i tell them, that the country could reopen by nobody should. Hey, buddy. Easter. Joining me now from the white whats the damage . House where we are standing by i bought it for the latest from the the waterfall . Coronavirus task force is my nope a new volkswagen. Colleague, hans nichols and with a volkswagen . us from the epicenter of the outbreak in new york is nbcs i think were having a breakthrough here ron allen. Let me start in new york, ron. Welcome to caesars palace. Thank you. I was stunned when our reporting indicated that the 911 calls, at t has connected us every day for over 100 years. Emergency calls, broke the and were here for you especially now, record for new york city doing Everything Possible to keep you connected. Emergency calls that was set during 9 11. And i think that happened through the resilience of our network and people. Wednesday, and then last night they broke that record again. We can keep learning, this tells you that it looks like these hospitalizations are keep sharing, just going to keep going up. Keep watching, reporter were talking about and most of all, keep together. 6,000 calls. Were talking about 20 or so of its the job weve always done. The emts in the city who are out it is the job we will always do. Sick. Theyre catching the virus. Were talking about a huge unlike ordinary wmemory supplementsr . Percentage, a big percentage or neuriva has clinically proven ingredients growing percentage of police as well. You know, i talked to a doctor that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory, focus, here this morning, early this accuracy, learning, morning, and i asked her how is and concentration. It going . Try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. She said its awful, and we dont know when its going to stop. I talked to a man who arrived early this morning just after dawn to wait in line for testing. These are people who show up early in the morning, wait here for hour after hour to guess tested, and he said he was just terribly afraid of catching this virus because a neighbor of his did, and he was just just terribly afraid. Thats why he was here. And i think thats happening in so many places. At this hospital, we know the anecdote that during a 24hour period, 13 people died. Weve heard that theyre using three times the capacity that they are in their icu. The whole hospital is at 125 of capacity. And its not letting up. You know, theres all this debate about whether theres enough protective equipment or not. Maybe at this moment there is, the mayor and the governor say. Right. Reporter but when you talk to medical professionals, that doesnt give them any comfort. They are worried about a week or so from now being faced with trying to decide who gets what, whoive hads, who dies, making these life and death decisions. Certainly nobody wants to be in that position. Its just an every tightening vice, it feels like, and people just hope that help arrives. Welcome back. A citywide curfew in maeiami is you know, ron, we know that set to go into effect five fours the Javits Center is up and running. As you and i were talking, the mayor of new york city was from now. The mayor who has tested holding his own briefing. He just laid out a warning that positive himself announced. Said after next sunday, so basically in ten days, thats but despite his efforts and when he starts worrying about despite a surge of coronavirus the equipment issue, the bed cases in south florida, governor issue. So the Javits Center is supposed ran desantis still has not issued a statewide shelter in to be up and running by monday. When do we expect the usns place order. Keep in mind there have been no cases reported in more than a comfort . When do we expect more beds . Dozen counties in florida, so that may explain that situation. Reporter the navy ship is joining me now from his arriving on saturday ahead of quarantine is the mayor of time. Theyre rushing it to get here. Miami, francis suarez. The Javits Center has about 2,000 beds. Theyve got another 1,000 or so mr. Mayor, its good to on a college campus, part of the virtually see you. Let me start with how is your state system. Health . Im doing very well. They announced plans to create im very blessed. I happen to be, i think, in that 80 category of people who are 4,000 more beds. Feeling very, very mild symptoms the governor is asking the white house to authorize that using as a result of this virus, which the army corps of engineers, of course is also a category of fema, to create federal people who you worry about hospitals up here. You know, another thing, theres because had i not also a medical reserve corps selfquarantined ive been 15 days in quarantine as of today then i could have been here, people we have been someone that could have infected talking to. Many more people. There have been some 40,000 doctors, nurses, medical professionals who have said, you let me talk about the things know, send me in. Theyve come out of retirement. Youre trying to do. You just issued the citywide theyve been inactive. Theyve been doing other things. Curfew. And since i grew up down there myself, im well aware. So they are standing by and anticipating