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Breonna taylor. There were scuffles between police, protesters and other armed groups on the streets. Remember, not all of these are black lives matter protests. Some are heavily armed protesters, who call themselves militias, but they are not. Remember, theyre civilians. Theyre not part of the military. In all of this chaos, at least two officers were shot overnight. The shots captured on a livestream by louisville police. Listen up, listen up, keep together. Look to your lefting look to your right. Both of those officers are expected to recover. We just got word, in total more than 120 people were arrested across the city. I want to bring in my colleague cal perry in louisville whos fortunately safe. Cal, what is it like there this morning . Reporter stephanie, cleanup as you can see behind me. You break it up, before the Police Officers were kill and after. They seemed to disengage from protesters here. One of the buildings was set on fire. Police came out. There were bottles thrown at the Police Officers, and they still withdrew without using nonlethal force as weve seen in the past. After 8 30, a lot of demonstrators cleared out. They went home after they heard two officers were shot. They were pushing them back out of what is a zone thats in complete lockdown, stephanie. A tenblock radius surrounded by dump trucks which really did keep a lot of the people out of the downtown area because you physically have to pass through so many Police Checkpoints to be here. The officers seemingly in the eyes of many protesters were found not guilty for a shooting that left breonna dead more than six months ago in her apartment. My partner blayne alexander has been out talking to people about their reaction. Take a listen. Incredibly disappointed. Disappointed, motivated because i think in the wake of this offensive tragic decision, we here in the city have to replace everybody. Its disappointing. Its not surprising, but its disappointing, and justice was not served today, so were going to continue to be out here fighting for justice. Reporter now, those officers, one of them, detective hankison who was eventually charged for firing into a neighbors apartment. The other two officers who fired into breonnas apartment, its the understanding that it would have taken 9 of 12 to come to the charges that they reached. This is a city that in so many ways let the family down. We heard that from breonnas family. She said over instagram she was so, so very sorry. Stephanie. Cal, tell us about whos in the streets. Theres not one sort of protester. Its pretty chaotic. Reporter absolute. The point you make is important. The number of protesters weve seen here and in the past again, protests kicked off really after george floyd died in minneapolis. We saw black lives matter protesters in the streets by the thousands. We talked to people who said the movement was losing its direction, that there were people coming from the outside. We saw as you described people in black with baseball bats and flack jackets, people heavily armed. You have groups who call themselves militia. We spoke to folks from the National Defense as they call it patriotic team, dressed head to toe in camo, in Army Military gear with those long rifles as they put it doing patrols around the city. Its something that has officials concerned not only in louisville but in cities around the country, stephanie. Those are just civilians, not members of the government or police force, none of it. Cal, stay close. I want to dig deeper and i want to bring in paul butler. I want to make a correction. Cal said earlier one of those officers was shot and killed. That is not the case. Two officers were shot. What we know write now, theyre both expected to recover. I would like to bring in paul butler, a former federal prosecutor and protessitofessor georgetown. And a member of the policing task force. She joins us now. Paul, the kentucky grand jury says the shooting was justified because Kenneth Walker fired at them first. They say that is the decision dictated by evidence. I know you think hes wrong. Explain. Breonna taylor was an innocent woman shot six times in the hallway of her own home, and in kentucky we learned yesterday thats legal when a cop does it. So the one cop we knowdy not shoot Breonna Taylor is being charged with a crime. The two cops who fired 20 bullets, six of which killed breonna, are not being charged with any crime. And its because breonnas boyfriend fired one bullet that hit one officer in the leg, so the prosecutor said the cops were entitled to shoot back. Breonna taylor and the prosecutors callous assessment cruz collateral damage. Thats not the law in kentucky or any other place. The police were not justified in using the kind of force they used. When someone calls 911 to report hearing gunfire, 60 school ands later, the cops are still firing. They continued to fire way after they should have, and, again, its not justified. What its like is throwing a bomb in a building. Youre not allowed to use deadly force in selfdefense if you put innocent peoples lives in danger, and thats exactly what these cops did. So is this a criminal reform issue or Justice Reform issue . I appreciate the question. Ive decided not to call this the criminal Justice System anymore but follow the lead of scholars and organizers all across the country and call it at most the criminal legal is. Why . Because theres not been any justice for folks that look like myself and paul. Theres been a rule of law that has been applied inequitably