Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Hallie Jackson 201807

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Hallie Jackson 20180731 14:00:00

Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories.
seated, the judge will give fairly long explanation.on. >> reporter: after the jury is seated, the judge will give fairly long explanation. we're not going to hear opening statements today. it's possible we could hear them tomorrow or thursday. >> got it. pete williams. thank you very much. let me bring in national political reporter for the washington post and msnbc political analyst. two msnbc contributors. charlie savage. let me go over briefly this reminder about paul manafort and why the special counsel is interested in him. starts with donald trump. he hired paul manafort to run his presidential campaign in march 2016. prior to his work on the trump campaign, manafort did political work overseas. some for the pro-russian
highlights which as you indicated, rick gates, all eyes will be on him. he was the right hand man to manafort. what he'll have to do in order to fulfill his cooperation agreement, for the government to file that sentencing letter to his judge to say give him a below guideline sentence is provi provide information for the prosecution. there are no leaks coming out of special counsel ice offic's off. we don't know what gates will say and it could blow this thing wild open. >> here is what he had to say. >> when you're a prosecutor, we used to say all the time, if you're going to try to kill the king, make sure he's dead. the fact is, this case is going to be very important to establish credibility for bob mueller. if he were to lose this case, it
would be extraordinary -- it looks like a pretty strong case. >> bob, do you think that chris christie is given us a window of president trump's friends and allies? >> reporter: in a sense he has. that line comes from one of my favorite tv shows, "the wire." if you come at the king, you better not mess. what's going to be so vealing about this trial, yes, it's about document, manafort's finances. what does manafort's finances tell us about his conduct during the 2016 presidential campaign. what kind of financial pressure was he under and what kind of actions did he tyake with forein officials, with foreign bankers during the time he was working on a federal campaign. >> what do you make of that, the idea of pressure that paul manafort might have been under there? >> a lot of people are bringing up the fact there's to cooperation, why hasn't he
cooperated yet? i think the key to remember is the government doesn't always offer plea deals. they don't always want to cooperate with people that they are prosecuting. they may have everything they need in form of cooperation of rick gates, we have no idea what they are going to say in terms of evidence they have. everybody is wondering what does manafort have against the president? >> there are advantages to deal or not deal. you could avoid jail time. maybe manafort think i might be acquitted. he thinks maybe i could get a pardon from donald trump. something one of his advisors said hasn't been talked about. it's possible manafort hasn't been offered this thing in the first place. >> the pardon theory is out there for a reason. president trump went on a pardon spree with scooter libby and
jack johnson. he used that key piece of information in that word when he described the treatment of manafort by the special counsel's office, unfair. that's what he said before he pardoned everybody that he did. he said they were treated unfairly. that could be a code word to give a wink and a nod to say stick it out because after this is over, i'm going to give you a por d pardon. >> there's the evolving time line of what president trump said about paul manafort. he was brought in to help the trump campaign when it seemed like they were going to face some challenges internally. let's take a trip down memory lane. >> i brought paul in because a very, very smart friend of mine who knew him well said he's fantastic. he's someone political. >> paul manafort, who is a good
man, was replaced long before the election took place. he was only there for a short period of time. >> he was with the campaign for a short period of time. i've always known him to be a good plan. >> he's a nice guy. he worked for me a short period of time. literally for like a couple of months. >> it's like manafort has nothing to do with our campaign. >> bob, i asked sarah sanders at the last briefing if there was a message to paul manafort, she said not that she's aware of. >> i think back to our time back in cleveland. you were taking out rich gates and paul manafort talking to them all the time. we were trying to get quotes. paul manafort, rick gates were at the head of the republican party, at the head of the trump campaign. you could argue that manafort wasn't a formally the campaign chairman for his entire time working for then candidate trump but he came in pretty early in
the spring and summer working on the delegate count and elevated to the higher role once lew lewindowski left. you can't take away the fact that manafort cultivated an brought president trump over the line at that republican national convention. all the delegates built a relationships that were necessary for that nomination to happen. >> bob you're jogging my nerm m of me and you chasing down rick gates. >> that should be on an msnbc commercial. >> some things are better off camera. while we don't expect witnesses to say the word russia or say the world donald trump because this is for things unrelated that happened before manafort's work at the campaign, there
could be some serious implications like if he's found guilty. it could embolden the special counsel investigation. it could let mueller squeeze manafort. allow him to gain cooperation for other defendants. not guilty could undermine the credibility the special counsel investigation. i might give president trump some anti-talking points and open the door to let gop supporters soften support of the investigation. >> the president is looking at mv manafort's trial and looking to see how far this goes. if he's found guilty, he's facing hundreds of years in prison. >> you have what the president's attorneys have said this morning and over the last 18, 24 hours on this. >> i've never been one to give dates on when this thing wraps up but i'll say it needs to wrap up for the good of the country. >> he has no information incriminating of the president. i know that for fact.
