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New fall out after laura england mocking the 17yearold calling for boycott. Some of them heeding hid call. Nbcs jeff bennet at the warehouse. Jeff, if you want to call it a bringmanship between the United States and russia. What is next . Good morning steve. U. S. Officials has hinted at a foreign explanations possibly at russia abroad. You have an ambassador to russia who says yesterday such a move would be possible. His intentions prompted russia to say any steps would be what they wall the gravest consequences for global stability. Russia has been on defensive since u. S. Government openfully blamed moscow for the poisoning of a runner spy and his daughter on british soil. Russia says its going to so, of course youve got this one for one reaction between the u. S. J russia. The u. S. Closing a consul lat and kicking out 60 diplomats who the u. S. Officials say were russian intelligent agents and russia if response kicking out 60 american diplomats. So that has russia at its lowest point since the cold war. Why do you think the relationship between our two countries has deteriorated to this point and what part of it . What responsibility is russia willing to take for that . First, i dont understand why russia should take any responsibility because u. S. When we advance it means we both party are responsible. It seems to me that atmosphere in washington is poisoned, is poisoned. Its a toxic atmosphere. To poise is an interesting choice of word by the russian ambassador. Heres where we are steve. Heightened attentions between the u. S. And russia while the u. S. Doesnt have a secretary of state in place. Pike pompeo, the president s pick to be the secretary of state, along with his choice of john bolten, our wellphone Foreign Policy talks, and donald trump sending conflicting messages about the u. S. Approach to putin. The president himself is staying silent. As we reported also telling his aids not to talk publicly will be russia polly sshs. Steve. Jeff thanks for that. Courtney standing by at the pent gone. Lets talk about that missile test over night. Vladimir putin says its a missile came out shot down. What do we know about the weaponry and timing of this . The u. S. Missile Defense System is built for a north korean threat so Vladimir Putin could be correct chd among the kind of missiles that russia has we dont know if theyre operational but weve seen that i have been in development for year and have tested two different variants. One is call a public missile. That shoots way up into the sky and coming back down. It flies very fast and lower towards the ground. U. S. Missile defenses just cannot counter that. Theres another type that seeps took what they tested over fight last fight is one that has multiple warheads. Once it comes back down into the atmosphere, before anything actually hits its target, numerous warheads come out that would require numerous u. S. Missile interaccepters, and systems to hit them back at the same time to stop them from targeting the United States. Were still working on some very specific details about exactly what it was that russia tested over night. But, if in fact it was something that hypersonic and had these missiles. Vladimir putin is right its sms the u. S. Officials cannot counter. And its whether russia gave the heads up or was there no heads up and maybe some other message intended here . So, iefr asked numerous u. S. Officials that same question and have not gotten an answer yes. Russia does have a treaty obligation to notify the United States before this kind of launch. In the past they have complied with that but in this case we dont yet know. The United States does tests too just earlier this week, a u. S. Submarine launched a couple of try dent missiles. They had no warheads on them but the u. S. Does test as well. As part of this treaty obligation the United States and russia are obligated to inform one another. As soon as i know whether or not that happened in this case ill let you know. Okay courtney thank you for that. With us now evelyn far cuss, the former Deputy Assistant defense of russia. And here on set, our panel. Noelle nick por as well as bass l sniper. Over to you evelyn, it sound like we were trying to find out if there was a heads up, what do do you make of what youre hearing about this missile test . I dont think its supremely alarming. We heard the chief of company say the United States can deter anything russia can bring out of us short of a major assault attack. Were not at that point with russia because that would be a dooms day scenario. I think what were looking at is its likely that they gave us a heads up, although this test occurred on their drones so in a facility not sort of out in the open, which is different from another test that theyve alerted us to already that theyre going to conduct on april. They gave us a time frame or gave the International Community otime frame of april 4th or 6th in the baltic sea. I dont know what theyre going to be testing there, im not sure whether they said. I see it as a signal to the ballic states who are meeting with donald trump, theyre heads of state or meeting with donald trump on the 3rd of april or right before that test. The test that the russians did, its a sign, its something that Vladimir Putins kremlin is good at. Im sure theyre trying to make us and our president nervous. As the military has said over and over again were capable of deterring russia. We have a mutually assured destruction basically against russia. We dont try to be capable of knocking down all of their missiles on purpose. So, without getting too wonky, i will just say that i agree with the military leadership who say they can handle whatever russias bringing towards us. As for the things in Development Well be able to handle that as well. Bigger