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Shooting. His visit coming just hours after he continued to sow more division about with his rhetoric. As he is said to head to el paso next, his visit may be less than welcome there. Well have two people telling me why they dont want the froze come. Also a forceful rebuke of racism. Senator and president ial candidate cory booker just delivering a major address from another site motivated by hate. Emanuel church in charleston. Well play part of what he said a few minutes from now. But we start with President Trump on the ground in ohio. A live look at Air Force One on the tarmac at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Hell be visiting places where shootings took more than 30 lives over the weekend. He will be meeting with victims, First Responders there and then he will will be traveling to el paso, texas. The leaders of both cities have made it plain that the president s divisive rhetoric is not welcome. Before he left the white house President Trump talked about their concerns. I think we have tend to it down. Weve been hitting weve been getting hit left and right from everybody, many of the people i dont know, a couple of people from texas, political people from texas that arent doing very well. So theyre trying to make political points. I dont think it worked because, you know, i would like to stay out of the political frame. I think my rhetoric is a very it brings people together. President trump saying that his rhetoric brings people together. We get details now from Nbcs Kelly Odonnell at the white house, Gabe Gutierrez in ohio and, kelly, ill start with you. Can we expect the president to continue tweeting about those who criticize his rhetoric today . Hard to know, but i think of the course of the next several hours where the president is on the ground and visiting, perhaps in that window of time it is less likely that the president would engage in tweets. He tends to do those more when hes got some time to himself and his Team Sometimes will prepare a tweet that recaps a visit. So perhaps well see that. He is with the first lady and sometimes that also changes the nature of the visit. This is the president in a more ceremonial mode, not in the raw political kind of vibe that we sometimes see the president in. Well have to see it play out. The president sometimes has a different perception of how his own rhetoric plays. You can certainly take that from his dmon his comments to reporters where he describes himself as toning it down when many of his critics believes that his words and policies and actions have inflamed a lot of the political environment in which we live right now. So the president will have an opportunity to see First Responders, a community where he often has support and can make a connection. He will meet with local political leaders who often city by city can put aside their immediate differences and be civil and polite in these circumstances. We may see that play out. And theres an opportunity for Office Holders to speak frankly among themselves if they choose do that. Well see if that plays out. The president s going on a day like this knowing that there are many people who would prefer that he would have stayed here in washington or hold him to account to some degree for a role in this. Makes it a difficult trip for everyone, those who would prefer he not be there and to some degree for the president himself. So its not comfortable, really, for anyone involved. And so the president has to tread lightly and those who will receive him will also perhaps have some discomfort. That puts some real onus on everyone as the president and first lady there will have their first opportunity to make an impression. Kelly odonnell for us there at the white house. Thank you, as we watch President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump descend from Air Force One. On the ground to greet the president we just saw the mayor of dayton, ohio. The democrat who said earlier this week that she was disappointed in the president s remarks. She did say, though, that she would welcome him to dayton. She also said that she would welcome protests as well. We do expect to see some protests in dayton, ohio, and el paso, texas. Also on the tarmac theyre greeting the president , ohio senator rob portman and i believe i see Sherrod Brown there, ohio senator Sherrod Brown, the democrat and the republican senators there from the Buckeye State on the tarmac. We also are expecting that theres Governor Mike Dewine as well, the ohio governor. The republican, by the way, governor dewine, i was in dayton earlier this week as he attempted to speak at a vigil in dayton, ohio, he was interrupted interrupted by chants of do something, do something from those who had assembled for that vigil there in dayton on sunday night as we see the first lady and president continue to greet folks there on the tarmac. This is again Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Also worth pointing out that there were actually three active duty airmen from Wright Patterson Air Force Base who sustained some minor injuries early Sunday Morning while they were evacuating the scene of that Mass Shooting in the Oregon District there in dayton. Its an Air Force Base this is northeast of dayton, ohio, as we watch the president continue to