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Approved and after the budget assuming we have the support of all the republicans because we will have no support from the democrats or almost no support because they really become just obstructionests and have no good policies and frankly are not good politicians but are very good obstructionists and that is what they do well, obstruct. The number of nominees i have approved by the democrats are about half of what president obama had. When you look at that and you can look at judicial appointments and how slow that is going. I will have 145 ultimately which is a tremendous number. We will have 17 court of appeals appointments. They are not getting approved. They are being slow walked by schumer and the group of democrats that really its really disgraceful. Even people they know they will approve they take it right out to the end and use every single minute. I think its a very disgraceful situation. Obamacare is everything but dead. The people arent going to take it. They are not going to take it. Alaska had over 200 increase in arizona. They were 116 and i hear going up higher. And the people arent going to take that any longer. I think we are in great shape. I think we have the votes and will be doing that right after the largest tax cuts in the history of our country are approved hopefully sometime in the very near future. Is grand cassidy still the plan . Especially. Mr. Prime minister with respect to the president in march of 2016 you said that the potential for a donald trump presidency, quote, i hope we will not face this evil. Im wondering if after spending time with the president you have changed your mind or if you are of the same mind. I wish i knew that before my speech. [ laughter ] translator the meeting i had with the president , his approach and the way he addresses the u. S. Is a very strong power and their ability to intervent for good are very, very important. I want to confirm that the meeting that we had was very productive. Not a moment did i feel that i was threatened at any time. I saw that there is a very fertile outlook here. In order to set aside any differences we may have to find the Common Ground, the Common Ground which is really important for the relationship between the two people that are traditional and historical. And for our common objectives. We need common values. We have common values. Dont forget that the value of democracy and freedom was born in greece. And its one of the basic values that traverses American Culture and american tradition. The president today of the u. S. Continues this tradition and i think our collaboration will be very substantial and im very optimistic after our meeting that we had today. I might just add that a number of countries were a little bit nervous at the beginning and i have very good relationships with the leaders of virtually every country i have dealt with. The reason they were concerned was because i will not allow our country, the United States of america, to be taken advantage of by so many other countries all over the world. If you look at our trade deficits, massive trade deficits with virtually every country. You look at our jobs moving out to certain countries and the companies are leaving and they are firing the people and the product is made elsewhere and then it is sold back into the United States. Im not going to be allowing that. I can understand how certain countries and the leaders of certain countries may feel. But we are just not going to allow the United States to be taken advantage of by other countries anymore. And there is nothing we can do about that. Thank you. You have a question. Mr. Prime minister, how do you plan to attract longterm Foreign Direct Investments in greece . And if you can elaborate, please, on the steps that greece is taking to tackle in order to ensure investors around the world that greece is ready for business. Mr. President , why do you encourage companies to invest in greece and how can the u. S. Support greek efforts to attract investments . Thank you translator first of all, this is one thing is to intervene legislatively to attract investment. It is different to work on a daily basis to implement these attentions in a stable environment. We opted to reflect with the basic illnesses of Greek Public Administration and to create a friendly environment for Foreign Investment because this is our investment. Investment means jobs. Jobs means less unemployment and means return of young people that have left greece, educated greeks that left greece to come back to greece. What did we do . We passed a law in parliament that provides a stable tax environment, tax rate, fixed tax rate for 12 years for investments of high value. We simplified the procedures to provide licenses to investments. We introduced the fast track process for strategic investments. And we also made significant change changes to combat bureaucracy through digitizization procedures, administrative procedures in Public Administration and our vision is to have a digital Public Administration but we want to make it practice. I have personally created a task force in the Prime Minister office for investments. So we can see whether laws are being implemented, whether there is effectiveness and we are sending out a strong signal of political will to promote these projects. The president asked me earlier what is happening with the old airport where years