Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Velshi And Ruhle 2018

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Velshi And Ruhle 20180806 15:00:00

Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories.
in the white house. the first lady -- >> if president trump would hammer his successes and tweet less about lebron and this off stuff, it would allow people to focus on what he's done and his administration have done well. >> that's called an unforced error. the president is once again putting focus on that trump tower meeting, potentially complicating legal matters for his son over the high level sit-down donald trump junior, jared kushner, and then campaign chair in his second week of his trial, paul manafort had with a kremlin linked lawyer and alleged russian intelligence agency an oligarchs representative and an interpreter. what's wrong with that? well, let's look at the shifting story from the white house and the campaign. "the new york times" first broke the news of the trump tower meeting more than a year after it happened. donald trump then released a
you, adoption is really about the magnitsky act and that takes you back to sanctions. so it was never about russian babies. as questions increased about the nature of the meeting the president's son voluntarily tweeted out screen shots of his e-mails. e-mails that made it very clear the offer was on information on clinton, and the source was part of, quote, the russian government's support for mr. trump. last week at a rally in pennsylvania, the president of the united states told those rally attendees some children that russia did not want him to win, it's bad for russia. well, there you have it right there. not only did putin two weeks ago in helsinki say he wanted trump to win. don junior said it in an e-mail. the next week sean spicer gave the administration's position. >> there was nothing farce we know that would lead anyone to believe that there was anything except for a discussion about an adoption and the magnitsky act.
president tweeted this over the weekend. this was a meeting to get information on an opponent. totally legal. and done all the time in politics. that would be true if you ignore the fact that this was a hostile foreign government that was trying to attack our elections. in various statements put out by both donald trump junior and the white house turned out to be lies. here's what i want to know. why? if the president of the united states and his campaign did absolutely nothing, why does the president and his son and the president's lawyer continue to change their storys? one said over time the facts developed. facts do not develop, sir. facts are facts. joining me now white house reporter robert acosta, and mimi. rob, donald trump was on a radio show that said this is a media
narrative. nothing ever changes. put this in perspective why it's a big deal. you have the court of public opinion that doesn't change, but in robert mueller's eyes, how is this different? because robert mueller didn't say anything over the weekend. the president did. >> because you have a president weighing in on an active investigation. the president is talking about the meeting with don junior and the russian lawyers in 2016 as we just discussed. the original response from the administration was that there was nothing to see here. there was about adoptions. the president eventually changed his story. so did donald trump junior. what's interesting about the timing of the president's tweets in response in a sense to the washington post's story about the ongoing scrutiny of this moment in 2016 is that the president has to make a decision soon. will he sit down with federal prosecutors and talk act that exchange on air force one? will he talk about his knowledge of the meeting with federal investigators? more than a tweet? that's the interview decision laying before him. >> so the president and don junior have changed their story,
false air force one statement we now know was dictated by the president, there were already ongoing fbi and congressional investigations. now, lying to the public isn't a crime, but i think if you put it in the broader context, it can be seen as part of a broader effort to mislead investigators. >> okay. then, bob, what in the world is the white house strategy here? it clearly is a violation. and we see the white house change their story over and over. is the game plan here my wife is about to catch me cheating on her, so why don't i just get out in front and announce it and say it's no big deal? >> with this white house, stephanie, there's the white house, the administration, and then there's president trump. based on my conversations with the fshofficials and friends ofe president, it's really the president alone talking with mayor, rudy giuliani -- >> but it's not. it's him and don junior. don junior is on the hook, and the president wasn't answering the press badgering him with questions.
