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About his bid to be the next Democratic Party chair. This is mtp daily and it starts right now. Good evening, im chuck todd here in washington and welcome to mtp daily. Every presidency has its flaws. Nixon loved power too much, clinton struggled to keep his personal life in check. Bush, of course, had the iraq obsession, and then you had obama who seems to be paralyzed by syria. And all things in the middle east. Here we are on day five, its become clear what this administrations achilles heel will be. Trumps vanity. That vulnerability was on full display at todays White House Press briefing. Which took a bizarre turn, well play you those highlights in just a second. But at times, it appears to be alarmingly easy to get under this president s skin. Its gotten to the point that the white house is talking about alternative facts or pushing straight up misinformation or unverifiable claims. It seems to essentially appease the boss. Bad poll numbers are called rigged. Crowds are treated like enemies of the state and rejected and replaced by debunked claims. Confirmed nbc news that trump spent about the first ten minutes of this bipartisan metering last night with congressional leaders at the white house talking about the campaign. Im told, nobody brought up the election results. He did this on his own. It doesnt like what i initially thought is somebody said are you reaching out to this popular vote, you know, vote totals. Nope. He brought it up. And about and of course he talking about the three to five million illegals that he believes voted in the election. Which he says is the reason why he lost the popular vote. Now the claim has been debunked. Its false. White House Press Secretary sean spicer was peppered with questions about this today. And this is where things got a bit messy. Does the president believe that millions voted illegally in this election and what evidence do you have of widespread voter fraud in this election if thats the case . The president does believe that. He has stated that before. I think he stated his concerns of voter fraud and people voting illegally during the campaign. Theres no evidence the National Association of secretaries of states say that they dont agree with the president s assessment. What evidence do you have . As i said, i think the president has believed that for a while based on studies and information he has. Yeah, give spicer credit, he was prepared on this one and he hung it on the word beliefs. He said this is trumps belief. He didnt try to hang it on hard facts. When spicer was pressed for evidence to back up the president s beliefs, he brought up a pew study that it seems the Trump Campaign has mentioned before. It is possible that hes con flated a couple of different studies together, but heres the thing, the one pew study does not examine this election, nor does it allege voter fraud. And the primary author of that pew study funds to millions of out of date registrations, they found no evidence that all of that resulted in some sort of voter fraud. That author by the way tweeted again today reiterating zero evidence of fraud. And the coauthor of the other study that we think spicer might have been talking about said his results are not proof of massive voter fraud because it samples only a few hundred people. Well then things took a turn for the bizarre at the white house. As spicer was pressed by reporters on trumps beliefs. If three to five Million People voted illegally, that is a scandal of astronomical proportions, doesnt he want to restore americans faith in their Ballot System . Wouldnt he want an investigation . This is as ive noted several times now. Hes believed this for a long time. And i think he won fairly overwhelmingly look why not investigate something . Maybe we will. The biggest scandal in american electoral history. Three to five Million People voting illegally. I think well see where we go from here. Right now the focus that the president has is on putting americans back to work. So, as quickly as it appears spicer opened the door to an investigation into trumps election victory, he quickly closed it. I just want to be clear about this investigation because it seems like you potentially opened the door for one, have you discussed with the president which investigation are you referring to . Investigating this voter fraud no, i didnt no, i did not. But you said its possible. Anythings possible. I think at some point look, i was asked a question. There is no investigation. I said it was possible. Anything is possible. It was a hypothetical question. Folks, its big news when your president cant handle bad news. But this is good news. He won the election. Beyond the circus this causes, there are questions to be asked. How does it impact his ability to lead if he gets distracted by the small stuff or ability to manager relationships with allies or enemies. How does this impact his agenda . His support on the hill . It looks like were going to find out. Let me bring in my panel. Steve mcmahon. Hello all. Hello. Sweating the small stuff. This is and thats the thing. He gets in his own way. Yeah. Saturday, he got in his own way by, i guess, we dont have the answer to the question, but apparently he insisted that sean spicer go out there and he did it today. Theres a lot of interesting things good stuff that he could be talking about. But they distract themselves. Sean spicer is marching, following the orders, but the orders are focus on these things. Focus because that matters to the president. Hes incredibly thin skinned. I dare say a little insecure. Maybe, about Hillary Clinton getting more votes technically than he, and so this stuff matters to him. And the question