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Party. Do you agree with the notion that it was rigged . Yes. Well then, we begin today with the russia investigation. No fire but certainly a lot of smoke today. Trumps attorney general Jeff Sessions is at the center of all of it and being called to testify on capitol hill again. Remember, hes already testified three different times, been asked about russia three different times and yet not one single time did he mention the fact that an adviser offered up a meeting between trump and Vladimir Putin himself. Im not talking some woman, im not talking adoptions, im talking putin. I got a team to break it down. Ken delenaian, nbc intelligence and National Security reporter. Kenny d. What do we know . I mean, at this point, youve got some democrats who want Jeff Sessions to go back under oath. Havent we been here before . Good morning, stephanie. Well, weve known since monday that Jeff Sessions and donald trump preside over this meeting in march 2016 at which this low Level Campaign add George Papadopoulos according to Court Records floated an idea between putin and trump. What were learning now is sessions rejected this idea. Trump according to a witness to nbc news, did not react. But sessions took it on board, rejected it and according to one account said we should never talk about this again. The reason its important is, as you said, sessions has been grilled under oath in congress about the campaigns contact with russians. Because he had to clear up his testimony. He once said he never met with any russians. Then he had to admit he met twice with the Russian Ambassador sergei kisliak. Now, he may have some wiggle room. He was very careful to say in more recent testimony i didnt talk about collusion with any russians. This meeting wasnt about collusion, it was about a potential head to head between trump and putin. The reason papadopoulos was able to offer that meeting is because he was collude, according to court document, with russians that the fbi believes was close to russian intelligence. You can bet Jeff Sessions will be asked about what did he know about what papadopoulos had. The other big news is that carter page, another low Level Campaign aide with ties to russia, is now telling nbc news that he informed Jeff Sessions last summer when he met him at a republican dinner, that he was on the way to russia. He shook Jeff Sessions hand and said, hey, by the way, im headed to russia in my personal capacity. According to a source close to sessions, sessions did not react, simply shook his hand, said nothing, moved on to the next person. But that is going to be another significant issue, you know, mr. Sessions why didnt you remember that this Campaign Aide said he was going to russia, stephanie. Well, i take significant issue with that fishing hat hes wearing. Its not raining. Theres nowhere to go fishing. Theres nobody eld in the shse with an umbrella. Its so strange. Jason johnson, msnbc political contributo contributor, at the root. Com. Robert trainem is Vice President of communications at the bipartisan policy center. Hes the republican here. So he has to answer the hardest questions. Jonathan kelly, editor the other jonathan, editor and cofounder at the hive at vanity fair. And Jonathan Swann in the house, political reporter at axios. This meeting march 31st, 2016, George Papadopoulos makes the offer. I want to share how the New York Times describes it. Ready, quote, he went into pitch right away, said j. D. Gordon, a Campaign Adviser who attended the meeting. He said he had a friend in london, the Russian Ambassador who could help set up a meeting with putin. Mr. Trump listened with interest. Mr. Sessions vehemently opposed the idea. And he said that no one should talk about it because mr. Sessions thought it was a bad idea. He did not want it to be associated with the campaign. If that is the case, why wouldnt Jeff Sessions have shared that specific story when he was under oath the last three times . It makes him look good. Because he doesnt want people to start asking about russianings in general so he just claims he doesnt remember anything. Its like, i dont want you going to london, ive got my own meetings with ambassadors going. This is part of the problem we started months ago when sessions first testified. Your lying might be worse than anything you ever did. If you just came forward and said, hey, look, we just wanted to find out some information, that would be fine, but the constant desembling, the constant lying, the pretending i didnt remember this person and we had borsh but i dont remember how it tastes. Thats what makes people question. This one, the fact that he vehemently opposed it, i could buy it when he said, listen, i met with loads of ambassadors. Given my job whats we do. But this one, its really tough to swallow. I want to remind people of what sessions said in his most recent testimony that was just a couple of months ago, take a listen. You dont believe that surrogates from the Trump Campaign had communications with the russians . Is that what youre saying . I did not. Im not aware of anyone else that did. Okay. Help me out here. If sessions would have said i realize i heard this, i knew it was a terrible idea, given my background in law and government, i stopped it. He would come out smelling like a rose. Absolutely. In fact, he would make the argument that he would remember Something Like that. Most people remember when youre trying to stop something. To your