ago he himself as a businessman in the past was interested in it and saw himself the weaknesses of Greek Public Administration. I informed him it is moving along and very soon we will see this being formed to a very large project in greece which will be we are hoping it will be an attraction for other investments from abroad. I would like to also say that greece for the first time is the first country in absorbing european funds from european funds. We find ourselves in a turning point, a point where investments can provide the ability to exit finally the crisis. And the message i want to pass on to u. S. Investments is that greece is not just a tourist attraction but is also an investment attraction, an investment destination, as well. I can say that we have a great confidence in greece. I think it is a land of tremendous potential. I know many people are looking to invest in greece. A lot of the problems are behind it. They have had very good leadership. They really have done a made a lot of difficult decisions. We are helping, as you know, with a massive renovation of their air force and airplanes generally going to greece. They are looking at buying additional planes from boeing and we are helping, we are very much involved with greece and with helping greece get back on its feet. We have a tremendous greek population in this country. People whose heritage is greece and we love that country, special country, one of the most beautiful countries in the world. I think it has Great Potential and we are helping it along. Jennifer, you want to go . Thank you, mr. President. Let me start with you, mr. President. Let me give you a quick question about the federal reserve. Do you have any other candidates that you are looking at other than powell, yellin, the five already named . I would say within those five you will probably get the answer and i will be making the decision over the next fairly short period of time. Can you say who your favorite is at this point . Honestly, i like them all. I do. I have a Great Respect for all of them. I will make a decision over the next very short period of time. Can i ask you a quick obamacare question, as well . Sure. Apparently, Lamar Alexander said he made a deal with senator patty murray. Has the white house been involved in those negotiations and will you support that deal . We have been involved and this is a shortterm deal because we think ultimately bloc grants to the states will be the answer. Thats a very good solution. We think it is not only going to save money but give people much Better Health care with a very much smaller premium spike. You look at what is going on with that and also much lower deductibles so they can use it. Lamar has been working very, very hard with the democratic, his colleagues on the other side and patty murray is one of them in particular. And they are coming up and fairly close to a short Term Solution. The solution will be for about a year or two years and it will get us over this intermediate hump because we have as you probably know we either have the votes or are close tahaving the votes and we will get the votes for the potential of having Great Health Care in our country. So they are indeed working but it is a short Term Solution so that we dont have this very dangerous little period including dangerous period for Insurance Companies, by the way. For a period of one year, two years we will have a good solution but a great solution ultimately for health care. And they are working together and i know very much what they are doing. Thank you. Mr. Prime minister, on turkey, do you still regard turkey as a democracy . And should turkey remain a member of nato . Translator i have to say that despite our concerns regarding turkey, despite the concerns that are also based on the daily intervention, we continue to support the turkish course towards europe. We respect it as a Regional Power and we believe that it must stay oriented towards the european perspective oriented to its collaboration with the west and oriented towards nato. We do believe that the european outlook perspective of turkey can also be a lever of pressure so that we can have those reforms towards the democratization. My answer to your question is relatively easy. Yes, we do believe that turkey must remain within nato and its european course. But on the other side we have to ensure and we must make it clear to this ally of ours and its government that the road to europe and the collaboration with the west has certain responsibilities. One of the most necessary conditions is to respect international law, to collaborate and not promote tension with ally countries such as greece. This is our basic direction. I do believe i had the opportunity to go in detail on this matter with President Trump to explaining the need for the fulfillment of conditions so that there are clear messages. Also toward the turkish administration. Thank you. Mr. Prime minister, how do you as greeks like to hear about the deal strategic importance of greece in the region . What is your government planning to do to enhance this role and for the benefit of the bilateral relationship . And for specifically are there any plans you have for it . And mr. President , you praise the greeces role in nato with the contribution. Amid all the region of the Eastern Mediterranean what do you see is the potential of greece being as a pillar of stability in the region and what would the