jumping into the i think theres 31 incorporated fray. But even if you get these 4,000 cities in Miamidade County, beds that they had online, 4,000 with the city of miami being the biggest. The most difficult thing more, theyre still many sometimes is youre going to issue an order. Are the rest of the thousands short of the projection of what the governor says is needed. Right. Reporter and he every day municipalities going to comes out, and hes basing these participate in it, and if they dont, how much of a challenge is that for you . Estimates on hard data. Theyre looking at numbers. Well, were up to 34 now, and theyre not acting out of fear. So as you said theyre not acting out of politics or compulsion. Thank you. I was a former president of it seems to be really hard data what they call the league of cities of all 34 municipalities, driving this. And, you know, hopefully hes and ive been in constant wrong. But, you know, there doesnt seem to be any indication of communication with all those that right now. Cities because they obviously well, as i said, the mayor follow our lead oftentimes. Said basically new yorks got already six or seven cities have ten days to prevent to get implemented a stay at home order all the preparation they need to in conjunction with a curfew. So were starting to see that prevent this onslaught. Ron allen, thank you. Let me jump down to the white trend happen. My preference would be for the county to follow suit. House. All right. Hans, walk me through this. They did put in a safer at home order but have not yet how do we go from telling sean implemented a curfew. Hannity yesterday, i dont know why we need all these so i think for uniformitys ventilators. It seems to be too much, to this sake, i think the best thing today. Would be for the county to do it i want to put up a few full as well and follow our lead so screens. It started with the president that there isnt a future with lambasting General Motors. As usual, with this general kendall and north miami, which motors, things just never seem can get confusing for our to work out. They said they were going to residents who maybe dont know have us 40,000 much needed where the boundaries are. Ventilators very quickly. Right. I mean, you know, just look now they are saying it will only at literally you can cross be 6,000 in late april, and they the street. Want top dollar. You cross u. S. 1 from coconut always a mess with mary b. Grove and suddenly youre in invoke p. P of course meant defense coral gables and its another production act, and suddenly municipality. Thats been done. Let me ask what is your concern . Hans, did he invoke it out of some of the best hospitals in spite, or did he invoke it out the world are in south florida of need . Between baptist and jackson and reporter i dont have an answer to that, right . Certainly a very sophisticated i want to be clear on that. Hospital system. All we know is that he finally but how many beds do you have, and what is the capacity down invoke roed invoked and with specific there . Regards to General Motors. I just texted with the ceo of he called it General Electric at jackson before coming on, asking one point but hes talking about him what his capacity load was for beds, for ventilators, and General Motors. He hinted he came close to do it for ppes. He just texted me that he is with three other companies but good on beds, ventilators, and pulled back. As to the question of ppes. Ventilators, the only way you can square the president s obviously they have, i believe, 2,000 ventilators, which is more tweets from last night and what hes talking about today is to ventilators than half the say the 30,000 to 40,000 had to country of italy. Its the fourth largest public be for new york city or a specific hospital. Hospital in the United States. Thats the only way because when you look at what the president so we are preparing the best we is talking about, he is clearly talking about thousands of can. We have already overflow ventilators, and yet last night, hospitals, if you will, that 30,000 was too much. Were creating. So the only way i can make those they have an additional facility sentences make sense is if the that has they havent even 30,000 had qualifiers on it that tapped. They havent even started werent actually there, and putting patients in. So were preparing obviously for those qualifiers were for the worst. Were looking at very closely at specific individual hospitals and the president s confused whats happening in new york to about what Governor Cuomos see how thats going to affect requests are. And as you and ron are us and the governor has implemented a 14day quarantine reporting, on indeed what the for any visitors who are coming needs of new york city and new york state are going to be. From new york, which of course so there are really three things is a big concern for us. Going on in the white house right now. Its funny you s number one, the victory lap. You had dr. Fauci talking about i have my own questions about how this is bipartisan, but it why any of the three major didnt look very bipartisan. Airports in new york are still you take away the medical moving passengers