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Cohen prosecution team, he today if they detail more of the russia. Syria and the middle east, the evidence that they also say they iran is around the edges of this detailed last week there were president s decisions, how have ten search warrants, over 50 have. I know youll be all over thing. Im unclear what the president they affected that . Is going to say they have diminished our that when this starts. Tom winter from new york. Influence to zero. Thanks to him, thanks to all of we no longer have a seat at the you for watching this hour of table. I see our very good ambassador, msnbc live. Krig melvin in new york, im heading to the white house as Jeff Jeffreys who is working on the president is getting ready this. To speak. Frankly, this is a low point for thats our top story, hallie. U. S. Influence in the region. Busy news day. Look, i get it, everyone gets msnbc news headquarters in new york city. It. As hallie mentioned, any moment we want to, quote, get out of now President Trump takes to the the endless wars. Podium to talk about syria from this is a small deployment, two the white house. He may discuss additional items or 3,000 sand troops compared to as well. Were waiting for that speech to get under way as the president at one time we had 150,000 faces pressure. Troops in afghanistan, we had now from his own party on that 185,000 troops in iraq. Decision to pull u. S. Troops out by pulling out this small number of northern syria. Of u. S. Troops, we have ceded some activity already under way in the diplomatic room. This incredibly important President Trump also feeling the heat, of course, on impeachment. Terrain to russia, to iran, right now a key witness is which now has an open field of Behind Closed Doors with three play from bagdad to the shores house committees. Of the mediterranean. Her testimony comes on the heels its a bad day for u. S. Of those explosive revelations from the Trump Administrations top diplomat in ukraine. Diplomacy before we even get to theyve been called alarming, the Islamic State fighters. What, if anything, does it say to you that so many senior troubling, some even say thats lawmakers on capitol hill seem to have been completely taken the ball game on impeachment. Off guard by the decision . Well dig in on that. Indeed. Theres part of me that at least lets dig in with nbcs kristen wants to celebrate a moment in welker at the white house, nbcs which Lindsey Graham and bernie Erin Mclaughlin is in turkey sanders are in agreement on near the border with syria. Kevin baron, executive editor of something. Nancy pelosi and Mitch Mcconnell defense one, joel ruben former both get it. Its hard for me to understand Deputy Assistant Secretary Of State and now president of the why the president seems unwilling to go along with the Washington Strategy group. Kristen, ill start with you. Entire Leadership Team in at this point do we have any indication of what the president washington, what our allies are telling him on the ground and in might say . Well, craig, white house the region, both israel, saudi officials are being fairly arabia deeply opposed to this. Above all, and im going to keep coming back to this as a former tightlipped. Let me read you part of what Supreme Allied Commander in President Trump had to say in nato, that Creaking Sound youre his own words. He said big success on the hearing is the transatlantic bridge and the Nato Alliance turkey syria border, safe zone created, ceasefire has held and itself. Do you surmise that perhaps Combat Missions have ended. That may have been part of the president s motivation here . Kurds are safe and have worked boy, i hope not. Nicely with us. I hope we havent hit that captured isis prisoners are point. In the past he has been secured. Lets pick apart a few of those critical of the north atlantic pieces, craig. On the last part, captured isis treaty. He has. Prisoners are secured, we know the other Sidebar Thing floating that dozens of isis fighters around in the back of a logical persons mind would be that its were able to escape their Detention Facilities. Thats based on our reporters putin and putins ability to accounts on the ground. Influence events. We know the Defense Secretary, the president often seems to take the side of putin over his mark esper traveling in the region overnight said as many as own intelligence community, for 100 isis fighters had escaped. Example. So, yes, those things have to go well be watching closely to see through your mind. But im going to give the if President Trump gives any president the benefit of the specifics about what he means doubt that he wants to get our when he says that they are troops home. But on this one, on this small secured. Is he, in fact, confident that all of them are secured. Deployment, this is a small in terms of the kurds there is no sign that they are safe and secure. In fact, again, going back to the reports of those on the hinge that a big door is swinging and its a mistake. As we await the president to take the podium in the ground, signify a fair amount of diplomatic room, what are you unrest in the region and listening for from President Trump . I would love to hear him say essentially the fact that it is a deteriorating situation. Something of a solution about we know all of this comes in the how were going to keep turkey wake of turkey and russia striking a deal to essentially engaged with nato. I think thats an important man that area together. Russia stepping in with the strategic thing. President announcing that u. S. I think tactically, what is the soldiers are going to withdraw. Big question marks around plan for these Islamic State whether there will be a small group of forces that stays there fighters, how sure are we that this isnt going to flash into a to help police the area. So the Big Question Is Will Warfare Contingency going back President Trump fill in any of to europe and ultimately to the these blanks . United states. Third, craig, i want to hear again, it comes with the about iran. What is the plan for containing Impeachment Inquiry intensifying on capitol hill. Kristen welker, stand by if iran . Those are the three big muscle you can at the white house. Movements, turkey and the nato were keeping a very close eye on the diplomatic room, thats alliance, keeping that