u. S. Like to see happening in order to greece to receive this potential . I start by saying that i think it has a great role instability in the area. We have a feeling that it will get stronger and stronger, very stable people. It has the potential once it gets over this tremendous financial hurdle that it is in the process of working out we think that there will be great stability in greece and mi militarily and is very important to the United States. We have great confidence in greece as a nation. We have great confidence in what they are doing relative to their military because i know they have plans to do some terrific things. And we know they will be an ally for many, many years to come. You know, they have always been a very reliable ally and we have always been very reliable to them. We look forward to that for many years. We are going to be friends for many, many years and stability is very important and we look upon that with respect to greece as being a key. Thank you. Translator as regards to the issues that we are taking and also regarding the initiatives that we have taken to broaden the strategic role of greece as reliable partner both in the eu and nato i would like to say that from the first moment we took over the administration we moved, we proceeded to a new dogma through the Foreign Affairs. As a basic game to enhance the role of greece as a country that is a pillar of safe security and stability in a very sensitive and unstable area, region. We enhanced collaboration with two significant partners in the area of egypt and israel. And greece cyprus with israel and egypt and other places such as jordan and lebanon. Our goal is that through the Multi Lateral collaborations to ensure the collaboration stability, peace and joint development, joint growth in this area. Of course, greece for a number of years has been playing, as underlined earlier, it plays the role of a reliable ally of the u. S. But it also has a unique different feature. Greece may be talking with the arab world with other countries in the east. So its not just a nato member. Its a useful ally for the United States of america. Now, as regards to we all know it is a special strategic importance and we jointly evaluated it and i think we are doing great work there. It can and it must be upgraded, enhanced. I want to thank everybody. The Prime Minister said this is so beautiful. I said this is the rose garden. I think even the media likeathize rose garden. That is hard to believe it. It has been a great honor having you and we look forward to many, many years of friendship working together and keep up the good work. Thank you very much. President of the United States heading back to the the oval office with Prime Minister of greece. The president mentioning new record for the dow. Well see where it ends up today. Also, taking on not just the relationship with greece and the comments that the Prime Minister made about the president before he was elected about whether or not he had an evil raft of ideas kind of going past that also taking questions about something on millions of americans minds and that is obamacare. Chuck todd is with us, andrea mitchell, as well. Chuck, let me start with you because he mentioned a couple of specific plans out there. You have Alexander Murray. Im not sure if i heard him say he endorses it or it is being worked on. And then you also obviously have the other senate part of this and you have one to two years and maybe another plan goes in place. Is it Graham Cassidy . What did you take from that . Are we closer to understanding what the question was the answer to the question asked. I heard him endorsing the compromise coming out of the senate. I heard him characterize it as a temporary compromise but i thought it was fascinating that he said perhaps a year or two. Thats a long time in politics. That means after the november 2018 elections we see what they are doing there. This is a big deal, essentially an endorsement by the president because the Alexander Murray compromise includes those payments back to Insurance Companies in order to lower premiums, in order to subsidize lower income folks who want to buy insurance on the exchanges. Do we know how paul ryan feels about that . And that to me is the thats the big unknown there. The president sounded like he is willing to sign that bill. We can debate about how enthusiastic he is about it. He certainly sounded like he is okay with that compromise. I just dont know how this gets through the house without a lot of democratic votes and can paul ryan afford to do that . Is it going to be that kind of vote there . I dont know. I think the fear, i will be honest with you, i think the fear of being blamed for unraveling the Health Care Law in an accelerated fashion will probably be enough to get House Republicans on board with the compromise for now since you have the president saying it is just a year and Graham Cassidy is coming back as he said we are going the block grant route. Is this about how you spin it . You say it is virtually dead, everything but dead. We have people working on a way to sure up the markets. He just himself endorsed extending the life span of obamacare by as long as at least two years. I can tell you this if it lives another year it will probably live another ten. Andrea mitchell, let me ask about Foreign Affairs part of this. This is a country deeply relied on in the International Community. You