Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Kendis Gibson And Lin

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Kendis Gibson And Lindsey Reiser 20201121

election. the state of georgia certifying joe biden's win. and republican lawmakers in michigan pouring cold water on his attempt to reverse the outcome in their state. joe biden, meanwhile, is pushing forward, holding the first in-person gathering of democratic leaders since the election. he's set to take the oath of office in 60 days. and before that, the runoffs in georgia. 45 days until that race, which will, of course, determine the balance of power in the senate. good morning, everybody. it is saturday, november 21st. i'm lindsey reiser. >> i'm kendis gibson. just when you thought you were off this roller coaster ride, it keeps going. >> strap in a little tighter. >> the 60 days, 90 days, then the first 100 days of the next administration. >> good morning. >> good morning. we have reporters following all of the latest for you this morning. >> let's go first to the white house, where president trump is still refusing to concede but is expected to make a rare appearance this morning for an international summit. nbc's josh lederman is joining us and kicks us off from d.c. josh, let's talk about his domestic issues, because the president met with two michigan lawmakers late last night at the white house. what went down in that meeting? >> reporter: well, that's anybody's guess what happened inside that private meeting. we know those lawmakers were heckled as they were arriving in washington for that meeting, with a lot of questions about why they would put themselves willingly in this position where they could potentially be pressured by president trump to overturn the results of the election, since it was very clear that seemed to be the intended purpose of his meeting. interestingly, though, those leaders came out, and within minutes of that meeting with the president, they released a statement, which they said that they used their meeting as an opportunity to emphasize the need for covid relief for michigan, but going on to say, "we have not yet been made aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in michigan and as legislative leaders, we will follow the law and the normal process," suggesting, kendis, that they do not intend to try to usurp the will of the voters by refusing to certify an election that has already, from the county level, been certified for president-elect joe biden. but the president, trump, the current president, suggesting in remarks that he made yesterday -- one of the very few times we've seen him in the last few weeks -- that he is not giving up this false notion that he, somehow, won this election. take a listen to how he sort of slipped that into his comments as he was talking about pharmaceuticals yesterday. >> big pharma ran millions of dollars of negative advertisements against me during the campaign, which i won, by the way, but you know, we'll find that out. almost 74 million votes. we had big pharma against us. we had the media against us. we had big tech against us. we had a lot of dishonesty against us. >> reporter: and kendis, the president did not take questions, so not an opportunity for reporters to really press him on what is the path forward here. but the president is potentially expected to participate virtually in the g-20 summit that's taking place over this weekend. we'll have to see if he has anything more to say about the election results when he appears with world leaders. >> yeah, he's on the calendar for that summit at 8:00 a.m. eastern time this morning. we will see what he has to say then. we're also learning about another member of trump's inner circle testing positive for the coronavirus, his son, don junior. what more do we know? >> reporter: a spokesman for the president's son saying he tested positive at the beginning of the week and has been following all appropriate quarantine measures. but this comes just as we were learning that another person close to the white house, rudy giuliani's son, who's actually a white house official, has also tested positive. this has really shed light, kendis, on the way that it's been difficult for the president to carry forward his legal strategy because so many people close to his legal circle keep coming down with coronavirus. so far, we don't know of a positive test among rudy giuliani or among the other attorneys, such as jenna ellis, who are leading this fight, but these new positive cases as well as several other ones within the white house that we are learning about, kendis, bringing to 49 the total number of people in and around the president's orbit who have come down with coronavirus in the last few months. >> i can understand why you're over there at the hay-adams hotel, instead of on the white house grounds, because it has seemed to be a cluster over at 1600 pennsylvania. nbc's josh lederman for us today. thank you. now to the latest on the staggering rise in the number of coronavirus infections. there are now more than 11.9 million confirmed cases across the united states and more than 255,000 deaths. one of the states with record-breaking infections is ohio. and officials there recorded more than 8,800 new cases in just 24 hours. in fact, a new curfew took effect last night. nbc's valerie castro joins us now from cleveland. so, valerie, that first curfew just lifted about an hour ago. we're seeing these curfews in other states and cities around the country. is this in an effort to clamp down on social gatherings inside the home? >> reporter: lindsey, it certainly is. and as you mentioned, the lockdown just went into effect yesterday. it is essentially a three-week lockdown. it will be from 10:00 p.m. at night until 5:00 in the morning every day for the next three weeks, until december 9th. now, this is comment from a complete shutdown, where nonessential businesses would have to be closed around the clock. in this case, they can stay open outside the hours of that curfew. residents are encouraged to stay home during this period and only leave their homes for essential errands, getting groceries and gas, and going to work. >> and valerie, you are at a food bank this morning. tell us right now about the food insecurity happening to our country. i mean, there are millions of people who find themselves in these lines that have never been in them before. >> reporter: lindsey, all across the country, food banks and distribution centers have been working nonstop since the start of the pandemic to get food to people in need, people who may be finding themselves food insecure, possibly for the very first time. and the non-profit hunger relief group feeding america says that nationwide this year, some 50 million people could find themselves food insecure. that is one in every six. and here in ohio, those projected numbers for food insecurity for 2020 are at a little more than 18%. that is up from nearly 14% just a few years ago in 2018. of course, food bank workers are essential workers. as i mentioned, they've been working around the clock to get food to communities in need. and the president and ceo of the greater cleveland food bank says that this last fiscal year that ended in september, they helped more than 100,000 people, beyond the year before that, and this is what she has to say. >> that's because of the pandemic, the skyrocketing need. so many more people are struggling right now. they've been affected by job loss. they've been affected by needing to stay home with children who are learning virtually. and they've been affected by covid itself, having to be off of work or having to take care of a loved one. those stimulus checks that so many people received early in the pandemic, those dollars are gone. additional unemployment dollars are gone. and so, some people are still turning to us for the first time. this week we'll distribute more than a million pounds of food. >> reporter: this morning we are outside trinity lutheran church here in cleveland. they are a food distribution site. evan two weeks they've been giving away food. they say the last time they did it, they had more than 200 people show up. they are giving away food again today. and as you can imagine, just a few days before the thanksgiving holiday, the need will be even greater. lindsey? >> valerie, absolutely. this time of year we always see on local and national news the plead for food banks to help for thanksgiving. now we're seeing this far in advance. valerie castro, thank you. well, a group of mayors in florida is pushing back against governor ron desantis. they're calling for a mask mandate or other restrictions as the state faces an uptick in coronavirus cases. >> florida governor ron desantis has been resistant to measures that other states have taken, even going as far as banning the enforcement of mask mandates put in place by local officials. joining us now is one of the mayors calling for action, miami beach mayor dan gelber. good morning to you, sir. >> mayor gelber, thank you for being here so early this saturday morning. how critical would you say it is that there is a mask mandate, that it will