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Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. Allegedly had affairs with, in order to conceal that information from the public in connection with the election. What i think a critical difference is, is the timing of this and how closely related it to the election and concealment of bad information. That differentiates it from the obama case. If i could just go back to the tweets for one second, hallie. Please. I prosecuted Organized Crime Cases in the Southern District of new york. I supervised that unit. The way that donald trump is talking, and i cant help but think about this, is the way mob bosses talk. When you are loyal, youre a standup guy, and you take the rap in the mob world, you get benefits. If you break and you cooperate, youre a rat, which is another term he used. It is a little jarring to see out in the open, the president of the United States using this language, and saying that someone who was just convicted of serious federal felonies is a good person, a good person, a good guy, standup guy, and that, to so many of us, is very distressing. One hopes that the country will begin to see that, too. As far as manafort and cohen, after tuesday, after yesterday, the risk that both of them, either or both of them, will decide that the time is right to cooperate with the government has to be at the front of the president s mind. Paul manafort now looks at a significant amount of time in prison. He faces an additional trial. It is a now or never moment for him, if he intends to cooperate with the government. Similarly for cohen, whose lawyer, lanny davis, is involved in this interesting public call to the Special Counsels office over their cooperation, seems to have information he would like to provide, as well. This will hit increasingly home to the president as we continue forward. Dan goldman and joyce vance, up early and up late for us, thank you. Another piece of the story moving forward. The piece going down on the hill. Our teams have just talked with multiple senators, including some supporters of donald trump. While some may be waking up today hoping, wishing, praying yesterday never happened, the response publicly has been kind of tepid so far. You have House Speaker paul ryan, who did say something, something short, in two sentences, saying he is aware of the guilty plea but needs more info. For mitch mcconnell, his senate counterpart, nothing so far. John cornyn said people who do bad things need to be held accountable. Adding that this has nothing to do with russia. Kasie hunt, i think, has sneakers on today, chasing people around the hall today. Whats going on this morning . Reporter hallie, it is clear this story does have something of a different tenor than some of the other conversations that weve had. Let me tell you, a lot of these members of congress are really sick of all of us running after them in the hallways, asking about the latest trump tweet. This is different, right . Reporter this is all together different, exactly. I spoke just briefly to Senator Toomey of pennsylvania, who said this is very serious. This is not, you know, something to be taken lightly. He wants to see the judicial process play out. Youve heard echoes of that from other republicans who have been willing to support President Trump in other areas. Take a listen to what senator orrin hatch said a few minutes ago. These are serious charges, and they cant be ignored. Is it high crimes and misdemeanors . I wouldnt go that far just yet. Do you think this opens up the president to being indicted while sitting in office . No, i dont, because i dont think he can be indicted while sitting in office. Well just have to see where this all works out. Reporter if anything, you heard a little bit of resignation in orrin hatchs voice there. This is a drama that, you know, republicans are tired of having play out. I will say, on the flip side, hallie, democrats are obviously talking about how serious this is. Theyre being very careful to avoid the i word, impeachment. I asked Elizabeth Warren about that earlier on morning joe. What i think we should be doing in congress is we should be passing laws to make sure that donald trump cannot fire the special prosecutor. Thats where the real threat is to trump. It is powerfully important that we protect the special prosecutor. Reporter that, of course, is a big question that republicans could answer. Mitch mcconnell could put such legislation on the floor. There are, of course, constitutional debates about exactly how it might work. They can send a signal. So far, they havent done that. Hallie . Kasie hunt there on the hill. Come back if you get more. Thank you. On set with me in the studio, bureau chief for vice news tonight, shanna thompson. National politico reporter, sahill kapur. Both friends of the show. Reaction to what you have heard over the last six minutes, all this new stuff. Reaction for the last 24 hours. I mean, thats another can of worms. Anotherish shoo y isise eint impeachment, there is a fear in the Democratic Party that if you push this too hard, youll rile up President