around experts up there, it was only considering the state of florida has issued this quarantine, and republicans. Did they not invite i think the National Task force democrats, or did democrats not want to come . Wants anybody who travels out of reporter what we know from new york city to selfquarantine. Pelosis office is that she did let me ask you this. The Miami International airport, not receive an invite. Now, usually its up to the how concerned are you that that white house to send that invite out. Is going to continue to be a we havent heard from schumers gateway to bring this virus in and out of the city . Office at least when i was walking out here just yet. Im extremely concerned. There had been concerns earlier Miami International airport has about social distancing. You cant have a huge signing 50 million passengers a year. Let me repeat that, 50 million. Ceremony. That said, the lawmakers up there seem to be pretty close and its pretty clear that i together, and i dont think social distancing guidelines probably contracted the virus were necessarily entirely met from the brazil delegation that for that portion of it. Came here. They did do it inside, not so they were foreigners who came outside. So at least with pelosis to miami and were here for a couple of days a couple of weeks concern, she was not invited. Ago in a delegation where i think more than 40 members of chuck . Hans nichols as the white the delegation have already tested positive. House. Ron allen on the front line. So its a huge concern. Both of you doing the best you thats unbelievable. For us. Can social distancing but locally we dont have the ability to restrict travel. Reporting at the spot where the so certainly would welcome any news is happening. Thank you both for doing that. Further restrictions that would another hot spot in this country right now is new protect our city. Who would make that who orleans. Joining me now is colin arnold, has that power, mr. Mayor . Who has that power . Director of Homeland Security is that the governor, or is this something that has to come from the federal government . I think in terms of the power and emergency preparedness. The governor has been warning to prevent people from coming in all week long, and i think from overseas, we saw that by youve always been warning all president ial decree when he week long that the rate of increase of both cases and prevented certain countries from being able to fly into the deaths is rising at alarming United States. The Miamidade County airport is rates in new orleans. Fill in our viewers whats going under the control of miamidade on. Paint the picture for us, sir. County. Im not sure what kind of power they have in terms of limiting i can just say that were a people and limiting air carriers community of 400,000 people, and from flying people in and out of we just went over 1,000 cases the airport. But certainly unfortunately that is not under the control of the today, 1,170. City of miami. We have one of the highest infection rates per capita in right. No, i know it isnt. In some ways it can be very the country, and i will say thats partially due to, you complicated if you dont know how our system works down there. Know, weve ramped up a lot of it can be complicated to navigate. Testing. And, you know, what were doing yes, it is. Mr. Mayor, you sound healthy, now is we have a drivethru and that is great news. Good luck to you down there Testing Program thats part of fema and hhs. Fighting this, and we hope to thats been going well. Talk with you soon. Thank you, chuck. Weve done 3,400 at two sites in new orleans and an additional likewise. Up ahead, the deal is finally done. The president just signed the 2 trillion rescue bill. 1,750 in jefferson parish. The latest from capitol hill those have helped. Plus the drama that happened its informing us better. Moments before. The fact of the matter is were thats next. In a crisis. We have to have people stay in their homes. Theres been a mayors mandate to stay home. Theres been a governors order to stay home. And were seeing that people are turn on my tv and boom, doing it. Weve got data that says about 73 less traffic through the city. You can see it out there that theres less. Its just people need to continue to do that. I implore not only residents of its got all my favorite shows. I wish my Trading Platform worked like that. My community but every community in the country. They have to do this to stop the have you tried thinkorswim . Spread and flatten the curve. This is totally customizable. Now this is what im talking about. Tell me this. Focus on what matters to you with thinkorswim. Tell me about your supply situation, ventilators, masks, and your hospital capacity. I feel like were an absolute missions in iraq as aand afghanistan. 