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The last seven days have been particularly bad. At least two dozen states had their worst week yet in terms of new cases. Yesterday, states like missouri, texas, tennessee, utah and West Virginia broke records for new infections. And those new infections have led to new restrictions. The governor of new jersey says people will now have to wear masks outdoors when they cannot stay six feet apart. Same thing in atlanta and seven hardhit counties in ohio, including the cities of columbus and cincinnati. And finally, with just a month or so before some schools are set to reopen, Vice President mike pence says the cdc will now revise their guidelines on how schools should do it. It comes after the president said the previous guidelines were too tough and too expensive. I want to start with my colleague dasha burns in broward county, florida. Im a mom. When it comes to school safety, its tough for me to hear that anything is too expensive, but i do want to start there because where you are, school is supposed to open in about six weeks. What are they going to do . Well, in short, stephanie, they dont have an answer to that yet. This week, floridas education commissioner announced all schools in the state must reopen in person next month. That sent schools scrambling to figure out what that means. There are still questions around sanitation to how cafeterias would work to the data they need to gather on how many students are expected to come back. How many theyll need to accommodate. The devil is in the details, and they just dont have those details quite yet. Right now im at an Elementary School in broward county. This is the sixth Largest School district in the country. More than 250 schools here that all have to make pretty significant changes by august 19s, which is the start date here. I spoke to the president of the Teachers Union in this county. She is extremely concerned at the prospect of coming back, especially if cases are still rising in this state. But there is one issue, stephanie, that looms extremely large for her. Take a listen to what that is. I do think it can be done with the funding and with the proper personnel that needs to get hired. If we need extra and properly trained to go with it, it all can be done but it boils down to the number one component, funding. And on the other end of the spectrum, theres the parents. There are some who are very eager to get their students back into the classroom. They are concerned about what they have seen over the last couple of months, their kids struggling. One couple told me the risk of covid is outweighed by the risk they see to their childrens emotional, educational progress. The question, though, for everyone is, what is the plan . And there just isnt a concrete answer to that yet, stephanie. Theres certainly a lot of work to do between now and then. Dasha, thank you. Lets head to phoenix, arizona, where Vaughn Hillyard is standing by. Yesterday Vice President pence said things are Getting Better where you are. You know, im just going to say, coming right off of dasha, this is what every state is encountering. Ones hope versus ones reality and mike pence yesterday, the Vice President , suggested the Coronavirus Task force briefing that the state was heading in the right direction but that frankly doesnt match the reality here on the ground. Particularly the data sets. If you look, he was suggesting that the curve was starting to flatten. When you look at the percent positive number in the state of arizona, in just the last 48 hours it is 31 . That is, by far, the highest percent positive rate in the country. The number has only been going up in the recent weeks. If you looked at the number of emergency room visits. There were 2008 yesterday which broke a record. The Vice President suggested those numbers were going down. But yesterday was the record. This is the part that is such a struggle. The governor here has resisted from reimplementing the stayathome order. Its been off the books for the last two months. But you are not seeing these numbers change direction. We should note the governor does have a press conference here later today at a time in which hospitalizations, icu beds are going up and real question marks. With school just one month away in arizona, whether those hopes can actually become reality, stephanie. Vaughn, thank you always giving us the math that matters most. I want to head to los angeles where the mayor said if things do not get better, he may impose stayathome orders. Miguel almaguer is standing by. L. A. Got criticism a few weeks ag saying they need to reopen. They have been shut down too long. Now here we are. Things are getting worse. The mayor was ready to reimplement some of those strikss should they be deemed necessary. After several bars and restaurants were shut down for indoor dining, the mayor here allowed them to reopen. But the governor said were moving too quickly and they had to close them back down. Here in los angeles county, there are more people testing positive for covid19 than in 44 other states. This region is simply a hot bed here in l. A. The good news in this area is theres plenty of rooms inside hospitals. The bad news is those numbers continue to tick upwards. 