Trumps base in such a way that could affect the midterm election. I think it is interesting, one of our correspondents was in West Virginia, as many of your people were, too, and talking to people. One, she talked to people there who hadnt heard anything about what was going on, as everything was falling apart yesterday for President Trump. Two, when she did explain what was going on, they were like, well, that makes us madder at washington, d. C. And more likely to show up and vote. There is an interesting sort of counter to be careful about how much you push impeachment when you cant do it as democrats in the house after representatives. Then you dont want to necessarily get more people, more republicans, coming out to vote, when democrats are super energized right now. To this point, and i want to get your take on this, because this is a newsworthy moment in time, of course. Right. This is hugely important. We have been covering it a lot. We know reporters had a conversation with folks familiar with the president S Travel Schedule for the next six weeks, as he goes ahead of the midterms. Hes heading to seven states, at least, right, some of the states, but we know of at least seven. We looked at the front pages of the biggest newspapers in the seven states. Five of them did not have cohen or manafort on the front page. Yeah. They all mentioned the president is coming to campaign. Theyre very heavy on, you know, which states are electing senators. The democrats packed the senate majority, running through the rural republicanleaning voter who supported trump, in states like north dakota or tennessee. May have a role to play if the voters dont bite on this. We live in a posttruth world here. The response from republicans in congress dont depend on the facts of the situation. It is how the voters respond. This is a rule of law president. This is happening these are both these things that just happened happened in a court of law. This was not in the political theater realm of things. This happened with law and order. It is different. It is no longer theoretical. There is actual evidence of a crime here that the president is implicated in. It feels like a pivot point going forward. The problem is weve heard that before. Didnt we hear that after the access Hollywood Tape and different in a moments, that this was the pivot point . It never was. I mean, thats exactly what i was thinking last night when i got home and had any glass of wine i tweeted about after a long day of work. I had the question of, how like does this matter . Legally, this matters. For paul manafort, this matters. For Michael Cohen. For the country, i think it matters. Politically, when were talking about an election, if trumps supporters believe that he is being unfairly targeted, that it is a witch hunt last night, fox news, a lot was about mollie tibbetts. Also an important story. Incredibly sad. It is also part of the narrative of undocumented immigrants doing bad things in the country. Right. Then maybe it doesnt matter to trumps supporters. Lets leave it here, with the idea that practically every rally i went to around the campaign, people chanted lock her up. Five people close to the president s campaign or to him himself have been convicted of breaking the law. Well have much more to come on all of this coming up. We take a look at the possibility of a president ial pardon. Well ask legal scholar Alan Dershowitz whether itll be a good idea for the president. Spoiler, alan, that question is coming your way. Omarosa manigaultnewman said everyone knew about the hush money paid. Who is everyone . Omarosa is here live. Tremfya® is for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Im ready. With tremfya®, you can get clearer. And stay clearer. In fact, most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. Tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin, and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. Tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. Before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. 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To be honest, it seems pretty unlikely, based on what we have heard from the president today. Based on what lanny davis is saying, how might the president s legal team be reacting . Joining me now is Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Professor and the author of the case against impeachment trump. Thank you for being back on the show. To be clear, you are not a member of the president s legal team. Youre somebody who has spoken freely about your opinions regarding the president s legal strategy. Well, not only am i not a member of his legal team, i was very active in opposing the lock her up, hillary, and opposing all the Nonsense Trump was espousing during the campaign about all of hillarys crimes. My interest is in not expanding the criminal law and weaponizing it against either democrats or republicans. I want to ask you about that. Before we get there, let me ask you this, because lanny davis just said Michael Cohen wouldnt accept a pardon. Individuals can do that. It is allowed. If you are a member of the