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Across the midwest. Lawlessness of the and they havent stopped. Administration. To the court of Public Opinion and the political were live in oklahoma. Reality of impeachment or even and nbc news exclusive. An Impeachment Inquiry, wen we documents revealing thousands of were talking about this a short migrants detained by i. C. E. Were time ago. Theres a big article in the force good Solitary Confinement New York Times. They talk to folks, people who not for breaking the rules but for being gay, disabled or have left the Democratic Party in youngstown or at least as mentally ill. Voters have left the democratic a federal judge rules party. Im going to reread something i against the Trump Administration read earlier. Ordering the president s one guy said the democratic Accounting Firm to turn over party has lost its voice to financial documents to congress. Speak to people that shower and speaking of congress, a after work and not before work. All were saying is he wont democratic Leadership Meeting gets heated as members of the turn over the tax returns. House Judiciary Committee plead hes saying im fighting china with pelosi to launch to get you a better job. InImpeachment Proceedings if don does this make the democrats mcgahn refuses to comply with look like theyre not on the same page as a lot of the people the subpoena to testify this morning. So far hes refusing. That democrats say they want to no one is above the law fight for . They want to defend. Including the president of the they think are being hurt under united states. Let me be clear. This administration . Look, we have been fighting if don mcgann doesnt testify, to lower Prescription Drug its time to open an inImpeachment Inquiry. Prices. Ill talking to a democrat and we just passed important legislation on that last week. Whos pushing for the weve fought to pass thats not going to get Impeachment Inquiry. Through the senate. First, democrats are putting and theres the problem. The same kind of obstruction were getting from the white increasing pressure on nancy house in terms of the truth, pelosi. Lets go to Kelly Odonnell on were getting from the senate in capitol hill. Terms of everything we want to the calls for impeachment took do. Whether its infrastructure, place during a democratic whether its gun violence and Leadership Meeting last night Gun Safety Legislation which weve passed. For the inquiry. One source describes it as long, very emotional. Whether its environmental take us inside that meeting. Protection, were getting a what details have you learned complete shutdown from this party of obstruction. About it . Well, these are regularly thats the problem were dealing with. Congressman, always scheduled meetings, consider it appreciate you coming on the program. The democratic family coming thank you. Thank you so much. Together at Different Levels of good to see you. Up next, an nbc news leadership and responsibility. This is where they hash out exclusive report. Their agenda. Thousands of migrants forced and in this instance it was about the dividing lines over into Solitary Confinement by ice in this cases for things like impeachment with some members being physically disabled or arguing to the Leadership Team gay. We have that shocking report and the last straw should be don The Whistle Blower who exposed mcgahn, the former white house it next. O developed it. Counsel not coming and answering a subpoena. Others see it differently. vo align helps to soothe your occasional digestive upsets nancy pelosi and her leadership are team are holding a line 24 7 with a strain of bacteria you cant get anywhere else. Saying the different chairman of woman you could say align puts the pro in probiotic. The various committee have produced results and she does not want to cut off that avenue so where you go, the pro goes. 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Are excited about the potential to give you a sense, one of the of onceweekly ozempic®. People also speaking publicly in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults who is a member of the house lowered their blood sugar Judiciary Committee is rhode and reached an a1c of less than Seven Islands representative. And maintained it. Oh under seven . An Impeachment Inquiry was just a formal opening of that and you may lose weight. Question by the committee, and in the same oneyear study, the nixon impeachment, the adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. Impeachment inquiry began in the oh up to 12 pounds . Articles of impeachment were not a twoyear study showed voted out by the judiciary that ozempic® does not increase the Risk Committee for about seven months. This is the beginning of the of major cardiovascular events process. Like heart attack, stroke, or death. Thats whats happening on the hill. Lets go to Peter Alexander at oh no increased risk . Oh, oh, oh, ozempic® the white house. What reason is the Trump Administration giving for the ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, president Directing Don Mcgahn to defy a congressional subpoena or for people with Type 1 Diabetes and not testify today . Or diabetic ketoacidosis. The white House Counsel do not share needles or pens. Details