they can squeeze him. paul manafort does not know anything nor could it be possible he did. >> i don't know anyone will take rudy giuliani's word for it especially him in particular after all the things he said that turned out to be walked back. >> like this meeting before the meeting that turns out to have been something that was leaking. >> absolutely nothing. i agree with everyone that this will be a weird trial. if russia is hanging underspoken over it. is he going to crack before the jury goes into the jury room, strike a deal or not. if he is acquitted through some terms of events i'm sure trump will say he's been vindicated about russia even though it has nothing to do with russia. >> there's this concern to shift this strategy from know collusion to no collusion but even if there were collusion it's not really a crime. explain. conspiracy is the crime here. bob, the president tweeted exactly that message this morning.
seeming to get behind where his legal team is going with this. saying solution is not a crime but it doesn't matter because i didn't do it. >> that's right. the question is, is collusion a crime? as we have been saying all along, the word collusion does not appear in the united states code. a conspiracy to defraud the united states of a free and fair election is a crime that can be charged. a conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws is a crime that can be charged and a conspiracy to violate anti-hacking laws that can be charged. we have seen robert mueller charge many of these crimes in those two bob shell indictments. it's disingeneralous on the part of rudy giuliani to keep hitting hard on this. >> bob. >> the trump legal team is watching mueller move slowly but
very much moving forward on all these indictments of the russian who is are meddling. they are wonder where does donald trump junior fit in this whole mueller investigation. if the russians are getting indicted for facebook activity, what would happen to donald trump junior if he's under intense legal scrutiny. >> we're going to talk about that specific topic later in the show. thank you. we have mump more to come including what's happening overseas where two foreign policy hot spots are taking center stage. the new signs north korea might be ramp up missile production.
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about president trump's condition of meeting with them any time they want. courtney, let me start with you. you made waves just last month report on something similar. can you talk through this latest sat lellite image? >> north korea was not only continuing to produce fuel for nuclear weapons but upping its production and there was one facility that they were hiding from the united states. they weren't even acknowledging that now u.s. intelligence knew existed. they were going to continue to try and hide the presence of that facility going forward in these diplomatic talks. that comes several weeks later and now the washington post is reporting that north korea has been continuing to produce one or maybe even two
intercontinental ballistic missiles. this shouldn't be a big surprise. when we look back to the singapore summit, while there wasn't much of an agreement made, they were talking specifically about denucle denuclearizati denuclearization. when talking about missile production, that's different. also you know with last time they tested a missile was in november of 2017. there are a lot of analysts who thought when we went into this lull of no launches and no testing when they had been testing about one a month, there were a lot of people who thought north korea plooefs they have hit a faze where they can begin to produce. they call it production phase where they can produce more and more missiles because they have achieved the milestones that they need. it shouldn't be a surprise they
may have been in a production phase during all this time. >> i want to go to the white house. peter, trump administration can't be happy if this is true. any response from them so far? >> reporter: there is some response but it's what you expect. we reached out to multiple officials at the white house. they say we do not response on intelligence. mike pompeo was testifying before a senate committee saying we have not been taken for a ride but conceding that its program is still active. this is critical for this president and his credibility on this issue. we heard from his repeatedly after that summit saying that north korea is no longer a nuclear threat. a lot of independent experts are challenging that assessment by the president.