6,000, 7,000 people are testing positive every day. L. A. Is also home to the largest testing site, dodger stadium. The city here is asking only those people showing symptoms who work in highrisk environments or may have been exposed to someone with the disease to be tested now because thats how overrun the system is, stephanie. Miguel, thank you. I want to dig deeper into all of this and find out what it means for all of you at home. Dr. Richard besser joins us, former acting director of the cdc, now president and ceo of the Robert Wood Johnson foundation. I want to start first with hospitals and specifically ppe. Were hearing that some states are running short again. This is like deja vu all over again. And the administration says, no, no problem. The hospitals are just stockpiling supplies. Whats the truth . Well, this is a flashback. This is what happens when you see a pandemic getting out of control. And it doesnt have to be that way. We are seeing states that have been able to turn the tide and reduce the numbers, and then were seeing states where people are not following the guidance or not Wearing Masks and social distancing and doing those steps to reduce transmission. But you will overwhelm the Health Care System if you go back to normal and you pretend theres no pandemic raging on. Were seeing a lot of increase in disease transmission around young people but that wont stay restricted to young people. Its going to young people have contact with older people, people with medical problems, and i really worry about essential workers. People who are needing to go back to work to pay the rent, to pay the mortgage, to put food on the table. Theyre going to be exposed to people who are not following these rules and its all going to end up in the end putting pressure on our Health Care System. I want to switch to schools. The cdc put guidelines out. I want to share some of the basic ones. Keep desks six feet apart. No cafeteria lunch. Staring arrival times, use face coverings. The president said these recommendations are too tough and too expensive. What do you think . I think theres a part of the School Conversation that we havent gotten into. And i am a pediatrician, a parent. Its absolutely critical that we get kids back to school. And the guidance really talks about how to do that safely. Safely for the kids, safely for the staff and for the teachers. But when you look at how this pandemic is breaking down in america, its not hitting all communities the same. And thats going to be the same thing we see with schools. We fund our schools in america largely off property taxes. So wealthy communities are going to be able to make some of the adjustments that are necessary to create a safe environment. And schools in poorer communities where theres a higher proportion of children of color are going to be left behind. And these are also communities where theres a higher proportion of children without access to broadband internet. These are the our communities where its absolutely essential to get kids back to school. Thats going to take federal dollars. You want to retrofit a classroom so that its safe for the kids and safe for the staff. You need to hire staff so that they can do disinfection in the schools. They can be screening children. We want to learn from whats going on around the world in countries that have been able to open schools safely. But theres one thing about all of those countries. They got it under control in the community before they moved to reopen the schools. And thats what we have to do in america. Federal dollars and i want to remind our audience. Education funding in the united states. 92 of it comes from state and local governments. That means only 8 comes from the federal government. If washington wants to reopen, theyll have to find some dollars. I want you to give us a History Lesson here because this is the second time the cdc put out guidelines and this administration rejected them and forced revisions. How rare is that . Well, when i was at cdc, and i worked i led Emergency Preparedness and response, we did revise guidance. We revised guidance all the time, but we revised guidance based on new science and new evidence. And thats the normal process. Where cdc would come forward and say heres something new we learned and so were going to revise our guidance so that its even better for the public because its based on new information. So hold on when you develop guidance, it then goes up for yeah . So wait. You didnt revise guidance based on what previous administrations reaction to that guidance was . Well, you know, part of the process of releasing a guidance is that it goes through clearance. So cdc will develop a guidance in conjunction here would be in conjunction with experts in education. It would go up and be cleared by the department of health and human services. It would go to the white house for clearance. So the guidance that came out from cdc in the past had been cleared all the way up through the chain. I worry if a guidance is coming out as being revised because of political pressure rather than changes in the science. Got to lead with safety. We can do that through data and science. Dr. Besser, thank you for joining me. We just talked about this push from the administration, from people all across this country to get kids back to school. We all want to do it. The question is how . How are local School Districts going to find the way to do it safely . Later, more than 1 Million People filing for unemployment in the last week as we see Small Businesses shutting down in Record Numbers. Were going to dig into the program that was designed to save them. Paycheck protection program. You know we love covering that here. Beyond the flashy headlines, you will not believe how some companies took advantage of an emergency Program Designed to be a lifeline. Sure. Okay. Okay safe drivers save 40 guys guys check it out. Safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . It is, thats safe drivers save 40 . Hes right there. Its him hes here. Hes right here. Hi hi. Hey thats totally him. Its him thats totally the guy. 