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Inflection point. With half the number of candidates of the previous debates on stage and the likelihood the field could soon narrow even more, right now the candidates are taking their momentum or lack thereof and heading back onto the campaign trail, making their case to the voters. Last evening was at times passionate, combative, even raucous, but it also allowed the debaters to get personal over issues including health care, immigration and gun laws. This third debate also marked a major shift for many of the candidates, offering up a fullon embrace of the very popular former president , barack obama. Maybe it was the setting, on the stage of an historically black college or maybe efforts to distance themselves from Obama Policies in the first few debates simply fell flat, but this time they set a remarkable course correction. I know that the senator says shes for bernie. Well, im for barack. I think the obamacare worked. We all owe a huge debt to President Trump who fundamentally transformed health care in america. What i favor is something that what barack obama wanted to do from the very beginning, and that is a public option. I want to give credit first to barack obama for really bringing us this far. Of course, we owe a debt of gratitude to president barack obama. Im fulfilling the legacy of barack obama, and youre not. I stand with barack obama all eight years, good, bad and indifferent. Thats where i stand. Lets go right to msnbc road warrior Garrett Haake who is live in houston for us, probably on no sleep. Big night, garrett. All of the top polling candidates on stage for the first time. What stood out to you . Reporter hey, chris. You did have the three frontrunners largely turning in strong performances, wellreceived performances. Joe biden not afraid to mix it up with the other candidates. That line shes for bernie, im for barack, is probably as clean of a destill lags of health care on Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren as youre likely to hear. The two traded a couple of shots. Bidens lines for, as a socialist you have a much higher opinion of corporate entities than i do is what caught my attention. Bernie coming back to make a point about what he essentially argued was bidens judgment in voting in favor of the iraq war. Eltz conditions to play errorfree baseball but not engaging with the other candidates. Thats worked for her thus far. Im also interested in the performance of the two texans. You had beto orourkes moment, both about racism and, hell yes, i will take your ar15, ak47, that has generated a lot of conversation, especially here in texas. Orourke has struggled in the first two debates. He appeared to finally find his footing last night. There was that Julian Castro joe biden exchange. This has become a pattern for castro who tends to try to pick these fights in the debates. Here is how he went after biden last night. Barack obamas vision was not to leave 10 Million People uncovered. He wanted evidence resingle person in this country covered. My plan would do that. Your plan would not. They do not have to buy in. They do not have to buy in. You just said that two minutes ago. You just said two minutes ago they would have to buy in. You said they would have to buy in. If you qualify are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago . Are you forgetting already what you said two minutes ago . Reporter on the substance there, skas stroe might have been better if he stopped that attack a little earlier. Substantively speaking, bidens plan requires people to opt in to get coverage. Castro castros does not. The argument about are you forgetting, a lot of democrats thought that was a low blow, castro going after biden on age. He might have punched himself out a little bit by going too hard after the former Vice President. Hes raising the money off that moment saying this is what it will take. This is the kind of fight he wants to bring to donald trump. Well see when the next round of polling comings out whether or not it was effective. Garrett haake, thank you so much. Also when we get the numbers for how much money comes in, you can try to fundraise off of it. Whether you get money is another thing. Lets bring in former becoming spokesperson, cornell belcher, and president of brilliant corners research, also an msnbc political analyst and zarein nah m a maxwell, msnbc political analyst. We saw a kind of interesting thing with your old boss, barack obama last night. These candidates, at least some of them did kind of a 180, all of a sudden, after wanting to distance themselves from his policies over the last couple of debates, as we pointed out in the opening of the show, a lot of kumbaya, a lot of support for him, none more so than joe biden who has never walked away. What do you think is going on here, that this hang hchange ha happened on where barack obama should play in 2020 . Maybe they took a look at the polls. President obama has 95 support among democrats. But those polls were the same in the first two debates which is why everybody was kind of shaking their heads. Well, i think the last couple debates were a fierce fight over the future of the Democratic Party and how far were going to go if we win the presidency against donald trump when it comes to issues like health care, when it comes to issues like gun control. Take a candidate like senator harris who spent the entire