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Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. And Senior Reporter for the Washington Post,er rinne blake and anna palmer. Carol, let me go to you. You are writing now about how the president sees this interview with Robert Mueller, how his legal team sees the interview. Heres the thing, Rudy Giuliani is talking and talking and talking about this. You know whos not . Roberts mueller. Thats absolutely true, hallie. Robert mueller has been silent and the president s lawyers have been la quashs. But one thing has not changed and thats the essence of donald tru trump, which is he believes hes his best lawyer and own best pr guy and own best thinker and diplomat and in this instance, he does believe and has as we were reported back in the spring, has always believed that if he could just sit down with these people, he could straighten this all out and explain no collusion, this is a hoax. Now, his lawyers also have changed slightly in the sense that some put their foot down at the beginning and said you are what Rudy Giuliani has said and others. April 30th, mueller having dozens of inquires for the president on the quest for the russia obstruction question. On may 7th, the president s lawyer said in the next ten days they would decide whether the president would testify. That deadline came and went with giuliani saying simply that mueller narrowed the scope of questions bringing us to august 1st when this apparent offer to limit the questions just this week, seth. Limiting questions, is that a good idea if youre Robert Mueller . He may agree to limit the questions just to get trump in the room. If he wants a couple of were going to ask you about obstruction and talk about lester holt, hes not giving away much. If that gets trump in the room which he wants more than anything else, hell put some written questions on the paper. I think this is a lot of just kind of watching the weighins before the big fight. I dont think this is really going to happen. Written questions, is that really something mueller wants or he hooks them with the written stuff then its a little bit of a bait and switch . I think thats exactly right. I think the written questions are pretty much filled out by the lawyers. Theyll run them past trump then he says already did you say when you said to lester holt this Firing Of Comey was about the russia thing, true or false . Then they have 40 oral questions that follow up on that. You both cover this president , this administration. Will the president is there a chance, listen this is a guy as i know from covering him and does what he wants to do. If he turns around and said tog talking to robert mule every, whos going to stop him . He not only does what he wants to do but does the opposite of what everyone tells him to do, almost just to spite them. Right. Its interesting the approach carol noted initially was youre not doing this, no way. Now they are like, okay, you can do it if you want but here are the reasons you shouldnt, including a perjury trap that they are putting forward and talking about very publicly now. The fact that they are waging this very Public Campaign to basically on tv get him to back off of the stance, i think is maybe one of the most Significant Developments here. And i think whats also really interesting, trump and the Administration Keep saying over and over again, we want to we achieve long sought conservative goals, stripping federal funds from planned parenthood. I take exception because if you watch the show, former official, we cover those things in our swamp watch and under the radar segments. But theres an idea even though the president is clearly spending time talking and tweeting about exactly this. There are other cogs in the wheel continuing to do the work on the policy side. I dont even think its necessarily that media isnt focusing on these things. I think its that the American People arent interested in them related to the russia stuff. I think the president recognizes that. Now whether this is a strategy to like say look over here while they are doing this whole dismanting of the federal government over here. Thats it sounds like the administration is saying that but also liberals are saying that. They are saying look whats going on over here. Lets not get distracted by this. When you have a president like this constantly making news and stoking controversy, it makes it that much harder to Everything Else to break through. We have a ton more to get to. I want to explore the look on your face. Pleasure to have you, appreciate it. You bet. Three months out from the midterms and it is crunch time for democrats, trying to bring out the star power with former president Obama Rolling Out endorsements and set to hit the Campaign Trail. Could this provide some direction to a divided base . The man with the cash behind some of the key races is joining me live after the break. The fact is, there are over ninetysix hundred roads named park in the u. S. Its americas most popular street name. But Allstate Agents know thats where the similarity stops. If youre on park street in reno, nevada, the high winds of the Washoe Zephyr could damage your siding. And thats very different than living on park ave in sheboygan, wisconsin, where ice dams could cause water damage. But no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local Allstate Agents knows yours. Now that you know the truth, are you in good hands . Its a hightech sleep revolution. The sleep number 360 smart bed intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts. So you wake up ready to run the world. The new sleep number 360 smart bed, from 999. 