89 combat microcosm of new york right now. As a National Security advisor, for our community, its the same i worked to keep our country safe. Situation. Personal protective equipment, im amy mcgrath. Now im running for senate that ppe, its vital, and were in kentucky against Mitch Mcconnell. Running out. I can win, but i need your help. And, you know, the state has assisted us with trying to get with your contribution, we can finally remove more. It seems to be a problem Mitch Mcconnell from office and start repairing the damage hes done to our country. Nationally and, you know, at i approved this message. Because this is gonna take all of us. Some point our First Responders who are on the front line, our Health Care Workers who are on the front line, theyre going to run out unless we can get more. And its a huge issue. How are you explain to me who you go to to get more of this right now. Are you having to deal directly yourbut as you get older,thing. It naturally begins to change, with fema . Do you have to go through the causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. Governor first and he goes to fema . Thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain explain the bureaucracy in all of this as you try to and actually improves memory. Essentially get in line with the the secret is an ingredient originally discovered. Federal government to get field hospitals built, to get these in jellyfish. Supplies sent your way. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown well, you know, louisiana has to improve shortterm memory. Been tested, and weve been tested often. And, you know, a lot of this prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. We base a lot of our planning on how we handle hurricanes, and some of it is applied here. But typically we will go out and try and buy personal protective equipment as a city. We put in an order in november when we first saw this, but no order has been able to be filled. And so we then reached to the state, who has supplies of their own, and they will disperse those. But really right now were waiting on the Strategic National stockpile, the federal government to filter these down to the states. They have been, but i just think there needs to be a little bit more, a lot more. And so there is a bureaucracy, i totally get how important it is to stay connected. But we all communicate with each customers can do what they need to do, other. I will say we have had great whenever they need to do it online. Federal and state support with we care about keeping you safe. That pilot program, with the vo we are open 24 7 online, drivethru testing. They just resupplied us so you can keep managing all you need from home yesterday and today so we can go for another week doing those and through the verizon apps and verizon. Com. Tests. And that includes ppe for the and sometimes, you can find yourself testers. Do you have any evidence yet heading in a new direction. That youre starting to see any but when youre with fidelity, slowdown, or is everything just a partner who makes sure every step is clear, still accelerating . Theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. Its accelerating, and the governors been very clear. The mayor has been very clear. Were going to run out of hospital space within a week. Were going to have ventilator issues in a week. The state is mobilizing with the federal government and were onboard to take over our convention center. And when fully ramped up, 3,000 beds. Well be the largest monitoring facility in the country. Collin arnold, battling this pandemic. Good luck, sir. I hope we can get these needs met as fast as possible. By the way, a quick correction on our data of the number of deaths in the United States because we appear to have a bit of a hiccup with our data a moment ago. The number of cases is, as we said at the top of the show, nearing 100,000. The death toll is now around 1,500. You saw that the number got entered in somehow 2,300. That was a mistake, and we wanted to correct that as soon as we saw it. Let me turn now to doctor leana nguyen. Quorum is president. The motion is adopted. She is the city of baltimores Health Commissioner and an emergency physician. Doctor, its nice to see you. I want to start with what is well, after some lastminute going to be the question of the drama on the house floor this moment in about 15 minutes with afternoon, the house overwhelmingly approved a 2 this task force and frankly all trillion coronavirus spending weekend long, is were on day, i bill. Guess, 13 of the guidelines. It went to the president s desk. Day 15, the expiration of these he signed it moments ago, and were likely to see this, its national guidelines. 350 billion for small business, in your medical opinion, what should the task force be telling 240 billion for health care us about these guidelines on day relief, deliver up to 1200 to 16 . The task force should say americans. Basically, its a bridge loan that we need to not only continue the guidelines, we have for everybody. Is probably the best way to look to double down on them. At it. In some cases the direct payment look, we have an out of control is not a loan, but it is a bridge. Situation at the moment. Garrett haake is on capitol we are seeing whats happening hill, catches up what has been a in new york city. Bit of a bizarre and were seeing whats going to happen in louisiana, in extraordinary day, and obviously a huge week. Michigan, and we dont even know whats next. We dont know what the next hot so, garrett, we expected this to spot is