prior debate attacking Vice President biden in a way that seemed to ricochet on president obama, that wasnt a successful strategy for her. It didnt climb her support in the polls. The voters she needs to peel off, many of those folks are with Vice President biden at this point in time. That wasnt a strategy that made any sense. I think the candidates last night course corrected. They had a healthy debate about medicare for all and whether or not the private Health Insurance market can continue as a part of that, but they did it in a way where they werent critical of president obama. I think it was, not only more effective for their strategies last night, but they kept their attention on the long game and brought more heat against President Trump. None of those policies will be implemented if we dont win next november. I do think you bring up a good point, and that is that, whatever the debate is we saw it in the first two launching an attack can be a tricky thing, right . Theres a fine line between debating and attacking. Cornell, back to the whole thing with Julian Castro, it seems to me a major problem for him was not just the tone of it, but that he was wrong, that he went after joe biden on something that a lot of people saw as a low blow, but also he was just wrong. Well, first, ive got to go a little further than my friend ben went. In trying to attack biden through attacking obama is just stupid. Its just flatout stupid strategy. I think they realized that. I was struck by what castro did last night, because i actually worked for obama in 08 and 12, one of the things you never saw from obama was that harsh, negative, personal attacks. One of the things thats really important for voters for you to come across as likable, what im hearing and i would be interested to see what the polls show. What castro did last night seemed to come across in the punditry class as personal and harsh in a way that was jarring and unnecessary. I know this sounds terrible. Im less worried about it not being factually correct. Lord knows were in politics and facts dont seem to matter a lot in politics. To say to a guy you forgot what he said two minutes ago and what you said was not what you said he said. He didnt forget. You forgot. Yes, but whats going to stick out here is not the facts. Whats going to stick out is how negative it came across. It came across, attacking someone on a personal naegive way, better or worse, the vast majority of democratic voters are favorable and do like joe biden. Which brings us to the big picture, zerlina. What that touched off is a series of comments by the other candidates about how theres more that unites the Democratic Party than divides it. The messaging again that ben pointed out, that this is about donald trump and beating donald trump, not about beating up each other. Let me play a few of those sound bites. This is why president ial debates with becoming unwatchable. This reminds everybody of what they cannot stand about washington, scoring points against each other, poking at each other and telling each other, my plan, your plan thats called the democratic primary election. Thats called an election. Thats an election. This is what were here for. Its an election. But a house divided cannot stand. And that is not how we know were on the same team here. We know were on the same team. We all have a better vision for health care than our current president. Everyone up here favors an assault weapon ban, favors magazine limitations. Weve had the same debate. We had it four years ago when there were so many republicans on stage. Do you lurt yourself as a party by going after the frontrunner or frontrunners, not on policy, but in a way sure. I lived through Hillary Clinton. Im here to say that when you attack the frontrunner personally, that can damage the Party Overall and depress turnout when it comes time to need it in the general election. I think that every candidate should be very careful when theyre trying to critique the other candidates in the race on personal terms. I see this a little bit differently than the rest of the pundits. While i agree with the premise that it was a little bit meanspirited, i think joe biden can handle it. If he cannot handle it, he cant be the nominee of the party. He needs to be able to take some critiques. Hes been in the race a couple of months and theyre already complaining about the fact that he has faced unprecedented attacks. Hillary clinton would like a word. I do not think that many of the attacks that have been laid out against joe biden are unfair. Has there ever been where they didnt feel they were getting more attacks than previously . Sure. Joe biden helped joe biden because he seemed to come out the better of that back and forth. I dont think so. If you go back and review the text its important to read the text of his answer. People are not going to do that. Well, i think they should, chris, because we need to be informed voters. The folks watching, they can go and check the text of his answers specifically on the question of his quote about slavery. That was a lot more meanspirited in my view than the exchange between him and castro, because essentially his answer was completely tone deaf. If youre an africanamerican family listening to joe biden say, well, black people dont know how to take care of their kids, they dont know what to do and they need help and turn on the record player. If you go back and review that