across the nation. If we continue to call this a criminal Justice System, then we allow people to believe and assume that justice will ever be done, and justice only looks like a living breathing Breonna Taylor. All we have left is accountability for her case and prevention of more breonnas, and thats where we have to solve this. Weve been playing whackamole, quite frankly, stephanie, for the last couple of years thinking one solution or another solution was going to bring an end to the issue. It hasnt. Body cameras hasnt done the trick. Changing warrants alone hasnt done the trick. Theres an entire suite of things that need to happen, but most importantly, and this is what local organizers are demanding. They want to see the continual the institutions that continually harm us be fully divested from and invest in the systems that will heal us. The social services and protection that keep folks safe and healthy from the ground up instead of allowing us to be overpoliced from the top down. If we continue to rely on courts that over and over again deny black humanity, then well continue to be disappointed. We want a different result, so weve got to try a different approach. Paul, Police Officers get special protections in the law because of the job they have, but it sure seems to some that they get all the protections and average people, namely black people, get none. What do we need to do right now to get that back in balance . Stephanie, one issue is the common refrain that we keep hearing. Vote. Prosecutors are elected officials. If citizens think their attorney generals and others hold Police Officers above the law, they can vote those prosecutors out. I think thats what Daniel Cameron did. Imagine if three gang bangers had burst into a house, someone had a legal gun and shot back in defense, and these gang bangers continued to shoot up the whole complex. The gang bangers would be charged and placed under the jail. The only reason thats not happening in this case is, number one, these were Police Officers, not, quote unquote, gang bangers. Number two, the prosecutor in this decision is a conservative republican. In his press conference yesterday, he essentially wree peted President Trumps talking points. I almost expected him to say blue lives matter. He certainly made it appear to him that black lives dont matter in the same way. I want to share more of that, what a. G. Cameron said. Take a listen. My job is to present the facts to the grand jury, and the grand jury then applies those facts to the law. If we simply act on emotion or outrage, there is no justice. Mob justice is not justice. Justice sought by violence is not justice. It just becomes revenge. And in our system, criminal justice isnt the quest for revenge. Brittany, whats your response for that. I mean the p. A. W. Hypocrisy i straight i cant think through it. He continued to talk about not seeking justice through violence, but that kind of behavior, that kind of violence, justiceseeking, is what brought us to this moment not at the hands of black people, not at the hands of Breonna Taylor or Kenneth Walker, but the hands of the police. None of this would be happening if the Police Stopped killing us. The hypocrisy extends all across this case. Kenneth walker tried to employ the Castle Doctrine and stand his ground and protect his home. They should be all over this in defense of Kenneth Walker because he maintains outside alongside ten of his neighbors that the police did not announce themselves and he maintains it so much he called 911. If you think the police are at the door, you dont call the police because they are there. He shoots one single shot through his door to protect his home, and yet the very people who believe that is the rate of every american are not speaking up on Breonna Taylors behavior or Kenneth Walkers behavior. The hypocrisy is so deep. What i know unfortunately to be true is folks who not do believe in the humanity of black people, dont care if theyre hypocritical. Thats why we have to expand this beyond every single detail of every single case not because they dont matter to the conversation, but every time this happens, we obsess over details as if there are enough details to make america finally believe that black folks are worthy of living. The details did nothing for tamir rice, they did nothing for iona jones who was sleeping on a couch or blake who was running away. The demand is simple. Stop killing us. We know that black victims will never be perfect enough for this sympt symptom. We slim want to be simply want to be able to exist, live, and thrive. You know what does matter . Your voice. Paul, thank you. We have to take a turn for if white house where President Trump had an opportunity to tamp down some different kind of tensions, tangs around the upcoming election when he was asked if he would abide by the Election Results if he loses in november. And i want you to hear what he said. Will you commit to making sure that there is a peaceful transferral of power after the election . Well have to see what happens. You know ive been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster. I understand that, but people are rioting. Will you commit to making sure theres a peaceful transfer of balance . Get rid of the ballots and that will be a peaceful there wont be a transfer, frankly. There will be a continue yags. I want to bring in nbcs Peter Alexander at the white house. Pet peter, why . Where are the people around him to tell him to stop doing this because it is flat out wrong. Yes, steph. I think were past the point