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In new york city, mayor bill de blasio announced students will be limited to one to three days a week of inperson classes in order to allow for social distancing. In l. A. , the Top Public Health official says all schools must prepare to continue learning from home as the cases there are surging. And in texas, officials announced schools must reopen in august for inperson classes if they want to receive state funding. Thats where nbcs Garrett Haake is standing by this morning. Texas is hit hard. This is the Third Straight day of Record Number of cases. But the schools are saying were opening no matter what. Well, stephanie, the Texas Education Agency just put out their guidelines for schools this week. Here in dallas, schools are supposed to open august 17s. Disd has more than 150,000 students. So theyve got to figure out how to put those guidelines in place. Im going to bring in the man in charge of doing it, dr. Michael hinojosa, the superintendent of dallas public schools. My first question is, how confidence are you that you can be ready to go on august 17th . Do you think schools will open on time or do you need more time . We were planning for this for a while. I thought we were going to be ready but im having second thoughts about can we pull this off by august 17th. Im hearing from our community members. Our parents have pivoted. More than 50 are now saying they dont want to come and were hearing loud and clear from our teachers that they have a lot of concern about how we can pull this off. Ive heard from a lot of teachers who are very nervous. Schools are petri dishes. They are worried about getting infected themselves. And they are also worried they wont have enough ppe. Teachers are used to buying supplies for their own classrooms. How confident are you that the district can protect teachers as they come back to work . We know teachers go above and beyond and many of them buy things out of their own pocket. Well have plenty of ppe. The state is also providing for this. If we have 150,000 student and 20,000 employees, weve procured those items. Theyre in warehouse now and well be ready for that part of it. Were getting misclarifications on how to social distance. And thats going to have an impact on our bus drivers, if you have a mask on. Can you get closer than six feet . We thought initially yes but now were hearing no. There are complexities about how we keep students and employees safe in this process. Im having second thoughts about what i need to recommend to my school board. Could you foresee trying to push this date back into september . How far could it go . That was the backup plan i had. Now that backup plan is becoming more of a reality. I do need to continue to talk to my senior staff and some of our teacher leaders. But also i communicate with the school board and county executive and the mayor. This is a long process. I think it might buy us some time but i want to make sure people are on board before i make a final recommendation to the school board. This is texas. High School Football is king. Will people be playing high School Football in texas this fall . I seriously doubt it. Were not in control of that. The University Interscholastic lead gives us guidance on that. Thats a true contact sport. Theres been some discussion of moving it to the spring but well have to wait and see. I seriously doubt we can pull it off. Dr. Michael hinojosa, thank you. You hear it right here. This is a real challenge in a realtime with a ticking clock toward the start of school this fall and no Obvious Solutions in place yet. All right, garrett, thank you so much. One crucial voice in the debate over whether or not to reopen schools, this countrys teachers. Joining us, kim anderson, the executive director of the National Education association. That is americas Largest Union which represents more than 3 million educators. Theres a huge push from the top government officials but also from families across this country to reopen schools. Some states are now mandating it in order for schools to receive funding from the federal government. You got to be open in person. Where do you stand on this . Well, stephanie, thank you so much for having us. First of all, we have to put safety first. We know that the circumstances across this country are not safe yet. There are varying degrees of spiking infection rates. We just saw that in texas. Were seeing it in florida. Not every place is in the same place. And so we have to make sure that we are putting the health and safety of our students and their families and educators first. And that takes more resources, not less. Were seeing when schools have reopened in other countries, they have actually allocated more resources for personal protective gear, masks, disinfectant. All of the kinds of safety precautions the cdc and other medical experts have recommended to us. And those countries have also slowed the infection rate before theyve reopened schools. We are not seeing that in a lot of places around the country where, in fact, were seeing the opposite. Were seeing infection rates go up. What do you think happens for teachers who are in higher risk categories if we reopen . What position does that put them in . It puts them in a horrible position. It puts them in a very unsafe position. Weve talked to a number of science teachers who do compare schools to petri dishes. Theyre germ factories. When kid comes and they may be asymptomatic but may be infected, they run a very large chance of infecting other children as well as the educators who serve them. And then those infections go back to the Home Communities of not only educators but parents and other family members. So this has disaster written all over it. Unless we can reopen safely. But then whats the solution . Youve got some teachers, for example, that are in highrisk categories. But lets say that number is small compared to the amount of students or other teachers or people that would be working in the building. What do you do for those teachers . Whats the outcome for them . The first thing we have to do is make sure theres a National Response. The lack of a National Response on this to implement a National Testing and tracing regime is just ludicrous. That is what other countries have done and weve got to do that. Weve got to slow the spread. Weve also got to get more resources so that they can reopen so they can buy masks, so they can adjust to what their community needs. If its a hybrid situation where they go part time in schools and then part time virtual. Maybe that works for a