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Stephanie ruhle. 8 million Coronavirus Infections and more than 158,000 deaths, but there are small signs of hope this morning with new infections down 11 the past week. However, thats not the case in a number of southern and mid western states, dealing with rising infections and packed emergency rooms. The governor of mississippi issuing a new mask mandate as the state is on track to become number one for coronavirus cases per capita. Students returning to school in ohio will also be required to wear masks. Governor mike dewine announced that yesterday. Banning together to increase Rapid Testing in their states as led by governor larry hogan, massachusetts, michigan, ohio, and virginia governors have teamed up to purchase millions of antigen tests. Theres still no National Testing strategy in place. And on capitol hill, lawmakers appear to be one step closer to an agreement over the next Coronavirus Relief bill. The two sides say theyre trying to reach a deal by the end of the week. And that is where we begin this morning. Representatives from the white house expected to head to capitol hill again today. Nbc Shannon Pettypiece is at the white house. And Garrett Haake is on capitol hill. Shannon, i want to start with you. There is great pressure on both sides of pennsylvania avenue to get a deal done. President trump signaling hes still open to potentially taking some type of unilateral action, but it seems like what he wants more and what the white house is pushing for is a broader legislative package. What can you tell us . Absolutely, kristen. A push to get the deal done. That appears to be where the president is. He wants a deal done and a lot of issues on the substance that seemed to be red lines at one point, look a payroll tax cut, have been pushed to the side as mnuchin and meadows try to work out a deal with democrats. They were on the hill yesterday talking with democrats. Mnuchin and meadows characterized that as a productive day of talks. Theyre not close to a deal or the 3. 4 trillion that the democrats want. They feel they are making progress, passing some legislation possibly next week. On the front of these executive actions as you mentioned, the president has been threatening this for at least a week. There has been posturing. The white house will do something on its own. As of yesterday, playing that down, saying essentially as long as talks are going, they think theres some progress being made. Theyre not going to take any sort of unilateral action. Theres not much for a case that they can take for unilateral action but thats been out there. Thats an important reality check, shannon. Garret, as shannon just said, lawmakers are hoping to reach a deal by the end of the week, passing something by the end of last week. How important is that based on your reporting . The actual progress being made in these negotiations, but lawmakers, just like journalists, tend to be deadline oriented people. The prospect of saying we need to reach a deal by friday or something has to change. Yesterdays negotiation went better than the day before, which went better than the negotiation on saturday. Things tend to be moving in the right direction. The two sides are still very far apart on things like the overall price tag of this, exactly how to handle those Unemployment Insurance benefits, and what to do about state and local funding. Today, the key four parties here will meet again. Theyll be joined by one additional person. The postmaster general. We believe that his inclusion in this meeting is, in part, to discuss options for vote by mail and what help, if any, the Postal Service might be willing to accept in terms of making that a reality. Again, checking through the boxes of these issues that have been contentious and need to be addressed if theres any timeline on which a deal can be made. Yeah. Still a lot of contentious and unresolved issues. Garret, this is, of course, not occurring in a vacuum. Its occurring against the backdrop of a fastapproaching election. Talk about the pressure that that is adding to republican senators, some of them nervous about their reelection prospects. How is that playing a role in these negotiations . Reporter sure. Look at the contrast. House democrats, remember, everyone in the house is up for reelection, can go home and say we passed a 3 trillion deal in may to try to address this problem and democrats can say were fighting for this same deal. Senate republicans need to go home and campaign on something. Some Senate Republicans are perfectly comfortable saying look, we did what we could on this, want to fight to protect the did he have fit, not spend too much money. Thats fine. There are some in purple states who are trying to fight for their lives in states that are increasingly blue. We fought like hell. We passed x, y and z, were doing what we can to stave off this crisis. Ironically its the same motivation for the president as well. You see that tension playing out in the republican party, quite honestly, weakening their negotiating position quite a bit. Theres quite a range of opinions within the Senate Republican conference on the best way to handle this, with some of those moderate, vulnerable republicans pushing for more action. Yeah. Garrett, you lay out perfectly why democrats are digging in, in this fight. Shannon, i want to shift gears a little bit, talk about a little bit of news, speaking of the president. The president just made. He signaled this morning, during an interview on fox, that just occurred moments ago, that he may now