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We had trouble doing getting that obama coalition, that turned out for him in 2008 and 2012 to be portable to other democrats. Were trying to activate that base again to get into Knethese Races at the local level. Tom steyer joins me thanks for coming back to the show. Great to hear your voice. Slight delay here. Do you see yourself as working in concert with more establishment democrats or frankly in opposition, in contrast to them . Well, i think whats important this election season is that voters get as much information as possible and be as engaged as possible and show up at the polls. So i view that everything that people are doing including very specifically what president obama is doing with his endorsements as increasing the amount of information for voters to listen to and to be engaged with and therefore to be motivated to go out and make their vote be counted. To take one example of somebody who has become a Lightning Rod as it relates to the Democratic Party is for example, alexandra ocasio cortez, guess who is seizing on it, fox news, the wanter this morning, this is how they opened just today, which seems to illustrate the contrast here. She is somebody you support and back her. Do you think theres a problem when democrats arent able to come together around candidates . No, i dont. I think that the Democratic Party is listening to a lot of different people explain how we should go forward, including ala alexandria cortez and it is vital and important and lively and it is going to go on up until election day and after election. I think that thats the kind of conversation we should be having about how to best representing Working Families in the United States of america. You call it a conversation, tom. Could you also call it a civil war . Excuse me, could you say that word again, i apologize. You call it a conversation. Could you also describe it as a civil war inside your own party . I dont think of it that way. I think that everybody within the party is doing their best to understand how to go forward and people are putting forward different ideas. Sometimes conflicting ideas and think that is absolutely healthy and important. And the question is coming out of this election, will we take a big step forward in november and have to work to go forward to craft a message that responds and reacts to the American People . I think this is absolutely the way it should be going. Based on our reporting though, tom, there are republicans who are licking their chops at the idea that there will be this kind of what you describe as healthy disagreement inside the party. We talked about last time youre on the show, talked about the impeachment move as an example. Something you talked about last night in new orleans. The argument has been that democrats more of them will vote based on this issue, that this will be a mobilizing issue, even though there are others on the Establishment Side who disagree. Theres also parallels to the abolish, i. C. E. Movement, the head of i. C. E. Coming out and using this as a political example why democrats should not be elected. Are you concerned that that, for example, is going to back fire . I think that the major point for the Democratic Party is going to be to reflect and lead the American People. So i dont think we should be spending our time worrying about what republicans are going to do or how Republican Voters view what we say. What we should be trying to do is tell the truth about the most important issues in america. Because i believe that is what will motivate democratic voters and american citizens in general to reengage in politics and show up at the polls. So from my standpoint, i dont want to hear what the republicans want us to say. What i want us to do is try to tell the most important truth and represent the American People. Tom, is there any way that that may be an overly optimistic or perhaps idealistic way of looking at it that overlooks the political realities on the ground, the gop does want to use this to their advantage in direct contrast to what you want to do . In my opinion, every time someone gets very cute and overly smart about political tactics and forgets the basic values of our country, they make a big mistake. I think its one of those questions where we should keep it simple and stick to the truth and try to do whats right. I think thats the Winning Strategy as well as the correct strategy and moral strategy. Two more quick questions, you talked about leadership moving forward after november. One of the things that is part of a big discussion happening now inside the party is this issue of al franken and whether he should run again and role that Kirstin Gillibrand played in that. Do you think al franken should run again . Is she being unfairly maligned calling for his resignation . Oh, my gosh, i did not to be fair, hallie, i didnt know that was an issue. Youve just brought it up for the first time. It is. Kirstin gillibrand did an interview where she clapped back at george zoros who came out