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Live on the scene with the latest. And i guess the question is still why, how, what . I mean, what caused this . What was the impetus to this explosion . Reporter right. That is the question that investigators are searching for as they go through this building now. The Shopping Center about 150 yards behind me. Thats where this piece of insulation was in up until 11 28 today when the explosion littered the parking lot with pieces of that very building. Now as of this point in time, we just checked in with fire officials. They say 21 people are injured. Two people suffered serious injuries, and they were taken to hospitals for treatment. However, no deaths reported at this time. As you mentioned, the cause of this blast still under investigation. We do know federal investigators are here at the scene assisting local agencies as they go through this building. While they did find ruptured gas lines in several of these businesses, they cannot definitively say that this was indeed a gas explosion. Thats why investigators are remaining here on scene throughout the remainder of today and potentially well into the night to try to hone in on that exact cause. As a result of this blast, though, all of these nearby businesses have been shut down until further notice. However, we have been told that gas lines have been secured and the area is deemed safe for now. Richard . Morgan, any discussion as to youve been talking to the officials on scene and listening to the briefings there. Any discussion at all here about ill intent related to what happened . Reporter that question was asked during the press conference. And at this point in time, they say this is still very early on in the investigation. They did not give any indication that this was intentional at all. However, their preliminary investigation is just beginning as they make their way through this horrifically damaged building. Richard . Youll have to forgive us, a summer shower started here. Yep. Good for those situations where you have smoke and fire. Morgan chesky from plantation, florida. Thank you, sir. Lets turn it over to evan hoffman whos with us on the phone. He was there at the gym just adjacent to the fountains mall when the explosion occurred. Evan, thanks for being with us. Thank you. You okay, first of all . Caller yeah. A little ringing in the ears and a little bit of a headache. It could have been a lot worse. Did you go to seek assistance . Did you go into any medical facility to make sure that your hearing, your heads okay . Caller no. Ill give it a day or so to see if it subsides. I mean, there was people with a lot worse than i was. My concern was after the initial explosion, you know, there was concern for my wife who was also at the gym, just making sure i was able to get my wife out safely and myself out safely. It was quite an experience. Absolutely. And shes okay . Caller she is fine, yeah. Yeah. She is fine. Evan, theres always that question, what was the lead up to the event, right . And often its difficult to remember the exact details. But because one of the hypotheses out there at the moment is an issue of gas and a gas explosion, did you smell anything as you were there . Caller i did not. What happened is the gym is two stories. We were on the second floor of the gym doing the cardio machine. There was a flicker of light, and then power went down. And then just what i would call a blast with bad intentions just went off. It was the loudest thing ive heard in my life. At first i thought my initial instinct was it was a bomb. Right. And then as, you know, you come to think about things rationally and youre not thinking impulsively, you realize if someone wanted to place a bomb, they would have done it inside the daily fitness where it was crowded. Im very familiar with that plaza, and when we got outside we saw the total devastation of the end cap of the strip mall, complete devastation. And i know being there so often that that place has been empty for a while. It was a business that had left. What did it smell like after the explosion . You know, the smoke, describe that to me. Caller it was you hate hate to use the use the word it was a gutted out end cap to a strip mall. There was total devastation. As soon as we made our way out which was done pretty orderly, no one was running over anyone, it was pretty much everyone in control, everyone got out, i saw people carrying someone who was wounded, someone with a tourniquet on his leg. I saw devastation, pieces of the roof on cars. Debris was everywhere. Was it smoky . Did you smell gas after i should ask, and was it smoky after . Caller i didnt smell gas after. We exited through the back of the gym, not the front. I didnt really smell gas after. Obviously the thought was it was a gas leak or a beca a bomb. You saw someone carrying an individual with a turn kit a tourniquet on his leg. You described one with a tourniquet. Were you able to say anything more about those who were injured . Well, i saw a group of people carrying an individual saying hes hurt, hes hurt, and i saw a tourniquet on his leg. At that point it was kind of controlled chaos. Right. Caller we kind of we didnt know if there was going to be a second blast. Right. Right, right. Caller we didnt want to stay and observe if we didnt have to and werent needed. At that point the Police Personnel came in. You know, they kind of took control, and they wanted everyone to evacuate as soon as possible. Right. Evan, i cant thank you enough. Im glad