president s legal team, or if you were advising the president , what is your reaction to that . First of all, lanny davis has to go back and check a Supreme Court decision written many years ago by holmes that says you dont have to accept a pardon. The president has the power to grant a pardon, and nobody has the right to reject the pardon. It is a hypothetical. Nobody is giving a pardon to cohen. Cohen is the enemy. Cohen is being attacked as being noncredible. It is manafort who might get a pardon. The president said he is a good guy and worked for other republicans. He felt sorry for him. That pardon would be much like the pardon given by president george bush i to weinberger and the five people facing charges. It would be a political sin, but probably not an impeachment offense. Can i ask about a couple things, alan . Things you said since this news broke that i think are worth getting you on. You said last night, quote, all cohen has to do is say the president directed me to do it. Thats the kind of embellishment people put on a story when they want to avoid dying in prison. Are you suggesting cohen lied under oath . We dont know. Seems like that is what you were suggesting. No, no. What judge ellis said is when you put pressure on somebody like cohen, there is an incentive to embellish the story and make it better. Hes now facing four years. If he comes up with strong evidence against the president , that will be reduced to two years or three or one year. There is the risk. Thats what judge ellis said. A risk of perjury. I have no idea whether cohen is telling the truth interesting t a catch22. The president is entitled to pay hush money to anyone he wants during a campaign. There are no restrictions on what a candidate can contribute to his own campaign. If, in fact, the president Directed Cohen to do it as his lawyer and was going to compensate him for it, the president committed no crime. If cohen that seems awfully convoluted though, alan. The law is convoluted. Prosecutors have said Michael Cohen broke the law. Michael cohen says, the president told me to do it. You said last night, as well let me you believe every president breaks the law during an election. Does that make it okay . No. I said your quote is every candidate violates Election Laws when they run for president. Let me tell you what i said. Candidates violate Election Laws. I told you. You can get back any campaign. Does it make it okay . It doesnt. Let me be very clear isnt that moving the goalpost. Go ahead. Youre not letting me make my point. All yours. The president doesnt break the law if, as a candidate, he contributes to his own campaign. If he gave 1 million to two women as hush money, there would be in crime. If he directed his lawyer to do it, and he would compensate the lawyer, hes committed no crime. The only crime is if a thirdparty, namely, cohen, on his own, contributed to a campaign, that would be a campaign contribution. It is a catch22 for the prosecution. If they claim that the president authorized him to do it or directed him to do it, it is not a crime for anybody. If cohen did it on his own, then it is a crime for cohen but not the president. This is going to be a very difficult case for the prosecution to make, precisely because the law on election are so convoluted. Lanny davis is making the opposite argument. We have to leave it there at the moment. Thank you for coming on. Come back so we can continue what is always a feisty conversation. Appreciate it. Sure. What did the president s aides know and when did they know it about everything thats going down . The Big Questions about the Campaign Season payments that we just talked about to those women and who was aware of them . Omarosa manigaultnewman said they were no secret. Well ask her about that when she joins me. Dear greatgreatgrandfather, you turned a Family Recipe into a Brewing Empire Before prohibition took it all away. I promised our family id find your lost recipe. By tracing our history on ancestry, i found the one person who still had it. Now, im brewing our legacy back to life. Im david thieme, and this is my ancestry story. Now with 100 million family trees, find your story. Get started for free at ancestry. Com. Now that we have your attention. Capri sun has four updated drinks. Now with only the good stuff. Do you know how to use those . Nope. Get those kids some capri sun today, lifechanging technology from abbott is helping hunt them down at their source. Because the faster we can identify new viruses, the faster we can get to stopping them. The most personal technology, is technology with the power to change your life. Life. To the fullest. We are back now with a look at this mornings headlines. The man who confessed to killing University Of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts is going to be in court today. Were talking about an undocumented immigrant, cristhian rivera, facing first degree murder charges, after Police Spotted his car on Security Cameras near where tibbetts was last seen jogging. He led police to tibbettsbody. He certainly wasnt known to the local Police Department there with the