and said if hes so concerned im para phrasing about women and how they are being treated, thats his problem, not mine. Shes standing by calling for resignation of franken. As you know she was one of the first senators to do so. Shefls the first female senator, others followed within a matter of minutes. Now with al franken suggesting that perhaps he would want to get back into the political realm, it seems theres a real clash here between supporters of gillibrand and those who still back al franken. Do you think franken should run . As far as im concerned, the most important question in any one of these should run or shouldnt run questions is what do the voters think . I think if he does run, this will be a question where his behavior and his past is fully vetted and they put it up to the citizens of minnesota. To a very large extent, i think we should be asking the American People what they think instead of what a small number of people inside the party think. To me the question that the Democratic Party has to answer, how are we best going to represent the American People and let their voice be heard. So yes or no, tom, are you going to run . Do you want to . 2020, you havent ruled it out. Hallie, what i have said repeatedly is that im going to work fulltime as hard as i can through the election day to try to flip the house and take the biggest step forward for the Democratic Party as possible. Im going to be watching to see if people are telling the truth to the American People and thats going to be a big defining point about what the right thing to do is after this election. Tom steyer come back and talk to us about it, okay . I will hallie, thank you very much. Thank you, appreciate it from new orleans. The tennis court and 15,000 os strich jacket, how prosecutors wants to talk about a bigger issue, how he paid for it all and might be part af bigger crackdown. Is it possible Paul Manafort might actually help drain the swamp . You may have overactive bladder, or oab. Ohhhh. Enough already we need to see a doctor. Ask your doctor about myrbetriq® mirabegron . It treats oab symptoms of urgency, frequency, and leakage. Its the first and only Oab Treatment in its class. Myrbetriq may increase blood pressure. Tell your doctor right away if you have trouble emptying your bladder or have a weak urine stream. Myrbetriq may cause serious allergic reactions. Like swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, or trouble breathing. If experienced, stop taking and tell your doctor right away. Myrbetriq may interact with other medicines. Tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems. 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Phone Ringing get details on this State Program call or visit back now with a look at your mornings headlines and we start at the vatican where a few minutes ago, not too long ago, pope francis changed the teaching of the Roman Catholic church about the Death Penalty before the churchs substance was to to allow Capital Punishment and the pope is rejecting that, calling the Death Penalty an inadmissible attack on human dignity. In honolulu, a solemn Reoperate Yags ceremony for the remains of 55 servicemen killed in the korean war. Vice president pence thanking north Korean Leader kim jongun for fulfilling the promise to return the remains, what are believed to be those american troops. Nearly 8,000 u. S. Service members are still listed as unaccounted for from the war six decades ago and it kolz as this morning were learning that President Trump received a letter from kim jongun yesterday according to the white house, agreeing to continue the conversations that they started in singapore. And the president s daughter, ivanka trump, special Assistant To The President is talking in an ixios event and sharing her view about the administrations policy that ended in the separation of might go migrant kids from their parents at the border. Listen. That was a low point for me as well. I feel very strongly about that. And i am very vehemently against family separation. Still a question of what she conveyed privately to her father on that. And another break from her dad, despite what he says, ivanka trump does not think the media is the enemy of the people. All right. Prosecutors in the trial of Paul Manafort are opening up their Evidence Files and giving us a glimpse into his closet. His taste for The Good Life like the many fancy suit jackets, paid Hundreds And Thousands of dollars for. Thats a lot of suit jackets, including one made from an os trich. Theres also the plan for a 45,000 renovation to manaforts property in the ham p tons and plans for another new construction in east hampton, pool house, pond all included. You might be thinking who cares how manafort spends his money. What does that have to do with anything . Turns out those are key questions for prosecutors inside that courtroom right now on day three of this trial because its how manafort paid for all of that stuff thats gotten him here. Bank fraud and failing to report foreign bank accounts. That brings us to pages and pages of wire transfers included in the evidence brought by the prosecutors because he paid for the suit and mercedes not with a credit card, not with a check, but allegedly with wire transfers out of foreign bank accounts. Ken delain yan, it has been a fairly newsy first hour of the trial today. We