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Next week and its not goings to be easy. And trump factor shakes up the alabama race. This race is not me against the president or the vice president. Its me against Luther Strange. The president is a man of principle who knows his mind and made it decision freely in picking me. This is mtp daily and it starts right now. Good evening. Im chuck todd here in washington. Welcome to mtp daily. Not the first, not the most popular but the Health Care Plan pushed by Lindsey Graham and bill cassidy is the last republican bill standing and dealt a staggering blow in the senate today. Arizonas john mccain says hed nos supporting the bill offered by his good friend Lindsey Graham because he says its rushed legislative schedule goes against regular odrecorder of t senate. Something he cant endorse. He said this i cannot in good conscience vote for this. Republicans and democrats have not yet really tried to work together. Nor support how much it will cost are and how many people will be helped or hurt by it. As you know, three republican no votes would kill the bill and kentuckys rand paul a strong no on Graham Cassidy for some time. And maines Susan Collins, a republican with public concerns on the bill and at an event today said she was leaning against it. Collins told affiliates in maine, she has very serious reservations about the bill. Were working to get that statement to you shortly. And in a speech in indiana less than an hour ago urged republicans to hold the party line on health care and uphold their promise on obamacare. But President Trump and i are undeterred. We cannot in good conscience abandon this cause. The American People are hurting. President trump has made clear inaction is not an option. Let me be clear. A vote against Graham Cassidy is a vote to save obamacare. The republican majority in congress in particular was not elected to save obamacare. They were elected to repeal and replace it, and its time for every member of the republican majority to keep their word to the American People. Folks, just over a week left on the clock to pass a Health Care Bill with a simple majority. So Graham Cassidy is the last hope for the best chance to accomplish the republican mission of at least trying to repeal parts of obamacare. Feels like a full cord heat at the buzzer, because it is. Many republicans do not like the bill. Summing it up best, senator grassley. I could give you tin reasons why the bill shouldnt be considered but republicans campaigned on this so often that you have a responsibility to carry out what you said in the campaign. Basically, theres Chuck Grassley echoing mike pence a few minutes ago. For many republicans, the best thing this bill has going for it is that it is not obamacare and that is a popular refrain among supporters. The bottom line is, obamacare continues to fail the American People. The American People know that obamacare has failed. Obamacare is a disaster. Its failing badly. Look at whats happening with premiums, the rates, for people that cant afford obamacare. Its didnt a catastrophic situation. Obamacare is a failure. People cant afford it. The market collapsing. Im asking you 50 states managing that money more efficiently, more effectively, accountably than washington, d. C. One thing in the bill is a potential change to the obamacare regulations and preexisting conditions. The plan said states could request a waiver from the obamacare protections if, quoting from the bill, the state intends to maintain access to adequate and Affordable Health Insurance Coverage for individuals and adequate and Affordable Health insurance is in the eye of the beholder. More specifically, the state legislature. Collins said of in a today in portland, im reading the fine print on Graham Cassidy. Premiums so high they would be unaffordable. Remember, Susan Collins is technically not yet decided on her vote. Joining me now, head of one of the many groups in the Health Care Industry that has come out against grahamGraham Cassidy. The Cleveland Clinic. The president , mr. Cosgrove, welcome back a. Pleasure. Nice to talk to you, chuck. So why is it that you cant support Graham Cassidy . Im really concerned about it for a couple reasons. First, the way it was brought to attention. Introduced last week. It was still being changed this week. Its going to be voted on next week. We dont have a time for it to have a cbo scoring of this. Similarly, there is generally people that have not had an opportunity to voice their opinion about this. And i dont like the system of bringing this bill about. Secondly, the bill is not good for the states. They will lose about 160 billion worth of funding over the next six years. Its not particularly good for hospitals, because right now 22 of the hospitals in the United States are running in the red and this will reduce the financing for people who dont have any insurance. And payments to those hospitals and threaten the hospital system, and more importantly, its not good for patients and its going to leave a tremendous number of patients with no insurance