you and your wife are okay. Evan hoffman there, a witness who was in the gym when that explosion went off in plantation, florida. Thank you so much, sir. And i hope the best for you. Well have more on that story, of course, to follow, the press briefings as well as developments out of florida. We have another breaking story also to follow for you. Another earthquake striking Southern California overnight. And this was a big one. It was 11 sometimes stronger than the 11 times stronger than the quake in the same area on the fourth of july. This one led to house fires, buildings damaged, yet more cracked roads in the middle of the night. Fortunately only minor injuries. I was getting dizzy because i just it started off slowly and then went faster and faster. I ran up to my house. My house is completely on the ground leveled, destroyed. I thought this is it. End of the world. It shook like crazy. I was like trying to get to mom, and i couldnt. I was like, just holding on to the ground like trying not to open up. Not to open up. Californias governor requested a president ial Emergency Declaration to get federal assistance to the state in that area. The new quake is notably larger than the one the previous day. The tremor after 8 00 p. M. Last night local time, if you look at the strength, five times bigger, releasing 11 times more energy. They happened about seven miles apart from each other. Both close to the desert city of ridgecrest. People felt it 150 miles away at least in los angeles, all the way out to las vegas. Sacramento, farm north, as well as phoenix in a different state. Aftershocks continue, and experts say theres a 96 chance of another magnitude five earthquake in the next few days. Lets go to joe fryer in ridgecrest for us now. And when we were following this after the first quake here, joe, it was like will you be able to sleep at night keeping one eye open, and here it is, another big one happening overnight. Reporter yeah. And its really, you know, caught people offguard. They were used to aftershocks after that 6. 4 quake on thursday. There were dozens and dozens of aftershocks. I was here in ridgecrest yesterday morning. It seems like much longer, but yesterday morning. We felt what at the time was the largest aftershock of 5. 4. So it was something you noticed but didnt cause any damage. Turns out all of that was just a precursor for the 7. 1 that hit last night. I want you to see behind me here, this is some of the worst damage weve seen so far, and thats because a fire started, neighbors say, immediately after the earthquake hit. People walked outside and saw this mobile home here on fire. Fire crews were able to arrive quickly even though the home went up quickly, they were able to put the fire out within ten minutes and prevented it from spreading any farther. The man next door was home with his 8yearold granddaughter and described what he went through. Take a listen. Up and down the last few days. Ive never in my life in ridgecrest have i been through so many quakes in such a short period of time and so strong of quakes in such a short period of time is what this is this is not how we planned on celebrating the fourth of july. Reporter so far here in ridgecrest, there have been no reports of any major structural damage. All of the buildings are still standing. The worst of the damage is a couple of homes that caught fire and a few other mobile homes that maybe got jostled and knocked around a little bit. Its a different story when you look inside peoples homes. For example, bobs there, pretty much everything that wasnt already on the ground after the 6. 4 quake on thursday got knocked to the ground very quickly after that 7. 1 earthquake. Richard . Wow, joe. Thank you so much. Hopefully things stay steady as they say there in ridgecrest right now. Ridgecrest, creatively, joe fryer, thank you. Were going to turn to the mayor of ridgecrest, peggy breeden. She joins us by phone. Mayor, thanks for being with us. Your latest checkin with emergency services, what did you learn . Caller we have toured all the streets, walked in and driven every single street inside the city. We are assessing damages that are visible, and were asking people to if they have cracks or feel they need inspections at their homes or their buildings, do call us. We are doing that. It is a time of thankfulness for so many of us because even though theres been some minimal damage, some significant, we had no lives lost, and only small injuries, walking on broken glass, things like that. Mayor, you know one of the big concerns right now after a 7. 1, as well, the sixplus aftershocks you had on fourth of july is gas. And we were just talking about a story in florida where theres a potential gas explosion there. Here in ridgecrest, are folks ready, and hows the gas company dealing with this as they do look around in the area to make sure Peoples Natural Gas pipes are working okay . Caller we just took out a call from pacific gas and electric, all the lines have been inspected, the only issues there may be is if somebody has the line connected to their homes that there may be some issues there. But we have had electrical, we have had amazing cooperation after declaring a state of emergency. Governor newsom called me and said they were declaring a state of emergency, kern county is declaring a state of emergency, and the white house jumped on it. It gave us the opportunity to get significant help that may have not been there so rapidly. Weve had officers out on the street. Weve had a little bit