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Retribution. Moments ago nancy pelosi criticized the president for what she says is a lack of respect to a rule of law. Its related to a number of headlines hanging over the white house this morning. The Washington Post puts it bluntly the president is seeking to bend the executive branch as part of his impeachment vendetta and the pushback a minimal. The New York Times points out republicans are saying very little about it but there is one person who is speaking out, former chief of staff general john kelly is defending lieutenant kennel alan vndman, an impeachment witness who was abruptly dismissed from the National Security, literallies cor literally escorted off the ground on freethrow line. Ken dilanian covers National Security. Kelly, let me begin with you first. A lot of questions as to whether or not we are witnessing a newly emboldened president and more importantly how he is leaning into his executive powers. Well, we saw how the president got through the russia investigation and the Mueller Report without anything being directed at him in terms of any kind of legal jeopardy. Then we saw impeachment, impeached by the house, but acquitted by the senate. In both of these instances the president pushes back against the investigations and the democrats who were a part of those investigations and coming out of that with a year left in his term, the president is certainly looking to have people around him who support him. Weve seen what some have called the purge with removing from the National Security Council Lieutenant colonel vindman and his brother, though his brother was not an impeachment witness. We saw how Gordon Sondland the ambassador from the European Union was removed from his post and is out of the administration. And when it comes to trying to use his influence for friends, perhaps, like roger stone, a longtime political ally of the president who at times consulted for the Trump Campaign in 2016, convicted by a jury on seven counts. The president was asked about the potential of using that special power that is sort of unmatched power in government life and that is the power of the pardon. The president has used it a number of times in various cases, none so far related to these investigations. But the question was put to him again in the oval office yesterday. Heres how the president responded when. Are you considering a pardon . I dont want to say that yet but ill tell you what people were hurt viciously and badly by these corrupt people and i want to thank, if you look at what happened, i want to thank the Justice Department for seeing this horrible thing. I didnt speak to him, by the way, just so you understand. Reporter the president saying the possibility of a pardon is something he is not willing to say right now. He is very much making his point of view well known. The president is simply saying he claims a specific conversation between himself and william barr on the matter of this case where the Justice Department intervened when the recommended sentence of seven to nine years was brought forward. That of course triggered the abrupt resignations of four prosecutors. The president very much communicating but not doing it by phone or in person perhaps, using the power of his office and the twitter mega phone he has to let his feelings be very well known. I want to bring in ken dilanian into the conversation. You have been following the departures and movement of prosecutors. Certainly theres been a lot of criticism towards the Justice Department from allies of the president. Walk us through what you are learning and the effect it is having at the Justice Department. In is the thing. Its one thing for trump to replace people at the National Security council. Those people work for him, as troubling as it may be hes retaliating. The post watergate tradition is the president is not supposed to interfere with criminal investigations at the Justice Department. What we had this week is four prosecutors resigning a case as an act of conscience out of protest because their senior officials at the d. O. J. Essentially substituted their judgment and water wd downed do sentencing recommendation for a friend of the president. The president is saying he didnt ask for that. The question is did he have to . Hes been making public what he wanted done and he tweeted hours before that decision was made that the sentencing recommendation for roger stone was improper. So it created at a minimum the appearance of political influence and thats got people at the Justice Department freaked out frankly because thats the last thing they want. There is a sense that the Justice Department is independent, has integrity. This is about the rule of law in this country, and right now prosecutors and officials working at the d. O. J. , current former officials are telling us they are very deeply concerned that the attorney general is not on the level, that hes doing the president s bidding and that this could affect future cases. There are a number of cases that donald trump is interested in, not only roger stone but the case of mike flynn. A lot of angst at the d. O. J. Kelly odonnell, ken dilanian, thank you both very much. I want to bring in ken do. Jesse liu has officially resigned from the Treasury Department after President Trump withdrew her nomination as a top treasury official. I blelieve she was going to be the undersecretary for terrorism. You had somebody like jesse liu who was a u. S. Attorney involved in the investigation of roger stone, at least oversaw that investigation and trial, and is now resigning after her nomination has been withdrawn from the president. There is a principle among attorneys and as part of the ethics when an attorney is sworn in called noisy withdrawal. We are witnessing that in realtime now. Its the principle that if you are an attorney, you are an officer of the court. It doesnt seem like that