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Speaks perfect english. Good morning, im Chris Jansing in for stephanie ruhle. This morning, executive power. The president asserts he is, quote, totally out to be involved in the mueller investigation. Even saying he could run it if he wanted to. But despite months of claims that hed sit down with the Special Counsel, hes now worried it could be a perjure trap. They simply dont have any evidence of collusion and they have no evidence of obstruction other than their version of the truth. Going fishing. Microsoft seizes control of websites created by Russian Hackers intended to look like conservative think tanks and the u. S. Senate with the intent of Stealing Passwords and yet deny chuls of users. And courting support, documents on the Supreme Court nominee are released as judge Kavanaugh Heads to the hill. Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. He said he believes he has the authority, for example, to fire rod rozrozen rosenstein. He cant technically fire mueller. He could push rosenstein to do it. Rosenstein has indicated he is not going to do that. The president , though, could also try to essentially defang mueller. Essentially take away his security credentials. Something he did to former cia director brennan. He was asked about that in that reuters interview as well. He said he hadnt really given that a whole lot of thought. We try to drill down exactly what the president meant. The other big headline here is President Trump seeming to indicate that hes now leaning against doing an interview with Special Counsel robert mueller. Saying what his lawyers have been pushing for a number of day. That hes concerned about a socalled perjury trap. The president also neglecting to say again that Russia Meddled in the 2016 election. Instead saying this to reuters. The investigation played right into the russians hands. So its against that backdrop that President Trump prepares to head to West Virginia later tonight, chris, for a campaign rally. We could hear more about all of this at that rally, chris. We wouldnt be surprised if we did, kristen, thank you for that. Let me bring in my panel. Ned price, spokesperson under president obama. And Mark Thompson is a radio host with ziriosirius xm progre. Let me play what giuliani said on june 3rd on meet the press. He was talking about the possibility of President Trump stepping in and ending an investigation like this. Thats a very unrealistic thing. If youre asking in a theoretical sense it could lead to impeachment. I mean, if he terminated an investigation of himself, it could lead to all sorts of consequences. Constitutionally, youre making the argument you think constitutionally he could. Is what youre saying. Im saying constitutionally, it sure locks that way. So, ned, youve got Rudy Giuliani saying that we talked to a former federal prosecutor in the doj and asked him, he said the president could do it. He could step in. He said the question is whether its lawful or does it have a corrupt purpose. And that question would likely be decided by the courts. What do you think is going on here . Whats your answer to that question . Could he stop it if he wanted to . Well, yes, chris, both the feature and flaw of our system is that there is very little that is written specifically into the constitution, into law, into statute. Much of this is based on norms. Norms that are previous 44 president s, all good people for the most part, have observed and adhered to. We now have a president who is willing to flout these norms. These norms of american society. This is the first time we found ourselves in this position. Yes, i think technically the president could step in. The fact, though, is he would probably do so in an effort to obstruct justice with malign intent to exonerate himself. So i think that is where this would violate what we have observed for the 240some years of our republic. The other question is we have focused so much on the president s assertion he could run this investigation that we have overlooked his statement he has stayed out of it to date. And that is false we just played that sound of him. We could play, the entire hour, of sound of him talking about and criticizing this investigation. We have the Mueller Probe in the first place because donald trump fired jim comey with russia in mind. Hes continued to harangue the prosecutions. Hes tampered with witnesses by encouraging Paul Manafort to stay strong. Not only that, but susan, just the idea, again, even if he can do it legally if there arent any strong restrictions on it. A president deciding to end the investigation that essentially is about his election. I think he would have a tremendous amount of backlash. Even though the republicans have been hands off with this president , i think thats a bridge too far. I do not think hell go that far. Do you think he would do it . Do you think hes just talking . Donald trump likes to talk. He likes to talk about how much power he has. He likes to talk about how much power he has because he thinks it makes him look strong. Like i can take care of this. In fact, it has the opposite effect. It makes him look weak and petty, that hes basically punching down. So do i think he would do it . If his back was against the wall, if they start finding out things and i think thats what hes most afraid of, you have the don mcgahn interview. You have omarosa with tapes. You have Michael Cohen looking to make a deal with tapes. I think this president is afraid. Hes a cornered animal. And he will do anything to he did not speak as Donald Trumps personal attorney and thats a very important difference. One of the things i mean, you know, the president said look, of course i said mcgahn should, you know, speak because i have