he went out there voluntarily. don junior just went on a radio show voluntarily. >> it reflects the isolation of the group. this is not so much about sarah huckabee sanders, is she going to get questions, but you nailed it. it's jay, giuliani, the family and the personal legal team. they're navigating the waters together. >> then what comes of this? because, yes, if they're speaking among themselves that they're all out to dinner smoking cigars, they could say this doesn't matter. to a lot it doesn't, but does it matter to bob mueller? >> bob mueller probably knew what trump tweeted before trump tweeted it. it's all of us saying wow, look what he just admitted on twitter. he obstructs justice on twitter and now just made a big admission. that's stunning but mueller knew what that meeting was about. i think a lot of us inferred it. mueller, i'm sure has facts. evidence. witness testimony what that's about. so -- but yes, it's still a big deal. by trump saying this c by him
saying this is what the meeting was about, it takes away any possible argument or defense they might have had. as crazy as we all might have already thought it was. they can't make that. and prosecutors love to be able to say something is indisputable. it now is. >> bob, is the president testing the american people? it's not bob costa that's going to push the president out of office. it's the republican-run congress. and if congress takes a look at the country and they don't seem to mind if they're not pushing back, if the president, again and again lies and changes his story, are the mitch mcconnell and paul ryans of the world checking to see how the american people feel about it and that's what's important to the president? because if the american people say it's no big deal, he could be in the clear, as absurd as that sounds. >> it comes back to the point. it comes up again and again in the reporting. there's a president in the administration. think about last week. the administration comes out to the white house lectern and
talks about russian interference on thursday. hours later the president is talking about the russia hoax. and so you have a president that really is testing the limits of how far can we go and publicly discredit robert mueller and his investigators mowing the mid -- knowing the midterms are around the corner. >> this is a complicated story. thank you both. it's always awkward when i do an interview and another network is behind them. i'll say thank you for msnbc being on the screen. he says his tariffs will force other countries to pay down our national debt. for fact's sake, that's not what tariffs do. next, how tariffs actually work, and who actually pays. the first person to survive alzheimer's disease is out there. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen by funding scientific breakthroughs,
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countries, mr. president. it's a tax on u.s. suppliers and manufacturers that rely on imported parts to make the goods we consume. ultimately, u.s. consumers pay for those tariffs. but that is not all. the president went onto claim because of the tariffs we'll be able to pay down the large amounts of 21 trillion in debt except the revenue isn't enough to pay down the debt. the president imposed tariffs on about $85 billion worth of foreign goods amounting to $21 billion raised through duties. that is .1% of our $21 trillion debt. a drop in the bucket. let us not forget about his proposed aid to u.s. farmers. that bill will likely cost $12 billion. more than half the revenues from imposed tariffs thus far. he cannot help himself in the last tweet blaming president obama for our ongoing ballooning
national debt. but the government has added about $1.6 trillion to the debt balance since trump took office. let's see. 21 billion in revenue from tariffs. less the 12 billion farmers leaving just $9 billion. nowhere near enough revenue to make even the slightest dent in our debt. maybe i'm missing something. let's bring in some experts. john harwood and josh boke. when we go out and speak to farmers and speak to factory workers who could be losing their jobs, we've heard over again, they're saying you know what? we've had trade issues for years. we're glad the president is taking this issue on. maybe it's going to hurt us in the short-term. maybe we'll be collateral damage. we'll accept that. are we getting it wrong? >> first, steph, you're not
missing anything. this is an economic gibberish argument the president's making, and to the extent that people who are on the short end of the stick economically from that argument are nevertheless embracing what the president's doing, that is a leap of faith they're making for somebody they see as an ally on other issues, and sort of their trust -- they're trusting he has their best interest at heart. if you talk to economists, nobody thinks they're going to come out ahead through the policies which, in fact, are going to be destructive to the american economy, and destructive to many of the people who voted for donald trump. >> gosh, all right. well, josh, i want to ask you about your story from the ap. from last may to this may, 58.5% of job gains were in counties that voted for hillary clinton in 2016. and it's a similar story when it comes to job losses.