have, rather, on your city's ability to prevent another outbreak of this virus? >> well, we just saw on your show all the people who are suffering economically. the thing about a mask mandate is it allows you to open up the economy. it's the only thing that allows you to open up the economy and prevent the spread of the virus, you know. you can open up the economy if people are safely wearing masks. and for some reason -- and i think i know the reason -- the governor simultaneously totally opened up the economy and prevented us locally, even, from implementing and giving out mask citations on individuals. and my city, which is obviously a hospitality center, really needed a mask mandate. we've given out 1,000 citations before the governor did that. >> mayor, i think we have some information on your area and the spike in coronavirus cases, if we can pull that up. overall right now, florida's seven-day positivity rate is 9%. but take a look at miami-dade county. i mean, 211,000 cases. we have 3,700 deaths. obviously, the point that you're making is dire, it is urgent right now. have you gotten any response yet from governor desantis? >> no, and i think the governor is almost become entrenched in his view that the way to address this is to follow the strategy of dr. atlas, who's advised him, and these other sort of fringe scientists. i think the best way to do this is to create herd immunity in the community, which is, i think not only fringe theory for people, but it's a dangerous one. yesterday, i think 82 people in just my county checked into the hospital because they were so sick. statistically, about, you know, almost a dozen of them will perish because of this disease. so, this is real. we need to be able to do this locally, and he just -- i don't think he wants us to, or at least he's entrenched in his very, very bad position. >> so, put all of that together. you know that there are people that will likely die as a result of some of these actions that are taking place down there in florida, and you know what the mayor is doing. he's banning a mask mandate. what do you say about his actions? what does that say about his actions? >> you know, listen, i'm not going -- i couldn't imagine ascribing -- you know, i don't think he has bad intentions. i just think he's allowing his own hubris to be the principle by which he manages this pandemic. we really need to be able to do things locally. the mayors are republican and democrat, and you can just look to all these governors, who earlier this week had press conferences announcing, including i think all republicans, mask mandates in their state. this is what everybody is saying we need today do right now. you know. and i think just he's following the advice of trump and trump's white house, who was doing it for a long time. but the election's over. we don't need to be pretending that the virus is no longer here, which is what we were doing. he needs to lead on the masks. he also needs to give us local control so that locally we can do more. my city's a small city, but we get millions of people every year, 200,000, 300,000 a day visiting and working because we're a hospitality center. every place is different. he needs to lead and energize and activate the local community and our residents to do the right thing. it's not like he's not here right now and the virus is spreading everywhere. >> miami beach mayor dan gelber, thank you for taking time out of your busy day, and we wish you the best there on the ground. >> thank you all. could revenge be one of the reasons president trump is delaying the transition process? 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>> of course, it's not. not to mention the fact that it's simply false. the president had full access to everything that he needed. he did have a fully informed and smooth and peaceful transition when he became president. and you're absolutely right, we are living right now in the worst spikes of the infections from this pandemic that we've seen since it started. every day this month so far, we have seen record numbers of infections reported. we know that that is always followed by spikes, unfortunately, loss of life, and we're in, i think, the tenth month now of the president of the united states ignoring this pandemic. unless he finds a way to manipulate it to his own political advantage in some way. it's ridiculous that you brought it up, and frankly, it's dangerous, the position that this president has put our country in, both in the pandemic and the transition. >> and each week, we see some gop senators, for example, mitch mcconnell, lindsey graham, pat toomey, they're kind of inching toward accepting the president's defeat here. >> right. >> will they be on the wrong side of history? >> they've been on the wrong side of history for the past four years, unfortunately. they're certainly on the wrong side of history with this. it has been without question that joe biden is the president-elect of the united states, since four days after the election. the ballots have been counted. in many cases they have been recounted. we have started to certify in the states. the fact that there is any elected leader in this country who is not acknowledging and supporting joe biden as president-elect, again, puts our country in a dangerous position. mitch mcconnell and lindsey graham and the whole crew of them, they are undermining democracy, they are trying to call into question the legitimacy of what was a free and fair election, and that puts us in a terrible position on the world stage as well as with one another here at home. >> i want to bring in right now don calloway, democratic strategist. don, good morning to you. biden had a clear victory in most of the key battleground states as well as in the popular vote, yet, president trump refuses to accept the results. so, what does this mean for future elections? will his refusal to concede and also make these unsubstantiated calls of voter fraud become the norm? >> i hope it does not. but it's an atrocious president. you're absolutely right, that it has this potential to become the norm, and that's going to be amplified by these kind of really off-kilter news networks, which are stealing audiences from fox news, such as oan and news max. there are people that are going there because they do not want to hear the truth that, unfortunately, mainstream republicans are leaking into very slowly but surely. you have folks who are encouraging republicans to live in an alternative universe, and we really just hope that republicans such as the ben sasses and olympia snowes of the world are going to be the voices that emerge as voices of reason so we don't end up with that precedent in which republicans are willing to just live in this false reality. but unfortunately, we are teetering on a very, very dangerous territory. we're just living in a completely nonfactual world could become the norm going forward. >> jennifer, the last question is to you. twitter is saying that the potus account, which right now has 32 million followers, will be given to biden upon inauguration. how would you like to see this twitter handle being used in this administration? >> a lot less frequently, for starters. you know? we do not need to hear the president of the united states tweet 30 or 40 times a day. i strongly suspect that when joe biden becomes the 46th president of the united states, you're going to see that potus handle become something that is dignified, informative, functions with a little bit of integrity, and like i said, something that you will hear from on a much less frequent basis, a much less damaging basis, than donald trump has used it for. >> yeah, hopefully, fewer misleading tags from twitter itself. jennifer horan, don calloway, thank you for starting your day with us. good to see you both. >> i'm off from muting the presidential twitter account. that would be great. as president trump blocks the transition of power in washington, d.c., president-elect biden is forced to tap recently departed doj officials to open a window into the current administration. coming up, we're going to talk to someone involved in the 2016 transition about the unique position our president-elect is in. s president-elect i in essential for sewing, but maybe not for people with certain inflammatory conditions. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz. the first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to severe ulcerative colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms, or are prone to infections. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. needles. fine for some. but for you, there's a pill that may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra more than seven years ago. xeljanz. an "unjection™". i guess i look pretty... ridiculous. 