Separate President Trump from our economy right now. Speaking of the economy and trump so often is, the volatility over the last few weeks in the market, its got the president playing the blame game. Now pointing the finger not at the fed, but at democrats as well, of course, as his fed chair and the reason for the big october selloff. Plus, not just in the u. S. , but a world divided with news of german chancellor Angela Merkels plans to not run for election and the newly elected president of brazil. Is the world taking a hard turn to the right . Jam packed schedule for President Trump and candidates across the country with just six days to go before the midterms. According to the political reports, there 50 races out there that are considered tossups. I have a great team to break it all down. First, let me break down exactly where we are. We have a lot to cover. Out of those 50 races the majority are in the house. But a dozen are in governors races and nine more in the senate. More than 80 of those seats are currently held by republicans. With that in mind the president kicks off a very ambitious trip through the contested states stopping at 11 cities over the next six days and nearly every candidate hell be campaigning for is in one of those tossup races. It is a strategy that fits perfectly with the overall narrative of the election season, which is one that voted for republicans. The question is, will it work . It is not the first time a president has put themselves front and center in a midterm. Back in 2002, the year after taking office, george w. Bush hit 15 states in the last five days, helping his party add seats in both houses of congress. Granted, it was a year after after 9 11, but that is only the second time in history an incumbents party gained seats in the midterm. By way of contrast, president obama made four stops in the final week of 2010 campaign season, you cannot draw a direct line, democrats ended up losing half a dozen seats in the senate and control of the house. Over the next six days President Trump will try to channel the george bush model and took a handful of super tight races to the republican side. Tonight hes going to florida, where the gubernatorial candidate ron desantis and Senate Candidate rick scott are behind. Tomorrow its missouri where Senate Candidate josh hawley appears to be one step ahead of claire mccaskill. On friday the president is in West Virginia where Senate CandidatePatrick Morrissey trails joe manchin. President trump makes his furthest trip west to montana where Matt Rosendale trails jon tester by four. On sunday President Trump is in georgia where the governors race is essentially tied and then in tennessee where a new nbc poll finds the republican Marsha Blackburn up by five. The only race where all of these where the republicans have a clear lead. On monday he is hitting three states, ohio where the governors race is separated by just three points. Then he makes a second trip to indiana and a second trip to missouri all inside of one week. Now, as you may have noticed all of these are senate and governors races. That is because the republicans odds of holding onto the house are believed to be slim. However, the president has not completely forgotten about republicans running for the lower chamber. In the last few days he has tweeted his support of a dozen candidates. You have to wonder, is he working on his legislative agenda at all . I want to go to Nbcs Kristen Welker live at the white house. Kristen, talk me through the strategy, why just focus on the senate and governors races, are they assuming the house is a lost cause . Steph, if you talk to officials inside the white house, inside the president s Campaign Branch they effectively acknowledge that their chances in the house are not looking good. And take a listen to the president s rhetoric. If you need anymore proof of that. Remember, the president started talking about a red wave, not a blue wave. Its been a long time since weve heard the president talking about a red wave. And youre absolutely right, as you ticked through all of those states, those 11 stops were going to see from President Trump over the next several days they seem to be focused squarely on the senate and on the gubernatorial races. Now, Sarah Huckabee sanders was out talking to reporters a short time ago and she was asked squarely if the president is now focused on the senate, if this is a tacit acknowledgment that the house is lost. Take a listen. Weve done a lot for the house. If you look at those ten states, the president is overwhelmingly popular in those locations. The president s the best messenger for the party. Hes had an incredible first two years in office and he has a great story to tell. Hes been doing that all over the country for the last several months. And, of course, steph, as you and i have been talking about over the past several days his Closing Argument is focused on immigration, that caravan thats a thousand miles out from the u. S. Border. But the president is focused on that, sending troops to the border and tweeting about it just moments ago. Let me read you his latest tweet. Our military is being mobilized at the southern border, many more troops coming. We will not let these caravans, also made up of some very bad thugs and gang members into the u. S. Our border is sacred, and must come in legally. Turn around. And of course yesterday we learned that President Trump is looking to potentially issue some type of executive order that he says would effectively end b end birthright citizen ship. Sarah sanders indicated theyre moving forward with that idea. Bottom line, steph, the times underscores the fact this is likely a political move more than a realistic legal move. President trump focused on his base, immigration is an issue thats going to drive out the base. Will it bring in, though, independents and some of those suburban women that republican candidates are going to need if theyre going to win next week . Steph. If youre out there asking why isnt the president focused on the economy, that should be a winning one for him, not immigration. Maybe it is because only 39 of americans approve of the tax overhaul, 64 say theyve seen no increase in their take home pay. And how about debt . President trump, we talk about campaign promises, promised to eliminate the national debt. It is being increased by 1. 