35.45% of trump counties lost jobs compared with 19.2 % of clinton counties. what does this mean? >> it means when voters are making decisions, they're not factoring in the economy the way the president talks. they like his rhetoric on tariff and taxes. but a lot of his most loyal voters aren't seeing their daily lived improved. when we spoke to voters, they say they're more motivated by culture issues like guns and immigration. and foreign trade is one of the rare economic issues that plays to those cultural aspects. the fact is that the president has not transformed the economy as he claims. most of the jobs are still going to large urban centers in the united states. those are democratic places that are not likely to reward the president this november. >> so, john, the economic climate that helped elect president trump that coastal cities supported hillary clinton, the income inequality divide is what pushed --
propelled trump forward. to josh's point, if cultural issues like immigration are hot button issues, immigration takes us back to jobs and the jobs issue and the wage issue doesn't get resolved by cracking down on immigration. there are jobs available in this country, and americans don't want them because they don't pay enough. there are small businesses having to shut down because they cannot get foreign workers because they can't get the approva approvals. how does immigration remain a hot button issue for trump counties when it doesn't solve anything for them? >> well, that's a question that democratic politicians ask all the time. but remember, in 2016 i don't think it was actually, stephanie, the jobs issue that got trump the votes he needed in those crucial rust belt states that got him into the white house. it was if you look at analyses of the trump coalition, it was significantly issues connected
to race. the same ones that josh is talking about in the reporting that he's done about the economic consequences. hillary clinton carried counties that generate two-thirds of the economic activity in the united states. so if the economy is boosted by trump tax cuts which in the short-term it may be, that is likely to generate jobs disproportionately in the democratic areas, but when the president talks about the wall with mexico, about crime among immigrants when he goes after african american athletes, he is touching racially sensitive cords that appeal to many of those con college white voters who he depended onto get elected and they're not responding principally to economic incentive. they're responding to cultural ones as josh indicated. >> oftentimes the cross cultural ones come from a place of hopelessness and come from a place of joblessness, and there are jobs available. josh, i want to ask you before we go, obviously the united
states is a massively important trading partner but we're seeing other countries create trade treaties and partnerships without the united states. we know that the president has already offered a $12 billion aid package to some farmers. but farmers aren't the only ones who suffer here. if they've got an $12 billion bailout, how slippery is the slope for loads of other industries who are impacted by this to knock on the front door of the white house and say please, sir, i need some help? >> there is a moral hazard risk at flay how we're dealing with trade. i would take us all the way back to the 1912 election of woodrow wilson who ran on getting rid of tariffs to address income inequality because the tariffs preferenced certain industries and effectively served as a tax on the middle class. after his victory, that's how we got the income tax to reduce the tariffs. and the real, real fundamental
issue is if the government starts playing preferences in who gets help and who doesn't, you're going to exacerbate a lot of the problems and feelings of unfairness driving voters. >> yesmegentlemen, it's my goaly day in this hour to get smarter. you did that for me. thanks, guys. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. next, president trump attacking king james. lebron james, i'm talking act. but the first lady is not siding with her husband. she is supporting lebron james. we're calling out the rift in the first family and why the president is attacking lebron james in the first place. and remember, first lady melania trump was not doing a press conference. she volunteered that statement on a weekend. you're watching msnbc. to look at me now,
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trump was referring to a cnn interview in which james criticized the president as being divisive. >> what i noticed over the last few months, that he's kind of used sport to kind of divide us, and that's something that can't relate to. i know that sport was the first time i ever was around someone white. you know? and i got an opportunity to see them and learn about them. >> what would you see to the president if he was is thing right here? >> i would never sit across if him. >> be t interview was part of james' effort to promote his new school he opened for at risk students. he did not respond to the attack. but the first lady did. her spokesperson saying, kwoek, it looks lebron james is working to do good things on behalf of our next generation. adding she would be open to visiting the i promise school in akron. i need to go through this. joining me jonathan capeheart,
and care a swisher. jonathan, why would president trump attack not just a wildly popular athlete lebron james but specifically on this peek when he has spent millions and millions of dollars to help underprivileged kids in the state of ohio? you might not even lebron james, but you're going to back him after something like this. >> yeah. i think president trump is all about distraction. so by going after one of the most popular athletes in the country, that's part of it. the other part of it is that he sort of, i guess, hate watches don lemon and he has attacked don lemon in the past. that's part of it. the other part and more pernicious part is that he can't stand the fact that there is an african american who is probably as famous if not more famous,