of looting, very, very little. And im proud of our community because everything thats been seen has been reported. And we havent been able to catch them all, but we have we have opportunity, and we know who they are. Mayor, and i know that frustrates many to hear that those there are those out there that would be looting in such a situation. Flip side as you know so well, mayor, and i remember loma prieta which i lived through, neighbors come together in ways they havent done before. Youve probably seen that in your town. Caller we are seeing it over and over and over. Many, many people are calling in and saying, i heard on the radio and on the tv and all press releases, if you see something, say something. And were asking them to look at dont call 911 because youve got a question. Call 911 because you have an emergency, and were getting numerous calls, some reporting things that look questionable to people, and we are doing that. We are a community of 28,000 people. And we are in the middle of the high desert and working together. Mayor, if you had one headline for tomorrows Church Services as those who do go there in ridgecrest, be thankful that there were no deaths, no casualties, what would it be for you . Caller pray for tomorrow that we dont get any more major aftershocks and that to understand that if we do, we will deal with it. Yep. Amen to that. No more for tomorrow. I agree with you. Mayor, i know youre busy. Mayor peggy grebreeden of ridgecrest. My best to you. Thank you. Thank you, and to your listeners. You betcha. There are a lot of questions about what happens next. We turn to peggy helwig, seismologist at the u. S. Berkeley seismological laboratory. Im glad i was kind of able to get that out, at least the pronunciation. The question now is next, will we get something bigger than the 7. 1 . Is this a foreshock . Just say yes or no, youre probably going to say we dont know. We dont know. The answer is earthquakes are more difficult to predict than what congress and the president will do. So as we look then at the two quakes that weve had over the course of three days now, 2. 5 days, what would be the headline you think from this in the history books five years from now . So my guess is that there will be a lot of aftershocks. This is a very productive aftershock sequence already. There are lots of aftershocks happening it, and they will go on for a couple of years, maybe after five years theyll have died down a lot. Right. In general, if we have a foreshock and a main shock, the chance of there being a bigger earthquake afterwards is very small, but never zero. Never zero. Did it get smaller then, peggy, because weve now had two, that the big one will hit . Sorry, ask me again. Because weve had the 7. 1 and the 6plus on july 4th, the probability of the big one, 8plus happening went down a little bit . I dont think the 8plus probability went down, but i dont think its going to happen in this location as a result of this earthquake. Got it. Youre not used to seeing stuff in this area, right . Youre used to seeing stuff on the main San Andreas Fault, right . Why are we seeing this here . So we live in a state that weve only seen the earthquake history of for just less than 300 years. And so we have a lot to learn about where earthquakes happen. We know there are a lot of faults that we havent experienced earthquakes on. They havent happened during our historical era. But that doesnt mean that they cant happen soon. For example, in cascadia, we know the last earthquake was in 1700, and there will be another soon of a similar size, a magnitude nine. And weve experienced the earthquake in 1857 and the 1906 earthquake, so we know the San Andreas Fault can produce big earthquakes. But there are a lot of faults out there that were only discovering because there are earthquakes on them like this ridgecrest sequence. Right. Peggy helwig, thank you so much for your expertise and stopping by. And go, bears. Appreciate your time. Be prepared. Coming up, breaking political news after refusing to do it for a week for weeks, rather, an apology from joe biden for a controversial remarks about two segregationist senators. Senators weve got breaking political news. After weeks of saying he would not apologize for defending his record on race including remarks specifically here on working with segregationists, joe biden is now saying today he is sorry. Now was i wrong a few weeks ago . To somehow give the impression to people that i was praising those men who i successfully opposed time and again . Yes, i was. I regret it. Im sorry for any of the pain or misconception that may have caused anybody. [ applause ] lets go to Political Correspondent mike memley. We like to call him nbc news joe biden correspondent here and there. Mike, why now, why there, and how did he do . Reporter well, richard, what weve seen in the past few weeks is joe biden as the frontrunner for the nomination really weighed down not just by those recent comments about segregationist senators at a fundraiser in new york a couple of weeks ago, but really under the weight of the record that he had for 36 years as a United States senator, a record that has become ripe for attack from his opponents in this race. And so what he tried to do today here before a heavily africanamerican audience was both to reframe his public career as somebody who began as you said entered Public Service to fight for civil rights, but also to explain sometimes, to defend sometimes, and yes, even apologize for some of those most controversial