do his nomination acceptance speech from the white house. Tell us what youre hearing and how realistic that prospect is. Reporter i mean, i know for we weeks, you and i and everyone else here has been asking where the president is going to give this speech, and the white house has continued to say we havent figured it out yet. Were still trying to figure that out. The president s announcement on fox friends is the first weve heard about. Its a lot of news, im sure, for people who work for him and waiting to figure this out as well. It seemed like he was leaving the door open to that. This is so far from where the president thought he would be, having a stadium packed with people and what a big, huge event this convention was going to be, that republicans had spent tens of millions of dollars organizing. Now talking about doing that at the white house. Yeah. Its certainly been whiplash, trying to figure out the developments with the Republican National convention. Garrett, shannon, thanks to both of you for starting us off with all of your great reporting. Really appreciate it. Joining me now, democratic congressman from new york, hakim jeffries, chair of the democratic caucus, and on the judiciary and budget committees. Thank you so much for taking your time to talk with us this morning. We do want to get to the big news, of course, which is where negotiations stand with this deal. So, give us your sense. Do you think its realistic that youll get a deal by the end of the week . I do think its realistic. Speaker pelosi is working incredibly hard in conversation with the white house and secretary mnuchin to try to find common ground. Weve done it on four separate occasions during the context of the coronavirus pandemic. We can reach another agreement this time around because the circumstance demands it. However, the agreement must be transformational. It must make a difference as it relates to the health, safety and wellbeing of the American People. The coronavirus pandemic has wrecked a lot of extraordinary pain in terms of Public Health and in terms of the economy. And we have a blueprint for that type of meaningful intervention. Its called the heroes act and we passed it 2 1 2 months ago. One of the biggest sticking points is around the unemployment benefits, those checks that millions of americans were getting every week for 600. Democrats continue to insist they want that full 600. Republicans, steve mnuchin, meadows saying look, thats giving some americans more than they were actually getting paid every week. Lets lower it to 200. My sense is that theyve come up a bit, but not to the full 600. Can you guarantee americans theyll get that full 600 a week unemployment benefit . Where does that specifically stand . I dont think its possible for any one member of congress, theres 445 of us, to guarantee any particular provision. I do know that Speaker Pelosi and the House Democratic caucus are fighting hard to maintain that additional 600 per week emergency Unemployment Insurance enhancement because of the situation that Everyday Americans confront. You know, we have lost over 50 million jobs. There are no jobs to return home to. America or return back to work to. America is the wealthiest country in the history of the world. We should be able to provide some measure of modest assistance to people in the midst of a deadly pandemic where the economy is in recession, possibly heading toward depressionlike conditions. Congressman, does the white house have a point here when they say, look, you are asking for a bill thats over 3 trillion in total, and thats a lot of money. Theyre looking for something more in the ballpark of 1 trillion. It doesnt make sense to pay people more than they would be getting paid per week. What is your sense of that argument that the white house is making . That argument actually thank you for asking that question. That argument has no basis in reality. In fact, theres no empirical evidence that the 600 emergency Unemployment Insurance enhancement is incentivizing people to stay at home. In many ways that argument is insulting to Everyday Americans who want to work, who view employment with the dignity that it traditionally has here in america. But they just want to be able to provide a comfortable living. Where are you looking to compromise . Excuse me . Congressman, where are democrats willing to compromise . What is an area where you can say, look, we are willing to scale back . We know that republicans are asking us to scale back that overall price tag. So, give us an area where you would be willing to compromise because ultimately americans are saying, get a deal done. The American People are saying, get a deal done that makes a meaningful difference. Over 150,000 people have died. More than 4 Million People have been infected by the coronavirus. Over 5 Million People lost their employerbased health insurance, over 100,000 Small Businesses have permanently closed and more than 50 Million People have lost their employment. And so i think we have to have a comprehensive and transformative response because of the circumstances on the ground that the American People are confronting. Thats not to say that we cant reach some accommodation, recognizing that you have republicans in control of the senate, who want to do nothing and at least the administration is showing a willingness now to do something. But well have to see what the entirety of the proposal is. Part of the challenge that we confront is that the Senate Republicans havent even put forth a bill that the Senate Republican conference supports in its