together, how are we going to block iran the left side of your screen which is of great concern to our there, that doorway where we expect to see President Trump allies and should be to us and, walk through any moment now. Thirdly, tactically, how are we going to keep a choke hold on lets turn to Erin Mclaughlin in those Islamic State fighters. The region. Erin, well get the president s those are the three big things. Here is a president who has assessment here any moment. On a number of occasions beaten i apologize in advance if i have his chest about defeating isis, to cut you off when the president begins to speak. And more accurately i guess it lets start with the reality on would be the caliphate itself. The ground from your vantage it is mindboggling that a decision like this would be made point. Reporter the reality on the ground is this plays heavily in and attention not be paid to the thousands of isis fighters who favor of both russia and turkey. Are now just left to roam free. After all it was erdogan and putin who sat down at the table yeah, potentially into the in sochi yesterday and brokered wild. We ought to celebrate the fact this deal. That the Obama Administration essentially what were seeing play out today is that deal put started this campaign to defeat the Islamic State on the ground, into effect, syrian and russian take terrain away from them, and troops moving into the syria Turkey Border to help that the Trump Administration completed the terrain removal facilitate the withdrawal of kurdish fighters from the area. Aspect, if you will. But make no mistake, craig, the meanwhile, erdogan solidifying his gains. He maintains control of a Islamic State continues. 75mile stretch of land which they are conducting operations includes two kurdish cities. As recently as just easter he says hes pushing forward break. With his plans to resettle youll remember the terrible story in sri lanka where 250 millions of syrianarab refugees into those areas, something the were killed in a nation of some kurds have said is ethnic millions by bombs planted by cleansing. Isis. They didnt have any territory meanwhile, President Putin emerged as a power broker in all then. Of this. We have to stay engaged in hell be participating in joint keeping out the possibility of a Turkey Russia patrols along the reflash from this Islamic State. Border area. You have a situation in which you have kremlin forces patrolling the border of a nato not only are they conducting operationtion through the ally. Its very difficult to see this internet, online activities, but if they are given the chance to as a u. S. Success story. Take terrain back, they will do erin, also stand by for me. So. We will will rue the day we we see the acting Chief Of Staff walked away from containment Nick Mulvaney in the door. Around them. We were given the twominute we saw Deputy Press Secretary warning almost ten minutes ago. Hogan gidley as well. Not exactly sure whats all indications are that we are happening at the white house right now. Close to the president s we are again waiting for comments here. Let me take a moment and turn to President Trump. This was an event, a speech, if you will, that was supposed to kevin barron for a moment. Start about 27 minutes ago. On a micro level here, there are let me bring in Kimberly Atkins reports that Russian Military for a moment, senior Washington Police units are moving toward correspondent for wbur, also an the syrian city of kobani. Msnbc contributor. Kim, all of this coming as this what kind of Military Vacuum did president faces mounting the abrupt withdraw of u. S. Pressure in the impeachment troops create there as we show investigation. Do we know how any of that is folks at home a map of the factoring into this moment . Region that were talking about . Reporter well, all of this, reporter the big switcheroo clearly the white house is that happened, the u. S. Helped trying to message, have the the Syrian Democratic forces take this territory and hold it. President come out and look like hes being strong and resolute and for a while now, dating back at a time when really damning to at least the end of 2017 and testimony is coming out of capitol hill with respect to beginning of 2018, turkey wanted to advance and dont like having this impeachment hearing those syrians on the border. The u. S. Has been negotiating with turkey to have joint yesterday. Ukraine ambassador bill taylor u. S. Turkish patrols on the threaded the needle and put ground and in the air. They just started them last together this story about an month. It was a very slow development. Operation, unusual side the u. S. Was assistant that they operation on ukraine that was train first before doing that, designed to have a political before allowing the turks to get outcome that favored the close. It was the u. S. Presence that president. This investigation related to kept turkey from coming in and joe biden. It was pretty much the clearest evidence that we have seen so going right after the kurds. The u. S. Advisers pulling back far coming out of this with those vehicles that youve investigation. And it was a tough day for the seen, allowed this new deal that white house. At the same time, the white erin was just talking about, house is dealing with this that now its turkey and russia additional issue in syria over patrolling the same area. The pullout of troops. Russia just got a free entry thats angered a lot of into this area. Republicans, republicans that he putin is now, like she said, a needs to back him up, to get him through this impeachment power broker, where they had no inquiry. So theyre both related. Place before. All american leverage is gone. I think, also, as admiral sta i think youll hear the president put the big spin on it that he did in his tweet, and a lot of what the ambassador said yesterday, they succeeded in pointed out, the ambassador was keeping turkey from doing more. Stressing the reason he wanted they somehow plugged the damage to work and help get these funds that they caused, whether you to ukraine is that a strong think the turks caused it or ukraine means that keeps russia out of that region and keeps trump caused it, stopping europe protected. Turkeys advancement southward on the other side, you have and continue to have some syria here which is a different presence or some sort