And there was a surprise. At least with 62 of the vote in, there so far is a surprise in terms of the result. And this young candidate, who had zero name recognition less than a year ago, less than six months ago, and still has zero name recognition in a large part of the country, has a story to tell. Maybe its a good place for him to tell it right after the state of the union. Maybe its a good place to tell if the iowa results are going to be stretched out over several days rather than released once at midnight on a monday in january or in february. So i think its obviously the Iowa Democrats screwed up and theyre going to have to answer for it. But the ultimate impact of what happens here is going to depend both on the results and the way this keeps trickling out. Hes been at 62 and its like netflix. Its been buffering for like five hours. He cant say whats actually happened. Again, i feel bad for sort of mayor pete, but i will say this. He is in a really unique position now to see if what he did in iowa will actually bork work in other places. His victory is he was on the college campuses. He was in the rural areas. Is he going to take that to New Hampshire . Is he going to take that to South Carolina . Where is he going to try to apply this method next . Hes at Single Digits in all these other places. What is the place that hes thinking now that i can make that leap based on the momentum from iowa . And what did his iowa operation teach him about organizing prowess, right . So we know the theory that senator sanders brings to organizing and voter turnout, right, because thats part of his electability argument. Its part of his stump speech. Its part of the way that he says he should be the nominee and he should attract your support. Its more of a process question than it is a demonstration. Right. From all of the other candidates including firsttime National Candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg. I know theres problems with which states go first, and i know weve all had the fight about iowa being first of all. But in these early states, you do stress test the campaigns in different types of operations. An iowa caucus is different than a New Hampshire primary. Its different than a nevada caucus, is different than a South Carolina primary. Were going to see all that in very quick succession before a giant money bomb lands on all of them less than one month from tonight on super tuesday. To the folks joining us in what is normally the 11th hour, in air quotes, this was day 1,011 in the trump administration. We are talking about dual stories, the state of the Union Address we just witnessed, hard to bring together in one cogent sentence, equally difficult to explain is what is still unfolding in iowa. Steve kornacki is back at the board. Oh, 24 hours ago we were talking about when are we going to get results from iowa. And were still asking when are we going to get results from iowa . When are we going to get more results . Before we get into that state of the union speech, 62 of precincts were reporting. 62 still reporting. We have heard things from the Iowa Democratic party about more votes coming in. Those suggestions have not panned out. That has been a recurring theme these last 24 hours. So it is still at 62 . I should make very clear here the decision desk here at nbc is not characterizing anybody as the winner or any Single Person as the leader here in terms of the state delegate equivalents or that popular vote, that initial preference. You have buttigieg leading sanders by 25 state delegate equivalents and of course you have sanders right now leading by three points in that initial preference. Weve been talking about this tonight. Why does buttigieg have that advantage in delegates when he is losing the initial preference by three points, when hes also losing the reallocated preference . Sanders is also leading that. What you see here, it looks like i sort of made a mistake here. These are all marks. I marked off in yellow here, these are counties that buttigieg has won or is leading in right now. You see there are a lot of them all throughout the state. These are all counties where their share of the delegates statewide are greater than their share of the turnout. So we keep talking about this, how there is a bit of an advantage, especially in some Rural Counties where you get more bang for your buck in terms of delegates than necessarily raw votes. So you see all of these counties here. Buttigieg is leading in all of them right now, and it explains how hes able to take the lead in state delegates despite trailing right now in that initial preference. So well continue to see were not giving up hope tonight to get some more vote in on this thing. But that pattern weve been talking about, buttigieg and the delegates, sanders and the initial preference, well see if that continues or if we get a clear winner in this final 38 . Steve, i mean this completely absent snark. Were talking about individual initial preference. Isnt that what we call, in noncaucus states, going to vote . That would be the argument that the Sanders Campaign will make if this holds. Ill put it up right here. Theyll say, hey, look, this is your clearest indication yet of what people intended to do with one choice in the Iowa Caucuses, and theyll probably say, hey, look, theyve been doing the Iowa Caucuses for 50 years. It started back in 1972. In 1972 this was a very convoluted process that only a few people took part in, and they came up with this very complicated state delegate equivalent formula. And they had conventions