community. In the infection rates are very low in other communities, maybe they can go full time in person and socially distance and take all the precautions but there is no such thing as a one size fits all solution in a time like this. We have to allow for greater resources and following the medical experts advice. For you, youre coming at this through the eyes of the teachers, but youre also a parent. Whats your message to parents out there who are debating whether or not to send their kids back who very much want their kids back in school. Join us. Join us in raising concerns. Asking questions. Join us in asking why Mitch Mcconnell still sits with legislation on his desk that could provide the resources that we need for masks, for our students and for educators. Join us in raising concern about this so that everybody remains safe. Childrens lives are too valuable to risk. And President Trump is just wrong when he says the children are immune. In fact, an 11yearold child just died in florida the other day from covid. So this is a matter of life and death for students, for their parents and families at home and for the educators who so dedicate and serve them. This is nothing to play around with and the lack of a National Response and lack of assistance from the federal government is just appalling. When a hurricane hits, we have fema. Weve got a Health Crisis here. Where is the federal government to provide the help that School Districts and states need to reopen safely . We want to go back. We just want to be safe. And kids arent the only ones in school. Teachers, cafeteria workers, janitors, safety guards, there are all sorts of people. And those kids can be asymptomatic and they can make their parents and grandparents sick. Its a complicated situation. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for all the work youre doing. We have to take a turn in brandnew revelations in the death of george floyd. Floyd told police he could not breathe. He told them more than 20 times. He begged officers not to shoot him and complained of being claustrophobic the day he was killed. Thats according to newly released transcript of the body cam footage. Shaq brewster joins us with the latest. Youve been covering this since george floyd lost his life. And today there are now more disturbing details in these transcripts. What have you learned . Thats right, stephanie. This is all part of evidence thats been submitted by the attorney of thomas lane, one of the four officers fired after the death of george floyd. In the over 100 pages of new documents that include not only the interview of between thomas lane and investigators but also mpd training manuals and training details. It also includes a transcript of that body camera video. That video that we have not seen yet that sheds new light on the interactions between george floyd and the officers. We learned when thomas lane approached George Floyds vehicle after investigating that report of a forgery over a fake 20 bill, he drew his weapon because apparently george floyd did not show his hands. And after the exchange where they were able to get out of the car and get george floyd into handcuffs, its when they were trying to put him in the back of a Police Vehicle when thing s deteriorated. George floyd said he becomes claustrophobic. He just had covid and that he would have trouble breathing and he warned of not being able to breathe. He said just lay me out instead of going into the car. After a struggle in the car, thats when george floyd was taken out of the vehicle or kicked his way out of the vehicle and put on the ground. The reason were seeing this and the reason his attorneys are releasing this transcript is because thomas lanes attorneys are saying that in that transcript it shows that he asked derek chauvin, the officer with the neck on the knee of george floyd, he asked him multiple times if george floyd should be rolled over to allow for more air and thats what his attorney is saying this case should be dismissed, that theres evidence, his attorney is saying, showing this shouldnt even go to trial. Stephanie . Shaq brewster, thank you so much for continuing to cover this important story. Next paycheck protection program. It was designed to keep american businesses from laying off employees and possibly shutting down. But some businesses that were never considering shutting down are laying off workers. They still took the money. Huge amounts of money. Some of those businesses got multiple loans from multiple banks. And dont forget. Not loans, grants that they dont have to pay back. Were digging in. From prom dresses. To soccer practices. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. Ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. Ask your doctor if your teen now is the time to support the places you love. Spend 10 dollars or more at a participating Small Business and get 5 dollars back, up to 10 times with american express. Enroll now at shopsmall. Com. I see all the Amazing Things you have been doing. You are transforming business models, and virtualizing workforces overnight. Because so much of that relies on financing, we have committed two billion dollars to relieve the pressure on your business. As you adapt and transform, were here with the people, financing, and technology, ready to help. Were here with the people, this virus is testing all of us. And its testing the people on the front lines of this fight most of all. So abbott is getting new tests into their hands, delivering the critical results they need. And until this fight is over, we. Will. Never. Quit. Because they never quit. Turn up the volume for this one. Were learning that another 1. 3 million americans filed for Unemployment Benefits last week. Now since late may, that number has held between 1 million and 2 Million People. Thats lower than the record high of 6. 