talk to some of the folks there who have assembled on the ground meet him. Weve got to wonder what the president s saying to them and what they are saying to the president of the United States. Gabe gutierrez has been on the ground there in dayton, ohio, since all of this went down over the weekend. Gabe, what has been the reaction there . In dayton splisk to President Trumps visit . Actually you were talking about we were starting to see some protests here and from our Camera Position, its tough to see with some traffic being backed up, this is in front of Ned Peppers Bar near where that shooting happened. You can see there seems to be some heated discussion happening over there between some of the demonstrators here not happy with President Trumps visit. As you mentioned him just touching down. But theres another i guess counterprotester waving a 2020 keep America Great flag. And theres some discussion about certainly whether the president should be here or not. Hasnt gotten too heated just yet, just several dozen protesters thus far. But, craig there is what weve been seeing over the past couple of days here of some skepticism over President Trumps visit. Certainly not as heat heard as it has been in el paso. But the mayor of dayton has said that the president s comments were not on monday were not helpful. She says that she doesnt think that the president s rhetoric or rather the president s rhetoric has caused a lot of pain here. So, again, we are here right in front of Ned Peppers Bar. This is in the historic Oregon District where this Mass Shooting happened. Nine People Killed, more than 30 injured early Sunday Morning. Right now several dozen protesters have gathered not happy with President Trumps visit and, as you can see, a counterprotester over there, President Trump supporter appears to be having a heated discussion with them over there. We expect this to play out over the next couple of hours. Weapon do n we do not know too many details of the president s visit right now. Hes set to meet with victims families and First Responders but this is the scene right now here in dayton. Can we see on the right side of the screen, gabe, if you could have your Photographer Pan back over and if we can make this picture a little larger on the right side of the screen so we can get a better sense of the tony, if you can yeah, lets pan over there. Were trying to get were kind of locked down in our Camera Position here and well try to get a better picture. If we can head over there. But right now were kind of zooming in over there. Several dozen protesters, some media there. You see some of these these People Holding signs, some of them saying dump trump. Another protester saying the sign dayton loves happy people. Certainly alluding to some of what many of these protesters see as divisive rhetoric the president has. Now were hearing louder cries of do something, craig. Youll remember several days ago this was the part that we heard during the very emotional vigil here. Several hundred if not thousand of people were right here in the Oregon District on sunday, sunday evening, just less than 24 hours after that shooting. Theres wa a chant ths a chant d do something right when Governor Mike Dewine took the stage. Its building over what some of these protesters feel is not being done at the federal level to curb some of this gun violence. Over the last few days Governor Mike Dewine saying he backed several gun Gun Control Restrictions, tighter Gun Control Restrictions as well as red flag laws. A lot of questions here in ohio whether that will go anywhere with the republicancontrolled legislature. But right now we are seeing just, you know, some frustration, anger here building about the president s visit. Certainly not as heated, at least from what i can tell, that weve heard is happening in el paso. This is a different situation here. Again, as part of the investigation, if i can mention some of of that, yesterday the federal investigation into this shooting, the fbi opening a federal investigation saying that up until now this does not appear to be racially motivated. But there is still a lot of frustration here, craig, about just in general gun control. Weve spoken with many people in and around involved with this shooting, including people that knew the gunman. Theres a lot of discussion about Mental Health, mental illness, whether red flags were missed. But also frustration about whether, you know, he should have been allowed to have this weapon. Although, as you know, craig, investigators have said there was nothing in his criminal history that would have prevented him from purchasing this weapon. We understand that he would have that he legally purchased it from an online retailer in texas. Gabe. In any case, now were looking at the situation unfolding, some chanting here, some discussion here gabe. About whether President Trump should visit here. Go ahead, craig. While you were reporting there was another protest that appeared to start there in dayton. This is the scene not far from Miami Valley Hospital there in dayton, ohio. And, gabe, this is actually not far from where you, as well as you know. We see a number of protesters gathering there. And of course that that giant trump baby balloon that has become fairly popular at protests like this, that pop up ahead of the president s visit