that played out over a period of months to get to that. I think if you look back at that, as an academic exercise, if 50 years ago you said, hey, weve got a choice here. We can do state delegate equivalents or raise your hand at the caucus, which would you rather have . I think there might have been a serious discussion about which is a better instrument of measuring support. The Sanders Campaign if this holds is going to say more people went out to these caucus sites and decided they wanted to support sanders than buttigieg. They also will have the talking point of saying even when given a second choice at this point, even when given a second choice, sanders still leading buttigieg. Well see if that holds. Buttigieg leads that delegate formula but the two measures there of first and second round support, sanders leads. Thank you, steve. We are going to be talking with a top national surrogate for the Sanders Campaign. I want to tell you one quick piece of news before we go to her. This has just been reported. We were talking about that dramatic visual we had right at the end of the president s state of the Union Address in which nancy pelosi pointedly ill demonstrate pointedly took her copy of the speech and tore it. As Speaker Pelosi left the floor, a couple of nbc News Reporters asked her what she thought of the speech, and she told them, quote, i tore it up. She was asked why she tore it up, and she said, quote, because it was the courteous thing to do considering the alternative. Lighting it on fire . Which makes my mind start to conjure a number of different alternatives. I want to bring in congresswoman Rashida Tlaib. Shes supporting Bernie Sanders for president. She was at the capitol tonight for the state of the Union Address. Congresswoman, it is great to see you. Thank you so much for joining us tonight. Thank you for having me. So i understand i was just told right as we were bringing you on that you were among the several democratic lawmakers who actually walked out of the president s speech before it was done tonight. Tell me about that decision and what was the Tipping Point for you . I think, you know, even the mention of Brett Kavanaugh for me is a trigger, just as a woman in america, the fact that he, you know, rightfully was accused and having an incredibly strong woman come before the public and the world and tell her story of Sexual Assault by this person that was appointed to the Supreme Court is just i couldnt stand still and not do anything about it, and i needed to walk away from that. In terms of the president s remarks there, im not sure exactly the moment when you got up and when you were out of the chamber or not. The president seemed to ad lib a remark when he was talking about Supreme Court justices saying, we have many more in the pipeline, implying that he is intending or expecting to fill a lot more Supreme Court seats. That seemed to be a moment that, again, was off script in terms of the prepared remarks, but making a major promise in terms of what his intentions are. Yeah. I mean, look, one of the things that i know from my residents as they probably watch this i mean were the third poorest Congressional District in the country. And for him to, you know, flaunt and brag about taking people off of food assistance, the fact that, you know, rightfully theyre very angry. Im getting Text Messages from folks saying, but i thought hes in court right now trying to take away protection and Health Coverage for those with preexisting conditions. Mmhmm. Hes lying, rashida. Do something about it. Its like what can i do . Hes the president of the United States, a forever impeached president. What we need to do is remove him from office. He cannot continue to lie to the American People. He cannot continue to not only what i saw in lie after lie but also to mislead the public and use immigrants and use people of various different faiths to try to increase fear and do fearmongering kind of politicians. Look, were tired of the hate rhetoric. Were tired of the divisiveness in our country, right . We want actual policy and actions. Look, we have been talking about lowering Prescription Drugs. Weve been talking about the issues around the broken immigration system but really trying to say we need a just, fair, very humane immigration system. He needs to be working with all of us and many of us that represent these vulnerable communities, these front line communities. And right now, you know, we just dont want to be were not part of a reality show. We are the United States of america. We are made of people that are impacted by everything he says and everything he does and doesnt do. So for many of us standing by, it was really, you know, the kind of text message im getting from folks is it was bizarre. Its unreal. Is he really saying this because its untrue. Those are the kinds of things that i think need to be really centered and people need to elevate. And i hope folks are Fact Checking because i walked out of there knowing a number of facts, a number of parts of his speech were completely false. I literally thought his nose was growing during the speech like pinocchio. It was blatant disregard of the truth, disregard of really understanding the importance of really trying to get to a point not just like kind of making up stuff as he goes. Thats exactly what it felt like. You raised the issue of impeachment and what you described as the necessity to remove this president from office. Obviously it is a split screen in terms of major news right now with this president having a state of the Union Address, with