he's back at it trying to bludgeon his critics that they haven't launch any robert tests in the last nine months and asia is on board with this until thispointhis point. >> thank you very much. happy belated birthday. i want you to stick around because i want to talk about this other headline that relates to iran. we were at that news conference when the president asked about a reporter which was a topic that's not come up during the news conference. the president said this. it dropped jaws in the room and outside. >> i would meet with iran if they wanted to meet. i don't know they are ready yet. they're having a hard time. if they want to meet, i'll meet. any time they want. any time they want. it's good for the country. good for them. good for us and good for the world. no pro h-conditions. >> then secretary of state mike
pompeo went on tv. >> reporter: you're right. going on tv saying something that was a pretty strong contrast from the words from the president. you had the president early in the day saying no pre-conditions high pressu . here is his secretary of state with pre-conditions. >> the president want to meet with folks. if they demonstrate they want to make changes in how they treat their people, reduce their malign behavior and agree it's worthwhile to enter an agreement that prevents proliferation then the president is prepared to sit down and have a conversation with them. >> reporter: also hearing from the national security counsel at the white house trying to bolster that statement and clarify what the president said about no pro-conditions, the nsc saying the u.s. is not going to lift any sanctions, wouldn't reestablish ties until there are tangible and demonstrated
sustained efforts or changes in tehran's policies going forward. i think an important note because tehran is saying we're not going to engage on this to this point so far. what worked with north korea and gave the new credibility to kim jong-un may not work with iran. there's different domestic politics at play for kim jong-un. it only bolsters his credibility at home. the antagonizing of iran by the u.s. president only makes the regime in iran look stronger. >> let me start with this idea of what peter just laid out. no pre-conditions and then secretary pompeo goes and literally lists conditions. rattles off this list. fundamental changes on human rights. reducing maligned behavior in
iraq and syria. entering oo nua nuclear agreeme. >> the reporter sort of teased this out of president. this was extemporaneous on side. pompeo is stepping back and saying there's no pre-conditions. i don't think he has any intention to do this with the president. he doesn't have in gain of prestige that would come for a meeting like that that kim jong-un got. i don't think he has an incentury tiinse incentive to do it. we pulled out the agreement. he's tistill in it. why would he do this? >> you sort of get to this point in the piece that you wrote, the u.s. administration policy looks destined to go in circles.
the agreement was perfect. it was the policy equivalent of making lemonade out of let me nons. the trump administration has turned that let monlemonade bac lemons. >> we had an agreement. it could have kept iran for having a nuclear weapon for 15 years and probably after. that's a long story. by pulling out of that agreement, what trump has done is put himself in a cul-de-sac. he's got three options here. he can try and renegotiate the agreement. the iranians won't do it. he can consider military action. he's already tried to get out of syria. he's tried to get out of haf afghanistan. iran has a pretty strong military. he could try regime change but that hasn't worked out well for the united states. i don't think they have a plan. when you push the iranians, it tends to drive them together. it strengthens if hard liners
and so forth. that's why it's going in circles. >> you say driving in a cul-de-sac. >> this idea of a meeting could be trump's way out of it. >> president obama was blasted by republicans for showing a willingness to talk to iran back in the day. the two never met but they did talk on phone. that was the highest level of contact between three decades. different time. >> different time and different republican party and different president and as we see in many other arenas, the republican party doesn't agree with mump. >> is the president seeming willing to talk to leetderaders have been add ver sed veadversa.