9 million at the beginning of the crise, i but it its still an historically high level. States are reversing course on reopening and that means we could see more layoffs. And i want to turn to the latest on the paycheck protection program. More than 600 billion in taxpayer money that was originally aimed to save Small Businesses. Businesses that were negatively impacted by the pandemic. The whole idea of this program was to keep people on payroll, cover overhead costs and keep Small Businesses alive. 47 of americans never forget this, are employed by Small Businesses. That is one of the Reasons Congress was so determined to step in and create this program. But despite more than 500 billion already being handed out over the last few months, we are still seeing thousands of Small Businesses closing their doors every day. And this program didnt seem to work exactly as it was intended. Joining me to discuss, a ceo and cofounder of the Data Science Research firm enigma. Theyve been digging through the trends and details of this ppp program. Now that we got the data dump from the treasury department. The point of this program was to use the money to keep Small Businesses. Im talking hairdressers, restaurants, gyms, those that would have gone out of business, alive. Now that weve seen exactly who got a lot of this money, there is gross abuse across the board. Businesses that were never considering laying off workers. Businesses that were thriving, taking the money, getting hooked up and basically sitting pretty. Theyll not get accused of fraud. What stood out to you . Thanks for having me. A lot is standing out to us. First thing you need to know is the data itself coming from the sba is really messy. It has no tax i. D. S, no way to link the data back. A lot of technology and analysis to basically pin these businesses together. Were seeing things like businesses getting massive government contracts weeks before they received ppp. Dozens and dozens of millions of dollars for businesses themselves. Were seeing businesses that are in the private equity space, in the hedge fund space, receiving substantial amount of ppp. And were seeing folks file for ppp under multiple of their corporate entities. Like a Holding Company using multiple, you know, llcs of theirs to file for ppp. It was definitely, you know, a system that one could say was pretty easily gamed. Okay. So walk us through why legally they were allowed to do this. Lets look at soho house, a private club, private hotel that you could argue while it may be high end, they were massively impacted. They had to shut down so they would be eligible. However, they got between 9 million to 23 million because they separated all their clubs and filed as though they were different businesses. Thats not fraud . Its not. And its really vague, right . So you have to remember, the whole program was designed in a really bad political process. We all made the decision to bail each other out, but because of the state of things in washington, we kept on disagreeing on how to roll this out efficiently. At the end of the day, the banks got a safe harbor. The banks were very worried about not being able to interpret what they were on the hook for. They got a safe harbor from government. Government also came out and said were not going to audit businesses who are receiving 2 million and below. And by the way, heres the 1,000 different ways you can get an exception to things. If you are a very, very large restaurant and have employees in a very, very large restaurant chain or someone like soho house, you are able to basically, by the book, take out multiple different loans. And the interpretation of things kept banks themselves, the ones administrating it, really spinning the whole time, right . You know, you heard folks go to shop around at different banks in order to get their ppp faster. And a lot of at the end of the day folks with better access to banking, Accounting Services really getting to the front of the line. The program was if you look at the unemployment number but far too late yeah . We knew this was going to happen. We said the language on this program is so vague theres going to be gross abuse. I actually spoke about it with marco rubio who is one of the champions of this program back in april when this program was launched. And i want to share a bit of that. The design of this was not to help fund managers, was not help this is not a wall street package. I dont want to read headlines that the wellfinanced, well capitalized companies, because of their ownership structure, were able to suck up all the money and we ran out of money and now cant help the Small Business down the street. Well, senator rubio, you didnt want to read those headlines. Youre reading them today. Hedge fund managers, private equity firms, private Wealth Management companies all got the money. So at this point, what can congress do about it . Ppp doesnt have to be forgivable. They could just be government loans. Well, those two things you need to do. You need to actually put some teeth into the audit process. Put some innovation into the audit process. These are all problems we can solve with data. We can look at whats coming out. Easily classify the industries. And you can do all of this pretty simply or just be honest to the American Public and say, we really do want to subsidize everyone. Lets find a more efficient way of doing that. I think the problem here is that you have an economic process thats being hijacked by a political process and, you know, at the end of the day, its actually not getting the money to all of the Small Businesses that need it and this crisis isnt going away. Well have multiple more rounds of this to get through it if we want unemployment to be where it needs to be. Government needs to, one, get really smart and efficient about executing this and running audits in realtime. We can stop these loans in realtime from going out to the wrong people. And, two, you know, maybe just have the honest conversation that we may need to give the money out in a more simple, efficient way like payroll subsidies or like a negative payroll tax like were seeing