going forward. It doesnt look after preexisting conditions and it doesnt guarantee a certain number of things that need to be looked at for patients so i am very concerned about the bill and seldom do i speak out as strongly about something as i have about this. Okay. So you have concerns about the bill. What concerns do you have about the law currently on the books . Obamacare . The main problem were missing right now is the exploding cost of health care, and what we need to do is begin to come together in a bipartisan way to begin to look at how we can make the care of patients who are sick more efficient and to keep people well, and so far none of the legislation addressed this. What are your cost drivers . Give me the Cleveland Clinic here. What are your cost drivers that on the cost of health care here . First of all, we see costs going up for pharmaceuticals, up 10 a year. Dont have interopper ability of medical records. 12,000 pagess regulation over the last two years. Someone inspecting u. S all the time. Not allowed by the federal trade commission to bring hospitals together in a system to derive efficiency of a system and also issues about the condition of our patients. Were seeing still have 16 of the people in the United States smoking. Still have more than onethird of the population in the United States who are obese, and thats accounting for 10 of the Health Care Costs of United States and by the way, we continue to subsidize the growing sugar and finally we have an epidemic of opioids across the country which are going to account for 62,000 deaths this year. More than the number that died in the entire vietnam war. And we need to address all thee of throws if were going to control the escalating costs of health care. We have, assuming this bill is dead. Politically it looks like it is. You never know. But it looks like it is. F theres going to be probably a ramp up or a restart of the bipartisan negotiations to fix the system between Lamar Alexander and patti murray. If they call you up, toby cosgrove, give me realistic fixes to start fixing some of these cost issues . If you look at obamacare, its expanded coverage, improved quality if health care across the country. It fell in the escalating costs of health care. Id like to see it begin to do, be addressed, in a bipartisan way, those cost drivers, and if we dont address them now well continue how do you do that . You said obviously look. This congress is not going to pass regulations on sugar and things like that. So lets set that aside, but what are some regulatory changes that could be made in the law that might help on the cost front . First of all, i think we have to look at the costs of pharmaceuticals. Our pharmaceutical bill went up 19 last year and thats unsustainable at that rate. Secondly, we have to look at the regulations that are coming at us as a very fast rate and all of that kwofts additional money. We very easy to pass a law we had to have interopera ability amongst medical records to talk from one hospital to another efficiently. All of those things and a whole list more you could do administratively and legislatively to help enormously. On the insurance front. Let me ask you this when you take a medicaid patient versus a privative insurance patient, what are the differences in access to care that they have . The access of care is we dont have a difference in action of care. What we have, what we get reimbursed. We get reimbursed 75 , about, looking after either a medicare patient or medicaid patient and right now 62 of patients in the Cleveland Clinic Health System are federally funded patients, and so we lose money on all of those. We make that up on what is in the private sector. But all hospitals are running in small margins and really if you stop and look at it, 3 net for a hospital is really a very good financial situation for the hospital industry. Basically saying private insurance is subs deciding medicaid and medicare . Absolutely no question about that. Leave it there. President and ceo of the Cleveland Clinic, appreciate you coming on. Nice to talk to you. And tonights panel. Politics of this. A National Political reporter for Bloomberg News and a columnist at the Washington Post and editor for the national beacon. And the i think you just came from the hill. We know where mccain sand where rand paul is, but i am curious if theres movement there. Wheres murkowski . Murkowski is doing Due Diligence she calls it. Spoke with her several times think week and working with the governor of her state. Bill walker has come out against this. Working with cassidy the office to understand exactly how this affects as alaska. This is exactly how she sounded on the bill for skinny repeal. Past one of the votes to kill it. Keeping hur powder dry. Not seeing where she is, but be very skeptical. Is she open to the idea Cassidy Graham might find a way to make it better for alaska and hawaii over and above the other 48 states . Certainly says she would. She would be open to that . A better deal for alaska even if not good for the rest of the system . Based on what shes said, she