point, you may not remember the hundreds if not thousands of people you meet on a daily on a weekly or monthly basis. Jeffs right. Lets just dial this back for a second. What attorney general sessions has to do is go back to capitol hill and probably go behind closed doors and say, look, my former colleagues, i messed this up, and this is what i remember, this is what i dont remember. Im not sure he would do that on camera but i do think he should do that behind closed doors. Mr. Kelly . Because reality is, is that he mentioned some untruths under oath, and thats perjury. Can we stop saying untruths . Yes, hes lying. Hes been lying the whole time. Im tired of hearing nonconsensual sex and im tired of hearing untruths. Got it, yes. Theyre lies as i understand them too. Again i think weve entered a new phase though, seriously, where in the beginning there was collusion at least within the trump world. People were actually talking to each other and they had some semblance of a plan. Now were in phase two where everyones on their own. For Jeff Sessions, untruth may be his best path forward. Were seeing that now with kushner who we now know handed over some files in recent weeks to the Mueller Investigation team. We dont know whats in the files. We know everyones following the advice of their own attorney. It went from being one big pack a rats to all these individuals on their own. I think this Jeff Sessions news is the beginning of what well find in the next couple of months. Mr. Swann, President Trump repeatedly said over and over, theres no collusion, its a hoax, absolutely nothing there. And he continued to divert us with this story and that story. But robert mueller, boy, hes on the case. I think theres no question that the biggest story this week, the biggest thing that we learned after the unsealed undocuments is just the range, the wide lens that mueller is casting. He is prepared to indict people for crimes they committed after the campaign, for crimes they allegedly committed a long time before the campaign, for alleged crimes that have, in so many cases, nothing to do with russia. If you are an associate of donald trump, if you worked on the campaign, if you worked with him in business, you have every reason to think that mueller, if you committed a crime, that muller will look into it. As the con centric circle also get closer to donald trump, the concern level raises up. One person i would flag who is clearly in the mix of these discussions is Michael Cohen, the president s personal lawyer. And when the stories came out about his associations with the former mafia guy felix sader, that was one of the stories, of all the stories that concerned people in trumps orbit, that was one of the ones that really raised the level of concern. The only reason was is because Michael Cohens business dealings are inextricably tied to the president s. I mean, Michael Cohen was President Trumps body guy for years and years. Lawyer, very close, yes. Lawyer, close enough. And then youve got Jeff Sessions. We know that now carter page told Jeff Sessions by the way, well, it might not be related to the campaign, i got to head over to moscow to give a speech. Can i holden, jonathan. Yes. I just want to say one thing about carter page. I think its relevant he spent seven hours with the House Intelligence Committee yesterday without a lawyer. I agree he was representing himself. This is insane. This is insane. Every time i see him on chris hayes, i wonder, does he have a lawyer off set . Having a heart attack . Quitting . Is there a connection between the fishing hat and his lack of a lawyer . Thats my question. The one guy without a lawyer. Yes, basically. But my question is why would carter page mention that to a sitting United States senator . Why would you say that proactively in a meet and greet . Hey, by the way, im heading because its nice this time of the year. Heres the thing, this is the one that struck me ever since monday, when you reveal the indictments and you find out that papadopoulos has possibly been Walking Around with a wire for three months, every single one of these people, he could have been recorded them. How do you continue to call papadopoulos the know nothing coffee boy who by the way has a homeboy who is an ambassador who can set you up with putin . How many baristas are getting you a meeting with putin . Ty cobb is referring to him as this low level aide. The trump plan is to take this one day at a time and they dont realize its all going to come out. To go back to jonathans point this is all about who trump surrounds himself with. And guess what, trump surrounds himself with some of the shadyist people imaginable at this level of state craft. So its all going to come out. You would think there would be some more thoughtful coordinated effort to actually get the information out there. Because mueller is like omar in the wire. Like omars coming. Lets cut to the chase. He knows what hes doing. Hes playing four dimensional chess here. He is playing the long game. And donald trump cant fire him. I mean, legally, he can, but political politically, he cant. Also at this point, even if youre only nomally paying attention, you can put the pieces together. This is the end of clue. We know its sessions in the kitchen with kisilaik. Papadopoulos in the pantry with wikileaks. We can put the pieces together. This is no longer speck la tician. Speculati speculative. At what point does congress say we have to to something about this . Im going in the