to certain places. But the balloon is there, some protesters are on the ground. Gabe, do stand by for me if you can. I want to bring in Ohio Democratic congressman tim ryan now. Ryan running for president and running for the democratic nomination. Congressman, as i understand it you are in youngstown. I know you spent the better part of the week there in dayton. Your district does not include dayton, ohio, but were you invited to meet with the president . Were you invited to greet the president . No, i was not. Not that i know of. If you had been, would you have gone . I was in dayton for a couple days. Probably not. Im not sure. I probably would have consult with the mayor down there to see what she wanted me to do. Ive kind of been following her lead throughout the last few days of doing whatever she wanted me to do. So i would have probably consulted her. Weve heard leaders in these cities in el paso, there in dayton as well, a number of leaders say they would not meet with President Trump. Would you be willing to at least sit down and talk to the president about some ways that we can fix the Gun Violence Epidemic in this country . You always want to leave the door open. But i got to tell you, i mean, this is one of the most disingenuous human beings ive ever watched in my entire life. He gives a speech about unity a couple days ago and last night hes blasting beto orourke. I mean, he just hes disingenuous. He doesnt keep his word. He is in it for the tv show. And hes not connecting and understanding whats happening in the country right now. You mentioned the anger, the fear. People are afraid to go to wahl walmart now. People are afraid to send their kids to school. Kids think theyre going to get killed in school. I mean, lets just stop for 30 seconds and think about what were doing to our kids and then have the president in no way, shape, or form be a unifier of trying to pull people together. He should have said to beto orourke, look, congressman orourke, i understand your passion. Im saying if i contributed to this in any way, shape, or form. When i come to el paso i would love to sit down with you and give me my condolences personally and ask you how you think we can work together. Thats what a leader does. And thats thats not what we have in the white house right now. And our countrys worse off because of it. Youve mentioned before that the president throws rheetor cal jet fuels on fires burning in the country. What would you like to hear from him today to help ease the pain and frustration and the fear that a lot of folks are feeling right now, not just dayton, ohio, but all over the United States of america . Its hard for me to be as frank as i can to see him connect emotionally in this environment. I almost feel like hes incapable of of feeling, you know, that compassion that is needed that barack obama had, that bill clinton had, that george w. Bush had to really connect with people in their pain. And the whole countrys in pain now and we have a president who doesnt know how to connect with people in pain and in many ways makes it worse. So i dont even know what the advice would be. Even if he said something, chances are hes going to revert back later tonight when he gets on his twitter feed or tomorrow morning and cause more and more division. And thats really the concern we all have. Congressman, do you think hes incapable or do you think hes just unwilling . I feel i mean, you know, this is Bar Stool Analysis here. I feel like hes incapable of Feeling Empathy for people and, you know, like i said, im not here to give the guy a you know, an examination here, but i feel like hes incapable of Feeling Empathy. I dont think he deeply understands compassion. He himself said he never cried. I mean, ive cried 50 times since i heard this and being in dayton. And im sure youve been moved too just being there. How do you not feel that emotion that people are going through . I saw an 89yearold woman on a walker as i was walking out of dayton the other day in complete tears, had lived there her whole life. It just moves you. And i dont see that in him. And i think thats thats a real thats really problematic when you have the level of division that we have in the United States, the race issues that we have. These really deep problems that we have in the country, we need a leader who can who can meet everybody in that pain, in that confusion, in that fear, and then begin the Healing Process so that we can move forward. And it makes its way, and im as guilty as anybody, i get really, really mad. And then i, you know, i get really moved to tears. And weve got to figure out how we start healing this country. Because were all so concerned at what were leaving our children. You know, ive got weve got angrydrea and i have thr children and were saying what are we leaving to our kids and how can we fix this and do something . Which the people were chanting the other day. I want to be a part of that dpoi dont think this president s capable of doing that. Sad to say. I know a lot of democrats have been talking to Background Checks, enhancing Background Checks, improving Background Checks on a federal level. Congressman, it is not clear whether that would have stopped the shooter in dayton, whether that would have prevented the shooting kne shooting in el paso as well. In terms of the conversation