to many, you think the officers of the court are the judge and b l bailiff and so forth. If an attorney has a client involved in wrong doing, thats when you see a notice of withdrawal. Typically you see that for a defense attorney, their client is going to continue to engage in a crime or wants to commit a fraud of the court. You rarely see it with prosecutors. The interesting thing about miss lius withdrawal is she is no free to speak. If she knows that direct communication that barr perhaps had with staff at d. O. J. Or with her, she can now testify it all of that and the white house would have a hard time block it. Let me play fror you guys a sound bite from Steve Mnuchin who was asked about this as to why her nomination for that post was withdrawn. Watch this. Can you tell me why your none nation was withdrawn . I think you know nominations are at the president s direction and we dont comment when nominations, as a matter of policy, when nominations are withdrawn, which happy for a variety of Different Reasons a the different times when thats done. Absent any plausible explanation, i hope you know youre more or less underoave k for two days, it appears this is another stop on the president s personal retribution tour. Let me get your reaction to the breaking news you just heard there. You had the explanation or lack the thereof essentially saying this is the president s decision and how we have been seeing the president behave over the last couple of days. It is hard to not look at this and say there are political sensitivities as to what jesse liu was doing and why her nomination was withdrawn. Brown said it beautifully, it is the president s retribution tour. Its like a mob boss, he survived and tries to eliminate anyone who was against him. Thats the reason why a lot of the norms that we have, including the idea that the Justice Department is independent, which is not in statute have to become law. The Justice Department has to become a kind of quasi Judicial Branch where the president cannot decide who gets prosecuted and who gets off. Weve been living with norms that we accept because honest people observe them but when you have somebody who is the equivalent of a mob boss in the white house, you have to protect these presents, which are not protected right now. Do you think this type of behavior by the president , he says he is not directly communicating to the department of justice as to what they should be doing, do you think it has a Chilling Effect across government . Absolutely. And its intended to have a Chilling Effect. Thats why he does it. The old roy cone philosophy. You not only must be seen to be doing something, you have to do it so people get scared. Part of the thing is the perversion of the for service officers, the civil servants. Government is populated by civil servants, not by these political appoint wes but its having a Chilling Effect on all those trying to do the right thing. Let me play what you nancy pelosi just said regarding the president watch this, guys. This is not what america is about. It is so wrong. Again, i keep public sentiment is making a judgment about this, but i would hope that republicans who respect the rule of law and i assume most of them do except for the aberration in the white house and his henchmen, that they would speak out on this, too, because it cannot stand. David jolly, your reaction to Speaker Pelosi saying she believes republicans believe in the rule of law. Youre a former republican. How do you grade the Republican Party today in the wake of everything that has happened . Nancy pelosi has a hope that i dont share. They have had their chanc rule of law. John kelly had his chance, bill barr had his chance, lindsey gram, marco rubio, rich scott, they have all had their chance to stand up to are the rule of law and they have failed to do so. Legacies are being forged in this moment. They will all be remembered as great republicans but they will be remembered for their failures to guard the very tenets of our democracy. 23 Senate Republicans will be on the ballot this november. They deserve to fall to defeat just as much as the president who continues to abuse the law and is being emboldened by these republican senators. It is literally happening in realtime during the show. I want to get you reaction from the white house on the next question, which is stormer chief of staff general john kelly is not holding back about his former boss. He spoke to a group of students last night. He in specific Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman who testified in the impeachment trial and lost his position in the white house. This is what kelly reportedly said when vindman herd the president tell zelensky he wanted the president investigated, for vindman that was tantamount to an illegal order and we teach them dont follow an illegal order and if given one, youll address it to the person who gives it o you and then tell your boss. This is from the white house, when i terminated john kelly, which i couldnt do fast enough he knew full well that he was way over his head. Being chief of staff just wasnt for him. He came in with a bang, went out with a whimper but like so many exes he misses the action and just cant keep his mouth shut. Rick, your reaction to how this is playing the president direct live goily going after h chief of staff. Hes one of former officials who served for this president who now openly criticize him. I would tip my hat to general kelly for speaking out. Its something i wish he had done earlier. I thought it was so important that he talked about colonel vindman. Colonel vindman received an illegal order. The men and women in the military are trained not to obey an illegal order. He reacted the exact way you were supposed to. He was punished for obeying the law. He was not punished for disobeying the law. Thats the topsy turvy nater of this entire administration, where people are punished for