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As scary prospect for democrats, they could be hurdling toward a contested matt, first ive got talk about your new reporting that i touched on at the top. It demonstrates just how high the stakes are for democrats for grappling. Heres your headline. Two words democrats dont want to hear, contested convention, what are you hearing . Reporter thats right. Bernie sanders its consensus hell may be headed for a contested scenario. So theres a feeling that the field is just still very fractured, theres not a clear alternative to Bernie Sanders at the moment. And as you pointed out in the intro, hes in california today. Hes already looking forward to super tuesday and these other states where he can amass a large delegate lead. As a member of Hillary Clintons campaign in 2016, you dealt with the bernie factor. He didnt even say, if i recall connect correctly, he didnt say hed vote for clinton until the end of june and he didnt formally withdraw from the race, whats your case on a drawnout primary fight . Reporter well, look, i dont think any of us who are in this process, any democrat out there wants to have a pro freedom of information acted fight on the Convention Floor over the nomination process a lot of it depends on the amount of delegates that Bernie Sanders amasses. Weve got four candidates that are competing for that moderate space in the Democratic Party. And its keeping, frankly, a lot of candidates from hitting that 15 threshold that is required in order to qualify for delegates. So, sure, especially going to super tuesday when youve got four candidates competing for the moderate vote on one side and youve got Bernie Sanders who pretty much has the entire lane and has consolidated the liberal more progressive base of the Democratic Party on his side, its going to be that much harder for some of the other candidates to catch up. We do know some of the campaigns are calling super delegates because they will play a role in the second ballot should this go to the Convention Floor, unlike 2016 where the super delegates had a say in the first round. And well see what happens. I mean, nobody wants this fight, but given that weve got a split, a fourway split among moderates on one side of the party, i think a lot of it depends on how the next few weeks play out. Its going to be an intention couple of weeks. Stick with us. I want to turn to our road warrior, Shaquille Brewster and Josh Letterman has been on the bloomberg beat. Reporter today is all about the long game for senator sanders, who is spending most of the day here in this delegate rich super tuesday state. He has the money on his side. We know from fec reports released yesterday he ended the month with 17 million in the bank and then he also had the polling. Just look at this monmouth poll of california democrats. It shows him leading 24 , only one other candidate gettinger in percentage to get delegates in this state. So hes feeling good about what he sees here and you have to hit the 15 threshold. So right now the only people who would get delegates, can we put that graphic back up of the california race, the only two, sanders and biden, who meet that 15 threshold so they would essentially be apportioning the delegates between the two of them. They dont get divided between everybody who gets votes. Go ahead. Exactly. And when you have over 400 pledged delegates, that can be a Real Advantage senator sanders. And in that poll he was boosted by latino voters and latino support. Theres also signs hes doing better among africanamericans nationally. So if you look at polling, hes feeling really good about where he is right now. Thats why youre starting to see attacks escalate from the rest of the field. You hear Vice President biden going after him on his previous history with guns. Theres a line of attack we heard from secretary clinton of his previous support for a liability shield for gun manufacturers. Mayor bloomberg hitting him on guns Elizabeth Warren when asked what is a key distinction between herself and senator sanders, she said she gets stuff done, she gets hard things done. You see these other candidates willing to draw those distinctions and escalate their attacks because they know senator sanders has some momentum. The other guy who got a lot of attention at the debate but not in a good way, Michael Bloomberg, hes not even on the campaign trail today. Whats that about . I think the Bloomberg Campaign knows they have regrouping to do after a debate performance that did not portray him in the light he wanted to be seen in on his first time on the debate stage. Hes really been focused on super tuesday. He was in utah, he had Campaign Meetings in california last night. But now hes back in new york meeting with advisers and figuring out how to move forward. Bloomberg Campaign Officials have also been very attuned to this concern that he is being perceived as very isolated in this campaign. Hes got all of these ads on tv and does these rallies where he speaks for about 15 minutes but he hasnt been getting down and dirty with the voters, shaking hands, answering questions on the tray and he g the trail. We just got word hes going to do a cnn town hall early next week in South Carolina after declining to do a town hall with cnn during the nevada phase of the race. However, a cnn town hall is not down and dirty with the voters. Thats not getting out there and campaigning and meeting people. Reporter this is a fine balance theyll have to draw. Retail politicking is not Michael Bloombergs strength. Its not how he was as new yorks mayor. They dont necessarily think that will be the best venue for him. At the end of the day voters do