wants to know how it will affect her constituents first and foremost forming the basis of the decision she makes. Hard for mere to see he getting to yes at this point but shes not closed that door. Collins is the likeliest third vote. At this point, a murkowski vote might not matter. Mcconnell would pull the bill. Mitch mcconnell already asked his members to take a painful vote for them, which lost. So he has a lot of people who are facing reelections now, or in two, three years, who have already made votes that can be used against them. You voted to take it away from this many people in your state. These guys do not want to cast another vote unless they really have to. So i would think that the best vote for senator murkowski would be not to have to vote at all. Wheres this headed . Well, its heading, probably, to another lucy and charlie moment where the how do they is this good politics . For Mitch Mcconnell . The ball moved now with mccain or better now or later . Mccain deflated the football. I was struck by the stock prices of insurers went up on the news mcwacain was voting against the bill. Instead of going against the industries and circuits coopted them, brought them into the legislation. Thats created so many different veto points. Not just the governors or hospitals. Its not just the Health Insurers themselves that any republican repeal and replace plan has to overcome. This goes to let me tell you, though, this goes to the that was the lesson democrats learned after 94. Went against industry. There are stakeholders. Get everybody in the room. Republicans never did this. I dont understand it. And durability of this law president obama learned from efforts of bill clinton, Richard Nixon and jimmy carter, you need the industry at the table and a tough compromise for insurers suffering years of bad p. R. Shutting off sick people throwing off coverage. Decided to put the regulations on us. 30 million customers, less now. But the deal they made. So far republicans had a very hard time undoing this. By the way, i promised that Susan Collins sound. Here it is. I obviously have very serious reservations about the bill. I do want to wait until i get the cbo analysis. What this really tells us is, if youre going to make fundamental changes in an Entitlement Program that has been law for more than 50 years, you are need to have extensive hearings. You need to hear from actuaries. You need to hear from health care providers. You need to hear from all of the stakeholders, and only then can you vet it enough to be assured of what the ramifications would be. Okay. Thats a no vote. And the reason i say that surprise. In my estimation, is this, ruth, she was not talking about obamacare. She was talking about medicaid. She views this as a radical transformation of medicaid and wont want to do that. But you have 50 frame the argument. She framed it add a medicaid. Sorry. 50 state medicaid directors, 50, came out against this measure. These are red states and blue states. You have states like West Virginia where onethird of the population is on medicaid. That puts people to very difficult votes, but remarkable listening to senator collins. The republicans are making every mistake that they accused democrats are in passing obamacare. And then not learning from any of the democrats achievements here. You know, ram it through. No, you know, party line vote. Then not you cant do this without waiting for cbo scores, and you have to have at least some stakeholders involved. Not like this was a huge political win for president obama and democrats after passed but at least figured how to get something passed. Important to remember we were blindsided in washington by Graham Cassidy. Yeah. We thought that the obamacare issue was dead after skinny repeal failed. However, all of a sudden, we get blindsided by this bill. Thats because if this bill fails, it does not mean that the politics are repeal and replace obamacare have gone away. In fact, the senate yeah. In two years may look very different from the senate this year. Thats what im wondering here. Look, on a policy front we know whats next. Policy front its, lamar, alexander, murray, become the star of that show. What is the political fallout . Will there be primary challenges . Obamacare is never dead as long as republicans control. They want to do the next for tax reform. A theory combining something on health care in it. This is going to go on and the politics of this republicans remain as lethal as ever. I think any republican cast aring a vote against this is at risk of a primary challenge. I dont think john mccain is worried about it now. Susan collins not worried. And Lisa Murkowski won after losing a primary at a writein candidate. The three waivering lawmakers, the three with the least amount of political why the others, Shelley Moore capito. And pretty enthusiastic members, i think, of the fixit caucus. As much as there is fear about being the primary, a lot of people will take lessons of Graham Cassidy and every other repeal and replace effort as could we just go back to doing this the regular way, guys and at least give it a serious try . How President Trump reacts to all this will have some impact on politics. Im sure hell understand. Tweets. Fascinating today. A rally tonight for Luther Strange. What does he say about it here . Well pause. This sunday meet the press with the Graham Cassidy bill. Ill talk with one of the two current republican no votes. Senator rand paul and with the chief congressional liaison. Ahead, President Trump is putting a lot on the line in alabama. The states republican runoff is about a lot more than what name will end up on the ballot. 