>> i think it's a good idea to t talk to these people if you know what you want. i don't think the president prepares for these things. >> thaurnk you so much. senator chuck schumer are on the senate floor now. you see him on the left side. they are making a big push to ban 3-d printed guns. you may have heard about that this morning because the president is throei ithrowing o opinion. he said i'm looking into these 39d plastic guns being sold to the public. i already spoke to the nra the doesn't seem to make much sense the public. i already spoke to the nra the doesn't seem to make much senseo the public. i already spoke to the nra the doesn't seem to make much sense to the public. i already spoke to the nra the doesn't seem to make much sense the public. i already spoke to the nra the doesn't seem to make much sense.
plans for these guns are already on the internet mp t. tom, i watch with interest as reported on the today show. now the president is tweeting about it. there's a big push on the hill from democrats now. walk us through these moving pieces. >> reporter: they can accurately manufacture ghost guns. they are fully functioning weapons. not registered or traceable. because they are made of plastic, they could slip through security check points at airport, prisons, even capitol hill. >> welcome to the age of printed magazine. >> reporter: 30-year-old cody wilson is the face of gun movement. >> gun control is undead. >> reporter: the obama a administration took wilson to court. cody wilson insisted he has a first amendment right to pub lu lish and they were online any
way. >> you have the right to make them.any way. >> you have the right to make them.d they were online any way. >> you have the right to make them. >> this changes the safety of americans forever if this is allowed to happen. >> reporter: plastic guns, he fears, will bring even more gun violence to a country already reeling. >> someone could walk in with a gun and wow won't know it. airplanes. you'll be flying with someone with a gun and you won't know it. courthouse, someone with a gun and you won't know it. that's the risk. >> reporter: interesting that the president this morning said that he has already spoken to the nra and that it doesn't make mump sense. it was his own administration that dropped the fight against these 3-d guns. not clear why he felt the need to call the nra as opposed to his own state department to try to figure out how to come to an end to this. it was ornliginally the state department that tried to ban this. >> this is something that over
on the hill where we're sitting democrats are already seizing on. chuck schumer asking why even get in touch with nra on this. >> there is the overall arching argument is this is a first amendment issue, not necessarily a second amendment. in other words, you can't stop somebody from printing or saying anything on the internet so why stop them from printing or offering instructions on how to make guns using these 3-d printers. it's really a clash of the amendments. the first amendment, the second amendment and these gun advocates would argue both amendments are arguing in favor right now. >> thank you very much for bringing this story. appreciate it. nc coming up, another tax cut on the table but this time the white house is not waiting to get the go ahead for congress. why this break could be a big win for the top 1% and how the move might put the treasury
department on shaky legal ground. i'm alex trebek here to tell you
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outrage. jim, can you explain some nuts and bolts. what is it? who would it impact and how would they do it? >> it's called indexing capital gains for inflation. it's fancy way of trying to say the government will take inflation out of equation when it calculates taxes on an asset being sold. if right now you buy a stock for $10. say you bought it in 1980 and set it for $100, you pay tax on the $90 difference. in 1980, actually $10 is worth $30 today. if they make this change then the gains are indexed and now it's only a $70 difference, not a $90 difference. your tax bill goes down because you're paying taxes on less of a profit.
>> this mostly benefits rich people, seems to be the bottom line? >> absolutely. rich people are the ones who do most capital gain sales and pay the most capital gains taxes. like two-thirds would go to the top 0.1% of income earners. >> could this face a legal challenge given the treasury department would be going around congress here? >> it could. the george h.w. bush administration looked at this and concluded they did not have the power to do it. treasury would have to do is issue a regulation redefining the word cost for tax purposes. the former bush administration said we can't do that. there have been conservative legal opinions since then to say we think this can be done. every other administration has rejected the idea. >> where is this going in congress? chuck schumer is real ticked off
about it as he made real clear. it's not like they can't do much to stop it. >> they can't do much to stop it. it sounds like they can do this and get tied up in courts. the immediate impact of this will be people say that the economy will be happy about this. this is going to spur spending and spur sales. this is the trump administration coming off of really bragging about the growth. it goes to this idea they are helping the economy. when it comes to midterms, whether or not republicans will have to answer why they gave another tax cut to the rich is the big question. >> it's how it looks from the trump administration. >> how it looks politically and legally. the president trump administration has been pushing an anti-regulatory agenda. its selection of justice gorsich and probably future justice cavanaugh based on the idea we have to have less power to
regulatory agencies. if they re-interpret this in a way previous administrations said they couldn't, it could cut against the argument about what the court should be doing, the attempts to curb their power. it show it was an out come based theme where they came up with rationals they didn't believe when they wanted to do something different. >> is this something the information is floating, trial balloon might burst? how close to becoming a reality? seems like they could still pull back on this? >> they could. the advocates are more excited than they've been about more excited by the day. they think it's real possibility. >> pleasure to have you on the show. stand by. a u.s. senator targeted in a plot to get lawmakers to give up inside information on russia. that's what we're talking about next as this comes less than 100