we should be having about possible legislative fixes, is Background Checks, is reinstating the Assault Weapons ban since 1994 . Is it Something Else . Is it a combination of those things . What would federal legislation designed to fix this problem look like . I tell you, its got to be all of the above. Why are weapons made for war on the streets of dayton . Why are they on the streets of el paso . That doesnt even make any sense. These magazine drums that allow someone to get off, you know, a hundred round within 30 seconds. I mean, that is meant for battle. That is meant for war. And now theyre on the streets of the United States. So we have to figure out how to get those out of the hands of people, reduce their numbers. I mean, lets find a compromise. You want one, you got to keep it at the gun club and check it out. You cant bring it home and it cant be in the streets and were going to know what these are. But i support the ban. Same with the magazines and these extended clips that allow you to get so many rounds off quickly in an entertainment distinct district in dayton. This is not what we want happening here. But what were doing, im starting tomorrow leading a caravan if my official capacity going to youngtown, columbus, dayton, cincinnati, and were picking u up activists along the way and were going to louisville, kentucky, and were going to knock on Mitch Mcconnells door, not on his door literally, but well be in his hometown letting him know that the people of ohio are fed up. Im inviting every other border state to come and start a caravan and meet us down there tomorrow night. Weve had enough and the whole purpose is going to be for him to pass these two pieces of legislation about Background Checks. Theyre sitting on his door, the Democratic House has already passed these. Moms demand action in ohio are coordinating this here in our state and we want those two pieces of legislation passed. And were asking everybody within an earshot, meet us in louisville tomorrow night and lets let Mitch Mcconnell know that this is a national effort. The people are going to start governing the country again and this is the issue we want to start with right now. Ohio congressman time Ryan Running For the democratic nomination for president of the United States. Congressman ryan, thanks for your time, sir. Do appreciate it. Meanwhile, while we were having that conversation, the protest in ohio continue. Both scenes on your screen scenes in dayton, ohio. Were keeping a very close eye on the situation there as President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have touched down in this city, a city that is still very much reeling and grieving from the nine people who were killed there and the more than two dozen who were injured. A tense reception. That is what the president may also receive when he touches down in el paso, texas, a few hours from now. A number of local Officials Say they did not want him to come in the first place. Two of them will join me on the other side of this break. Also, fanning the flames of White Supremacy, thats what joe biden is expected to say about the president as both he and cory booker deliver separate speeches today. Biden previewing part of that message in an interview with telemundo on tuesday. Its the thing that brings all the hatred out in the open. They think its legitimate now to come out and do the things they do and talk about. Its about White Nationalism and White Supremacy against minorities. 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It would appear a few dozen of these protests have gathered outside Ned Peppers Bar in the is of course the scene of that Mass Shooting, nine People Killed over the weekend. 27 hurt early Sunday Morning. Again, thats the scene there in dayton, ohio. Protesters there in dayton and also protesters in el paso, texas, we are told. Jacob soboroff is on the ground for us there in el paso where 22 people were killed. Jacob, whats the seen there ahead of the president s visit to texas . Reporter you know what, craig . I was at el dorado high school this morning for a memorial and remembrance for the 22 People Killed at this walmart and it was remarkably positive and uplifting. Surprising, really, given the long history of the president s, in my estimation, disrespectful posture towards the residents of el paso. The way he was long characterized this city as dangerous is just completely factually incorrect. Its one of the safest big cities in america and we should remind people that the murderer of the alleged white supremacist that came to this walmart drove hundreds of miles to come here to one of the safest cities in the country in order to carry out this Terrorist Attack. And beto orourke, the candidate for the presidency of the United States and the former congressman that represents part of this area was there this morning. The president , of course, called out congressman orourke this morning on social media. But but in a sort of superficial way that you often see the president do. He made fun of his name and talked about rally sizes. And i put to congressman orourke that fact and the fact that the congressman responded. I asked him why in the is what he told me. He is trying to intimidate this community, make us afraid of one another, of our differences, of the border, of immigrants and we will not