of way to keep the fight and pressure on area, the middle east where russia could have a stronghold isis which, according to the ambassador and most observers is here. The ball that everyone has to the Foreign Policy is mixing keep their eye on. With the u. S. Politics, with its the isis fight in addition thats happening within this larger morass about this Impeachment Inquiry. The white house has to juggle syrias future. All these things at the same again, the president running time. Just one other thought to add just a few minutes late here. To that excellent commentary, we were told this event would craig, and its something we havent mentioned. Get under way at 11 00 eastern. Think about the knockon effect theres also uncertainty over whether the president is going to be just making comments, a strategically here as other allies around the world outside the middle east look at this prepared statement or if he will u. S. Troop withdrawal, walking do what he is inclined to do oftentimes in situations like away from the kurds right now. This. Hell make a prepared statement and take a few questions as what is South Carolina thinking well. We dont know the answer to that question just yet. About it . Joel ruben, lets talk a little bit about what we saw on what are the as stonians tuesday, the images of vladimir thinking about whether the u. S. Putin and turkeys president will actually come in and stand with them . So this has not only the issues erdogan there in sochi yesterday. The message that that sends to in the region that weve just talked about, but its got the world, putin putting russia in the power seat in the middle knockon Strategic Effects elsewhere that ought to concern us. Hopefully the president can east. Yeah, craig, its sticking a allay some of that and perhaps reassure some of our allies. Knife in the heart of those of us who served in national we are pretty far down a security for the United States. What the president did negative path in that regard right now. Essentially is provide a gift to kevin, i understand you have a question for the admiral as vladimir putin. We dont know why he felt the well. I just wanted to know at this need to give him that gift, but point, talk a little about hes now put many of our allies turkeys role in nato. In the region at risk and what confidence do you have that clearly directly harmed the turkey, a, should remain in curds. Hes evacuated the Playing Field broadly speaking related to how nato, would honor an incident if one popped up at a moment like the United States engages the this and what your thoughts are rest of the world. On keeping the Nuclear Weapons our word is shot right now. Picking up the pieces is what he there . Those are big concerns in the may try to do here or what military community. We ought to first state that ambassador did yesterday in turkey has been a fine ally over front of the Senate Foreign relations committee, is a time in this alliance, over daylight and a dollar short. Decades. Its also worth mentioning, and when i commanded nato turkey was this is key and has been alluded in afghanistan, in syria, in the to, russia is asking for more. Theyre now asking for us to balkans, in libya. They were engaged in all these evacuate our last base in the south in syria that protects missions. Theyve been good partners. Israel. So im sure well see that of late, that reputation for departure soon as well and being a Strong Partner in the alliance, craig, is beginning to russia will have an ironclad foothold in the heart of the diminish. And also, one other thing not middle east for decades to come and well have nothing we can do mentioned there, was the purchase of an advanced air to stand in its way. Defense system from russia t you mentioned James Jeffrey socalled s400 system. Who testified before the Senate Foreign relations committee. All that is causing a lot of he told senators he had no doubt about turkey in the alliance. Advanced notice of the having said all that, all those president s decision to withdraw the troops from northern syria. Concerns, i think turkey will still be a Functioning Member of senators from both sides of the aisle critical of the the alliance and i think we president s decision so far. Here is part of what theyve ought to continue to have the been saying. Im not sure the murderous high level engagements, work through this particular set of assad regime are calling the tactical issues. Shots. We dont even have clarity about heres an idea. Whether, where and how many u. S. Troops might remain. Erdogan basically said were instead of a joint coming in, get out of the way, turkishrussian set of patrols, how about russiannato patrols and america blinked. Or how about turning the whole am i reading that wrong . Thing over to nato . If we had our troops there we have worked with russia today, you think wed have the before, for example, in the same consequences . If america wont stand with balkans. Id hate to see a single nato ally, especially one as important as turkey, the second the kurds and keep our word to the kurds, why should we, other largest army in nato, in this friends and allies, trust kind of odd oneonone america will stand with us . How should we answer those relationship with russia. Friends and allies . Joel, we just heard from a lets broaden it to the whole sampling of senators from all alliance. And with regards to the over the political spectrum. Nuclear weapons . Reportedly the United States is there anyone who is in favor keeps Nuclear Weapons in turkey. I thought the president of the president s decision . Shared that with the world a few its brutal, craig. Days a ago. Well, lets assume the i think rand paul is in favor of president was sharing correctly it, and hes alone. That there are Still Nuclear hes very lonely right now. Weapons in turkey. If there are, this would be a he doesnt make a case for why good time to consider strongly this is good for the united repositioning them. States. Hes just saying we shouldnt be as we await the president s involved, we should maybe evacuate everywhere around the remarks again, he faces intense world which is not how one pressure not just on syria but secures the country and our also on impeachment. Interests overseas. Right now a Defense Department what we saw yesterday was an official is testifying Behind Closed Doors on capitol