becomes, chuck who around him, whether its his daughter, whether its whoever considers the president with all do respect, weve got to focus on the economy. Well, let me throw up two republicans. Back to back here. One is somebody that is tangled with trump a bunch, Lindsey Graham and Mike Huckabee whose daughter works for the president. Heres what they both had to say. Lets play them back to back. I am begging the president share with us the information you have about this, or please stop saying it. As a matter of fact, id like you to do more than stop saying, id like to to come forward and having looked at it, i am confident the election was fair and accurate and people who voted, voted legally. Because if he doesnt do that, this is going to undermine his ability to govern this country. I have no evidence whatsoever, and i dont know that anyone does that there were that many illegal people who voted. And frankly doesnt matter. Hes the president. And whether 20 Million People voted, it doesnt matter anymore. Hes the president. And im not sure why he brought it up. Well the reason i played that, i think i took the words out of your mouth. Youre not going to hear this. I agree with Lindsey Graham. And Mike Huckabee. And i think by the way that roberts explanation would adequately explain what happened on saturday. Trump ordered sean spicer to make the claims that were crazy. And unprovable. But today, it was something trump brought on himself. Hes had these series of executive orders that are making news, and hes actually delivering some of the things he promised his supporters he was going to deliver. Hes got a good story if he would allow it to be told, but he keeps getting in his own way. It goes back, molly, obviously, the inaugural attendance thing. There are external factors that will contribute to the fact that more people came for barack obama than him. That doesnt take away from his potential win or presidency. It just i dont get it. You know, Barack Obamas was an historical first in this country. Also, we lived in an area that was very blue. He happens to be having his inaugural blue so folks couldnt come. Maybe the people couldnt afford to fly out here. Theres all sorts of ways that they could that are factually probably true. And theres a lot of other things they could be focussing on to make a case that his that the beginning of his presidency is successful. His cabinet nominations appear to all be sailing through. Now, granted there have been some significant snags in the vetting process. Theyre going to be approved anyway. Theyre gearing up for a difficult fight over the Supreme Court, but thats a story that is potentially going to make a lot of people in his base happy when he makes an nomination. If he nominates a conservative justice. But its trump who keeps bringing this up, its trump that wont let the election go. Its reminiscent of the campaign when he kept talking about the primary through the general election. Kept talking about the polls. Yeah. Over and over and over again. This is what hes fix say thing on. We dont know who the person is yet. I just thought of this, maybe george w. Bush needs to call him and say mr. Trump, i won and the Supreme Court made that decision as you may remember. You think a bush family smeb going to have an impact on trump . Listen, take a page on day one, when president bush took the oval office, he ran like he had a mandate. In other words, he legitimized his own self by saying, i am the president he also spent a month before that reaching across the aisle. Having meeting with ditka who was called him illegitimate. The congressional black cause ku who he knew members were calling him illegitimate. He did a few things to try to calm the waters. He did two things. Number one tried to calm the waters with, he did reaching out. The second thing he had going for him on the day he arrived was an Approval Rating in the 60s. And donald trump is arriving on day one with an Approval Rating of 37 to 40. Were talking about that now. Hes obsessed idea with why hes unpopular. He wants to be loved and hes figured out that hes not. Let me play something. Yesterday, on my day off, i did watch mr. Spicers first briefing. I wanted to see what happened. And i could not shake this moral explanation from him. Take a listen. There is this constant theme to undercut the enormous support that he has. And i think its just unbelievably frustrating when youre continuingly told its not big enough, its not good enough, you cant win. Its a little demoralizing to turn on the tv day after day and hear, cant do this, this guys not going to get confirm. No way. The default narrative is always negative. And its demoralizing. I think hes mimicking his boss. I think its actually a remarkable act of transparency. So do i. People keep asking, why is trump doing this . Sean spicer told us in honest terms on the record why trump is doing this. He finds it demoralizing. He has a chip on his shoulder about all of the things that people said he couldnt do. Thats the explanation right there. Right in front of our eyes. I think hes absolutely telling the truth. Why isnt it a positive . People knocked him down. Look, im one that didnt think he was going to get in. And you know what, the fact is, i dont underestimate the guy anymore. A lot of people dont underestimate the guy anymore. Why dont you take that as a badge of honor. And turn it into your narrative. Dont count me out. Thats right. And dont count out the american worker. Were going to bring them back. Look what he just did together and were going to keep doing it. But steve hes not pursuing. Reporter im with you, but steve, did you listen to his inaugural address, it was dark. And i think that was brazen for him to do that when he