nothing to hide. Part of his whole feeling, you know, that he is in control. He wanted to make very clear that that was his decision. He also keeps talking now about taking away Security Clearances. He suggested even James Clapper might be being nice to him because he wants to keep his own Security Clearance. He also tweeted about an interview that former fbi official phil mudd did on cable news. Take a watch of this. When i am requested to sit on advisory board, let me ask you one question. How much do you think im paid to do that at the request of the u. S. Government . Give me one answer and youve got ten seconds. How much . Ill give ill ask you a question. How much are you paid for exposing your contracting gigs, for being a i have no contracts with the u. S. Government that pay money, zero. When you have a Security Clearance i have zero relationships with the private sector that involve my Security Clearance, zero. Then the president who obviously was watching tweeted, just watched former intelligence official phillip mudd become totally unglued and weird while debating John Brennans Security Clearance. Mudd is in no mental condition to have such a clearance, should it be revoked. Besides, ned, just that thats how the president of the United States is spending his time watching cable and then essentially doing a live in time commentary on that. I mean, is that where we are . Hes just picking people to threaten . Does this support the argument hes using Security Clearances simply as a weapon against his critics, not because some of those people might, in so many way, be leakers or pose a threat to National Security . Yes. T the answer to that is yes, absolutely, 100 . Donald trump should be careful of having unglued and weird as the barometer for removal of Security Clearance. Passion that phil mudd had dedicated, passion that phil mudd had channeled to service of his country over the course of deca decades. But what weve seen from the president is not an understanding that Security Clearances are not something that go only to your defenders, to your champions. These are what former officials have so that they can consult, they can share their knowledge, they can work and continue to work on the hardest, the most challenging problems we face as a nation with their current colleagues. With those who remain in the intelligence community. In the Law Enforcement community. But youre absolutely right. This president sees it as a political reward and he is seeing the removal of Security Clearance as punishment, as a chilling signal to all of those, all of those who would criticize him and who would find fault with what he is doing, and frankly, that borders on autocratic tendencies. Ned price, thank you. Susan and mark are going to stay with us. Up next, new evidence of russia trying to hack our political system. This time, targeting conservative think tanks who dont like trump. Well explain what these hackers tried to do and how microsoft stopped it. But, first, remember, we talked yesterday about melania trumps speech on Cyber Civility . Well, conan obrien suggests one person should have been listening a little more closely. Melania trump gave a Speech Denouncing cyber bullying. Immediately yaafterward, Presidt Trump went on twitter and called her a loser immigrant. Sleek de. Performance. Dependability is top on my list. Well then, heres some vehicles that deliver on that. 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And they famously hacked into the Democratic National committee in 2016 and as well as into john podesta, Hillary Clintons campaign chairman, his email account, and they famously dumped those email also out into the public on wikileaks, which really through the 2016 election in disarray. They havent gone away . Thats correct. We shouldnt be surprised they havent gone away. We, in fact, been warned and told by intelligence officials for the last two years that theyre not going away, that theyre going to continue their efforts, and i want to at least make one point clear here. What they do is they do espionage as well as Information Warfare, which is Weaponizing Information they steal by putting it out into the public sphere, in a way that can embarrass a candidate or create confusion and discord. We dont know yet exactly what their goal was with this latest effort to create fake websites, mimicking conservative think tasks. Perhaps it was straight espionage. Perhaps it was an effort to see if they could find very damaging information, interesting information that they could put out there to create more confusion and discord and perhaps to help President Trump, but their ultimate goal is really to undermine u. S. Democracy, u. S. Values of openness, transparency and democracy and enhance the already existing divisions we have here in the u. S. Society. So is it that our laws are not sufficient or havent kept up with whats out there . The reason theyre still operating, are they outteching us . Why have we not stopped them . First, part of it is what it is theyre doing, the scope of their campaign. And secondly, its not a problem that can be addressed solely by the u. S. Government alone. In fact, a large part of the battlefield is in the private sector on the networks and on the pipes of private companies or private sector companies, Tech Companies, where we as americans really dont want our u. S. Intelligence agencies and Law Enforcement agencies snooping around and sitting on them and sniffing out threats. That would be considered, you know, an invasion of privacy and of civil liberties. So thats the scene that the russians have cleverly exploited in the last, you know, several years. Knowing that the tech sector has traditionally been off limits to u. S. Federal agencies and so they can sort of root around