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And Civil Protection agency says 200 people still missing after the 7. 1 earthquake destroyed dozens of buildings in the central part of the country. In the rubble, signs of hope. [ applause ] thats right. Two people rescued alive from a textile company in mexico city late last night lifting spirits of nearly 1,000 workers working day and night searching in all of that rubble. Nice to see a couple happy endings. Back in 60 seconds with a lot more on mtp daily. And hey, unmanaged depression, dont get too comfortable. Were talking to you, cost inefficiencies, and data without insights. And fragmented care, stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. Every single one of you is on our list. At optum, were partnering across the Health System to tackle its biggest challenges. For tech advice. Dell Small Business advisor at optum, were partnering across the Health System with one phone call, i get products that suit my needs and i get back to business. Welcome back. Right now President Trump is en route to alabama to campaign for his pick in the alabama senator primary runoff. Its senator big Luther Strange. Strange up against conservative favorite roy moore. Former chief justice of alabama supreme court. Tuesdays race for the nomination to succeed jeff sessions. The president hoping his influence will tip the scales. In fact this morning tweeted Luther Strange gained mightily since my endorsement but very close. He loves alabama and so do i. In last nights debate with no moderator or panel the president was at the center of it all. Lincoln douglass style. The problem, President Trumps being cut off in his office. Hes being redirected by people like mcconnell who do not support his agenda. Well, the president is a man of principle, knows his mind and makes decisions freely and he made a decision freely in picking me. To have his support and endorsement, i hope it says something to the people of our state. Joining me now, two reporters closely following this race. From the Montgomery Advertiser and from the Washington Post. Brian, start with you on the ground there. How close is moore strange . I know a lot of republican establishment crowd here swears and convinced the president that strange is within striking distance. This is nots a done deal yet fo moore. What do you see . Its a great question. The surveys that have come out in alabama have had wildly different margins and its not exactly certain, like, really where things stand in the race. Its very seems pretty clear from speaking with consultants, though, if chiastrange is going win harks to turn out the suburbs and city heavily. I talked with consultants today and divided where the race stands. A lot think strange wasted a lot of the first part of the runoff and messages that didnt work against moore. Right now were not even sure in this state where things stand. Michael, you spent a lot of time with roy moore. A fascinating profile of him. The best ive seen so far since this sort of 18th act of the broadmoor politician. What does he want from this . Is it affirmation that she a succeaof he is a successfu politician . Was sort of a National Laughingstock over time. What is motivating him on this . Summimply a calling. Hes a deeply religious man and believes his interpretation of the constitution, few people share. Even divided in alabama. Says that god is supreme to the constitution and, therefore, gods law helps dictate interpretation of the constitution. Thats what hes fighting for. All of these other conservative issues he takes, kind of fit into the republican rubric. Hes a little more of a troublemaker. Maybe call him a tea partier a few years ago, but that issue of returning this country to a moral foundation, thats what drives him, and its driven him all his life. Brian, this is a a fight between the suburbs and the rural parts of the state. Is that the basic way, the fight between mobile and birmingham versus the rest of the state . Birmingham, huntsville, where moore has to run you up the score . Yes. Moore extremely strong in the rural part, southeastern part of the state. Stranges base, geographically jefferson, shelby county, suburban birmingham. The candidates, the campaigns, are looking at the huntsville area, which was the only place won in the primary by congressman mo brooks. They think there are votes to be gotten there. And i talked to others who think, maybe these folks should have looked more in the rural areas to turn out some republican voters. What is the