understand the nervousness not to disagree with the president who said people were worried he was tough that is why International Leaders didnt like him because he wasnt going to be taken advantage of. Greece had something very specific because this was a candidate who didnt like the idea of bailouts and spending money for other countries that were in trouble. When you look at it sort of in the big picture of what we were coming into it what was your headline in terms of Foreign Affairs coming out of this press conference . He tried to praise the greek Prime Minister. The greek Prime Minister who does not wear a tie because he said he will not put a tie back on as long as he doesnt want to signal business as usual. He is still waiting for help from the International Community and this president as he was questioned today the president is someone that he before the election referred to as an evil. So there was that awkward question. But trying to smooth all of that over the president praising what he has done so far but the fact is that the dow broke 23,000 today. We dont know where it will close. Broke 23,000 and the president opened with that and then said greece is going to be able to do Something Like that. Greece is so far from being able to do that. Greece is at the full migration crisis that has become a major issue not only for donald trump but european leaders and merkel. There is a lot of tension among our nato allies about the posture at donald trump is taking. He didnt get asked in this rose garden the tumlt over what he said about gold star families and the past president s. He didnt get asked about controversial comments about north korea. He avoided a lot of those issues today and certainly domestic issues saying he has the votes for health care is far from a reality according to people who watch it on the hill. Or his battle with john mccain. Lets go to the hill if we can. I dont know if you are able to listen in and hear what chuck had to say but where are we with this . What did you take away from what you heard from the president in terms of a reality check . Reporter in terms on this obamacare deal i heard declaration of victory before the battle is over here. I heard the president saying we are going to repeal obamacare we have the votes. They dont. He did he did seem to suggest that he might be supportive of the deal but the outlines are getting in front of the senate. I can tell you mark short is here on the hill and he threw cold water on it saying it was not something the white house could support. Back in the situation of asking who really speaks for the president and what does the president really want on health care . To me one of the most interesting questions on the press conference was the first one where the president was asked what is your Health Care Plan and he didnt really answer beyond saying that obamacare in his view is falling apart. What is the president willing to accept . If he says this bill being outlined today here on the senate side is something he could get behind, does his on it enough to get paul ryan and conservatives on the house side to sign aboard so they can declare victory and move on. Peter alexander, i guess the 6 million question is what does the president want from health care . What is he willing to agree to in terms of health care when you have your legislative Affairs Director on the hill saying something that completely contradicts what we heard from the president. Were you surprised by what the president said today . Its a good question. I certainly dont know the answer. Its not entirely clear that this white house is on one page when it comes to the answer to that. Remember, just moments after President Trump said obamacare is essentially dead he then offered a major life line for one to two years to try to extend this. He has been criticizing repeatedly for days and weeks and notably as we talk about health care and we focus on the president s agenda many items that he has put on congresss plate from the future of the Iran Nuclear Deal to the budget to tax cuts, health care was not at the top of that list given the fact that they did not have the votes on this. Its just one more item that the republican senators are going to try to sort through with a plate that flowth over at this time. Do you see something here that is the president trying to kind of thread that needle . In other words, he has to say to his base we are getting rid of obamacare. Obamacare is dead. At the same time he doesnt want to be the one who owns it if what we have is chaos, people losing their insurance, insurance rates going up. What did you take away from a political point of view if anything from what you just heard . I heard two things. I heard exactly what chuck did, a contingent approval of a deal that we dont know the parts of yet because the Alexander Murray plan hasnt been outlined. The president saying i will go along with whatever anyone can get. I suspect a few tax reform votes tied up in the subsidies. I think it makes the play successful. I heard the great Prime Minister say the president spent a lot of time talking about turkey. Turkey must continue its european course. Turkey has to reform. That is all about not invading cu. That is all about letting americans go. I was glad to hear the president and Prime Minister spaeent a lo of time talking about turkey. That was the big take away from me in addition to contingent modtowards