with impunity. Whats good here, whats interesting here, is that Tech Companies are starting to fight back. Microsoft has become much more proactive and aggressive about discover, detecting, russian actors on registering fake websites, et cetera, and has taken actions to unilaterally take them down by transferring them over to their own domains. As we look at as we look at how why theyre doing this, these conservatives think tanks and groups, many of them have broken with donald trump and also criticized the kremlin. Senator don mcgahn, mitt romney are on the board of the International Republican institute. Those are two men who have been very openly critical of the president. Does that Signal Something or is it just impossible to know without going back to the source and figuring out exactly what do we summize from it . Whats important to note, the russians arent really strictly partisan in their campaigns. Their overarching goal is to divide and conquer. Is to foment confusion and doubt. And set one up against the other. And so they can do that by hacking into republicans and as well as hacking into democrats. Yes, these are conservative institutes whose Board Members have not been shy about voicing criticism of the president when they believe its warranted or, for instance, the Hud Sson Institute recently hosted the director of intelligence dan coats who learned about the lights are blinking red here in america. And, you know, the russians are the most aggressive actor in the space. And they are, you know, we could be we need to be very aware of and alert to any big cyberattacks coming. So yes, its you know, its hard to know whether theyre going to whether theyre planning to see if they could get information that they could find and put out into the public domain. Maybe they just wanted to take information that could help them in their own espionage efforts, which is what spy agencies have been doing for millennia, finding ought what their adversaries are up to. Great reporting in the washington post. And for another perspective on this, and why theyre doing what theyre doing, today on Andrea Mitchell reports, andreas going to talk to brad smith, hes the president and chief legal officer of microsoft, noon eastern, only here on msnbc. The latest president ial appointee to draw the ire of the boss, the chairman of the federal reserve. President trump says hes not thrilled with him. Why that criticism could mean something for your 401k. 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President s have often been displeased with things the fed was doing but they recognized institutional boundaries and allowed the fed to do its job. The president has input on the fed of course because he appoints members of the fed. The Senate Confirms them. But its an independent agency and thats something that donald trump does not seem to understand or recognize. What do you make of the president , john, saying i should be given some help by the fed . Well, chris, in every realm, we have seen that the president does not think or function like a mature Public Servant or like a grown man in general. This is somebody who responds moment to moment about what he thinks are in his best interests. He doesnt respect institutional boundaries. He doesnt respect principles. His Thought Process is more like that of a small child who in the moment, i want that cookie, i want, you know, that toy. And he doesnt think in terms of deferred gratification or larger interests beyond himself. John harwood, thank you. The jury deliberating the fate of former Trump Campaign chair Paul Manafort is meeting right now, day four of deliberations. Speculation that a verdict could be imminent, intensifying after the jury asked to stay late last night. Arriving moments ago, manaforts lawyer seemed confident. Good morning, everyone. How are you feeling going into day four of deliberations . Feel good. Feel good. Delawnian is outside the courthouse. The jury asked to stay late last night. Does that indicate theyre close to a verdict . It could, because thats as close as theyve stayed. Apparently because one of the jurors had a child care obligation. Theres some speculation theyre moving through chunks of the evidence and they wanted to finish something up. Could be leading to a verdict or they could just be plowing their way through deliberations. After all, there have been more than 20 witnesses in this 11day trial and more than 300 exhibits. If this jury decided to be meticulous about it and going through all the evidence, its not abnormal that they could just be plowing through it right now. Then again there could be one or two holdouts. There could be some tense discussions. We have seen jurors out cigarette breaks, a couple of them. One of the great factors of the american jury system. I know youll keep us posted. Thank you. Its a big day for the president s Supreme Court nominee with critical meetings on the hill. As we gear up for Brent Kavanaughs confirmation hearing, hes got some help on the ground. Ill introduce you to a group hitting the streets, pushing for kavanaughs nomination and restricting accession to abortion. If you have psoriasis,. Little things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. 