picture window though, you got what youre walling sable rattling here, you got the explosives of these diplomats, the death on the soil. Russia and the west its been 27 years now since the end of soviet union. Where would you place this moment as it comes to the relations if. Ill agree with the people who said this is the worse space and the u. S. Russia relationship since the cold war. In some ways its as bad as the worst moment of the cold war or close. Its fairly significant. The International Community is with us. I think its important that the International Community stick with us because what the russians you saw that interview between savannah and the russian ambassador. What they bank on is this plausible liability. Everybody knows they conducted this assassination. Everybody know that the nerve agent is a russia nerve agent. You can take the word from the british Intelligent Community and our folkses are denying that. For anyone who can kind of hide behind that plausible deniability. So there are states like, im going to pick on austria for example, a member of the eu, they saw their neutral, which i dont know how you can be a member of the eu and be neutral. There are countries for who its convenient because they have closer relationship with the commerce. I think the world needs to unite further. It shouldnt just be a Transatlantic Alliance if you want or wall against russia. It should be something where global in nature. Let me bring the panel in, the interesting contrast to me is if you look at President Trump, the biggest criticism in front of his components is youre too presently to putin, youre to afraid too go after putin. At the same time, basil were hearing now u. S. Russian relations at a serious low point and trump and his administration this week are decided to expel the russians and also decided a while back to arm the ukraine. Yeah i feel like im back in the early 80s. T actually quite chilling. I think the president will probably use this as his evidence to say, lookofthis kind of relationship with the republicans that you think i do because im taking all these steps. I think these International Pressures him being in lock step with europe, theresa may and others and expelling the diplomats is important because it shows the International Community is with us to that extent. I think it highlights a bigger problem of staffing. If you dont have a key diplomat of state department in place, if you lost talent in the white house, it bothers me i dont know whose advising hip on the steps forward. How do you see those steps . I think we are now a combined force, how putin has played that has forced us to align which i think is a good thing. As far as not having key people in place, as far as not having the white house, the key players in place, that is our disadvantage. I think thats why you saw the interview with, i think Samantha Guthrie where the russian diplomat is saying the white house is in chaos and its a toxic situation. I think they are playing in the President Trump is trying to get a good fit. Its a constant revolving door. Evelyn farkas over to you. On this issue about President Trump. The fact that these relationships are deter rating so much on a president who stays accused on a daily basis of being close to russia. How do you merge those two thoughts . I think what the president s doing, sadly, getting back to this plausible deniability thing. Hes giving russia plausible deniability among those americans who want to give russia a pass because they want to support the president , who for some reason, who is inex applicable to me, want to give the russians a past. The president needs to stand up and state what the threat from russia is and what were going to do about it. Physical he do that well also fall short in countering russia. Attorney Jeff Sessions going against the advice of the warehouse and some congressional runs when it comes to who should investigate the fbi for possible political bias. Why sessions say theres no need for a Second Special counsel and what the Trump Administration is saying about that. Your letting go thing. Your sorry not sorry thing. Your out with the old in with the new, onto bigger and better thing. Get the live tv you love. No bulky hardware. No satellite. No annual contract. Try directv now for 10 mo for 3 months. More for your thing. Thats our thing. Visit directvnow dot com you know whats not awesome . Gigspeed internet. When only certain people can get it. Lets fix that. Lets give this guy gig really . And these kids, and these guys, him, ah. Oh hello. That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. Attorney general Jeff Sessions saying no so some republicans a. Announcer ing he will not appoint a special counsel to investigate inside the fbi Justice Department. Some are alleging the doj abused its authority. Joining me now is doug burns, former assistant u. S. Attorney for Eastern District of new york. Doug, its a complicating thing because sessions is saying no to a special counsel but yes, to the idea of a special attorney. Tell us what hes doing here . Im glad you took it that way because its a split device here. It has to be a compelling Public Interest which is why it should be outside the doj. This was the Police Decision part, he said were using somebody outside the washington, d. C. That way yielts and attorney and Utah Attorney hes going to look at this. Also they keep chiming in with Michael Horwitz the general at the department of justice is also looking at this. Hes going to issue a report then you get another wait a minute he doesnt have authority, and the counter as to what he can make referrals to u. S. Attorney in that instance. Thats my question, in terms of per view and power. We pretty clear of watching millioner. If you got a u. S. Attorney looking at this whats that going to look