this in a letter to the dont reuse needles. House judiciary chairman writing do not take ozempic® if you have a personal or Family History that the Justice Department has of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome type 2, advised him that mcgahn is or if you are allergic to ozempic®. Stop taking ozempic® and get medical help right away immune from white house if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, testimony. The legal opinions go back four severe stomach pain, itching, decades it says regarding a rash, or Trouble Breathing. President s close advisers and serious side effects may happen, makes clear in this letter the including pancreatitis. President has directed mcgahn tell your doctor if you have Diabetic Retinopathy or vision changes. Not to appear. Taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin President Trump was pressed on his decision on the south lawn may increase the risk for low blood sugar. Before departing town last common side effects are nausea, night. Why are you asking don mcgahn vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. To defy a congressional some side effects can lead to dehydration, subpoena . Well, as i understand it, which may worsen kidney problems. Theyre going that for the i discovered the potential with ozempic®. Office of the presidency for future president s. I think its an important oh oh oh ozempic® ask your Healthcare Provider today precedent, and the attorneys say about onceweekly ozempic®. That they are not doing that for me, theyre doing that for the office of the president. So were talking about the future. Meantime, the democrats have scored their first Court Victory in the fight over the president s financial records. Tell us about that ruling. Its significant. Democrats won this early legal battle after a federal judge yesterday declined to block a House Oversight Committee Subpoena to the president s Accounting Firm for his financial records. The president s personal lawyers argue the subpoena was unconstitutional because they say it doesnt have any we see two travelers so at a Comfort Innal with a glow around them, legislative purpose. So people watching will be like, the bottom line in simple terms wow, maybe ill glow too here, the president and his if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Allies call a democratic who glows . Overreach. The democrats call it just say, badda book. Badda boom. Constitutionally mandated book now at choicehotels. Com oversight. This ruling means that that Accounting Firm must comply with the subpoena for eight years of look limu. A civilian buying a new car. Ug mr. Trumps financial records. The president , he also lets go. Criticized the judge in his response calling the ruling, limus right. Quote, crazy and said he would Liberty Mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance, appeal. Peter alexander, thank you. So you only pay for what you need. Kelly odonnell, thank you to oh. Yeah, ive been a customer for years. You as well. Meantime, National Security huh. Reporter ken dlan yan joins us. Theres a new set of details only pay for what you need. From the newly released liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Transcripts of cohens closed door conversations with congress. Perhaps the most attention grabbing aspect of the new system from Michael Cohen is his contention that the president s lawyer essentially instructed him to lie to congress about the timing of that trump tower moscow deal. We already knew that cohen told congress that negotiations on that deal ended in january 2016. Nbc news has uncovered in fact, they continued through disturbing revelations about the june of 2016. Conditions inside the nations immigration detention system. Then candidate donald trump knew where more than 8,000 immigrants that even as he was saying on the Campaign Trail he had no were taken into custody and held Business Dealings with moscow. Its important to clarify theres no evidence in the in Solitary Confinement. A review of documents under the documents that sekulow knew he was repeating fls information to trump and obama administrations cohen. Found that, quote, only half of he just told him this is the story. We want you to say this story the cases involved punishment and cohen knew it wasnt true. For rule violations. The other half were unrelated to its unclear whether cohen disciplinary concerns. They involved the mentally ill, raised the objection. The disabled or others who were the lawyers on trump team know sent to solitary largely for what to say to shape peoples testimony. What ice described as safety its not clear whether they were concerned whether it was true or reasons. Not. An whats interesting is none of Gabe Gutierrez has been covering the Immigration Crisis for nbc. Them were charged with what was was there a clear Obstruction Of Justice by mueller because they were shi d statement of what was the criteria for who was held in shielded by Attorney Client privilege. The house has demanded testimony solitary . People should only be put in from the trump lawyers. Theyre fighting that. Solitary cob fine amount as last another front in this job resort in rare circumstances. Going battle. Thank you, ken, for that. What the documents found we have that breaking news. According to thousands its happening in the heartland. According to documents uncovered a dangerous Weather System by the freedom of information spawned destructive tornadoes, intense rain, and fierce act, it found that more than flooding. Lets go live to Kerry Sanders in hard hit oklahoma. 