have learn who prosecutors want to see on the stand, right . Reporter absolutely. Hallie. Yesterday the news was that a prosecutor said rick gates, the right hand man presumed to be start witness, might not testify after all. Today the prosecution walked that back and told the judge they have every intention to call gates as a witness. They certainly are trying to tailor their case to rebut the Defense Claim that this was all rick gates fault and he handled the finances and if any illegality happened it was his fault. We also had news on question of how much the jury can be shown photos of manaforts lavish spending. Overnight at about 2 00 in the morning showing how hard the mueller team is working, they filed a brief arguing the judge had been improperly excluding this evidence, including you showed photos there, but there are other more detailed photos of closets full of suit. He spent a Million Dollars on cost om suits and 3 million on regular Vags Renovations in the hamptons homes. Judge excluded them and prosecution said he was wrong. This morning judge Ellis Rebutted that and said were not going to show these pictures, It Besomewhere Muches the defendant and were not going to do it. The last most recent witness said that manafort spend 2. 2 million over four years on television a. V. Internet services at his various homes in palm beach and hamptons and new york, 2. 2 million, most transferred from kbroefr sovers. Is part of the argument not showing morge of the pictures t keep this case moving . Hes sort of known as the Rocket Docket, to keep the pace up . Reporter no, thats two issues. This whole district in alexandria known as the Rocket Docket and ellis is pushing them to keep the case moving. In this case ellis thinks its a matter of fairness, the manaforts not on trial for being rich. Putting a pin on that one. Appreciate it. Joining us, katie benner at the new york times. Katie, you have a piece out today looking at the broader effects basically of muellers digging and visibility of the Manafort Trial, telling you and your colleague lon byibbyists a hunting for advice, saying the phone rings much more often with this question than it did two years ago. So in a weird way, katie is the Manafort Trial kind of draining the swamp . Its so interesting, one of muellers legacies is going to be that he and perhaps not the president is the one who started to drain the swamp. Hes uncovered a vast amount of money coming from Foreign Governments into washington, d. C. To try to influence u. S. Politicians. I want to bring in anna palmer on this who i know has some thoughts. Yeah, i think that what hes done is showing what happens in the influence industry. What i would bet if this actually will increase the cost and price that lobbiests able to charge why . Xbl im going to work for this rogue government, ill do it but the Cost Benefit Analysis is im going to potentially be in the news. You have lawyers looking into this now, much more. The retainers will go higher and people will not stop countries are not going to stop saying we dont want to influence the u. S. Government anymore. Katie, the atlantic makes this point too, saying the trial of paul nan ma fomanafort, is a not to be ignored and occasion for the United States to awaken from its collective slumber about the creeping dangers. What do you make of that . Well, certainly i think the Justice Department would agree recent speeches from officials and recent cyber intelligence report they just put out, its clear they feel that part of the Counterintelligence Mission now includes looking at influence. We used to think of counterintelligence as cracking down on spies and trying to find people stealing secrets and now the Justice Department and other parts of the Intelligence Community have made clear this also includes finding people running Influence Campaigns in the United States. Some of which as we saw with the election have been designed under mine u. S. Democracy. What are people missing about the trial thats not at the tip of the tongue when it comes to this conversation . What do folks need to know that they dont already . Im sorry, i didnt hear, is this for me . Yes, katie, go for it. Sorry, my mike cut out. I think a couple of things people should know, this is a broad look by the government. Its not just looking at foreign lobbyists but people who would be considered foreign agents. It is looking at people who have come into the United States and working on behalf of a Foreign Government for what the u. S. Department of justice would consider a political end and also one thing to know is that in the senate right now, there are bills floating around that could give the Justice Department more strength, more teeth when it comes to cracking down on some of these violations. And that right now, that legislation is dead in the water. So well see what happens there given the fact that russian influence and foreign influence is being considered more of a threat. Katie benner, i appreciate it. Coming up, millions of people in almost every state all across the country are feeling the brunt of a major cyber attack. How hackers from overseas got a hold of Credit Card Numbers and why the breaches are getting more sophisticated. Two of the people who head this investigation, one of the biggest at the fbi joining us coming up. Its the Ford Summer Sales event