particular moment, i think that was the weak point in the debate last night. That was going to be my next question about what seemed to be a falloff, some people have suggested, in the third hour of the debate and you get asked very specifically about reparations and your answer is that you should play a record player . It was completely out of touch, but i think it goes to the heart of essentially what Julian Castro inartfully tried to point out in that exchange which is, is joe biden the candidate for this particular moment with this particular coalition of voters that we need to turn out in order to win . In order to mirror the obama coalition, youll need black millennials to turn out. Im a black millennial. When i hear joe biden answer a question about slavery when the question was, you said i shouldnt have to pay and be responsible for what happened 300 years ago, thats wildly offensive, on its face. Yet he continues to have so much support within ive got to jump in here. Joe biden is currently leading this race largely on the backs of how strong hes run among minority candidates. We saw senator harris attack Vice President biden earlier on in this, and frankly, her numbers didnt move with africanamericans and bidens didnt either. My problem is with the con ternts of what castro said. Joe biden will take hits as a frontrunner and will have to take those hits and stand there. If youre trying to make your way up the polls by going personally after joe biden, ive got to tell you, thats a strategic mistake. Those africanamerican voters who, by the way, again, like joe biden and favorable to joe biden just like they like Hillary Clinton and were favorable to Hillary Clinton in 2008. It wasnt because we were making personal attacks on Hillary Clinton. You have to play the long game and make this case among africanamerican voters about why youre the better candidate to represent their values and their issues and making personal attacks on joe biden, a guy they like, is not the most effective way to do that. I agree with everything you said. If you remember in 2007 and 2008, the tone deafness of bill clintons comments in South Carolina. Im just saying i can sort of posit out how this can be a weakness for joe biden in the future if he continues to say tone deaf things that appear to be out of touch with where black millennials are. I think his support is largely africanamericans over the age of 50 years old, and that is not enough people to win the general election. Cornell, you know that better than anyone. I dont disagree theres plenty of ammunition to attack joe biden with within that place. I will push back. I remember 2007 very well. Barack obama actually i was doing the polling. Barack obama took the lead in South Carolina. I will dispel the idea that black people in South Carolina are waiting around for white people in iowa to make a decision before they broke for him. We put in a grassroots Effort Campaign to introduce who barack obama was and connect him there with voters. Thats how youll win over africanamerican voters in South Carolina and across the nation, making your case, not necessarily attacking Hillary Clinton. We never at tacked Hillary Clinton really at all during that campaign, certainly among around black issues. Yes, youre right, bill clinton did not help. I thought what was true last night, what felt true was that there was a lot of substance there, that there was something, it felt different having those ten if we want call to call them ten frontrunners on stage together. I also think while a lot of folks on twitter were saying some of the final questions are kind of a throwaway, i thought it was really interesting to hear what the candidates had to say at the end. I want to play a few clips of that. When my son bo came home from iraq with a terminal disease, and a year later, year and a half later, losing him was like losing part of my soul. The fact is i learned that the way you deal with it is you deal with finding purpose, purpose in what you do. I came back from the deployment and realized you only get to live one life and i was not interested in not knowing what it was like to be in love any longer. So i just came out. I grew up with a dad who struggled with alcoholism his whole life, and after his third dwi he had a choice between jail and treatment. He chose treatment with his faith, with his friends, with our family. In his words he was pursued by grace. Ben, im going to suggest a premise and you tell me whether or not you agree with it. I think sometimes you dont have to talk about donald trump to make a case against donald trump, and in this case so many of the swing voters that i talked to, people who maybe voted for donald trump the last time, talk about his lack of empathy, talk and how surprised they are that he seems to not be as connected as they hoped he would be to people who are struggling. By telling their personal stories, do democrats have a chance individually to make a case, i am someone who you should be able to look at and see a president , the kind of precedent you want . Well, ill telling you the number one number that campaigns track is cares about people like you. Thats the most important attribute for any candidate running for president. Im incredibly proud of this field, the diversity of the field, empathy of the field. I think the democratic nominee in this race should run with a cabinet, should run with a lot of these people in it because