the iowa 2020 caucus results still coming in and the Democratic Candidates moving to New Hampshire, and of course the culmination of the president s impeachment trial tomorrow. You were so outspoken to the point of rhetorical exclamation points about wanting the president s impeachment and seeking the president s impeachment. Now that were on the precipice of the Senate Making its decision, what everybody expects to be a party line acquittal in the senate tomorrow, whats your take on whether it was a good idea, whether it went the way you wanted it to go, whether it went the way everybody should have expected it to go . Now that its at this point, how do you feel about that having been so sure of it early on . Look, you know, this is about doing whats right for our country and for our democracy. I have to basically move forward and, you know, i took an oath, and move forward in saying i have to uphold that oath. That means holding a president accountable to the United States constitution. I mean before i got here, residents at home were saying, look, theres this upgraded version of pay to play, rashida. You have a sitting ceo in the white house making decisions in the best interest of his companies and the fact that he hasnt divested and hasnt complied with the emoluments clause. It may not be the basis of why we move forward. But where we are now is we at least got the truth out as much as folks are pushing back against that. The one thing the American People need us to do is do the right thing, not strategically, not looking at polls, but doing the right thing to protect our democracy and making sure that were elevating the truth no matter what, no matter how hard it is. They deserve the truth. They deserve to know exactly what this president is doing, and it may be bribing a Foreign National today, but tomorrow its going to continue moving money away from the military and from our schools and from other programs to benefit his resorts, watching him allow folks to use the trump hotel as kind of access to the most powerful position in the world to get their way. I mean these are kinds of things that really are at the core of why we need to be pushing back against this illegal and very, very, very much unamerican kind of way, i think, that as we push forward in trying to represent our people. Its just wrong. And i cant we cant sit back and say, oh, well, is it going to go through the senate . Is it the right thing . Was it the right thing to do at the moment . It was because people demanded us to hold him accountable for bribing a foreign government. They want us to hold him accountable for lying to them. They want us to hold him accountable for not upholding the United States constitution, the oath that he took. And thats all we can do. We set a dangerous precedent when we do nothing. It just was not an option for us. Congresswoman, i also need to ask you youre an endorser of senator Bernie Sanders and his president ial campaign. Yes. We are in a weird state where we are more than 24 hours out from the Iowa Caucuses. Weve got 62 of results reported. Senator sanders appears to be ahead in terms of the votes cast by people allocating themselves to specific supporters and then reallocating themselves. The delegate count appears to be slightly in favor of mayor Pete Buttigieg. Obviously well still get more results and we dont know what the final tally will be. But how do you and the campaign feel about what happened in iowa given both the results and the strangeness of the process . I mean i think with every campaign, as long as you were rooted in the community and grassroots and engaging people that havent been engaged historically, that you did Everything Possible to grow this movement of not me, but us. You know, it has been about all of us. I have seen people that said they had never participated in Iowa Caucuses but for the fact that bernie was running for president of the United States. That, to me, is inspiring. The one thing that i know for folks even in my district and across the country, theyre tired. Theyre tired of folks that bow down to corporations. They want somebody thats not going to sell them out. You hear it over and over again. We dont want the same old kind of leadership that comes in and literally bows down or tries to come too much in the center where were not transforming peoples lives. Were not being able to take care of them. Theyre suffering. Theyre in so much pain for not being included on a number of things that would be able to elevate them out of poverty, being able to make sure they have health care coverage. And, you know, senator sanders, the one thing about him is he has a record, not like everybody that is running for president. He is one that has an actual record thats so consistent with protecting the working families and protecting work is class. And that is my district, and thats why for so many of us, he speaks to us, and he engages again people that have never been engaged before. And hes bringing people together that wouldnt even be in the room but for the fact that he is the one running for president. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, who is one of the that we are now know getting further reports, many members of congress who walked out of tonights state of the Union Address. Congresswoman, thank you so much for making time. We really appreciate you having time with us tonight. Thank you so much for having me. We have a ton yet to talk about, a ton yet to cover. We will do so right after this break. If you looked at america like a bird and that was all you knew,