alexand armurray. The president focussed on Foreign Policy and health care this hour. He is still facing back lash for comments made 24 hours ago falsely accusing past president s of not calling the families of fallen soldiers. It was a claim quickly torn down as fiction. If you look at president obama and other president s most of them didnt make calls, a lot of them didnt make calls. Reporter a spokesperson says he wrote all the families of the fallen during his presidency and called or met with hundreds if not thousands. We need to honor and pay tribute to their sacrifice. That is what president obama and others have done. I think it is just a little bit beneath the dignity of the white house to start dragging those kinds of issues out. Remember President Trump when fact checked in real time by Peter Alexander seemed to back down off the claim yesterday. Today he brought it back. I dont know. I mean, you could ask general kelly did he get a call from obama . I dont know what obamas policy was. Doubling down on that and then more controversy involving one of americas best known war heroes. Senator john mccain at an emotional ceremony when he received the Liberty Medal delivered thinly veiled take down of President Trump. To refuse the obligations of International Leadership and our duty to remain the last best hope of earth for the sake of some half baked nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past. Asked about the comments today trump warned some might say threatened mccain who of course is fighting aggressive brain cancer. Joining us now political reporter for real clear politics, evelyn fark s former assistant secretary of defense. Did president clinton call and write letters and engage with the families of the fallen . He absolutely did. There is no more sacred commitment for commander in chief than security of the American People and no harder decision than to put the dedicated and brave men and women of the country in harms way. I think president clinton certainly honored those who were killed in battle. There is no question whether it was a personal call or personal visit or a letter that was the highest of priority i can assure you. You are a gentleman or always a gentleman when you come on this show. I dont want toput you in an awkward position. There were more than a few Staff Members from previous president s who i would say were very vocal in their opposition to what the president had to say, took great offense at it. I wonder what your gut reaction was as somebody so close to the tragic moments . This is the most sensitive of subjects as you suggest and i think in this case perhaps and Peter Alexander your colleague called the president out in that press conference. I think perhaps he went a bit far and got a little defensive that he had not yet communicated with the families of the soldiers that were lost. And just frankly did not dignify the office with what he said. This is such a sensitive matter that i think he stepped over the line. Evelyn, obviously, this is something that defense secretaries have to deal with and anybody who has ever been at one of those ceremonies of a coffin being returned to joint base andrews or who stands anywhere in a grave yard at the national cemetery, anybody who has been a part of this knows the gravity of exactly what this is. I wondered what your reaction was when you heard what the president had to say and what your experience was when you were around that. I think its incredibly i dont know what word to say. Its more than disappointing. Its devastating im sure to the families to hear the president talk like this. Its not about him. It should be about the families and the great sacrifice that these soldiers made for us for america. Thats what the president should have been focussing on and that is what is on the mind of every president when they make the phone calls and condolence calls when they go to funerals. I, of course, along with all my colleagues who worked in the pentagon or on the hill have unfortunately over the years gone to funerals and arlington to see people laid to rest there as well as elsewhere. Secretary gates if you read his book, the book he wrote after he finished his very distinguished career serving at the head of the pentagon, he has written many books. Its the one that he wrote not on leadership but the one before that on duty i think he called it. He wrote about how it tore him apart literally i think physically, mentally. It was a huge effort for him to write these letters and to call and talk to the families of the fallen. Im sorry to interrupt you right now. We have to go to capitol hill because Chuck Schumer is talking health care. From premium increases, assure the market places that this has a future, a longterm future and prevent the sabotage that we have seen thrown at it in the last several months. Senator murray. With all the details very soon and we we will be able to show patientss families as well as those who are still determined to enacted trump care that you know what, when republicans and democrats in Congress Take the time to Work Together under regular order, rather than retreating to partisan corners, we can truly get things done that help people that we serve. Thank you. Thank you patty. And she was saluted in our caucus today by one and all for the fine job that she has done. Okay. Now, a segue, sheldon will appreciate this, being a man of literature. Just as working