it represents the breadth and depth you were doing that last night. We were all saying, oh, i could see so and so in this position. Exactly. Theres an a. G. Up there, a secretary of defense up there. I think a return to respect and empathy and understanding is a big part of what the American People are looking for in addition to a return to policies that protect the average working american. Donald trump has had one big legislative accomplishment, it was a tax cut for corporations. He hasnt made the promises hasnt kept the promises he made to the American People. Ben, cornell and zerlina, great conversation, folks. Happy friday. Coming up, one night, two diametrically opposing messages on gun. Beto orourkes bold stance on assault weapons, President Trump delivering a huge signal to the gun lobby. Battleground texas. Democrats are paying more attention than ever before with a latino voters. I traveled to texas and got a look at the front lines in the democrats fight to turn texas blue. What well see in texas in 2020 is the largest coordinated campaign the texas Democratic Party has ever done. Unprecedented . Absolutely. We will break records. Applebees handcrafted burgers now starting at 7. 99 now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Now starting at 7. 99 so that early retirement we planned. Its going ok . Great. Now im spending more time with the kids. Im introducing them to crab. Crab . They love it. So, you mentioned that that money we set aside. Yeah. The kids and i want to build our own crab shack. Ahhh, youre finally building that outdoor kitchen. Yup with room for the whole gang. See how investing with a j. P. Morgan advisor can help you. Visit your local chase branch. Hey. You must be stevens phone. Now you can know whos on your network and control who shouldnt be, only with xfinity xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. This morning weve got new urgency in the escalating National Debate on what to do about gun violence. The white house is suggesting a president ial plan could be presented next week, although trump has already backed off his support for background checks. Democrats impatience to get action was showing on the debate stage with an unequivocal call from beto orourke. If its a weapon that was designed to kill people on a battlefie battlefield, if the high impact, high velocity round when it hits your body shreds everything inside your body because it was designed to do that so you would bleed to death on a battlefield and not get up, hell yes well take your ar15, ak47. Were not going to allow it to be used against our fellow americans anymore. At the same time the debate was going on, the president was talking to republicans in baltimore, delivering a dire warning to the audience at that gop retreat. Democrats want to confiscate guns from law abiding americans so theyre totally defenseless when somebody walks into their house with a gun. Republicans will forever uphold the fundamental right to keep and bear arms. So given that, what happens now with gun control legislation . How will it play out for 2020. Philip rucker, White House Bureau chief at the Washington Post and msnbc political analyst. Fritz is the ceo of class pass, one of the 145 ceos who signed a letter demanding Congress Take action on gun violence. David jolly, former congressman from florida and an msnbc contributor. Phil, a little earlier this week i was reading your article about the president being wary of crossing his base on this issue. We all know there are polls that show overwhelming support for gun legislation, in some cases even by a majority of republicans, even by a majority of gun owners. Is there anything that indicates to you now that hes ready to go out on any limb . Well, chris, my sources in the administration say that the president wants to try to put forward some kind of package of legislation that will be meaningful. It may not necessarily include any changes to existing gun laws, any strengthening of background checks, hes looking at Mental Health possibilities, some Capital Punishment ideas, other measures. Thats not something that the vast majority of americans is meaningful, to say im going to speed up the amount of time it takes to execute somebody who s has already blown away a bunch of kids. Thats right, chris. Part of the problem is theres vast majority support, as you noted in this country, including from republicans for expanding the background checks program. Yet the National Rifle Association Leaders made an argument that the president finds compelling that by expantding background checks you have a slippery slope where you start easing the way for tougher gun restrictions that the president is frankly afraid to put forward because hes afraid of alienating gun right supporters within his base ahead of the 2020 reelection campaign. Congressman, youve been in the middle of this fight so you understand how it works. Beto orourke got a lot of phrase for his empathy but being so forceful even though a lot of people on that stage dont want mandatory buybacks, their concerns is it plays in the republicans hands, it will energize the Republican Base . Im not sure i agree with that politically. That was the single most compelling moment of the night. That moment by beto orourke had staying power, even through the long lens of history. It accomplished two things. Politically it showed bold leadership. People right now want bold political leadership. One