5 billion. I want to bring in my panel. Martin omalley, the former democratic governor from maryland, a former president ial candidate and former chairman of the democratic governors oh. And my dear friend ron ansana. Welcome. You are one of the few democrats who rallied with president obama in 2010. Can you speak about the impact it has on the midterms when a president does stump for a candidate . Absolutely. Its hugely significant, not just for this big year when theres 36 governors up, its significant for the type of congress that we have for the next ten years. So in 2010 we got demolished. Our party lost. We went from about 29 governors down to 20. We lost so many state and local offices that then we were saddled with redistricting and borders that put into congress from places that had overwhelming majority of democratic voters, nonetheless a lopsided delegation of Republican Congress people. Are democrats making a mistake . The president is clearly flooding the zone. Democrats are not making the mistake, we dont have the presidency, but we have some great candidates, Stacey Abrams in georgia, Andrew Gillum in florida. If you look at the great lakes we are possibly in a position to sweep all of those big great lake states, not only pennsylvania, where tom wolf is taking care of business, but cordray is within the margin of victory in ohio. You have scott walker, i was tired of scott after one term. You would think the people of wisconsin would be tired after three. That looks like its within the margin of error. And of course minnesota, illinois, this is all very significant. And then theres some exciting outliers in kansas where laura kelly is poised within that margin of victory. Also theres nevada, sisilak, within the margin of victory in nevada. Anyone thats within the margin of victory is going to be looking at a very strong finish on Election Night. Scott walker hes given you every state and every race. Scott walker talking about that foxconn plant arriving. Maybe voters could call the state of pennsylvania where that plant never arrived. Lets talk about florida. The president is going there tonight with rick scott. I want to share what yahoo news had in an article. On halloween this wednesday rick scott will tress up as a candidate who wants to appear with President Trump on the campaign trail. Is this about politics . Is it about getting the vote out . What are they doing here . Its more turnout than anything else. Mr. Gillums running a Good Campaign so far in florida. The president said harsh things about him, calling him a stone cold thief a couple days ago. That should mobilize democrats in florida who may not appreciate that rhetoric. Its more about turnout than policy in florida, particularly since mr. Gillum appears to be leading the race, by a small amount. The president is heading to eight states, but not to contested races in nevada, texas and new jersey. As the veteran of the dga, walk us through the strategy of where the president should go . It looks from your presentation that hes going to places where he has the greatest shot of keeping a congressional seat there in redistricting. Redistricting happens in two years. These 36 men and women elected governors will affect redistricting. Hes looking at the senate and looking at places where he can hold onto what is already a thin margin in the United States senate. He doesnt want to, you know, make the mistake of not getting out there and campaigning and then find that he wakes up the next morning and hes lost a couple of senate seats they might have dug out. Claire mccaskill is a fighter. I think shes going to full this out in missouri. The president has his work cut out for him, but so do we. From the democrats youre going to see the numbers of surrogates out there. I know Vice President biden plans to be in ohio. I myself have been in 30 states over the course of the last year. And im also focused whats the number one thing people told you they care about . You know what people care about, more than anything else, is that we seem to be losing that spirit of moderation, civility, love and respect for one another. It seems to have gone missing out there, and people are looking for decent men and women to pick it up and lift it up into our public discourse. I mean, what these candidates ive campaigned for a lot of people, stephanie, running for state senates and state house. We have the opportunity, hard to get into that with everything thats going on, but we have the opportunity to flip a lot of those chambers. What each of these men and women tell me is that nobody brings up donald trump when they knock on the doors. Its almost like hes the dark canvas against which their message is of dignity, decency, hard work, health care, education, being