kitchen with c clovis. Trumps frustration, not that he cant just fire mueller, he cant get his mitts deep into the department of justice and these other agencies. Take a listen. You know, the saddest thing is that because im the president of the United States, i am not supposed to be involved with the Justice Department. Im not supposed to be involved with the fbi. Im not supposed to be doing the kind of things that i would love to be doing, and im very frustrated by it. Well, im sorry, its not a monarchy. The president actually just spoke on the south lawn. Were going to share those thoughts. A big conference, a second conference, and i think were going to have great success. We well be talking about trade. Well be talking about obviously north korea. Well be enlisting the help of a lot of people. And countries. Well see what happens. But i think were going to have a very successful trip. Theres a lot of good will. Do you remember talking to papadopoulos [ inaudible ] i dont remember much about that meeting. It was a very unimportant meeting. Took place a long time dont remember much about it. The Campaign Never talked to anybody from russia [ inaudible ] all i can tell you is this, there was no collusion, there was no nothing. Its a disgrace frankly that they continue. You want to look at Hillary Clinton and you ought to look at the new book that was just put out by Donna Brazile where she basically bought the dnc and she stole the election from bernie, so thats what you ought to take a look at. On Donna Brazile whats the military doing thats different . Every time were attacked from this point forward and it took place yesterday, we are hitting them ten times harder. So when we have an animal do an attack like he did the other day on the west side of manhattan, we are hitting them ten times harder. They claimed him as a soldier. Good luck. Every time they hit us, we know its isis. We hit them like you folks wont believe. Thank you. I will see you in pearl harbor. Were going to pearl harbor. Justice department take action i dont know, im really not involved with the Justice Department. Id like to let it run itself, but honestly, they should be looking at the democrats. They should be looking at podesta and all of that dishonesty. They should be looking at a lot of things. And a lot of people are disappointed in the Justice Department including me. Thank you, everybody, thank you. Okay, im going to quickly say out of that that it was yesterday to fox news, i just aired that just 30 seconds ago, where the president says, im not involved with the Justice Department but id really like to be. And then just a moment ago, he said, lets let the Justice Department do their thing. Id also like to say anyone who says the president doesnt like his job, theyre wrong. He loves it. Lets bring in hans nickoles wh is standing we dont have hans, all right. Let me tell you what happened. I think the president misspoke yesterday on fox news. His staff went to him and said, sir, with all respect, the Justice Department needs to be independent. He woke up this morning on the south lawn, getting on marine one, and he probably remembered that talking point from yesterday and then he said what he just said about the Justice Department. Jonathan swan, does it matter that the president cleaned up what he said and then said Something Different on his talking points this morning when he was speaking yesterday, thats whats in his heart, thats what in his head. Yes, it doesnt matter at all. What is absolutely he even hinted that clip you just played just off, you know, just moments ago, you could tell from that clip that hes yearning for them to be political operation. He wants to turn the fbi and the Justice Department into a political operation. Going after his political enemies. Like he mentioned podesta. He mentioned clinton. So, i mean, even though he put out the talking point, he contradicted it within moments. This is we need to say this is unprecedented and wildly inappropriate. Oh, no, jonathan, all guests have to pay 2 if they say unprecedented during this show. It is. Find me an example from modern president ial history where weve had a president so publicly clamoring for his Justice Department to be weaponized on his behalf. Thats how the president s have yearned privately for it, but have we ever seen anything like it . I havent. Its called watergate back in 1972 and 73. We know this by history wait a second, was he as public no, no. Was he as nakedly public about it as this president . No, but that wasnt your point. No, it was my point. One, Richard Nixon was much more savier and much more nuanced because he was a trained attorney, he was the Vice President , a senator, a congressman, so he knew what he was doing. The question here is whether or not donald trump knows what hes doing, but to your point, we have seen this before, and we saw the president , most recently, almost 44 years ago, do almost the same exact thing. You know youre a republican, right . Yes, i am. Just throw that out for everybody. But thats an historical fact. Yes, jason. Yes, weve seen it, but we also at that point had a congress that was more willing to put the country before partisanship and we also didnt have twitter. Remember, this is the guy who fired comey. So any notion that he doesnt want to be involved, he literally admitted that i fired, you know, a sitting attorney general because i didnt like what he was investigating. We already know hes engaged in obstruction of justice. Actually