going to be because we pass. Im surprised that they were lack a lot of data. Able to get it done today and but we know that other places are going to be facing these didnt have to bleed into tomorrow. Same issues with equipment how did they get through this shortages, with lack of hospital drama as fast as they ended up beds, with staff who are getting doing . Well, congressional leaders sick. We need to do so much more to in the house put up the strengthen our Health Care Capacity and get tests up and proverbial bat signal late last night they needed to have enough running. But in the meantime, theres for a quorum today when they something that every american, realized that thomas massie, the every person can do, which is to republican from kentucky was stop as much as we can and going to call for a recorded reduce the rate of transmission, vote. And members scrambled to get back here to get this thing flatten that curve as we heard done. About. This is not the time to pull chuck, look, these folks wanted back. This is the time to double down to get this finished. And do everything we can because they wanted to get the money out into the public both to we really have a very Small Businesses and individuals as window of opportunity here. Quickly as possible without further delay, and quite one of the bigger issues that honestly, they didnt want to i know new york city is dealing come back to washington any longer than they possibly had with and we just heard that from our reporter, ron allen, on the to. Weve already had five members, ground, which is Health Workers four members of the house, one are coming down with the virus. Congressman diagnosed with coronavirus. This is not a place anyone wants and were running you know, to be right now. And i think that lit a fire we may find enough ventilators under these members. Okay. And not have enough personnel to if theyre not here, how does run the ventilators. Is there what should be the negotiations begin . Plan to deal with this issue . Well, its going to start its an inevitable problem. Almost immediately. The speaker alluded to that it was something that was anticipated in many of these today. These are conversations she is having with her chairpeople more pandemic playbooks, but how do we deal with this situation now . Or less right away. Is it having to call up backup they need to plus up the money for states. They need to fix the Problem Health care retired health with how d. C. Gets funded so care workers to replace these folks . What would you like to see, that the district gets more dr. Wen . Money in this. And probably about the same time well, id like to see first that these checks to individuals of all us doing everything that start going out in about three, we can to protect our existing four weeks, theyre going to Health Care Workers because if need to be back here to start putting something into motion to we run out of masks and gowns, get more money sent out to as we have already, were going individuals. To run out of doctors and so those conversations are going to be happening more or less right away. Nurses. And its frankly just it is a very good question about unconscionable that we cant when both bodies come back more provide our frontline workers, who are putting their lives on completely. The line, with something as the senate has said theyre not basic as masks. Coming back until april 20th. And im seeing my colleagues beg the speaker said she expects it will be sooner than that. On social media for supplies. And we know that this is not chuck . Thank you very much. Garrett, well done. Just an issue for the areas that you wrapped up just in time, and are hardhit. Everywhere else in the country the president is beginning plus is going to be facing this issue shortly. So we need to equip our existing the Coronavirus Task force. Here it is. Well do our best to split the Health Care Providers before we spin from the facts. Start even talking about which medical resources and other providers were going to equipment needed to fight the bring in. But youre right. We need other Creative Solutions global pandemic. Because we can have all the its been a brutal pandemic for equipment in the world and all over 150 countries all over the the bed space in the world, but if we cant do something as care world. Weve had Great Success over the for our providers, then were not going to be able to treat last month. Patients either. You know, today were talking we, as you know, the millions about potential new hot spots in and millions and pieces of detroit, new orleans, chicago. Equipment have been delivered successfully by us, purchased but lets say youre salt lake and delivered, and weve made it city, right . Youre not a hot spot. Available to the states. Maybe you will, maybe up wont become one. Albuquerque, new mexico. And the governors have been very what would you advise those gracious, for the most part, i medical communities to start would say. Doing right now . A couple arent appreciative of i would advise them to look at whats happening in the hot the incredible job. They have to do a better job spots and know that they could themselves. Thats part of the problem. Well be