aspects of his career that people have been seizing on here. Lets listen to more of his effort to reframe this and put his larger career in Public Service into context. That misstep defined 50 years of my record for fighting for civil rights, Racial Justice in this country i hope not. I dont think so. That just isnt an honest assessment of my record. Im going to let my record and my character stand for itself and not be distorted or smeared. Reporter what was interesting, what we heard from the Vice President was to say, listen, i know theres a lot of opposition researchers here, a lot of my arrivals, a lot of my opponents trying to pick through my public record. What he offered was the ultimate validation of his Public Service. He said, listen, when barack obama was consider wlog to name as his rung maim, he running mate, he and his team vetted every vote, every position, every comment he ever semptd let me reads what he said, he said, i was vetted by him and selected by him. I will take his judgment of my record, character, and ability to handle the job over anyone elses. Its that hes been on the defensive, the ultimate trump card, if you will, the obama card. To pivot and say, listen, he understands that this is the game of there campaign to pick apart each others records. He said this is more than a game. We have to defeat donald trump. Richard . Wanting to move past that chapter. Mike, theres a turn off the lights there in sumter, carolina, after the joe biden event. Reporter yes, they did. They did. The apology comes as six other Democratic Candidates are at the 25th anniversary Essence Festival in new orleans. The candidates pitching themselves to africanamericans and specifically black women. By taking these challenges on, we can close that gap. And that not only lifts up black america, it lifts up all of america. I know that this country is going to make it to the promised land. That right there at the top of that mountain will be africanamerican women raising the flag of america. Msnbc road warrior Shaquille Brewster is at the Essence Festival. How did it go today and who was most memorable at least from the crowds reaction so far . Reporter based on crowd reaction, this was senator harris room. Shes the only black woman in this race. And that was the reception that they gave her. Lots of nods of approval, lots of applause. Also a sense that while many of the people here like senator harris, they were hearing some of her policy proposals for the first time. Theres appreciation and an intensity that people were listening to her comments on. But from all the president ial candidates that were here, their main message that was black women should be the priority for democrats and the democratic party. And thats why you have six candidates down here. This is essence considered the largest annual gathering of black women. There was an appreciation that the candidates took time to speak and make their presentations to these voters here. Listen to what one woman told me. What do you think about the fact that so many candidates are making black women a priority . I think its wonderful, and its about darn time. Theyve been taking our vote and not really been effective for us. Reporter what do you think they can do . Do you want to hear policies directed toward black women . Absolutely. Health care, the problem at the border, federal policemens federal employees. Reporter harris announcing a man to incentivize more black homeownership. Elizabeth warren promising executive action on day one. Its hard to reiterate, people appreciated the fwakt that these candidates were here and that they were making their direct pitches. You know, black women feel like they have been under appreciated. Thats what i keep hearing at this event and the fact that candidates are coming and making direct appeals to them is something thats stuck with a lot of them. Richard . All right. Thank you so much. Shaq brewster there at the Essence Festival in new orleans. Thank you, sir. By the way, just moments ago, cory booker, who had been critical of joe bidens remarks about the segregationist senators, youll remember that, he just reacted to joe bidens apology. Take a listen. I felt just grateful that he is now speaking to his past in a way with more candor and with a sense of regret for some of the things that he supported. None of us are perfect. All of us make mistakes. We need leaders that have the courage to show vulnerability and speak to that, and im very grateful. That just in. From the esentence festival. With me, former director of the new York State Democratic Party and gist basal, both with us. Have they moved past it . The whole back and forth now that joe biden did apologize, and why did he do it today . I think theyre past it. You know, he seems to be gaffe prone. It may happen again. I think he did it because he had to stop the hemorrhaging. He wasnt losing he wasnt below anybody in the polls, but he was losing support quickly, particularly among africanamericans, it was important to sort of put a pin in it and try to change message and change the narrative so to speak. And he sounded contrite, and i liked that. And i think its also notable, as you heard some of the comments from essence fest. To me its important now. If joe biden wants to sort of push ahead, really put this behind him. Hes got to be more forceful about not just what he can do for the Africanamerican Community but also tie himself to obama a little bit more. Talk about the struggles of president obama trying to govern while all of