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mpblt in ju . in just a few minutes from now, they will be speaking at a cyber security summit. it comes days after nbc news reported there's no coherent, cohesive administration strategy to fight election hacking. joining me here onset is democratic senator who is a member of intelligence committee. great to have you onset. this story is sort of bizarre. somebody impersonating a government official trying to set up a phone call with talk about anti-russian sanctions. first you had somebody trying to
mess with senator haskell. >> people should know this happens all the time. i've been targeted. my kids remails have been targeted. >> related to russia in. >> you don't know who it is. >> are you concerned any of those instances may have been related to russian government? >> you can't be shocked. anyone who sits on any of the intelligence economies, any of the armed services econocommitti serve on both, have to assume they are a target. >> do you feel like the government is doing enough to protect you? >> i think i have a number of tools that we deploy on a regular basis to make sure that we do the best we can. we also have recognize that the russians are really serious about this. not just about hacking but the thing that worries even more is what we have learned as a committee about their ongoing
efforts in warfare. to divide this country and be engaging in united states on all sorts of platforms from pokemon go to facebook. >> russia is very active. they will continue to be active. we have seen meddling in the lek elections, our control systems and routers. china has a long view. they are looking to understand our government. understand who is who, get access. >> others have launched their cyber security initiatives. >> we kind of needed this two years oog. >> too little too late.
i'm glad they are focusing on this but it's been halfhearted. this is a very skichizophrenic administration when it comes to dealing with cyber security. i think we should be pro-actively working with our colleagues. that's highly bipartisan. it has really good folks working together. we need leadership like mitch mcconnell to put that stuff on the floor so that we can do something about it. >> you've got a hearing tomorrow related to social media. you mention companies that have a responsibility to be better. >> i think all of our online companies, any platform whether it is a online video game that pulls people from different parts of the country and around the world to all the big social media companies to search engine
have a responsibility know there's an active information warfare campaign by the russians that seek to divide americans. they have to be aware of that and helpgot, in addition to tomorrow's hearing, a pretty high profile one to happen in september. can you confirm that sheryl sandberg and jack dorsey will be there? >> i cannot confirm that because i can't speak on behalf of the intelligence committee. i hope they will be there. >> what's your biggest question for them? >> i want them to come clean about what they knew and when they knew it so we can start to have a conversation about what the risks are and how people should respond to those risks. >> i have a couple more on the intel committee piece. you said at the top of the interview you had these attempts on your own office, on your accounts. and that it shouldn't be shocking. shouldn't it be shocking that the foreign governments are trying to mess with you? >> i think people should be aware of this because it's a very real risk. it's a real risk for somebody in
a public space, but also an enormous risk for our utilities, a risk for anyone whose online information is in someone's database that they use for online shopping. all of these things are at riv when you have an international actor with the kind of heft that russia has, willing to use those tools. >> have any of the attacks on you personally been successful to your knowledge. >> not to me knowledge. >> what have you done in order to make sure it doesn't happen again? >> i would encourage people to go online and do research about basic hygiene. >> the basics of good internet hygie hygiene. >> that's the foundation, but there's more you can do. >> we're talking about your role on a number of committees including the senate intel committee. there was a question that rudy giuliani raised about the meeting before the meeting at trump tower with russians involving donald trump jr. giuliani then seemed to knock it down later in the day on fox news. a confusing situation. do you believe don jr. needs to come back in front of your committee to answer more
questions about it? >> absolutely. i would love to see don jr. come back. until recently, we were hopeful mr. cohen could come in front of our committee. >> do you believe that won't happen? >> i think given the current state of play, it will be very difficult to make him do that, especially given the amount of cooperation that seems to be going on with the special counsel. >> have you been told by michael cohen's team that he will not come in front of the committee? >> i have not been told that. >> has the committee reached out to don jr.? >> you would have to ask the chair. >> before i let you go, there's been this discussion, this seeming legal strategy that the president has coalesced around to say the president didn't collude, but even if he did, it doesn't matter because it's not a crime. does that strategy hold any water? >> none. >> why not? >> if there was collusion, there are huge implications and questions about legality. >> when you say collusion, you mean conspiracy? >> exactly. if this president was actively engaged with a foreign power to manipulate an election, that's
beyond a crime. so we need to find out what exactly happened here. and mr. giuliani needs to be a little more transparent with the american people. >> excuse me. senator hinrich, thank you for coming on set, talking through all of this with us. i appreciate it. we'll be right back. by the way, with today's big picture. before we do, keep in mind, senator shaheen, who we were just discussing, will be on andrea mitchell today. andrea mitchell reports, noon eastern, 9:00 pacific. don't miss that. we'll be back. i tried cold turkey, i tried the patch. they didn't work for me. i didn't think anything was going to work for me until i tried chantix. chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. i needed that to quit. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix.