hill as embarrassment. Im sure ambassador jeffrey felt part of the impeachment very humbled by the discussion. Investigation. Im sure he agreed with most of it comes on the heels of Explosive Testimony on tuesday the criticism coming at him. From the administrations top he had to put on a brave face in diplomat to the ukraine. Lets get right to msnbcs that venuvenue. Garrett haake who is on capitol hill for us. Kristen, are you skill with garrett, as were having this me . I am. Conversation, as i understand has the white house, has the administration been taken aback it, mara cooper who serves as by the bipartisan nature of the the Deputy Assistant secretary criticism . He heard from ted cruz, lindsey of state for russia, ukraine is graham as well. It would seem as if the only republican so far who is backing this idea pubic lickly is testifying. Her testimony follows the major revelations from bill taylor, the top diplomat in the ukraine. Aforementioned senator rand paul walk us through what were from kentucky. I think they were taken aback expected to hear from cooper. And for a couple of reasons. Reporter cooper is behind as you mentioned, the bipartisan closed doors. To the best of my knowledge, her pushback was robust including testimony has not actually from one of the president s started yet. Thats because of a stunt that closest allies, lipid see republican members pulled this graham, who you cited there. I think since President Trump morning. Some three dozen republicans not campaigned on this promise to on any of the committees get out of these foreign conducting this inquiry, conflic essentially forced their way conflicts, from the perspective of President Trump, he believes into the secure rooms where these depositions have been this is something his allies taking place and said they would should have been expecting. Not leave. They want this to be an open what theyre taking issue with is the fact that they feel as process. This is just the latest though this is being done in a escalation of republicans, complaints about the process here by which democrats are happen hahazard way. Running this impeachment thats why they argue it has inquiry. Cooper, just by showing up, made left the Kurdish Forces who have herself a fairly important fought next to the u. S. Forces figure in this inquiry because shes the First Defense essentially so vulnerable to the Department Official to do so. Turks and now to the russians. Everyone weave heard from so far has either come from the i think that is why youre seeing that strong bipartisan Department Of State or has been a former administration pushback. There seemed to be a hope official. Remember the administration has been trying to stonewall this earlier this week and the inquiry completely. So just by the very fact that weekend that the president would leave a residual force in the cooper showed up shows that perhaps at least the department area. When he was asked about this, he of defense will in some way be sort of disputed those claims. Cooperating as well. Ill be curious to see, craig, frankly, democrats may not need if, in fact, he determines a ton more from any of these witnesses after what they got ultimately that it is necessary to leave a small group of u. S. Troops in the region at the yesterday from ambassador bill taylor. Remember hes the acting border, for example, just to ambassador in ukraine, formerly help police the region which is so volatile. So i think youre absolutely an ambassador to that country. Right, the white house not he drew, sources have conceded, prepared for the level of the most direct line yet between pushback. Likely, craig, thats part of the aid being held up and the why President Trump feels as though its necessary to come president of the united out and make this statement states one portion of his prepared remarks which we today. Its worth noting, it comes on obtained reads in part, by mid july, it was becoming clear to the heels of that day, that me that the meeting president bombshell testimony yesterday on capitol hill in which the top diplomat to ukraine essentially Zelensky Wanted was conditioned on the investigations of burris connected the dots of what he would argue is a quid pro quo on ma and alleged ukrainian the issue of ukraine. Interference in the 2016 the white house continues to insist there was no quid pro elections. When you read taylors full quo, craig. Kristen, it looks like youre Opening Statement, and i would in obviously the briefing room. The president is going to be encourage everyone to do so, it reads like the novel. He gets into the country in mid speaking in the diplomatic room. Do we know whether there are summer and puts the pieces tok, becoming more and more alarmed reporters in that room who will be able to ask the president along the way as to what he says questions, or is this one of those situations where hell was a parallel track foreign read a prepared statement and policy holding up the vital aid leave the podium . Reporter so here is what im which he said will lead to dead anticipating, craig, based on my ukrainians if it doesnt get conversations and reading into the country. Between the lines here. A dramatic read. Garrett, going back to what i think President Trump will likely speak anywhere from ten you just said, these republicans to 15 minutes. There are going to be reporters lawmakers have staged a sitin, in the room. And so they will undoubtedly is that right . Its tough for me to shout questions or be toobl ask characterize it quite that specifically because this is a him questions. Secure room to which were not now, will he answer those questions . Granted access in which members that remains to be seen. Usually dont even bring their i wouldnt be surprised, craig. Cell phones. This was an escalation of we typically see him take at least one or two questions in republican stuntsz about process that weve seen. Matt gates, a Florida Republican these types of circumstances. Again, depending on what he has gone in and gotten himself announces may determine whether kicked out of this room a couple or not he answers questions. Of times already. Now, fast forward to later this today he brought backup. It seems like republicans are afternoon, hes going to be departing for a political event trying to force the issue here on process, demanding that adam schiff, who