doing the right thing and rewarded for doing the bad thing. David, let me get your reaction really quickly to general john kelly, someone criticized heavily for the immigration and family separation policy that some say he was a part ofdoes this fall on deaf ears the fact that you have people who leave the white house, and then decide to whe wheel in realtime while we are serving . Yes because it the same donald trump that they swore to frokt the country from. Donald trump is a bad guy who does bad things. When general kelly puts his military career, his honor on the line to advance the policies of a bad guy, you have to ask in this moment why should we listen to you now . Its as though after the wreck of the titanic the first made saturday i knew the captain was headed right to the iceberg but my job was to help him do it. Who cares what kelly says in this moment and bill barr says in this moment, we reject all of them. Food fight on the campaign trail. Nevadas Culinary Union is clashing with Bernie Sanders and his supporters over health care. Could this fight with the states Largest Union damage his chances at becoming the next president of the United States . Plus bill barr in the hot seat. The House Judiciary Committee is asking him to testify about his growing influence in cases tied to the president , but will he show . We will ask a member of that committee straight ahead. At fidelity, online u. S. Stocks and etfs are commissionfree. 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The clash with nevadas Culinary Union stems from a flyer the union sent out about 2020 candidates and their Health Care Plans and claims sanders plan would end Culinary Health care and require medicare for all. Since that flyer dropped, sanders his his supporters have viciously attacked him about his medicare for all plan. Joining me is one of the best obtained the flyer and set the political minds in the state, whole thing off with the back and forth. Jon ralston and maria urbina, talk to us about how you are reading the lay of the land right now between this Ongoing National political director and fight and the sanders campaign. Just to give you a little bit of context first, this is the second flyer that the Culinary Union, which has, as you mentioned, more members than any other union in the state that they put out in the last week. The first one obliquely attacked sanders and elizabeth warren, but the one that my reporter obtained and we put out a couple nights ago was specific in saying that sanders alone would end the culinarys health care plan. These folks are people who work in casinos. They have a Cadillac Health care plan. They have been worried about medicare for all for some time. Sanders, of course, has argued they shouldnt worry, that theyre going to get covered, that their cadillac plan will be matched and this will give them more flexibility to negotiate for wages but what happened as always happens with sanders supporters or i should say certain sanders supporters is once they came out against him, they went on to social media and they are vicious and nasty. Not most bernie supporters but there are a core of them who are and the union then responded yesterday with a statement saying, as you said, that they were viciously attacked. The real question is and you used the word opponent. Are they going to be an opponent of Bernie Sanders . Are they actually going to do anything . Are they going to get those tens of thousands of members into the field to organize against Bernie Sanders . Thats a big question. The union hasnt endorsed anybody yet. I want to understand one thing really quickly. You said from their caulinary u perspective, thats only if they have their job. If they dont have their job, they certainly dont get health care insurance, right . Thats absolutely right. Another reason to argue for Union Membership is job protection. The union has basically said to its members, this is the leadership of course, we have your best interests at heart, we have gotten you this cadillac plan, Bernie Sanders wants to take that away. Whether you agree with that characterization or not, that is the messaging they are giving to their members. Bernie sanders and the other candidates went and did town halls with the culinary members. This issue came up and it was not pretty for Bernie Sanders. Maria, let me play you senator Bernie Sanders. He was on with my colleague chris hayes last night. Watch how he responded. If you talk to union negotiators, they will tell you they spend half of their time arguing against cutbacks for the health care that they have. Theyre losing wage increases because the cost of health care is soaring. When everybody in america has comprehensive health care and we join the rest of the industri industrialized world, unions can negotiate for high are wages, better working conditions, better pensions. I think the future for unions is through medicare for all. Do you see this Health Care Debate being a flashing point for Bernie Sanders with the nevada Culinary Union when the overwhelming amount of americans now support a medicare for all plan . Senator sanders is coming into nevada as a frontrunner and hes getting that treatment, right . Hes coming in and seeing what some of the most well organized political operations but also unions and operations of working class people are able to do in nevada and thats important to know and an important nuance. I athinkers made his kase last night with chris hayes. Something that im playing close attention to is the engagement that senator sanders has had in nevada. In nevada one of four households speak spanish. Its going to be really interesting to me is to see what kind of gains hes making with a young latino base he got to know really well in 2016 but is he able to penetrate older and generational latinos that didnt know him as much in 16 with his sustained program engaging bilingual media viewers and readers. Im a little interested to see does his support have depth, have staying power. Youre going to hear from approach next week. The oldest Latino Civil Rights Organization is having a town hall to dig into latin america, to dig into puerto rico, to dig into a lot of issues that affect la tebows, which is an increasingly organized immunity in nevada. Thats what im paying attention to in the midst of all of this. Thank you both for joining us. Thank you both. And dont forget to join us all. Job i should mention is going to join chuck todd. Michael bloomberg will also be making his debut on the debate stage. And attorney general bill barr heading to capitol hill. The questions he will face next month when democrats demand answers on several controversi s controversies. Controversie controversies. In one week. A lot will happen in your life. Wrinkles just wont. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repairs fastest retinol formula works so fast. It takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. Making wrinkles look so last week. Rapid wrinkle repair® pair with retinol oil for 2 times the wrinkle fighting power. Neutrogena® othroughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. Michael bloomberg is here. Vo leadership in action. Mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. Obama at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. Bloomberg im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. No. Uh uh, no way. Come on. No. No. N. Ni ni, no no only discover has no annual fee on any card. And i dont count the wrinkles. But what i do count on is boost high protein. And now, introducing new boost women. With key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. All with great taste. New, boost women. Designed just for you. The House Judiciary Committee is gearing up for its next big hearing to grill attorney general bill barr. The Committee Says hell appear next month. In a letter members outlined three concerns, the removal of the u. S. Attorney who oversaw the prosecutions of rick gates, Michael Flynn and roger stone; the creation of a process that allows rudy giuliani, the president s personal attorney, to feed information directly to the attorney general from whatever he is doing in the ukraine. And the decision to override career prosecutors to reduce the recommended sentence for roger stone. I want to bring in aaron blake, senior political recorder for the Washington Post. He wrote a piece barr pledged that investigations would being sacrosancts from political influence, that is in real doubt now. You write bar assured lawmakers i will not b into doing anything i think is wrong by anybody. Barr pitched himself as someone uniquely able to exercise such independence. He noted he was in the twilight of his career and did not need to worry about the fallout of a clash with a president. So simply put, what has happened here by most independent analysis, he has become one of the president s staunchest defenders. It was really interesting going over his confirmation hearing transcript yesterday. I thought i would look at what he said with regards to the idea that the Justice Department would be politicized. This was motionat the time most the context of the russia. The president indicated the willingness to have an attorney general who would do things political. William barr was asked about this a lot and said repeated the attorney general can advise the president on political issues but when it comes to these investigations, thats where there needs to be a fire wall, an arms length relationship and i this i thats even more relevant now than arguably it was in the russia investigation because in that case it was, you know, his decisions were controversial but at least he was apparently making them independent by of the president , if you read the new book by my colleagues. In this case it seems to be a situation where politics may be creeping into these decisions not just about rogerstop but also potentially with Michael Flynn if you look at some of the changes in those filings. The Senate Confirmed barr by a vote of 5445. The three democrats that broke along with the republicans were alabamas doug jones, joe manchin and kristen sinema. Have you spoken with any of these senators . Have they expressed reservation or regret for voting to confirm this attorney general . You have seen that in even some of their Public Comments since the confirmation. I was pretty stunned at the time that democrats werent a little bit tougher on william barr in these hearings. Styles he kind of talked around the issues and seemed to actually satisfy them, most notably in one case with Dianne Feinstein who seemed tock happy with some of his answers. He wrote a lengthy memo attacking the foundation of the mueller probe. He had latched on to some of these spiry theories the president has promoted, there was plenty of writing on the wale that he might be an attorney general who would toe the party line with the president. But i he was somebody who was at least an established former attorney general, served in the bush administration. They thought at least lee would be a little bit more by the book. Ever since then its been shown there are a number of cases in which things dont seem to have been handled exactly by the book. And bar served under a president who tweets his work. He tweets about him with glowing praise. The Republicancontrolled Senate doesnt seem interested in any of the issues that you raise in your pete. If they are hoping there would be a fire wall or some kind of independence between the white house and the attorney, there is really no outlet more accountability here. If you saw their reactions, the republicans in the, most of them sh uged at the entire thing. I mean, this is you accept that william bar was not acting directly upon the president s order, that the pr speech had no this was a demade with regard to one of the president s top allies. Even if