sheriffs department. So we, through our interviews and conducting a number of different Canvas Interviews throughout the community, we werent aware of him until we were able to locate the vehicle. It is not like he was on anybodys radar throughout the investigation. Police have still not released any information about a motive, but this is a story we are following closely. Well bring you updates throughout the day. Overnight, have you heard about this, facebook removed 652 pages and groups from russia and iran. They have one goal, to mislead users here in the u. S. And around the world. Mark zuckerberg, facebook ceo, is telling customers the company is committed to strengthening operations. New details on the allegations against me too activist asia argento, after a photo of asia and Jimimy Bennet was posted on tmz. It shows argento and bennet, who who you have been 17 at the time, laying in bed. The photo comes two days after the New York Times reported that argento arranged to pay bennet nearly 400,000 in hush money in response to bennets claims of Sexual Assault against her. Nbc news has not independently verified the report. In a statement to new york magazine, argento said, i am shocked and hurt by having read news that is absolutely false. I have never had any sexual relationship with bennet. The New York Times said it is confident in the accuracy of its reportings. Nbc news reached out to bennet, but he has yet to respond. Back to the world of politics. New Video Showing Michael Cohen getting on thencandidate Donald Trumps Campaign Plane back in september of 2016. Here it is. Number one. Now, i have to stalk you. Going down a little more than a month before cohen wired the Hush Money Payment. 130,000 to Stormy Daniels lawyer at the time. The person behind the camera in the video, omarosa manigaultnewman. Shes joining me here on set in washington. Omarosa, thank you for being on. Morning. Let me start with comments you made on this network. Ill give you background on the tape. Sure. We always had a really good time on the campaign. You see Michael Cohen was much more involved in the campaign than the Trump Legal Team would elude to. Hes there. He helped to organize the particular event in cleveland at the church that Darrell Scott leads. The reason the video was important, immediately, theyre going to attack him and say he had nothing to do with the campaign. As you can see, a month before the payments were made, cohen was not just on the plane. If you let the video run longer, youll see trump in the background. Theyll chat. You talked about having recordings of other things. Are there bombshells . I have. You know when are you letting those come out . Wouldnt you like me to let them out this morning . Sure would. Roll the footage. No. Unfortunately, donald trump and his legal team, this bully, unleashed his entire legal team on not only me but my publisher, trying to silence me from talking about things, particularly that happened on the campaign. Some of those things, well have to wait until the arbitration is done. Certainly, i dont have a problem releasing the things and sharing the things. More importantly that is from the campaign. It is exposing the you talked about what youve seen and heard during your time working with thencandidate trump. You talked about knowing everyone knew the money was going to Stormy Daniels as hush money. Let me talk post campaign, as i said, to avoid violating the arbitration proceedings im in. After the campaign, when these things came to light, by that point, we were in the white house. They started to ask us, did you know . Did you know . Certainly, the people in the campaign were aware. Did ivanka trump, for example, know . Did jared kushner. Im telling you what i knew. Do you believe they knew . I dont doubt they knew. They were part of the coverup to keep their president their father from being exposed. How . As the person who would go on and cheat on his wife a month after she had a baby, go on and get involved with a porn star, as well as a playboy play mate, then try to cover it up. What proof do you have of that . Do you have evidence that they were involved in some kind of coverup . Well, as i stated, the things in the campaign, i cant specifically im not asking about that. What materials you may or may not have. There are tons of materials im sure the investigators already have. Particularly the emails and because you gave it to you . Hallie, not being coy. You know i cant talk about the things from the campaign. Let me ask you lets not go in circles and have a good interview. You know because of the infiltration from the legal team let me by the way, we have Something Else here, Michael Cohen and donald trump, if you dont want to talk about what you knew or did not know about the hush money during the campaign, let me ask this, why bring it up on hardball . First of all, it wascontext. To say, why bring it up, i think it is unfair. If youre hinting something i answered it directly. When did you find out about the Hush Money Payment . Thats during the campaign, so i cant talk about it. Did you know before the news broke after the