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Exploring issues that affect leaders in the U. S. And around the globe. Howard fineman, an nbc news analyst who spent his tuesday in judge ellis courtroom marveling at Paul Manaforts wardrobe. Anyway, mimi, let me start with you. Define Obstruction Of Justice and is it something that has to be done in secret for it to be a crime . Sure, chuck. I want to answer the second part first. It does not have to be done in secret. The definition of Obstruction Of Justice, there are different prongs of it, depending on whether youre trying to interfere with witnesses or tamper with evidence. Its basically trying to impede an investigation corruptly, with corrupt intent, which simply could mean youre trying to stop an investigation because you dont like that that investigation is zeroing in on you or your close friends, so it cant be it has to be for a bad purpose and those would be bad purposes. And thats why this tweet right now looks so incriminating because whats happening you believe its very incriminating . You have said you thought this was obstruction In Plain Sight . I would say its a good piece of evidence of obstruction In Plain Sight. And heres why the plain sight part doesnt matter. Take what he wrote in the tweet, put it in a text to a close confidant and assume lets pretend the government found that text and read it. Would it look like evidence of obstruction . I think here what were saying, as you said, i mean you said it perfectly. If he called sessions into his office and told him to fire him or if he wrote what he thought was a secret email to sessions saying you should end this investigation, that would look really bad. And should versus must . Thats what giuliani thats what this is going to come down to . That shows the weakness of where their argument is. Let me play Sarah Sanders response here for the panel. She too they clearly they clearly colluded on the idea that twir tter is now an opinio page for the president. Take a listen. You know, going back months seem to be trying to almost pressure certain witnesses. You know, there were tweets that he didnt want people to sort of it seemed like he was trying to get people to not be cooperative with the special counsel. Now this seems more about trying to get it to end. And, you know, the idea that he can just end it any time, yes, i guess thats true. But even trump knows that that would cause quite a political storm and hes trying to get somebody else to do is dirty work for him. Thats the way i look at it. I was just going to say, mimi, could you actually say the president , as leader of his political movement, is sending a signal to all his supporters, hey, harass Jeff Sessions. Harass Jeff Sessions. He has the power here to stop this investigation. Exactly. Is that evidence of obstruction, if hes trying to rally political supporters to essentially harass Jeff Sessions to do this or get matt gates or mark meadows from the house to continue on this path. Could you make that an Obstruction Case . Yes. And again, this is not standing alone, right . Its going to be a piece of evidence together with many other tweets, many other statements and the actual acts that he did. Remember what just is starting to come out now, that when he fired comey, it sounds like his Close Associates have told mueller that he knew flynn was under investigation, something he has denied. That could be a very strong part of an Obstruction Case. So you dont have to look at each act individually. A prosecutor would look at them altogether. Well, Jeff Sessions spoke today. Heres it seems to us he was sort of responding to the president s tweet. Take a listen, susan. The day i was sworn in as attorney general, the president , President Trump, sent me a clear order. He can send out orders pretty does that goal really amount to because muellers findings will be muellers findings. So you can jump up and down, set your hair on fire and scream how tainted it is. Facts are a terrible, difficult thing to get around sometimes. And thats what this president is trying to buffer himself against, the facts. The fact that he had so many of his comrades in arm already linked into this spider web thats being weaved by mueller, and this is the same crew trying to define collusion, all these things, lost their minds when bill clinton tried to redefine the word is. So its not believable. Its clearly political theater to say, hey, mr. President , were with you, but mueller at the end of the day holds every card in this thing. Mimi, i want you to assess if you think al capone or Paul Manafort is getting mistreated worse by the federal government. This is the president s tweet today. Looking back on history, who was treated worse, alfonse capone, legendary mob boss, killer and Public Enemy Number One or Paul Manafort, political operative and reagan dole darling, now serving solitary confinement, although convicted of nothing. Where is the russian collusion . The president has gone back and forth on whether to be nice to manafort or distance himself from manafort. Today it was be nice to him. He fears a lot about this trial. What were not 100 sure of yet. Right. What he fears is probably not going to come out in this trial because ironically, even though the president keeps talking about manafort, the government is prohibited from talking about any links to russian