of the reasons Bernie Sanders has staying power is because his economic message is bold, so is Elizabeth Warren. Donald trump, whatever you think of him, he brashed onto that stage four years ago and was bold in his irreverence if you will. Beto said, hell, yes, well take your firearms. Its bold. Politicians too often follow public opinion. Beto is trying to shape it. Hes saying no, what is happening in the house is important. I agree with you to some extent. I also was thinking theres a bunch of suburban moms who are going to decide this election, theyre going to, david. They just dropped their 11, 12yearolds off at school in the last couple weeks where theyre having to go under live fire drills. I think that the lead has already been taken. Here is why beto is addressing those suburban moms, House Democrats are importantly persistent on their package of gun bills. Kudos to them. The house bills dont get to the heart of this issue. Universal background checks are important. High magazines are important. If we dont fundamentally crush the gunsondemand culture and get the weapons of war off the street, the house bills dont do that. Beto is saying, i will. Every suburban parent, mothers or fathers, that should resonate. I dont know whether it can get done. We dont know what the new congress will likely. Fritz, the please showalmart to. To me when you biened that with all the ceos who signed the letter with you, i think you cant all be flying in the face of your customer base. Do you or any other ceos you believe as joe biden suggested last night there has been a sea ching in how americans look at this issue . And if so, what pressure beyond a letter can folks like you ceos bring to bear. Thats a great question. Its an honor to be here. For me this is not partisan issue. 89 of americans support universal background checks. Today the American Consumer expects to know where people who theyre doing business withstand on these issues. This is a Public Health crisis. Im concerned as an american, as a Business Leader and as a father to my child. I was proud to sign up for this, and ask for just common sense, sensible, bipartisan gun safety legislation and ask the senate to act. Along with 145 ceos. Im curious, is there something you can do beyond that . The state of new jersey just decided that what they were going to do is they were going to put pressure on businesses that they do business with, with banks who i think they spend a billion dollars a year alone just in fees, that they were going to look very carefully at who they do business with and how they do business. Is there something that Corporate America can do that would press this issue . Absolutely. We can choose where were going to hire our employees. My company, we have employees in san francisco, new york city and in montana. When were selecting to open an office in montana, i cared about the values of the people in that community. I spoke to the governor who is running for president. Weve actually decided to take a stronger stance and actually promote events like march for our lives in our application. Were sending people out in the world to have health and wellness experiences. We decided we would promote events that are consistent with our values. Every ceo, shes going to have to decide for herself whether it makes sense for her to take a stand. On this one, this was an easy decision for us. Phil, do you think beto is just the tip of the iceberg, not necessarily on this policy but the passion and the frequency of the message . In the past, as you well know, that message on guns has always faded quickly, until the next large mass shooting. Do you think he is changing the conversation or helping about how and how often democrats are going to be discussing guns, between now and election day . I think, chris, he certainly is contributing to that change in the conversation. One of the reasons you see democrats so impassioned about this issue is because it is such a stark contrast, their beliefs with what the Trump Administration and the republicans in the senate are doing on guns which at this point is not really anything. I imagine, as long as this democratic president ial primary continues, gun control, gun safety, gun violence, this is going to be a huge issue for the base of the Democratic Party. I dont think all the candidates are going to agree with what congressmen orourke proposed in terms of the buyback program, but i do think the passion behind that issue were going to see from all of those candida s candidates. Fritz, did you hear anything promising from the 2020 candidates when it comes to guns . Yeah, there was a lot of discussion about it. Im encouraged by it. Im more encouraged by the fact that the vast majority of americans support universal background checks, red flag provisions. This is just sensible legislation. Great to see all of you. Thank you so much for being here. Still ahead, on the front lines of the fight to turn texas blue. As texas is fast becoming a growing battleground and democrats are working harder than ever to drive up voter turnout, but republicans arent about to see control of this once reliably red state. D state, well inform them that Liberty Mutual customizes home insurance, so theyll only pay for what they need. Your turn to keep watch, limu. Wake me up if you see anything. [ snoring ] [ loud squawking and siren blaring ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. I didnt have to shout out i didnt have to get you a lift. And i didnt have to call your wife to meet you at the doctor. Because you didnt have another dvt. Not today. 