has been the leader of this inquiry on the questions when he departs on the democratic side, open it up, if white house south not to the full congress, at Administration Officials signaling he will likely be in least to more committees. The mood to speak. Of course, President Trump has i know the word stunt is loaded, the final say on all of that. But its the only accurate word but i wouldnt be surprised if i can use to describe this. This is well outside the rules we did hear President Trump take at least one or two questions, of the house, well outside the craig. Kevin baron, let me turn to rules by which these committees you there. And by which most americans kristen indicating one of the would hope their members of things shell be listening for congress conduct themselves. But its being done as is whether the president has ultimately decided it would be republicans have tried and tried in our best interest to at least and tried to push back against this inquiry on process grounds. Leave a small contingent of troops in the region to patrol they have not been, frankly, the border there. Very effective at arguing the what are you listening for . Merits of what were learning im listening for the same thing, but i wouldnt get too mainly by leaks of whats coming hung up on the actual number. Out of these depositions, but i often try to remind viewers they are trying as best they can and readers that there are u. S. To hammer democrats on what they troops everywhere in the region, say is sham thousands of troops just across process. This appears to be the latest, the border of irbil. There are troops in jordan, an we know about this stunt thats air bass in turkey, aircraft happening on the hill . Carriers, thousands in kuwait. Reporter well, we know the white house has been on defense its not like if there are about this entire process. Thousands of troops on the ground inside syria, its make as garrett was just saying, they are trying to paint this as a or break. Whats important is that small scam. Presence. Look at the videos of just the the white house putting out a statement overnight effectively small numbers of Army Vehicles to that point, saying that what we are hearing is merely heading south with american flags on them, the image that hearsay. That sends. In addition, ambassador jeffrey bottom line, though, what bill yesterday to the congress made the point of saying its not true that all of u. S. Military taylor told lawmakers yesterday in the reports coming out of is out of northern syria, the that closed door hearing, does u. S. Air force is there. Amount to taylor essentially in the air the pentagon said drawing a line between withholding military aid to theyrer not, as a essentially these investigations into the president s political deterrent for the turks to move rivals. Now, the push back against that anywhere farther and it lets the at the white house, the russians know the u. S. Is president trying to make the watching for any types of case, the ukrainians didnt know violations, any types of we were withholding military egregious attacks on the syrian aid. Moments ago the New York Times kurds. Its all being recorded. Reporting top ukrainian officials were alerted in early im waiting to hear what the august that the 391 million in president is going to say, if he tries to save face and say i military aid was being frozen pending those investigations. Pulled them out, i take credit this is an increasingly for this wonderful thing, tur ki is great, theyre an ally, were difficult, complicated controversy that has been looming over this administration. Again, their strategy is to say going to leave a couple of were not really going to forces. Cooperate with this impeachment its his prerogative to do that. Inquiry because they want to make the case that it is not the last point, keeping u. S. Valid because there hasnt been troops deployed is a pillar of the pentagons National Defense a vote. Theres nothing in the strategy and National Security constitution that requires a strategy and has been forever, for decades. The idea of President Trump vote in order to open up an Impeachment Inquiry. Pulling back troops from the its still not clear, craig, they have a coordinated strategy forever wars just does not stand to deal with all these headlines up to that pillar. Theyre facing every day in the i think hes faced intense Impeachment Inquiry. So we await this announcement, criticism and pushback from generals, from secretaries, these remarks on syria as, of everyone who has come out of the military on that point. Course, this Impeachment Inquiry were seeing that play out in is intensifying on capitol hill. Realtime. Syria, ive said, is the the president very aware of that and has been looking for other lowhanging fruit for trump things to talk about, quite where he thinks he can hand it off to an ally like turkey, frank ly, other than whats happening on capitol hill. Placate his base, call it a win. Garrett haake, let me turn but for the Main National back to you and ill apologize security community, anyone who in advance if i have to cut believes in that tenet of away. The acting ambassador, mr. Pulling troops and having a cooper, his testimony yesterday, persistent presence, no way to how has it been received on the look at it as that. Erin mclaughlin is again in hill today . The region there, in turkey. Reporter democrats described taylors testimony, the acting erin, the abrupt withdrawal of our troops there, leaving our kurdish allies to fend for ambassador yesterday, as dist b disturbing. You had democrats coming out of this hearing room either for themselves, the possible votes or at the end of the day, resurgence of isis. And these were not gleeful again, as youve reported and Richard Engel has reported, we lawmakers, aha, we got the guy. Its almost as if they were know at least several dozens have already escaped, if not upset to see the depth of frankly what they saw as closer to a hundred or two. Corruption in ukraine becoming how is this being covered in so clearly exposed. That part of the world . What are folks there saying about our change of heart, if the ambassador is somebody who has a lifelong history of taking you will . Meticulous, contemporaneous notes in meetings, of telephone reporter Kurdish People ive calls, everything he did. Spoken to on this side of the