more highly regarded than he is doing something that is actually real and pertinent in the lives of his community. there is no denying that what lebron james did last week was extraordinary. not just opening a school for 240 at risk youth. it's what that school -- what that school does. free tuition. free uniforms. transportation if you live within two miles. job placement programs for the parents of these children. this is the sort of wholistic approach that a functioning u.s. government would be nurturing and fostering, would be celebrating. instead, we have the president of the united states taking to twitter rage tweeting against a private citizen doing good. >> but this is the exact kind of thing ivanka trump should be all over and loving. rick, i want you to help me. you're a republican strategist here. when i read the opinion writer,
the man is writing to help at risk children by opening doors for them was being attacked by the man who has put children at risk by locking them in cages. when i read that tweet, i was standing in line at acme, and i could hear him drop a mike from a thousand miles away. how is this a good strategy for the president? >> it's a terrible strategy. look, i think jonathan is right an building on what he said, i think when lebron james says he would not sit with donald trump, i think that got under his skin. he was clearly hate watching don lemon. look, the president is -- well, let me start with melania and ivanka. there's a lot of people around the president including his family who are very consumed or want to manage their public image. and the problem is -- and it's remarkable that president trump, they have to actually distance themselves and try to preserve their own reputation based on what their husband or their
father says. that's just really remarkable. >> except in this case, melania trump wasn't asked. ivanka addresses things when she sits down for an interview and she's asked straight on and is forced to address it. cara, you tweeted so much to unpack here. flotus trying to make another run for the exit. this was on a saturday. there was no press briefing. she voluntarily put this statement out. like, this guy is coming back from a round of golf and here's your blt. guess what i did in the last hour? >> yeah. well, it's so highly dysfunctional. there's two things. i tweeted after that maybe it's all part of a he gets to do the crazy stuff for the base, and then they get to say no, no, some of us disagree and we're normal. i don't know what's going on in terms of the uses of social media and statements and cross statements. i think john is right. it's a distraction. and it's someone who either they're doing it in a
calculating wait or it's someone who doesn't have come control of their numbs. it's hard -- thumbs. it's hard to say. a lot of people around him are almost as bad as he is in a lot of ways. they stay there and continue to support this mostly, and at the same time want to have the ability to say well, we don't like this part of it or we don't like that part of it. it's distasteful overall for the group of them to be doing this, i think. and especially when lebron james is doing something so wonderful for kids. it's a contrast, i think. >> they say that, but does it have any meaning? rick, there's loads of business leaders that have said, i like his policies but we ignore his tweets. but if i'm an nba owner or another team c this puts a huge -- this puts a huge amount of strain on them. they make public statements and have to get in the middle of it. >> it puts strain on them -- i'm sorry. go ahead. >> i think that's right.
look, everybody who comes into contact with president trump seems to -- they're tarnished and tainted with that image. donald trump holds old views, old views on race. and i think that -- and on women and the jobs of the newspaper. you combine those things and his base remits the last gasp of a 19th century mind set. we want to go into the future with ideas, new ideas, and donald trump represents the last gasp from the past. look, i think this is the end of that. and we'll get through it. but in the meantime, he just continues to embarrass himself and his family members, apparently. >> cara, according to "the new york times" trump has insulted someone via twitter at least 487 times. is there a point where twitter says this is a violation of our ethics, we're going to shut you down.
>> funny you should say that. i'm writing about that this week in the next column. i don't think so. i think twitter laid out the position that he's the president, and what he says is important, and so we're going to publish it. i think there probably is a line to cross, but he hasn't crossed it yet for twitter. and it's hard to say what it would take to do that. and so the question is will some of these social media companies which have a lot of power start to throttle things back? you saw apple today pulling alex jones off of i-tunes in the podcast. it's a value step, like this is not allowed on our platform. we'll see if the companies will continue to do that. even as they have these very strong first amendment arguments on the other side. but it's a complicated issue. it's not easily reduced to just i'm for free speech or against it. >> jonathan, last point. the lebron issue, is it over and done with. is this just the president's 480 insult and it moves on?
we haven't heard back from mr. james. >> i'd be surprised if we heard back from lebron. he doesn't need to respond. he's a bigger man than the president, and i think he should just keep doing what he's doing. the president will come back and attack don lemon and attack lebron james the same way he attacks maxine waters. he'll keep coming back at it as long as it allows him to vent and he gets approval from his base. >> that promise so glad that lebron james decided not to shut up and dribble. gentlemen, thank you. cara, please stick around. we have more to cover. when we come back, facebook changed the world. but has it changed the world for the better? we're going to look at how facebook has weaponized social media, the first amendment and your relationships for profit. why some say facebook is a
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time for a wrap up. a medicare supplement plan helps pay some of what medicare doesn't. you know, the pizza slice. it allows you to choose any doctor, who accepts medicare patients... and these are the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. whew! call unitedhealthcare today and ask for this free decision guide. facebook continues to crackdown on the fake accounts and the efforts to attack u.s. politics. we're taking a deeper look at social media's role in society in a new think piece, cara sw h