want to interact with candidates theyre being asked to support. We have two candidates, obviously Michael Bloomberg but to some extent Bernie Sanders who has this amazing list of donors that dont have to worry about money heading into super tuesday. Everybody else is looking at where their money is going to come from. Warren just got a big boost from her campaign performance, but she spent 2 for every dollar she took in in january. Whats it like for some of these candidates who are struggling with money . Can they be real players on super tuesday without the cash . Reporter well, its really tough, chris, because if you dont have cash, you simply cannot go on. For many of these candidates, super tuesday is the firewall. Going back to that 15 threshold that we talked about, i think it going to be very difficult for some of the candidates to convince their donors that it worth staying in this race if they dont hit 15 and get a decent apartment of delegates coming out of super tuesday. 40 of the delegates that are awarded in the democratic primary process will be awarded after the polls closed and all the votes are tabulated on super tuesday. Thats why candidates have to drop out at a certain point, they cant make a viable case to their donors to stay in this race. And theres two parts of this, one part, which is you have to have the money to pay your staff to put ads on the other. The other part is the perception game. This headline from nbc news says in nevada caucusgoers are torn between who they believe can beat trump and who they believe in and part of who they believe can beat trump does tie into money. Who can afford to go up against him . I think thats been one of the challenges for Elizabeth Warren, for example. Shes trying to show those people who believe in her she can beat trump. The question was whether her thats why she decided stheefs going to take ac money. Now shes saying its not a level playing field. If its only two people who arent taking that money and the rest are. If everybody does it, ill do it, but right now shes going to accept that help. Its a dramatic shift for her and her campaign who always said privately theyre going to run the race they are going to run win or lose and they are shifting given the conditions to the financial conditions. I think thats one reason, though, too, the money, why blewhy bloomberg is still a major factor. He has the Financial Resources independently that these other candidates need to raise. It creates this dynamic that is very hard to predict heading into the next phase of the race, which will be much more national, much less votertovoter contact and more Television Ad driven. Adrienne, every time youre running against the incumbent president , obviously its about the incumbent president. Its a referendum on him. Im not sure weve ever seen anything quite like this. I want to quote somebody you mention in your article, matt, a kentucky dnc number who said i dont see how this is not going to be a brokered convention, lets be honest, its a madefortv event. Thats what stuck out to me, donald trump the way he ran has campaigns and the way he runs his presidency have informed what the democrats have to do. Reporter yeah, i mean, its kind of i dont know what the right adjective is to describe dnc super delegate making that comment. Its disappointing because this shouldnt be a theatrical event, this should be about democracy and making sure we have the best candidate to put forward and take on and defeat donald trump. Again, a lot of it goes back to the number of delegates that Bernie Sanders has amassed. If he hits 1,991 pledged delegates, were not going to have a contested vengs. I can see a viable argument for some moderates to take this to the floor if theyre a lot lower than that. Super tuesday, there havent very many that have cleared that magic threshold. Which means Bernie Sanders can walk away with a lot of delegates on super tuesday, and thats going to make him harder to defeat in this primary process. Back to the guy that you talked to, it really is about how do you compete in a world where the other guy is donald trump. And i think weve seen that throughout this campaign, where the democratic primary contest has been overshadowed by all these various events that are trump driven, including impeachment. Now i think people are really starting to tune in in a different way and the drama of who the nominee is going to be has ratcheted up. And the idea of a contested convention i think for some, its exciting in a way. I think the party theres apprehension over the divisions within the party, but i think theres also sort of the element of surprise and not sort of knowing where this is going to head. And voters and super delegates are still undecided and dont know exactly which candidate may emerge. Theres a lot of super delegates, by the way, who were Bernie Sanders supporters in 2016. I think that dynamic is going to be fascinating to watch over the next couple weeks. It is going to be amazinamaz heading over to vegas after this show so ill see you guys there. Thank you so much. The pressure is on to prevent caucus chaos in nevada. The steps being taken to prevent it. And shocking new details about why the president fired his acting director of National Intelligence and what russia had do with it. Sleep this amazing . Thats a zzzquil pure zzzs sleep. Our liquid has a unique botanical blend, while an optimal melatonin level means no nextday grogginess. Zzzquil pure zzzs. Naturally superior sleep. That sofa on tv is iexactly what they need. And now, they know it too. Thats the power of targeted tv advertising. Its smart. It grabs peoples attention. Then they come to my store. Buy that