8400 detainees were held in whats the extent of damage Solitary Confinement over a five there . Well, im in oklahoma about year period. Two and a half hours west of a third were mentally ill and d oklahoma city. You can see right here where one example, being held in solitary of the tornadoes came through, for 390 days. Took down part of this building sometimes those detainees were or really most of it. Held in solitary because of another building nearby. This was a barn area used by the acting out their mental future farmers of america. Illnesses. Now, what is significant here is that we spoke with a federal they had the kids had their whistleblower. Animals here and some were Ellen Gallagher currently works injured and had to be put down at the department of Homeland Security as a Policy Adviser in by the authorities. But the damage that you can see the office of inspector general. Here is spotty around. As you noted going into this, more than 80 tornadoes in recent several years ago, she started days in this part of the looking at Segregation Reports country, and the threat is still and she was disturbed by what not over. As im standing here right now, she saw. Take a listen. Im going to point up a little Solitary Confinement was bit toward the clouds. The reason were going to look being used as the first resort, at the clouds is its 57 degrees right now. Not the last resort. Kind of cold, and so it would so, why are you speaking up perhaps suggest that were now . Beyond the threat. Because if i didnt speak up, but thats not how it works. I dont think i could live with you dont necessarily have to myself. And she described disturbing have incredibly warm conditions over several years. Temperatures down at this level and the cold temperatures up again, both under the trump there in the clouds. Administration, as well as the its the different in the obama administration. Temperatures. So while it may be somewhat now, we did reach out to i. C. E. , chris, and this is their chilly here at 57 degrees, colder up there. Statement. U. S. Immigration and customs results in the potential for enforcement is firmly committed to the safety and welfare of all these tornadoes to develop. And as we note with the clouds those in its custody. The use of restrictive housing there, a lot of rain as well. In i. C. E. Detention facilities and there has been some flooding here. Flash flooding today. Water rescues taking place in is exceedingly rare but at times the state. The Authorities Say at this necessary to ensure the safety point, though, with the of staff and individuals in the tornadoes, with the flash facil floods, have have been no serious injuries, but today once again, all eyes on the skies and facility. The fear of potential more danger here. Solitary conconfifinement was u oh, boy. First. Kerry sanders, thanks. Is this still happening . I know youll stay on it for us. Has it gotten better . To the pentagon now. According to Ellen Gallagher, it is still happening. Military reporter kourtney kubi. We spoke with one detainee who lawmakers are on the hill was recently kept for 11 months getting a closed door briefing in Solitary Confinement and she on iran right now. Just the first of three congressional meetings today with all these increasing tried to attempt suicide. Tensions. At least 60 detainees in the whats the focus and whats the records that we uncovered, they goal here . The ones this morning are actually committed suicide while with former officials. In Solitary Confinement. The one this morning, i mean, this is really a chance for some Gabe Gutierrez, thank you so of President Trumps national much for this. You can watch more of gabes Security Leaders to go to the interview and report tonight on hill and try to make good. Nbc nightly news with lester there was a lot of frustration last week by members in the holt. Breaking news just in. Senate and the house that they the president is appealing werent informed in advance about some of the threats coming mondays ruling that says he has from iran. To turn over his financial particularly the threats that caused the u. S. Military to records. Well have more on that story coming up. Surge, to accelerate the coming up. I dont keep track of regrets. Deployment of a Carrier Strike group and move a Bomber Task Force in and then the decision for the State Department to withdraw some nonessential americans from iraq last week. So this afternoon well see acting secretary shanahan, chairman of the joint chiefs and mike pompeo. First theyll brief the full house and full senate. Several members have gotten pull asides and given us a sense of what we might see or hear today or what the members might hear. Its a closed session. Were not going to see anything ourselves, but some of the people who have been involved in some of the planning have talked to us about what the members will hear today. Theyre going to talk about the intelligence that led to these decisions. Theyre