next. But generally speaking, i have they may well be next because to tell you the governors have they dont even know whats been great. I just spoke to the governor of happening in their communities because of lack of testing. New jersey, governor murphy. We know that throughout the country whatever cases were and he is very thankful. Currently reporting are a severe Governor Cuomo has been very underestimate, that the actual numbers are going to be a lot nice. Theyve really appreciated what higher than whats actually the federal government has done. Listed in terms of number of you look at the hospitals that are being built all over the cases. And so these other cities that country by the army corps of dont think that theyre hot engineers and fema. Spots yet could be the next hot spot, and now is the time to its been really incredible. Prepare. Actually the time to prepare was nobody has seen it, built hospitals in two or three days, weeks ago, but we cant go back portable hospitals. In time. We can only navigate from where this afternoon i invoked the we are now. Right. So prepare now. Defense production act for anticipate instead of keeping General Motors to accept, our reacting to whats already perform federal contracts for happened. Right. Ventilators. Ventilators are a big deal, and yeah, the what went wrong is going to be there after were done dealing with this pandemic, weve delivered thousands of and i know theres going to be a them. And oftentimes you dont need lot of what went wrong that were going to have to deal ventilators very much. With. But youre right. Hospitals dont have very many. Weve got to deal with this right now. Dr. Wen, thank you for your and now were turning out that expertise in coming on. I appreciate it. Heres a live look at the we have to produce large numbers. White house right now where the but weve been able to do that, Coronavirus Task force briefing and were going to be doing a is expected to begin shortly. Lot more. Once that happens, we will of this invocation of the dpa course bring it to you live and do our best to separate our the should demonstrate clearly to spin from the facts. Up ahead, more on the next all that we will not hesitate to use the full authority of the potential hot spots. Right now its new york. Federal government to combat but next week, as i said, it this crisis. Could be places like chicago. We thought we had a deal as an you heard from dr. Bririrx example General Motors. And i guess they thought otherwise. Yesterday. Shes very worried about cook they didnt agree. And now they do. County. Im going to talk to chicagos they do agree. And i think we might be able to mayor next about the actions shes taking right now. Pull it. But we let them know the way we felt. And they cant be doing that. Its very important that get to the bottom line and quickly. Well do what we have to do and immediately exercise all available lawful authorities to get the job done. This afternoon i also signed an executive order investing, and your brain is an amazing thing. Very, very strongly investing but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, the department of health and Human Services and the department of Homeland Security causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. With the full authorities available under the defense thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain production act to respond to the and actually improves memory. The secret is an ingredient originally discovered. Outbreak of the terrible virus, the invisible enemy, as we say. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown my order also establishes that peter navarro, a very trusted to improve shortterm memory. Person from the white house, and prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. He has been an incredible he has done an incredible job for me in terms of negotiation, in i know that every time that i suit up, terms of understanding where the there is a chance that thats the last time. World is going economically, but my order establishes that peter will serve as National Defense 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal. Production act policy i might be crazy but im not stupid. Coordinator for the federal government. 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What we had to do today with president trumps order with respect to General Motors, i want to give you a little background on that. We need industrial mobilization to make adequate ventilator, particularly in the very short run to help the people of welcome back. While new york may remain the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the Surgeon General and you saw dr. Birx yesterday is warning that cities like detroit and chicago could see a surge in cases in the next week. Chicago has already reported more than 1,100 cases so far. And, again, as deborah birx said, cook county, which comprises chicago has seen a surge in new cases. Joining me now is the mayor of chicago, lori lightfoot. Madam mayor, good to see you. Sorry its under these circumstances. We heard the white house has been tracking this data. You and governor pritzker, i know, have been sort of early on