just as working in a narrow partisan way put the republicans in a box canyon when it came to health care, the same thing could well happen on tax reform. On the other hand, they will see if they dont succeed in pushing a proposal that is really one side, helps the rich, cuts medicare and medicaid, reduces increases the deficit, we will work with them, just as we are now on health care. So we hope thats a message that our republican colleagues understand and see. We are not here to obstruct. We are here to work in a bipartisan way. That means each side gives. Not they come up with a plan and the only way to be bipartisan is to support our plan. That didnt work for health care, and it will not work for tax reformed im proud to be joined by i want to go back to the hill, and Garrett Haake, and i think you heard the top of that. Uhhuh. Is what we are hearing there that we got into a little bit late in some way affirming what the president said . What exactly does this mean in the big picture of where we are going to go forward on health care . Sure. What you started to hear there was the affirmation that patty murray and Lamar Alexander, the Relevance Committee here have reached an agreement on the basics of a deal that would deal with the csr payments primarily. This is the executive order that trump signed last week that kicked the stilts out from under obamacare. What we know so far, this allows congress to provide money for it over the next four years, something democrats want and including what republicans want, expanding the amount of people not just younger people who can buy catastrophic only Health Care Plans. Thats something conservatives would like. It allows more purchases across state lines, for freedoms to experiment within the bounds of the law. You have an agreement that democrats are whole heartedly signed onto from listening to Chuck Schumer there, but its unclear if the republican caucasus on board or mitch mcconnell. This is step one of possibly four to turn this tentative agreement into something that could stabilize this law. And hearing patty murray talking about the idea of sabotage and attacking President Trump for this, while thats something that democrats largely believe to be true they sort of need President Trump to embrace this idea as something he can get behind, almost to inception it to him as something that came from his own mind so he can be on board with it if they are going to sell it to republicans. It is will be interesting to see if they can turn this into policy and becomes law. Could that happen . Could this be the start of what has eluded everyone for such a long time . That is some certainty for the millions of americans out there on what exactly their health care is going to be . Exactly. This something that affects actual people. What is interesting though is what the president will do, right . On one hand and one breath touting his determination not to send these csr payments. In other breath saying, sure, this short term, which is actually two years, is something that he could get behind. So thats a big question here. But democrats have very much wanted to at least come to the table here and stabilize the marketplace because they dont want this to they dont want the law to unralph. They dont want obamacare to be virtually dead. Right. But he eptd kept saying he mentioned Marie Alexander but kept going back to Graham Cassidy saying i believe we have the votes, we are very close. No . Its just not true otherwise they would have passed it a few weeks ago. They have several republican senators who were opposed to it. Then of course they surpassed that reconciliation deadline. So anything that they would have to do now would have to be about bipartisan support. And of course the starting line for democrats is no repeal, which is what republicans wanted to do in the other law. So very different pages here, but this extension of csr payments is really important here. The stability to the marketplace is something that democrats wanted and of course republicans dont want to be shouldered with the blame for this law unraveling and actually affecting people, especially policecally speaking to head back to the polls next year politically speaking to head back to the polls next year and they be accountable for that. We have got a lot more going on as well because nfl owners are meeting today to discuss players rights to protest. We just got a new statement. And more on the debate over free speech and sports, next. There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children she had to buy lots of groceries. While she was shopping for organic fruits and veggies, burglars broke into her shoe. They stole her kids Mountain Bikes and tablets along with her new juice press. Luckily the Geico Insurance agency had helped her with Homeowners Insurance. She got full replacement on the stolen goods and started a Mountain Bike juice delivery service. Call geico and see how affordable Homeowners Insurance can be. And my brother ray and i started searching for answers. vo when its time to navigate inhome care, follow that bright star. Because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. And brightstar care means an rn will customize a plan that evolves with moms changing needs. woman because dad made us promise wed keep mom at home. vo call 8444brightstar for your free home Care Planning guide. The stock market just hit an alltime record high. It