of wondering where the people are around him to tell him to stop doing it. This is the president acting on his own impulses, and this is the latest of his, i guess you could say, comments. This was striking for a lot of reasons. One, its not just unprecedent burke, frankly, its clearly dangerous right here, the president refusing to commit to one of the most fundamental tenets of american democracy, the peaceful transfer of power, the president who we have heard rail about this election,s that been rigged again, has been complaining about the universal mailin ballots where there are many states, under ten, that will be sending out ballots to all of their registered voters unsolicited. Five have done it for years. Several others are ramping up to do it right now. While election experts say there could be problems, theres evidence it could cause widespread fraud, but the president also said something that is crucial here. Hes been previewing his desire to get the ninth seat filled for ruth bader ginsburg. This is before the election takes place, assuming election has to be contested there. Heres what Lindsey Graham said this morning. Theres a lot of shady things going on, but the courts will hear all of our complaints. The courts will decide, and we will accept the courts decision, republican and democrat, i promise you as a republican. If the Supreme Court rules in favor of joe biden, i will accept that result. My hope is we have such an overwhelming victory, we dont have to worry about if courts. If the supreme kourlt rules in favor of joe biden, i promise you well accept the results. It might explain the president s desire to push for the confirmation of that ninth Supreme Court justice before the election. Stephanie, its been striking how little we have heard from republicans. A lot from democrats, others saying this is how democracy dies. Very little from republicans. Mitt romney saying its a fundamental piece of transmission of power. Without that, this country is belarus. You can bet people are going to be asking about this over the course of the next 24 hours or beyond. Well be asking democratic senator joe manchin about this later this hour. And while peter and i were speaking, President Trump was on a fox news radio show again saying the ballots are a horror show. That is 100 untrue. There are no facts supporting the president s argument. Its as though he doesnt want to have an election. Peter, thank you. Coming up next, after the nations Top Health Officials defend their actions as apolitical, President Trump plans to overrule the fda when it comes to creating a vaccine. Still, many are waiting for help through this pandemic. Heres a question. Where is it. Mic. Heres a question. Where is it. Tonight, ill be eating a veggie cheeseburger on ciabatta, no tomatoes. [hard a] tonight. Ill be eating four cheese tortellini with extra tomatoes. [full emphasis on the soft a] so its come to this . [doorbell chimes] thank you. [doorbell chimes] bravo. Careful, hamill. Daddys not here to save you. Oh i am my daddy. Wait, what . What are you talking about . Now to the latest on the coronavirus pandemic. Here are the facts we know at this hour. Top Health Officials testifying before the Senate Health committee yesterday with cdc director robert red field addressing specific concerns about the confusion his agency has caused. It became aggressively apparent that the guidelines were not interpreted in the manner in which we had intended them to be interpreted, and thats what led me to realize we had to put out a clarification. Both the cdc director and dr. Anthony fauci also told the senate panel they expect the vaccine to be widely available by the spring, and they stressed that politics will not play any role in the approval process, but thats absolutely not true because President Trump wants a vaccine before election day and now he is threatening to overrule stricter guidelines to make it happen, and he is accusing the fda, which is being run by a trump appointee of playing politics. Im looking at that. That has to be approved by the white house. We may or may not approve it. That sounds like a political move. The president s criticism and sort of threat is coming after reports the fda is planning to issue stricter guidelines for the mrng authorization of a vaccine which would require outside experts to weigh in. And missouris republican governor mike parson and his wife have both tested positive for the coronavirus. He had been a vocal criticism against any mask mandates. Joining us now dr. Thomas frieden who always makes us smarter and better. Tom, the president is warning hell overreat the restrictions to get the vaccines out sooner. How dangers is that . You wish the administration would spend their time fighting the virus instead of fighting the skriechblts part of the reason we passed 200,000 deaths in the u. S. And have the one of the highest death rates in the world is we havent used the sciencebased approach. The second decision coming up is on the vaccine. Its a hard one. We dont know about these vaccines. Theyre new. We havent looked at them before. Were not sure hoye they work. We havent looked at the safety data. The bottomline is dont cut corners when it comes to safety. Safety is our most powerful tool. Stephanie, even with a vaccine, theres not a fairytale ending to this pandemic. Were still going to have to adapt our lives. Its going to take a long time to get it out. Also, we dont know if it will work. We have go see what the studies show. Its encouraging the companies are posting their protocols. One of