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Swearing in photoon with members of Congress Expected to come any moment now. This as Congress Already making major headlis. Last night House Republicans defied their leadership and voted in private to change the office of congressional ethics from an independent office to a yup that would have reported to a Congressional Committee and followed different rules. But after a huge outcry this afternoon republicans reversed course, scrapped those plans. All the details there in just a moment. Big news out of ford today. Cancelling construction of a 1. 6 billion plant in mexico. Instead investing 700 million in a plan in michigan. It is a deal the automaker said will add 700 jobs. Plus we are going to dig into a top priority for republicans, repealing obama care. Well tell you what the time line looks like and what it could mean for your health care down the road. Lets start down on capitol hill. The first big day in this new year. Kinds of like back to school day. Halle jackson is there. Breaket down. Why did House Republicans change their minds on making these changes to the House Ethics Office . How is that playing out now at this hour . Reporter frankly, kates, it was a very sort of quick reversal. In the span of 24 hours you saw what a lot of folks saw as a surprise move from House Republicans and 18 hours later the reversal of that move. You asked what triggered it, what led to it. Lets lay out what happened. House republicans went into a secret ballot meeting to in effect call it what it issings gut the office of congressional etdics. This is an independent ethical house committee. And instead put it under the oversight of the house itself. To a lot of folks looking at it it was the independent committee being changed to be overseen by those people who it is assigned to watchdog. Members of the public you saw outrage. Donald trump also weighed in. He tweeted about this this morning and he did not actually say he didnt like the move. He did not like the timing. That is what he was clooerg clear about. Was wondering why House Republicans were priorityizing this over for example, the repeal of the Affordable Care act which is something that has almost unanimous support from republicans in congress. You heard the sort of push back not just from people like donald trump. Lindsey graham too got on the radio and said it is the dumbest friggin thing if i can paraphrase senator graham there actually thats a direct quote. You saw pushback and you saw how lawmakers reversed their pigs. By 12 00 or 1 00 they had flipped on it, full. How the headlines the republicans are hoping to get are ones about the repeal of the Affordable Care act. Thats going to be front and center here on the hill tomorrow when president obama and mike pence ll be holding competing meetings here. The president trying to save the aca, mike pence trying to delineate how the Incoming Administration wants to tear it down. A big day tomorrow. Let me ask you about the senate. They are back in session, too. I know we had comments from the minority leader, the new democratic leader, Chuck Schumer. It was a shot across the bow. Mr. President elect, if there is one part of my speech that i hope you listen to and take to heart, its this one. And i mean it with the best of intentions. If you abandon change and simply embrace the shopworn hardright procorporate proelite policies die metrically opposed to the Many Campaign themes that helped you win working class votes and get you elected, your presidency will not succeed. We democrats will hold you accountable. Reporter so listen kate, that is essentially from Chuck Schumer a shot across the bow to donald trump this idea okay sure you won a lot of votes from people in the working class, people across the rust belt people who might traditionally in other years vote democrat. Schumer is basically saying hey live up to your end of the bargain, if you will. Halle jackson covering all of it. Busy day today, busy day tomorrow on capitol hill. Haley thanks so much. Appreciate it. For more on the house backing down from making changes to the house of ethics i want to bring in a man who was the investigative counsel in that office. Bryson morgan joins me now from d. Nice to see you. Thanks for being wit news great to be here. When we booked you this morning we werent sure what we would be talking about this afternoonle we thought they might go ahead with the changes to the House Ethics Office. They did not. Help us understand forks the layman what actually happened here. Where did this idea come from last night about making the changes . And why do you think they backed off of it . I think there is a group a small faction of the Republican Party in the house that as soon as people are not paying attention and as soon as they can get away with it, they would prefer to do away with independent ethics oversight of members of congress. I think what today shows us is that the public is definitely paying attention. Indeed, the president elect is paying attention. Now, some people are giving president elect trump credit for saving independent ethics oversight in the house. But i think his objection was more about the prioritization of changing the ethics rule. Putting it first. Than the policy it sechl i