there is not a direct line, direct order being conv conveyed here, the fact that the Justice Department is doing something very unorthodox and revising its sentencing recommendations for one of the president s top allies is a very controversial and problematic decision in and of itself. Aaron blake from the Washington Post. Appreciate your insights. Thank you. In just over two hours, the senate will vote on a war powers resolution us tied to iran after t the resolution would then force a debate and a vote in congress before any further escalation of hostilities with iran. And i was trying to say it has bipartisan support. It is expected to pass with the support of a handful of republicans, but it does not have enough votes to beat a president ial veto should that happen coming up, as many 2020 candidates turn to nevada, former mayor Michael Bloomberg is heading to the state. And President Trump meets new York Governor Andrew Cuomo hot off a controversy about the Global Entry Program here in new york. Entry program here in new york vo parents have a way of imagining the worst. Especially when your easily distracted teenager has the car. At subaru, were taking on distracted driving [ping] with sensors that alert you when your eyes are off the road. The allnew subaru forester. The safest forester ever. Transitions light under control. Upbeat music transitions signature gen 8, available now in 4 new style colors. Transitions. Today while some 2020 candidates are hitting the trail in nevada ahead of the caucuse , mayor Michael Bloomberg is spend being the afternoon in the state of North Carolina. Josh leonard is on the bus with the campaign. Garrett haake joins us live in las vegas. Garrett, let me begin with you. You are in nevada outside a Buttigieg Campaign office. What are you seeing with his ground game there . What are the Lessons Learned from the Buttigieg Campaign from iowa or New Hampshire that he wants to replicate or move away from in that state . Reporter its an arms rate here in nevada, all of the campaigns shifting resources, trying to staff up and get into these communities. Buttigieg is up to a dozen offices here, 100 staff. All the candidates are trying to catch up with the organizational leader in, hes of course run in the caucus in nevada before, has experience here. All the rest of the candidates are trying to move people, bodies and money here and trying to fet on the airwaves here. Be buttigieg is up with ads in english and it spanish. Were already seeing a big fight between the kull nair ear union here, easily the most powerful Political Force in the state and Bernie Sanders and his commonwealth pain and pore funny enough neither does Pete Buttigieg. His ads make it clear he supports a different kind of health care plan. Thats the same line that Amy Klobuchar will try to exploit here as will joe biden. A pesh you have this split over the next ten days to make up for loss of time in nevada. You were spending the morning with the mayor, isnt this making him more appealing to democratic voters . Hes trying to position himself who does go after the president directly. Reporter its certainly playing directly into Mike Bloombergs strategy of trying to project the image to voters that hes already the nominee, that hes in a fight with canth twitter has been escalating all day as weve been riding through North Carolina with Mike Bloomberg. President trump tweeting just a little bit ago, mini mieb and for bloomberg this is really playing into an argument hes been making that more than any of the democrat being candidates, we had imand take a listen to what bloomberg said just a little bit ago in greensboro. President s attacks on his height. The president attacked me again this morning on twitter. Thank you very much, donald. He calls me little mike. And the answer is, donald, where i come from we measure your height from your neck up. And it was not that long ago when miake bloomberg was mayor f new york city, that he and the president had a i did not understand what in a means, that you measure height from the neck up. Do you know what he means as a campaign weve been having a debate about that, discussing on the bus. We thit he might have been referring to the fact that people should be measured by their intelligence, whats in their head, as opposed there their physical stature. He has a way of making jokes that its not totally clear what hes talking about. Garrett, let me get your take on learning lessons from New Hampshire in particular. There was debate and analysis that some of the vote that went to Pete Buttigieg and claAmy Klobuchar divided the vote. Im curious to get your thoughts as to whether that debate is taking place in nevada as well. Oh, sure. I heard a ton of this when i was in New Hampshire. Voters deciding at the last minute between mayor pete, amy klobuch klobuchar. The debate came down to a lot of these voters do they want a fas . And was it a goldy locks option were in New Hampshire. Klobuchar and buttigieg have spent far less time here than they have in some of the other early states. Both played up their midwestern roots, both tried to use the iowa results as a spring board into New Hampshire and both find themselves playing from behind where youve got Bernie Sanders, very well organized here, tom steyer, the billionaire is running a ton of ad on television. So for klobuchar and buttigieg, thus far spent a lot more money, just establishing in the moderate lane in a state where theyre much less well known. Guys, thank you both so much. A tense face to face at the white house today. New york governor be a drew cuomo meeting with President Trump after the president banned new yorkers from enrolling globe entry and tra programs. Can he change the president s mind . He spent his life bringing people together. I know hed be happy that we are all together now. crying what is happening . [what is that . ] baby noises is that a baby nut . baby noises