stand down. Every single one of us is standing up to to be counteda. Defining moment of truth. So i stand with this community that is so proud of the fact that we are a stiff people wcito come from the planet over and made our home in the United States of america and made it stronger and safer and more successful than we ever could have been otherwise. Thats america at its best. Congressman orourke also told me, craig, that he supports his successors plan to boycott the president s visit. She was invited to go to with the president today and she has categorically able to do so until theyre able to have a conversation about the racism and the language that the president has used to describe many of the residents, the vast majority of the residents that live in this city. 85 of the people that live in el paso are latinos and the way that the president talks about latinos strikes right at the core, of the fabric of this welcoming, warm city. One other thing, craig, it still boggles my mind how people are so positive in the face of the president coming here six months ago holding a rally, disparaging people in this city and then stifg the ci stiffing the city 500,000 that the state and local officials had put towards the president s campaign to pay for that visit. Craig. Jacob soboroff for us there on the ground in el paso. Thank you. Well be checking in with you shortly again. And, again, let me show you a picture again, once again, dayton, ohio. This is the scene outside the hospital in dayton, ohio. This is well thats ned peppers. Thats the bar in the Oregon District. Theres Miami Valley Hospital. We can tell you now as those protesters gather there outside the hospital, this that is wher President Trump and the first lady, thats going to be their first stop. This is the hospital where a number of the victims and survivors were treated. The motorcade pulling up actually at the Hospital Right N now. Presumably the president will be greeted by those protesters and by That Giant Trump Balloon that we have seen at at a number of these other protests. Actually i appear to be incorrect, looks like theyre going to take the president through the back so he will not necessarily be seeing those protesters. He is taking a different entrance into Miami Valley Hospital. We can tell you that while there he is going to be thanking First Responders, thanking Hospital Staff, as well as meeting with victims and families as well. The president s motorcade pulling up to Miami Valley Hospital in dayton, ohio, right now. As we watch that unfold, lets bring in tim miller, republican strategist, former Deputy Communications director for the Republican National committee. Tim, thanks for your time, sir. Do appreciate you being here. First of all, are you surprised at all by the protests that were seeing ahead of the president s vis knit is in dayt . Absolutely not. Of course there should be protests. Ive been shocked by the lack of humanity and the lack of selfreflection in the president s response to these shootings over the weekend. And i would just say to my former why are you shocked . Colleagues and why are you shocked . Im not shocked that the president would do this. What im shocked by is that people i know, people i worked with, my former colleagues and friends who worked and support this president , who is speaking up right now at this time to say this is when we need to turn the temperature down and help people grief . Look, craig, there was a mass slaughter of hispanics three days ago, four days ago now, based on a White Supremacy political ideology. And the president Late Last Night is tweeting jokes about hispanics. This morning on the white house lawn hes talking about open borders. The only thing the president should be saying right now about Hispanic Americans is reminding anyone who might have any sympathy with that murderer that these are americans, they deserve our love, they deserve our respect, they deserve our compassion. And he needs to bring them together. And i just look, i grew up one mile from columbine and i remember what happened after that shooting. And all our community wanted was was for politicians to come in and help us grieve. And this president is completely unwilling to do that and so, of course, there are protests. There should be protests. And im concerned about whether hes going to be able to, you know, execute even the minimum possible compassion today. You know, heres the thing, tim. I mean, this is a president you know what . Im just going to play it for folks and then ill read the tweet. I want to juxtapose juxtapose two of his more recent exchanges. This is the president of the United States on monday. Now is the time to set destructive partisanship aside. So destructive. And find the courage to answer hatred with unity, devotion, and love. And thats the president on teleprompter on monday. This is the president in a tweet last night going after the aforementioned beto orourke on twitter saying he has a phony name, saying he trounced in. Going back to what tim ryan said to me a few moments ago, tim, do you think that this is a president who is incapable of empathy or showing empathy . Or do you think that this is a president who is consistently unwilling to do that . Both probably. Hes certainly unwilling. And, look, you didnt even read it in the beto tweet last night. I