dont know where he stands on the policy of having an independent ethics watchdog in the house. Let me give a chance though to the folks who wanted this change. I want to play sound. This is from an iowa congressman, republican steve king who was part of the discussions and part of the vote last night among House Republicans. And they made that initial decision to weaken or change the House Ethics Office. Heres what he said. He said he doesnt think the people in that office are effective. Take a listen. I havent seen any good things come from them. And i have seen many many bad things coming from them. Fur an entity and your purpose is to accept complaints which will be anonymous and then you do the investigation and you come up with these charges they dont have any subpoena power, they dont have any enforcement power, they have to refer to the Ethics Committee, thats fine if thats all they zchl but they are leaking information and misinformation to the press. And they have found power in doing that. That has cost members of congress in total millions of dollars. It has damaged political careers unjustly and probably ended some political careers early. Thats the House Ethics Office that you used to work for. He says its not just republicans but democrats that feel that way. Your response . Well, i think there is a Bipartisan Group of members who have come under investigation for ethics violation. And they would prefer to not be investigated. The claimhat this independent Ethics Office has inappropriately released information to the public is simply not true. What this office does is finally provide the public with some transparency into the ethics investigations process. And without this office, it would go back to being a black box where the membercontrolled Ethics Committee would decide who gets investigated and where those investigations end up. We have been there, done that before. That was the Jack Abramoff area where the house turned a blind eye to disgusting behavior. We dont want to go back there and im pleased to see that the House Republicans changed their find and will keep this office for at least the near term. Do you think this is it or do you think there are members, democrats and republicans who want to make these changes . Do you think it comes back . Do you think later when its maybe not in the beginning of this congress they will bring it back up again . I think as soon as the this storm passes i think they will bring it back up as soon as they possibly can. Now, i am i was pleased to see representative susan brooks who will take over as chair of the Ethics Committee pledge today to maintain the independence of this office. So i think thats a good sign. But i think those people out there who care about ethics enforcement and the ethical conduct of their government members should keep a close eye on it. Thank you. Appreciate it. Thank you. Donald trump weighed in on that change to the Ethics Office before republicans scrapped their plans as halle was mentioning. Peter alexander is covering all things trump transition for us today. Peter, has team trump said anything since the change in plans, since the house reversed itself. Reporter lets put up his initial tweet today. He ofili invests a little bit of political capital. He wrote in these tweets, with all that congress has to work on do they have to make the weakening of the ethics watchdog as unfair as it may be their number one priority when they could focus on tax reform, obama care and other things of far greater importance. He is sticking with the drain the swamp theme. What is notable on this day, with halle you were playing one of these clips from Chuck Schumer on the floor today. He said among other things, with all due respect america cant afford a twitter presidency. What is striking for this, it releases for donald trump the effectiveness of 140 characters or less or 208 280 as he did it over the course of two tweets. While he has been clashing with trump all campaign season, here paul ryan, the speaker of the house, and the next president of the United States, donald trump, were on the same sides. And trump was in a way able to help paul ryan keep those rank and filerepublicans, the renegades, as some might say they were, in line with what they are trying to get accomplished in these first 100 days. Peter alexander down in washington for us. Thank for tracking all of that appreciate it. By the way the corner of your screen down there, we are watching House Speaker paul ryan swearing in new members of the house. 