swisher writes mark zuckerberg wanted facebook to change the world and it has but not for the better. she pointed out how when facebook found a new campaign to influence the midterms, the company called it an arms race. swisher says she sees it another way writing facebook as well as twitter and google's youtube have become the digital arms dealer of the modern age. that's a wow. cara is back with us. what do you mean specifically di digital arms dealer? that's aggressive. >> yes. they are providing the tools. i don't think they're doing it the way arms dealers actually in terms of they're attitude. i just think they've become this way for a lot of players to use the tools in exactly the way they were built. and that's why -- the issue i was talking about. they've created these platforms. they haven't monitored them correctly. they've allowed people to go wild on them and they haven't
put in this right structure in order to control it better. that was what i was worried about. that's why i called them on it. >> just a few weeks ago you sat down with mark zuckerberg. you make the points that they haven't put the right structures in place. do you have any confidence that they're doing so? because human nature, if you're not forced to, if you're not regulated, you kind of try but do you really give it the full press? >> look, let me be clear. they are worried about it. they've done a lot of stuff in the past six months that's been much better in terms of transparency and giving information. they were the first to say last week as opposed to being called by the press that there were problems on the platform around the midterm elections. they've tried very hard to put in all kinds of things. i think what's happen second down they've allowed it to get away from them. it's an incredibly difficult task. my question, i think for mark during the podcast i did was that was he capable of understanding his power? was he -- was he capable of
understanding the depth of the problem? did he feel bad about it? he couldn't answer that question. it was interesting. i think what was more important is are the people in place at these companies which are so enormous, not just facebook, but google, amazon, apple, are there people in place there that have the ability to understand the impact their platforms are having and the ability to keep control in a way that doesn't continue to damage society. that was the question i was raising. >> how important are these platforms to society? last week i suggest first down it was a drug company and there was one bottle of tylenol that could kill someone on the bottle, tylenol would say i have to take every bottle off the shell to have figure out which one it is. i suggested that and people said that's crazy because you have to factor in all the people who depend on platforms like facebook as their own way of communication. is it naive to say they should shut down until they have it sorted? >> yeah, it is. i think it's not so much
shutdown. people like to compare it to cigarette manufacturers or tylenol, things like in a. it's sort of like fire. you don't know if it's going to warm your house or burn it down. it has both abilities. the issue for a lot of these companies is can they -- there's parts they could shut down. there's areas around political ads they could try to control better. shutting down is one way. what i think they have to do is put a lot of resources into it. there's been not enough resources. their numbers have looked better. they don't have to take the costs to check these things. it's going to take a lot of human interaction with a lot of this data to make it -- to create a better system, and that's going to cost money. that's why you're seeing wall street react. i think everyone is up to the idea. wait a second, this easy money may not have been as easy as they thought. and you may see some falloff in the user because the platforms become less fun. they become less helpful. these things tend to cascade.
and what's interesting is that they can make value judgments around their products. just like apple did today with alex jones and info wars, they took him off, finally. we talked about it with tim cook not long ago. he was cautious, but they took alex jones off because it wasn't good for their platform. and these companies have to start thinking that way. >> my gosh. imagine if people were no longer allowed political rants on facebook. i would say it would be more enjoyable and more fun. >> thank you. >> wouldn't it be better to never see that stuff on your feed? when we come back, are you ready for this? this is the new mayor elect in tennessee. he's the wwe star wrestler otherwise known as glen jacobs. he's in the ring with me live. i'm pretty excited about it.
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cancer treatment centers of america. appointments available now. welcome back. we're laying the smackdown on politics. meet glen jacobs who ran on the republican ticket and was justex lected the next mayor of the third largest county in tennessee. you might know him better as this guy, the wwe superstar
wrestler known as kane. he's almost 7 feet tall, 300 pounds and his character is described as a, quote, monstrous abomination on the wwe website. he's a fan favorite and it would appear he's won the hearts of many tennessee voters as well, beating his democratic opponent in a landslide on thursday. joining me now, glen jacobs. mayor-elect, congratulations. i have to say, i watched your victory speech, and it really stood out to me. i want to play a portion of it. >> i'd also like to thank my democratic opponent linda haynes. we all know that a democrat is going to have a struggle in a county like ours in knox county, but she did step up to the plate and put forth a good effort. and i think that is admirable. democracy works when everyone has a voice and we can hear everyone's ideas. >> mayor-elect, right there was