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Enjoy every moment and help protect yourself from an unexpected one, like another dvt or pe. Are you doing enough . Ask your doctor about xarelto®. To learn more about cost and how janssen can help, visit xarelto. Com. Get ready for a Major Political fight in, of all places, texas. More money, more staff, more attention by both republicans and democrats is setting the stage for a political season unlike anything weve seen in that state. So when texas got more than a few shoutouts at the debate last night, it was really no surprise. Good evening. [ speaking spanish ]. Welcome to texas. Good even Texas Southern zblits wonderful to be back in texas. I was born and raised in oklahoma, but im sure glad to be in texas tonight. The potential president ial prize is huge. Texas has 38 electoral votes, second only to california. So lear is the key question. Do democrats really have a chance to turn texas blue . I flew there this week into the heart of the electoral battlefield, the latino vote. Whoo reporter in houston, texas, Trump Supporters were so excited. Four more years, four more years. Reporter that the president in North Carolina on monday might have heard them cheering his speech 12400 miles away. Were going to keep on winning, winning, winning. Reporter the historic republican advantage in texas is coming up against a younger latino voting bloc that favors democrats, so both parties are pouring record money into the 2020 race. What were going to see in texas in 2020 is the largest coordinated campaign the texas Democratic Party has ever done. Unprecedentsed . Absolutely. We will break records. Every time the latino vote increases in share, its going to make it more competitive for a democratic. Reporter today, 5. 6 million latinos are eligible to vote in texas, but only half are even registered. A sleeping political giant so big it could turn texas blue if its awakened. My family doesnt really talk much about politics. The last election my parents didnt really support either. Reporter thats pretty typical. While overall texas voter turnout exploded in 2018, the latino turnout lagged behind other groups. For democrats, a heartbreakingly close race and a lesson for next year. As texas gets younger, as we get browner, those are the people you have to engage. Today is a great day to get registered to vote at your current address. Reporter democrats are intensively registering College Students. Were such a big minority, so our voices definitely need to be heard. New voters activated by immigration controversies including family separation and two Mass Shootings in the state. Video and pictures get more engagement than plain text. Reporter republicans looking to counter the demographic shift are training Trump Supporters on how to register and energize the more conservative latinos they need. What weve seen since 2016, is theyre 240 more likely to support the president in election than they were in 2016. Thats your internal polling . Thats our data program that weve invested over 300 million in. Reporter the republican latino base is definitely smaller but they argue more reliable voters. Oh, my god, im so excited. Were doing latinos for trump. Reporter the stakes are no joke, though, a furious political battle unlike anything texas has ever seen. I want to bring in the political director of people for the american way, a liberal Advocacy Group and political reporter for the houston chronicle. Lizette, the republicans are going to keep throwing these viewing parties, theyre stepping up their staff. The Texas Tribune reports the Trump Campaign spent half a Million Dollars on ads between january and august, more than any other state. Democrats say theyll have a thousand field organizers. Lets get a reality check. Start with the demographic shift. How tough will it be for democrats to harness that young latino vote . As was mentioned, theres a huge opportunity to register voters, get them out. Really what we need to do is reach out to voters. Texas hasnt always invested in reaching out to latino voters, hasnt always been considered a battleground state. This is the opportunity to do that. Absolutely latinos can decide this election. Jeremy, you know texas politics well, so im not telling you anything you dont know. In the 2018 midterms democrats gained in congressional seats and legislative seats but all the statewide offices are held by republicans. How do you read texas as a 2020 battleground . Thats the thing. Historically we have been so republican for so long, particularly here in Harris County. But, like you pointed out Harris County being houston and around there. Absolutely. Houston, Harris County, its changed dramatically. Back in the day ann richards couldnt carry there. She was a Popular Democratic governor that won statewide. She had trouble in her reelection here. Democrats have always had struggles here. Except for the last couple of cycles, you can see the shift. Weve jumped from a place where john kerry would lose Harris County by 100,000 votes. Barack obama more like a draw here in Harris County. When Hillary Clinton ran, she won by 160,000 votes. As that number keeps growing, beto orourke pulled 200,000 out of this area. Republican candidates are seeing that. Candidates who won