roy moore vulnerability . In this race . Yeah. The vulnerability i think is going to be the business turnout. You know . Look at turnout in the first round of the primary. Around 400,000. Less than onethird of republicans who voted for trump in to 16. A tiny turnout election. When i was there, not an election everybodys talking about. What i wondered. Didnt feel buzzy. Even at events i went to for mohr, not a lot of people. Not at the strange events either. It isnt an election gripping the state as much as its gripping washington, d. C. With a little bump in turnout, you could change things. U. S. Chamber working with the state chamber has really been working to communicate with workers, big kpus like boeing in the state. Turn out 40,000, 50,000 people, no one saw coming that could matter. Brian, in this runoff, in my mind, comparing it agents to what happened in your neighboring state a couple years ago in mississippi. Same deal. Outsider and insider and the s insider pulled off the runoff. Same deal. But a secret ingredient at the end there. Brett favre, said he actually probably brought brought thad cochran over the finish line. Ive noticed in a state crazy about football, in a state obsessed about football, seems as if neither one of these guys tapped into that. Is there anybody that could bring it home for strange outside of President Trump . If he picked up nick sabans endorsement, possibly. The thad cochran situation, the i issue, legislation banned cross voting primaries. Democrats wanted to vote in this runoff, they simply cant under the law. The other thing, too, to consider. Neither strange nor moore are even trying to go to the center or reach out to democratic voters. Really give those folks any reason to cast a ballot september 26th, even if they could. This is a very red meat, right wing republican right now. Let me ask this question is this campaign over november 26th or doubt in december . Does doug jones the democrat have a shot . Michael, start with you. An outsider, any evidence this could be legitimate . I didnt talk to a lot of democrats when down there. Its been decades since they sent a democratic senator. Its gotten more red. Moore elected statewide a couple times as judge before. I think democrats will make a try and it will be determined based on polls early on, but an outside chance. Brian, where are you on this . I what im seeing with democrats in the state is, theyre enthusiastic about jones. Theyll have enthusiasm. Enough democrats to take him over the top . He would need disgruntled republicans. Enough business republicans . Chamber of commerce republicans that actually would cross over against roy moore . Isnt that the the game . Yeah. And in 2012, bob vance ran against roy moore able to pick off some of those business republicans and pick up some traditionally republican areas like in the cities and suburbs. He lost to moore anyway, though. So, you know, i dont think a Democratic Victory is completely out of the question, but the its going to be an uphill battle. The last democrat elected to the senate from alabama was richard shelby, obviously now a republican. Excellent point there. Tell you, though, roy moore in the United States senate. Something a lot of capitol hill republicans, reporters, are fascinated to see how they would work. Brine, enjoy this runoff and i have a feeling youll be busy until december. Nothing like a couple good Political Races for you down there. Rats. Always fun. Michael, what a profile. Encourage everybody to read it. Roy moore and kick boxing is all you need to know. And coming up next, politics and society. Stick with us. Hold on dad. Liberty did what . Yeah, Liberty Mutual 24hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. My dad says our insurance doesnt have that. Dont worry i know what a lug wrench is, dad. Is this a lug wrench . Maybe . You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. 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Asking voters about a personal connection between ethical behavior. And believes a politician who commit an immoral act can still behave ethically. That number skyrocketed. Spiritual matters, changing political climate. With all of that, sally quinn co coed ter on a faith blog. Talking about the memoir in a minute and talk about what you do every day. Which is this intersection of trying to this intersection of politics and faith these days. I hate to say, im more cynical than ever about it. Well, i dont think that you should be so seniccal, and one of the reasons is because the majority of people in this country are, say theyre religious, but now almost onethird of the people are what they call nones. Ask them their faith, religion, they say none but all spiritual, looking for spiritually and not finding what they need in institutional religion. Churches are becoming emptier and emptier and people your contention, even why pews are emptying an memberships of congregations getting older, doesnt mean people are less spiritual . More spiritual and looking for some kind of answers and some sort of spirituality theyre not getting. Not getting