some dignity, was some compassion. george bush won on conscious, compassion, conservatism. we don't have that compassion right now. do you think that helped you win, and can you help bring political discourse, some civility back to our political climate? >> well, our campaign motto was together we win. but that's more than a slogan. that's what i believe. i believe as a community when we all work together, we do very well. i, like many people, am really disappointed at the huge divide that we seem to face in this country. instead of looking at ourselves as americans first, often we look at each other from ideological standpoint. the thing is that i may not agree with some democrats and some liberals on their solutions to problems, but i do see that there's a problem that we need to work on. and i think that all ideas
should be welcome. so it would be great if we could all work together in much better fashion and realize first and foremost that we're americans and we're trying to make our place better. near knox county, we're all knox countians and that's what we want, the best we can have. >> in the last presidential election, people said they were tired of the divide. tired of the gridlock and wanted something different and they vote forward president trump. in the spirit of bringing people together, beyond the trump rally and beyond trump's base, do you think he's doing that? and i tong what he did over the weekend, insulting lebron james or how he's gone after nfl players who are peacefully protesting. >> well, i personally am a huge fan of lebron james and what he's doing in his community. and i think we need a lot more of that. i can only speak to knox county. and here in knox county, that's what i intend on doing is bringing people together. the great thing about local politics is many of the things that happen at a national level
that are so divisive, we don't have those decisions to make here. we don't have the authority to make a law over whatever. so we can concentrate a lot more on the things that unite us instead of things that divide us. that's what i plan on doing. >> but you are a supporter of the president, and your county is as well. when you're looking at the policies being put in place, this cultural divide exists. a culture war even, but the policies -- free trade -- they're really serving the rich, not necessarily serving that forgotten american who wanted something different. >> well, i think actually president trump won by appealing to forgotten americans. if you look at his victories in formerly blue areas of the country, that's what it was. >> he did, sir. >> but the democratic party and hillary clinton was guilty of that. >> but are his policies serving them? he absolutely won with that forgotten american and said i'm going to do something different.
but when you look how he's going after immigrants saying that immigrants are stealing our jobs, yet unemployment number is so low and he's putting these tariffs in place that are hurting the american farmer, how is it that those policies help those forgotten americans? >> well, tax cuts in place which do help everyone. >> how is that? >> he also is looking at issues with -- >> tax cuts do help everyone because it allows people to create jobs. allows businesses to create more jobs. and when we look at the housing market and what's happened in the housing market. so certainly there are things that aren't perfect but overall, middle america still supports president trump. >> are people in knox county seeing wage increases. it wasn't we didn't have enough jobs. we didn't need jobs created. we needed higher paying jobs. the people you're going to be representing, are they going to be getting paid more now that the president is in office? >> well, knox county in tennessee in general is doing very well because our state
legislature has created an extremely business friendly environment. we have the fourth lowest state and local tax burden in the entire country. when you ask me how knox county is doing, we're doing very well. the entire state of tennessee is doing very well. there's a big story about how a large financial firm from new york city moved to nashville because of our low tax environment here. so we're doing great in tennessee, and also in knox county. >> and tell me, do you -- >> we want to make it better but we're doing really well. >> do you feel the divide in knox county? i flif new york city and we often hear there's a divide. real american and then there's coastal elites. tell me where you are and what plagues the people of knox county, what worries them, what concerns them. how can they live a better life? >> we don't feel that sort of divide in knox county. i can't speak for all my neighbors but we are a little different than the coastal parts of the area. we just want, like everyone eshl else, we want safe
neighborhoods, good infrastructure, good jobs and good quality of education for our kids. and that's what unites us, again. i might have a different idea about the solution than my democratic friends, do but nevertheless, i understand that's what we all want and what we all need to try to achieve. >> where do you see more drama, in the world of politics or pro wrestling? >> that's a great question. and they seem to be similar in many ways. i think in many ways it is the world of politics actually. >> the world of politics. more drama than pro wrestling. glenn, congratulations on your win and best of luck to you. >> thank you so much. appreciate you having me on. it's time now for my favorite part of the show. monumental americans. today, it is captain lawrence e. dickson, a member of the all-black tuskegee air men who went missing during world war ii. on december 23rd, 1944, he took off from italy on his 68th mission in a p-51 mustang
fighter plane. he was just 24 years old and had already been awarded the distinguished flying cross for his service. as he was headed for nazi-occupied prague, his plane went down. captain dickson was never heard from again. but just over a week ago, the defense department announced his remains had been found in austria and positively identified. he's the first of 27 missing tuskegee airmen to be identified. his daughter marla lawrence dickson andrews hopes to bury her father in arlington national cemetery. if you have a monumental american, you can tweet us, too. @v @velshiruhle. i appreciate you staying with me today. a lot more to cover this week. i'll see you again tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. right now andrea mitchell takes over for "andrea mitchell reports." and right now -- digging in the dirt. in a stunning reversal, the

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