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Susan collin, as you know, is a moderate republican who says shes not made up her mind yet over whether to vote to confirm kavanaugh. And thats why her meeting with him today could be the most important meeting of the entire confirmation process. A source close to kavanaugh says they know fully whats at stake here and, in fact, his entire rollout has in many ways been designed to appeal to collins. To show her hes someone she can support. Now, kavanaughs nomination has really set off alarms among progressive groups that he might try to help overturn or least try to curb roe v. Wade, that landmark abortion rights case. Collins has already been on the record saying she wont vote to confirm anyone who displays any sort of hostility toward roe v. Wade and the State Of Play in the senate right now is if no democrats vote in support of kavanau kavanaugh, then the republicans cannot afford to lose a single gop vote in the senate. Then there was that memo released yesterday. It shows judge kavanaugh pushed Attorneys Questioning bill clinton back in 1998. What can only be described as pretty graphic questions about his sexual relationship with monica lewinsky. Without getting maybe into too much detail, what exactly is in this memo and on the hill what kind of reaction is it getting . Well, the thing to know is Brent Kavanaugh spent three years working for ken starr who was the independent counsel who investigated a number of scandal ans involving bill clinton. At the time, clinton was trying to avoid questions from ken starr. In much the same way that President Trump is trying to do right now with the russia investigation. Well, kavanaugh wrote this memo encouraging prosecutors to question former president bill clinton in graphic detail about his sexual relationship with lewinsky. A source close to kavanaugh says looking back he might have changed some words at the time but he stands by the approach of trying to hold a President Accountable for bad behavior. And that is newly relevant because if kavanaugh is confirmed, he could be asked to rule on issues surrounding the Special Counsel investigation and President Trump, chris. Jeff, thank you so much for that. Also on judge kavanaughs schedule today, senator claire mccaskill. A Red State Democrat in a tough reelection fight who faces mounting pressure from antiabortion advocates to confirm that conservative judge. I traveled to missouri to meet with them. They think 45 years after roe v. Wade, this could be their moment. In southern missouri, the tshirts tell the story, i vote prolife. Outside Senator Mccaskills office, activists are sending her a message. Im very proud to be here with prolife generation. Reporter and this Supreme Court fight is just step one for the susan b. Anthony list. A group thats been fighting abortion for 25 years. We dont like abortion. We hate abortion. Reporter their ultimate goal, to overturn roe v. Wade or at least effectively gut roe by Passing State Laws that, for example, restrict lateterm abortions or require parental consent. So these activists arent stopping at Claire Mccaskills store. Theyve held rallies in indianapolis. In fargo. 29 rallies in all. Targeting 20 Senate Democrats in states won by donald trump. This is what people who are opposed to roe v. Wade have been waiting for, is that how you see it . Yes, i think we have an Incredible Opportunity here to put a justice on the court who could potentially turn the tide of the court and open up the possibility of the states really being able to pass legislation that is reflective of the values of that state. Reporter theyre sending 500 canvassers into the streets. Armed with lists of voters who likely support their cause, but usually dont vote in midterm elections. How much is this issue a part of your vote . The whole abortion issue, its a lot. That is something that my wife and i both are against. Reporter they visited 1. 4 million homes so far with a goal of 2 million by november. And while theyre paid 10 an hour, sitting around a kitchen counter, its clear theyre not motivated by money but deeply held religious beliefs. Youre all church going . Yes. This seems to be a moment where people are recognizing that theres a lot of americans who are prolife. Are you more optimistic than youve ever been . Definitely. This is the time. A lot of hope, you know, honestly for me when i voted, i cast my ballot for donald trump and he became president. Reporter polls show majority of americans are for the right for a woman to choose. What do you say to them . Polls lie. Thats not what we found at all. Reporter and back outside canvassing, 45 years after roe v. Wade became law kind of challenging sometimes. A lot of challenges. But its worth it. Reporter optimism that their time has come. Do you believe Senator Mccaskill should support kavanaughs confirmation to the Supreme Court . Yes. All right. Thats a hopeful sign. My panels back to react. Mark, whats interesting, many things thats interesting to me is ive talked to a lot of groups that i thought would be heavily involved on the left in this fight against judge kavanaugh and privately many of them told me we dont know that we can win this one. Has left from your perspective ceded this to the right . Well, i dont know about that. I hope not. I think that two categories, the activism on left and then theres the Senate Democrats. Im not sure that either has ceded. In fact, you know, Im Still Holding out for the extreme that no democrats will vote for kavanaugh. Even go so far procedurally to break the core. I think they know the odds that were up against. Because rarely is the Supreme Court nominee not confirmed. It just so happens kavanaugh is ranked or his polling is right around where the last one we defeated was. And that was bork. Which was a big victory in the reagan administration. Reagan, who is a republican icon, we defeated him. It was a long time ago. It was a long time ago. And to sort of my anecdotal, and its very anecdotal phone calling, theres new reports that theyre vastly outspending liberals. On tv a lolone, conservatives h spent 7. 