by 20 points in texas in 2014 won by five points or three points or four points. So they can see the narrowing of that gap, and theres a little bit of a panic. At one point the Harris County Republican Party had to commission a 40page deep dive analysis on whats gone wrong and how do they improve their outreach, particularly to the hispanic community. One of the things theyre looking at, and ill talk about this in a bit, is the conservative part of latinos. If i can, lizette, go back to the young vote. As somebody said to me very realistically, were going to do a great job of registering young latinos. Then we have the hard part, we have to get them to vote. Do you sense, do you hear that things like family separation, the controversy over the border, the shootings, backtoback shootings virtually in texas, could serve that purpose . Or is 2020 just so far away that who knows what will happen between now and then . I think that for both young voters and latino voters and obviously already a lot of young latino voters in texas, absolutely those things matter. The recent poll that came out this week showed 69 of latinos want to support a democratic. 73 plan on voting. They also say they are motivatemotivated by whats been happening here in texas, the tragedies of el paso and the shootings. 86 of latinos are worried its going to happen again, theres going to be a mass shooting targeting someone because of their color and nationality. Thats a Staggering Number of people who are worried. Theyre connecting that to donald trump and what he is saying. Thats something weve seen as a higher motivating factor in 20 is it than in 2018. In 2018, as was said, here in Harris County, over 14550 increase in turnout. The folks at the trump gathering talked about trump keeping his promises chlg. They point to his court appointments. They talk about issues like abortion, prayer in the schools. How large is that conservative latino population . There has been controversy about exactly how much of the latino vote trump won in 2018. Ive seen estimates from 16 to 34 . Rg said that, are republicans right, theyre old ever, more reliable voters . They want that to be true. At the event that i was at yesterday there just werent many people there. They certainly werent the trump event. The trump event. It was an older crowd, it was a very small crowd. They had time to build up that audience. If they had a bigger presence, i think we would have seen that. Im almost certain the media outnumbered the participants in that event. You can see just even in that event the struggle. Them even trying to have that event shows that they recognize their issue. They cant really lose latino voters as big as its looks right now. These polls are showing theyre struggling to get 22, 23, 24 of the Approval Rating from latinos in texas. That is dangerous. If you go back to the bush family, particularly george w. Bush when he ran, he did quite well with hispanic voters. To see this dropoff with trump is staggering. Theyre going to have to go against the wind here where this diversity has been growing dramatically in areas like Harris County and the democratic numbers have been going up. How are they going to reverse that . Its going to have to be more than a gathering with 30 or 40 hispanic people who are just not even necessarily from texas. There were people in there from nevada who were helping lead that event. They couldnt even find enough houstonians to prove their point. Its going to be fascinating to watch this battle unfold. Jeremy wallace, lizette el campo, thanks so much. It is judgment day for Actress Felicity Huffman. Shes set to be sentenced for her role in the massive College Admissions scandal. It puts the spotlight on inkbault and access to higher education. Ill speak to the leading expert on financial barriers facing students who are not born into privilege. Do you have concerns about mild memory loss related to aging . Prevagen is the number one pharmacistrecommended memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. If you have moderate to thsevere rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. Ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. Humira can help stop the clock. 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Lets bring in sarah rabb, a professor and author of paying the price. Thanks so much for coming in. Felicity huffman is one of 50 people charged in this cheating scheme to get kids into elite colleges. She said she was trying to give her daughter a fair shot. What do you make of that argument . Yeah, its a fascinating comment, given that the people who come from her background have more than what you might call a fair shot at getting their children into higher education. The real issue here and the real scandal is that what determines access to college right now is really not your talent nor your hard work but its really about your familys wealth. In what sense is that like the most troubling . Because i think for a lot of people, where the outrage really came from is who didnt get in, who is not from a family of means, who did not come from a privileged background and might have taken that slot, frankly . Yes, absolutely. People in, say, the bottom 90 of the Income Distribution right now is finding it hard to Access College in any number of ways. One issue is that colleges are looking for the students to have done an enormous number of things in high school when a lot of people