campaign . Look at you, so cute. Lets talk about thats a little Michael Cohen, who i have had a relationship with during the entire time i was why should he be credible . He is credible because donald trump trusted him with his most intimate projects. He asked to fix and sort out situations for him. It is difficult for me to watch people try to demonize Michael Cohen when he was doing what he was told. In unhinged i talk about the a donald trump directing cohen to pay the payment. Here, it is coming to fruition. Why would Michael Cohen, given what youre talking about here, you believe Michael Cohen is credible. I do. Why would he take out a personal loan to help donald trump cover up the alleged affairs . He was so loyal to donald trump. To see that tweet this morning from the president saying he was a bad lawyer, that speaks more to donald trump than Michael Cohen. Id push back on the assertions. Michael cohen was effective at carrying out the things that donald trump directed him and asked him to do. I think that thats important to note. Donald trump went back to him again and again, not just the women you know, but women you may not even know. Donald trump should be careful when it comes to michael toecoh. He knows a great deal about all the behavior donald trump was engaged in. You have been aware that donald trump was directing cohen to make the payments. He was how did you become aware . Ive been a part of the trump world for 15 years. Is this through the grapevine or conversations . I want to answer the question, the first one. Im asking. The first question you asked is how would i know . I worked with Michael Cohen in so many different roles, as you know. Donald trump produced a reality show for me. You may not know i also went, at the direction of trump new mexico, to work for ami and david pecker, also involved in the Stormy Daniels deal. I know a great deal about how trump world works and how donald trump operates. When donald trump asked Michael Cohen to do something, for instance, in my case, work on a Television Show or work on getting me a deal with ami, when Michael Cohen is directed to do that, he does that, and he does it well, in terms of carrying the things out. What youre seeing unfold is america coming to know about the inner workings of trump world. Thats what youre seeing with Michael Cohen. You said this is the beginning of the end of the Trump Presidency. Coming from a former white house official, highlevel official, that is a serious statement. Yeah. What do you mean by that . Do you have proof to back it up . Well, the proof is in the indictments, in the guilty findings of manaforts case. More importantly, under oath, Michael Cohen stated that he was directed by the president of the United States to make these illegal payments. This is the beginning of the end. I will say that we might be in the second quarter. Youll see so many other things unfold. Mark yesterday as an important moment in the Trump Presidency. Im not asking names but have you talked with former colleagues in the white house since this went down the last 24 hours . Yes. I talked to many of them, and theyre concerned about impeachment. Theyre worried about the future of the Trump Presidency and their preservation. Well leave it there. I want to mention omarosas book, unhinged, insiders account of the trump white house. Thank you for being on the set. Thank you for having me. Gourmet dinners to a ticket for a pet rabbit. How Duncan Hunter is accused of using campaign money. The second lawmaker to endorse the president. Now, the second republican lawmaker indicted this month. What does it say about the promise to drain the swamp . Were talking about that. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes. 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Learn more about aarp Medicare Supplement plan options and rates to fit your needs. Oh, and happy birthday. Or retirement. In advance. Margaret, converted more than 250,000 in Campaign Funds for personal expenses. Including Spending Tens Of Thousands of dollars on, look at this, vacations to italy and hawaii, gourmet steaks, tequila shots, innout, who among us, even a plane ticket for a pet rabbit. He is the second congressman to be indicted this month, following Chris Collins of new york. Collins was the first lawmaker to endorse donald trump. Also indicted on Insider Trading charges two weeks ago today. You saw the news break her on this program. Kasie hunt is back with us now, doing double duty. Joining me from the capitol. Can we talk a little more about this not just the allegations against hunter but the idea he has been stripped of his power on the hill. Does he have any friends left in the building . Reporter hallie, this was something that had been hanging over him for quite some time. This did not come as a surprise to people on capitol hill. There have been other republicans, darrell isa among them, eyeing his seat, thinking there might be blood in the water, of course, but didnt come soon enough for any republican to take action. He is going to be on the ballot. I dont think there is necessarily any Great Lengths that his