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A. B. Stoddard, and social injure lawyers maya riley, and founder of whats been called the davos of femme niism, the one and only tina brown, all these ladies will be here and why they believe the future is female. We have to begin this morning with House Democrats demanding information from the white house and the attorney general, but heres the thing. It doesnt mean theyre going to get it. Chairman jerry nadler says attorney general bill barr has until today to hand over bob muellers unredacted report or face a subpoena. Theres no indication. Meanwhile, the chairman of the House Oversight committee, Elijah Cummings says the administration has refused to handle over a single piece of paper or provide a sing the witness as part of their the investigation. But up chairman cummings says he aint giving up. Later today his committee will issue a subpoena to depose a man by the name the carl klein. Carl klein was in charge when dozens of white house officials were allegedly granted highlevel security clearances despite initially being denied. Chairman cummings sis part of the reason they want to speak to kline is a new interview with trisha newbold. In a memo released yesterday. Chairman cummings said, quote, according do ms. Newbold these individuals had a wide range of serious disqualifying issues involving foreign influence, conflicts of interest concerning personal conduct, financial problems, dreg uses, and ready for this . Criminal conduct. Newbold told the committee the decision to ignore those red flags created he risks. Smote had a list of 25 individuals who were initially denied. We do know cummings is calling on the white house to hand over security clearance documents that are related to people like john bolden, michael flynn, ivanka trump and Jared Kushner. Kushner was on fox news last night talking about there, saying its a lot of nothing. What i can say is over the last two years that ive been here, ive been accused of all different types of things, and all of them have turned on the to be false. When i came to washington i had a successful business career, i had extensive holdings, i disclosed all my holdings to the office of government ethics, they told me what to divest, what to keep, what rules to follow. I want to bring if Peter Alexander at the white house. It seems the administration is simply refusing to comply with the investigation. Reporter to be clear the white house says it simply doesnt discuss security clearances, but chairman cummings makes it clear, that the white house has refused to epps so by that standard its clear they are not operating. Still cummings is pressing the otherwise, he says by the end of this week he wants them to turn over that list, detailing the 25 people who received the clearances even though they were originally flagged as risks. Cummings warned subpoenas could foal. House democrats are not waiting on bill barr to decide which parts of the Mueller Report he will make public. Instead they are announcing a vote tomorrow to likely force the subpoena jerry nadler says he assumes the committee will issue osubpoenas. The president writes this morning needily strongly opposed the release of the starr report on bill clinton. No information would or could be legally released, about you with the know collusion writes, nothing will ever satisfy them. A few minutes ago, the president tweets theres no amount of testimony or document production that can satisfied jerry nadler or shifty adam schiff. In addition to the Mueller Report, democrats are also weighing possible subpoenas for documents from five former white house officials related to that investigation. That includes the former white House Counsel don mcgahn, Reince Priebus and hope hicks. Stephanie . And we do have to note, while the white house says they do not comment on security clearances, i remind you about two months ago ivanka trump went on abc news and said her father had nothing to do with Jared Kushner receiving a security clearance. So i would love to know which it is. Senator, welcome this morning, democrats have thread they want the full unredacted version. Would testify be legal or even ethical to hand the whole thing over . It would. . Fact, congress is allowed to look at confidential topsecret information. We have the ability to look at reports in closed session, meaning that nothing can be released to the public. So the report should be fully released tos congress. Notice resorting to subpoenas to get information about security clearance. Thus far it basically looks lie the white house is ignoring it. Well, we have subpoena power, the purpose of our constitution is to have three branching of government. Congress is supposed to have oversight over the executive branch. Its our duty. So to subvert not only or subpoena power, but the constitution, is outrageous. If necessary, we will take it to court. I want to talk about this no on the Disaster Recovery package. You have one of the Senate Democrats who voted no yesterday, because you want more money for puerto rico. The president went to twitter and attacked political leaders in puerto rico. They are incompetent and only take from the its. He also wrote the best thing that ever happened to puerto rico is donald trump. I think President Trump is a bully and a coward. He is unwilling to protect the puerto rican people they have not received 91 billion. In fact, when he went down and threw paper towels at people desperate with no clean drinking water, no access to electricity at the time, it was such a disregard not only of their humanity, but his role as commander in chief and president of the United States. I am so furious with how hes treated and disregarded and disrespected puerto rican innocence country. We should be he pushing back aggressively on his cal louseness toward people who are suffering. He cut out the rebuilding money, the money they actually need to rebuild the infrastructure of those aisles. Speaking of tweets, i know