he didnt bring the notes with border, you definitely get a him but used them to inform this sense of feeling of betrayal, that theyve been betrayed by Opening Statement which was so specific, specific dates, the United States. Specific times, specific im drawn to the words of a conversations with specific commander, kurdish commander members of the administration. He puts names and faces to all based in kobani on the night that they announced the sdf was the ideas weve been talking about, the illusions in the whistleblowers report, for forming an alliance with bashar example. Al assad. He flushes it out so completely. His message there was to say, look, we tried, we tried our even democrats were almost like best. The dog that caught the car Stand Up For Ed to be this here. They didnt know what to do with so much of the information they womens rights, for democratic learned from taylor. Republicans i talked to afterwards started to move the principles, but now suddenly finding themselves having to make an alliance with a regime, gold posts. To kristens point about when did ukrainians know this aid had a dictatorship because of been held up. American betrayal, and that is a this has become an increasingly message that has resonated far popular Talking Point to and wide within this region, and republicans saying this really i think the repercussions of couldnt be a quid pro quo that we have yet to see. Because the ukrainians didnt erin, thank you. Do stand by for me again, if you know that something was being can. Withheld from that. We have been given a twominute that appears to be the new warning here, President Trump expected to take to the podium direction. There in the diplomatic room at all this leads me back around to what were seeing this morning the white house any moment now. With this republican stunt in the committee room, if you he announced via tweet a couple cannot argue the facts and hours ago he would be making republicans are increasingly not some remarks on syria. Trying to, you argue the process the remarks, of course, coming and do so as loudly as possible. After widespread and bipartisan that appears to be what were seeing. Criticism over our troop garrett, stand by for me. Withdrawal there and what would admiral, part of what we heard yesterday was that the acting appear to be arguably a shifting ambassador, as part of this of alliances there in that part of the world. Radical left wing conspiracy to Kristen Welker is standing by try to take down this for me as well . Administration. Kristen, go ahead. I know that you know bill reporter craig, just one taylor. In what capacity did you know point i really want to stress him . Correct me if im wrong, he was here. It goes back to something weve been talking about which is the originally a bush appointee, president tweeting about the right . Absolutely. Ive known him throughout his isis fighters having been career. Hes a west point graduate who, captured and secured. This is really significant a, believes in courage, honor, because we know that based on commitment, and, b, someone who reports from the ground the is going to be a truth teller at president s Defense Secretary and some of his own top all times. People should know that. Admiral, stand by. Here is the president followed officials within the dod, theres a sense that at least by the Vice President and 100 isis fighters have escaped. Secretary of state as much. My fellow americans, i greet you this morning from the white this is a president who had been house to announce a major break saying recently we have defeated through toward achieving a isis. So this really runs against that Better Future for syria and the narrative. Its a real concern for the middle east. Its been a long time. White house. I had a chance to ask vice over the last five days you have president mike pence about this seen that a ceasefire that we when he addressed reporters last week. Established along syrias border i asked him, what specifically has held and its held very well, beyond most expectations. Is the administration doing to make sure these isis fighters dont find their way into iraq early this morning, the government of turkey informed my and potentially even making administration that they would their way into parts of europe be stopping combat and their and even the United States. His response to that was that he offensive in syria and making had guarantees from the turkish the ceasefire permanent, and it president that this would be a top priority. Will indeed be permanent. Craig, this is something that the president has really made a however, you would also define centerpiece of his foreign the word permanent in that part policy, being able to say that of the world as somewhat they have defeated isis. Questionable. We all understand that. So if, in fact, there are dozens but i do believe it will be of isis fighters who are not permanent. I, therefore, instructed the secretary of the treasury to secured, thats going to lift all sanctions imposed on undercut his argument on that. October 14th in response to you also have republicans, democrats, making the case that turkeys original offensive, this does amount to a retreat by moves against the kurds in the United States, weakens its syrias northeast border region. Hand on the global stage and that those isis fighters are so the sanctions will be lifted really going to be a central part of that. Unless something happens that again, ill be watching to see, were not happy with. This was an outcome created by not only if he leaves those residual troops in the area, but us, the United States, and if he addresses that issue, nobody else. Craig, what is going to happen no other nation, very simple. With those isis fighters and were willing to take blame and what, if any, guarantees do they were also willing to take have that they are being credit. This is something theyve been secured. I want to bring in retired trying to do for many, many four star admiral james decades. Since then, others have come out to help, and we welcome them to do so. Other countries have stepped forward. They want to help, and we think thats great. Stavrides. Thank you so much for your time. The nations in the region must put this in perspective for us. Ultimately take on the you take a step back. Responsibility of helping turkey weve got the abrupt sudden and