republican colleagues may go to try to protect him in this case. The house is, of course, still out on august recess. To give you a little taste beyond what you put up there, with those dollar amounts, including the 600 pet rabbit plane ticket, this is a little piece of the indictment of Duncan Hunter. On or about november 23, 2015, in an attempt to justify the use of Campaign Funds to pay for a familys trip to italy, hunter attempted to set up a day tour on the u. S. Naval facility in italy. Hunter said hed discuss the date with his wife. Then told his chief of staff, quote, tell the navy to go f themselves. No tour occurred. It notes in my note there was no alteration to the fword in hunters actual notes. That gives you a taste of how what his attitude was like toward all of this. He finally got caught. As you point out, he was the second congressional supporter of President Trump back in the primary. Kasie hunt, all excellent points. Thank you, my friend. Appreciate it. Coming up next, preparing for the worst. The crisis plan from democratic leadership if the president does decide to fire Robert Mueller. We have exclusive reporting on the strategy for the first 24 hours and how lawmakers on both sides would move fast to try to protect the Special Counsels work. The reporter behind the scoop is here next. And your oil change comes with a Tire Rotation as well. Ooo thats good i could put that on an airplane banner. Hmm. Maybe. Nice work. Was that. . Yeah, king midas. Yeah. At midas, were always a touch better. 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Nbc news exclusive report says theres a wide ranging Emergency Plan in place if the president fires Robert Mueller or tries to shut down the russia investigation, quote, it would start within minutes of mueller being fired, a torrent of Activity Ricochetting through the halls of congress and over tv airways including nearly a thousand protests being prepped from the Virgin Islands to alaska. One of the bilines on that piece is josh letterman, National Political reporter, shawna and sahil or here as well. The number one concern seems to be preserving these documents, the evidence that mueller would have collected. Whats the plan . They want the documents protected and the thinking is that by the time the president were to fire mueller or take some other step to undercut the investigation, it would be too late to then be coming up with a plan to how well respond. Democrats have spent more than a year now trying to put in place a really comprehensive strategy that involves legal steps, legislative maneuvers as well as a major Public Relations campaign to try to get the message out as quickly as possible and salvage as much as of the investigation as they can. The president has not fired Robert Mueller. The president clearly Doesnt Like What Robert Mueller is doing, but he hasnt pulled the trigger yet. Heres what adam schiff noted earlier this week that when the president first threatened to pull John Brennans security clearance, paul ryan said he was just trolling. If he attempts to remove Robert Mueller, Congressional Republicans cannot claim they didnt see it coming. Thats the Million Dollar question. How will republicans respond . We know that other steps the president has seemed to threaten in the past such as pulling Peoples Security clearances, house leaders, Republican Leaders have said thats not going to happen. Mcconnell wouldnt let this bill on the floor of the senate to protect mueller because theres no need and then the president ends up crossing these lines any way. This massively elevates the stakes for the elections in november. This is in all likelihood going to be a political question. The Nuclear Option is impeachment if they believe there were high crimes of misdemeanor. The courts could stop them. Voters get to decide. Do they want a party that is adversaryial to donald trump or a party thats stood by him . How republicans would actually react if Something Like this happened. You want to play you all what senator durbin had to say. Is there a howard baker . Is there a person that would step up and say this is it, im going to join with the democrats and protest what i consider to be an action inconsistent with the laws and rules of the u. S. . To answer his question, probably not, is that fair or do we know . Im not sure theres enough of them to answer his question. I do think you have seen, especially some republicans like, you know, tennessee, senator bob corker, youve seen some republicans who know theyre not going to be in Congress Next time around talk about how important it is actually to make sure mueller isnt fired and then they change the subject by saying he hasnt been fired so lets not talk about this. Those people are out there. If you talk to republicans behind the scenes, they know that mueller getting fired is im interrupting you rudely. Chuck schumer is on the senate floor now. We want to take a listen. So those two events, kavanaughs refusal to say that a president must comply with the duly issued subpoena and Michael Cohens implication of the president in a federal crime makes the danger of