like . A u. S. Attorney in my humble opinion is probably better. You hear the complaints, if youre tasked with one topic what happens if its going into other ones. Ive said before and ill say it again, this is almost a sblimal pay back for whats going on with bob mueller. You have a veteran in utah, hes going to look at it. Politics and legal discussions are two different things. The question becomes what does the white house think about this Kellyanne Conway had something to say. Lets take a listen. Having this prosecutor take a fresh look at everything we know and could foe is a positive development. I respect the attorney generals decision. So, she respects the attorney general decision, the question is thats not always been the case. Well fine out. I think it is a good thingism to echo what you had said earlier, i think that this do have the independent counsel with utah. I think there was a smart pigs but it was also like you said playing two sides. I really do here, this is an interesting deal thats happening. How will democrats react to this . On the one hand you hear sessions how . My guess is best things we do take a step back and let it happen. My feeling is theyll get Something Like with what the nunes memo was. This sort of diminish attempt at trying to counter something that is moving with some credibility. Ultimately it wont really amount to much at all. Were in a Midterm Election year so i dont know what theyll be able to discover this year to have any impact on midterms elections. From a democrat standpoint dont touch it. Biggest picture doug, this relationship between the attorney general and his attorney general. Jeff sessions is one of the early Trump Supporters in 2016. We know trumps not happy with him now. Does this send any signal about that relationship . Its a best of a roller coaster ride. Been that way from the beginning. Now, its too political, he wen on to say, the other ags had protect. Protected obama. But to your question, steve, seriously. You know you had said is he on thin ice, you may be right, its hard to say. This particular thing from the purely political land slide its like, wait a minute, lets get a special counsel for the other side of this. Thats what he was looking for. Because he didnt get that its going to be very interesting. Right. To your question. To see what happens. Hes saying no to trump, and hes finding a way to look at this. You know, what we were saying earlier i really have to tell you, sessions, there were a lot of campaign functions and things, sessions was one of the first break out guys that took next to trump. Back wen it was unpopular, back one we had 16 people running. This appointment, i think trump expected you know, almost like a dud by, a friend here. Now im wondering if he want julian foe in there because hes a diehard. Have we entered what they call a strange new respect thing with the democrats . It may be, it may be Jeff Sessions is trying to find his own exit strategy in this. Maybe hes saying, look ive seen how everybody else gets burned with the president. Maybe if i have a life beyond this i one thing if he does get fired it may be by twitter. Stick around, a parkland shooter survivor with laura how she mocked him on social media. Stay with us. Hey, sir losealot thou hast the patchy beard of a prepubescent squire thy armor was forged by a feeblefingered peasant woman. Your mom as long as hecklers love to heckle, you can count on geico saving folks money. Boring fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. If yor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough, it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. 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The attack used as explosive advice known as ied. Still unclear whether the casualties were american or were the attack oh cured. An officer killed in connecticut. The suspect shot in tennessee. Officer killed was 38yearold Philip Mecham driving his personal vehicle thursday when he was pulled over being shot by a man pretending to be a police officer. Tweeted out there was no greater sacrifice than that of a person willing to play down theyre life for another. The Trump Administration announcing a greenhouse roll back for cars. The move would eliminate one of president obamas biggest effort to fight chooim change. Put the Trump Administration on more legal matters with california. Meanwhile, nearly a Dozen Companies say they are pulling ads from fox news host, Laura Ingrams show after she sent a tweet mocking activist david hogg. Ingram has sinced apologized but hogg says he isnt buying it. Kerry is in parkland florida. What are you hearing . Reporter well, if you consider this here, the student here at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School said they are going to take on the powerful gun lobbying. They may realize they have power themselves on their internet fingertips thats because this is a david and goliath story. It appears david may have one. This morning 17yearold park land sir arrive david hogg is winning his fight with engram. Engram writing, dave hogg rejected by four colleges to which he applied and wines about it. Hogg who has more than 600,000 followers encouraged his followers to boycott the show. In two days orr sponsors say theyre pulling the ad and have no plans to buy ads in the future. Way fair writing if part, the decision of an dult to personally criticize a High School Student whose lost his classes mates and an unspeakable tragedy is not consistent with our values. I reached hogg by phone late loss night. If you go after me and my friends were going to go after you. Were going to go after the money because thats where it hur hurts them the most. Engram apologized tweeting in respect of hol week i apologize for my hurt my tweet caused him or any victims of parkland. I dont accept the