want to call this out. He puts in parenthesis, he goes by that time in pretend to be hispanic or something to that effect. A snarky joke about hispanics after hispanics were slaughtered. I get that betos name is attacking the president. Betos name shouldnt be in the president s mouth today. Only names he should be talking about is achond doe,rturo achons going to grow up without any parents. Hes 2monthold. Thats only type of name, the president should be having on his twitter feed at midnight the night before, you know, hes coming to meet with victims and First Responders. Like the idea that hes going to make a joke about betos hispanic background, you know, after this Murder Targeting Hispanics . Its just he has no he has no capability of doing the minimum thats needed to be done at a time like this. Tim miller, gop strategist, former Deputy Communications director for the rnc. Thank you for your time as we continue to watch these protests play out in dayton, ohio, while the president son the ground the visiting Hoft Hospital Whe Visiting hospital where a number of the victims were treated. When the president leaves the Buckeye State, is he going to head to el paso, texas, where a number of folks in that community arent exactly rolling out the welcome mat. Several politicians have publicly asked the president not to come blaming his divisive rhetoric and language for contributing to the shooting that left 22 people dead. David stout is el pasos county commissioner. Alexandra eye nel low alexandra is a member of the city council. Both do not support the president s visit. The times have published an open letter to the president writing in part, we all want the same thing. We want our country to prosper. Thats not different from your goal for america, but for many of us, our parents were born in mexico, we do not tell them or anyone to go back to their country. America is our country. We are home. How is the president going to be received by the community there in el paso when he lands just a few hours from now . I mean, not well, right . You know, make no mistake the people who were killed in our Community Last weekend were killed because of the color of their skin and they were killed because of the rhetoric from the president. And our Community Knows that. He has put our community at risk since he was elected and it escalated on saturday. And so our community is angry. Theyve come together, today we are celebrating us. But we are aware of whats happening. Commissioner, why dont you support the president s trip to your city today . Well, for many of the same reasons. You know, i think that we still have this gaping wound in this community and this would be just throwing salt in that wound. Regardless of what happened here on saturday, you know, the people in this community have been vilified and demonized throughout the trump presidency. He has tweeted about invasion. He has questioned the credibility of a federal judge just because of the fact that he has mexican heritage. You know, and he has has, you know, at this rally the other day asked about what we can do with immigrants and when somebody yelled out shoot them he laughed at that. You know, thats not something that, you know, is that we need to be accepting of here in el paso. Commission, he let me play Devils Advocate for just a moment here. Because one of the roles historically one of the roles of the president is consoler and chief when terrible things happen in our country, the president of the United States is the one that is supposed to bring us together. Unite us. Make us feel better. Console us. Does the president deserve any level of appreciation for his attempt at playing the role . Well, you know, i think this incident is very distinct from most others because the perpetrator of these crimes, you know, the language that he used in the manifesto that he wrote tracked very closely what the president and his supporters have been have been saying in the rhetoric that they have been using over the last number of years. And so i find it he have difficult for somebody to try to come in and console a community that he has done nothing but spew hate about. And incite hate towards. So i dont i dont understand why trump thinks its a good idea to be coming to el paso. You know, i mean, these people are in mourning, were in pain, and really if he wants to do something, if he wants to support this community, hell continue to denounce White Supremacy and racism and hatred, but hell take action and send us resources immediately and then start taking action when it comes to changing some of the laws in this country. Councilwoman, on another note our Jacob Soboroff just mentioned this. I want to follow up because the president had the Texas Tribune is reporting that the Trump Campaign still owes more than half a Million Dollars to the city of el paso for that february rally. Have you heard anything from the campaign about that bill . No, absolutely not. The Trump Campaign has not reached out in any way. And i think, you know, when we say that the Trump Campaign owes the city of el paso, its important to pinpoint who that is. Its the health department, police, fire, it is the people who have been working endlessly since saturday who are now being asked to jump on board with the protection of the president. You know, yesterday we had a