collusion with manafort, even though they very well may know them that they exist but theyre not allowed to talk about them in this trial. For the president to say wheres the collusion is just a joke. And the al capone reference is very interesting because of course he was taken down by tax fraud acti fraud, even though nathat was n the only crime that he committed. That was what they got him on and that may be the case here. I dont know if the president wants to go down the tax return trail. Ive known and covered manafort longer than i actually want to admit, but probably more than 30 years. And i looked at him very closely in the courtroom yesterday. Hes 69. Hes trying to put on a very strong and brave face. He very much participated in the jury selection process. Hes a detail guy, which is significant, because his defense is going to argue that he didnt know anything that was going none his own business. I watched him doing that very carefully. And i think if donald trump, even though its not on television, Donald Trumps got to be worried that paul manafort, at this age and station, if hes facing a long jail sentence, and they threw the book at him just in this tax and fraud case, is going to want to is going to want to flip. And i think the president is calculating now, number one, whether when he can pardon manafort. If. If and. When and if and when he can fire or somehow get mueller off the case. And i think hes looking to see after the rally last night, after the rally last night where he was absorbing all the fan love, whether hes got the power and the timing to do it. Youre right, i can just picture a guilty plea on monday. Pardon tuesday. Tweet storm on wednesday. Mimi rocah, ill let you go. Much appreciate it. Thank you for your expertise. Susan, michael and howard are penalized and stuck with me for the rest of the hour. We are only two days into the trial. As you heard, things are already looking pretty tough for Paul Manafort. Well go live to the courthouse in Northern Virginia for the highlights from todays testimony. A hotel can make or break a trip. And at expedia, we dont think you should be rushed into booking one. Thats why we created expedias addon advantage. Now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. Addon advantage. Discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. Only when you book with expedia. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. Were in a small room. What . welcome. [ gasps ] a bigger room . how many of you use Car Insurance . Oh. Well, what if i showed you this . [ laughing ] hohoho wow. Its a computer. We compare rates to help you get the price and coverage thats right for you. Thats amazing the only thing that would make this better is if my mom were here. What . an unexpected ending are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool . Is if my mom were here. Try zyrtec®. Its starts working hard at hour one. And works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. New laptop with 24 7 tech support. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes start them off right. With the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Save 200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. Welcome back. Its day two of the trial of President Trumps former Campaign Chairman, Paul Manafort. So with everything thats going on, lets not lose sight of this fact. The man who ran the president s campaign is on trial. True, this trial is about Paul Manaforts work for russian friendly ukrainians, not the 2016 campaign, but it is the first trial resulting from the special counsels investigation. And, wow, is this trial moving pretty quickly. The prosecution spent today telling the jury about manaforts lavish lifestyle. That he paid for in an unusual way. He would buy his fancy suits with International Wire transfers. Not credit card, not diners club, not paypal, not cash. You know, wire transfers from your normal international institutio institutions. Nbc news intelligence and National Security reporter ken dilanian joins me from outside the court house. Ken, i believe we have recessed for the day so the good news is you dont have to run back into the courtroom. Correct. It seems as if it was a battle of the prosecution trying to paint a very lavish and elite lifestyle of Paul Manafort while a judge was trying to convince them not to do that. Help me out. That was part of it. Yeah, that was part of it certainly, chuck. This judge, t. S. Ellis, is trying to restrain the prosecutors from Graphically Illustrating of just how lavish and strextravagant Paul Manafor Lifestyle was. He tells them he is not on trial for being rich or spending lavishly, youve got to show the relevance. But they did bring in a series of vendsors. Paul manafort spent more than a Million Dollars on suits over like a fouryear period. From two custom makers, one in beverly hills. There was testimony that he bought a house for his daughter for 2 million. 