his commentary alone, id like you to do this, in a court of law, that would be seen to be influencing the investigation anyway. Were seeing President Trump and first lady trump getting on to air force one. As he said, the next place youll see him is pearl harbor. We know his daughter ivanka has already started her trip to asia. This is going to be a big trip. Can President Trump have any sort of impact on this trip to asia while hes dealing with all of these . We call them distractions. But disasters here, jonathan swan. Well, i mean, donald trump is the people have used the word day trader to describe the way he conducts himself. Its true, he does what he needs to do to get through the moment and moves on to the next moment. And so i fully expect him to do exactly the same, you know, in asia as these stories pop up, if stories pop up, he will react to them. It throws him off balance. Depends what comes out during the trip. Hes perfectly capable of, you know, moving past something that happened in the morning, firing off a few angry tweets and then, you know the funny thing about trump and when he talks to people inside the white house is you often see the public consumption from his tweets that his mood is sort of set for this morning. He does fume, he does go into these rages especially when anything gets near his taxes or russia. You can see him within five minutes talking about, you know, something on fox or he really does sort of his moods are very quick moving is what i would say for that. All right, we have to leave it there. Were going to take a quick break. Thank you, all. While the president continues to point us to Hillary Clinton or Donna Brazile, the government the Justice Department can walk and chew gum at the same time. One doesnt negate the other. Coming up, brandnew job numbers just out, what they say about the economy next. Plus, winners and losers of the republicans just revealed tax bill. Hi. So i just got off the phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. So the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight. Four weeks without the car. Okay, yep. Good night. With accident forgiveness, your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. Your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Before i hadburning,oting, of diabetic nerve pain, these feet. Loved every step of fatherhood. And made old cars good as new. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. 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Here to break it all down, my friend cnbc contributor ron insana. Lets bank through it, one, two, three, winners and losers. Im going to start with my home states, new york and new jersey and how about california. State and local Tax Deduction getting eliminated, thats a big deal. It is a very big deal. When you add with that the reduced deduction for your mortgage interest and high home price states like california, new york and new jersey, its a bit of a double whammy. Theyre also reducing or eliminating i should say health care expense deductions. So if youre selfemployed in any one of those states, youre getting hit three times. Illinois to a certain extent also losing out. Corporations appear to be the big winners here. Corporations and really wealthy people. And all of that is dependent on trickle down economics. Yes. Something that is killing meg, when they talk about wiping out this estate tax, i read a report that kevin bradys saying its going to create 150,000 jobs. Where on earth would that happen . By eliminating the state tax . Correct. Theres absolutely no empire call data that would suggest thats true. We dont even see Empirical Data that tax cuts by themselves create jobs. Every major tax cut weve seen in the past was usually accompanied by falling interest rates, increased government spending. So weve never been able to isolate the impact of tax cuts on the economy. That does seem to be a wild claim. And also it does seem that the middle class and others will be bearing the brunt of this in order to lower Corporate Tax rates and, again, in large part, tax rates for wealthy individuals as well. When you look at when the wealthiest of individuals get cuts theres this notion out there that, well, its going to go back into the economy. But they dont need to put it back into the economy. The most likely thing is invest it. When people who live closer to the bone have more money in their pocket, they buy a washing machine. They buy their first home. Its not going to affect the economy if super rich people have more money. It hasnt in the past. What happens, as you say, they invest. Lets say the corporate repatriation tax holiday where youre able to bring money home at a reduced tax rate if youre Holding Money overseas. Which is a good thing. Except where is that money going to go. We saw in 2003, 2004, stock bibacks and increased dividends. The beneficiaries are investor, not individuals. We dont need to create more job, believe it or not, in the United States. We dont have a shortage of jobs. We actually have a shortage of workers to fill those popositio. Its all kind of intellectual backwards which is the most gracious way i can say that. Wages is the issue. Of course. Tax cuts arent going to solve that. It makes no sense. Given that manufacturing remains overseas, that companies have become more efficient here. Yes. Laverne and shirley are not getting their jobs back at the bottle factory. Its simply a robot does that job and its not going to change. There was a