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we are back to wrap up here with more on what our sources are telling us. charlie, let me start with you. any story you have been working on, what are your sources saying? >> earlier this month, i went to syria to go into the kurds prisons where they're holding over 1,000 isis fighters. and those countries are not taking their citizens back. my sources are telling me the reason is that they're afraid under their legal systems either they would not be able to successfully prosecute them or they might only get a couple years and then be out on the treat. they're letting the kurds keep holding the people, but they can't hold them forever. it's a mess, unsustainable and, 17 years after 9/11, the west has not figured out what to do. >> what's the most likely solution? >> we'll see what happens. if the kurds can hold on to their own territory, maybe they can hold those people for long time, but the civil war keeps going, turkey could crush them, the assad regime could crush them. maybe they escape, maybe they
get murdered. >> you have been focusing more on domestic politics. what are your sources telling you? >> people are looking about diversifying not only the people, but the candidates. a lot of tom about how many african-american women and men are running, but there's this idea that now there need to be training for all the people, even if you're running essentially a white candidate or hispanic candidate, because if you look on capitol hill, there are a lot of people who see even in staffers who are not as diverse. even if you have a diverse candidate. >> do you think that will come to fruition prior to the midterms? >> source are indicating there's a lot of training right now and they're trying to push candidates to do that and they're working with the dccc and other democratic -- these are usually democrats doing this, working with the establishment to say these are the people you should be hiring and here are diverse people and not just look at the resumes and people from ivy leagues but also diverse candidates that might be from the ivy leagues but from
state schools too. >> hot fresh reporting from both of you. thank you for joining me on set. friends of the show. well rr see you soon. we want to end with today's big picture. we're heading out to california because you need to know that these huge fires are basically taking over that state. look at this. you're looking at one of cal fire's own tirelessly pulling a fire hose, trying to keep the flames from spreading. look at that. that guy is one of -- he's taking on one of 20 fires in the golden state right now. a special shout out to him, to the 12,000 firefighters who are going after these flames right now that have killed at least six people, destroyed hundreds of homes, thousands of acres. lots of people having to evacuate. the photographer here, hector, for the sacramento bee and the associated press. we would love to hear your thoughts on facebook, twitter, snapchat, and insta. i'll see you at the white house later. the president takes off for tampa. we'll be there on the south lawn to shout questions at him. ali velshi, stephanie ruhle. >> we'll keep a close eye on it