3 million in improvements on his Hampton Properties for a Home Improvement contractor. All of this was paid for by wire transfers from an account in cyprus that prosecutors are going to allege later was parked there to avoid u. S. Taxes. Let me stop you right there. That is the important fact here. Its how he paid for all of this. Its not that he bought all of this, its how he paid for it. Thats right. The transaction he used, a wire transfer. Anyway, go ahead, ken. Absolutely. Because, look, in theory he should have been able to afford all of this stuff anyway. He was paid 60 million, or his firm was, for his work for this ukrainian politician. What prosecutors are saying is he was so greedy, he still had to avoid american taxes on this. Heres another important thing that we learned from today, chuck. All of these witnesses were asked by the prosecutors, do you know who rick gates is . And they all said no. Unless they have heard of him in the news. The point the prosecutors made was while the defense was trying to say that rick gates was behind this illegal conduct and theyre going to blame rick gates, thats essentially their defense, each of their witnesses said they never heard of rick gates, he had nothing to do with these transactions. Paul manafort paid these bills with money from cyprus. Its not clear because the prosecutors wont talk to us whether theyre tailored their case to respond to this defense of hail mary trying to blame rick gates but thats certainly whats happening. And now we dont know if rick gates is going to testify because one of the prosecutors raised the possibility that he may not testify at the end of the day. The evidence that was presented today, yes, you had people on the stand, but it was a lot of paper that was presented to the jury today, right, which seems to indicate you may not need rick gates for this. They may have him just with ledger sheets. I think thats a very important point. Yes, each of these witnesses were used to enter into evidence documents, invoices, emails, describing payments of the aand government indicted Paul Manafort and rick gates together so they are prepared to go to trial and convict both of these men. Gates was gravy, he flipped, he turned states evidence. It would be nice to have gates to walk through this. And they may need him in the d. C. Trial because thats failure to register as a foreign lobbyist. But its not clear that they need him in this case. And its very possible they dont want manaforts lawyers beating up gates in this trial, which would then harm him a little bit for the next one. Let me ask you a final question, another lecture that the prosecution got today from the judge on the use of the word oligarch. Explain. Yes. Judge t. S. Ellis makes a lot of these proceedings about him. Hes been on the bench since the Reagan Administration and he went through a whole discourse about how the word oligarch is pejorative and possibly you could call High School Principal an oligarch in some certain sense and the prosecutors shouldnt use it. They replied judge, were not using it, witnesses are using it to describe some of these ukrainian funders. But at the end of the day the judge is the judge and the prosecutors surrendered. What are they using, extraordinarily wealthy russians who got their money from Vladimir Putins government . Do you just say it like that . The judge is proposing to use the word funders. Well, thats no fun. Anyway, ken dilanian, just two days down. Prosecution still calling witnesses tomorrow, we assume . They are. Were going to hear from some bookkeepers and accountants. They actually told us today they may be ready to rest their case by next week. This trial is moving must faster than we anticipated, chuck. Could be finished in two and a half weeks. Well, its the rocket docket. Thats its nickname, so all of our experts tell us. Ken dilanian, thank you, sir. Up ahead, President Trumps unbelievable florida rally. Really. Much of what he said last night was not to be believed. You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card. You need i. D. Dear foremothers, your society was led by a woman, who governed thousands. Commanded armies. Yielded to no one. When i found you in my dna, i learned where my strength comes from. My name is courtney mckinney, and this is my ancestrydna story. Now with 2 times more geographic detail than other dna tests. Order your kit at ancestrydna. Com. The new united Explorer Card makes things easy. Traveling lighter. Taking a shortcut. woooo taking a breather. Rewarded learn more at theexplorercard. Com abolish i. C. E. In other words, they want to let ms13 rule our country. Thats not going to happen. Or there was this sort of fantasy, if you call it. Remember the attack on Merry Christmas . Theyre not attacking it anymore. Everyone is happy to say Merry Christmas. Right . And thats because only because of our campaign. Literally bill oreilly invented that controversy. It does not exist. How about this dishonesty. Fake news, fake news. They are fake. Look, you may say youre exhausted from the outrage and we get it. But when you ignore this, you get this. And this kind of unfocused visceral anger at the other side of really neutral people like folks in the press corps, it can lead to this. Look, according to todays Washington Post President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days in office. Thats an average of 7. 