5 million. Does money matter in this . It does when you look at the seven senators who are in trump districts who are up for reelection it does. And if theyre putting a lot of pressure on through tv ads, that certainly can have a potential effect. What theyre looking at is these are people who we know are on our side, but they dont we know that they generally dont vote in a midterm election. If we can get them out in those seven states, we could really do something. Yes, and thats definitely part of the strategy. And that makes a lot of sense to do that. Plus you also see that Happeninging Whhappen i when you go door to door, thats a lot to bring, they can look at it and assess it. I think at the end of the day, kavanaugh will get confirmed. And that shows that elections have consequences. Just as there were democratic judges i didnt support, i supported Barack Obamas choice to make them. Thats where were at. I know its very disturbing for a lot of people on the left to hear. Kavanaugh most people will say he is a qualified jurist. You may not agree with his decisions, but it doesnt take they would also say so was merrick garland. I would agree with that. By the way, elena kagan was a qualified jurist. I didnt agree with her but that didnt take away the fact she was a qualified jurist, must Line Cavanaugh is. Hillary clintons back in the game, getting involved in the midterms. 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Hillary clinton is back in the spotlight and hoping to make an impact on novembers midterms. The 2016 president ial nominee will headline three fundraisers for the dnc in san francisco, chicago, and new york. Democrats are searching for any help they can get. So far in the 2018 cycle, the dnc has raised barely half of the 213 million that the republican National Committee has raised. President trump keeps talking about the red wave ahead. My panel is back with me. Mark, what do you think about Hillary Clinton . Can she raise cash . Her being out there, does it ignite the right . She can raise a lot of cash. May ignite the right. Im one of those who has always been uncomfortable with the demonization of the likes of Hillary Clinton and nancy pelosi. Neither of them is under but theyre using it the republicans are using it in ads. Theyre using it on the Campaign Trail. You could say they made an industry out of it. Exactly. We cant feed into it. The American Public has to realize the difference. Neither of these women meaning what . In terms of democrats meaning Democrats Cannot hillary should not be out there . She should be out there. Democrats should not feed into the negativity. The thing is, the American Public has to be aware that neither of these individuals is under any type of criminal investigation. They dont have a Special Counsel. If donald trump can campaign for republicans, why cant Hillary Clinton and, for that matter, barack obama, and everybody else, campaign for democrats . We absolutely need that. But the spokesman for the Republican Congressional Campaign committee says, quote, the longer a scandalplagued Hillary Clinton lingers in american politics, the worse off House Democrats will be. You know what, at the end of the day, Hillary Clinton is going to raise money in new york, chicago, san francisco. Shes not going out shes preaching to the choir. Raising money. Shes being used effectively. Shes not going on the Campaign Trail in West Virginia. Theres a big difference. Democrats are absolutely right to use her where they can. They need to raise money. Shes an effective tool to do that. The hits heres whats interesting shell take the hits no matter what. No matter what, shed be front and center, like nancy pelosi has been front and center for republican campaigns in any district you want to look at, whether a midterm, a president ial, or dogcatcher race. One of the things ill watch for is this new versus old. The sense within the democratic party, not even necessarily that everybody has to go more progressive or to the left, but we need fresh blood, right . David hogg, the Parkland Shooting Survivor who has been a political act rivistactivist, s, the reason republicans are successful is theyre empowering younger people. Older democrats wont move the expletive off the plate and let us take control. Nancy pelosi is old. Does he have a point . No. When youre that age, everybody looks old, as i recall. Right. Thats true. Im surprised and a little disappointed that david would say that. You know, these are people who have served. Well see, you know, there will be another election. If the democrats win the house, there will be another election for house speaker. Theres no coincidence that these are also women. This is the year of the woman. Itll be as much of a pink wave as there is a blue wave. I dont think it is a good idea to demonize women. Theyd skacandalize republicans whoever was a democrat out in front. If clinton and pelosi disappeared off the scene, whoever stepped into the shoes would be demonized by the republicans. Thats what they do. I dont agree with that. I think we have a process that is a fair process. I mean, shes not even been elected speaker and people are already doing that. Thats what i mean by saying Democrats Cannot feed into the republican demonization and propaganda. Mark and susan, thank you very much for being with us. Well dig into the reuters interview with President Trump with jeff mason, the reporter who asked the questions. Tation. Ooo thats good i could put that on an airplane banner. Hmm. Maybe. Nice work. Was that. . Yeah, king midas. Yeah. At midas, were always a touch better. Which is why our 19. 99 oil change also includes a tire rotation. Book your appointment now at midas. Com get your groove on with one a day 50 . Get ready for the wild life complete multivitamins with key nutrients that address 6 concerns of aging, including heart health, supported by bvitamins. Your one a day is showing

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