you are running for president. Yesterday you pet out this tweet that we need to abolish the Electoral College. I know youre supporting an amendment to do that, but the argument against is is the big states would have more influence than small states. Are you worried about that . No, and theres a lot of ways that big states and small states balance power. In fact every state has two senators. It doesnt matter if they only have 600,000 or 20 Million People like new york state. You have the same two senators, so you have a significant influence in legislation, governing, but in terms of my president ial campaign, i intend to campaign everywhere, the rural areas, the suburban areas and the city. Ill go to the places that no one else bothers to. Ive been to the North Country in new hampshire, in the rural areas of iowa, ive been toe michigan and nevada already. I will continue to do that. The truth is you are going to be president of the entire United States. You must represent everyone. But i do believer our constitution is rooted in the notion that its one american one vote. For the outcome of our elections not to reflect the number of votes received by candidates, it seems really misplaced. I think we need to look at the Electoral College and need to reform it. I believe it should be one person one vote. When you travel the country millions are telling you theyre just trying to take care of their families. And why today is so important, its equal paytay. Is symbolizes that it takes this many months for women to make the same an men. What gifls . We still as a country are struggling to value women. If youre a woman of color, you will earn even less. The facts that we dont have National Paid leave or affordable daycare, universal prek, basic structure changes for women to work at their full potential, its a drag on the u. S. Economy it mean the economy is less strong. It means for 40 of the workplace theyre not actually earning what they would be earning if they were a white man. Its a problem, a real issue. Wes legislators, and you as an advocate and someone who reveals the truth in the news, we have to keep speaking out about it. Its hurting the u. S. Economy. I want to dig into affordable child care, were basically the only developed nation that doesnt have affordable child care. On your website you have a plan, to be paid by a combination of tax breaks and tax credits. I know thats going to cost a lot of money, but walk us through the benefits. When we worry many of us simply cant afford to go to work. Thats true. So today in american daycare is too expensive for most families. Rural states like i was in north dakota recently, they dont have enough daycare slots at all for families who want to be working full time. We need to invest in affordable daycare and universal prek as a way to make sure our children get access to Early Childhood education before they starred kindergarten every declare you put in has an impact of 11 for the child in terms of economic potential. Its the best investment to make, the biggest bang for the buck. Men and women who have children want to be fully employed. This is a bipartisan issue. Ive been work working on a bipartisan basis for a long time. Its a commonsense reform we should be able to vote on and actually pass into law. For anyone who says they care about income equality, child care and education are core focuses. We just wrapped up the First Quarter for fundraising, how is it going for your team . Its going great. I cant tell you how excited i have been to travel this current and talk about their urgent issues. Piano emwant to know, what are your solutions, and having the grassroots to support us and make sure their voices are heard really matters. I do want to ask you about joe biden, aides and allies of Vice President biden are pushing back to the allegations of inappropriate touching, saying theyre being made to sound more sinister, what is your take on all of this. He hasnt been accused of any sort of harassment or assault and there are many women who are victims of these things and theres concerns these things are getting conflated. Obviously there are different he levels of allegations, the once we have heard so fare is the women field demand, and thats not okay. So if hi chooses to run, i imagine this is a comfort hell have with the American People. Are you open to seeing people have those conversations or being removed from the opportunity to run . One of the reasons why ive had worked on this issue so long, we do need to value women. Ive been working on workplace issues specifically, making sure when you become an employee, you can have a contract that doesnt force you into arbitration or forces to sign nondisclosure agreements in your boss is harassing you or assaulting you. Ive been leading in the senate with Republican Leaders as well. We just passed a put unance mussily to change the rules for Sexual Harassment in congress to make sure that people come forward that has a process that doesnt make them wait three months, that mandates they keep their allegations in confidence. We need more accountability. We need more transparency, and we need to value women. Its going to be true whether ire talking about Sexual Assault in the military, on a college campus, in congress, or if youre running for president , you have to make sure you talk to people about these issues. Thank you for joining us today on this allimportant equal payday. Thank you. President trump tripling down on his threats to close the southern border. Goods what that is doing . Prompts his own party to beg him not to do that. Its not just humanitarian issue, its an economic one. Were going to take you live to the border on what the leaders down there want. Next my power panel will be here to react to what senator gillibrand said. No, i cant belt was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Yea. [quartet singing] shoot the j shoot, shoot, shoot the jaaaaaay. Believe it geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Or trips to mars. 4. 