dolphin noises just kidding, im back. Wheres my monocle . When youyou spend lessfair, and get way more. So you can bring your vision to life and save in more ways than one. For small prices, you can build big dreams, spend less, get way more. Shop everything home at wayfair. Com when i needed to create a better visitor experience. Improve our workflow. Attract new customers. Thats when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics yeah, and now business is rolling in. Get started at fastsigns. Com yseaonly abreva cany to help sget rid of it in. As little as 2 1 2 days when used at the first sign. Abreva starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. Abreva acts on it. So you can too. sensethe lack of control when iover my businessai, made me a little intense. But now quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. And now im back on top. With koala kai. vo save over 40 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is meeting face to face with President Trump in what will likely be a tense showdown. Theyre discussing the administrations ban on new yorkbased applications into the Global Entry Program and other socalled trusted Traveler Programs. The ban was announced after the new green light law went into effect allowing undocumented immigrants to apply for drivers licenses. This morning Governor Cuomo accused the administration for enacting the ban for political reasons. Its not about safety. If the white house, if the department of Homeland Security thinks they need access to our database to run this trusted Traveler Program, i told them they can have it. But thats not what its about. Its about retaliation. Its about their political opinion. Its about punishing states that dont agree with them. Rick is back with us, former under secretary of state. Whats your assessment of this . Youre following this a bit closer than i am. Do you think as the governor is saying this is a political revenge by the president . Yes, absolutely. Im a just substitute new york state for ukraine. The president of the United States is withholding something of value to get something what he wants. Its withholding the trusted Traveler Program in order for new york to give access to the dmv records. Hes extorting new york state to get something. And to be clear, though, the federal government still has the database of felonies, theyre going after misdemeanors which is not something to ban you from a Traveler Program. I know. It might seem hard to understand for some viewers why would you give undocumented immigrants drivers licenses . Its about safety. If theyre going to be working here, they need to have proper drivers licenses. In a traditional administration, the department of Homeland Security would say we need to have access to this database for some criminal reason or investigation. Fine, lets negotiate about that. But dont withhold something of value to get something that you want. That is the way mob bosses do it. When you look at what is going to happen between these two men, a lot riding on it. They have a tense relationship as the governor of new york, the president of the United States. Theres no love loss between these two men. What do you think is likely to come out of this meeting . Do you think it could be resolved . Yes. And Governor Cuomo already said well give you access to certain things and i think it can be resolved and i suspect thats what will happen. Let me get your thoughts about something we were discussing earlier in the program which was Marie Yovanovitch receiving the trainer award at georgetown university, speaking out saying that the state department is in trouble. I wanted to get your thoughts on whether or not you share that assessment, the way she has characterized the date of diplomacy in america. Its a national institution. These are people who work in every Different Administration that representative American Values and american policy no matter who is president. They should be prized, not scorned. What shes saying is that trump is trying to eviscerate the state department by taking all those kinds of people out and substituting political people who just have the personal trump me first agenda. That aint right. I cant think of a department where we havent spoken to either exofficials or current who said people are happy to be working in those departments given all the pressure theyre experiencing, whether its at the state department or Justice Department. Yes, people i talk to talk about how low morale is, how little is getting done. Thats part of the other irony, that so little is happening there to effect the Foreign Policy of the United States. The American People should be disappointed and upset about that. Thank you very much for your time. A new spike in coronavirus cases overnight is raising new alarms around the world. 14,840 cases were reported in just one chinese province. The rise came after officials changed their method of diagnosis. Yesterday, there were 2,050 new cases reported worldwide. There have been almost 60,000 cases of infections reported across mainland china. We should note, we were going to interview joe neguse, we had some technical difficulties. 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Andrea mitchell reports starts right now. And right now on Andrea Mitchell reports, striking back, former chief of staff john kelly, retired fourstar general, lets loose on the president for ousting decorated veteran Lieutenant Colonel vindman for his testimony. And another key witness ousted, Marie Yovanovitch slamming mike pompeos state department. Right now, the state department is in trouble. Senior leaders lack policy vision, moral clarity and leadership skills. The policy process has been replaced by decisions emanating from the top with little discussion. Jury duty, donald trump attacking the roger stone jurors and now the former u. S. Attorney in

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