these attacks were coming at him. Particularly some of the racist attacks. Talk about how he was a partner in that. I think in doing so he would endear himself more to communities of color, to the Africanamerican Community, and be able to blunt some of these attacks by his opponents. In small doses. When we look at the polling that came out and black voters and what theyre thinking about, i think you were giving me a head nod there, over to you, susan, joe biden at 31 in terms of black voters and who they prefer. Kamala harris, though, margin of error, right in there. And that is, susan, potentially the importance that black voters, that shaq was asking about and how important they are and that one person that he was talking to, the Essence Festival, saying its important that you do address us. Joe biden thinking of that when he apologized . Oh, absolutely. Two points. One is that poll was taken right after the debate. So Kamala Harris was right off of her great performance. Now the question is, does it stay . Does it stick . Right. Right. I think joe biden gave such a great answer, reply to his own question about was it wrong. Yes. But barack obama vetted me, and he said my record stood up and was strong, and he didnt question it. Why should you meaning the other folks . I thought that was a great response. The important thing to remember in this is this was all of of former Vice President bidens own making. He did this all along. He could have had this that statement days after the gaffe. Right. There didnt have to come up in the debate. It didnt have to keep going. This was all of his doing. I mean, as well as he did, it just took a long time. I want to go to the real clear politics average since were talking about polls, and this is the latest. We had a slew of them on the lead up to the holiday. Because its saturday, we get to talk about them. Joe biden losing on average about 6 points, Bernie Sanders down, you you know the headline, Kamala Harris on average here, up eight points. Basal . Great, great debate performance, thats the issue. No. Yes. Been a couple of days, my friend. Because look at the response that she got when she went down to essence fest. People do remember that. Because it pushed back a frontrunner. It was bold, it made him look unsteady and unready. And this was the person presumed to be able to take on big, bad donald trump. So if she looks more president ial than he does, thats going to stick around in peoples memory for a little while. Those numbers show Something Else thats important which is not everyone, but most people know who former Vice President biden, they knew senator Bernie Sanders. They did not know senators warren and harris. Thats right. So they had an opportunity to really grow in their numbers. Theyre still open is what youre seeing. Exactly. People open to different choices now. Theyre not solidly but they can grow. They definitely know where joe biden stands. Okay. Theyre going to learn where the others stand. My boss is going to kill me here, the numbers, the fundraising numbers. Quickly, well put up take a look. Tell me what it says when you look at the fundraising numbers that came out of q2. I am surprised at the Pete Buttigieg, frankly. He doesnt seem to be moving that much in the polls, but his fundraising numbers are significant quiet but a juggernaut. He is. And to the point about people being open, i still think theyre also skeptical. They clearly want to see more of pete in the race. The moneys talking there. What do you see . I see Pete Buttigieg definitely doing a huge outreach. He was i would like to see when that money was raised. My guess is it was closer to the first half of the quarter. Right. Rather than the last. But these are all very decent numbers. And it looks like Kamala Harris didnt do so well, people say. All right. But she can grow into that. Thats fluff to stay in the game thats enough to stay in the game, what you want to do. Susan, basal, thank you both. Well have that ox tail cookoff one of these days. Im cooking. Well continue to follow breaking news out of plantation, florida. Thats happening this afternoon where an explosion rocked a Shopping Center and injured nearly two dozen people. 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Why dont they do what they say say what they mean baby, one thing leads to another emergency crews in plantation, florida, are digging through rubble after a massive explosion at a Shopping Center. At least 21 people to were taken to the hospital with injuries. No reports of fatalities. Joining me on the phone now, danielle gagenbach. You felt the explosion while you were sitting at home. Tell me what you felt, what you heard. Caller oh, my. It was definitely one of the scariest things ive ever had to do or been involved in. I was just watching tv with the dog on the couch, and out of nowhere the house shook like crazy, and there was this loud, loud noise. At first i thought the house had been struck by lightning. A minute or two after making sure everything wasnt on fire, i went outside, and there were a bunch of neighbors. I dont know, i had no idea what it was. We have video that from your front door. And evidently we can see it rattle during the explosion. Caller yes. You probably heard that, too, didnt you . Caller yes. The entire house shook. I feel like i saw like even the ceiling shake. It was scary, the poor dog was a mess. Alarms going off . How far away are you, by the way, from this particular Shopping Center . Caller mostly 0. 7 miles. 0. 