apology and i dont think its sincere. Auz the calls for gun control gotten louder so has the attacks on social media. Leslie gibson who was forced to drop out of the race after he called hogg a boldface liar. Is there something we learned about what happened here with laura engram which plies to the bigger fight . I think these other guys want to look out because these kids have a lot of power and they dont like it. David hog as in david taking on goliath here, laura engram of fox says this was simply a practice round for the bigger fight, which is what the students here want to do and that is to get changes to some of nations gun laws thatll restrict the sale of certain weapons like an ar15. Steve. Nbcs Kerry Sanders thanks for that. Breaking news, the jury reaching a verdict this morning in the trial for nor salman, the widow of pulse nightclub shooting. Whats the verdict . Reporter steve, the verdict is not guilty, not guilty on both counts, the widow for omar mateen in this obviously trial that stems from the pulse nightclub shooting in 2016. The government filed two charges against her saying she aided and abetted in a terror attack and the basis of that charge because during the shooting mateen repeatedly pledged support to isis. And the Justice Department says she lied and gave contradictory statements about what he knew in advance. The jury has found her not guilty. Its fair to say the evidence pointed in several directions during this trial. For starters the defense says yes, she did in a sense sign a confession but they say there was done under duress. She was questioned for hours after the shooting by the fbi. She was a woman with a low iq who said been abused by her husband and signed it only because feflt if she didnt shed lose custody of their young son. The idea she scouted ideas with her husband wasnt true. The cell phone records from both of them show that they never drove past the nightclub. She could have faced life in prison if shed been convicted on the terrorism charge. Shes been found not guilty, the jury obvious failing to buy the governments claim that she abetted omar mateen in this. Interestingly there was a point where the jury asked the judge to define aiding and abetting. The judge sent back, i cant give you examples of facts that would continue constitute edge courage in support but heres what the judge told the jury in a written note sent back to them. He said this, quote, you should bear in mind that to aid in abet another to commit a crime it is necessary that mrs. Salman in some point associated herself with the criminal act of providing or attempting to provide material support. That she participated in it as something she wished to bring about and that she sought by her actions to make it succeed. So that may have been an important thing that the jury had in mind as they deliberated. Now, steve this trial produced some interesting revelations about the shooting. The prosecution said in closing arguments that omar mateens original target was disney world that she was going to attack it by using a gun hidden in a baby stroller. Wen he got there he decided against it because he saw too many police. During the trial a Government Agency said the analysis of his cell phone show after he left disney world he basically looked up nightclubs in the orlando area, found two of them, sort of went back and forth between the two of them and finally settled on the pulse nightclub where he began the shooting rampage 2 00 in the morning and he was then shot by police after he killed so many and injured sod many during that shooting. It was right after that or several hours after that that the police began to question his widow. The trial also produced the revelation that omar mateens father had been an fbi informan for over a deck katie. Saadiq mateen was an fbi informant, whether his son few that owner we never heard. We also heard the son investigated the father after the shooting, he had made a number of payments overseas before the shooting. He or no one elsive ever charged in this shooting expect his wid dow and the victor not. All right, pete williams. Da secretary David Shulkin give you his side of the story after President Trump fired him. What hes saying how it all went down and about the man nominated to replace him. Get it for jean whos always cold. For the sales team, it and the warehouse crew. Give us the data we need. In one place, anywhere we need it. Help us do our jobs better. With domo we can run this place together. Well thats thats your job i guess. vo just one touch. Ith with fancy feast creamy delights, she can have just the right touch of real milk. Easily digestible, it makes her favorite entrees even more delightful. Fancy feast creamy delights. Love is in the details. Whens the last time you spoke to him . I spoke to the president yesterday. What was that Convention Like . We spoke about the policies what i needed to do from policy per protection. You spoke to him, he made no mention about of the fact he was about to terminate you . Thats correct. Therein you found by by a tweet . Right before that the chief of staff gave me a heads up. And that was fired va secretary David Shulkin and what the president said in a phone call hours before he was shown to door nbcs kelly odonnell. What are we hearing about from the white house about what happened . Reporter well very little, steve. That has been the mo of this white house when there have been highprofile departures. It seem the president does enjoy playing his directors by using twitter to make the announcements. You may see in a different time and place in the white house the roll out would be different. If there was going to be a taerjs of a cabinet figure youd have an explanations of the reasoning, you might have talking pints and a plan about who was coming next. Of course ronnie jackson, the