95. Delivery drones or the latest phones. 4. 95. 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We are working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Welcome back. Im stephanie ruhle. Donna edwards, former democratic congresswoman from mereland and contributing columnest to the washington post. A. B. Stoddard, maya wiley and my dear friend tina brown is here. Tina, i go to you first. Paycheck fairness has been an sure forever. 20iers the gap was 26 , today its 20 , in my opinion were making almost no progress. Why . Because women have only just really begun to make the collective noise thats needed to make it happen. I mean, at the end of the day, the only fear of being found out, it seems really moves the needle. We learned that in bbc, i dont want a raise, i want parity. So im coming back to the newsroom. Vice news had to settle a big classaction suit for the women who had been underpaid for so long. It seems to me it has to be about numbers, it has to be about not keeping it to yourself, it has to be about going to your sisters and saying, what are you paid . And doing the research, which you can get on sites like glass floor, which can say, were just not being paid the same. I think now in this current climate, theres never been a better mom to push collectively. When you go back to the equal rights amendment, it was women who blocked women. Is this a moment in history i mean, last week we finally saw legislation for equal pay get the highest vote ever, but do we actually this is this is a moment this is going to change. We talk about all the time, the amount of conferences and books written, but the numbers are not changing. I think theres a feeling in the workplace that people dont want to rock the boat. Women especially dont want to theyre afraid of slipping down the lad other if they confront their bosses. If you look at the legislative level, the debate is not popular enough among women, not popular enough among republicans, and it really is an interesting it shouldnt be, it should be an issue if youre running as a republican woman, why dont you run on that issue . Im amazed that its not a push being for within the democratic party, and it really has to clang at the grassroots level, voters telling their leaders that they want this to be an issue, so individually they dont have to confront. It could better a human issues. Congresswoman edwards, at least for candidates running for president , equal pay. How high up should it by on the list the priorities . Equal pay is a winning issue. Obviously for Democratic Candidates, the womens vote is incredibly important in a democratic primary. I think thats one of the reasons you hear Democratic Candidates for president talking about equal pay, but this really is about transparency, and the Greater Transparency there is in the workplace, then the more likely it is that women will achieve that parity the rather shocking even among republican women theres even a problem. Its always attribute to do Something Else. Women on the ground know what the problem is and theyre willing to confront their bosses now in a way that they never have before. Its not a political agenda. The data backs it up. I want to talk about a different transpanes. This robert Mueller Report, maya, today is the deadline for bill burr. I just spoke to kristen gillibrand, we nose bill barr has shown no signs hes going to submit this thing. I think what senator gillibrand was right about is the levers that congress can pull to get access to the report, but it has to go through a jewel terrible process. It will ultimately get the approval from the court, i believe, because it has a strong Public Interest in legislating in doing its job, until the constitution of the United States, so it will happen, the question is how it will happen and the period of time. If in my view the real issue is that the attorney general, who in his confirmation hearing said i think whats best for the American People is a public report, is we make as much of it available as possible, to then saying but i cant turn anything over covered by the grand jury, when he has permission to ask the court to turn it over and has not done so. That to me is a big red flag. I think it will happen, it should has been in a bipartisan way. Theres another thing theyre looking for, security clearance information. Just moments ago chairman adam schiff respond the about the security clearance issue and what he cause hypocrisy from the gop. Take a look. For a crowd that took such issue with Hillary Clinton, to be put it mildly is deeply inconsistent. Congresswoman edwards, yew reaction though this. We have a whistleblower in the white house who las come forward and said this didnt smell right, and the white house is saying we dont comment on this. Although i want to remind the audience ivanka trump two months ago said her father has nothing to do with security clearance. So i think we have an 18year veteran doing thinks security clearances, who is a civil servant, who has come out and said that something stinks in the house when it comes to issuing security clearances, and over the objections of Civil Servants and of professionals, that that was overruled in the white house for senior white house officials. For Something Like 25 different persons for security clearances. This is really unacceptable. This is about endangers the security in the United States, the National Security of the United States, and having people in control of that information who could be compromised, who could be subject to blackmail, who have things in their background, whether its financial interests that make them a risk. I think its important for congress to look at this, and if need be do what chairman cummings is doing and issuing a subpoena to get the records and the information, and to bring people forward who can testify about what it is that happened in that process. This is about the security of the country, the National Security interests, and the white house