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Defendants , Door , Support , Supporters , Points , Morning , Mv Manafort , Prison , Hundreds , Attorneys , Guilty , 18 , 24 , Country , Good , Information Incriminating , Meeting , Anything , Anyone , Rudy Giuliani , Everyone , Concern , Deal , Events , Crime , Conspiracy , Strategy , Collusion , Matter , Question , Team , Solution , Campaign Finance Laws , United States Code , Crimes , Indictments , Laws , Many , Bob Shell , Part , Russians , Facebook , Meddling , Junior Fit , Whole Mueller Investigation , Show , Topic , Junior , Scrutiny , Foreign Policy , Spots , Signs , Ramp Up Missile Production , Center Stage , Indigestion , Heartburn , Stomach , Upset Stomach , Pepto , Diarrhea , Ultra Coating , Girl , Attention Homeowners , Sixty Two , Questions , Way , Reverse Mortgage , Retirement , Obligation , Rfree Information Kityour , Money , Experts , More , Reverse Mortgage Works , Magnifier , Ways , Plus , Led Light , Home , Benefits , Equity , Mortgage Payments , Cash , Yohome , Control , Condition , Courtney , North Korea , Weapons , Facility , Intelligence , Fuel , Production , Hiding , Lellite Image , Sat , Talks , Presence , Shouldn T , Agreement , Wasn T , Missiles , Surprise , Singapore Summit , Denucle Denuclearizati Denuclearization , Analysts , Missile , Missile Production , Launches , Lull , 2017 , November Of 2017 , Testing , It Production Phase , Hit A , Plooefs , Milestones , It Shouldn T , Administration , Response , White House , Production Phase , Peter , Committee , Mike Pompeo , Program , Senate , Ride , Issue , Summit , Threat , Assessment , Haven T , Critics , Tests , Thispointhis Point , Asia , Nine , Iran , News Conference , Headline , Birthday , Room , Jaws , Secretary Of State , Proh Conditions , Words , Contrast , Tv , Tv Saying , Changes , Folks , Pre Conditions , Xpressu , Behavior , Conversation , Statement , Security , Proliferation , Sanctions , Wouldn T , Ties , Pro Conditions , Nsc , Point , Efforts , Policies , Note , Tehran , Kim Jong Un May , Politics , Kim Jong Un , Play , Antagonizing , President , Regime , Conditions , Lists , List , Human Rights , Rattles , Syria , Entering Oo Nua Nuclear Agreeme , Iraq , Gain , Intention , Son Side , Prestige , Incentury Tiinse , Circles , Monlemonade , Making Lemonade , Policy Equivalent , Story , Weapon , Cul De Sac , 15 , Iranians , Options , Military Action , Haf Afghanistan , Three , Regime Change , Liners , Military , President Obama , Republicans , Contact , Level , Phone , Willingness , Arenas , Mump , Leetderaders , Add Ver , Sed Veadversa , Chuck Schumer , Floor , Side , Big Push To Ban 3 D , Guns , Throei Ithrowingo Opinion , 3 , 39 , Nra , Public , Internet , Interest , Plans , Tweeting , Mp , Democrats , The Today Show , Big Push On The Hill , Mt Tom , Plastic , Ghost Guns , Security Check Points , Pieces , Prisons , Airport , Capitol Hill , Traceable , Cody Wilson , Face , Age , Gun Control , Magazine , Gun Movement , 30 , Second Amendment , Pub Lu Lish , Safety , D , Gun Violence , Risk , Gun , Courthouse , Airplanes , Won T , Fight , It Doesnt Make Mump Sense , Ornliginally The State Department , State Department , End , Touch , On , The Hill , Somebody , Argument , Printing , Marching , Amendments , 3d Printers , Instructions , Clash , Favor , Gun Advocates , White House Planning N , Congress , Treasury , Break , Move , Table , Win , Coming Up , Nc , 1 , Department , Ground , Alex Trebek , Rate , Health Questions , Acceptance , Exam , Lifetime Rate Lock , Colonial Penn , 95 , 9 95 , Budget , Beneficiary Planner , Payment , Premium , Calling , Lit Impact , Bolts , Jim , Taxes , Inflation , Indexing Capital Gains , Stock , Asset , Equation , Difference , Gains , Tax , Change , 1980 , 0 , 10 , 100 , 00 , 90 , Tax Bill , Profit , 70 , Sales , Capital Gain , Capital Gains Taxes , Ones , Challenge , Income Earners , 0 1 , Power , Regulation , Tax Purposes , Cost , Bush , Georgehw , Opinions , Courts , Impact , Economy , Midterms , Rich , Big Question , Growth , Whether , Justice , Selection , Agenda , Gorsich , Cavanaugh , Administrations , Couldn T , Agencies , Attempts , Court , Theme , Doing , Rationals , Trial Balloon , Advocates , Reality , Lawmakers , Pleasure , Possibility , Plot , Stand By , Interference , Showing , Life , Concerns , Aging , B Vitamins , Multivitamins , Nutrients , Heart Health , 6 , Service , Mom , Advice , Exercise Rooms , Pet Care Services , Movie Theaters , Amenities , Swimming Pools , Bistros , Cafes , Numbers , Advisor , Look , Living , Family , Choice , Help , Stroke , Health , Strokes , Symptom , Heart Disease , Life Line Screening , Preventable , 149 , 149 Dollars , 80 , 4 , 5 , Number , Screenings , Cardiovascular Disease , Check Ups , Arteries , Ultrasound Technology , Plaque , 50 , Five , Package , Body , 49 , In My Life , Prevention , Stay , Make Overs , La Quinta , 150 , Seat Height , Bravo , Lq Com Mpblt , Ju , Nbc News , Election Hacking , Coherent , Cyber Security Summit , Senator , Intelligence Committee , Member , Bizarre , Talk , Government Official , Phone Call , Senator Haskell , Kids Remails , Instances , Tools , Both , Any , Economies , Armed Services , Target , Best , Basis , Hacking , Sorts , Warfare , Platforms , Pokemon Go To , Elections , Control Systems , Lek , China , Others , Cyber Security Initiatives , Routers , Who , Get Access , Long View , Foog , Cyber Security , Halfhearted , Colleagues , Big Social Media Companies To Search Engine , Hearing , Social Media , Mitch Mcconnell , Responsibility , Video Game , Parts , Platform , Information Warfare Campaign , Addition , Helpgot , Behalf , Profile , Sheryl Sandberg , Jack Dorsey , Risks , Top , Intel Committee Piece , Accounts , Interview , Governments , Database , Shopping , Utilities , Heft , Actor , A Public Space , Knowledge , Research , Has , Attacks , Hygie Hygiene , Committees , Hygiene , Basics , Intel Committee , Foundation , Front , Needs , Situation , Fox News , Trump Tower , Michael Cohen , Amount , Mr , State Of Play , Chair , Reached Out To Don Jr , Water , None , Didnt Collude , Discussion , Legality , Set , Senator Hinrich , Senator Shaheen , With Todays Big Picture , Miss , Andrea Mitchell Reports , Mind , Andrea Mitchell , Noon Eastern , Pacific , 9 , Stop Chantix , Smoking , Urge , Patch , Cold Turkey , Thoughts , Thinking , Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms , Aggression , Hostility , Agitation , Depressed Mood , Reactions , Heart , These , Side Effects , Blood Vessel Problems , Sleepwalking , Seizures , Skin , Mental Health Problems , Depression , Alcohol Use , Healthcare Provider , Side Effect , Caution , Operating , Machinery , Doctor , Basement Bathroom , Solitude , I Love You , Febreze Air Effects Doesn T , Mask , Away Odors , Sources , Charlie , Working On , Kurds Prisons , Countries , Citizens , Fighters , Systems , Isis , 1000 , Kurds , Treat , Mess , West , 9 11 , 17 , Assad Regime , Territory , Turkey , Going , Civil War , Candidates , Tom , Diversifying , Domestic Politics , Training , African American Women And Men Are Running , Hispanic , Source , Staffers , Dccc , Ivy Leagues , Establishment , Resumes , The Ivy Leagues , Fires , Reporting , State Schools , California , Big Picture , Well Rr , Destroyed Hundreds , State , Special , Fire Hose , Tirelessly , Cal Fire , 20 , Lots , Firefighters , Hector , Associated Press , Homes , Sacramento Bee , Six , 12000 , South Lawn , Eye , Stephanie Ruhle , Ali Velshi , Insta , Twitter , Snapchat , Tampa ,

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