president s personal physician in the president is the nominee. No discussion over the time line, no desire by the white house to flush this out. Its shulkins account thats giving us the greats insight to this where john kelly chief of staff gave him a warning. We dont know if he said hell be terminate requested look for the tweet, we dont know what that conversation was. This will be a big issue of the president because of his alignment on issues. It was a big force for him during campaign and one of his priorities in office. When i was covering hip yesterday in richfield ohio, he was there to talk been infrastructure and a lot of other topics including how he feels about the va and problems he has had in the past and needed to make changes. Some of his reasoning coming out in campaign style. Heres what the president said. Va accountability. When somebody does a bad job in the Veterans Administration they couldnt do anything about it, they were protected, you could do anything. They had satists that treated our vets horribly. We made changes because we want them taken care of and have choice so they could run to a private doctor. And of course David Shulkin was a hold over from the obama years came in after a lot of big problems that the va had been exposed and was making progress, really on a bipartisan basis there was support for what he was doing. The president has previously praised him. That time has now passed. The president right now is at his golf course here in the south florida area, its a holiday weekend. Thats not to be a big surprise i suppose but no other details on this change for the president s cabinet. Steve. Kelly odonnell down in west palm beech. Noelle and basil back with me. A lot of people have commented on this but the technique, you want to call it for taerjs here for a guy who he was on Reality Television saying youre fired rng look them right in the face. And the version youre getting from shulkin is the complete opposite of that. Well because he has the ability to speak to millions of people and try to reinforce this notion hes draining the swamp. He has this idea he can run federal government by himself. Its laughable. What do republicans have to hang their hat on going into the elections in 2018. The ability of i did this i pushed for that, the head of those agencies are gone and the work isnt being donism what do that have the ability to hang your hat on . I feel bad, somebody who spend your whole year of working to get into the white house and you get fired by a tweet, that doesnt give any morale building. The trump can take credit for several things, the economy is one of them. His policies are working policies. I agree with his policies as a republican. Its hi personality, thats where a lot of people within the Republican Party have not used to. Its bizarre in how hes handling the presidency and administration and firing and hirings of the revolving door, this is bizarre policy. The bush back on the policy end of it. How hes doing this performance, this is strange. And to do it by tweeting it out. Ill push back on the push back. I think hes losing fwround on the narrative about the economy. Theres a poll together that suggested a lot of americans arent buying that the tax bill arent going to benefit them. Thats important, theyre trying to weave the narrative about how businesses are giving back their to their workers. The average americans are not going to see huge impacts in their wall let. Whether you have people like tim cook, apple coming forward and having to say that tax cuts work. Apples not every business in the country. The question that basil was raising there, if youre a republican in 2018 what are you running. What im hearing he is gung to be for the economy. Not only that, you can look at the actions and hear a lot of words and empty rhetoric. Whether you see a little increase in your paycheck or wen your boss is rewarding you in different ways, compensation or parks you actually see it. A lot of people look trump flipped these blue states. These were your voter, he flipped them, the working guy and say we believe in trump. Ten seconds. I agree with that, one of the way democrats can counter is talk about the way the organized role played in proving the economy. More to come. Student activists and survivors leading the charge walk march for our lives if d. C. Were talking a closer look on who showed up to demonstrate. Dear foremothers, your society was led by a woman, who governed thousands. Commanded armies. Yielded to no one. When i found you in my dna, i learned where my strength comes from. My name is courtney mckinney, and this is my ancestrydna story. Now with 5 times more detail than other dna tests. Order your kit at ancestrydna. Com now with 5 times more detail than other dna tests. 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And learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now and down the road. I have a lifetime of experience. So i know how important that is. Not in this house. cause thats no average family. Thats your family. Which is why you didnt grab just any cheese. You picked up kraft mozzarella with a touch of philadelphia for lasanyeah kraft. Family greatly. Were people that just want to want everybody to come together as americans and help us solve this issue. Because we have to reach across the aisle to sol ve this. It isnt a republican or democrat issue. As such, we have to work together. That is gun control activist and parkland survivor david hogg, calling for unity of both parties to fight gun violence in america. Hogg and his classmates and hundreds of thousands of people were in washington, d. C. And other cities across the country and the world to protest inaction on gun control. You saw the images, watched them on tv, maybe you were. Who else was there . Who made up the crowd . We skipped ahead here. There is where we want to start. I gave away some of the goods. A Political Science professor went to the one in washington to get a sampling of the folks and a profile of what the crowd was like. Ill show what she came up with. First of all, wasnt a bipartisan event. It was really the heat coming from one side of the political spectrum. 