had a moment to actually say, we surprised a lot of people, people thought we were down and out, a lot of people say that about this country. But i want to go back to this idea of whos got his ear. And it does seem to be a dwad. Weve seen it with blind quotes and this administration with blind quoting to death each other, where you have a faction that is basically thinking like you two p. Uhhuh. Then off faction that clearly says, have a fight with the press. Thats good for your politics, right . Trump believes his way works. Thats the thing i had learned. He learned that he can win by dividing. That he doesnt have to do this conventional politician thing of trying to bring people together. Trying to unify. That was the sort of conventional expectation of what he would do in his inaugural. He went another way, he did what hes done all throughout this campaign and in which he believes a Winning Strategy for him. The problem is, you know, when youre in washington and youre trying to govern, once he trying to actually achieve policy victories, once he actually needs votes in the house and senate, its not clear how many friends hes goingo have. And he needs them. Youe brought up a point. Until this way doesnt work in his mind right. Hes going to keep doing it. Youre right, as far as hes concerned. Hes in the oval office because of this. Right. Thats right. Well pause here. Steve, molly, robert, stick around, republicans said for years they want to repeal and replace obamacare. But what is the replace . Well now there is a republican plan. And ill talk to the two senators who are cosponsoring the bill. Is this the vehicle to replace obamacare . Stay tuned. Did you know, 90 of the Worlds Largest supercomputers run on intel . That means you can take a universe of data in your case literally and turn it into medical discoveries, diagnostic breakthroughs. Proof that black holes collapse into one singularity. I dont know what that is. But yes. Innovation runs on supercomputers. And supercomputers run on intel. You are super smart. And super busy. Ooh ufo false alarm, eyelash welcome back. We thought wed provide you with a quick Health Update of the minnesota governor mark dayton. He fainted 40 minutes into his state of the state address last night. It was very frightening moment there. He had his head on the lectern. At the time he blamed the heat and the length of the speech. He was back at the capitol today for his budget press conference, but revealed unfortunately that hes been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer nap happened last week. Doctors do not believe the cancer spread, and he will have followup consultation at the mayo clinic to look into treatment options. Governor said he plans to continue serving as governor through his treatment. People deserve a governor whos on the job, qualified to perform the job intellectually and physically. When i had my hip surgery, theres no brain cells in my hips or prostate either. Well, still got a sense of humor. He does not believe the fainting episode was related to his cancer diagnosis. Of course, we all wish the governor the best as he undergoes treatment. Well be back in one minute with more mmtp daily. Something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. And we are back. President trumps pick for health and Human Services secretary congressman tom price faced a Second Senate grilling today. Its actually the only formal confirmation hearing that he has. This one in front of the Senate Finance committee. Democrats are concerned about allegations of Insider Trading and prices introduction of legislation that would have directly benefitted a kpen highway owned stock in. Meantime his confirmation comes amid the repeated promises to repeal and replace the Affordable Care act also known as i obamacare. The white house is yet to lay out a replacement. Susan collins of maine and bill cassidy of louisiana are deciding to introduce the first Senate Replacement bill, one that could be considered some might call it obamacare light. Depends on your point of view. Basically it allows states that like obamacare to keep it as the law of the land, or at least their land. If they dont, there are some alternatives. Sean spooiser was asked today and he gave a friendly dodge saying they look forward to working with congress on this. But folks, at some point republicans will need to compromise in order to pass a Replacement Health care bill that can get a dozen democrats. And this one brought by a moderate republican and a conservative republican looks like, on paper, as the best possible vehicle. But again, theyll probably need a Trump White House behind them to succeed. I sat down with senators cassidy and collins earlier today and began by asking them why theyre not waiting for President Trump to introduce his own bill first. This is congresss responsibility. And to truly do a repeal and replace, youre going to need 60 votes in the senate. Number one and number two. Number three, we think we have a go idea. And we were both sent here to bring our ideas and our Life Experience and that which we hear from our kwenlts to bear on national problems. And i think thats what weve attempted to do. Senator collins, is it as simple to describe this plan as if you like obamacare, you can keep it. That is part of it. And that is a unique part of our bill. What were trying to do is actually achieve a solution. If you look at the Obamacare Exchanges across the country, a lot of them are in a death spiral. Weve seen double digit, even triple digit increases in premiums, copays, deductibles, insurers fleeing the market. And were going to have to do something regardless. But we recognize that theres some states where obamacare may be the right answer for the