scary story in the major paper the other day that West Virginians are rejecting training and reeducation for welding jobs as opposed to mining job because theyre banking on coal mining jobs come back. Instead of reorienting themselves where theres job shortages in welding and other areas of manufacturing, they rely on us going backwards to go forwards. Bringing coal mining jobs back is a welfare project. Yes. Those jobs are not sound for the economy or the environment. Correct. Employment in mining peaked in 1923 in coal mining at is million jobs. Its down to 76,000 jobs today. Theres more jobs in fracing. We have a shortage of nurses. We have a shortage of teachers. Again, 6 million open jobs in the newly created economy. We dont necessarily have the skills among our domestic home grown citizens to fill those jobs and were tightening up immigration regulation. So thats going to hurt economic growth. Its going to, to a large part, offset any good that the tax cuts might do. Whats the rationale with limiting the student loan deductions . I have no idea. You have 44 million americans saddled with student death. We want to encourage our young people to pursue higher learning. Why cap that deduction . I dont know why theyre capping that deduction. I dont know why theyre reducing the mortgage interest deduction. I dont know why theyre eliminating the deductibility of health care expenses. If youre selfemployed and have a family of five or six, youre paying a fair amount of money. And you can no longer deduct that. So when you look at the low to middle to upper middle it seems like the breaks are not going to be that large. When you look at corporations, thats where the biggest breaks are going to come. As you said, when you lowered Corporate Tax rates, it doesnt automatically mean that your companys going to give you a raise. Theyre more likely to buy back stock, raise dividends and, given that theyre not going to put that money necessarily to more productive use. They may spend more on capitol hill equipment because theres going to be a new tax break for new machines we need to talk about interest. The president has said over and over hes not going to put himself before country. We know the interest tax helps him. We need to talk about carried interest. This is what kevin brady said earlier. We double the Holding Period for those who will access carried interest. That means, you know, its retained for that traditional Real Estate Group thats built that local strip center or that apartment building. But, look the hedge funds with the quick flips and all that will not be accessing this. So we think double the Holding Period. Really kind of puts it back to what the original intent was, which is to encourage local investment in our businesses. Okay, thats just not true. So quickly before we go, just walk us through this. Because no one can argue that carried interest is anything more than a hookup for the rich. Carried interest is the rate that you pay if youre an llc hedge fund manager, real estate operator for the gains and the charges that you give to their customers to run their money. I dont know exactly by doubling the Holding Period that really lets Hedge Fund Managers or private equity guys off the hook but it is a big soft to large real estate companies. Which President Trump is. Hes got 557 llcs. Right now, were watching President Trump leaving at this hour for hawaii. It is the start of his trip to asia. Lets bring in my friend and colleague hans nichols. Hans this is a 12day trip for the president. Whats in store . Well, he wants to focus on north korea, trying to solve that issue and due nuclearize the peninsula. Were under lockdown at the white house. There was a security incident after the president had left. He hits japan, then he goes to north korea. He wont be going to the dmz. That was reported in some south korea papers where it was sort of encouraging him to go. And then he ends up in china. Then ends the trip in the philippines. The diplomacy on this is very difficult. The president s claiming he has great support from china, great support from south korea. One thing i think we learned yesterday was theres a time on on the north korea strategy. H. H. R. Mcmaster speaking from this room said a couple of months. Economic pressure, diplomatic pressure. And then its the or else. The or else comments we hear so frequently from President Trump, stef. All right, thank you, hans nichols. Were going to obviously keep a close eye on that trip. Coming up, a bombshell from the former interim chairwoman of the Democratic National committee alleging the dnc was tilted in favor of Hillary Clinton. A serious scandal or much ado about nothing . Were going to dig into it. 