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>> reporter: well, it's going pretty much the same as when we talked last week, which is to say that they are still playing the waiting game here in wilmington to be officially recognized by the general services administration so they can do more than just plan in theory they want to be able to get into these agencies, start having access to information, start having biden be able to get those daily intelligence briefings that he's yet to start -- that have yet to start happening, and really, just actually begin transitioning to office but you're right, they're controlling what they can control. and yesterday, that meant on a policy front trying to lay out an agenda that includes more stimulus spending and covid relief for americans who are still mired in the daily pandemic right now, out of work and struggling to pay their bills. and that's something that biden has really prioritized, obviously, yesterday, sitting down with speaker pelosi and minority leader schumer, to try to hammer out a way, and just to reiterate the fact that he would like to see a deal on that happen over the course of the next few weeks and months during this lame duck session of congress but his team is making clear that while they may not be at a point where they want to take it to court, they are making clear that the gsa's still treading water here does have actual implications on their transition listen >> this isn't a game, who gets to talk to whom. our inability to start our formal agency review process has the potential to have real impacts on families across the country. in fact, there is a growing chorus of national leaders who are calling upon gsa to move forward with the transition and sounding at alarm about the potentially harmful impact of further delays earlier this week, dr. fauci said that the lack of ascertainment would delay vaccine distribution >> and we've heard this chorus, guys, from a lot of different people, not just dr. fauci, but certain business groups, warning about the fact that by delaying the transition, you could be delaying any ability for this administration to get an earlier handle on the pandemic right now. a lot of democrats now starting to say that they would like to see pressure continuing to ramp up on the gsa, but at the same time, some democrats are also saying that more needs to be done on the part of the biden team we're told, though, that team is a little bit reticent about going down any legal avenues biden, himself, saying that he fears that that could mire them further in this limbo that they're in on the off chance that the courts don't agree with them, or that court proceedings take a long time. biden said the other day, he would rather continue building skoensus we know republicans, though, have been pretty slow to come around i think marsha blackburn even referred to biden and harris as president and vice president-elect the other day and one her spokespersons said she misspoke so slower, but that's where the transition team is. >> i believe that was johannes abraham, one of the transition day-to-day taskmasters of biden's transition team. nbc's ali vitali, thank you. >> want to pick up on what ali was putting down chuck rosenberg is an msnbc contributor and former u.s. attorney and senior fbi official he was also part of the 2016 transition and helped the trump team familiarize themselves with doj operations so, chuck, you know what you're talking about, especially when it comes to transitions right now. so, when it comes to the justice department, joe biden's team, as we mentioned, is tapping recently departed doj officials, trying to circumvent this standoff based on your experience, is that enough? >> it's not enough look, i think it's valuable, kendis i don't think it's enough. i think it would be more valuable for the transition teams to have access to the folks who are currently there and whatever data and information they hold, by the way, and that includes access to intelligence briefings it's just beyond me that the biden team wouldn't be getting that now, even if you don't think he's the next president -- and by the way, he is -- but even if you don't think he will be, there's a non zero chance he will be. and if there's a non zero chance, of course you give them access to this stuff these transitions, these handoffs of power are too important to play games with. >> it's become my favorite phrase in this transition period, the non zero chance of joe biden becoming the next president. top house democrats, as ali alluded to, are demanding that the gsa chief, emily murphy, brief them monday on why she has yet to ascertain biden's win a routine step, as you know, chuck. we know that the national security apparatus is a key concern. what's the worst-case scenario that could come of this delay? >> well, look, delay's always a bad idea, because you don't know what's out there you don't know what our adversary as will do, kendis you don't know what's around the next corner, so you prepare, just as you prepared for this show this morning, right you prepare. that's what adults do. i should tell you, i was a member of two transition efforts, once in 2004, working for the bush administration, when senator kerry ran against him. he didn't win, but we were still ready to brief him, if he did. we had assembled binders and materials to help his team, if he had become president, to take over the reins of power. again, in 2016, working for the obama administration, we handed off to the trump folks it might not have been who we preferred, but we want our presidents to succeed, even if you don't vote for them. you want them to succeed and so, we worked with the trump transition team to get them ready to take the reins of power. it is absolutely unbelievable to me that the trump folks aren't doing this now for the biden folks. >> it's quite shocking in the meantime, we have the "washington post," which is looking at some of the tools at the president's disposal, trying to protect himself from potential investigations once he leaves office, including pardoning himself or resign early and have vp pence offer him a blanket pardon what is the likelihood of this happening? >> well, let me first say that even if he pardoned himself -- and i think that is constitutionally dubious -- but even if he did, that would not be a pardon from state prosecutions so, whether the president pardons himself or president pence, if trump steps down early, pardons trump, that would not inoculate him from a state prosecution. so, there is potential exposure, and there is nothing that trump can do to reduce that risk to zero >> including protecting his family from those state prosecutions, which the "washington post" alluded to earlier this week. chuck rosenberg joining us thank you. >> big fan of the podcast "the oath" as well. as covid cases surge across the country, hundreds of nurses at one hospital went on strike over concerns about low staffing levels we're gointog talk to one of those nurses after the break kes, he doesn't just make a pizza. he uses fresh, clean ingredients to make a masterpiece. taste our delicious new flatbread pizzas today. panera. something under the porch?d! yup! ugh. even when i don't know how she got the stains, i know tide hygienic clean can get them out. it gets between fibers to remove visible and invisible dirt. if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the feeling of total protection now that we protect your identity, and mobile phone, as well as auto home and life you've never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today ♪ oh, oh, (announcer)®! ♪ once-weekly ozempic® is helping you've never been in better hands allstate many people with type 2 diabetes like emily lower their blood sugar. a majority of adults who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. here's your a1c. oh! my a1c is under 7! 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>> it just compounds it. to take care of a covid patient, it's about double the labor and resources to get in and out of each room. it's just very, very time-consuming if you've got a patient who's going to fall or is prone to falling and is a covid patient, you have to gown up and put everything on to get into each room we're dealing with a lot, and i salute every nurse out there, especially our nurses, in this time, because we're short-staffed normally now we're even more short-staffed. >> we should note that the hospital released a statement saying st. marb mary is laser d on ensuring we continue to provide care for our community, especially in light of the pandemic's trajectory and that they respect the union members' right to strike. i mean, you guys are dealing with exactly what you mentioned, maybe even reusing ppe it's a risk to yourselves and your family every time you go into work, not to mention just the emotional trauma of what you guys are seeing, what people are going through. but that said, some have criticized nurses for going on strike at this time. what with it like to be on strike and how do you respond to that criticism >> i would sayotivating. our nurses stepped up. i mean, it takes a lot to go out there, and we know exactly what it's about, because in the first wave, we stopped our negotiations and stepped right up and met with administration and i, personally, was meeting with them, with many other nurses, and we procured our own ppe. i would not call it laser focused. they basically put us out there. theythey're 15 years behind in wages, and if you're 15 years