citizens. So why not allow those states to keep it, if they like it, and then we proposed an alternative which we believe is a better choice for most states. One of the things that it seems almost that this is going to make permanent is Medicaid Expansion. Is that i know theres a third option that if you dont want to expand medicaid, you dont have to in your state. But it seems as if the incentive is, you can expand medicaid under the old rules of acoa obamacare. Under this new your bill, or you dont have it at all. But it sound like the motivation is expand medicare. I think its better to say that it would make permanent the society helping those who are middle income and a little bit lower purchase insurance. We give states the option to take the dollars currently used for Medicaid Expansion and to mold it if you will to combine it with the dollars going for those who are on so thecalled exchanges, and to have a single benefit thats for all. One of the criticisms of medicaid is that a person whos on it doesnt want to take a higher paying job because she loses her benefits. We would give the state the option of combining it so as she makes more money and makes more money and her benefit remains the same. Its rucher for the middle income. Little bit less for the lower income, except that it is a very positive in terms of upward social mobility. Rather as a commitment for those middle income and lower income to purchase insurance. Medicaid is no longer for the poor under this plan. Is that the idea . Medicaid the new medicare under this situation . No, not really. Im trying to clarify here. Right. What were trying to do is give more options. Because there are nearly 30 Million People in this country who still lack health insurance. Despite years of the Affordable Care act. Well, but a lot is because a lot of states didnt expand medicaid thats part of it. And thats why we believe that if we give more flexibility to the states and designing Health Care Plans for those who are uninsured, that we can pick up a lot of these people. Ive always felt that it was unfair that if youre under the regular medicaid program, youre going to be covered, if youre above a certain income level, you get the subsidy, but those in between arent getting any help in states that did not expand medicaid. And let me say, we actually dont want i persona dont want those medicaid rules expanded. So pushing back a little bit on his medicaid the new medicare. I sure hope not. Because the medicaid rules that come out of washington, d. C. Are often very cumbersome to address. Drives up costs, and it limits what states can do, and ends up costing the states more. We want to give the state the options to take the dollars and do something different. One of the committee of complaints about obamacare from some citizens was the taxes and the fees. Your plan would keep most of these taxes. Im not saying keep all of them, most of them. What do you say to the critics who say this is obamacare by another name. Youre certainly keeping all of the taxes that you obamacare got. Well, i doubt that well end upkeeping all of them because some of the taxes under obamacare actually increase the cost of health care. And i dont they makes a lot of sense. For example, the tax on Durable Medical Equipment is an example of that. Theres been bipartisan support to get rid of that far long time. But you are keeping a lions share of the revenue. We recognize and were taking a realistic approach that we are going to have a substantial commitment the important change weve done is were returning power to the states to set the insurance roles with the exception of vital customer protections which were retaining. Is there a concern you have this concern, you may end up having essentials blue state health care and red state health care. You know, where the ideology of the State Government is going to determine essentially what benefits enough your insurance options. First of all, i think putting the power back into the states hands is the right way to go. Because state citizens have different needs. And whats right for maine may not be right for california. So i am not troubled by different states coming up with different approaches. And it may well be that theres a new approach out there that helps to bend the cost curve more on Health Care Costs because one of the problems of the Affordable Care act is theres nothing affordable about it. How are you going to now walk me through the coalition that youre going get to 60 on this. Why is it the way forward . First of all, we are the first senators to put a concrete plan out there. And we expected it to be shot at by both sides, but its so important if were going to get to a solution that we advance specific proposals. Then they can be refined, amended, and ultimately enacted. Were talking to members on both sides of the aisle. And its attractive to people who realize that premiums have gone through the roof in their states. Its also a attractive to people who like the system and want to keep it. And thats the beauty of giving back the power to the states and not taking away the funding. Were putting choice back into the system. Final question, either of you troubled by congressman price and these stock issue and these ethic issues. Do you think thats enough to derail his nomination . I dont. Somebody stopped me earlier and asked about something that came out last night which i had not seen. I understand. But ill just say it. Right now we have families that can no longer afford insurance. Premiums and deductibles and copays that are skyrocketing. Im more concerned about having somebody like price who understands that dynamic, who can work with congress to make that better. That is the and implement President