7 miles. You go there often. This building, there is not the shot, this is a shot of the gym that were showing on air right now. But the shot of the building that exploded, it is gone. Caller yeah. Have you been there before . Im actually here this is my sisters house that im visiting on vacation. But we were my husband went to the publix in the Shopping Center with my brotherinlaw yesterday. So yeah, theyre in there its not every day, close to every day. Were still waiting for reports on what caused this to happen. And theres no clear hypothesis necessarily, definitive hypothesis, i should say, coming from authorities. Well be watching the briefings as they do happen today to find out what did cause this to start with, this explosion. Danielle, thank you so much. Danielle there in the neighborhood of plantation, florida, close to this and was there when the explosion happened. Thank you. Poor conditions at one Migrant Detention Center in texas is prompting lawmakers to take action. Were going to talk to a person leading the charge, california congresswoman judy chu. Congresswoman judy chu did you know you can save money by using dish soap to clean grease on more than dishes . Try dawn ultra. Dawn is for more than just dishes. With 3x more grease cleaning power per drop, it tackles tough grease on a variety of surfaces. Try dawn ultra. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . I dont call them raids. I say they came in illegally, and were bringing them out legally. These are people where we have the papers, weve gone through the court system. Theyll be starting fairly soon. But i dont call them raids. Thousands and thousands of people will be legally removed from the country, and that process has started. Weve actually been doing that for a long time. More i. C. E. Roundups could begin fairly soon according to the president. You heard part of the remarks there. His order comes just days after House Democrats toured this crowded Detention Center in clint, texas, near el paso. I will never forget the image of being in a cell and seeing 15 women, tears coming down their faces, as they talked about being separated from their children, about having no running water. One of the women said that she was told to drink water out of the toilet. There are times that i walked through the facilities and was enraged. There are times when i walked through the facility and i was brought to my knees in tears. What we saw today was unconscionable. The u. S. Cuss coupltums and customs and border agencies tweeted out this, a video, wednesday, showing off a border facility 300 miles away in tucson, arizona. Meanwhile the president is still pursuing adding a Citizenship Question on the census even if it means through an executive order. The Justice Department says it is still exploring options to add a Citizenship Question even after the Supreme Court ruled there was no sufficient reason to do so. Joining me is judy chu, also the chairwoman of kpak, the Asian Pacific american caucus on the hill. Thank you for being with us. We saw video here, representative, of you at the border facility. What is it that brought you to be the most emotional based on what you saw there . I was just so shocked and dismayed at seeing these women and these children locked up in these cells, and to hear their stories about the conditions that they faced. They were separated from their children, they were there for long periods of time not knowing when they would get out. In fact, the women were actually there for over 50 days each. And they said that they could not have access to such things as toothbrushes and soap. So the conditions were appalling. Representative, what did it smell like . How hot was it in there . Well, the clint facility is where they house the unaccompanied children. And we went to the warehouse where they housed at least 100 children. It was like a gigantic steel garden shed. But with no air conditioning at the time. And can you imagine housing them in an area like el paso and clint where the temperatures are over 100 degrees . Right. You can imagine what the conditions were like, what it smelled like and the heat itself. Related to this certainly is what the president is saying that he would like to push for which is the Citizenship Question related to the census, something that youre also very involved in. What do you make of the president still saying despite what the Supreme Court ruled on that he would still like to add that question . Well, the Supreme Court ruled that it seemed contrived purpose for having that Citizenship Question. And we, of course, know that theres a republican operative that was saying that by having such a question they could depress the turnout of immigrants, as well as hispanics and asians. So there is a purpose behind this, and i was heartened to hear the Supreme Court decision being made. But still, President Trump is trying to depress that turnout. I think hes doing it against the odds since the census forms are already being printed. Nonetheless, he persists in trying to make sure that immigrants dont answer this question. Representative, this all is part of that big topic of immigration and immigration reform. What do you hope the Democratic Congress will be doing in the coming year on this topic . Well, certainly we want to make sure that every immigrant has a voice in this country. And that immigrants arent treated in such inhumane ways at the border, but also we want comprehensive immigration reform. In fact, we just passed a bill to be able to give justice and a path to