behind in wages, you're not going to be able to staff your hospital. people will work elsewhere. >> right now, pennsylvania's department of health secretary put out a memo, saying the state could see another period prioritizing covid patients compared to others we know that there's some optimism right now on the horizon with the news of the pfizer and moderna vaccines, but that said, what are you prepared for over these next couple of months >> i mean, we'll go right back in i mean, as soon as we go back in there, we're 110%. we're going to start right back where we left off the first time i mean, we're just hoping to get some help, and we need to get more help. i mean, just last week i had three covids and a trauma patient that was not covid with that patient so, it shouldn't be that way we need more help and organization and we can do this this is not impossible >> robert bozak, our best to you and all of your colleagues over these next few months. good luck. >> thank you very much. now to that question many are wondering after this week -- what just happened that major election drama playing out in one michigan county? two republican officials declining to certify joe biden's victory there, only to change their minds not once, but twice. our election law expert explains what just happened in the detroit area, as president trump continues to make false claims about voter fraud. for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa we're made for. honey honey? new nyquil severe honey is maximum strength cold and flu medicine with soothing honey-licious taste. nyquil honey. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever best sleep with a cold medicine. man 1 vo: proof of less joint pain woman 1 oc: this is my body of proof. and clearer skin. man 2 vo: proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis... woman 2 vo: ...with humira. woman 3 vo: humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number one prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. avo: humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. man 3 vo: ask your rheumatologist about humira. woman 4 vo: go to to see proof in action. with sweet potato fries. eating a falafel wrap (doorbell rings) thanks! splitsies? ♪ meant the food, didn't you? it's velveeta versus the other guys. clearly, nothing melts like velveeta. ♪ ♪ ♪ here? nah. ♪ introducing the all new chevy trailblazer. here? nope. ♪ here. ♪ when the middle of nowhere, is somewhere. the all new chevy trailblazer. making life's journey, just better. well, now that georgia's election results are officially certified, the focus turns to the two runoff races that will determine which party controls the senate the incumbent republican, senators david perdue and kelly loeffler, will face democratic challengers jon ossoff and raphael warnock on january 5th nbc's julia jester is in atlanta for us this morning. good morning, julia. how high are the stakes for these races right now? >> reporter: good morning to you. the stakes are high, both here in georgia and for the nation overall. and you can see that playing out as the race heats up senator david perdue, the incumbent, is still facing criticism after reports that he profited off of stock shares on a naval contractor while on the senate armed services committee. now, his opponent, democrat jon ossoff, had some pretty harsh words for him last night on msnbc, calling it the most flagrant corruption in the history of the u.s. senate here's what he told lawrence o'donnell last night >> i'll introduce legislation on day one to ban senators from trading individual stocks. lawrence, my opponent bragged about how he fought against and personally opposed a single round of $1,200 stimulus checks for working people here in georgia, while he's been treating the united states senate like his personal stock trading desk >> reporter: now, senator perdue's team says that he does not have anything to do with the stock portfolio, it is all managed by outside investors and for perdue's part, he's really trying to emphasize the stakes for the country here, the stakes for keeping that majority in the senate, especially as president-elect joe biden was just certified as the winner here in georgi winner of this election and so and so thegop's line is hold the line, and really and reallyo keep control of the senate, so they can keep pushing their conservative agenda. he was just here campaigning yesterday, with vice president mike pence, and that was the theme mike pence, and that was the theme throughout the day take a listen to what perdue told his supporters. his suppor. >> we need your help to make sure that the road to socialism never runs through the state of georgia. so with your with your help, by our vote out again -- and i say again -- say again, by getting the vote out again, we will tell america and the democratic party will tell e the last four years we've done for the last bee for not. will protect the work of donald trump and mike of dond mike pence over the last years made america great again years, that made america great again. >> >> reporter: so, assee, election season is not is not over here in georgia, and this will play out in the coming weeks. kendis, lindsey? >> yeah, even when mike pence w speaking, there were many cheer" who's going to tell him? julia jester in atlanta, thank you. wayne county, michigan, homk you. wayne county, certified its election results this week but the aftermath has the aftermath has so many people wondering what just happened >> yeah, things escalated fast on tuesday when of the four memr of the board of canvassers deadlocked on party lines to certify the november 3 the nove results. the board later unanimously una certified the election the eleca contentious public hearing, president trump contentious public hearing president trump then personally called the republican board members. >> the next day, board chairperson monica monica palmed the the board member william hartman both both affidavits, for the trump campaign signed affidavits for the trump campaign requesting to to resci their certification their certification votes. >> but it wasn't over. after receiving an invitation from the president, invitation h president, mish can republican lawmakers last night, on friday,arivled ae house late trump they later meet with trump joi statement concluding and later released a joint nothing to ovee biden's win in to overturn joe nbc news electt ned foley is here to help michigan election law all down. ned, good morning to you things didn't go in to his go favor after the meeting yesterday. the statement reads, "we have e aware aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in michigan we will follow the law and follow the normal process regarding michigan's electors. what's the next move for the trump campaign from here? next trump campaign from here >> well, they might try to stop certification at the state level on monday, but i don't that will succeed. i think that will fail. think t succeed. i think that will fail so the here is that this effort, it isn't news here is ts effort isn't going to succeed. the bad news is that it was attl it's not good when an incumbent president tries to an incumbent president tries to subvert the will of voters the elections are held for the sake of the held for the sake oe they want, and this was unprecedented in american history to try to subvert the outcome. >> there are some people, ned, who are pointing out tha pointing out that it has been a crazy week for wayne for wayne county with the back and forth litigation, from from the trump campaign and the county's the c to certify the electionresults why haven't any of the trump campaign's attempts to change. things actually stuck? change things >> actually this election was stuck? well, because this not very clo. i mean, we're close. we're306 electoral electoral for president-elect biden. and in for president-elect biden and in michigan, margin is 150,0 you knew, there's been an attempt to make this year seem like bush versus gore, where it was just one state, florida, and so close, you like to seem like bush not like like that. so what we're seeing is an attempt to to repudiate the verc of the electorate, and we're supposed to have elections so that the voters ca get what they they want. and so, i think the reason why it's failing is is because thay america does believe in its own democracy, and democracy and believes in holding elections t people. of the people. it's again, it's sad that there's an attempt to undermine undermine , but the news is, the undermining is failing. >> well, that said,said, the pr still making false claims on twitter, including that he won the state of of sp called out detroit, out detroit, which is in wayne county, for f. rudy giuliani also backed that up let's listen rudy giuliani also backed that up let' >> the margin in michigan was ms 146,121, and these ballots were all cast, basically, in detroit, thatdetroit, that biden won biden won can see a change in the result see take out wayne results of the vote in michigan. >> trump coming from big democratic cities with large black have long claimed the fraud is coming from large democratic this contribut voter to voter disenfranchisemt >> this in particular is partiy concerning you know, it's -- has, our country ha has struggled to make sure that we have equal make sure we have equal voting all americans, and americans ane the voter rights act of 1965 to enshrine the principle in american law that every american has equal voting rights and you are seeing, i think it's mostly for partisan purposes, you know, i can't attribute motive, but whatever is going on, it is an attack on the basic premise of everyone has an equal vote in our country. >> ned foley, so good to see yo this morning i remember when this was happening in the news, and i looked to the perfect person to explain it all and it was you. thank you. >> you didn't look to me to explain it all. joe biden growing impatient with the president's efforts to block his transition, with advisers, where legal action could backfire are they right the political panel weighs in. i will te akthat as a yes. so don't answer. >> yes ning, mr. su good morning, blair. 