stepping on the toes of Civil Servants whose he job it is to make sure the United States remains secure. Tina, whether were talking about releasing the Mueller Report or this information on security clearance, were at a standoff. Were at an extreme partisan standoff at a time when the majority of people in the country are trying to live their best lives, arent superpolitical. Do you see any progress happening . What i think is the trump group are being brilliant with how they handle the Mueller Report whether you consider it. For start, bob was never going to be an honest broker. We knew what he thought. He got the job because he already had made the memo. We knew he wasnt an honest broker. Now what they did. They just surgically extracted. Two, three things, the no collusion, the no indictments, and then the gloss, which wasnt in the report, saying there was no guilt on obstruction of justice. Puts that out when everybody is with bated breath, with every single tv in the country, all they wanted to hear was guilty or not guilty. They declare not guilty and then they hang on to to it. They are betting a what trump bets on so effectively, understanding the attention spanned of people. Once everybody stops listening, all this other stuff will come out. This tsunami of beastly nuance as well as actual offenses. Theyre banking no one will be listening now. Hell make some crazy Statement Like were going to cut off all the aid to latin america, and well move on. We have will drown it. Its really in their interest to hang on to to as long as they can. The more they hang on to it, the more board the rest of the country will feel about what comes out. A. B. , do you agree that big bill barr is part of that sycophant posse . You hes not part of the kel Kellyanne Conway school. Bill barr has been toerge before, and this is his last big position, we imagine. He has a very, very solid reputation. People will always question where he is on this issue because of that 19page memo that tina points out got him the job. He has an expansive view of executive power. We will seeing in this process just where he falls, but at this point hes facing a lot of skit same. He knows that. Thats why he put out that the letter, saying this is what i meant about my principal conclusions, and its coming in a few weeks, because the pressure is building and it looked like he was covering for President Trump. I dont think he wants to, but he realized last week thats what it seemed. Up next were going to take you to the border. President trumps threats to close thor, no surprise it brought major but guess whats happening now on the front lines begging it is president not to follow through, sake the Economic Impact would be disastrous. Were going to take you to the border. He border tech at safelite autoglass, we really pride ourselves on making it easy to get your windshield fixed. Teacher lets turn in your science papers. Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. Tech vo so when she had auto glass damage. She chose safelite. With safelite, she could see exactly when wed be there. 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Do not take ozempic® if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to ozempic®. Stop taking ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, itching, rash, or trouble breathing. Serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. Tell your doctor if you have Diabetic Retinopathy or vision changes. Taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase the risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I discovered the potential with ozempic®. Oh oh oh ozempic® ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. In about two hours, the police chief michael moor will speak when the shooting of nipsey hussle. Chaos erupted after someone thought they heard gunshots. 19 people were injured, two in critical condition. All of thiss Police Released a photo of a suspect. Police psychosis anyone with information about this man a your screen, eric holder, to come forward. As some border state republicans are urging caution on doing so. Mexico, do not forget, is the Third Largest trading partner to the United States. Clearly that would have a major effect on our economy, with the chamber of commerce sitting that the u. S. And mexico trade about 1. 7 billion in goods a day. Mariana atense i dont is on the front lines in el paso, texas. Youve got to tell me, the business owners, how on earth are they reacting . You. Reporter people are send, were nearly 20,000 people coming in legally from juarez to el paso every day. They keep the economy going, so you can imagine the concern. They call this move potential disastrous. Lets listen. For us, as a company it would affect us a lot. 75 of our customers are Restaurant Owners and Grocery Store owners, so down the line its just going to affect everybody. We might have to close down, for that matter, maybe 50 of the businesses in the United States as far as the business is concerned. It would be devastating to el paso, the state of texas, and the United States we have 101 billion annually. It would be a devastating impact to the entire region, but also to the United States as a whole. Reporter it is not just farmers or business owners. It is consumers. American consumers, steph, like you and me and the people watching your show. 40 of imported fruit come from mexico. Mariana, thank you, always important to actually take you there to the front line. I want to bring back Donna Edwards and a. B. Republicans who have stood with the president around border issues are suddenly saying, hold your horses, this would be disastrous. What is happening here and sort of the mixed messaging. It works for his base, but those who it matters to are saying no ray. Youre familiar with the president making a proclamation or declaration, and the administration or congress to back it up. That is their jam both have said we understand the president s frustration, but this would have devastating