able to get ahead and do better by your family. These are the messages that our men and women are running with. If the special elections are any indication, the hundred that have happened, it appears that its a winning message. Ron, i want to share for you what rnc chairwoman mcdaniels said about the republican strategy. When i hear what she says, its hard to think, okay, maybe, but its not what trump says. Take a look. Were running on higher wages, more jobs, our economy doing well, taking on the opioid crisis. Theres so many things that have come out of these first two years of President Trump and republican leadership. And were saying to voters, do you want to go back . Okay, so really quickly in terms of do you want to go back . If were talking wages and the economy, the economy was on a steady rise. Since president obama was elected. So anyone lauralee trump im talking to you, who says there was a turnaround in the economy when President Trump was elected, i invite you to study economics 101. There was a modest acceleration. Thats not a turnaround. What she is talking about is the opposite of what President Trump is talking about. Hes talking about a Migrant Caravan and mobilizing the military to a border when, by the way, the caravans not even arriving weeks from now, the resources and the expense of that, think about that. The governor is right, theyre not running on the economy. Even though we have the lowest unemployment since 1969, 2000 gdp in a great place. Its in a great place. Its a modest acceleration from the last couple of years. President obama enjoyed similar numbers throughout his two terms. But one of a strong economy, more jobs than you have unemployed individuals in the United States, one reason why we need immigrants in the u. S. Is to fill some of those jobs. And as you mentioned, stephanie, the stock markets become extremely volatile, worried that the economy is beginning to slow that the Global Economy is slowing that the policies put in place where we have to borrow 1. 3 trillion this year to finance an unfunded tax cut. All issues are resonating more than a strong economy, counterintuitive and counter to whats driven politics in the past. Governor, to your last point when you talked about americans are looking for civil, decent, moderate, openminded government leaders, do you worry that in both parties we are pushing to the right and the left, and that exhausted majority is getting pushed out . Yeah, and dont let me dont let me misconvey by moderate, i dont mean ill liberal. Im talking about the spirit of moderation. That ability to listen to one another and realize we can advance this, we can do better together. I might not get everything that i want, you might not get everything that you want. And yes, we are in danger of losing that. Were in danger of losing that by driving the last partisan advantage to its bitter end. We need to elevate the common good and whats good for our nation. You know what phrase a lot of candidates are using out there . Its a very lockalized, we need to save our democracy, right here in kansas, or iowa, or new hampshire. Its a sense that americans have that they might not be able to vote in the president ial race. By golly if they respond to the messages of dignity and decency and solidarity, they can make things better in their own home place. Ron is talking about were all talking about the economy doing better. But the measure is not only jobs its also pay and wages. Good jobs. A lot of places people are not doing better, youre seeing costs outstrip their wage increases. That point, inflation has accelerated. And part of that has to do with tariffs. Theyre pushing the Cost Increases to consumers. Consumers havent seen the real cost increase from the tariffs yet. No, they have not. In fact, the president has suggested come december or january he can impose an additional tariffs on 250 billion of chinese goods, affecting everything they send to us. Its slowed the rest of the world. With respect to what the governor is saying, and not to contradict the illiberal statement, but i go back to the year 2000 when bill clinton and tony blare were talking about a third way, best ideas of conservatives and liberals and trying to find Common Ground thats pragmatic and practical. We talked about a third wave forever and it doesnt find its lane. It does not. Thats partly because, you know, the Republican Party went off the edge. Theres no one to dance with there when it comes to things like making college more affordable. Great numbers the rest are doing it too with unfundable promises. You cannot do some things the progressives are talking about without radical reshaping of the federal budget priorities. I balanced the budget every year for eight years, one of seven that kept a aaa bond rating through the recession, but we went four years in a row without increasing college tuition, extended Health Care Coverage to 300,000 people. You have to work within budgets, yes, but theres a true north in our country, greater inclusion to greater numbers of people and allowing people to get ahead when they work hard. Those are all undermined by the vitriol and strange ideology thats gripped the Republican Party. The democrats will be able to respond and bring us back to a course of forward rather than back. Everyone can go out and vote for civility. Coming up, going live to the state of florida, the panhandle, where road warriors are talking to voters on the ground about what matters most ahead of tuesdays election. 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