entirety. Half their conference criticized the bill that Mitch Mcconnell announced last week. And so that is the challenge that we confront at this particular moment. Congressman, running out of time, i have two more very quick questions. The postmaster general coming to capitol hill later on today amidst these concerns really on both sides of the aisle about whether or not the u. S. Postal service will be able to deal with the large volume of votebymail that we are anticipating in the fall. What is your message going to be . What do you hope the takeaway is from today . It certainly is good news that he will be participating in that meeting. Its a sign of progress or evidence that there is a growing recognition by republicans that in the middle of a deadly pandemic, no single american should have to choose between the health, safety and wellbeing on one hand and exercising their constitutional right to vote on the other. So, we have to provide options, which include universal access to being able to vote by mail, but also early voting in every single state and jurisdiction and a robust amount of poll sites on election day for those who choose to show up on november 3rd. In the c. A. R. E. S. Act, 400 million was set aside in election grants, we are fighting for another 3. 6 billion for the democracy to be brought to life in a meaningful way in a pandemic and do it safely. Congressman, very quickly, as we wait for former Vice President joe biden to announce his running mate, we know among the top contenders, susan rice, kamala harris, karen bass. Who would you like to see on that ticket . Thats joe bidens choice to make. Of course, there is an Extraordinary Group of women who joe biden can choose from, who will be effective partners with him. All things being equal, karen bass or val demmings would be great choices. All right. Congressman, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for all your great insights. We really appreciate it, on a very busy day on capitol hill. Thank you. As that fight over coronavirus aid plays out in the nations capital, a fight is playing out across the country. Sam brock is in miami with the very latest. Thank you for joining me this morning. The cases do appear to be down a bit across the state. Do we know whats driving that to climb, and how much optimism is there that it will continue to go down . Kristen, its always good to be with you. Florida is on the precipes. Do we know how that happened . Yes, testing sites were closed temporarily because of isaias. Things are ramping up to full capacity. We could be seeing a flood of new covid cases as things tick up. Theres positive signs for optimism this morning, kristen, positivity rates are between 3 and 9 . Theyve been up to 16 the last duchl days. Thats tipped. Jackson health memorial, Largest Health provider in the area, right now 396, a 15 drop in one week. Were seeing similar declines across the state right now, kristen, material changes that arent speculation thats going on right now in florida. All right. Sam brock, you have been on the front lines there in florida for weeks. We appreciate your great reporting. Stay safe, my friend. Thank you so much. We have breaking sports news this morning. Espn is reporting the university of connecticut is now the first fbs team to cancel their season because of coronavirus. Uconn led the athletic american conference in the summer, its now in the big east. Other conferences have nonsed modified schedules but none have suspended their seasons. The coach said its the best decision for the health, safety and wellbeing of the players. It was felt as far as 200 miles away. What we know about that explosion at a beirut warehouse, and President Trumps claim that it was an attack. Plus tuesdays primary results are still coming in this morning. Were digging into the races that could give us a preview of whats to come in november. Stay with us. Were back after a quick break. K the open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. Essential for sewing, but maybe not at choneedles. S. Com. For people with certain inflammatory conditions. Because there are options. Like an unjectionâ„¢. Xeljanz. The first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. Before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. Tell your doctor if youve had hepatitis b or c, have flulike symptoms, or are prone to infections. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. 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Com right now and see how much you can save. We do have breaking news to tell you about right now. Rescue operations are under way in beirut as authorities search for survivors after a massive blast at a lebanese warehouse. At least 4,000 people were injured and 100 killed that the Prime Minister said was caused by over 2700 tons of Ammonium Nitrate that had been sitting unsecured at a warehouse. Thats 13,000 times the amount that the Oklahoma City bomber used to blow up the Federal Building in 1995. President trump said the explosion was an attack, but offer nod evidence to support that claim. Chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel has been digging into this story for us. Thank you so much for joining me this morning. As i just mentioned, the president did say in his briefing yesterday that the blast looked like a terrible attack. Those are his words, but defense officials, as you know, have not said that yet. What are you hearing about where the investigation stands at this point . Reporter so, in lebanon, theyre not talking about it like it was a terrorist attack or any