Trumps vision of everybody having insurance, those with preexisting conditions having their needs met. I want price to affect that i think its a more important issue. Senator collins if theres new information, i of course want to review that. But the chairman of the Ethics Committee in the senate, johnny isaacsson introduced congressman price. He went through that issue in a way that satisfied me. Theres new information, ill take a look. I think its going to be really helpful to have a physician as the head of this important department. Senators, good luck. Thank you. Nice to dig into some policy. Thank you. All right. Appreciate it. By the way, i did that interview earlier today. Also asked how theyre playing deals with Insurance Companies raising rates. And the fact that there is no way to control that, but theyre hope is that the state Insurance Commissioners are robust in their using their Regulatory Power state by state. By the way, the entire interview is on our website, unedited, et cetera. Still ahead, the fight for the future of the Democratic Party is beginning to heat up. Ill talk with one of the candidates vying for dnc chair. Doesnt spend much time in washington. Hes the mayor of south bend, indiana. Stay tuned. If you have moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. 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And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . [he has a new business teaching lessons. Rodney wanted to know how his business was doing. So he got quickbooks. It organizes all his accounts, so he knows where he stands. Ahhh. Thats a profit. Way to grow, rodney visit quickbooks. Com. Today, we Senate Democrats are unveiling a blueprint to rebuild americas infrastructure and create 15 million jobs. And were challenging President Trump to support our plan. He campaigned on a promise of bigger and better infrastructure, this plan, this plan is the way to make it happen. That was democratic leader Chuck Schumer earlier today unveiling the democrats version of an ambitious infrastructure plan. Its price tag, 1 trillion. It actually matches the amount President Trump pushed for during his campaign. Last week Infrastructure Spending was top of the agenda at the u. S. Conference of mayors meetings here in d. C. I had an interview that i would have brought to you last week, but we were interrupted by breaking news. I spoke with nick cornet, mayor of Oklahoma City in Tacoma Washington mayor about what they are looking for from the administration and congress when it comes to Infrastructure Spending. Our agenda really hasnt changed. So infrastructure has always been at the top. But i would say also too given this last election cycle. A lot are concerned about Immigration Reform and also the Affordable Care act. Heres my frustration hearing about this infrastructure. Everybody in washington, democrat or republican, agrees on this. Right. They agree that weve got to do this. Why hasnt it happened . Give me you explanation why. You came on two years ago, and one of the things you were asking for more spending then and everyone was promising more spending. Whats happened . Is it there . Well, its expensive for one thing. Thing last administration really spent a lot of time on the social issues and social programs. And infrastructure is obviously not one of those things. I believe this administration is going to put a job filter in front of almost every decision they make. I think if theyre going to ask themselves does this policy create jobs in the United States . And if it does, i think it has a better chance than if it doesnt. Thats an upside. If they see it as a jobs initiative. Im going to push back. The Previous Administration did want to spend, but they couldnt get congress to pass a large enough maccage. The needs are important in every American City and its not going to go away. One of the most important priorities as a conference is to asked a meteorologist, give money directly to the cities. We do the work and we get it done. How could that be done . Explain that. The states have their own inventory of infrastructure. No doubt. Thats right. I have 8,000 lean miles of roads in my city that we are responsible for. If you give money to the states, its not going to help my inventory. And somehow i think congress and the last administration were under the concept that if we give money to states, itll make its way to cities. Very little of it did with the stimulus package and im concerned theyll make that mistake again. Interesting there. We been talking about giving power back to the states. Now the mayors want power back directly to the cities this. This on transportation funding. After the break, im going to talk with a mayor. The mayor of south bend, indiana, not about Infrastructure Spending. He wants to be the head of the Democratic Party. Heres Hampton Pierson with cnbc market wrap. Thanks chuck. Stocks rallying led by a surge of materials. Dow jumping 112 points. S p up by 14 to a new record. Nasdaq adding 48 also hitting a new high. Al co. With a shares are higher. They fell short of estimates with bub revenue came in ahead. The stock has been up more than 4 . Existing homes sale slumped in december falling to the lowest levels since 1999. Sales dropped 2. 8 , economists were expecting a much smaller decline. Thats it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. I mean wish i had time to take care of my portfolio, but. Well, what are you doing tomorrow 10am . Staff meeting. Noon . Eating. 3 45 . Uh, compliance training. 6 30 . Sams baseball practice. 