sofa. And leave happy its easy, and its effective. And its why Comcast Spotlight is changing its name to effectv. Because being effective means getting results. Its our most dangerous addiction. So we took our worst vice, and turned it into the dna for a better system. We created bionic and put the word out with godaddy. What will you change . Make the world you want. This morning former cia director john brenen says we are in a fullblown National Security crisis after President Trump pushed out the man in charge of our nations entire intelligence system. B kr nbc n angry that adam schiff was briefed on plans of russia to interfere with the president ial election to help the president against. That is a virtual decapitation of the Intelligence Community. Now who is going in there . Someone who has no experience no, credentials as far as the nl intelligence concerned is concerned, richard grenell. The Intelligence Community can see this as one more example that they are not be allowed to do their job. Ken dilanian is reporting this story and al elise jordan. Bring us up to date. What do we know . The notion that intelligence officials would be essentially fired for speaking truth to power and doing their jobs and reporting on the threats they see facing the nation is kind of the Worst Nightmare of intelligence officials under donald trump. We all know that donald trump is not interested in this question of foreign election interference. He sees it as a threat to his legitimacy in the 2016 election, but to date he has let the Intel Community do its job and work on those threats. One of the things they did was appoint an official named shelby pierceon to be in charge of coordinating the intelligence on election threats and shes the one that briefed Congress Last week and apparently during this briefing she said russia thhad developed a preference for trump. She said that, it got back to trump through devin nunez, the ranking republican, and trump was furious. And the next day he lit into maguire and ended up resulting in maguire not being named perm nengt permanent dni. In a will have a Chilling Effect across the community. Right or wrong, this ehave a right to brief members of congress on intelligence as they see fit. John brennan said i worked under since president s, three republicans, three democrats, sometimes you disagree with them but he never had the impression that they didnt understand that it was the role of the intelligence agencies to give the information to the executive branch and to the legislative branch. Thats why he says this is an intelligence crisis and by extension a National Security crisis. Is it . Well, the dni should not be acting as a coms director of sort, making the truth and molding it to what the president wants. What happens, weve seen the disastrous wlults intelligence is shaped for the eye of the beholder who wants a given outcome. So the idea that top officials of our National Security agencies are not supposed to tell the truth as they see it when they are reporting to congress, who has by law congressional oversight and funds them and by law. And is allocating the money and has the right to oversight is really quite an interference into the role of the house and the senate. We just got a tweet from the president in the last 20 minutes or so, ken. It reads four great candidates are under consideration at dni. We have no idea whats in his head. Pete hoekstra was formerly the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee when he was in congress. Ive heard representative Chris Stewart of utah, a member of the House Intelligence Committee and katy tur has been hearing about steve feinberg, the chairman of an external intelligence advisory board. That would be an interesting pi pick. So fair to say that one thing that sort of keeps them all together is theyre trump loyalists . Thats 100 fair. Thats what has got everybody very worried. At least these people have some kind of intelligence experience, unlike rick grenell, the person that trump wants to name as the acting director, who has none whatsoever and is the ambassador to germany. Grenell doesnt know anything about intelligence and how it operates. I dont know why we should expect something markedly different, but we need to talk bus because we are in the middle of a highly contested campaign about the impact this could have given that the intelligence seems to suggest not only that russia wants to interfere in the 2020 election but also the democratic primaries and who actually gets the nomination. Big picture, President Donald Trump has made it painical ical clear he does not mind any election interference, he will go out of his way to court is publicly. He has asked other nations to interfere on his behalf in the election in front of reporters. Hes done this publicly. That is what this is all about at the end of the day. At the same time he says i dont want this out there because it makes it look like independent not going to be a legitimate winner. Hes still very sore it was out there at all about his last win. He makes it clear he courts this help and he just doesnt want anyone to talk about what might be happening behind the scenes to help and aid his campaign. I think saying his sore is an understatement but youve always been very polite. Ken dilanian, appreciate your reporting as well. And advisers want President Trump to weight until after the election if these going to pardon roger stone. Im not going to do anything in terms of the great powers bestowed upon a president of the United States. I want the process to play out. I think thats the best thing to do because id love to see roger exxonerated and id love to see it happen because i personally