legalization to dream act students as well as those with temporary protected status from places like el salvador. And we know that these are people who have lived in this country really for most of their lives. Right. They have built their their lives here, and it is only right that they have a means to be productive here and not stay in the shadows. The problem, if youre a democrat sitting in your seat, its getting it through the senate. And so what do you think i mean, i guess more tactfully or tactically is what was the last conversation youve had with republican lawmaker that you felt we can do something together here . Well, i was encouraged by some of our republican members of the house. People like will hurd who have actually taken the lead in trying to get a bipartisan solution for the dream act students. They know that immigrants are contributors to this country, and in fact are large parts of their district. So yes, there are those that really want to get to this bipartisan agreement that could help resolve these these very, very pressing issues. And so we want to continue this this dialogue and make sure that everybody is accepted in this country, and that they can have a productive future ahead of them. Representative judy chu of california. Also chair of the congressional Asian Pacific american caucus. Thank you so much, and have a good weekend. Thank you. Well be right back. [alarm beeping] {tires screeching} {truck honking} avo life doesnt give you many second chances. But a subaru can. dad you guys ok . You alright . Wow. avo eyesight with precollision braking. Standard on the subaru ascent. Presenting the threerow subaru ascent. Love is now bigger than ever. kickstart my heart by motley crue truck honks wheels screeching clapping sound of can hitting bag and bowl clapping always there in crunch time. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, hmm. Exactly. So you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, Liberty Corey is living with metastatic Breast Cancer, which is Breast Cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. Shes also taking ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr her2 metastatic Breast Cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. Ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. Patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. Before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. Common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. Corey calls it her new normal because a lot has changed, but a lot hasnt. Ask your doctor about ibrance. The 1 prescribed fdaapproved oral Combination Treatment for hr her2 mbc. Coming up, well go live to plantation for the latest on the mall explosion that injured two dozen people. Hakeem jeffries will talk 2020 politics minutes away on politicsnation, 5 00 p. M. Eastern here on msnbc. Welcome back. Authorities now say there are 200 people in shelters in Southern California right now. This because of the earthquake there. This as one aftershock rolls through every minute on average. The 7. 1 hit in the city of ridgecrest that followed a 6. 4 quake the day before. Both of them are stronger than any quake in the area in the last two decades. Caltrans now beginning to patch and fix roads can and clear rock slides in the area. Residents urged to gather more supplies in case of yet another large quake. An explosion happened earlier today in plantation, florida, five hours ago. 21 people injured, two seriously, no deaths. Lets go to morning cesky. Whats going to be next . Reporter richard, we do know right now that federal investigators are here on the scene of this plantation Shopping Center going through it with local authorities, you will trying to pin down the big question, the exact cause of this blast at 11 28 this morning when so many people were inside the Shopping Center behind me. Some people at a gym, others in nearby businesses. Everyone feeling that incredible blast as it threw out windows into the parking lot, damaging cars. An explosion so powerful, it was felt up to a mile away, causing one woman to leave her apartment and come here to see just exactly what had happened. As of this point in time, 21 people are injured. They did find ruptured gas lines in the building behind me, however, at this point in time theyre not saying this was indeed a gas explosion. The official cause is not likely going to come today as atf investigators go through every inch of this scene. A secondary search was held within the past hour, just so investigators could be doubly sure that no one was left inside this building where so much damage took place earlier today. A large portion of the roof was blasted off and a lot of that actually landed right about where im standing here, 100 to 150 yards away from where this building stood. A lot of people still in shock as a result of this blast, but hopefully more details to come later tonight. Richard . Our two breaking stories today. The other story were watching today. That wraps it up for me. You can follow me on twitter, instagram, and facebook. Let me know what you think. For now i turn it to reverend al sharpton and politicsnation. Good evening and welcome to politicsnation live from new orleans this Holiday Weekend for the 2019 Essence Festival, the nations largest gathering of black women and a mustdo Campaign Stop for democratic president ial candidates courting this crucial voting block ahead of 2020. Well hear from two of those candidatesat

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