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New York , United States , Georgia , Olympia , Washington , Atlanta , Cleveland , Ohio , Florida , Delaware , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Wisconsin , Russia , Michigan , Kenosha , Miami Beach , Pennsylvania , Wayne County , Americans , America , American , Emily Murphy , Chuck Schumer , Jenna Ellis , Liberty , Biden Wina , Marsha Blackburn , Chuck Rosenberg , Joe Biden , Valerie Castro , Josh Lederman , Ned Foley , Jennifer Horan , Don Calloway , Andrew Cuomo , Natalie Morales , David Perdue , Lindsey Graham , Kyle Rittenhouse , Dan Gelber , Monica , Ali Vitali , Mitch Mcconnell , Ron Desantis , Al Gore , Rudy Giuliani ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Kendis Gibson And Lindsey Reiser 20201121 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Kendis Gibson And Lindsey Reiser 20201121

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election. the state of georgia certifying joe biden's win. and republican lawmakers in michigan pouring cold water on his attempt to reverse the outcome in their state. joe biden, meanwhile, is pushing forward, holding the first in-person gathering of democratic leaders since the election. he's set to take the oath of office in 60 days. and before that, the runoffs in georgia. 45 days until that race, which will, of course, determine the balance of power in the senate. good morning, everybody. it is saturday, november 21st. i'm lindsey reiser. >> i'm kendis gibson. just when you thought you were off this roller coaster ride, it keeps going. >> strap in a little tighter. >> the 60 days, 90 days, then the first 100 days of the next administration. >> good morning. >> good morning. we have reporters following all of the latest for you this morning. >> let's go first to the white house, where president trump is still refusing to concede but is expected to make a rare appearance this morning for an international summit. nbc's josh lederman is joining us and kicks us off from d.c. josh, let's talk about his domestic issues, because the president met with two michigan lawmakers late last night at the white house. what went down in that meeting? >> reporter: well, that's anybody's guess what happened inside that private meeting. we know those lawmakers were heckled as they were arriving in washington for that meeting, with a lot of questions about why they would put themselves willingly in this position where they could potentially be pressured by president trump to overturn the results of the election, since it was very clear that seemed to be the intended purpose of his meeting. interestingly, though, those leaders came out, and within minutes of that meeting with the president, they released a statement, which they said that they used their meeting as an opportunity to emphasize the need for covid relief for michigan, but going on to say, "we have not yet been made aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in michigan and as legislative leaders, we will follow the law and the normal process," suggesting, kendis, that they do not intend to try to usurp the will of the voters by refusing to certify an election that has already, from the county level, been certified for president-elect joe biden. but the president, trump, the current president, suggesting in remarks that he made yesterday -- one of the very few times we've seen him in the last few weeks -- that he is not giving up this false notion that he, somehow, won this election. take a listen to how he sort of slipped that into his comments as he was talking about pharmaceuticals yesterday. >> big pharma ran millions of dollars of negative advertisements against me during the campaign, which i won, by the way, but you know, we'll find that out. almost 74 million votes. we had big pharma against us. we had the media against us. we had big tech against us. we had a lot of dishonesty against us. >> reporter: and kendis, the president did not take questions, so not an opportunity for reporters to really press him on what is the path forward here. but the president is potentially expected to participate virtually in the g-20 summit that's taking place over this weekend. we'll have to see if he has anything more to say about the election results when he appears with world leaders. >> yeah, he's on the calendar for that summit at 8:00 a.m. eastern time this morning. we will see what he has to say then. we're also learning about another member of trump's inner circle testing positive for the coronavirus, his son, don junior. what more do we know? >> reporter: a spokesman for the president's son saying he tested positive at the beginning of the week and has been following all appropriate quarantine measures. but this comes just as we were learning that another person close to the white house, rudy giuliani's son, who's actually a white house official, has also tested positive. this has really shed light, kendis, on the way that it's been difficult for the president to carry forward his legal strategy because so many people close to his legal circle keep coming down with coronavirus. so far, we don't know of a positive test among rudy giuliani or among the other attorneys, such as jenna ellis, who are leading this fight, but these new positive cases as well as several other ones within the white house that we are learning about, kendis, bringing to 49 the total number of people in and around the president's orbit who have come down with coronavirus in the last few months. >> i can understand why you're over there at the hay-adams hotel, instead of on the white house grounds, because it has seemed to be a cluster over at 1600 pennsylvania. nbc's josh lederman for us today. thank you. now to the latest on the staggering rise in the number of coronavirus infections. there are now more than 11.9 million confirmed cases across the united states and more than 255,000 deaths. one of the states with record-breaking infections is ohio. and officials there recorded more than 8,800 new cases in just 24 hours. in fact, a new curfew took effect last night. nbc's valerie castro joins us now from cleveland. so, valerie, that first curfew just lifted about an hour ago. we're seeing these curfews in other states and cities around the country. is this in an effort to clamp down on social gatherings inside the home? >> reporter: lindsey, it certainly is. and as you mentioned, the lockdown just went into effect yesterday. it is essentially a three-week lockdown. it will be from 10:00 p.m. at night until 5:00 in the morning every day for the next three weeks, until december 9th. now, this is comment from a complete shutdown, where nonessential businesses would have to be closed around the clock. in this case, they can stay open outside the hours of that curfew. residents are encouraged to stay home during this period and only leave their homes for essential errands, getting groceries and gas, and going to work. >> and valerie, you are at a food bank this morning. tell us right now about the food insecurity happening to our country. i mean, there are millions of people who find themselves in these lines that have never been in them before. >> reporter: lindsey, all across the country, food banks and distribution centers have been working nonstop since the start of the pandemic to get food to people in need, people who may be finding themselves food insecure, possibly for the very first time. and the non-profit hunger relief group feeding america says that nationwide this year, some 50 million people could find themselves food insecure. that is one in every six. and here in ohio, those projected numbers for food insecurity for 2020 are at a little more than 18%. that is up from nearly 14% just a few years ago in 2018. of course, food bank workers are essential workers. as i mentioned, they've been working around the clock to get food to communities in need. and the president and ceo of the greater cleveland food bank says that this last fiscal year that ended in september, they helped more than 100,000 people, beyond the year before that, and this is what she has to