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These allegations come in an excerpt of an upcoming book from former chairwoman Donna Brazile. In it, she says she learned of a deal between the Clinton Campaign and dnc that essentially allowed clinton control of the Committee Even before she secured the nomination. It says the deal, quote, specified that in exchange for raising money and investing in the dnc, hillary would control the partys finance, strategy and all the money raised. All right. This thing needs to get unpacked. I got my panel here, Jason Johnson and robert trainum. You and i spoke before the show. Donna brazile is a dear friend of yours. Walk us through this. I think three things. One, donna is and was a loyal democrat. Shes been in Democratic Politics for a long time. Being a National Committee woman. Being the interim chair a couple of years ago. She walked into this, based on my understanding, thinking, okay, yeah, we got a little bit of problems but everythings okay. As a delegate, as i understand it, she was told, look, fami financially, we are fine. We need to weed our garden in pennsylvania and michigan and so many other places. As i understand it, what youve just summarized, she walked into a hot mess on three fronts. One, clearly the Clinton Campaign five months even before do you know thats two . Im sorry, two. But specifically, she walked into a thing with the Hillary Clinton campaign, basically a deal locked in place where staffing, personnel and all pr had to run past brooklyn even before hillary had the nomination. Thats number one. Number two, she walked into something where, hey, were the democrat, we own the white house, the whole nine yards. It seems like the Democratic Party was a sleep at the switch when it came to the finances and everything else. Thirdly, as you alluded to, this whole, you know, tipping the scale, Debbie Wasserman schultz allegedly yp havi allegedly, you know, having the secret memo. Donna walked into this saying, holy moly, first of all, i was lied to, and number two, what did i walk into, because its not illegal, but definitely unethical. A couple things i want to point out. Number one, this is obamas fault. A large part of this is obamas fault. Dont hear him say that too often. Im not a democrat. I worked for both. But this is obamas fault, really is. He didnt do anything for his party. If you talk to any democrats in d. C. , they will say all he cared about was ofa. He left his party broke. When they were losing seats and losing governorships, he didnt do anything. Thats how the dnc got into the desperate situation where they needed money and then they had to go to Hillary Clinton because she was the only person who had cash. Its like manafort running to the russians. Thats what ends i happening. Heres the problem. Its not like manafort its not quite. Not quite. But heres the problem here. Youre going to have this is going to end up being conflated and its already happening online where people are saying the whole thing is rigged. Thats why the internet exists. So people can get angry in their comment sections. I talkeded to several of my friends and colleagues who worked on the sanders campaign. He was still going to lose. He was still going to lose. Even if this hadnt happened that doesnt matter. Fractures that already existed in the Democratic Party. This things about to get way bigger. Think about the anger in those Bernie Sander supporters in vegas. Think about all those Bernie Sander supporters who didnt vote for Hillary Clinton or did begrudgingly. The entire system is corrupt. It noeeds to be fixed. Im happy that Donna Brazile threw the match on the Democratic Party. I think the party needs this lesson. I think they need this change. Im glad that the clintons are going to be gone. Lets not pretend that it changed the outcome. Thats what i think is important to remember. I think we need to be honest. There were lies that were told. Ill use that word now. There were lies. Number one, i think youre exactly right what donna walked into was a mess on so many different fronts and thats not what we were told. Okay, that we were told that the Democratic Party was in solid shape, meaning the american people, was in solid shape going into the primaries but also the general election. As i understand it, i think we can roll so many tape if we have it in the archives. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is on record as saying there was no collusion between the we are very neutral, the whole nine yards. We now know that is not true. And Debbie Wasserman schultz, rampant incompetence. Which everybody in d. C. Knew about. Because the people told the president , look you need to remove her. He put a weak chairman in place and one that could why did he do that . Okay, then what will history tell us about Donna Brazile. Because Donna Brazile has put herself out here. I mean, it has thrown a torch to the dnc. Maybe its a positive. Right. Its showing how broken the system is. Maybe things will get fixed. But at the same time, this is a gift of a lifetime to President Trump. Oh, of course it is. Actually, i think it was a horrible idea for her to release this book three or four days before we have major elections in new jersey and major elections that were happening in virginia where people are going to be angry about these kinds of issues. I think anyone who cares about functional democracy will see her as a hero. Because we have this level of corruption in the parties. I dont care if its republicans or democrats. Thats a problem. I always thought Bernie Sanders attitude rounding for the democratic nomination was ridiculous. Im not canadian. I dont have a right to march into there and get treated fairly. But at the same time, you cant have a completely corruption system. It would prevent quality candidates from running in the future and lead to the kind of ang theyre will let me ask a dopey question, Bernie Sanders wasnt a democrat. Couldnt it be assumed yep, Hillary Clintons here, shes got the money, shes got the staff, shes going to clean up the completely broken dnc that obama left broken. Couldnt we set yes, there is a isnt there an argument to be made . It was assumed. Theres an argument to be made. The reality yes, hes a democratic independent socialist. However, he