other kind of attack. They are describing it as an act of negligence, and they are trying to investigate what happened, how it was that 2,750 tons of Ammonium Nitrate, seized years ago, ended up in the port, stored, not properly secured, right in the center of the city, which is such a dangerous place for it, and still hundreds of people are missing. The death toll could easily go up. But we just heard from the director of the port, and he is offering an explanation. Perhaps hes trying to say that he is not solely responsible, because the lebanese Prime Minister has ordered a specific investigation, wants to know if corruption was involved, wants to know how it was that this dangerous substance was so long in the center of the city. And the port director says when this material was confiscated from a ship, a court order had it stored temporarily at the port, and the port director says that he has appealed several times to the customs authority. He appealed to state security, but had received no reply. The materials apparently have been sitting there for six years. And experts say that Ammonium Nitrate over time tends to deteriorate, solidify and become even more dangerous as it ages and absorbs humidity. An investigation is under way in lebanon, but not along the lines that President Trump is suggesting that this was a bomb attack, deliberately caused by someone. Just remarkable, richard, that that material was allowed to sit there, as you have mapped out. Let take a step back and talk about beirut before this explosion. It was already seeing frequent power cuts. Its currency collapsing. How is this going to impact the city, its efforts to rebuild, richard . Well, thankfully, for beirut, a lot of International Aid is coming in. Countries are lining up to promise aid. Many nations are sending aid. Secretary of state pompeo has already been in touch with the lebanese Prime Minister. The french president macron is on his way to beirut tomorrow. France has a long, close connection with lebanon. That could help the country, could help them rebuild. Lebanese Officials Say that its going to cost at least 5 billion to repair the damage, and that hundreds of thousands of people have been made homeless. Theyve actually issued a nationwide call, not just in beirut, but for lebanese people across the nation, to open their homes and allow people to have at least some sort of temporary shelter. And they need this right now. The country has been going through a tremendous period of uncertainty. The currency collapsed 80 over the last selfmonths. There were runs on the banks. Even right now, many of the Bank Machines are not working. So, people cant access the little money that they still have in their bank accounts, because of the currency devalued so much. A very dire situation as so many people are without doors, without windows, in buildings that may be structurally unsound. They need the aid right now. Thankfully, it does seem to be coming in from many nations in the region and beyond. Really an unimaginable tragedy, richard, as youve been speaking. Weve been looking at the live pictures of the aftermath. Thank you so much for your reporting. We know youll continue to track that. We appreciate it. Coming up next, stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Well take you to mississippi, where there is a new state order. Plus the idea from a former acting Health Services administrator that could get the u. S. Back to normal, he says, in a month. First, more than 2 Million People still do not have power this morning. Tropical storm isaias took down power lines up and down the east coast. As many as six deaths have been reported in five states. Several tornadoes were also reported. The exact number still has not been confirmed. Youre watching msnbc. Been confd youre watching msnbc. E and cusr insurance so you only pay for what you need. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. We live in the mountains so i like to walk. Im really busy in my life; im always doing something. Im not a person thats going to sit too long. In the morning, i wake up and the first thing i do is go to my art studio. A couple came up and handed me a brochure on prevagen. Ive been taking prevagen for about four years. I feel a little bit brighter and my mind just feels sharper. I would recommend it to anyone. It absolutely works. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Its not just a sandwich, far from it. Its a reason to come together. Its a taste of something good. A taste we all could use right now. So lets make the most of it. And make every sandwich count. With oscar mayer deli fresh happening right now, the governor of mississippi taking swift new action to try to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Governor at a time reeves issuing a new mandate for everyone in public to wear face masks, and that includes schools across the state, meaning students, teachers and staff must wear masks. Lets go live now to flowood, mississippi. Delaying the start for some schools. Whats the very latest reaction to this mask mandate . Reporter he has delayed the start for some schools in some county counties, but not all of them. For the most part, he is letting most districts make their own decision. The School District in the county where we are, rankin county, they were initially planning to start school this coming monday, but last night they made the decision to delay their start until august 17th. The initial plan in this district allowed families to allow two opgs, inclass, enhanced traditional learning, or stick with online distance