say. >> that's because of the pandemic, the skyrocketing need. so many more people are struggling right now. they've been affected by job loss. they've been affected by needing to stay home with children who are learning virtually. and they've been affected by covid itself, having to be off of work or having to take care of a loved one. those stimulus checks that so many people received early in the pandemic, those dollars are gone. additional unemployment dollars are gone. and so, some people are still turning to us for the first time. this week we'll distribute more than a million pounds of food. >> reporter: this morning we are outside trinity lutheran church here in cleveland. they are a food distribution site. evan two weeks they've been giving away food. they say the last time they did it, they had more than 200 people show up. they are giving away food again today. and as you can imagine, just a few days before the thanksgiving holiday, the need will be even greater. lindsey? >> valerie, absolutely. this time of year we always see on local and national news the plead for food banks to help for thanksgiving. now we're seeing this far in advance. valerie castro, thank you. well, a group of mayors in florida is pushing back against governor ron desantis. they're calling for a mask mandate or other restrictions as the state faces an uptick in coronavirus cases. >> florida governor ron desantis has been resistant to measures that other states have taken, even going as far as banning the enforcement of mask mandates put in place by local officials. joining us now is one of the mayors calling for action, miami beach mayor dan gelber. good morning to you, sir. >> mayor gelber, thank you for being here so early this saturday morning. how critical would you say it is that there is a mask mandate, that it will have, rather, on your city's ability to prevent another outbreak of this virus? >> well, we just saw on your show all the people who are suffering economically. the thing about a mask mandate is it allows you to open up the economy. it's the only thing that allows you to open up the economy and prevent the spread of the virus, you know. you can open up the economy if people are safely wearing masks. and for some reason -- and i think i know the reason -- the governor simultaneously totally opened up the economy and prevented us locally, even, from implementing and giving out mask citations on individuals. and my city, which is obviously a hospitality center, really needed a mask mandate. we've given out 1,000 citations before the governor did that. >> mayor, i think we have some information on your area and the spike in coronavirus cases, if we can pull that up. overall right now, florida's seven-day positivity rate is 9%. but take a look at miami-dade county. i mean, 211,000 cases. we have 3,700 deaths. obviously, the point that you're making is dire, it is urgent right now. have you gotten any response yet from governor desantis? >> no, and i think the governor is almost become entrenched in his view that the way to address this is to follow the strategy of dr. atlas, who's advised him, and these other sort of fringe scientists. i think the best way to do this is to create herd immunity in the community, which is, i think not only fringe theory for people, but it's a dangerous one. yesterday, i think 82 people in just my county checked into the hospital because they were so sick. statistically, about, you know, almost a dozen of them will perish because of this disease. so, this is real. we need to be able to do this locally, and he just -- i don't think he wants us to, or at least he's entrenched in his very, very bad position. >> so, put all of that together. you know that there are people that will likely die as a result of some of these actions that are taking place down there in florida, and you know what the mayor is doing. he's banning a mask mandate. what do you say about his actions? what does that say about his actions? >> you know, listen, i'm not going -- i couldn't imagine ascribing -- you know, i don't think he has bad intentions. i just think he's allowing his own hubris to be the principle by which he manages this pandemic. we really need to be able to do things locally. the mayors are republican and democrat, and you can just look to all these governors, who earlier this week had press conferences announcing, including i think all republicans, mask mandates in their state. this is what everybody is saying we need today do right now. you know. and i think just he's following the advice of trump and trump's white house, who was doing it for a long time. but the election's over. we don't need to be pretending that the virus is no longer here, which is what we were doing. he needs to lead on the masks. he also needs to give us local control so that locally we can do more. my city's a small city, but we get millions of people every year, 200,000, 300,000 a day visiting and working because we're a hospitality center. every place is different. he needs to lead and energize and activate the local community and our residents to do the right thing. it's not like he's not here right now and the virus is spreading everywhere. >> miami beach mayor dan gelber, thank you for taking time out of your busy day, and we wish you the best there on the ground. >> thank you all. could revenge be one of the reasons president trump is delaying the transition process? 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>> of course, it's not. not to mention the fact that it's simply false. the president had full access to everything that he needed. he did have a fully informed and smooth and peaceful transition when he became president. and you're absolutely right, we are living right now in the worst spikes of the infections from this pandemic that we've seen since it started. every day this month so far, we have seen record numbers of infections reported. we know that that is always followed by spikes, unfortunately, loss of life, and we're in, i think, the tenth month now of the president of the united states ignoring this pandemic. unless he finds a way to manipulate it to his own political advantage in some way. it's ridiculous that you brought it up, and frankly, it's dangerous, the position that this president has put our country in, both in the pandemic and the transition. >> and each week, we see some gop senators, for example, mitch mcconnell, lindsey graham, pat toomey, they're kind of inching toward accepting the president's defeat here. >> right. >> will they be on the wrong side of history? >> they've been on the wrong side of history for the past four years, unfortunately. they're certainly on the wrong side of history with this. it has been without question that joe biden is the president-elect of the united states, since four days after the election. the ballots have been counted. in many cases they have been recounted. we have started to certify in the states. the fact that there is any elected leader in this country who is not acknowledging and supporting joe biden as president-elect, again, puts our country in a dangerous position. mitch mcconnell and lindsey graham and the whole crew of them, they are undermining democracy, they are trying to call into question the legitimacy of what was a free and fair election, and that puts us in a terrible position on the world stage as well as with one another here at home. >> i want to bring in right now don calloway, democratic strategist. don, good morning to you. biden had a clear victory in most of the key battleground states as well as in the popular vote, yet, president trump refuses to accept the results. so, what does this mean for future elections? will his refusal to concede and also make these unsubstantiated calls of voter fraud become the norm? >> i hope it does not. but it's an atrocious president. you're absolutely right, that it has this potential to become the norm, and that's going to be amplified by these kind of really off-kilter news networks, which are stealing audiences from fox news, such as oan and news max. there are people that are going there because they do not want to hear the truth that, unfortunately, mainstream republicans are leaking into very slowly but surely. you have folks who are encouraging republicans to live in an alternative universe, and we really just hope that republicans such as the ben sasses and olympia snowes of the world are going to be the voices that emerge as voices of reason so we don't end up with that precedent in which republicans are willing to just live in this false reality. but unfortunately, we are teetering on a very, very dangerous territory. we're just living in a completely nonfactual world could become the norm going forward. >> jennifer, the last question is to you. twitter is saying that the potus account, which right now has 32 million followers, will be given to biden upon inauguration. how would you like to see this twitter handle being used in this administration? >> a lot less frequently, for starters. you know? we do not need to hear the president of the united states tweet 30 or 40 times a day. i strongly suspect that when joe biden becomes the 46th president of the united states, you're going to see that potus handle become something that is dignified, informative, functions with a little bit of integrity, and like i said, something that you will hear from on a much less frequent basis, a much less damaging basis, than donald trump has used it for. >> yeah, hopefully, fewer misleading tags from twitter itself. jennifer horan, don calloway, thank you for starting your day with us. good to see you both. >> i'm off from muting the presidential twitter account. that would be great. as president trump blocks the transition of power in washington, d.c., president-elect biden is forced to tap recently departed doj officials to open a window into the current administration. coming up, we're going to talk to someone involved in the 2016 transition about the unique position our president-elect is in. s president-elect i in essential for sewing, but maybe not for people with certain inflammatory conditions. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz. the first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to severe ulcerative colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms, or are prone to infections. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. needles. fine for some. but for you, there's a pill that may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra more than seven years ago. xeljanz. an "unjection™". i guess i look pretty... ridiculous. 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>> reporter: well, it's going pretty much the same as when we talked last week, which is to say that they are still playing the waiting game here in wilmington to be officially recognized by the general services administration so they can do more than just plan in theory they want to be able to get into these agencies, start having access to information, start having biden be able to get those daily intelligence briefings that he's yet to start -- that have yet to start happening, and really, just actually begin transitioning to office but you're right, they're controlling what they can control. and yesterday, that meant on a policy front trying to lay out an agenda that includes more stimulus spending and covid relief for americans who are still mired in the daily pandemic right now, out of work and struggling to pay their bills. and that's something that biden has really prioritized, obviously, yesterday, sitting down with speaker pelosi and minority leader schumer, to try to hammer out a way, and just to reiterate the fact that he would like to see a deal on that happen over the course of the next few weeks and months during this lame duck session of congress but his team is making clear that while they may not be at a point where they want to take it to court, they are making clear that the gsa's still treading water here does have actual implications on their transition listen >> this isn't a game, who gets to talk to whom. our inability to start our formal agency review process has the potential to have real impacts on families across the country. in fact, there is a growing chorus of national leaders who are calling upon gsa to move forward with the transition and sounding at alarm about the potentially harmful impact of further delays earlier this week, dr. fauci said that the lack of ascertainment would delay vaccine distribution >> and we've heard this chorus, guys, from a lot of different people, not just dr. fauci, but certain business groups, warning about the fact that by delaying the transition, you could be delaying any ability for this administration to get an earlier handle on the pandemic right now. a lot of democrats now starting to say that they would like to see pressure continuing to ramp up on the gsa, but at the same time, some democrats are also saying that more needs to be done on the part of the biden team we're told, though, that team is a little bit reticent about going down any legal avenues biden, himself, saying that he fears that that could mire them further in this limbo that they're in on the off chance that the courts don't agree with them, or that court proceedings take a long time. biden said the other day, he would rather continue building skoensus we know republicans, though, have been pretty slow to come around i think marsha blackburn even referred to biden and harris as president and vice president-elect the other day and one her spokespersons said she misspoke so slower, but that's where the transition team is. >> i believe that was johannes abraham, one of the transition day-to-day taskmasters of biden's transition team. nbc's ali vitali, thank you. >> want to pick up on what ali was putting down chuck rosenberg is an msnbc contributor and former u.s. attorney and senior fbi official he was also part of the 2016 transition and helped the trump team familiarize themselves with doj operations so, chuck, you know what you're talking about, especially when it comes to transitions right now. so, when it comes to the justice department, joe biden's team, as we mentioned, is tapping recently departed doj officials, trying to circumvent this standoff based on your experience, is that enough? >> it's not enough look, i think it's valuable, kendis i don't think it's enough. i think it would be more valuable for the transition teams to have access to the folks who are currently there and whatever data and information they hold, by the way, and that includes access to intelligence briefings it's just beyond me that the biden team wouldn't be getting that now, even if you don't think he's the next president -- and by the way, he is -- but even if you don't think he will be, there's a non zero chance he will be. and if there's a non zero chance, of course you give them access to this stuff these transitions, these handoffs of power are too important to play games with. >> it's become my favorite phrase in this transition period, the non zero chance of joe biden becoming the next president. top house democrats, as ali alluded to, are demanding that the gsa chief, emily murphy, brief them monday on why she has yet to ascertain biden's win a routine step, as you know, chuck. we know that the national security apparatus is a key concern. what's the worst-case scenario that could come of this delay? >> well, look, delay's always a bad idea, because you don't know what's out there you don't know what our adversary as will do, kendis you don't know what's around the next corner, so you prepare, just as you prepared for this show this morning, right you prepare. that's what adults do. i should tell you, i was a member of two transition efforts, once in 2004, working for the bush administration, when senator kerry ran against him. he didn't win, but we were still ready to brief him, if he did. we had assembled binders and materials to help his team, if he had become president, to take over the reins of power. again, in 2016, working for the obama administration, we handed off to the trump folks it might not have been who we preferred, but we want our presidents to succeed, even if you don't vote for them. you want them to succeed and so, we worked with the trump transition team to get them ready to take the reins of power. it is absolutely unbelievable to me that the trump folks aren't doing this now for the biden folks. >> it's quite shocking in the meantime, we have the "washington post," which is looking at some of the tools at the president's disposal, trying to protect himself from potential investigations once he leaves office, including pardoning himself or resign early and have vp pence offer him a blanket pardon what is the likelihood of this happening? >> well, let me first say that even if he pardoned himself -- and i think that is constitutionally dubious -- but even if he did, that would not be a pardon from state prosecutions so, whether the president pardons himself or president pence, if trump steps down early, pardons trump, that would not inoculate him from a state prosecution. so, there is potential exposure, and there is nothing that trump can do to reduce that risk to zero >> including protecting his family from those state prosecutions, which the "washington post" alluded to earlier this week. chuck rosenberg joining us thank you. >> big fan of the podcast "the oath" as well. as covid cases surge across the country, hundreds of nurses at one hospital went on strike over concerns about low staffing levels we're gointog talk to one of those nurses after the break kes, he doesn't just make a pizza. he uses fresh, clean ingredients to make a masterpiece. taste our delicious new flatbread pizzas today. panera. something under the porch?d! yup! ugh. even when i don't know how she got the stains, i know tide hygienic clean can get them out. it gets between fibers to remove visible and invisible dirt. if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the feeling of total protection now that we protect your identity, and mobile phone, as well as auto home and life you've never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today ♪ oh, oh, (announcer)®! ♪ once-weekly ozempic® is helping you've never been in better hands allstate many people with type 2 diabetes like emily lower their blood sugar. a majority of adults who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. here's your a1c. oh! my a1c is under 7! 