8 30 . Tai chi. Yeah, so sounds relaxing. Alright, 9 53 . I usually make their lunches then, and i have a little vegan so wow, you are busy. Wouldnt it be great if you had investments that worked as hard as you do . Yeah. Introducing essential portfolios. The automated investing solution that lets you focus on your life. Welcome back, as democrats work to capitalize on the energy from womens marches across the country. The party is still looking for the leadership to harness that intensity. The seven candidate field gathered in washington last night for a forum, moderated by msnbcs own joy reid. And while concerns are still simmering over the Sanders Clinton proxy fight that some are saying are taking place. The candidates seemed largely on the same page. Focus on giving power back to people. In the communities. That grass roots operation revolutionize state parties. Old fashion organizing. We have to knock on every door. So in a crowded race, how does a candidate stand out . For starters, only one was at the womens marches on saturday. We have him here. Pete, hes the mayor of south bend, indiana, and a candidate for dnc chair. Our party needs a fresh start. I just dont believe that the solutions of the Democratic Party needs are going to come from washington. And i think my experience in the community at a local level both from a governoring perspective, turning around a city that was on the ropes and from a political perspective running campaigns and winning elections is the kind of experience we need to lead the dnc forward. On one hand, youve got some parts of a biography that the Democratic Party in general would need. You come from a red state in indiana, youre a mayor, not sort of tied into the federal government. But, a lot of the Democratic Party coalition is on the coasts. A lot of the Democratic Party coalition im not saying south bend is not diverse, you have a Big University there, otherwise known as notre dame. Im sure theres some level of diversity, but not in the numbers that the Democratic Party is nationally. So are you you know, why you in this case . Why is your biography better and why is your experience better than some of the other candidates . Well, were proud of being close to the university of notre dame, but you ought to know that our city didnt grow up around the university. Our city is an auto town. Were 40 nonwhite. Income is 19,000 right now according to to the census bureau. Were a city that in many ways is typical of some of the challenges and struggles, but some of the successes that can happen in the middle of the country. And the very part of the country where weve struggled as a party to connect. It can be done. Ive done it. I got reelected with 80 of the vote last year. And we were able in 2015 and weve been able to support and run and win other Democratic Candidates in this area too. Even in districts that are far from strongly democratic. But it starts by really speaking to peoples lived experiences and connecting with theme in every part of the country. Thats part of why im running. I think somebody who has the kind of experience that i have in a Community Like ours, letting a Community Like ours know, look, the old patterns arent going to come back, thats okay. Theres a way forward. Anding thats my message for the party too. Let me ask you this, why do you think Hillary Clinton did so poorly in the rust belt . Well, i think we really need to be speaking to the concerns of the people who live there in our every day lives. You know, we got into an election cycle where so much was the candidates. First talking about themselves and then increasingly talking about each other. And there are a lot of people at home saying thats great, but whos talking about me . You know, we democrats, were like Charlie Brown running after the fwoobl lucy there. Thinking we finally had the moment, the piece of evidence, the latest outrage that will finally demonstrate that donald trump is not a good guy. And what a lot of people dont seem to realize is, around here, there are a lot of folks who already know that hes not a good guy. They voted for him anyway. And we got to make sure that never happens again. Well why do you think they voted for him . Let me ask it another way, what are you going to learn what have you learned from donald trump that youre going to apply to your next campaign . Whether its head of the dnc, running for mayor or whatever it is. Or volunteered for somebody else . Well first of all, the importance of showing up and talking to everybody. And just to be clear. I do not think that the way forward is to imulate trump. Not in any way, shape, or form. I do however think that we need to be sure that our vocabulary is touching down with people in their every day lives. Take aca, which seems to be the topic of the day. Were still talking about it in terms of numbers. Numbers like 20 million americans which is an important number, but were not talking about it as much as we could be in terms of lives. You know, for me, this is personal. My partners mothers life depends on chemotherapy that she bias. There are a lot of people in this community who have been tugged politically whose lives are depending on Something Like aca whether they understand it or not. Thats our job to communicate. Very quickly, should democrats fight trump full stop or should, you know, for instance you may have heard a little bit of the potential Health Care Replacement bill that two republican senators are working on that frankly if it ends up the vehicle and it may be the best vehicle democrats can nd if they want to preserve some parts of the aca or obamacare, where are you on this . Should democrats just fight tooth and nail to get their way 100 or think about compromise . Look, weve got a fight. Weve also got to be fighting for our values. For far too long, democratic strategy and policy has been organized completely around republican strategy and policy. And all we do is take the yardstick what have theyre doing and then fight over how ferociously to oppose it or how many parts of it to take up. That is not a strategy that is derived from our own values and our own principles. And if were talking about our values before we even bother talking about the republicans, then we can do things like talk about whats right for the country. And dare donald trump to either do it or fail to do it. All right. Mr. Mayor, let me try your last name again, did i get it okay . How am i doing . Close enough. Well it took us a while, ask reince priebus, it took everybody it took a while for him as well, that doesnt mean its an impediment to getting there. Well follow the race closely, good luck, sir, appreciate it. Thank you very much. Still ahead, im obsessed with some oscar worthy political drama. Keep it here. 