17 days now until donald trump takes office. And this afternoon we have some news about who will be there. After a couple of weeks of uncertainty about this nbc has confirmed that Hillary Clinton and former president bill clinton will attend the inauguration for donald trump. Earlier today we learned that george w. Bush and laura bush will be there as well. Andrea mitchell joins us from washington. Normally we wouldnt be talking about this, we would assume that former president s would attend an inauguration. Not this time around. Not at all. In both the bush and clinton families there is a lot of emotional stress here, especially of course for the clintons. They have been under a great deal of pressure. This has been really hard according to people close to them. But they decided they should attend because of the process, to respect the transfer of power. So as emotionally draining as you can imagine this is for both clintons, feeling all the things that could have been done differently and of course you know how angry they are about jim comey the fbi director and how much they blame him and of course everything they have learned about russia and the hacking which they feel led to the wikileaks of course and the exposure of all of those Podesta Emails which only reinforced amphetamines original feelings about the emails and Hillary Clintons emails even though they were completely unrelated. All that said and all the mistakes made in planning and not going to wisconsin this has been a bitter pill. A hard adjustment. They are still adjusting as well as all of their very loyal staff and friends. But they feel this is important. For the bushes, it is a different calculation. They feel very strongly about jeb bush. Were obviously not in favor of donald trump. They were part of the Republican Party, the bush family, the 41 bushes and the 43 bushes and all the others and the extended bush family not supporting donald trump for offers reasons. But they also clearly feel that this is an important signal about the peaceful transfer of power. Andrea, you are the hardest working woman in television. I know that over the last couple of weeks you didnt take a huge vacation. You have been working your source. You have been talking to people. You have been rubbing elbows with folks in washington, democrats, republicans. Whats the feeling . Whats the atmosphere . 17 days now from inauguration day. A lot of anticipation and expectation because we see things every day that weve never seen before. A president elect tweeting with nuclear weapons. The russian hacking. The president elect saying he doesnt trust the intelligence community. There is a lot of anxiety among career members of the administration, not just democrats. People in the state department, Foreign Service officers. Expectation about what kind of cabinet this will be, which of the cabinet members might stumble in confirmation hearings. This is transitions are always, as you know, kate, a really fraught time for washington, a lot of who is moving in and who is moving out. Right. And who didnt get reelected, and sadness and staffs moving and people unemployed. But this one is so different because you have the expectation among so many people that Hillary Clinton was going to win. People including Republican National Committee Members who were telling people the day before and the day of that they didnt think they had a shot at it. A lot of surprise. With that comes a cabinet of people who are disrupters. This is change. Bigger change than anyone has seen in washington in generations because you have people coming into certain agencies who dont believe those agencies should exist. People coming into the e. P. A. Who dont believe in Climate Change. These are a couple of examples of people who are going to get handcuff hearings. But you have democrats who had high hopes of taking back the senate now not only did they not take back the senate but they lost more seats. And you have the biggest confirmation of all, the expectation of a Supreme Court nomination. And that will be a battle royale. Its going to be an interesting time. I hope to see you down there at some point. Absolutely. Lets get another point of view on the transition. I want to bring in former Democratic Congress nanoand chairman of the Long Island University globe institute, steve israel. Im still going to call you congressman israel. Great to see you. The new republican controlled congress, we have been talking to it since the top of the show. They threatened to tlut the Ethics Committee. They flipped, decided not to do that just a couple of hours ago, a 180deee turn. What is your read . There are some phrases you dont want associated with your first new congress. Behind closed doors, gutting ethics. These are words you dont want to hear on your first day. And this is the narrative. So it reflects certain things. Number one, that paul ryan, for all the unity he has in the caucus right now is presiding over a unruly caucus and he has problems ahead. Secondly it reflects a Republican Caucus that fundamentally wants to play by rules that are different than the rules that the American People play by. Those two things tonight bode well for the congress. As we watch the small box in the corner of your screen of paul ryan swearing in all the new members of congress lets talk about one of their big priorities, repealing obama care. Debate is going to start tomorrow in the senate on this. What can democrats do . Is there anything democrats, your colleagues, can do to stop a repeal of obama care . I talked to republicans and democrats today to get a feel for what was happening. Republicans really said we wanted the news story to be about repealing the Affordable Care act. I said thats fine. I know that was your desire, it got eclipsed by the dismantling with ethics which you then took back but what are you going to repeal it with . There are no answers. They have no replacement. This is going to tell the American People the difference between cheap sound bytes in a campaign, we are going to repeal obama