ran however. He ran in the democratic primary and he leaned on the dnc for apparatus support. When she had all of this lined up. Right. Did we know that he was going to be leaning on the dnc for support . Did we know well, as i understand it, how the party rules work, is that you do not lean on the dnc or the rnc until you officially become the democratic nominee or the republican nominee. Heres the catch. Assuming yes, this something that i always criticize bernie for for just not being a smart politician. Obama knew this in 2008. Obama the senator was like, you know what, i know this whole thing is going to be rigged. I know Hillary Clinton has her fingers and her money in everything. Had sanders done that instead of wining and complaining about how the system wasnt working in his favor, he probably would have been more successful, even though he still would have lost. Can i ask the dumbest question . If obama knew Hillary Clinton has her fingers in everything and shes a flawed character in every which way, why was she the candidate . Lazy and arrogance. The establishment well, who else would have been . If you take a look at the democratic candidates, it was obviously governor from ovalley. You dont remember. Thats a point there. Bernie sanders and Hillary Clinton. Joe biden. Isnt that stunning, for the highest job in the land, for the most powerful seat in the world . I dont know who else was is going to be . Isnt that stunning . He didnt have a good secession plan. Their Succession Plan was basically its like, bradys gone and hillary. He thought the whole thing was going to move along smoothly. He didnt want to accept the level of frustration that Many Democrats still actually had with the clintons. That was part of his issue. This is i know twitter will blow up on this. This is why Ronald Reagan and fdr are revolutionary figures. Because theyre long gone off the political scene, but were still talking about them. You still have a lot of congressmen, senator, in the age of reagan, i ran for office because of reagan. My point is theres a Succession Plan in place. Usually most president s in their second terms Start Talking about their legacy. I dont believe barack obama ever had that thought. I think there are a lot of people who are going to run for office because of Hillary Clinton and because of donald trump, but not in the same way that they did because of Ronald Reagan and fdr, but in spite of. Coming up, following the money, my favorite thing to do. The billionaire backer of conservative causes you probably have never heard of. Until yesterday. So who exactly is Robert Mercer and what is his connection to steve bannon . Were going to explain that next in money power politics. Eras. Theyre defined by accomplishments. By victories. By those with the resourcefulness, the ingenuity, and the grit to help ensure the next energy to power our dreams, will be american energy. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Maybe its time for Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. 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He spent 20 years working at ibm before walking away from it in 1993, joining a long Island Investment Management Company Renaissance Technologies. Now a hedge fund worth more than 50 billion. In 2014, a senate robeeport fou that the fund owed up to 6. 8 billion from unpaid taxes dating back to 99. Renaissance says it is disputing the tax bill and it is currently being reviewed by an independent branch of the irs. In that time period, bob and his daughter rebecca began donating big time to political candidates. They found a kindred spirit, steve bannon. They funded his website breitbart. Enter the president ial campaign. The mercers initially cozied up to ted cruz who promised to abolish the irs if elected until Donald Trumps insurgent candidacy started to take off. The pair stood behind trump through the rockyist of times in his candidacy, including the access hollywood tape, helping to propel him, of course, to the presidency. Steve bannon briefly to the position of white house chief strategy. Now trump will appoint a new irs commissioner when the current chiefs term expired in just nine days. A position that does not require senate confirmation. And that new tax chief can decide if it is in the governments interest to pursue renaissance technologys potential 6. 8 billion tax before, thats before fines and interest. Things could get more complicated withexit. And the initial skirmishes with trump in primary races, bob mercer is leaving Renaissance Technologies aselling his stake in bright ba in breitbart to his daughters. What does it all mean . For more on mercer, im joined by Senior Writer for newsweek, max cutner. Lets talk about max mercer resigning. Robert mercer. A Research Role is like a tenured professor to hang around and maybe work on something. Selling his stake of breitbart to his daughter, he could take a position in the administration. He does seem to be releng wishing the roles, he didnt call it retirement. He said it was not a retirement from Renaissance Technologies. Now the question is why hes doing this. The point of you bringing this up, it is important to note that his daughter rebecca did have a president ial team role. She is said to be the person behind the hiring of bannon and kelly anne conway. A role for mercer, well see about that. Mercer made a point in his letter to employees yesterday to distance himself from bannon. I want to share the quote, i have Great