what they need from traditional religions. A lot of people are going to alternative religions or else creating a religion of their own. A wonderful book called a religion of ones own which i read and is basically what i have. My own religion and own way of coming to some sort of spirituality or some connection to the divine or transcendens. I think people are longing for that and that that particularly right now given the atmosphere and this last election and the Trump Administration, i think people are really looking for that, and i think, you know hillary called it the basket of deplorables. The people who were trump followers, and, you know, i just refuse to believe, because i think that he has displayed acts of immoralitiy, that we all know about. I mean, his ethics and morals and values are not what we normally associate with our country and with the major mainsupreme american. Hes not the first politician to have questionable ethics and morality. No. Youre right. Isnt this an erosion . Is the public cynical a about it or i think theyve become cynical in some way, but i think there is a sort of numbness to it, but i do think that there is a longing for Something Better than that. I mean, i am optimistic about this country, because i think that the people that he appeals to by berating people and calling, you know, the lying media, the lying press, and crooked hillary, whoever else it is. I think those people are not people who would, number one, behave that way themselves. Or teach their children that, and if they are christians, i dont think that they believe that jesus would do that. And if you want to ask, what would jesus do. Well so i think that these people would look to someone who had was more moral leadership and Ethical Leadership and values if it were presented to them in the right way. Lets why did you write the book . I was asked to write a book because i start add religion website for the Washington Post and was an atheist and so i started studying religion still an annal ththeist. Im not. I started the order to do the website. I started because i thought Washington Post wasnt covering religion. Not the only one. I dont think we cover religion very well in this country. The way we cover a story my colleague just did, michael, on roy moore. Yes. That was religion. And my point has always been that religion plays a huge part in National Politics and foreign policy. We simply cant ignore it. Its too big a story. Drives me nuts. We dont teach it. Political Science Curriculum i argue should have a study of religion. I totally agree with you. In fact, steve brothreo wrote a book, and we should study religion the way we do history, music, philosophy and everything else. Its too important not to know about it. Sigh wanted to, as a journalist i started the website because i wanted to explore all of these religions and i wanted to, basically inform people. Teach people, about i think that you are so much more suspicious about other peoples religions, if you dont know anything about it, and dont know them. So is the book, away for you to explore how you went from atheist to believer . It was. A story my husband ben bradlee died nearly three years ago, and it was during the time that i was taking care of him, the last two years of his life he had dementia i began to think about spirituality, because even though i was, had thought i was an atheist, it way clebecame cl i was looking for something, too, and needed some sort of spirituality to give me strength to get through what i went through, and what i finally came to realize was that taking care of ben was the most spiritual thing id ever done in my life and gave my life meaning, and i think one of the things in this country, well, all over the world. Too many people are searching for happiness, which is the wrong way to look at it. They are looking for happiness to find meaning. When, in fact, you need to find meaning to become happy. And thats what i found, and i found that loving ben and taking care of ben was the most meaningful thing i could have done and it has given me, my book is called finding magic but its brought magic into my life. Is this something that, is this a journey that is part because i find there are different times in your life, and i think in my life, you go back and forth between the search for faith, looking for it, needing it, even as you question it . Well, you know, when i when i was an atheist i was an angry atheist and basically thought i believed in god. That i didnt believe in god. Well, my father was in the military and he liberated the concentration camp, dachau and made a scrapbook. Saw pictures asked about it. He explained the nazis to me and i said did god know about this . He said, yes, he did. How could he let this happen . My father said, well, mysterious. All i could think was, you know, all of those little jewish children and their parents praying, i was praying to the same god and look what happened to them. Thats when i became an atheist even though i didnt know what it meant. All along i was reaching for something. Seeking something that i couldnt find and i finally found it, in bens illness. And my taking care of him. All right. Sold the book pretty well. Im looking forward to reading it. Good. Congratulations. Thank you. Well be right back. And i couldnt wait to get my pie chart. The most shocking result was that im 26 native american. I had no idea. Just to know this is what im made of, this is where my ancestors came from. And i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. Its opened up a whole new world for me. Discover the story only your dna can tell. Order your kit now at ancestrydna. Com. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. 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The panel is back. Okay. This is the ap news alert that came out at 5 21 p. M. The u. S. Government tells Election Officials in 21 states, has beeners targeted their systems in 2016. But most systems not breached. Well, thats a relief. Most. It only takes potentially three of the 21, if they happen to be wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania. Thats the last thing we need on yet another friday afternoon. I really want to see the next couple paragraphs of that report. Because it has been my understanding from people who looked at this that despite efforts, there has been no indication of votes affected in any way. So until we have something a little more definitive, everybody stay a little calm. Heres to be the most troubling part. The Homeland Security officials believe it targeted voter registrations states in 20 states. However, most werent notified. I think the key question is whether votes were tampered with. Even what all the intelligence agencies say about russian is free, the voters still cast the ballots. What is crucially important is that that remains the case. If that is in question, i really dont know. Lets say the bigger issue. While were having this political fight, the president called the russian thing a hoax. Are we ready for 2018 . Well, i think thats one i dont think we are. I think thats one thing that perhaps the trump election and Voter Fraud Panel might want to discuss, right . In addition to what theyre going after. You might want to say, are other systems cape an, safe . Especially those that are electronic. Theyll go back to paper ballots of the they dont want to be subject of the. Is it time to put oink our finger . We laugh. Other countries do it. A thumb print. Forget paper. That might be it. Well, that doesnt facial recognition. Ink on the finger shows that you voted. It doesnt prove your vote wasnt tampered with. This is such an important question. We rae did need all of these reports to look back to figure out what happened in 2016. But nobody disputes that russians were in some systems. Were trying to get in some systems. The question that weve been failing to ask, all of us and our colleagues, have been failing to press the Trump Administration on, what are you doing . Who was working on it . Whose job is it . Where is the special organization set up to make sure this doesnt happen in 2018 and 2020 . To matts point, the evidence suggests that voter fraud, at least in person voter fraud. There are very few instances. This is clearly a bigger problem but this may be one way to use the resources. Lets think about the way theyre conducted of we have questions about facebook. Questions about this. I had a scary question. Someone said can democracy survive the digital revolution . Our own freedoms are being used against us here. We have to come one safeguards. But the constitution will make some of the safeguards very difficult. Sure. A lot of this is a state issue. You want to see the states take a lead. Technology isnt always for the good. It is nice for americans to be reminded of that. Well have to recognize that you have to balance these. Ill thinking about the campaigns. Every campaign. This is a need new thing you have to worry about. You hire a pollster, a media guy and the Cyber Security guy. Not in that order. The big challenge is that russia does seem to be targeting, if the intel agencies are true, the weaknesses in our society. I think theyve discovered all the weaknesses already. Thanks very much. Well have a little more mtp day after this. Excuse me, are you aware of whats happening right now . Were facing 20 billion security events every day. Ddos campaigns, ransomware, malware attacks. Actually, we just handled all the priority threats. You did that . We did that. Really. We analyzed millions of articles and reports. We can identify threats 50 faster. You can do that . We can do that. 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The key player is john mccain who came out swinging today and may ultimately be the veto of the republicans lastditch effort to revive trump care by the next deadline. Saying he cannot in good conscience vote for the new trump care effort. This is a big deal. It means obviously democrats only now need one more vote to save obamacare and administer another bipartisan thumping of this young president. Saving health care for at least 21 million

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