going to talk about the way forward for the u. S. Military, and theyre going to talk about how theyve seen some of the tension dialled back, particularly in the maritime environment at sea but the threat remains credible and real is what theyre going to hear from the National Security leaders today. Kourtney thank you. A big setback for the white house as a federal judge soundly rejects arguments from President Trumps lawyers. Forcing the president s Accounting Firm to hand over financial records to congress. But well explain why thats just the beginning of this legal fight. And later a firm no from don mcgahn. A member of the house Judiciary Committee will be here on that and why mcgahns noshow should lead to Impeachment Proceedings. We spoke about justin amash becoming the first republican to say the Mueller Report showed the president engaged in impeachable conduct. That forced Steven Tophen colbe ajol jazz to republicans. 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Guidance, as weve been reporting, don mcgahn will not appear. Meantime today, a pivotal its fuel for thought. Moment for the Tech Industry and privacy. Amazon is facing a shareholder vote tomorrow on two proposals to limit the companys use of powerful face recognition tools. The vote comes as the city of San Francisco is expected to formally ban any governmental use of facial recognition. I want to go live to San Francisco and nbc Technology News correspondent jacob ward. Well get to amazon in a moment, but even if San Francisco bans the government from using facial recognition in that city, it is, obviously, just one city. Im wondering is this more heresshow me making it. Like. Symbolic or to send a message. Oh i got one. Give us your take on it. The best of amy poehler. It is a great question. Amy, maybe we could use the voice remote in many ways symbolic and the to search for something that youre not in. Symbolism is very strong. Show me parks and rec. The heart of the technology from netflix to prime video to live tv, industry. It will make the fortunes of xfinity lets you find your favorites with the Emmy Awardwinning x1 voice remote. Thousands of people here in this show me the best of amy poehler, again. City and, yes, it is really just this time around. Within the city limits. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Right now, one in two americans experience the entertainment you love on x1. Access netflix, prime video, youtube and more, are probably in a facial all with the sound of your voice. Recognition database of some click, call or visit a store today. Sort without their knowledge. And weve seen that about twothirds of likely 2020 voters across those political spectrum oppose the idea of government buying facial Recognition Technology off of private companies and, yet, here we are. It is happening all over the country. People are being sucked up into these system without their consent. The idea that San Francisco is making this move and it is symbolic and the fact that it a historic move. Facial recognition is all around us. I think a lot of people accept or, you know, just have given up and said, okay, this is the way it is. Why is Amazon Holding this vote tomorrow . Well, really, the most important thing to consider here, chris. Would you be cool with in strong and clear terms a fingerprints being collected u. S. District judge has flatly from you in everything you do. I mean, that is really the rejected the Trump Administrations arguments that congress has no right to ask for concept here. Every public space you walk the president s financial through and every time you board records. Calling those arguments, in a plane. All of that. Put your biometrics into a fact, flawed and unconvincing. And contrary to, quote, decades system that could identify you later. Of legislation regarding the research has shown the president. Its a ruling that could have misidentification of minority communities is a huge problem wide ranging imply kags for within ai and ai systems that President Trumps strategy of use facial recognition are also being used to do all kind of defying congressional oversight. The president dismissed it as weird stuff about trying to politically motivated. We disagree with that ruling. Detect your emotions and your its crazy, because you look at moods. These are things Law Enforcement are looking at. A small group of shareholders it. This never happened to any other including a religious community president. In upstate new york are forcing theyre trying to get a redo. A vote within that company. As far as the financials are you and i do not have a vote. Concerned, we think its the there is no mechanism by which wrong its totally the wrong the Average American could force the companys hand. Decision by obviously an obama so, this group of shareholders appointed judge. Have put together these two he was a recent obama appointed judge. Gregg brower is a former u. S. Proposals one would say they may not sell to Government Agencies their Recognition Product. This facial Recognition Product attorney and worked under james without specific approval and then the second proposal is an comey. Barrett burger is a federal independent commission that would look at the ethics of prosecutor as well as an