syria police their border. Troop withdrawal, the resurgence we want other nations to get of isis. Weve left our kurdish allies involved. We have secured the oil and, there to essentially fend for therefore, a small number of u. S. Troops will remain in the themselves. You know what else . We have also empowered vladimir area where they have the oil, putin who is now conducting and were going to be protecting joint patrols with turkey, a it, and well be deciding what nato ally. Pause and let that sink in for a were going to do with it in the moment. The biggest geo strategic future. In any event, by the moves weve mistake here could be the made, were achieving a more weakening of the Nato Alliance, peaceful and stable area between craig. Turkey and Syria Include Ag and so for us to pull out previously it was the u. S. And 20milewide safe zone. Interesting term, safe zone. Turkey conducting these patrols thats the term were using. Up this safe zone. Hopefully that zone will become now with the green light the safe. Thousands and thousands of presidenls with people have been killed in that zone over the years. Its been sought for many, many decades. I think we have something thats going to be strong and hold up. Turkey, syria and all forms of the kurds have been fighting for centuries. We have done them a great service, and weve done a great job for all of them, and now were getting out. A long time. We were supposed to be there for 30 days. That was almost ten years ago. So were there for 30 days, and now were leaving. Supposed to be a very quick hit and lets get out. It was a quick hit, except they stayed for almost ten years. Let someone else fight over this long bloodstained sand. I want to thank Vice President pence and Secretary Of State pompeo for leading the american delegation so successfully to turkey several days ago, along with National Security adviser obrien. I want to thank them very much. The american delegation negotiated the original fiveday ceasefire that ended kurdish fighters to safely leave. Just got them to a point where, frankly, they were able it enabled them to get out, to go, and move really just a few miles in a slightly different direction. So this enabled them to do so. Countless lives are being saved as a result of our negotiation with turkey, an outcome reached without spilling one drop of american blood. No injuries, nobody shot, nobody killed. I have just spoken to general mazloum, a wonderful man, the commanderinchief of the sdf kurds. He was extremely thankful for what the United States has done. Could not have been more thankful. General mazloum has assured me that isis is under very, very strict lock and key and the Detention Facilities are being strongly maintained. There were a few that got out, a small number relatively speaking, and theyve been largely recaptured. Im also sure he will be issuing his own statement very shortly. We had a great talk. But weve saved the lives of many, many kurds. He understands that. The war was going to be vicious and probably not very long. Im very happy to have been involved in it as are our vice president , our Secretary Of State and all of the other people on our team. By getting that ceasefire to stick, weve done something thats very, very special. But by getting the ceasefire after a tremendous amount of really tough war for a very short period of days, that is something very special. Our troops are safe, and the pain and suffering of the threeday fight that occurred was directly responsible for our ability to make an agreement with turkey and the kurds that could never have been made without this shortterm out burst. Should turkey fail to honor its obligations including the protection of religious and ethnic minorities, which i true think believe they will do, we reserve the right to reimpose crippling sanctions, including substantially increased tariffs on steel and all other products coming out of turkey. We are now an economic powerhouse like never before, and very importantly like no other. Our economic might is stronger than its ever been and our competitors are not doing very well. We also expect turkey to abide by its commitment regarding isis as a backup to the kurds watching over them should something happen, turkey is there to grab them. Further we implore European Countries to come and fighters the u. S. Captured and bring them back to their countries for incarceration and for trial. Until just recently, europe has been very unresponsive in doing what they should have been doing for a long time. Now is their chance to finally act. American forces defeated 100 of the isis caliphate during the last two years. We thank the Syrian Democratic forces for their sacrifices in this effort. Theyve been terrific. Now turkey, syria and others in the region must work to ensure that isis does not regain any territory. Its their neighborhood. They have to maintain it. They have to take care of it. There were some political pundits who responded to turkeys offensive in syria by calling for yet another American Military intervention. I dont think so. But halting the incursion by Military Force would have required deploying Tens Of Thousands of american troops against turkey, a nato ally uni developed a very Good Relationship with, including president erdogan. The same people that i watched and read giving me and the United States advice were the people that i have been watching and reading for many years. They are the ones that got us into the middle east mess but never had the vision or the courage to get us out. They just talk. How Many Americans must die in the middle east in the midst of these ancient sectarian and tribal conflicts . After all the precious blood and Treasure America has poured into the deserts of the middle east, i am committed to pursuing a different course, one that leads to victory for america. Through much work, we have done things that everybody said couldnt be done. Todays announcement validates our course of action with turkey that only a couple of weeks ago was scorned and now people are saying, wow, what a great outcome, congratulations. Its too early to me to be congratulated. But weve done a good job. Weve saved a lot of lives. Most importantly, we have avoided another costly Military Intervention that could have led to disastrous, farreaching consequences. Many thousands of people could