adopters of some of these measures before it looked as if you guys were going to be a hot spot. Now that you are, tell me what your scientists are telling you about when this is going to hit. Well, look, i think were going to see a steady rise in cases, certainly over the next week or two. Thats consistent with the odeling that weve been looking accordingly. Were doing everything to make sure that we get our people to stay home to save lives. Weve instituted a number of measures to really compel people to stay inside. The city of chicago issued an order a week to ten days ago mandating that if you were sick, even a little bit, that you must stay home. So were taking these steps, looking at the data, looking at whats happening in other parts of the country where the surge is ahead of us. We are trying to do everything we can now to flatten the curve as quickly as we can so we can get to the other side of the virus. But were going to be in this, and its going to keep escalating for another couple of weeks easily. All right. Let me start with the basics. Hospital capacity, beds. Are you starting now to identify overflow places, convention center, things like that, United Center . Is that in the plans or fema . What are your plans on that front . So weve done a number of things. Were on a daily call with all the hospitals in the city of chicago, and were talking to hospitals in the region. What were pushing them to do is expand their capacity as much as possible. In addition, we have set up a series of hotels which will accommodate, if you will, stepdowns, so people who are coming out of hospitals but still need some care but not acute care, or people who need to isolate or quarantine and cant do that safely at home. In addition, were looking at recommissioning some hospitals that are closed in the area, and were talking with both fema and the army corps of engineers to put at least 500, if not more, hospital beds in one of our large convention centers. So we are being very proactive and making sure that we get ahead of the curve and that we are able to handle the surge that we believe is coming. Weve done an allcall for additional medical support. We have a medical corps, a number of volunteers, but were pushing, retired doctors, nurses, really everything you need to set up a health care system, we need that not only to staff the hospitals that are coming online, the hospital spaces, but also the hotel spaces that weve commissioned over the course of this last week. So were trying to be as proactive as we can based on the science and the data, understanding what the surge is going to be in our city. Tell me about on the equipment front. How much of this is on your plate in trying to make sure theres enough personal protective equipment and ventilators versus the governor versus the federal government. And i guess my question is if you inventory your capacity, you go to the dpogovernor and say, need x, y, and z, can you go to the federal government, i guess im trying to understand how mayors like you are supposed to navigate this bureaucracy. Well, look, the reality is were not going to get the kind of help from the federal government that i think all of us need. Youve been watching and seeing Governor Cuomo every single day, mayor de blasio. New york is the epicenter of this virus in our country, and theyre not getting the support that they need. It was very clear to me in early discussions back in january that we were not going to get the kind of support from the federal government even at that point where the surge hadnt happened. So we luckily prepare for these kind of circumstances all year long. We are okay with the numbers that were seeing right now. But if we get anywhere close to the worstcase scenario, the modeling that weve seen, all of us are going to be in trouble. The federal post negovernment n step up. Im glad that just today the federal government has commissioned gm in their joint venture to build new ventilators, but thats absolutely necessary and really should have come online weeks ago. A process for the federal government seems to be too little, too late. But i hope that they recognize that this wave that were seeing wash across the country from the coast is only going to get worse, not better in the short term, and they need to step up their capacity to be able to service the needs of states and cities like chicago and illinois. Were working hand in glove with our governor to make sure that we are building out the capacity. As i said before, we restock our stockpile all year long, and thank god for that. But if we hit the peak, were all going to be in trouble. Can you imagine reopening chicago in some sort of normal way anytime in the month of april at this point . I think thats going to be challenging in the month of april. But certainly we have started to look like what chicago will be when we start the recovery process. Thats going to be absolutely necessary for body, mind, and spirit. Its going to be important for us to be able to step up and support even more support for our Small Businesses, reopen our Convention Business and tourism. But were a ways away from that. We have some nation plans that are in place right now, but really the primary focus on a day to day basis is meeting the daily challenge that this virus has brought to our doorstep. Mayor lori lightfoot, boy, i tell you, are you still in your first year . I think its coming, right . I havent even hit my oneyear anniversary yet, my friend. Thats what i thought. I was like, yeah, i would say one day is a month. One month probably feels like a year. Madam mayor, good luck out there and stay healthy and safe yourself. Thank you. Up ahead, the president has just implemented a powerful tool in his arsenal. 