msnbc facial recognition in general legal analyst. And the sort of financial stakes for the company, if it were to be misused. This was a 41 beige decisipage. Such inest theteresting stuf. Does it read to you as a partisan document . Not in the slightest. Im Chris Jansing in for i think its really only the president that talks about stephanie ruhle. A banner day in new york because District Court judges as obama Hallie Jackson is here in the house and big day on capitol appointed or bush appointed. Hill. No kidding. People that actually work in it is a critical moment as we this field dont think of come on the air about to go down District Court judges in that in washington. Way. They think of them as being this not a hot seat, but an empty one. One may be tough in this thats because former white House Counsel don mcgahn is now particular field. This one may be particularly scholarly, but i think the officially a no show on capitol hill. She is defying that house general legal population does not think of judges as being partisan for a good reason. Judiciary subpoena in what may be a final straw for democrats they sort of leave that at the investigating the president. Door. They come in and i think all the big question now, how will District Court judges really those democrats respond . Strive to try to look at each how Judiciary Committee is set situation based on the facts and the law. To gavel in any moment and we thats what you saw the judge doing here. Will watch it live as house it was very clear, gregg, it was readable. Speaker nancy pelosi faces give us your big picture sense arguably the biggest challenge of the opinion. Of her speakership so far. Part of it is congress also, for example, investigated bill Fed Up Democrats demanding louder and louder that she allow Impeachment Hearings now. Clintons conduct and hes not prepared the judge says to roll if don mcgahn doesnt back the tide of history by testify, it is time to open an restricting congresss ability impeachment query. To investigate. The only thing we can do is how do you see this and is it a start that Impeachment Inquiry. Precedent setting opinion . It is an important opinion. Nancy pelosi is a great it could be a precedent setting opinion. Political strategist and we have and you have to love the judges reference to President Buchanan to take everything very serious right at the beginning of his and it is a dilemma for all of opinion. Generally considered to be the worst president in u. S. History. Us. All the breaking stories and so i think what this opinion at bottom confirms is that were going to bring you. Kasie hunt over on capitol hill and the house judiciary congresss powers when it comes to overnight of the executive Committee Hearing set to begin any second after plenty of democrats had their say in a branch is very broad and very deep and very expansive, and dramatic meeting overnight. That has been the reality and i want to go to kasie hunt frankly, should be the reality, and this opinion confirms that. Secondly, the timing of the interviewing ocasiocortez. Opinion confirms the courts can some of these members are a act very quickly even on these part of her leadership very weighty constitutional issues if they want to. And so theres a lot of questioning about how long the inevitable appeal will take. It need not take that long if the d. C. Wants to take this up on an expedited basis. I would submit as a longtime lawyer, a former federal prosecutor, there are reagan appointees, bush one appointees, bush two appointees who were every bit as offended by the characterization of this judge as an obama judge as there are Clinton Appointees and obama appointees. That is simply the kind of comment by the president that serves only to undermine the rule of law and cause people to lose faith in the justice system. This is a federal judge, calling it like he sees it and the president should recognize that fact. One of the things he kept coming back to, and this is an interesting opinion. People probably wont go read 41 pain pains pages but its a good read. Shorter than the Mueller Report. Much shorter. It comes back to the idea of legislative purpose. The Administration Says there is no legitimate legislative purpose to these requests, and obviously what congress is saying is there is. What does the judge look at to decide whether or not there is a legitimate legislative purpose and is that the right question . Yes. This judge framed it interesting in the opinion. He said legislative purpose, were not looking to see is there a rational basis for the subpoena. Thats what you do in civil litigation. Hes saying is there a jurisdictional purpose . Does Congress Actually have the jurisdiction to issue this kind of subpoena . Is congress staying in their lane . This judge said they were. He said theres been decades of precedent saying congress can issue subpoenas and have this type of oversight. He said he was not going to stand in the way of this type of president and get in the way of congress doing its job. I want to ask you about don mcgahn who is not expected to show up for testimony this morning. The president claims this is for the office of the presidency to protect future president s. Thats why theyre telling mcgahn not to testify. Does