and now is the best time to buy. Man on tablet preparing classic campfire trout. Say what . Trout. Trout. Alright. You dont think i need both . Why does he have that axe . Make summer go right with ford, americas bestselling brand. Now get 0 financing for 72 months plus 1,000 Ford Credit Bonus cash on a great selection of suvs. During the Ford Summer Sales event, get our best offer of the season 0 financing for 72 months plus 1,000 Ford Credit Bonus cash. The machines when youre buying food or checking out or whatever. The u. S. Attorney in seattle had this to say about how the huge case fits into a bigger landscape, one we have been talking about all weekend long when it comes to Cyber Attacks and Cyber Hacking. Obviously we have much else in the news and cyber arena. What youre hearing about today is something that effects people day in and day out as they go about their daily business. That kind of impact is the sort of impact wrer most concerned about because its so corrosive. The u. S. Attorney for the Western District of washington annet Annette Hayes and jay tap jr. , special agent in charge of the seattle division. Annette, let me pick up on something we just heard you talk about, the idea that we discuss Cyber Hacking on this broad level all the time, particularly in the realm of politics as it relates to the attacks on election security. But this is something that affects people potentially every day, right . Thats exactly right. Hallie, we very much appreciate your talking about this issue. We in Law Enforcement want to address it and want to make sure that the folks who are behind this kind of conduct that we hold them accountable and what we talked about yesterday was doing just that. We hear about facebook and foreign Influence Campaigns but your argument is youre actually more concerned with stuff like this, right . Why, annette . It all matters but when weve got folks who are far away and who think they can hide behind their key boards and hurt folks here in the United States and cause us not to trust the systems we use, thats a problem and we in Law Enforcement of very focused on addressing that issue. Jay, lets talk tactics here, Spear Fishing is something i work for a Corporate Company and get the Spear Fishing warnings, dont open this or click on that link. Was the technology particularly sophisticated or new or different or another example of what weve seen before . Hallie, good morning, thank you for having us. It is pretty sophisticated in the way they did it. Thy would target a restaurant or a hotel chain, a specific like a Catering Department or reservations and send an attachment that would say Catering Request. And they would call the employee and ask them to open the Catering Request word document and that would allow them to install the malware on the Computer Systems and then from there that malwaxt are difficult to detect and circumvent Security Systems and extri indicate numbers. Did companies have adequate defenses in place. We talk about the ways to secure Election Infrastructure in the world of politics, but what about Business Networks and the stuff people around the country are using every day . Im told that the key vulnerability here is the point of Sale Transaction computer equipment and software. This is actually a very difficult malware to detect. Many have fire walls and systems that will eventually detect this malware, the problem this group, they altered this malware over time to make it less detectible. A lot of companies fell victim to this. In fact, in the neighborhood of 120 companies. Its a huge breach. It was a big bust for the both of you and annette, how much more is out there . What do we know about the breadth or depth of this organization. What else is there . Its an ongoing investigation. Were determined to find all of those who are responsible and bring them to justice and that means ongoing work, fbi, my office together working All Around The World with our counterparts everywhere to make sure we find these folks and ensure that they cant continue to take advantage of our systems. We thank you both for your hard work you do every day and Annette Hayes and jay tap jr. , thanks for being on the show. The president putting in mileage for the gop on the Campaign Trail but slamming one of the biggest donors in the meantime. What is up with the mixed messaging . Could the president s fuel with charles cook actually hurt republicans in november . We have much midterm madness coming up in three minutes. S ben youre needed most. Hes the one. vo love is knowing. It was meant to be. 