consequences. He is being warned by every adviser around him he really shouldnt do this. It doesnt look like hes going to do this. Everything we just heard about crossborder trade, 40 of our produce, everything. He wants to dangle it as his soninlaw said, to increase pressure on everyone. The republicans have report told him this will be a disaster. Increased pressure on whom . The problem is i just dont understand what turn hes going to take if he cant with all these tweets badgering members of Congress Gets a bill to his desk as a result. Congresswoman edwards, Kiersten Nielsen troops it as a crisis. Cutting on the aid to three Central American countries. That increases the appreciate on the border. So i mean, i think part of what the the president does, in addition to playing to his base, what hes trying to do is sort of ramp up what is happening on the border, so he can use that politically. I think, you know, his friends in congress are saying, wait, hold on a second. The economy you keep touting will go in the tank if you shut down this border. This is only getting more heated. Up next, the most powerful woman in america interviewed this morning in d. C. , what Speaker Pelosi just said about the health care, the border, and all the hot topics. Anna palmer, the woman asking those questions, joins me next. Those questions, joins me next stelara® works differently. Studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. 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With a range of sizes for all body types, depend® fitflex underwear is guaranteed to be your best fit. I think that its important for the Vice President and others to understand, it isnt what you intended, its how it was received. To say im sorry that you were offended is not an apology. Im sorry i invaded your space, but inot im sorry you were offended. She talked about much more including equal pay, health care, anna palmer was the comoderator of the event. First on biden, what was the reaction to that part of your conversation . I think everything was waiting to see what she was going to say. She had not been as outspoken as she was. She also said in a clip that wasnt played, she believes in the straightarm club in terms of keeping your personal distance, pretending like someone has a cold. She did not shy away from it. She said she did not think the et allegations were disqualifying. Everyone is waiting to hear from joe biden. He hasnt done any interviews except for a statement since these allegations came about the last couple weeks. She also gave herself and House Democrats a pretty winning grade, an aplus in terms of the majority. What issues does she bless are the most winning . You know, she explained pretty clearly show she believes they are enacting hr1, theyre delivering on what they promised, but it appears that health care is something they feel very comfortable and confidence in talking to the American People about. The other thing i thought was interesting is she talked about where President Trump and democrats can work he together, particularly on drug pricing. She made clears not negotiations yet. The second thing is she talked a lot about infrastructure, and being potentially a place where democrats and republicans could come together before the midterm. Anna, thank you so much. Back with mess is tina brown, she detailed the work of women and their impact on society. Next week shell be hosting the tenth women in the world summit. The mission of this group is to gather female leaders and activists across the globe, and the question this year can women save the world . Tina, i do want to start with the joe biden question and Nancy Pelosis reaction. People are concerned that issues are getting conflated. Me too opened a window and now were seeing so many women coming forward. This isnt assault, but maybe it is Something Else that has to be addressed. Joe biden comes from the crustacean era of relations. Hes a man from a wholly different, alpha man, do we throw them out or help them evolve. I think joe beaden has a incredible record. Actually he blew the opportunity during the cabinet hearings i think to makes that his moment when he would have said i so got that wrong and actually call her and do so, which he never did. So hes got that issue to deal with. I suspect it does mean, because there is a reason why this movement is called times up. There is a reason he shouldnt run, which is that its not about this that he shouldnt run, but hes not nimble in the mo mores and the language of today. I think he will spend of campaign apologizing for things he did or didnt do. Hes an amazing noble guy in many ways, but i suspect that time is up for joe biden. In your oped youre asking the question what happens when women stop leading like men. What is that like . What ive been impressed about is when theyre actually allowed to lead, they do extraordinary and unexpected things. When they behave lime women rather than like men. Gist the p. M. Of new zealand. She was only known for frankly being a young mother who gave blirt as a world leader. Wow, then the tragedy happened with the muslim slayings, in christchurch. She instinctively put on the hijab, and then all over new zealand they started donning it in solidarity, and then the next thing is the note and are projee image of her over monuments. So, its like that was an incredible moment, i thought. I think we just saw nancy pelosi and, wow, shes such an example of how a woman can lead differently. She manages to keep at bay the, soothe her angry committee with timeouts and committee treats and keep everybody corralled. And i love what she said after this very angry, you know, postmueller caucus with their leadership and all furious and she said, calm down. Calm down. We dont want to be like them. And that is what i think women can bring to the table which is instead of apologizing for their different style of leadership, they should really step up to it. They should say, look, we know were women and caregivers and mothers and