that hold water . I dont think so. I think that legally mcgahn is should show up. Its possible that legally he could properly refuse to answer certain questions that the white house directs him not to answer, but simply not showing up, i think, is without legal basis. But lets be clear. No one really believes that this is about protecting the presidency. Sometimes it is important to make arguments based upon principle like separation of powers. Ive been there and done that. There are times where that is important for the institution, but lets be clear about this. This is really about the president and the white house trying to keep important facts from congress and the American People. At bottom, thats whats happening here. Gregg brower, thank you so much to both of you. Appreciate it. Up next, former white House Counsel don mcgahn is under subpoena to testify at the top of the hour. Hes supposed to be there 40 minutes from now. But the white house told him do not show up. One of the most outspoken democrats from last nights meeting with nancy pelosi. Jamie ras kin joins me to talk about why mcgahns no show he thinks should be the final straw and Impeachment Proceedings against the president need to begin. As 2020 Candidates Campaign to protect the environment, the white house takes the opposite approach. The New York Times reports the epa is changing the way it calculates pollutionrelated deaths. Essentially making it easier for the Trump Administration to roll back obama era climate protections like the clean power plant. Be clear. The new equation wouldnt actually reduce the number of deaths. What it does is lower the number attributed to pollution. Ed to p. Featuring three new dishes that are plankedtoperfection. Feast on new cedarplank lobster shrimp. Or new colossal shrimp salmon with a citrusy drizzle. Tender, smoky, and together on one plank. But not for long so hurry in but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. We see two travelers so at a Comfort Innal with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com i felt i couldnt be at my best wifor my family. C, in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured and left those doubts behind. I faced reminders of my hep c every day. But in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. Even hanging with friends i worried about my hep c. But in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. Mavyret is the only 8week cure for all common types of hep c. Before starting mavyret your doctor will test if youve had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. Tell your doctor if youve had hepatitis b, a liver or kidney transplant, other liver problems, hiv1, or other medical conditions, and all medicines you take including herbal supplements. Dont take mavyret with atazanavir or rifampin, or if youve had certain liver problems. Common side effects include headache and tiredness. With hep c behind me, i feel free. Fearless. And theres no looking back, because i am cured. Talk to your doctor about mavyret. Today, lifechanging technology from abbott is helping hunt them down at their source. Because the faster we can identify new viruses, the faster we can get to stopping them. The most personal technology, is technology with the power to change your life. Life. To the fullest. As the fight over whether to start Impeachment Proceedings plays out in washington a different fight is playing out across the country. A fight for job security, a fight for better wages and a fight for a good, Affordable Health care. Its playing out in places like youngstown, ohio where we spoke to a democrat who says his party is simply out of touch with reality. Quote, the Democratic Party has lost its voice to speak to people that shower after work and not before work. All were saying is he wont turn over his tax returns. Hes saying im fighting china to get you better jobs. Are the democrats focusing on the right fight when it comes to whats best for the American People . Joining me to weigh in nera tanden, president and ceo at the center for american progress. David drugger drugger is also with us. Are democrats playing this right . I think they are. If you look what the what the democratic president candidates are talking about, theyre talking about health care and jobs. Theyre talking about it, but i think people like this guy in youngstown are saying what are they doing and what a lot of democrats in places like ohio and wisconsin and pennsylvania see is a Democratic Party thats talking about the Mueller Report and impeachment. Well, i think we need to separate two things. First, democrats won in november with the largest turnout of in 100 years. Now, why did that happen . That happened because people were campaigning on health care and other issues, and the democrats and the house have been delivering on those issues. But another reason why that happened is because people actively, the Democratic Party actively campaigned on a check on donald trump. Lots of moderate voters, even republican leaning voters decided to vote for democrats in the house because they wanted some accountability for donald trump. So i think this is a really clear issue. Democrats have to walk and chew gum. They cant ignore their constitutional responsibilities. You