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But i can assure you there are no Hidden Figures anywhere to suggest such a thing happened. Believe me, if any evidence of voter fraud exists, weve dedicated ourselves to find it. Come hell or high water. And weve looked. Weve looked for it all day, all night, weve even looked for it by moonlight and found nothing. I know many friends on the right will think were lying about this. But i assure you were not. Until the arrival of such evidence, were going to have to remain skeptical. Yes, the press and the white house clearly are going to have to mend fences. That much is clear. Well definitely want to do it before the 2020 election when everyone heads up to manchester, new hampshire, perhaps we can go that way to that other manchester, the manchester by the sea. And when were there, maybe we can all go to a movie together, something for conservatives and liberals for both hawks and doves. Manager Something Like hacksaw ridge. I hear that just got nominated for an oscar. Well be right back. In a world that needs a hero, justice is spelled box. Say hello to a powerful tool that gives you options to fit your budget. Oh, im tied to this chair dundundaaaa i dont know that an insurancethemed comic book is what were looking for. Did i mention he can save people nearly 600 . You havent even heard my catchphrase. Im all done with this guy. Box him up. Thats terrible. I own my own company. I had some severe fatigue, some funny rashes. Finally, listening to my wife, went to a doctor. And i became diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma. That diagnosis was tough. I had to put my trust in somebody. When i first met steve, we recommended chemotherapy, and then we did high dose therapy and then autologous stem cell transplant. Unfortunately, he went on to have progressive disease i thought that he would be a good candidate for immune therapy. Its an intravenous medicine that is going to make his immune system evade the tumor. 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I would i would assume democrats would say the rust belt seems he could be a good candidate. As you pointed out, the members of the are not the people of the indiana not rust belt necessarily. Let me move to health care, politically, collin looks like the vehicle if you want to get votes in the senate. I have been following with a lot of interest with the way the Trump Presidency way not scamble the idea kal lines. It is exactly the kind of things the republican would have said was socialize medicine. Its less conservative than what mitt romney did in massachusetts. I want to say robert, donald trump says one thing that senator cassidy made clear, this meets his criteria this has to be a floor for everybody. Thats what the bill is trying to write in, they may not have a choice but to go this route. Donald trump is not a idea log, i think he going to go there i think he going to put a wedge between speaker ryan, what donald trump are you this would allow them to preserve it. Steve mcma han, maybe he denounced it if you praise it quickly it dies. Or maybe he killed it because he is truly afraid of it. But democrats have to get on board for anything to get written. How do you think to proceed . Physical until they assur all the thing we know he promised i dont think Chuck Schumer is going to go with this at all. This is going to be fascinating. Its fun politics but serious business. Thank you, guys. After the break, we have Supreme Court is almost over. Stay tuned. If youre searching other travel sites to find a better price. Stop clicking around. The lowest prices on our hotels are always at hilton. Com. So pay less and get more only at hilton. Com. In case you missed it the Supreme Court has been operating for a year now. Today President Trump offered a time frame. Sometime next week. This week well be announcing, next week we have outstanding candidates and well pick a great Supreme Court justice. Its been sometime since passing skaly ya. Long nomination with 125 days for his hearings. Garland never got his but todays wait peals and comparison to some vacancy of the 19th century. There were 5 vacancy in 1800 that lasted more than 500 days. The longest gap was 841 days after Justice Henry baldwins death in 1884. They expelled tyler from the party and refuse today act on any of his nomination. When the one term wonder james poke took office it was rejected. Well over two years after the va can see. You can see the Political Climate is far from fort with greta starts now. Fort a rupture in the white house sparring over trumps claim about mills of illegal votes. The split and the facts. Were inside of the oval office. Whats been happening been happening behind the scenes. Ill tell you why im hitting the road tomorrow. I have a bill date in pennsylvania whether were looking to make

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