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Donald trump took that personally and is out tweeting again. This could be potentially problematic for republicans, right . Of course, because there is no real separation between what trump is doing in the party. You have those inside the party like the Koch Brothers who are like we need to be talking about the substance of policy. We need to be focussed on how we grow out the party. Theyre going to do the candidates and have fun. Why, if youre donald trump should you look at that and find it compelling when youve ignored it why should you find what compelling . Because theyve been in play long before donald trump has been in play. Donald trump is new to this game. Koch brothers have been on the ground since the 2010 elections. They have had the effort already in place working with the national party, working with state parties, working with satellite. I guess my question is youre donald trump, you came in and won this election, without any of that. And now you think you can go and help people without any of that too. He was proven right once before. Donald trump winning primaries is not him winning general elections. Can we stay focussed on what the game is. The game is who is finish the get across the finish line with a within in november to hold the house. Right now donald trump is losing that battle. I dont think he much cares that hes losing that battle but he is. I like that youre yelling at me about it. Im yelling at him about it because were in a very stupid place we dont have to be here. We built this over the last six or seven years. It took a lot to take the house in 2010 and clearly it doesnt take much to lose it in 2018. Youre freaked out about it. Im no the freaked out about it because im in the chairman. What do you make of this. The chairman is going to have to address that, no the me. In the Republican Party you have the base almost completely united behind the president. In a lot of cases no the questioning many things he does even when they dont necessarily like them. Then you have the establishment who has been very cautious about dealing with trump, warmed to him over the last 18 months or so. But groups like this, the Koch Brothers have lined up behind republicans in recent years but also a libertarian leading organization. They dont have the loyalty. They are looking out for their causes. Its not necessarily to the Republican Party. So if the Republican Party is going to go in this direction they dont like, this he have enough power where they can try to bring it back. Were learning now from one of our reporters, according these closed doors sessions, they will now back americans for prosperitys tim phillips, back nor gop candidates in West Virginia than previously thought. The kochs are getting a lot of credit. Its not as if theyre saying were going to put a bunch of money towards democrats. I think this kind of Media Fire Storm is really overblown. Lets talk about something not overblown based on your reporting. Anas been working on stories relating to whats happening in next tuesdays special election. What is going down in ohio. Michael, i want you on this too. They show a dead heat. Mike pence was out monday, the president adding things this weekend for him. Is the trump factor going to be the magic touch here . They hope it is but i think the numbers belie that particular point now. Again, a poll a week out from a primary especially election is one thing. Well see how it plays out ultimately, but its a chilling moment for the party in that regard. Okay. Its ohio. Its ohio. We typically do well. Its always a pleasure to have you on. Thank you. Down the hall. Thanks for popping over. You guys hang out. Coming up after the break. We will also talk about the big picture. I was just finishing a ride. I felt this awful pain in my chest. I had a Pe Blood Clot in my lung. 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Do not take xarelto® if you have an Artificial Heart Valve or abnormal bleeding. Before starting, tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. Learn all you can. To help protect yourself from another dvt or pe. Talk to your doctor about xarelto®. Booking a flight doesnt have to be expensive. Just go to priceline. Its the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40 . Just tap and go. For the best savings on flights, go to priceline. New laptop with 24 7 tech support. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes start them off right. With the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Save 200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. Ann we are back with the Washington Post aaron blake and politicos anna. I want to start with you anna. Your sources are talking about what we were. Ohio especially election. We reported today youre going to see money coming on the republican side. My sources are saying look for democrats to also increase spending. 35 years this seat in rplus 7 has been in republican hands. It kind of escaped notice earlier in week when it was reported that Robert Mueller the Special Counsel has referred to the cases about these potential violations, foreign lobbying from tony podesta, others, referred them to the Southern District of new york just like Michael Cohen of course. My sources tell me this is a reflection of the fact mueller is very much focussed on people who are related to the russian investigation. Now, of course, thats not terribly surprising but i think it does counter what the president is saying, what his allies are saying, which is that the manafort case has nothing to do with russia. Were just focussed on bringing down a guy because he was involved with trump. I think this is a very good signal mueller still views this as a potentially significant case, even though this has to do with things that happened before the campaign and before 2016. Thank you guys for coming on. See you next week. Were going to wrap up as always with todays big picture, its from england. A little girl holding a frog. Why . Super cute picture. Its not just any frog. That is a new species of frog

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