have justin amash talking about how the president has probably violated the law and we need to take steps about it. But at the same time democrats on the Campaign Trail and the freshman democrats are they are talking about health care and other issues. In fact, the house just passed a Health Care Bill that shores up the aca. It ensures background checks on political reform. Its focussed on the Mueller Report because its a constitutional crisis. She makes a couple of points, david. I wonder your take on it. Both that hopefully members of congress can walk and chew gum at the same time but also that congress has a constitutional responsibility for oversight. How do you see this playing out for voters in the rust belt states . I think this is a very difficult calculation for democrats. On the one hand nera is right. They have to exercise aggressive oversight. The Democratic Base demands it and i think they were voted into power in large part because voters wanted to see some check on the president. I think voters are sometimes a little more sophisticated than we give them credit for. And i think voters understand theres a difference between aggressive oversight which i dont think politically hurts democrats and initiating Impeachment Proceedings which there is as of yet, not the political will in the country to support, and i think that a lot of voters might see it as overreach. Lets say im wrong about that and voters look at Impeachment Proceedings as just another form of aggressive oversight. Theres then the issue of whether you can walk and chew gum at the same time from the perspective of what message youre able to communicate that voters are able to hear. And what we know about impeachment is that its so rare and such an overwhelming story that i think it could become difficult for democrats in congress and democrats on the Campaign Trail to get through with a message about health care about the economy, about all of the things that voters may not like about trump that democratic president ial candidates are going to offer. And thats where democrats could run into trouble. Ultimately what voters are going to do in 2020 is make a calculation about who would make their lives better, who would make them feel better about the country. If democrats cannot communicate that, theyre going to be in a world of trouble. Voters have come to the conclusion that President Trump is who he is. That sort of Anyodiminishes Expectations for him. The idea of the president , Nera Talking Act these, and we saw it last night. He was in pennsylvania, another state where Working Class voters helped to get him elected, but then he brought joe biden into it. I want to play that. Dont forget Biden Deserted you. Hes not from pennsylvania. I guess he was born here, but he left you, folks. He left you for another state. Remember that, please. I meant to say that. This guy talks about oh, i know scranton. Well, i know the places better. He left you for another state and Didnt Take Care of you because he Didnt Take Care of your jobs. Just to clarify, nera, joe bidens parents moved when he was 11 years old, so i dont know. In case people were wondering. But the message, i want to ask you about the president s message. Its im here for you. Joe biden isnt. And i just wonder should democrats be so quick to dismiss that . It did those kinds of things worked for him when he ran before. And should democrats be wary of believing polls that show a lot of the democrats in these one to one matchups beating donald trump . I personally think you have to run every Campaign Like youre behind. And trump has a lot of assets. Hes an incumbent and raising a lot of money. I actually think this sort of pathetic level of attacks donald trump has been issuing against joe biden and other democrats, i mean, hes down in his name calling game. Sleepy joe . Its pretty pathetic. And i think the truth is that we can talk about the Mueller Report and what it means for democrats, but lets not forget what it means for the president. Which is the president has been engaging in essentially administration wide obstruction effort against this investigation. Why . Because hes worried about what it will uncover. And i think the reality of this is that democrats have a constitutional responsibility and trump is fighting all of this because he is scared of what will be revealed to the American People. And that is one of the reasons why democrats have to be able to respond. And he himself, his presidency, t not just that it will affect democrats on the hill. This will effect what hes talking about every day, and when republicans launch Benghazi Hearings which were over really nothing legitimate, that did have an impact on hillary. I think this will have an impact on him as well. Thank you so both of you. I appreciate it. Up next, one of the most outspoken supporters of impeachment. Jamie raskin will join me next. Jamie raskin will join me next we see two travelers so at a Comfort Innal with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com here i go again on my own goin down the only road ive ever known like a drifter i was born to walk alone keep goin man you got it if you ride, you get it. Here i go again geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. The Doctors Office might mejust for a shot. O but why go back there when you can stay home with neulasta® onpro . 