care and the substan o governing. They have the votes to repeal it, to be fair. No, its going to beea. Easy to repeal it. Virtually impossible to replace it, which is why they are so divided they are having a debate in the Republican Caucus as to what do we replace it with. Some want to repeal and it replace it instantly but dont have anything to replace it with. Others arities lets treat it as an off ramp, lets repeal it and at some point ereplace it with something. What it boils down to is obama care is unpopular in some corners the substance is very popular with the American People. When republicans try to tinker and take away those Consumer Protections from the American People they are going to have a major problem in the midterm election. What you saw in the floor of the house today, final point was republicans and democrats raising their hand and swearing their oath to protect and defend the constitution. In the back of their minds they are trying to protect and defend their seats in congress in the midterm election. If they hurdle into a repeal of obama care taking those Consumer Protections away from the American People their majority becomes imperilled in the next midterm election. What about other regulations, the next thing they are looking at is getting rid of bod frank some of the other regulatory reforms we went to after the financial crisis. Do you think they succeed in undoing some of those . They are going to try. Heres what i think we are looking at over the next few weeks. First the low hanging fruchlt they are going to pass a resolution condemning the United Statess ab tension is in the Security Council on israel. They will do that pretty quickly. They will have the votes. Its gng to pass. Then they will try to repeal certain regulations under the obama administration, mostly environmental. They are going to make it easier to move mountain tops from mountains. Thats something everybody wants to see. So they are going to try to repeal some of these regulations. Thats going to be easy for them to do as well. But when you get into the hard part of governing, which is what do we use to replace obama care, and oh, by the way, the federal budget expires on march 31st, and you have a caucus that still has elements that want to show shut down the government and dont fundamentally believe in government investments. Thats when it gets hard. Which is why not only would today bumpy for them but it pour tends many more days of bumpiness. You did just say its going to be easy for them to reverse some of the regulation. I want to go to something the Washington Post reported last month the House Freedom caucus began compiling a list of more than 200 regulations that it viewings as vulnerable to a disapproval vote, school lunch asked, tobacco regulation and elements of the paris Climate Change agreement of thats a whole lot of different subjects there, do you agree that it would be again fairly easy for them to reverse some of those quickly . Well they have got the votes in the house, votes in the senate. They have a new rule that says when a regulation is enacted the senate can by a simple majority vote essentially rescind that regulation. They have got that ability. Heres the caution that i would give republicans not that they invite me to their strategy meetings. I doubt that. This is a big day for them. Yeah. This is a big day for them. But if they are smarter going to remember 2008. We elected barack obama. We had a democratic majority in the house, a majority in the senate and some would argue that we overreached, misread a margin as a mandate and tried to accomplish too much too quickly. Do you know what happened in 2009 . We began losing democratic officials locally in 2012 we lost 63 seats in the house. In 2014 we lost the senate. If republicans try to engage in massive repeals, undoing critical environmental regulations, undermining ethics as they tried to do today, i watch, you are going to see a very significant a different political terrain for them going into the next midterm election. They are going to be defending more seats than they planned on defending. Former congressman steve israel of new york. Always good to have you with us thanks so much. Up next, the search for a killer. Turkish authorities are getting closer to identifying the suspect in istanbuls deadly new years eve nightclub shooting. Officials saying they have his fingerprints and this selfie video that he posted to social media is being broadcast around the clock on local television. Stay with us. Everything your family touches sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. Were opening more Xfinity Stores closer to you. Visit us today and learn how to get the most out of all your services, like xfinity x1. Well put the power in your hands, so you can see how x1 is changing the way you experience tv with features like voice rote, making it easier and more fun than ever. Theres more in store than you imagine. Visit an xfinity store today and see for yourself. Xfinity, the future of awesome. Getting closer to identifying the gunman who attacked a crowded istanbul nightclub killing 39 people early new years day. Official uncovered this selfie video of the suspected gunman taken just days before the attack as well as his fingerprints from the scene. Richard