the companies, pfizer, has some concerns about its protocol. Theyre peeking at the data often. The worry is theyll stop early. We dont know if it works against older people, against various diseases, is it safe. I think the bottom line is if we cut corners on safety, we will risk more american lives. But, tom, even if they find a vaccine that is extraordinary, the fear that theyre going to cut corners on safety, the reality that there has been so much information has impacted how the American People feel about taking it. Theres a new poll out that says only 39 of americans feel comfortable getting a vaccine. So whats the good of a vaccine if the majority of americans say they dont feel safe getting it . Youre absolutely right. To work, a vaccine needs three things. It needs to be safe, it needs to be effective, and it needs to be trusted, and theres a real risk as there is increasing political pressure that even if theres a vaccine recommended or approved if its not done in a transparent way with the Data Available following clear deadlines, it has to do with saving lives. Words matter, saving lives matter. Following the science matters. The ugs. S. Has to fight agains this pandemic. If we blow it, we have deal with more closures and deaths. We have to get this right. We have to make sure if we have a safe and effective vaccine, the decision on whats done, when its done are purely based on the science, as protecting as many people as quickly as possible. Tom, youre absolutely right that words matter, especially if youre telling the truth. Hhs secretary alex azar was just on the today show, and he said he does not think its useful to talk about a second wave. Do you agree with that . Well, i didnt hear exactly what he said, but i do think a concept of a second wave is misguided. Were going to see waves of the vaccine. When we dont, well let down our guard. Wash hands, wear a mask, keep a safe distance. This virus will come back to bite you if you dont Pay Attention to it, if you dont Pay Attention to the science, if you dont reduce the chance that it will spread. Broadly we have to do two things. One, reduce the spread with mask wearing and reducing risky indoor spaces, and stop it when it starts to spread with testing, contact spread, and quarantining. There are a few that are doing this reliably, and when you do that, you get your economy back. You get your inperson schooling back. If you dont, you get a lot of death, and thats what were seeing in much of the country. Will people start to let their guard down when they stop listening to the truth and realizing we could face another wave and this thing isnt behind us. Dr. Tom frieden, always great to have you with us. We always appreciate your expertise. Coming up next, we always talk about the economy. You know we do. At the center of everything happening, there are millions of merchs who cannot pay their rent or cover their groceries. Whats next for them as the push for more covid relief seems to be getting more abandon by congress. When it stopped in july, i started falling behind. August and september i was unable to pay rent and i was unable to pay partial bills. Unable to pay partial bills. Wet with nocontact service you can trust. Tech so if you have auto glass damage, stay safe with safelite. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Its official National Coffee day is now National Dunkin day celebrate with a free medium hot or iced coffee with any purchase on september 29th. The antes been upped. To lead the charge. Good had to be amazing. And amazing had to become the expectation. The drivers feel it every time they get in. The power. Has shifted. Were all finding ways to keep moving. But how do we make sure the direction were headed is forward . At fidelity, youll get the planning and advice to prepare you for the future, without sacrificing the things that are important to you today. Well help you plan for healthcare costs, taxes and any other uncertainties along the way. Because with fidelity, you can feel confident that the only direction youre moving is forward. To soccer practices. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. Ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. The unfair money bail system. He, accused of rape. While he, accused of stealing 5. The stanford rapist could afford bail; got out the same day. The Senior Citizen could not; forced to wait in jail nearly a year. Voting yes on prop 25 ends this failed system, replacing it with one based on public safety. Because the size of your wallet shouldnt determine whether or not youre in jail. Vote yes on prop 25 to end money bail. Breaking this morning, we just learned another 870,000 americans applied for Unemployment Benefits in the last week that. Is another clear sign the economy is not in a strong v recovery and certainly not working for everyone, especially amid this pandemic. That hits close to home in the town of scranton, pennsylvania. For michael and teresa, they have ran a thriving pizza shop. Thats where they met, got engaged, and found out they were having a baby. But over the summer they made the heartbreaking decision to close their doors permanently. I said i think its best to walk away standing tall than to crawl out the door. When we walked out of here the week of july 15th, mike took the last tray out of the oven and i was the one that locked the front door. That was the worst. My life has been frenetic, i mean just its been our life. Theyre not alone. Do you love your local pease reza . Theyre among the millions across the country losing hope as