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Its an empty chair day instead. A seat is waiting for him. His name is on the seat. No one expects hell come. Instead, the committee will gavel in and we will hear from the chairman and the Ranking Member talking about what each side thinks this hearing means. The subpoena that the committee has put forward and has been rejected by the white house, all the back and forth between the various lawyers and so forth. And what does it mean in The Big Picture . There are some members of this committee that will convene here briefly today who believe that the absence of don mcgahn is the last straw. Theyre arguing that a broader Impeachment Process should begin where all the committees would work in conjunction to gather facts and evidence and move down toward an eventual Impeachment Trial and all the things that could come about. Saying that the president and the white house are obstructing congresss ability to do it job. At the same time house leadership this morning is reiterating that no, they dont believe thats the right way to go, saying they want to grind it out committee by committee. Having effectively six different channels of opportunity to gather information and bring witnesses in. Theyre saying thats the way to go now, not rushing toward impeachment. Thank you so much, Kelly Odonnell. So joining us now is a member of the house Judiciary Committee who was inside that meeting and that is Maryland Democratic congressman jamie raskin. How did the debate play out . Well, i wish i could. The meetings are supposed to be off the record. I was pretty amazed that everything seemed to leak out almost simultaneously. Obviously were involved in a serious conversation here which is how do you deal with the most lawless and obstructionist administration of our lifetimes . And those of us or many of us on the Judiciary Committee have been exposed to High Crimes And Misdemeanors. It was reported by Special Counsel Mueller there were at least 10 or 11 episodes where the president interfered with the Law Enforcement investigation being conducted by the special counsel. So thats staring us in the face, and now what we have is a president who has expanded the Strategy Obstruction to obstruct congress. Hes acting in Blatant Befiens and contempt of our lawful powers under article one of the constitution. So the question isnt whether to impeach or not. The question is whether or not to launch an inquiry into whether there were High Crimes And Misdemeanors. If youre going to talk about lawlessness and obstructionist behavior and i think everyone in your caucus would agree about whats happening here. Obviously for people like nancy pelosi and others, theres a political reality about whether an Impeachment Vote could get through. Even given that, is nancy pelosi being too careful here . Well, you know, we love nancy pelosi because she is careful, and shes a great political strategist. We have to take seriously everything that shes saying. Its a cldilemma for all of us. You disagree with her . Lets put it like this. Impeachment is the last line of constitutional defense against a lawless president trampling the constitution. Its a question of law and the question of politics. The question is whether there were High Crimes And Misdemeanors which we take to be public offenses against the state and the people through the constitution. But it also asks us to ask the political question which is how does impeachment fit in with Everything Else were doing. I think thats the discussion. Its a completely legitimate and valid discussion. Obviously it will go on as we struggle to deal with this administration which is shutting down all of our requests for subpoenas, shutting down all of our requests for witnesses in documents. This is an unprecedented situation were in. So we appreciate the fact that all of us are on the same team trying to figure out how to deal with it. Given that point, you believe starting the process will give you access to information. If you have an inquiry, you can get more of that information. But then there are people like your colleague who asked this question, and im quoting him. Why would we open an Impeachment Inquiry if were winning in the court system . How do you answer that question . Well, but were winning in the court system, our victories against the white house saying basically they dont have to cooperate with congresss demands for information. The reason that we want that information is we want to determine whether there were High Crimes And Misdemeanors and also what we can do to try to clear out the corruption in the executive branch. On the Oversight Committee where i serve, we have an investigation into the White House Personnel Office where 25 people were rejected by the professional staff in terms of getting their Security Clearance. They were overruled by the white house, by the president who said lets grant Security Clearance to people who are found totally not qualified to have it. So were doing an investigation into that. Theyve shut us down on that and were trying to fight that out

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