engle has the latest from istanbul. Richard . Reporter there is certainly a lot of video of this suspect. There is that selfie video which has been getting nonstop play on Turkish Television in the hopes that somebody in this country will recognize him and call authorities. But also a video from a Currency Exchange shop where he is changing some money a bus station from the city of konya taken back in december, also this intriguing piece of video where he is getting out of a taxicab apparently right after having cared out this mass car in t nightclub. There is a sense ofng in this country. I wouldnt say there is shock because just in the last year there have been about 30 terrorist attacks across turkey. Thats about one every two weeks. So people here are not surprised anymore that there is terrorism. But they are furious about it. They are worried about the impacts on the economy. They are worried about their own personal safety. They are worried about whats going to come next. And this dragnet is still on. They want to catch the suspect at large. So far he has not been caught and they want to find out if he has any linkages to other terrorist groups, especially isis, which has claimed responsibility. Kate . Richard engle, over in istanbul. Coming up, Ford Car Company announcing it will not build a 1. 6 billion plant in mexico, and instead it will add hundreds of jobs it says and invest 700 million in a michigan facilities. The announcement coming just hours after president elect trump went after General Motors. Per roll more doing chores for dad per roll more earning something you love per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50 longer than the leading ordinary brand. So you get more life per roll. Bounty, the quicker picker upper and my life is basketball. West, but that doesnt stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. Thatd be devastating. I took warfarin for over 15 years. Until i learned more about oncedaily xarelto®. A latestgeneration blood thinner. Then i made the switch. Xarelto® significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. It has similar effectiveness to warfarin. 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Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. To help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto®. Insurance changes . Xarelto® has you covered. Lets look at our top this half hour. The 115th Congress Officially in session right now. Kongman paul ryan, the House Speaker, easily winning reelection as speaker. Also today House Republicans backed down from their plan to scrap an independent ethics panel. In Colorado Police discovered a body this the search for that missing 6yearold boy. Police believe that David Puckett wandered away on new years eve. Officials have not identified the body yet. It was pound in an ice covered pond near the boys home. A terrible ending to that story potentially. A terrifying moment caught on camera. Did you see this . Its utah. It is a dresser falling on top of twin toddlers. Dont woermt they are okay. Watch the incredible moment as one twin pushes the dresser and saves his brother who is underneath. Their relieved mother has a message for other parents. I want to tell everybody out there to bolt their dressers down right now of the because if you put it off and say im going to do it tomorrow you are not going to do it. Unbelievable. Both of them are fine. As a parntd i feel like i have to say that over and over again. They are okay. Lets move on to ford motor k. Announcing a major reversal today saying it will cancel plans to build a 1. 6 billion plant in mexico. Instead fords president and ceo saying the company will spend 700 million to upgrade a plant in michigan and hire 700 new american workers. The coefficient mark fields held a press conference earlier announcing that was going to happen and they were going to pour resource into michigan. I want to take a listen. He added this. We are also encouraged by the progrowth policies that president elect trump and the new congress have indicated that they will pursue. So you had a chance to talk with him as well separately. Yeah. And he said this was not part of a deal with the Trump Administration. Right. Right. It is an interesting game. He made a point of saying that he was the one who called donald trump to say this was happening but that is encouraged it is a vote of confidence, he told me, in what the Trump Administration would do. I pressed him, what specifically did they want them to do. He said if they adjusted tax requirement it could cause a renaissance of manufacturing in the United States. One thing he told me, one thing donald trump is taking issue with, cars being manufactured in mexico and being sold in the United States. Thats a what nafta allows for. Manufacturing in canada, United States and mexico. They are breaking no laws and doing nothing wrong. This isnt the first time weve seen what trump does influencing the outcome. And we were talking about the stock market. And he lashed out on General Motors saying they are sending chevy cruze manufactured in mexico to the United States tax free. Cruzes were so popular people wanted a hatchback version. They build those in United States. Clearly they want to sell the more of them. Gm said only the hatchback