6 a day. This is not normal. We shouldnt be in the business of just shruging our shoulders and normalizing it. Well be right back. Alright, i brought in new max protein rhetoric that the president throws out to his supporters. Are you willing to take his word for it, whoever trump says to vote for, you vote for. I do. Anything he says. He hasnt everything he says is true. It comes true. Trump is a genius. Put your mind his mind and my mind together, we dont match trumps brain. The mans a genius and hes cut from a different cloth, a different material. Well, there you go. With me now from orlando is nbc news political Reporter Ali Vitali who was at last nights rally, spoke with those trump supporters. During the 2016 campaign was in that pen quite a bit, as they call that press pen there. Ali joins our roundtable of susan, michael and howard. So, ali, first just give us a taste of that rally last night. It just seemed a little rowdier than weve seen a trump rally in a while. I think thats a pretty fair assessment, chuck. I have a really high tolerance of these rallies after being at hundreds and hundreds of them and even i was pretty stunned last night as i was standing in the press pen watching these folks go after jim acosta and try to screw up the cnn live shot. The thing thats stunning to me is they were doing that even before the president got on stage so its not like they were being egged on. It was more a matter of they felt this was the thing they wanted to do. I also think that in the course of talking to several voters who were there last night, i asked them point blank when you hear the president talk about fake news or the media being the enemy of the people, they all told me, yes, thats true. One man summed it up so perfectly and he said its because theyre saying things that i dont believe. Its not even a matter of fact anymore. Anything that goes against what they believe in President Trump or what they believe themselves is suddenly fake to them. Was it rowdy for rowdy sake or shall we say did we have the too many open Concession Stands last night . I didnt see anything like that there. But i will say ive seen this kind of across the country. It does depend where you are, but people here obviously were very in the pocket of the president and they wanted to show that they supported him. I think they see this war on the media as one way that they can show trump that theyre there to have his back against people who they feel are constantly maligning him every day on the air waves. Well, let me play for you Sarah Sanders, play this for the panel here. Heres how she responded to a question about it where when you listen to her answer, i want you to ask yourself this. Is she condoning verbal abuse of the press . Take a listen. This is a twoway street. We certainly support a free press. We certainly condemn violence against anybody. But we also ask that people act responsibly and report accurately and fairly. No one was being violent last night in terms of Hitting Anybody and no broadcaster was broadcasting state secrets. They were trying to do standups at a public rally and you had people trying to yell over them, prevent them from doing their jobs and yelling that their network sucks on live tv. Do you support that or not. While we support freedom of the press, we support Freedom Of Speech and think that those things go hand in hand. Again, i presenting it to the three of you. She didnt use the phrase. Sounds like shes condoning verbal abuse. Shes not saying its a bad thing. She didnt say the president wished they hadnt done that. You know, i think this is the same phenomenon we see with his tweets toward Robert Mueller. I think this is an effort to undermine faith in the institutions that could hold the president accountable down the road so that when the press does stories that are critical of the president or they expose malfeasance by the administration, that they just wont be believed by his followers. The press has become othered by in trump world. In many respects, thats very true. And it is the place where he likes to keep the press, because that way its impersonal. Its one of those things dehumanize them. Dehumanize them, its a generic wash, it applies to everyone who has journalist as part of their background or media. But lets be clear here. All of this Craziness Stops if one man says stop. So we sit here and we want to parse it and try to intellectualize it and understand it and psychoanalyze this, this is trumps creation. And whatever comes of it rests on his head. No one elses. You cant blame the people in that audience. You can point fingers at them and say you shouldnt have done that, you shouldnt have gone after that reporter. But this rests on the man who perpetuates it and allows it to happen in his presence. Howard, it does feel like just remember, as candidate, he said the following. I love the old days. You know, what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this. Theyd be carried out on a stretcher, folks. Thats candidate trump. When i was covering rallies of donald trump in 2015 and 2016, i felt at times he was dangling that dangerous possibility out there. But in a way that he could still drawback from it. What Sarah Sanders said today, i guarantee you is onethird of what donald trump must have said to her in the oval office. In other words, i think he was probably even harsher than she was right there. What shes essentially saying is, hey, you ask me tough questions that i consider to be unfair here in the white house. Thats what youre going to get out there. Susan is absolutely right and youre right. This is part of the campaign by donald trump to measure the intensity of his support in places like tampa. The dislike of the press within his group, to see what