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>> it just compounds it. to take care of a covid patient, it's about double the labor and resources to get in and out of each room. it's just very, very time-consuming if you've got a patient who's going to fall or is prone to falling and is a covid patient, you have to gown up and put everything on to get into each room we're dealing with a lot, and i salute every nurse out there, especially our nurses, in this time, because we're short-staffed normally now we're even more short-staffed. >> we should note that the hospital released a statement saying st. marb mary is laser d on ensuring we continue to provide care for our community, especially in light of the pandemic's trajectory and that they respect the union members' right to strike. i mean, you guys are dealing with exactly what you mentioned, maybe even reusing ppe it's a risk to yourselves and your family every time you go into work, not to mention just the emotional trauma of what you guys are seeing, what people are going through. but that said, some have criticized nurses for going on strike at this time. what with it like to be on strike and how do you respond to that criticism >> i would sayotivating. our nurses stepped up. i mean, it takes a lot to go out there, and we know exactly what it's about, because in the first wave, we stopped our negotiations and stepped right up and met with administration and i, personally, was meeting with them, with many other nurses, and we procured our own ppe. i would not call it laser focused. they basically put us out there. theythey're 15 years behind in wages, and if you're 15 years behind in wages, you're not going to be able to staff your hospital. people will work elsewhere. >> right now, pennsylvania's department of health secretary put out a memo, saying the state could see another period prioritizing covid patients compared to others we know that there's some optimism right now on the horizon with the news of the pfizer and moderna vaccines, but that said, what are you prepared for over these next couple of months >> i mean, we'll go right back in i mean, as soon as we go back in there, we're 110%. we're going to start right back where we left off the first time i mean, we're just hoping to get some help, and we need to get more help. i mean, just last week i had three covids and a trauma patient that was not covid with that patient so, it shouldn't be that way we need more help and organization and we can do this this is not impossible >> robert bozak, our best to you and all of your colleagues over these next few months. good luck. >> thank you very much. now to that question many are wondering after this week -- what just happened that major election drama playing out in one michigan county? two republican officials declining to certify joe biden's victory there, only to change their minds not once, but twice. our election law expert explains what just happened in the detroit area, as president trump continues to make false claims about voter fraud. for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa we're made for. honey honey? new nyquil severe honey is maximum strength cold and flu medicine with soothing honey-licious taste. nyquil honey. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever best sleep with a cold medicine. man 1 vo: proof of less joint pain woman 1 oc: this is my body of proof. and clearer skin. man 2 vo: proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis... woman 2 vo: ...with humira. woman 3 vo: humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number one prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. avo: humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. man 3 vo: ask your rheumatologist about humira. woman 4 vo: go to to see proof in action. with sweet potato fries. eating a falafel wrap (doorbell rings) thanks! splitsies? 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>> yeah, even when mike pence w speaking, there were many cheer" who's going to tell him? julia jester in atlanta, thank you. wayne county, michigan, homk you. wayne county, certified its election results this week but the aftermath has the aftermath has so many people wondering what just happened >> yeah, things escalated fast on tuesday when of the four memr of the board of canvassers deadlocked on party lines to certify the november 3 the nove results. the board later unanimously una certified the election the eleca contentious public hearing, president trump contentious public hearing president trump then personally called the republican board members. >> the next day, board chairperson monica monica palmed the the board member william hartman both both affidavits, for the trump campaign signed affidavits for the trump campaign requesting to to resci their certification their certification votes. >> but it wasn't over. after receiving an invitation from the president, invitation h president, mish can republican lawmakers last night, on friday,arivled ae house late trump they later meet with trump joi statement concluding and later released a joint nothing to ovee biden's win in to overturn joe nbc news electt ned foley is here to help michigan election law all down. ned, good morning to you things didn't go in to his go favor after the meeting yesterday. the statement reads, "we have e aware aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in michigan we will follow the law and follow the normal process regarding michigan's electors. what's the next move for the trump campaign from here? next trump campaign from here >> well, they might try to stop certification at the state level on monday, but i don't that will succeed. i think that will fail. think t succeed. i think that will fail so the here is that this effort, it isn't news here is ts effort isn't going to succeed. the bad news is that it was attl it's not good when an incumbent president tries to an incumbent president tries to subvert the will of voters the elections are held for the sake of the held for the sake oe they want, and this was unprecedented in american history to try to subvert the outcome. >> there are some people, ned, who are pointing out tha pointing out that it has been a crazy week for wayne for wayne county with the back and forth litigation, from from the trump campaign and the county's the c to certify the electionresults why haven't any of the trump campaign's attempts to change. things actually stuck? change things >> actually this election was stuck? well, because this not very clo. i mean, we're close. we're306 electoral electoral for president-elect biden. and in for president-elect biden and in michigan, margin is 150,0 you knew, there's been an attempt to make this year seem like bush versus gore, where it was just one state, florida, and so close, you like to seem like bush not like like that. so what we're seeing is an attempt to to repudiate the verc of the electorate, and we're supposed to have elections so that the voters ca get what they they want. and so, i think the reason why it's failing is is because thay america does believe in its own democracy, and democracy and believes in holding elections t people. of the people. it's again, it's sad that there's an attempt to undermine undermine , but the news is, the undermining is failing. >> well, that said,said, the pr still making false claims on twitter, including that he won the state of of sp called out detroit, out detroit, which is in wayne county, for f. rudy giuliani also backed that up let's listen rudy giuliani also backed that up let' >> the margin in michigan was ms 146,121, and these ballots were all cast, basically, in detroit, thatdetroit, that biden won biden won can see a change in the result see take out wayne results of the vote in michigan. >> trump coming from big democratic cities with large black have long claimed the fraud is coming from large democratic this contribut voter to voter disenfranchisemt >> this in particular is partiy concerning you know, it's -- has, our country ha has struggled to make sure that we have equal make sure we have equal voting all americans, and americans ane the voter rights act of 1965 to enshrine the principle in american law that every american has equal voting rights and you are seeing, i think it's mostly for partisan purposes, you know, i can't attribute motive, but whatever is going on, it is an attack on the basic premise of everyone has an equal vote in our country. >> ned foley, so good to see yo this morning i remember when this was happening in the news, and i looked to the perfect person to explain it all and it was you. thank you. >> you didn't look to me to explain it all. joe biden growing impatient with the president's efforts to block his transition, with advisers, where legal action could backfire are they right the political panel weighs in. i will te akthat as a yes. so don't answer. >> yes ning, mr. su good morning, blair. 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