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A partner who makes sure every step is clear, unlike ordinary wmemory supplementsr . Neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. Try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. Welcome back. We are of course awaiting the white house Coronavirus Task force briefing. And as you heard from our guests on the front lines of this fight today and all this week, Health Care Workers are raising alarms about the lack of lifesaving medical equipment in the photo against the coronavirus, including ppe, becoming one of those acronyms we all know so well know. Personal protective equipment and ventilators that are also in critically short supply. The federal government has a tool to deal with this. Its called the defense production act. It allows the government to take control of the supply chain to ensure the u. S. Has the necessary equipment they need when the country is in danger. The president signed an executive order invoking the dpa last week, but he didnt implement its power, use its power, until moments ago when he directed General Motors to manufacture ventilators. This comes after 100 current and former National Security officials released a letter on wednesday urging the president to use the dpa asap. Joining me now is former secretary of defense chuck hagel. Secretary hagel, obviously youre somebody that thought this should have been invoked. You heard the mayor of chicago. This should have been invoked weeks ago, and im reading here the company that gm is working with for their kokomo, indiana, plant, ventec, they said they can get up to a capacity of 10,000 ventilators a month, but it aint going to be this month. Mr. Secretary, so what is the best way. Should this be invoked not as a oneoff, but should he go across the board here now . Well, chuck, he has to go across the board. First lets recognize, as your guests preceding me have so articulately noted, this is a national crisis, and i mean a national crisis. Its part of a pandemic, global pandemic, but an international crisis. When that happens in a nation, you harness your industries. You harness all the Resources Available to you. It should have been done weeks ago. Its not too late. We have to do it now, and its got to be industrywide. So, look, i understand the hesitancy to do this. Explain to me. Youve dealt with these private companies. You know, the white house wanted to use it as sort of a cudgel to get companies to do this on their own. Theyve been very hesitant to use it because i think it really sort of ideologically goes against the grain of sort of the free market conservative thats out there, of which you would describe yourself as one, i think. Thats right. But a clear message has to be given to the citizens of this country from our national leadership. The state leadership cant do its part of it. Mayors and governors are on the front line in this war, this battle, the president has even noted. But it has to come from the top. And it cant be sugarcoated. This is serious business. Were losing people, hundreds of people every day around the world. More cases, more deaths. And were just probably at the front end. Thats what our medical experts are telling us. So you need to alert people to the seriousness, the deadly seriousness of what were dealing with here. And that means you talk straight. You dont sugarcoat it. You dont try to panic people. But people have to have confidence and trust in their leadership, that their leadership, no matter how bad, is telling them the truth, that were all working together, both nationally and internationally by the way. This is an international dynamic as well as a sovereign issue for this country. Let me talk about our defense readiness at a time, you know, its been interesting to watch on one hand we know that theres been a troop freeze, if you will, on troop movements, meaning, you know, people cycling in and cycling out. That is going to be on a 60day freeze. What is your biggest concern as a former defense secretary about troop readiness right now besides on the health front . Im talking about, you know, how concerned should we be in iran or another one of our perceived enemies might look at this as a time to strike, be it on cyber or be it, you know, on what were doing in iraq . Well, its there. Its serious. Its real. There is a National Security component to this national crisis, chuck. Its not just health. Its not just economy. But its also an interNational Security issue. For example, we have just taken the uss teddy aken them out of

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