think he was treated very unfairly. Joining me now, paul butler, a former federal prosecutor and now an msnbc legal analyst and georgetown law professor. The president doesnt believe the law has been fair to his friend. Bottom line after a series of pardons and commutations for friends and friends of friends, the president is not ruling out a pardon for roger stone. The president is on his impeachment payback tour. He doesnt seem all that concerned about the politics. He does what he wants to do. And why thats concerning with regard to roger stone is based on the felonies that he was convicted of. Roger stone and donald trump go back 35 years. Stone was convicted of lying to protect the president in the russian investigation. Stone was convicted of intimidating a witness by threatening to kill that witness to protect trump in the russian investigation. So for trump to pardon stone now would be a blatant act of using the Justice Department to protect himself friends, and it would send a message to any other witnesses with incriminating information about donald trump that the president has their back, they should lie and obstruct justice and the president will protect them. And theres one more part of this, right, whats the impact on prosecutors if they think, well, if you go after a friend, an ally of the president , even if theyre convicted, the chances are hell intervene, hell try to get the sentence reduced, a pardon is always out there. Whats the impact . And especially, chris, the Law Enforcement officer who is in charge of the Justice Department, attorney general bill barr. And so roger stone has moved for a new trial. The judge is considering that moog now. The president thinks that he should have a new trial. The attorney general says that he should not. The attorney general says that it was a righteous prosecution and stone was duly convicted. One question is whether the president will continue to humiliate attorney general barr and possibly force his resignation. I just want to read really quickly from judge amy berman jacksons ruling yesterday because it was really interest. Saying that stone was not prosecuted as some have complained for standing up for the president. He was prosecuted for covering up for the president. She added that stone, quote, his own lies are a threat to our most fundamental institutions to the very foundation of our democracy and if it goes unpunished, it will not be a victory for one party or another. I wish the judge stepped back roger stone, which what happens to most defendants at their sentencing. That means they go directly to jail. The judge said shes going to decide this motion for a new trial. She almost certainly will deny it and then when stone will have to report to the u. S. Bureau of prison. Thats a point at which we might expect the president to act and to pardon roger stone. Paul butler, always good to have you on the program. Thank you. Appreciate it. Up next, an expert warns i dont see how any technology or Party Official or political scientist can ensure this will turn out okay. And still ahead, millions and millions of dollars pouring into the 2020 race on both sides. The stunning new numbers today that show how candidates are using record shattering amounts of cash in an attempt to pave a path to the presidency. If youre 55 and up, tmobile has a plan designed just for you. And, for a limited time only, were making it an even better deal. Now you can get two lines for only 55. That includes unlimited talk, text and data. With no annual service contracts. It also includes talk, text and data when traveling in mexico and canada. So if youre 55 and up, you can now get two lines for only 55. Because at tmobile, we have a plan designed just for you. 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Com democrats in nevada are desperate to avoid a repeat of the chaos we saw in the iowa caucuses. Road warrior Garrett Haake is live in las vegas. He attended one of those Training Sessions last night. Garrett, everybodys holding their breath. How did things go last night . Do people seem confident . Reporter yeah, look, i was at this Training Session last night with a couple of dozen volunteers, sight leads and precinct chairs, mostly around clark county that surrounds las vegas here. After going through this training, they were in the room for upwards of five hours, getting handson training for with the calculator tool, not an app but a tool on these ipads and getting walked through entire caucus process. The folks i talked to walked away pretty confident. Heres one of the women i spoke to last night who will be a precinct chair come tomorrow. After the webinar and inperson training, having the tool here, how confident are you that it will work on saturday . Very confident. Reporter really . I am. Ive been here for three hours now and i had another orientation on monday and so this is like triple. Reporter so you came for the training before the training. I did. Reporter so you feel like you got this thing down. I do. I feel very good about it and i want to do my part. Reporter so, chris, theres the optimism you hear from the volunteers. The campaigns ive been Touching Base with this morning have different degrees of confidence in this process some feel like the spotlight on nevada alone has been enough to force the state party here to really kick it into gear. Others are less than entirely convinced the party can land this plane but everyone knows what the stakes are. Reporter right after iowa was talking to the dean of reporting there in nevada and said can you guarantee me youre not going to have a repeat of what we saw . He said, look, they obviously have never had a big meltdown, were