learning. They had a backup third option where if the governor and Health Officials said that they needed to allow for more social distancing, they could move their enhanced traditional learning to a hybrid option where you have students come in class some days while other students are at home and they rotate out. One teacher we spoke to said of all the options theyre kerring in this district, that one was the least ideal. I dont think anybody wants to do the hybrid schedule. Its great because you get to see your kids and youre limiting the number, but its just its kind of confusing and, you know, kids are coming on these days a week and youre only seeing them facetoface one time in your class period. Reporter that is a High School Teacher at this high school. He said the best option for teachers and students would have been to delay the start and then do all virtual learn iing, at least until the case numbers, the percent positive cases really started to go down in this state. The governor made the decision to delay in eight counties, seventh grade to 12th grade. Other than that, he is letting most School Districts make their own decisions. Right now in this state, one in five covid tests are coming back positive. Kristen . All right, allison barber, thank you for your great reporting this morning. Really appreciate it, from mississippi. Andy slavitt is joining us now. The host of the podcast in the bubble. Andy, thank you for joining me. I really appreciate it. I want to start off with something that you tweeted, that the u. S. Should throw every resource for defeating the virus for four weeks, including shutting down again, in order to get back to normal. Talk about this. How would it work . We ask ourselves why in different parts of the world, france, italy, spain, asia, australia, new zealand, are they returning to life, to school in a safer way, people able to travel. Thats because they did something we didnt do here in the u. S. , and i would argue we never really did a shutdown here in the u. S. We kind of did a shutdown where about half of the people stayed in and half the people were deemed essential workers, meaning they were driving truck s, giving us the services we all value, delivering food to our door, but that meant that the virus was circulating. If we really want to move beyond this sort of what i think of as 70 existence where we cant do so many things, it would just require us to do what they did around the world. Take a few weeks and fundamentally do the things that we know work. This is not a mystery. The virus only spreads if we breathe near one another. If we stop doing that, we will be able to move ourselves into a situation where we have a very small number of cases and we can catch them when they happen. And yet, andy, you saw the impact on the economy. You have the trump administration, the president arguing that another shutdown could lead to actual deaths and to more devastating impacts on the economy. So, what is your response to that . I mean, how would the country weather and i take your point. We never did an actual full shutdown. How could the country weather another one . Why dont we do it now . Our economy has lost 10 . Weve lost, besides italy, the amount of gdp, we have 1,000 people dying a day. That will continue to thats no way to go through life. We lost 100 lives in lebanon, losing 1,000 people a day and barely are thinking about it anymore. We want to get that to stop. We cant. We have the power to do that. Congress needs to get off its butt and support people during those four weeks, but if you help people during those four weeks, people with Mental Health issues, anxiety, knowing that theres a bright light at the end of the tunnel after four weeks, are going to be able to get through that. If we financially support people, as is our obligation to get through that, we will be on the back side of it. The economy will boom. Well be walking our kids to school. Well be voting in person. Well be traveling again. The economy will be alive again. And i think thats preferable. What we cant do in this country for some reason is do a shortterm sacrifice. We cant sacrifice for four to six weeks in order to get our country back, you know. Our grandparents, great grandparents, they lived through a tenyear depression, sixyear world war. If they were from another country, years of challenges. I dont think four weeks is that much time. You also tweeted the other reason this is so important is because the american way we prize makes this crisis harder to solve. What do you mean by that . Things that we really value in this country, liberty, civil liberties, our own individual freedoms, those are really important virtues. Theres not another country in the world where people can walk into a walmart with nazi flags on their face and do that legally. We take that liberty to such an extreme that we take that against other peoples health. Mississippi, alabama, arkansas, texas, theyre requiring people to wear masks. The president is afraid to do that, in part because i think he thinks he will offend people who are believers in civil liberties. We need to challenge some of those things and say at what point does your liberty invade into somebody elses liberty to breathe the air . Andy slavitt, thank you so much for your perspective, particularly as we enter another critical phase of fighting this virus. I really appreciate it. Coming up, its the third time this summer the aurora, colorado, Police Department, has been in the national spotlight. This time for wrongly detaining an africanamerican family at gunpoint. The story behind this shocking video. Thats next. Ocking video. Thats next. What if i sleep hot . Or cold . Introducing the new sleep number 360 smart bed. Now temperature balancing, so you can sleep better together. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Can it help with snoring . Ive never heard snoring. Exactly. No problem. And done. Will it help me keep up with mom . Youve got this. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, no interest until january 2023 on all smart beds. Only for a limited time. The course structure the it just suits my life perfectly because i am a mom, im a wife. And i was able to complete those Short Courses five to six weeks and then move onto the next until i reached my goal. Police in aurora, colorado, are apologizing for drawing guns on a group of black women and girls after mistaking their car for a stolen motorcycle over the weekend. Nbcs joe fryer has been following this story for us. Joe, set the scene there. How did this happen, and whats the reaction been . Reporter kristen, bottom line, Police Say Officers did not doublecheck information from a license plate scanner. Just this week, the Police Department in aurora, colorado, officially named a new police chief and now that chief is already having to apologize to a family mistakenly detained by police on sunday morning. The viral video recorded by a witness shows four children crying, face down on the pavement, two of them in handcuffs, being detained by police, the youngest is 6 years old. I dont give a damn what nobody say. Thats police brutality. Reporter Brittany Gilliam said she took her daughter, sister and nieces out to a nail salon and officers with the aurora, colorado, Police Department arrive. They pull up silently behind them and had guns drawn on the children. Reporter they were responding to reports of a stolen vehicle but soon found it wasnt the familys blue suv that was reported missing. Yet it was a motorcycle with the same license plate number from a different state. Perhaps adding to the confusion, the suv was reported stolen earlier this year. I was like this happened months ago. You guys cleared it. Reporter the family was released and is calling for change. Its like they dont care. Who am i going to call when my life is in danger . Reporter Aurora Police say they are trained to a highrisk stop with occupants on the ground and weapons drawn. The police chief wants to explore new practices, saying we must allow our officers to have discretion when different scenarios present themselves. Im deeply troubled about what those children went through, and i hope the family will allow me to do what i can to make it right. Reporter the department is already under scrutiny for its treatment of black people following the 2019 death of Elijah Mcclain under investigation. Now our aurora pd is apologizing for what happened to this family, saying its investigating and offering therapy to the traumatized kids. Gilliam has hired an attorney, who tells us hes trying to get ahold of Police Reports and body camera videos. The family wants to see structural change within the Police Department. Kristen . Joe, that video is just so difficult and disturbing to watch. I want to ask you about something weve been tracking here in the nations capital. The Washington Post reporting a similar incident involving the secret service, two africanamerican mothers who took their kids to the national mall, they were confronted with guns, separated from their kids, handcuffed by police, who apparently werent Wearing Masks either. What can you tell us about this . I know that the secret service says its under investigation. Reporter yeah, thats right. According to the Washington Post, these moms say they were trying to take their kids to the fountains at the world war ii memorial last week. They say they had not even gotten out of their cars when a police cruiser, secret Service Cruiser hit their bumper, that the women were handcuffed, held at gun point, detained and separated from their crying children. The women say they were told that the car had been reported stolen. They were eventually released. The secret service says it was a license plate scanner that had identified that car, linked it to someone who was wanted by police, someone who was considered armed and dangerous. In a statement, the secret service says that it takes these allegations against employees very seriously, that its conducting a thorough and fair investigation, but also says the characterization of the events portrayed in the immediamedia a others are misleading and in some instances false. The mothers have hired an attorney. Much more investigating to do on this one. Kristen . That is for sure. Joe fryer, thank you so much for covering all the angles for us this morning. After the break, results still coming in from five states that held primaries yesterday, but there are already some key votes that could give us some insight into november. Steve kornacki breaks it all down. Where else . At the big board. Thats when we come right back. D thats when we come right back in our softest, smoothest fabric. 