is made down there. But the bottom line is pay big border tax. Nafta says no border tax. If you want border tarks you have to reform nafta or get riffed it. Ford and gm are saying none of us are doing anything wrong. You can build cars and sell them in these three countries in an open trade zone. Yet we saw an impact on the stock market. General motors went down 1 in premarket trading. Then went up afterwards. Investors are starting to hear the threats as noise. If you have a company a threat is serious. We saw that with lockheed martin. If you are a company governed by the government, then tweet by donald trump can have influence. If you awhen he starts threaten companies that make keyboards or micro chips it wont matter as much. Correct. Ali, great to have you here. As always. The new Republicanled Congress is not wasting any time with their promise to repeal obama care. We mentioned tomorrow the senate is going to begin debate on the bm carrey peel resolution. It gets in the weeds real quick here. I want to bring in the congressional reporter for the Washington Post. Mike, nice to syou. Thank you for having me on. Lets talk about what they can and cant do. You wrote an article out today with details how obama care isnt likely to be quickly repealed. You say its unlikely to die a swift death. Why is that . Very simple. To do anything really substantial in congress you need 60 votes in the senate. Republicans have 52 votes and there is no sign they are going to convince eight democrats any time soon to thoroughly refeel and replace obama care. What they can do in the meantime is they can really trip guts out of it using something called budget reconciliation which requires only a simple majority but going that extra step to full rerepeal and replace it needs something on a bipartisan basis in the future. I want to play Kellyanne Conway talking about what they plan to do with with health care. Take a listen. Americans have health care today under their Affordable Care act, will they have health care it sounds like donald trump is saying they will have health care. Yes, he is. Under whatever replaces it . That is correct. We dont want anyone who currently has insurance to not have insurance. Also we are aware that the public likes coverage for preexisting conditions. There are some pieces of merit in the current plan. So, mike, this is all about what replaces, if they can get to point of repealing what replaces it. They have said they want to keep the coverage for people who have preexisting conditions. They want to kee the provision that allows 26yearolds to stay on their parents coverage. Do we have any idea what it look like if they succeed in replacing with Something Else . Promise there, which is everyone that has coverage now should be able to keep it. The whole point of the affo Affordable Care act was to expand coverage. 20 Million People now get insurance through a state exchange. And to say that all 20 million of those people are going to be able to maintain their coverage is big promise to make when at the same time republicans want to get rid of the individual mandate to buy insurance, which is really the cornerstone of what obama care tick. If republicans succeed in gutting obama care through this reconciliation bill, they will essentially eliminate the individual mandate. What that does is it eliminates the underpartnershipings of the insurance market. Right. You will be able, if you are an individual who is healthy you will not be able to not buy insurance, wait until you are sick and then buy insurance. That has the potential to drive the costs of coverage way, way up. And republicans havent coalesced around an alternative that will keep prices down and keep access high. And thats what is going to take a lot of wrangling and fanning aeling over the coming months if not years. Bottom line it quick for people like me, people who have insurance. Most americans now have insurance. Whats going to play out over the next couple of years . Are they going to lose what they have . Keep what they have for a while . If you are currently on an employer based plan like most americans probably not a lot is going to change. The Trump Administration may move to change some of the regulations about what needs to be covered in a plan. There may be some changes around the edges. You know, right now its mandated that Birth Control is covered in Health Insurance plans. A lot of republicans want to see that mandate eliminated. The real change is going to come, though, for people who buy as individuals through the exchanges. Right. Or through medicare excuse me, medicaid expansion. Thats where where you start tinkering the consequences could be pretty significant, where insurers may ends up ducking out of market because there is too much uncertainty. Where republicans may end up start tinkering with how medicaid works and states may be given more power to change coverage in that respect. So those are the people who really need to be concerned about whats going to happen going forward. Mike debonis reporter to for the Washington Post appreciate it. Up next, ethics watch dogs have a lot of questions about president elect trumps potential conflicts of interest. When will trump answer those questions . We will get new reaction from a former chief white house