he can get away with when it comes to the question, again i say, of shutting down mueller or Pardoning Manafort and gates. Thats what hes sitting there calculating right now. And this rally last night was his way of gathering strength to see when he can pull that off. Im convinced thats what hes thinking. Ali, youve been through a lot of these and i know only a handful of times have you ever expressed your concern for your personal safety. Were you at that point last night or no . I mean i was not at that point last night, but thats only because there was no one physically threatening me. I have been in those situations where i have felt threatened before. But the point i want to circle back to and the thing that is the most potentially dangerous to me is that when you guys talk about this being devoid of the humanity, its like the faceless media. Most people are okay with going against a person that they dont know. But i even had folks saying to me last night, one of the women i was talking to, jim is bad at his job but youre very professional. So then delineate between the point of cnn sucks and talking to an independent reporter whos just standing in front of them asking them questions at a rally. I was wondering because the other experience i know youve had and i hope you share with viewers, the president will do this rally and beat the living day lights of the press and see the jeers come in. And then theres the whispers, hey, by the way, i respect what you do. Did you get some of that last night . Actually, no. Welcome to tampa, i guess. They were not willing to say good job, by the way, so no. And by the way, the president has only begun to fan the be bellows on this this fall. Hes trotting this ampedup version of it out and its going to be major all the way through the fall, even more than you saw in the 2016 campaign. You know, i spoke to a class of army folks, young officers in the army last week, and i always thank them for their service. Two of them thanked me for my service. I had that by somebody and it totally threw me off. Whoa, whoa, whoa, you put yourself in harms way. No, you are too. I hope not, frankly. That is striking to me that there are americans who see this as americans who are not journalists who see this as threatening. Hes effectively declared war on journalists in this country. Hes made them the scapegoat for all of his shortcomings and failings and its an easy target to go after because, again, you represent a broader piece of a narrative that he can go after. The fact that you think, and i think theres a lot to what you say, that the president has concluded that were an easy target is in and of itself a sea change. Im old enough we dont have a Political Party to defend ourselves. Were a neutral entity. Even richard nixon, who was out after the press, in many ways did it through subterfuge and secret through the irs, not always in public and not as part of a open, front and center political strategy the way this is. Spiro agnew. But those were gentle. That was gentle. That sounds mild. Ali vitali, thank you for sharing. I know its uncomfortable to talk about yourself as a story. But thank you for your professionalism and for the way you represent nbc news out there. Thanks, chuck. You got it. All right. One more segment, panel, much appreciate it. Up ahead, welcome to august. Its the final primary stretch. Wait until you see the loaded primary calendar we have ahead for you for the next four tuesdays. 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August is not a sleepy month. August marks the last big month for primaries. There are five election days this month. Starting tomorrow tennessee thinks thursday should be election day. Nine states are holding august primaries, tennessee, kansas, susan pages home state, michigan, washington, hawaii, minnesota, wisconsin, arizona and florida. Its those last ones that were watching the closest. Wisconsins August 14th Primary features a tight republican primary. The winner gets the chance to take on Tammy Baldwin and our latest poll shows baldwin up double digits. On august 28th, its establishment versus outsider versus extreme outsider in arizona. The establishments choice is hoping to come out on top ahead of kelli ward the official outsider and pardoned exsheriff joe arpaio, the extreme outsider. August 28th is also the big day in the governors race for both parties in the state of florida. The democratic side, gwen graham is trying to hold off three men. Tallahassee mayor andrew gilham, phil levine and jeff greene. And Ron De Santis appears to be writing his trump endorsement to the republican endorsement against lifetime candidate for governor, adam putnam. By the end of this month, well have a pretty good idea of what the midterm slate will look like in november. Boy, though, there are some exciting primaries to follow until then. Back with more mtp daily after this. Let your perfect drive come together at the Lincoln Summer Invitation sales event. Get 0 apr on select 2018 lincoln models plus 1,000 bonus cash. You shouldnt be rushed into booking a hotel. With expedias addon advantage, booking a Flight Unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Welcome back. Time now for the lid. Panel is back, susan, michael, howard. Okay, you devisguys, other than quick little mastnafort shoutou you didnt get a chance to weigh in. This is