79 left leaning. 90 , almost 9 of 10, saying they voted for hillary clinton. This is what the Political Science professor found in washington at the rally. Some were under the age of 10 . If you look at the entire u. S. Population, you might expect a higher number under 18. The average age was 49. There were some folks, High School Aged Kids there, but there were also a lot of adults there, middleaged folks, as well. The average age, 49. Overwhelmingly female. More than two of three in washington, 70 , were female at the protest last weekend. Highly educated. 72 , almost three out of four with at least a bachelors degree in college. 27 had never protested before. Flip that around. 73 had protested before. If you take this all in, take a step back and think about this, what youre seeing here is a story maybe bigger than just the march for our lives last week. Its about activism on the left and the age of trump. Folks protesting more than once. Think of the womens march last year. Think of this last weekend. Again, were talking about the profile of democratic voters. How many times do we talk about the College Educated suburban identi suburbanites . The activism of women in the age of trump. This is democratic activism in the age of trump. Might be a story to emerge from the march for our lives last week. It is not just about gun control. Its about politics. Its about where the Democratic Party is going. Who makes up the activist class in the Democratic Party right now . The question becomes, how does the activist class reshape politics . Its amazing to me because a lot of us had said previously that a lot of young people were not affiliating with the Democratic Party or any party for that matter, as much as wed like. I did hear that there were a tremendous number of Voter Registration tables down there during the rally. Thats encouraging, number one. Number two, i want these young people to do what they did with obama in 2008. Its not just about them voting, but they having the ability to go to their parents, grandparents, pulling them to the polls, as well. The numbers are startling. 4. 4 million voters that voted for obama in 2012 didnt come out in 2016. If those individuals, the folks that rallied, particularly the young people, could flip that and get some of the people to come back and vote, weve done our job. When you see numbers like that, i guess from a republican strategist standpoint immediately, you know what i notice . When you were doing the numbers, one thing i noticed, the people in the march, those are some of the demographics the Republican Party is having a problem recruiting. Educated white women within the age group category. Oh, my gosh. Every pollster, everybody in the Republican Party should look at that and go, how do we recapture that . You brought up a great point when you said, you know, that the younger crowd, they were getting people to register to vote. The trick of it is, you can get them to register at the rally, but are they going to vote . Where is this vote going . Are they going to vote . This is a movement if they do it. Is it a new class of donors . Barack obama had a lot of small donors that added up. Are these kids going to donate 20 here, 30 here . You never know. See the crowds. That would add up fast. Yeah. Thanks for being with us this hour. Well be right back with todays big picture. E, i feel chronic, widespread pain. 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Today is a good day to make a plan for your financial goals and your everyday ones too. Pnc can help. Well be with you every step of the way. Lets start today. But their nutritional needs remain instinctual. E way. Thats why theres purina one true instinct. Real meat 1. A different breed of natural nutrition. Purina one true instinct. Now, try new purina one true instinct treats. All right. For todays big picture, we are capping off womens history month, where all march long, we brought you the best pictures by, for and about women. This one, timely, as march ends, baseball season begins. That means Jessica Mendoza is back. Espns first female analyst on baseball games. Shes getting ready for her third season on the Networks Sunday Night baseball team. One of two women regularly in a broadcast booth calling major league games. Jessica is hoping more women follow her lead and the networks give them the chance. She say, women that dont watch sports would want to if they felt they were being spoken to. The photographer here, ben salman for espn images. Right now, for news with my colleague, chris jansing. First, go indians. Go red sox. Itll get ugly through the season. Hello, everyone. Im chris jansing. Ali velshi and Stephanie Ruhle are off. It is friday, march 30th. Lets get started. Breaking news in the escalating feud between the United States and russia. Russian officials released this video overnight, testing a missile they say can reach the u. S. And could carry a nuclear weapon. Dubbed satan 2 by nato, it is allegedly capable of carrying up to 15 Nuclear Warheads and flying at super ssonic speeds. This show of force comes as tensions with russia reach new heights. The kremlin yesterday expelling 60 more thamerican diplomats fr russian and shutting the consulate in st. Petersburg. If anybody slapped your cheek, your face, what will be reaction from your side . You will think, retaliate. Our actions were motivated by the attack on a british citizen and his daughter. Dav

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