ethics lawyer after the break. He started eating the new beneful recipe. The number one ingredient in it is beef. einstein the beef is fantastic becky hes a very active dog. He never stops moving. He has enough energy to believe that he can jump high enough to catch a bird. It has real beef, grains, vegetables, and he loves it. Well, we were coming for an interview. So he wanted to wear his tie. einstein its my power tie. It gives me power. vo try new beneful originals with beef. Now with real beef as the number one ingredient, healthful. Flavorful. Beneful. Has been a struggle. I considered all my options with my doctor, who recommended oncedaily toujeo®. Now im on the path to better blood sugar control. Toujeo® is a longacting insulin from the makers of lantus®. It releases slowly, providing consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours, proven full 24hour bloosugar control, and significant a1c reduction. 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Insulins, including toujeo®, in combination with tzds thiazolidinediones may cause serious side effects like Heart Failure that can lead to death, even if youve never had Heart Failure before. Dont dilute or mix toujeo® with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. Toujeo® helps me stay on track with my blood sugar. Ask your doctor about toujeo®. We continue to follow republicans on capitol hill to scrap a plan to change the office of ethics in the house. We are joined by a congressman. Appreciate having a chance to talk about this issue f. Anything, we need more oversight to make sure that we follow the will of the people and have more ethics than we this was a very concerning to me. I found out this morning. You were driving as i understand it back from North Carolina to your district last night. Yes, maam. You werent part of the conference that made a decision last night behind closed doors. You did hear. What happened . Is your phone rinng to have hook . At 8 00 thisorning whe i got into office the first phone call i picked up was from a citizen in my district that was so upset that the republican majority would have made that decision to eliminate this influence from annious group to make sure we followed the ethics rules of house. So i was very upset. And i called a friend of mine who was there in the meeting last night. He said, yes, this happened. And i mean, its been really i want to thank you, the media, and even president elect trump for speaking out on this because i would have voted against the package if this language had stayed in night have you been in meetings today with your republican colleagues . Give us a sense for the climate in the room . Were there a lot of folks like you hearing from your constituents. Yes, maam, at 11 00 we met in the capitol. And the leadership Kevin Mccarthy was handling it. There were a lot of members that felt the way that i did that said if you have this in the rules package there is no chance im going to vote for it. Really. And i have to give mr. Mccarthy the credit. He was willing he would already talked to good latd, the chairman who offered the amendment last night and good lat agreed he needed to pull this out, it needed to go through regular order and have the discussion in a form where it makes sense instead of trying to slip Something Like that in in form in nighttime. It doesnt make any sens do you worry that it sullied e first day back . Im sure you wanted a different headline out of today. You are absolutely right. This is another example of what ive been so concerned about. The fact that the American People spoke in this election. And they said we want more sunshine in washington, d. C. And here we are again on a really cloudy day and all weve got is games being played behind the scenes. Its just not right. What happens next . What are your leaders telling you is going to be happen this afternoon, tomorrow, the next day . They have the rules package on the floor todayut its without that language dealing with the Ethics Committee. Right. So thats a good thing. They are debating the rules of the house now. And well just see whats in the package, ill meet with my staff to see what are the things in it that i would like or not like. All right. Congress walter jones appreciate it on a busy day stopping by the rotunda for us. Thank you so much. Joining us former ethic lawyers riardpainter. He joinse live from minneapolis. Your thoughts on what you just heard out of the congressman there. This is clearly a contention meeting they had at 11 00 this morning where some members, republican members said i dont want to do this. This was a shameful act on the part of the congressional leadership to try and gut the office of congressional ethics and to have no effective oversight over the ethics of the ems in of the United States house of representatives. This is put the congressional fox in charge of the chicken coop with the american taxpayers being the chickens. Were tired of this. I think some of the members understood that the people who voted for them wanted more oversight, not less. The problem is the fox is going to come around again this summer. Because they are talking about socalled reform of the office of congressional ethics. What that means is an attempt by members of congress to exert pressure on the