not expecting a big meltdown but stuff always happens here and there with these caucuses. Now were hearing about a thousand votes, early caucusgoers who have had their ballots voided . What do we know about that . I cant imagine its making the campaigns feel any more confident. Reporter this is one of the things that comes into play with this early voting here, which nevada has never done before as part of the caucus process. People had a fourday window and could put their preference down early. That number is supposed to be included in the final caucus tally come saturday. An official he tells me they found about a thousand people whose ballots had they to void from the 77,000 or so that were cast. Some were voided for things like missing signatures are being improperly filled out. The nevada Democratic Party official tells me they are actively trying to chase those people down to make sure they know their ballots didnt count and that they can come on saturday. Theyre giving their information to the campaigns this the campaigns in nevada have a pretty good idea who their supporters are or are not. They can expect theyll be getting phone kams and Text Messages from campaign volunteers, wanting to mack sure that voters who bothered to come out early have to vote again on saturday. Thank you. Appreciate it. 30,000 a minute, thats how many ads one candidate is running online. Is the strategy a good one . And a new poll that shows joe bidens support with black voters is far from concrete. As parents of six, this network is one less thing i have to worry about. vo why the aceves family chose verizon. We all use our phones very differently. These two are always gaming and this one is always on facetime. And my oldest is learning to be a pilot. 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Every minute the billionaires money buys him 30,000 online ads, boasting of his electability and slamming the president. The 12th richest man in the world sbends pends about 7 mil day. Thats more than mayor Pete Buttigieg raised in the entire month of january. But then theres President Trump, who using his bully pulpit often against a white house back drop for free. Not that hes hurting for cash ooe. The president brought in a cool 10 million at one dinner alone last weekend. The week before that, a 25 million telethon. Joining me now republican strategist and nbc news political analyst, rick tyler. Bernard whitman is here. We know this is going to be the most expensive election in history, what does all the money buy you and what doesnt it . Well, it depends, you know. Corporations depend on average highs to sell their products, its been wildly successful and continues to be. Advertising works. The more money you spend on advertising, the better chance you have of getting across your message, with one caveat. That is, if your message is bad, then it wont work and it remains to be seen whether, you know, bloomberg, whose essential message is i can beat donald trump, thats what hes saying,s that his big bet in the Democratic Party. Weve had lots of people spend lots of money. Tom steyer had a message but then he didnt have a message. He spent millions to impeach the president and the president was impeached and hes continued to spend money but theres no traction on that message anymore. And youve worked on six different president ial campaigns, bernard. Look, Hillary Clinton outraised donald trump, we know who is president of the United States. We saw on that debate stage that all the money in the world didnt help Michael Bloomberg. He wasnt ready for what everybody was ready for, which was to go after him. But when youre up against somebody like donald trump, is it about money . Is it about personality . Whats it about and how far do you think money can get Michael Bloomberg . I think its about message. Thats what the democratics party needs, somebody who can take on donald trump and draw the visions of donald trump for america and the democrat message. All the vitriol was spent attacking the other candidates and very little against donald trump. The person who got sof free was Bernie Sanders, especially his support for gun rights and the nra. The failure of any candidate to teak on Bernie Sanders for his support for guns and resistance to gun violence and background chebs and cl checks and clamming down on gun violence surprising given the fact that second only to health care is gun safety in terms of concerns among democrats. No one on that stage has done more to fight for the rights of gun control and fight for gun safety and common sense gun safety legislation than Michael Bloomberg. Hes got to get that message out personally without a doubt. I think the ads can get to you a certain point. We know to a certain extent money does talk. I think bloombergs ads have been very powerful and effective. Hes got 2,400 people across a whole ton of states, is it 43 states . Hes playing that many. Geez. Then youve got senator waesh, who had to top 400,000 from a line of credit at the end of january, though she got a big fundraising boost off this last debate. One of the key questions im looking for, rick, and independent curious of your take on that, if a bad or good defense performance mitigate money whether youve got a lot or not so much . The debates are important and this was the highest rated debate that i understand. Highest rated democratic debate in history. So thats really remarkable. It like the super bowl, you get all these high balls watching. And Michael Bloomberg did not perform particularly well in that debate. Yes, he missed huge opportunities. This is true that he is done. If youre for gun control, hes probably done in the very place where they