all over the world. At the end of the day but that would be that would be a new plan. How do we enforce taking action against bad actors . Youve got businesses that filed chapter 7 bankruptcy after they got ppp. Thats okay . I dont think its okay at all. I think it shows a practical intent to defraud the american taxpayer. You cant load up on a couple Million Dollars of loans and then close doors in the next three weeks. Thats not okay. And how we do this is taking a look at the data programatically. Right now the doj is the only one that can enforce this. They have nowhere near the resources to do that. This is different from 2008 where you had civil lawsuits go after the banks, right . The doj gave another safe harbor which is to say were going to be the only ones who can enforce this. So doj, step up the game. Bring in, you know, folks to start looking at this data and in a way that isnt so manual and so archaic and the resources in government certainly arent there to get this done. We talked to the sba folks early in the day who said they have very little funding to do anything other than what they did as usual. And as usual, they are putting out completely small number of loans versus ppp. Ppp represents, you know, years of what the sba usually does. And thats the problem here. We wanted to try to do something big, but we didnt want to back it up with the execution that it deserves to make sure that this money gets us through this crisis. Thank you so much for the work youre doing. Thank you for joining me. All the loan information that we did get this week, its not all of it. We still have not received any of the identifications on some of the smaller loans, and theres absolutely no rationale behind that. Since we know there are so many abuses in the names weve seen, we should absolutely get the rest of the list. So its our job to keep asking. Next the Supreme Court could make History Today with decisions on President Trumps financial records. Were going to breakdown the cases and how the court could decide. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. Or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. 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Pete, whats going to happen here . Two very different issues. One is about the authority of congress. The president has said that congress subpoena power has to be focused on making laws and that the subpoenas theyve sent to the president s banks and accountants are much too broad seeking years and years of records that amounts to a fishing expedition. Very different in the second case which is a new york grand jury seeking tax returns and Business Records for the purpose of investigating the president s businesses. There, the issue is whether the president , as he claims, is absolutely immune from any part of the criminal justice process, including a state grand jury subpoena. So there are two cases. My guess is well get them separately because these two issues are so completely different and the cases could come out differently. All right. Well, we will be focused on washington. I know there are millions and millions of people that want to see those taxes. Next, demanding answers and change from facebook. What an internal audit says about the social networking site as a platform for hate. But first, it is time for our hero of the day. I think its always time for the hero of the day. This houston mom, maggie, shes expecting triplets. She did not expect shed test positive when she went to the hospital. She and her husband found out they both had the coronavirus and their plan for their babies delivery had to change. After weeks spent in the hospital, maggie finally tested negative for the virus and then gave birth all in the same day. Maggie and her babies are all healthy one month later. And isabella, nathaniel and adriel are ready to take on the world. [ ] every time you touch a surface, bacteria is left behind. Now, consider how many times your family touches the surfaces in your home in 24 hours. Try new microban 24. Spray on hard surfaces to kill 99. 9 of viruses and bacteria initially. Once dry, it forms a bacteria shield that keeps killing bacteria for 24 hours, even after multiple touches. Try new microban 24. Available in multipurpose, sanitizing, and bathroom sprays. This has been medifacts for microban 24. Facebooks decision to put free speech ahead of other values represents, quote, a significant setback for civil rights, according to a longawaited audit of the companys practices. The report, which was commissioned by facebook itself, slammed the social networks choice to leave several posts by President Trump untouched. Including three from may which the audit said contained hateful and violent speech. Joining me, rashad robinson, president of color of change and kara swisher, nbc contributor and cohost of the pivot podcast. This is a damning report not from the media, not from competitors but auditors handpicked by facebook itself. Could this change anything . Well, this is the third phase of a threepart audit that each phase has been public. And we still have a list of recommendations from the first two phases that facebook has fa refused to implement. I do want to push back on one idea that this is not simply about free speech, because free speech isnt without consequence. This is about Mark Zuckerbergs idea of free expression, which means he puts it above civil rights, above sort of the rights and protections of minority groups, which over the years weve put laws in this country to ensure that we dont have rights trampling over people and that you cant go into a crowded theater and yell fire. Facebook is a platform that likes to think of themselves as a Public Square controlled by a Single Person that has 60 of the shares, that has, theres chairperson and ceo has 2. 