we look after elderly parents and we are the delegated caregivers and that givens them their additional gene of somehow delaying their own gratification. I will bet you none of the married women currently running for president pictures of themselves doing inappropriate things. I think women know how to delay that kind of gratification and we have all these men every day being kind of, you know, weve seen robert kraft. You know, weve seen r. Kelly. You know, its like an explosion of men who cant seem to delay their gratification. They just cant do it. Women are good at that. Let us just at least say, what Hillary Clinton because she lived so long for a man who didnt have it, she said women have the responsibility gene and i do think that is true. Doesnt make them always better leaders. Weve seen with theresa may stumbling around and totally inept but she only was there because of all those upper class men totally messed up brexit and left her as the only person standing and, you know, theyre still sabotaging anything she has to do. Whether we have the responsibility gene or not, we dont have a choice. We just have to do it. Exactly. The unpaid burdens. We have to take them up, which gets back to equal pay. Whole other subject. Stay at home mothers how they need some tax breaks. That is a fulltime job. Tina, thank you so much. Up next, money, power, politics. Why an economist waublked into brothel. Seriously, well tell you what that has to do with risk and equal pay. You heard me. Verizon got us vip tickets three feet away from justin timberlake. And to say vip is an understatement, because i sawww justin timberlake. So he literally looked into the phone and started dancing well, he was already dancing locked eyes and continued dancing. I still have to like pinch myself and make sure im not dreaming. Every now and then, im like, wait, did that happen . gasps ive got photos of it, it must have. vo get more music on us with vip tickets to the best shows, like shawn mendes and camila cabello. Plus, save big when you switch. Only on verizon. Giddy up. Time for money, power, politics. What on earth does a brothel have to do with risk . Besides the obvious, it is a way to look at how you manage risk in your everyday life. Joining me allison author of new book an economist walks into a brothel. People might not realize it, but your book is all about risk management. You walk into a brothel and sat down with those women and, what, figure how they negotiate what theyre getting paid. Initially i went there to learn negotiation skills because they have an elaborate negotiation training program. Because when the brothel first contacted me, they were explaining how every day they have women in their early 20s negotiating with mens in their 60s. This is the bunny ranch in veg vegas. They invited me to go through their negotiation training program. Which changed my life. I became more comfortable, asking for more money and learning no. While i was there i discovered not only why they were able to ask for so much, but demanded so much. Sex work is so risky for them and for their customers and what the brothel did was charge customers a huge markup and then take a huge chunk of the womens pay and the spread was actually the risk premium. Why is it, though, we talk about equal pay, fair pay constantly. We know that legislation has been kicking around for 22 years around equal pay. Why is it that nothing is moving . Is it all about, you know, men protecting the status quo and the patriarchy . I think there are a lot of reasons. Thats part of it. For me, i have always been shy about asking for more money or didnt realize i could negotiate. If someone offered me a job and i didnt realize i was supposed to demand more. There is a poll out more. 9,000 americans polled and 46 , almost half the men polled said they believe that the whole pay gap issue is made up. Its there to serve a political purpose. You know, theres talk about women running the world. They run all the businesses. When you know thats not true. Why cause this narrative still exist . Well, i think because its like anything. Theres a colonel of truth into it and if you take the pay gap, you can decompose it to different components like flexibility or things like that. After you control for all those things, there is still a pay gap. Thats undeniable. Theyre running with that kernel of truth that there are factors that are voluntary and its hardly the whole reason. Is the answer get bold, get brave and ask for it . It is. But you just cant come out and ask for it. When women do ask for it, they are penalized. So, what was interesting about the brothel negotiation strategy is, you know, i am always nervous asking for pay. Youre about to work with someone and you want to have a Good Relationship with them. For them it is more intense because they are about to have, and they had all these tricks that they taught me to lessen the risk this goes badly. Negotiating pay, youre about to learn it from an economist walked into a brothel. That wraps up this hour and more news with Hallie Jackson. The answer is, yes, that was some handoff. Thank you, stephanie. I appreciate that. Im Hallie Jackson in washington where the subpoenas start today because breaking right now the House Oversight committee is getting ready to meet as we speak on capitol hill. That is on the left side of your screen. Set to authorize those subpoenas against key white house officials, including Jared Kushner. New reaction from him overnight and Speaker Pelosi this morning about the attorney general blowing right through the democrats deadline for the russia report. Down south, the scramble meantime ahead of that potential border shut down. We are live here with the white house spokesperson and live on the ground talking with folks on alert and worried about their livelihoods. In a week, they could be out of. They might have to close down. The accusations throwing a wrench into 2020 and a new

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