had the worst shooting in america, which was in las vegas. But remember, dpt if it goes back to message. Some people think that donald trump doesnt have message but he has had uncanny ability to get get to free press. He got more free coverage than all the other candidates cop bind by multiples by a long shot and he just has this unbelievable ability to capture attention. Not only that, he talked about the wall and people say the wall, mexico is going to pay for the wall but the wall was an interesting thing because it really encapsulated the message that he was trying to get across and that is fear of immigration, which i dont think is a good message but that was his message, lower wages and losing the culture. He sort of combined them all and trade. And he combined them all into the symbol of the wall. So he had a strong message and it worked. That attracted people. Bloomberg does not have that, which is why he needs to spend the money because hes not going to win on his charisma. We literally are out of time. Ill give you 30 seconds. Your guy, Michael Bloomberg is off the campaign trail today. Up know him well, hes very results oriented. Whats going on inside that campaign. I think hes preparing to deliver a very strong message on tuesday. He has more experience governings managing, promoting women and people of color it but can he get that out there. He did it in new york. He has plans to invest in rural and manufacturing communities, raise the minimum wage then why dheen say that . Were going to see a very different Michael Bloomberg. Up next, a new poll suggests new threats to bidens campaign ahead of tomorrows caucus. Raise the minimum wage whats going on . Its the 3pm slump. 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Quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent. Bounty, the quicker picker upper. As the 2020 race heads into two diverse states, some more good news for Bernie Sanders. At the beginning of this race, it seemed his achilles heel would be a lingering problem, thats his lack of support from minority voters, specifically africanamericans. Joe biden has been the leader with black voters but that could be changing. Newly released data shows sanders surging. Let me bring in congressman steven horsford. Hes endorsed joe biden for the nomination. Its good to see you. Biden was once dominant and he built his strategy on the idea of black voters but obviously in South Carolina as a fire wall. Now he has the support of 31 of black democratic primary voters compared to 29 for Bernie Sanders. Does that make you nervous . It doesnt because joe biden is trusted, hes vetted and hes delivered. Look, black voters, were very pragmatic. We want to win the white house, but we also know that in order to deliver on any of the issues that were talking about from health care to gun safety to creating better jobs, weve got to keep the majority in the house, we have to win back the senate and there is no one better prepared to help us win in battleground states than joe biden. This race is going to come down to states like pennsylvania, michigan, obviously North Carolina and arizona. So we cannot have someone at the top of our ticket that cannot get out the voters that we need to win. Right now we have Senate Republicans who acquitted donald trump. They abdicated their responsibility on offenses. The only way were going to defeat donald trump is with someone that we know, joe biden is that person, and thats why im supporting him. But when you see sanders with 29 of the black vote, do you think that maybe joe biden, his very poor showings, i think worse than most people thought he would have kind of punctured that feeling that not just black voters but a lot of democrats had that this was the guy to beat the president of the United States . Absolutely not. Look, iowa and New Hampshire have gotten way too much influence in this process. Nevada is the most diverse state in our early state window and it reflects the diversity of our country. So let the voters here in nevada vote. Let the voters in South Carolina vote. Let us have a say. Let the majority of the africanamericans who are the base of the Democratic Party have a say in who we select. Look, Bernie Sanders only passed three bills in over 30 years. That is not effective. I pass more bills as a freshman member in the house of representatives when we were in the minority. Under joe biden he has taken on the nra and won, hes passed the brady bill. Bernie sanders voted against the brady bill five times. How can you talk about gun safety when you voted against the brady bill and with the nra. You had 75,000 early votes, this is a new world in las vegas and in nevada in general. How volatile is the race right now with tomorrow people going to the caucuses . You know, i am so excited. We have gotten so much enthusiasm. Ive been at polling locations throughout the community with the Vice President. People are connecting. They know what is at stake. The very soul of our nation is at stake and people understand that. Were hurting and we dont want four more years of donald trump and thats why we have to defeat him and the best person to do that is joe biden as part. Congressman, steven horsford, thank you so much. In the next hour, my colleague Andrea Mitchell is going to be joined by president obamas 2012 campaign manager. Shell dive into Bernie Sanders rise as anxiety grows in the Democratic Party ahead of tomorrows nevada caucus. 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Meltdown, intelligence officials sound the alarm after the president ousts his acting director of National Intelligence, outraged by an intel bri

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