6 billion users, has simply had the wrong type of incentive structures when it comes to determining what should stay on and what should come off the platform and those incentive structures are really focused on keeping donald trump happy to avoid regulation, and growth and profit. Kara, how do lawmakers not step in here . The audit stressed that the decisions to allow misleading posts like trumps posts about mailin ballots, which are completely untrue, leaves our election exposed to interference. How do our lawmakers not step in . Well, thats a good question. Its been years now and its been years since facebook talked about this stuff. Some of the instances were from 2015 this he recently dealt with like roger stones pages which have been abusive on the platform for a while. Rashad is right. This is not about free speech. Its about hate speech and about speech that is false, possibly leads to violence and things like that. I would put it more akin to like someone who is selling tainted meat, and saying thats okay because everybody should have access to all meat, and so its just any other product you put in there seems ridiculous, and this is ridiculous. They are not defenders of free speech. Theyre defenders of their business model, which they want to have engagement, and more people using it. Their own audit is saying this but they have these sort of, i dont know, intellectual light ideas about what free speech is and what it means, and unfortunately, theyve got a lot of people to go along with them, and mischaracterize whats happening here. This is hate speech. This is toxic material. This is false stuff, and theyre allowing it to go unchecked on the platform. Its as simple as that. Rashad, you were in the meeting with Mark Zuckerberg and other executives on tuesday. What was it like . You know, this was like the second meeting i think ive had with mark in the last two months, and you know, have had others as well. What continues to happen in these meetings is i feel like when you have a meeting with someone and feel like youve explained something, you went through some issues and then you come back to the meeting, its almost like the previous meeting didnt exist, and youre starting back at zero, and mark wants you to explain each of the demands again, demands that have been out in the world, demands that not only color of change and other social justice organizations as in the civil rights community, in the stop hate for profit campaign, as well as nearly a thousand corporations. So you have a thousand corporations, big brands that no one would call social justice warriors, standing with social justice organizations, all saying clean up your act, facebook, and we get there, and he wants us to reexplain the demands. But also, sort of not taking accountability for the problems on their platform. We continue to get sold this story that facebook is doing everything right, that theyre working harder, that theyre better than the other platforms. Its like having a hurricane happening outside. Someone handing you an umbrella and thinking that thats enough, and time and time again, the sort of small fixes around the edges are facebook handlhandlin handing us an umbrella while a hurricane is impacting our elections and Information Systems and so much how we communicate and engage in our society. Okay, then kara, this moment that the three of us are having right now is basically groundhog day. Weve had this conversation over and over and over. Yes. Is there any reason you should believe that this time is different, that facebook beyond priscilla and mark being disgusted by hate speech and this audit being humiliating for the moment. Any reason theyer this to beli going to do anything different . Theyre concerned and want to do better. This has been years for me. Thats why i call them the Susan Collins of the internet. Hes concerned and seems to have no responsibility over it. I just keep i type the same column for the New York Times all the time, and at some point, regulators just have to get in here and figure out what to do, and its very complex, by the way, and you cant lump them all in together. Apples issues, around the app store are different from amazons issue, around the marketplace and facebooks issues around the action totoxicity of platform. Its nuanced and doesnt call for lacking of free speech. It calls for cleaning up hate speech and manipulation of the platform and having some ability to do that and the Business Plan goes hard up against that, and the only way anything will happen is regulators do something, consumers get sick of it, advertisers really do more than just a boycott for a short time. This is a significant boycott, even though mark has sluffed it off by theyll be back and of course wall street doesnt care, because the stock is going up, because its the only game in town. I dont blame wall street for trying to take advantage of the situation, but thats what it is. Theyre the only game in town. So were concerned. Well do better. We really care about what you think, rashad. Its ridiculous. I wouldnt even go, rashad. Well you know, when youre running a boycott against someone and they invite you to a meeting, you got to go. I guess. Well, sounds like rashad is about to get a Bumper Sticker that says regulation or bust. Kara, rashad, thank you always for joining me. We have to wrap it up because our hour is up. Im stephanie ruehl. Thank you for watching. My dear friend and colleague eamon mohyeldin picks up breaking News Coverage on the other side of the break. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. 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Any moment now we are expecting a major ruling on President Trumps fight to keep his tax returns and financial records a secret. It is a decision that could have sweeping implications on the balance of power between the white house and congress. We are expecting two rulings on this final day of the Supreme Courts term. The first has to do with subpoenas from three separate house committees, democrats are seeking several years worth of Business Records from the trump organizations accounting f

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