Respect for mr. Bannon, and from time to time, i do discuss politics with him. However, i make my own decisions wi to whom i support splitticly. Those decisions dont always align with bannons. Okay. For him to say, from time to time, i discuss politics with him. Thats completely understating things. Two weeks ago Rebecca Mercer hosted a party in new york city. Her premier guest at the party, steve bannon. Steve bannon Walking Around the party with walking new yorkers talking about his disdain for paul ryan and how this is a civil war. This is primetime for the mercers. They are fully fund ing and thriving. They hate Hillary Clinton. This is disengenerous. This is one example you gave. But Rebecca Mercer has known bannon for years and served on the boards with nonprofits together. They did a documentary on Hillary Clinton and bill clinton together. Thats an alliance that goes back a long time. Definitely understating it. From time to time they talk politics, come on. Right. And when bannon was leaving the trump administration, he had a meeting with Robert Mercer to discuss future plans. According to someone with knowledge of that. And the New York Times reported a couple weeks ago that bannon and the mercers are now talking to all these different republicans about running for senate. We know that mercer has given at least 300,000 to kelly ward, the candidate out in arizona who is going for jeff flakes seat. Then could mercer resigning also be for optics . Because when bannon gets up on the podium and rails against globalists and capitalists and wall street money, thats tough to swallow, since his name financial backer is the copresident of one of the biggest hedge up funds on the planet. Right. But more so than the optics involving bannon, i think the optics involve milo younnapolis. People in the Renaissance Companies were upset about. As investors, those are Insurance Companies and those are firemen, sacred sisters of notre dame. They look at things like this and say, hold on a second, where am i invested . There are a lot who dont want to be invested in vice companies. When you are tied to people like milo or things out of breitbart, that could be an issue for the fund. The original founder of renaissance is a big democrat. The other coceo, his wife was part of the obama fda. Like hes among big democrats. That has to be difficult. Right. But there have been a campaign in vent weeks since that buzzfeed report to let the people know the investors know this is who your money is stored with. And apparently that has caused problems. Well, well, well, times are changing. Thank you so much for joining us. The mercers, theres a lot to learn about them. Republican leaders are hopeful they get tax reform passed, but not all republicans are on board yet. One key gop lawmaker will explain why he cannot support the bill in its current form. Thats at the top of the hour. Its time for your business of the week. Danny cohen of seattle, washington, has taken a 100yearold Family Tradition and turned it on its head. Shes reimagined the Neighborhood Corner store for the new millenial generation. In just two years, her local business has grown into a threestore chain. 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Thomson reuters provides you the intelligence, technology, and Human Expertise you need to find those trusted answers. The answer company. Thomson reuters. Before we go, an unusual honor for something petty and spiteful. Basketball superstar steph curry, the twotime mvp was the only person mentioned, this makes no sense n the republicans tax plan. In particular, a section about closing a loophole for the rich. Quote, our legislation will ensure this muchneeded tax relief goes to the local job creators its designed to help by distinguishing between the individual wage income of nba allstar Stephen Curry and the passthrough business income of steves bike shop. Curry replied with this tweet, i wonder if steves bicycle shop is hiring. I would like to note, President Trump has over 500 llcs. So thats not quite steves bike shop. And remember, steph currys name may be coming up because steph curry declined an invitation to go to the Celebration Party at the white house after the Golden State Warriors won the nba championship. Stunning. That wraps us up this hour. I will see you again at 11 00 a. M. With my friend ali velshi and all day long on twitter. Coming up right now, my friend, hallie jackson, who i promise, hallie, when i see you at 11 00 today. Will you know we are on air . Just checking. Im going to try. Thank you, stephanie. Appreciate it. See you in 60 minutes. For the next hour, were talking about how President Trump just lifted off and headed to asia. You saw his departure live on this network, 12 days, 5 countries, right into a region on edge. But right now, it is not north korea or china or japan front and center today. It is russia. And its the attorney general, Jeff Sessions, getting some new scrutiny this morning. So is the Justice Department. The special counsel wants to know what Jeff Sessions knew about a potential Putin Meeting during the campaign and the president wants to know why sessions isnt doing more to go after democrats. Democrats for their part are going after republicans on taxes, a plan that will affect every single one of you watching or listening right now. So, how much will you save, if anything . Who is paying for it . Who is on board and who is jumping ship . And will

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