have been killed. The last administration said ass assad must go. They could have easily produced that outcome but they didnt. In fact they talked about the Red Line In The Sand but didnt honor their commitment has children died. I did honor my commitment with 58 tomahawks, eight long years after president obamas illfated push at regime change, u. S. Troops are still on the ground in syria. More than half a Million People are dead. Hundreds of thousands are terribly injured. And millions more syrians are displaced. It really is a nightmare of misery. Across the middle east we have seen anguish on a colossal scale. We have spent 8 trillion on wars in the middle east, never really wanting to win those wars. But after all that money was spent and all those lives lost, the young men and women, gravely wounded, so many, the middle east is less safe, less stable, and less secure than before these conflicts began. The same people pushing for these wars are often the ones demanding america open its doors to unlimited migration from war torn regions, importing the terrorism and the threat of terrorism right to our own shores. But not anymore. My administration understands that Immigration Security is National Security. As a candidate for president i made clear that we needed a new approach to american Foreign Policy, one guided not by ideology but by experience, history, and a realistic understanding of the world. We are building up americas military might like never before. Investing 2. 5 trillion since my election. But we will not be depleted. We will not happen again it will not happen again. It will not be allowed to happen again where our military is depleted, fighting in areas of the world where we shouldnt be. When we commit american troops to battle, we must do so only when a Vital National interest is at stake. And when we have a clear, objective, a plan for victory and a path out of conflict, thats what we have to have. We need a plan of victory. We will only win. Our whole basis has to be the right plan and then we will only win. Nobody can beat us. Nobody can beat us. I want to again thank everyone on the American Team who helped achieve the ceasefire in syria, saved so many lives. Along with president erdogan of turkey, a man ive gotten to know very well and a man who loves his very near future. I also want to thank general Mazloum Forength and for his incredible words today to me but me just as a representative of the United States, because he knows that we saved Tens Of Thousands of kurds and were not talking in the long term, were talking in the short term. Were talking something that was going on immediately and something, frankly, that was planned for a long time. The job of our military is not to police the world. Other nations must step up and do their fair share. That hasnt taken place. Todays breakthrough is a critical step in that direction. Thank you all very much, god bless america. Thank you. Reporter mr. President , you say the isis fighters have been recaptured but today your top envoy said thats not true, they dont know,they are. There you have it. President trump from the diplomatic room there in the white house, announcing that the sanctions that were imposed on turkey roughly seven days ago have been lifted. Also at one point the president announcing that people are saying what a great outcome there as well. And lets dig into some of it, lets at least try to. Nbc News White House correspondent Kristen Welker is with us. Kevin, ill start with you, give you the first bite at the apple. Wow, i get to start . Where to start . There was a lot there. He mentioned that u. S. Troops would remain in syria to protect oil areas that have been secured. Those are mostly in Eastern Syria that have been secured for a long time. He didnt say how many troops. Thats point one. Point two, this was a real remarkable trump of trump making a clean break from the pentagon, a clean break from the generals who tried to keep him educated in in line with what the National Defense strategies were to keep troops in the middle east. Hes conflated every middle eastern conflict into one big conflict that was not worth americas time, that was not wanted by the american people, and here he is declaring, you know, trying to declare victory, like you said. On the victory point, i wrote about this two years ago, when trump came into office and met with his generals, he asked the question, how do we win . Thats something he was very fixated on. Thats the opposite of what we hear from pentagon leaders when they talk about these long term commitments to Counterterrorism Operations around the world. So i think this was quite the political statement thats different than weve heard or at least a lot more stronger than weve heard in the last few years regarding u. S. Interventions. The thesis perhaps being, and i wrote this down, i want to make sure i get it right, President Trump saying at one point, let someone else fight over this long bloodstained land sand. Sand, excuse me. Kristen, it would seem that the president is giving us a glimpse of his new Foreign Policy. Right, this fits into his America First Foreign Policy that he has essentially been signaling since he was a candidate. He would make the case that, look, hes been calling for getting out of these foreign wars ever since he announced his candidacy. But what were seeing now is this withdrawal which again has prompted a backlash from democrats and republicans who say the fact that it was done in a way that was not well planned out has left the area vulnerable to be even more destabilized than it already is. A couple of points that stood out to me in addition to everything thats just been discussed, it is significant that he did acknowledge there was going to be a small contingent staying to protect the oil, as you all were just discussing, although not giving specifics. The president really downplaying the fact that a number of isis fighters were able to escape detention. He said that largely they had been captured. Craig, that was countered by his own top envoy to syria who testified just today on capitol hill that the number is over a hundred and that they are not clear on where exactly those fighters are. You heard the reporter in the room try to follow up with him on that point, on that

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