extra Unemployment Benefits run out and lawmakers are abandoning them. Bengie, talk to us about what the reallife experiences are for people because just this week the president s National Economics adviser larry kudlow said, listen, the recovery is not easy, but its going so well, we may not need more federal stimulus to keep the economy going. Is that how people feel . That is it. Part of it is the nature of the jobs people were working before they became unemployed or furloughed during this pandemic. A lot of people we spoke to works in restaurants, bars, hotels, sports arenas, places that are some of the hardest to reopen during the pandemic and have seen the most revenue loss. So the idea that just because jobs are coming back, theyre coming bag in those areas is completely not true. Everyone said theyre urgently searching for new work and not able to find it because the entire industry is depressed. Leisure and hospitality jobs are still down 25 in their peak. What does that mean . Theyre trying to navigate the complicated unemployment system where some are starting to get a 300 temporary benefit that the president put into place, but its been difficult. It showed up only after a few weeks. In other cases they received a final payment. That leaves them on the hook for rent, utilities, and other expenses, and a completely uncertain future. Everyone in congress, the white house, the consensus seems to be that there needs to be some extension of unemployment benefi benefits. But, stephanie, theres no will to get this done and the entire system of benefits seems to be expiring. Can you talk about how the daisy chain effect impacts the whole economy because when the supplemental income runs out, they suddenly dpoenlt have that money. The small amount the Small Businesses are getting, that evaporates too. Right. Were already seeing analysts starting to incorporate the fast is not going to add to it. When people have less money, theyre less likely to spend, but the same relief talks being held up that stop them from getting their Unemployment Benefits are creating new aids for the businesses that they work for or who have furloughed them. So you have a potential to see the bars and restaurants closing en masse in which the temporary furloughs become permanent and this could become a much longer period of ankh employment fas a whole. Its easier to come back when they survived the pandemic than it is to start a new business and go through the whole process of hiring again. Bengie, i think theres an important quote in the piece and i you can read it on msnbc. Com that speaks to all thats happening here. Its from michelle evermore where she says i feel like the attitude of Unemployment Insurance is like the attitude toward the virus itself at this point. There are so many people tired of things being bad theyre pretending theyre not bad nechlt b anymore. Benjy, we know these businesses cant be open outside forever. How do we allow the people in charge to start ignoring it . Whats really frightening to those on the receiving end and to the advocates working on the issues is theyre worried the people are starting to figure out the rich are coming back just fine from this, the stock market has just recovered, the white collar jobs are coming back like you and i are doing right now. The situation has stabilized right now. For more lower income jobs, not entirely but tend to be, like i mentioned, bars, restaurants, hotel workers, the situation is a lot more dire and they sate will be easier to ignore. Its a very upsetting and scary situation for these people, and its one that echoes what happened during a recession the last time in 2009. That and, of course, bigtime Industries Like the airlines have access to the white house, can speak to the treasury secretary. Their lobbyingests are huge and the feds have done a ton to help the massive industries. But the moms and pops out there, very few are listening, so we have to keep telling their story. Benjy sarlin, thank you so much. As americans are paying their last respects to the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg, what are the republicans doing . Theyre racing to fill her seat. Coming up, senator joe manchin and what the democrats can even do. And what the democrats can even do felt like. 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And First Lady Melania Trump are expected to head to the Supreme Court to pay their respects to Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg. Today the public will have one more day to honor the late justice as she lies in repose at the court where she served for nearly three decades. Tomorrow shell become the first woman and first Jewish American to lie in state at the u. S. Capitol. Nbcs Geoff Bennett is at the state capitol. Geoff, whats the scene there . Reporter the viewing started a half hour ago and the street that had been lining up is packed with mourners and supporters. This public viewing goes until 10 00 p. M. Eastern and tomorrow the late justices casket will be ushered across the street to the state u. S. Capitol. As you mentioned, shell become the first jewish woman of honor to lie in state. We expect the president and first lady to arriving at any minute. You probably hear the whirring helicopter above me. Security is tight. Theyre expected to pay their respects. We should be clear theyre not respecting the late justices dying wish as arctticulated by r granddaughter. Right now the frontrunner appears to be judge Amy Coney Barrett who has personal views on abortion that stand at polar opposite to the late