broke for the first time ever, 23,000, so we are very happy about that. That of course was the president just a short time ago reacting to the major milestone on wall street. Take look at what it looked like earlier when that happened on wreath. Just 76 days, by the way, after the dow topped 22,000. And if you look at the boards right now, the dow topping 23,000 still. Well see writ closes. Let me bring in my colleague stephanie rule for a closer look. The president loves to talk about this. He comes out with the greek Prime Minister and thats the first thing he says. Knowing that it was just two months ago that it broke 22,000, or a little more than that. Is this a big deal . What does it mean . Listen, if you are a investor it is a huge positive. Remember, though this rally didnt start when President Trump won the election. We have seen the market consecutively going higher begins president obama won. Since President Trump won . Excuse me, no. Since president obama won. Since he won, the market has been in a steady improvement monthan after month. It got super charged after President Trump won. People say they know with trump we know we are not getting more regulations. Something that stands out, when it comes to the legislative fail yours, President Trump says blame the democrats not me. But when it comes to the stock market win it says its all me. What happens when the markets turns . It is a dangerous game. When he was on the campaign trail he kept saying it is a bumble, a bumble. If you look at corporate earnings and Business Sentiment things are slowly chugging along in a positive way. Thats really what it is one of the things we talked about im going to get in trouble because we have got move on. One of the things we talked about was wall street doesnt like chaos. People thought wall street would go in a different direction. But not chaos thats had anything to do with corporate innings. What is going on in Corporate America has nothing to do with the circus in the white house. The market is not the same as the economy. If you dont own stocks you are left out of this rally. Stephly rule, thank you from msnbc. We have breaking news on the president s revised travel ban. This comes out of a judge in hawaii; is that right . Yes, the same judge in hawaii who earlier barred the administration from enforcing much of the original executive order. So i think the motto here again is here we go again, chris. This is now a block a nationwide block on enforcing the president s latest travel restriction. You may remember that he had two cards. Most of them expired. Then in september he announced a new proclamation limiting travel to the u. S. From iran, somalia, lib yarks yemen, chad, and government officials from venezuela. And the government had a whole new pproach here. It said it raised the bar of information it needed in order to verify the people seeking to come to the u. S. Are who they say and they are not terrorists with criminal back ground. And the countries that i named couldnt meet the new test. So the government said this is different. This is not some sort of fly by Night Campaign promise this is a much more deliberative process. But the judge in hawaii says it is basically the same show. It is a rerun. He says it lacks sufficient findings that affect the entry of more than 150 million americans from these countries. It would be detrimental to the u. S. And plainly discriminates in a man hear the the courts have already held to be unconstitutional. You can bet the administration is going to appeal this. Its going to go back to the ninth sincht it is there is a pending case in maryland. The first case that was going to go to the supreme court, that appears not to be happening. Heres a new round. Here we go again. Thank you for that breaking news on an afternoon of breaking news. We are awaiting information on the meeting from the nfl owners deliberating what is going to happen if players take a knee during the National Anthem. Thank you so much. Thank you so were a go . Yes we got a yes what does that mean for purchasing . Purchase. Lets do this. Got it. Book the flights hai si si ya ya ya what does that mean for us . We can get stuff. Whats it mean for shipping . 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If you have inflammatory bowel disease tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. With less joint pain, watch me. For less joint pain and clearer skin, ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. When you go down and take a knee or any other way, you are sitting, essentially, for our Great National anthem. You are disrespecting our flag. And you are disrespecting our country. And the nfl should have suspended some of these players for one game. Not fire them. Thats President Trump repeating his criticism of nfl players who kneel during the National Anthem during his white house News Conference yesterday. This morning a group of players, owners, nfl executives and the Players Union met to discuss this issue. Former San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick started the process against Racial Injustice last year then filed a grievance against nfl owners earlier this week accusing them of colluding to keep him off the field because of that protest. But the number of players taking a knee has grown since the president said this during a rally in alabama last month. Wouldnt you love to see one of these nfl owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say get that son of a bitch off the field right now . Out. Hes fired. Hes fired nfl commissioner Roger Goodell addressed issue in a memo sent to teams last week. Writing like many of our fans we believe that everyone should stand for the National Anthem but went on to say we deeply respect our players and respect their ideas and concerns about political social justice issues. We need to move past this controversy and we want to do that with our players. Nbcs ron mott joins us from Lower Manhattan where the owners are holding their meeting. What do we know about what happened already this morning . Who was there . What did they talk about . Do we know . Hey there, chris. The big headline from this moderns meeting is there is no deal between players and owners over the ongoing National Anthem protests. I caught up with a few owners as they made their way from nfl headquarters where they met in Lower Manhattan where the own remembers getting together for their fall meetings. What we could see starting thursday night with the next round of games and into the weekend is the tcontinuation of these knee downs. About a third of the ownership was here. There is no deal to announce. We expect Roger Goodell to meet with the media this afternoon. Let me show you some of the joint statement put out this afternoon. Today owners and players had a productive meeting focused on how we can Work Together to address inequality in our communities. We reviewed and discussed plans to utilize our plarm to promote equality and effectuate positive change. We agree these are common issues and pledge to meet again to continue this Work Together. I got an interesting comeback from the owner of the Miami Dolphins when i asked essentially because there was no deal announced could we see a whole rounds of kneel down this is sunday and maybe perhaps reignite the emotion that the president helped to spark with the comments down in alabama . He looked at me and said this is a pretty big issue that you dont expect to go in and solve in a number of hours. So this will continue into the weekend. One of the players who met with the owners this morning basically said its every man for himself on thursday night and sunday afternoon and evening to decide whether they want to continue demonstrating this way. Colin kaepernick got this all started. What do we know about the divisions between the owners themselves . How united are they . They are not completely united. That is very clear. Jerry jones of course going out forcefully and publicly last week saying any one of his Dallas Cowboys who took a knee could expect to ride the pine, sit on the bench that caught some owners by surprise because they have publicly stated their support for their players. The owners obviously have to get together to try to come up with a consensus position. From their point of view the players seem to be more unified that the i plaers are standing as one. There was a letter by the chargers saying we need to respond collectively to this issue. The nba season gets underway tonight. Its my understanding that that league has a rule requiring players to stand during the National Anthem. Are you hearing any buzz at all that we might see some players kneeling tonight . I think you can almost expect some players to kneel. With respect to the policy here in the National Football league that is a nonstarter. The players are not going to stand for being told to stand for the National Anthem. Right now they are encouraged to stand for the National Anthem and players have sort of demonstrated in various ways. Some are floating the notion that they go back to the good old days when the National Anthem was performed while the players were still in the locker rooms before introduction is and then the kickoff. They may try this. Pittsburgh steelers called that a few weeks ago and one of their players was caught by himself hand over heart in the tunnel before the start of the game and that caused a dus up in the locker room for the steelers. No decision. Appreciate that. Thats going to wrap thing up for this hour. Im Chris Jansing in for katy tur. Kasie hunt picks thing up. Im casey hundred in today for ali velshi. The president back in the rose garden today but he was for more reserved standing with the Prime Minister of greece, and the topic today was health care. Because while the president was talking we learned that a bipartisan deal had been reached to keep funding those Insurance Companies that the president cut just days ago in an effort to undermine obamacare. But the president does want to remind everyone that his ultimate goal is to end obamacare all together. Lamar has been working very, very hard with the democratic his colleagues on the other side, and patty murray is one of them in particular. And they are coming up and they are fairly close to a shortTerm Solution. The solution will be for about a year or two years. And it will get us over this intermediate hump because we have as you probably know we either have the votes or are very close to having the votes and we will get the votes. Lets get right to it. We start at the white house with kristen welker. And Garrett Haake is on capitol hill with us. Garrett i want to start with you because it seems a lot of the action has unfold there had around the policy lunches with senators. And both parties behind closed

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