office to back off from investigations of ethical improprietities on the part of members of the house of representatives. This is going to be an ongoing story. Its unfortunate. This soon after an election. People are getting back to business as usual in washington and not living up to their commitment to serve the American People. Your a former chief ethics white house lawyer. Let me go to the white house now and ask about donald trump. The president elect has been promising to hold a News Conference to lay out his plans for separating himself from the trump empire from his business. Kellyanne conway said they may do that on january 11th. Shawn spicer today said similar things, it may be next week. What do you expect to hear from the president elect . First, i commend the president elect for this morning, tweeting out his condemnation of the move on the part of the house of representatives to abolish congressional oversichlgtd now he does need to turn to his own ethics, his own conflicts of interest and acknowledge in a a president can indeed have that o sell the business interests that are going to create conflicts of interest for him as president going forward. We have the potential for Foreign Government money to come into the trump Business Empire and violation in the clause at the constitution, we have potential for bribery and gratuity scenarios who develop people start discussing trump business sid by side with u. S. Government busiss. We have his name up on buildings all over the world which is a potential terrorism risk. We have deals with Foreign Investors who are close with Foreign Governments, some running for Political Office overseas. All of this needs to be unwound. And we only have three weeks to do it. I hope were going to hear in the next day or two from the president elect about a serious plan for die vestment and putting his wealth in a blind trust or some equivalent so he can be an effective president and not worry about conflicts of interests. Richard painter, under george w. Bush, a republican, nice to have you with us, thanks so much. Thank you. Up next, biden at his best. The Vice President presides over his final ceremonial swearing in of the senators. More booidening after the break. Getting your quarter back. Fountains dont earn interest, david. You know i work at ally. I was being romantic. You know what i find romantic . A robust annual percentage yield thats what i find romantic. This is literally throwing your money away. I think its over there. That way . Yeah, a little further up. What year was that quarter . What year is that one . 98 thats the one. You got it nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. Ally. Do it right. Lets get out of that water. Ally[chains dragging] [eerie music playing] [crickets chirping] [owl hoots] announcer if you dont fix them, sparks from dragging tow chains can cause a wildfire. And that could be scary. Bye, smokey only you can prevent wildfires. Thats good thing, eligible for medicare . But it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. 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Uncle joe performing the ceremonial swearing in for newly elected and returning senators, and this is so fun to watch. Here he is with Arizona Republican senator john mccain. Were going to drop you right in the middle. Okay. Okay. Sure. Do we do this first. You can do it with the kids while youre being sworn in. Come on everybody, come in while were swearing in again. This is jack. And his quite a few holly. Now, holly, you come over to my side. You come over to this side. Come on. All right. This way. Left hand on the bible, right hand up. Do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and dmisic . That youll bear true faith in allegiance to the same and you take this obligation freely without any mental reservations or purpose of ovation and well and faith to do these upon which youre about to enter so help you god. I have no doubt about you. Im so glad you ran began. I really am. Did you catch that . I im so glad you ran again, i really am. Its one of the mostwatch events. Were back after a quick break. Its the Phillips Lady anyone ever have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating . She does. Help defend against those digestive issues. Take Phillips Colon Health probiotic caps daily. With three types of good bacteria. 400 likes . Wow phillips. Be good to your gut. Thats going to wrap up this hour for me. See you back here tomorrow afternoon, 3 00 eastern noon pacific also on snapchat, twitter, instagram. Up next, Steve Kornacki picking up all of our coverage, hey steve. Thanks. Good afternoon, im Steve Kornacki live here in new york, just 17 days away now until donald trump is sworn in as president. Tomming our agenda right now, backing off. Its been withdrawn by unanimous consent. The amendment that was adopted last night was withdrawn by unanimous consent. On day one of the new congress, House Republicans think twice and throw out their plan to overhaul an ethics watchdog. Because of something that donald trump tweeted. Also on our agenda, repeal, and then what . And right now, do you, or do you noave a replacement plan ready to go, ramped up, ready to go, say tomorrow . We have pieces o

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