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Including a stunning defeat for former kansas secretary of state kris kobach. Right to Steve Kornacki for the results. Up late, early this morning, tracking for all of us, break down the results for us. You mentioned the big piece of news there, kristen, in kansas, kris kobach kdefeated handily by roger marshall, a member of the house. This say big moment here for Mitch Mcconnell, for National Republicans trying to hang on to the senate. They did not want kobach to be the nominee. Hes a lightning rod in politics, nationally. Thats also true in kansas. In 2018, he was the republican candidate for governor in kansas. He lost that race, lost as a republican in a very republican state. There was a lot of concern among republicans and a lot of hope among democrats that if kobach won this primary, he would not win the Senate Election in the fall and the democrats would pick up a senate seat. Democrats have not won a senate race in kansas in 88 years. They were really hoping he would win this, he does not. Roger marshall gets the nomination and that changes the way were looking at that Kansas Senate race. A lot of other opportunities out there for democrats, but kansas may have fallen down on the list because of this primary last night. Also other news in kansas, a member of congress, incumbent member of house Steve Watkins defeated, a lot of scandal and controversy around watkins, defeated in the republican primary. And across the border in missouri, st. Louis, another member of congress, 20 year incumbent laci clay defeated. You got a democratic member clay losing to cory bush the challenger in the First District of missouri. Clay held this seat for 20 years, his father held it same seat for 32 years before him. So since 1968, a member of the clay family has held this seat, no longer. Cori bush defeats lacy clay. It looks like Rashida Talib had a primary, she will survive that primary easily in detroit. You add this all up, seven incumbent members of congress have been denied renomination. Lost primaries, lost their partys renomination. Seven of them. Thats a high number. Decades since youve seen numbers that high. Wow. All right. Setting up the excitement and urgency as we get closer to election day in november. Steve kornacki, thank you very much, appreciate it. Were following two big developments from the joe biden camp. A major new multimillion dollar ad spend blitz as part of the campaigns growing tv and digital strategy. And were wait for him to reveal who his running mate will be and it could happen any day. Lets go to mike memoli, thank you for joining me this morning. I have to ask you, we have been working our sources nonstop, youre there on the scene, so what are you hearing about his potential vp pick at this hour . Reporter well, kristen, as you well know, youre working the story with me as hard as anybody, the timeline we have been tracking for this decision was for the former Vice President to narrow his field down to potentially three or four candidates by midweek and begin those one on one conversations. Either virtually or in person, if possible. We have been keeping a close eye on the former Vice President s house, short drive from where i am, no public indications any meetings are happening just yet. But, i want to offer a word of caution as we will see the speculation intensify every day from this point forward. The biden inner circle, on an important decision like this, as small as the outer circle of allies, friends might be talking, is wide. One biden ally told me, you can count that hell take every last second to get the decision right, hell choose someone he can trust, someone who he knows well. Interesting signal tlas ing si. I think youre right, this has been such a deliberative process and also such a close hold, which is making our jobs very difficult. Now, you also have some new numbers about a major ad spending blitz. What can you tell us about that and what is the significance of this . This is so interesting, because you remember in the runup to super tuesday, the Biden Campaign was pretty much flat broke. So important as they were facing some deep pocketed rivals like michael bloomberg. The Biden Campaign using that war chest, putting it to good use now, 280 million invested on the airwaves. This is so important, especially early on as a lot of the voting is going to begin sooner rather than later in some key states. 15 states on the battleground map including texas. I know you are there in delaware, tracking all of these developments and you and i not going to get a whole lot of sleep in the next few weeks. Really appreciate your great reporting, mike. Were in this together, kristen. Good to see you. We sure are. That does wrap up this hour. Im kristen welker. Ayman mohyeldin picks up the coverage next. Ayman mohyeldin picks up the coverage next. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. Come on in, were open. All we do is hand you the bag. Simple. Done. We adapt and we change. You know, you just figure it out. Weve just been finding a way to keep on pushing. Every time you touch a surface, bacteria is left behind. Weve just been finding a way to keep on pushing. Now, consider how many times your family touches the surfaces in your home in 24 hours. Try new microban 24. Spray on hard surfaces to kill 99. 9 of viruses and bacteria initially. Once dry, it forms a bacteria shield that keeps killing bacteria for 24 hours, even after multiple touches. Try new microban 24. Available in multipurpose, sanitizing, and bathroom sprays. This has been medifacts for microban 24. Good wednesday morning. Im Ayman Mohyeldin in new york right now. Fast moving developments out of capitol hill, new reporting just coming in on a potential deal on the next round of Coronavirus Relief. Sources talking to our team on the hill about new unfolding parameters of a Panel Compromise between democrats and republicans. The white house and democrats previously confirming the goal is n

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