justices leg legacy. Steph . Geoff, thank you. Theres also a fight going on at capitol hill to fill Justice Ginsburgs seat. The president will announce his pick on saturday and theyre eyeing the first week of october to announce the confirmation hearings oufrm next guest says he should wait. Senator joe manchin joins us. Im surprised theyre not going to wait. Is there anything you can do about it . Stephanie, were all doing this. I hope the better ankles can come out. These are my friends, people ive worked with. Ive voted for 78 of the judges President Trump has put up if theyre qualified. Nobody has voted more on the democratic side than i have across party lines, but let me tell you. This has never happened in the history of the United States of america. Not one time. Theres only been four vacancies since july 1 and election day thats become available in the history of our country since 1879. Only four. Not one has been confirmed. As a matter of fact, two president s didnt even nominate out of the sense of decency and not wanting to flame the you know, flame the fires of division, and that was Abraham Lincoln in 1864 and John Quincy Adams in 1828. Fi fillmore did it in 1862. If theyve been given wrong information historically, we have researched it inside and out. This is factual. Let me give you one other reason why the democrats are upset. Theres only been nine vacancies, only nine times. Eight of those were confirmed. Guess which one wasnt confirmed . Merrick garland. Not only was he not given a hearing, they didnt even full nil their obligation as theyre saying now they must fulfill their obligation, meet and confer. Meet means to sit down and talk to the person. They didnt even done that. Weve lost all decency, all protocol. Everything has gone out the window. If they do this, my goodness, theyll divide further. And flames are getting hotter and hotter. Its awful. That should not be done. Senator, they seem to be okay with that. This loss of decency doesnt seem to bother them. Since you are someone who works with them and has a track record after so many years, have you been talking to any of your colleagues and friends and have they given you any sign as you put it about being better angels . Yesterday, the president confirming where he stands on the civil peaceful transfer of power, which he does not intend to adhere to, ive got to believe, again, in the better angels than some of my friends that this might raise them their level of concern, the level of democracy, the concern of the country. My state of West Virginia has been one of the most patriotic states, shed more blood loss for freedom than any other state. Is all that for naut . I know they support President Trump. But basically does President Trump support you . Does he support democracy . The freedoms that you have . Hes become a total aryitariato. Look at history. Thats happened before. Its happened to other countries. Thats all im saying. I know my republican friends are good people. They have a good heart and soul. I truly believe that. I believe theyve been misinformed. I believe theyre scared to death of the reelection because he has a following. I have friends running again and friends not in contested areas. Please, let that better angel fly today. But, sir, who you are in your heart doesnt actually matter when your job is a pub lek servant and youre not doing anything or saying anything to follow the better angels. Besides hope, do you believe the republicans will listen and say, no, we dont want that to happen . We heard one congressman in ohio say he didnt support it. But for the most part, Mitch Mcconnell, quiet. Even mitt romney. Well see. Ive talked to mitt. Ive talked to all of them, okay . I understand mitts going to support a conservative judge. I have no problem with that. I have no problem. And for him not to support a conservative judge would be hard back home to explain. I understand that too. But now with a president and what mitt said yesterday and last nightafter the president s intention not to have a peaceful transition of power, maybe he can rethink that. Maybe he can talk to a few friends. You know, theres a lot of senators i mean, the senator from tennessee, senior senator from tennessee is well thought of. Hopefully hell reconsider. Hopefully hell wait until after the election. Theres a reason its never been done. All were asking for is for that continued precedent to be kept, not a new precedent us even more, please, please come forward. Please step up. Please speak out. We have many senators on the republican side that dont have contested races. They know that. Please, for the sake of our country, for the sake of the state you represent, for the sake of the people, for the sake of the lives that have been lost, please step forward. Thats all i can plead right now and hoping the people in the states where they have the senators that they know are safe, speak to them on behalf of who we are as a country, on behalf of future generations, your children and grandchildren. We need you. Then quickly, can you take me to that West Virginia voter, because you said many republicans in office know the right thing to do, but they fear the following the president has. Many of those people who follow the president are people from your state of West Virginia. Absolutely. Why are they okay with all of the above, that you just laid out, that loss of decency, a complete disregard for our countrys hiry and who we are . I understand the divisions they think because basically here is the hardworking people that come from an Extraction