are finding themselves having to work during high school right now so that their families can make ends meet. Another important issue is the costs associated with attending college. That 15,000 she paid in order to cheat her daughters way into school would have paid for at least two students to attend Community College nearby usc for entire year. We have people who are locked out because they cant come up with even 5,000 to pay for school. Theyre enormously talented. They too have high test scores. And yet their odds of actually getting a College Degree are low. Thats really i think where the outrage is coming from. The big debate here is should she or should she not go to jail. The prosecutor has argued is, look, her lawyer wants home confinement but she lives in a large house in the Hollywood Hills with an infinity pool and thats not really punishment. I wonder if the administrations for this class are any different than last year than the year before that and could sentencing send a signal, could huffman and those who follow her essentially be an example . You know, to be really honest, im very skeptical that that would be the case. I would much rather see her sentenced to donate maybe lets say 100 million to the Los Angeles College district where one in five College Students are homeless right now as they go to school. It would be important to get people to put their money into actually creating a fairer system. What is it about our culture, do you suppose, that makes people think that paying these large sums of money to buy a kids a spot in a good school is okay . Or is it really about is it about the whole thing thats been created, and anyone who knows anyone who has try to get their kids into college understands this, the competition is crazy, and the fight to get in as become so focused that people start when their kids are in grade school. Whats so broken in this system . The system is broken at every single level, frankly. I mean, part of the problem is that people turn to a magazine to tell them where their child should go to college. And when those colleges are ranked at the top which in part has to do, again, with just who they enroll, it is much easier to appear at the top of the rankings if you turn away the middle class and turn away people without a lot of money, accepting only wealthy students. That leads us down a rabbit hole where people competing to get into the top 100 colleges in the United States, as if those are the only places to get a good education. We have to get away from focusing on u. S. News world report to determine quality and instead recognize there are over 4,500 colleges and universities in the United States that do a darn good job with education. Thank you so much for coming on the program. We have new information in the case of former fbi Deputy Director Andrew Mccabe. Nbc correspondent Julia Ainsley is here with an update. Julia, what do you have . Reporter so this continues, chris, to be an interesting saga in whether or not former Deputy Director of the fbi Andrew Mccabe will be indicted. Yesterday the Justice Department declined and rejected his appeal to avoid a prosecution. But it all comes down to the grand jury. We all expected the grand jury to decide yesterday to hand up an indictment that would lead to criminal charges against Andrew Mccabe. Now that indictment never came. So while were all wondering whats going on here at the Justice Department, it appears Andrew Mccabes lawyers are wondering the same thing. Theyve sent a letter to prosecutors asking them what is going on, they want more information, and they are also saying that based on these rumors that the grand jury didnt even deliver an indictment and decided instead not to indict, that the Justice Department should drop this case. Theyre citing a longstanding rule that prosecutors should not bring forward a case if they dont have a likely chance of it actually concluding in a trial, that they shouldnt keep pursuing through the grand jury system to get an indictment if they couldnt convince a jury at a trial, because with a grand jury you dont have to have a unanimous vote, you just have to have 12 our 23, and you dont have the defense there either. Theyre saying, therefore it is simply not reasonable to believe that a trial jury will find mccabe guilty of any charges. Thank you so much. Well be right back. Right. Thousands of women with Metastatic Breast Cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. 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Thank you so much, chris, great to see you. Coming up, frontrunner joe biden fends off attacks from his competitors as one tries too hard for breakout moment. You said they would have to buy in. Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago . Are you forgetting already what you said just two minutes ago . Trigger point. After el paso, beto orourkes passionate plea for gun control. But did he give ammunition to the gun lobby by going too far . Hell yes, were going to take your ar15, your ak47. Were not going to allow them to be used against fellow americans anymore. And the big easy. The president says no problem finding a Fourth National security adviser in three years. We have 15 candidates. Everybody wants it badly, as you can imagine. Its a great job. Its great because its a lot of fun to work with donald trump and its very easy, actually, to work with him

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