Brett Kavanaughs nomination to the Supreme Court abundantly clear. Under the circumstances a game changer. Should be. A President Identify as an un Chuck Schumer just had been talking about the president. Hes talking about him there. Clearly, though, democrats are seizing on this news but they have stayed away so far, josh, from the word impeachment or from pushing the idea of impeachment, what do you make of that . Early on last year right after the Special Counsel was formed, democrats started doing some polling on this, to see how the talk of impeachment would play and they realized early on that it actually wasnt to their benefit to do that, that a lot of people in both parties felt that its premature to do that before mueller has actually laid out the facts and thats why youre seeing folks like nancy pelosi trying to put the ca bash on talking about impeachment ahead of the election. Ill let you have the final word here related to your reporting, where does this go next . I know thats a Million Dollars question, but what does your reporting tell you . In the last 24 hours or so since yesterday and the news with both manafort and Michael Cohen that democrats are particularly looking at the possibility of pardons for these people who could be key witnesses in a trial and want to make sure that the president doesnt try to take steps that would make it impossible for them to cooperate. Josh, thank you my friend. Shawna and sahil, ill ask you the same question, which is what your sources are saying this morning on whatever story that youre working on . I think you know what it is. Shawna, go for it. So we have been working on the story. The president actually announced his rollback of the Clean Power Plant. That was the obama era guidelines to reduce emissions. Basically, the plan that the president is putting forth isnt really going to change anything. The Clean Power Plan never went into effect because of legal issues with it and most companies and organizations have actually reduced their emissions because using natural gas is cheaper and cleaner. Under the circumstances a really good Talking Point on the stump yesterday when youre in West Virginia and you can say were bringing coal back and people can cheer, emissions are going down and this doesnt change anything. Sahil, your reporting has to do with the news of the day. Another friend of the show bob costas spoke with the president s lawyer who told him that he believes that this May Mean Mueller may be at the end now. Weve heard that from rudy a time or two before. My sources are telling me that even though democrats are planning to ramp up pressure to delay or slo down the kavanaugh Confirmation Process in light of the fact that the president has been implicated in a crime by his former lawyer. One republican source i spoke to called it a liberal fantasy, the idea of a delay on the kavanaugh confirmation so expect them to move full speed ahead regardless of the news of cohen and manafort. Come back soon. Todays big picture, we end with as always comes to us from north korea, actually. And check this out, another story that got overshadowed with all of. This look at the smiles on these faces. Its a south korean mother wrapping her arms around her north korean son for the first time in 65 years. Yep, six decades they had not spoken with or seen each other. Theyd been separated after the korean war. That mom was one of the dozens of south koreans given a rare chance to cross into north korea and see family members, but it wasnt permanent. It was only a three day reunion. Heartwrenching but you can see the hope and happiness on their faces. This photograph here from the associated press. We love to hear your thoughts as always on facebook, twitter, snapchat and instagram. I will be reporting out more of this on msnbc Nbc Nightly News with lester holt and stand by, too, our unit is working on a lot of reporting behind the scenes. Ill turn it over to more news with my colleague ali velshi who ns new york. Where did the time go . I just filled 30 seconds with me or what . Yes. But i enjoyed yesterday. You and i talked at this time yesterday morning and we were still talking at 6 00 yesterday evening. Yes, we were. Quite a day is maybe the understatement of the century, ali velshi. That is right. Im now at least getting to process it today. Ive been enjoying your show and trying to get through of making sense of everything that happened yesterday afternoon. Have a great rest of your morning. You too. Good morning, everyone. Im ali velshi. Its wednesday, august the 22nd. Lets get smarter. Where is the collusion . Theyre still looking for collusion. Where is the collusion . I feel badly for paul. I must tell you that Paul Manaforts a good man. It doesnt involve me but i still feel, you know its a very sad thing that happened. This has nothing to do with russian collusion. This is a witch hunt and its a disgra d disgrace. Very clearly there is no dispute that donald trump committed a crime. He directed Michael Cohen to do something that was criminal, Michael Cohen knows information

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