Industry thats given everything they have, mined the coal, made the steel, built the factories and guns and ships, done it all. Now they get discarded, thrown to the side, nothing left. Ive always said this, if the transition is coming, give us a chance. People in West Virginia will show you hardworking, dedicated and godloving, godfearing, theyll give you everything they have if you give them a chance. We can build Anything Technology wise. They thought they left him behind or the democrats have, and ive said absolutely not. Well never forsake you and theyre voting against their own best interests. Donald trump told them everything they wanted to hear. Weve lost more coal jobs under donald trump than before. I can show you the facts. The coal industry is hurting right now. Things have changed. Were transitioning. Give us a chance to build you a windmill and a chance to build a solar panel. West virginia can do whatever you need for this country because we have before. Now, they have to understand he has not told them the truth. Now im thinking, because i know the patriotic people we have in West Virginia and everybody in West Virginia has someone that has served in the military. I know that because i ask them to raise their hand every place i go and everybody raises their hand. For the sake of our country, you have a man who is the president does not want to have a peaceful, orderly transfer of power and hell contest that. Thats not what you fought for, thats what your loved ones have sacrificed their life for. Its not who we are as a people so im speaking to them right now and i will continue to speak out, and i think that every republican in office in West Virginia speak out. Dont be absolutely hiding behind, afraid you might not get reelected, afraid someone would get mad with you. They want you to speak as you know it and the facts will prove it. Well, senator, perhaps hes watching or listening to you, moments ago senator Mitch Mcconnell sent out a tweet that said we will know the Election Results in november at which point there will be a peaceful transfer of power. I guess hes watching you. Senator, always good to see you. Thanks so much. See, i told you, everybody has a better angel. Lets see how it flies. Well see. Were going to turn to the battleground state of florida, where the state attorney general, ashley moody, has called, are you ready for this, for a probe into Mike Bloombergs effort to pay a nonprofit which would support paying the fines for thousands of exfelons ahead of the election, which would otherwise prevent them from being able to vote. Moody says the Governor Desantis asked her to review the matter. Here is the thing, the money spent paying the fines is not contingent on the exfelons voting. It simply allows them to do so if they want to. Bloombergs team i spoke to this morning and they responded just moments ago calling the ags move a transparent political employ and just the latest example of republicans attempting to keep floridians disenfranchised. This comes as florida officials are set to send out the first batch of mailin ballots this morning. More than 4. 7 million have been requested in the state. Nbcs Kerry Sanders is outside a Voter Equipment Center in broward county. Kerry, florida actually has pretty robust votebymail system with even President Trump saying its safe. Hes used it. So has his press secretary. Are local officials confident things will go smoothly, because President Trump he is telling a different story on a national scale. Reporter well, they are. One of the questions that has been raised, of course, much by the President Trump is there is the vote system and then there is the postal system, and mailin voting leans on the postal service, so what theyre doing now, 40 days out from the election, is here in the state of florida is sending out that first batch of mailin votes. These are the envelopes which will arrive at voters houses but to give you an idea how many are going out, 34. 8 of registered voters in the state of florida have requested mailin ballots. 31 of the mailin ballots going out today kerry, i have to interrupt you. President trump and First Lady Melania Trump on your screen now, they have just arrived at the Supreme Court where they will be paying their respects to Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg. Lets watch this for a moment. [ chanting ] [ crowd chanting vote him out ] president and First Lady Melania Trump making their way inside. The chant you heard for people outside the building shouting vote him out. That wraps up this hour. Im stephanie ruehl. My friend and colleague hali jackson picks up coverage next, joined by kentuckys governor andy bashar following the Breonna Taylor decision. For one strange time in our lives, got very quiet. Some lost work and invented new ways to get by. Others were busier than ever, and found strength they never knew they had. We sheltered with the people who matter most, sometimes finding how far apart wed drifted. We worried over loved ones, over money, over our planet. And over takeout. And we found a voice one the noise out there had kept quiet. When the world starts spinning again, lets remember this time where none of us felt secure, and fight for a future where everyone can. Because when the world seems like its standing still. Thats the perfect time for us to change it. Im a verizon engineer. And im part of the team building. A powerful 5g experience for america. Its 5g ultra wideband, and its already available in parts of select cities. 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