a a fastmoving trial, feels like this is i feel like were watching a preseason Football Game and were sort of getting a taste of whats to come. This is not a trial thats about Obstruction Of Justice, not about the russia interference allegations but it sets the stage for whats going to follow. If Robert Mueller in his first trial gets an easy win against Donald Trumps former Campaign Chairman that makes it harder and harder to call his inquiry a witch hunt. People forget here that some people thought the charges were what was going to squeeze manafort. Its the conviction that mueller wants to do, it seems like, to squeeze manafort. Thats right. Thats what susan is saying. And i agree with that. Which is why i dont think its a preseason game. Its more like the regular the opening day. Not the playoffs yet, but regular season. Its opening day without the bunting, in both senses of the word. So i was watching everything very carefully, including the prosecution team. Its very interesting, because its in the Eastern District of virginia, the irascible famous judge, judge ellis, wanted somebody who had practiced before him to be the lead attorney. So it wasnt muellers team, per se. Oh, interesting. It was the local guy from the Eastern District. And that showed shrewdness on the part of mueller and his team. You know, if thats what the judge wants, then give the judge what he wants. Yeah. And then also they have so many charges across tax and banking and so forth. My sense of juries having covered a lot of trials is they will find a few. Theres multiple, multiple, multiple charges. Theyre not going to buy everything the prosecution is going to lay out there. But the chances of Paul Manafort getting off scott free are extremely low, extremely low. Theyve got a paper trail a mile long. How mad do you get, michael, when you watch somebody and find out that guy got away without paying taxes . Nothing to do with how much it was, ten bucks or ten thousand. Thats where this gets really interesting for a lot of folks as they watch this narrative unfold. The one thing, going with your football, opening day analogy. He went to baseball too. He went all over. Is the optics of it. And thats the one that i think that donald trump cant control here is the images of the court. You know, we dont have tv inside the courtroom. So the narrative coming out of the courtroom he cant control. The optics from whats being drawn and the artist sketches cant be controlled. And so mueller has a keen i think a keen advantage here in laying out the case in a way all he needs is one conviction on the 18 to 20 or whatever charges are before him. He doesnt need all 18. Thats where he scores. Howard, why are you so convips convico convinced a pardon is coming for manafort . Lets assume the prosecution is good enough to get a couple charges here, youre talking five to ten years on any one of the charges. Manafort will appeal, play for time as much as he can. Theyll look for technical errors. Well go to the further circuit. Then it goes to the supreme court. My question is, when does donald trump think that he has i have no doubt in my miebd mind, and from people i know who talked to him that he wants to pardon manafort and wants to get rid of mueller. Its not a question of whether, its a question of when. His other problem is a pardon may not work. Its not going to work on federal it will work on federal charges, but not on state charges. It also doesnt get you out of testifying. Yeah. But hell refuse to testify. Not after a pardon. My point is, that donald trump has absolutely no regard for the rule of law, for the procedures of the courts, for any of the things that he spent his whole career rolling over in new york as a real estate guy. And he views it, he does view it as political. And he will roll over it any way he possibly can. Even as a political matter, i think there are lines that donald trump may be very reluctant to cross. And getting rid of bob mueller, i think, is one of those that really risks the reaction we have not yet seen from republicans on Senate Republicans today did not like to answer the question about the tweet today. Imagine if he actually fired him. We have spent two years or more positing every time the republicans are going to finally say, oh my god, donald trump, that we thought it would happen at the beginning. Mitch mcconnell said it would happen at the beginning. Whens it going to happen . Its a fair point. It is possible to cross a red line. Everybodys red line is in a different spot. But its still red. Yes, it is, well said. Thank you all three. Up ahead, beware, the honey badger, vicious, and litigious. Welcome. [ gasps ] a bigger room . how many of you use Car Insurance . Oh. Well, what if i showed you this . [ laughing ] hohoho wow. Its a computer. We compare rates to help you get the price and coverage thats right for you. Thats amazing the only thing that would make this better is if my mom were here. What . an unexpected ending its softer than ever. Charmin ultra soft is softer than ever so its harder to resist. Okay, this is getting a little weird enjoy the go with charmin todays Senior Living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, Exercise Rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. And theres never been an easier way to get great advice. 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