conversation about making sure when he Mental Health services for all of our First Responders. I think its a little selfish of him to now ask these same people to work even harder for him when she havent even had a chance to mourn with their community. Commissioner, i do want to ask you a question. I just asked youre wearing a jersey. Is there a story behind the jersey that youre wearing . Yeah, there is. Today at 12 30 many members of our community are going to join together at washington park, which is close to the university medical center, the County Hospital where weve heard that the president might be visiting. And we are going to be celebrating the Hispanic Heritage and the mexicanness of this community. Im wearing this to show not only solidarity to the folks in my community but to the mexican nationals hathat have suffered this tragedy. Councilwoman, what will you be doing . I will be joining my community. Thats my job. Its to protect my community, support my community and ill be with them today. Thank you both for your time. And our thoughts and our prayers. Thank you. Thank you. And perhaps more, are with the city of el paso, texas. We hope so. Thank you. Thank you so much. Two major addresses taking on President Trumps rhetoric. What we are learning about what joe biden was saying. Were also going to play what cory booker said this morning from the site of another massacre that was motivated by sheer hate. Another massacre that was motivated by sheer hate earer. And tremfya® was proven superior to humira® in providing significantly clearer skin. Dont use if youre allergic to tremfya®. Tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. 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The act of antirhetoric we witnessed this weekend did not start with the hand that pulled the trigger. It was sowed from the highest office in our land where we see in tweets and rhetoric hateful words that ultimately endanger the lives of people in our country. Lets bring in our Road Warrior Mike in burlington, ohio. Shaq, what was the rest of senator bookers message there in charleston . Bookers main message was that theres a current and historical connection between gun violence and the rise in White Supremacy. He uses very solemn backdrop to strike a very serious tone and really focus on that connection and focusing on gun violence. He said that in this period of time in dealing with white supremacy its not a question of who is or isnt racist but whether who is or isnt doing something about it. So for senator booker, that means gun control. And aggressive gun control, going beyond what you normally here, which is the ban on Assault Weapons or the ban on high capacity magazines and establishing a federal gun loansi Licensing Program and limiting the a. Guns a person can by to one gun per person per month. He says this is an issue of National Security and he wants to denote vote the resources dealing with it. Shaq, i spent some time with the pastor of mother emanuel a couple months ago on the fourth anniversary of that Terrorist Attack there. And we talked about how that church is hallow ground. It was Hallowed Ground before the shoot aing and arguably is even more so now. Was there any concern about a political speech in a place like that . Yeah, you know, cory booker had a feline hline in his speecd i kent cant separate myself from the office that im running from, but im not here to ask for your vote, im here to ask for a collective sense of resolve in the say chur resolve. This is a church that has historical significance. Hes been seen as dealing with slavery and also racism. Thats why cory booker chose this location. I also will say Pastor Manning produced cory booker. He said welcomed him to this church. Weve seen other 2020 candidates come here. We saw kamala harris. We saw John Hickenlooper and congressman beto orourke come here and pay their respects and talk to people and have conversations before. Its a center thats become a Campaign Stop here in South Carolina with that historical significance. Shaq brufter in frothere in r emanuel. Joe biden is taking on the president later in a speech were told. Give us a preview of what were going to hear from mr. Biden. As you remember when the Vice President announced his candidacy in april the first words out of his mouth were charlottesville. He talked about this election as a battle for the soul of america. What we can expect to see today is doubling down on that message. Talking about how President Trump in his words has aligned himself with the darkest forces in this country and that has made winning that Battle For The Heart And Soul of this nation even harder. According to excerpts that have been released ahead of his remarks this yoof noon, we can see the Vice President drawing a direct line between the president s rhetoric and what we saw motivating the el paso shooter. Biden will say how far is it from trump saying this is an invasion to the shooter in el paso declaring his attack is a response to hispanic invasion of texas . Not far at all in the both clear language and in code, this president has fanned the flames of White Supremacy. Thats what the Vice President will say here today. Now, its hard to imagine this already that its already been a week, craig, since we were in detroit and the democrats were really sparring with one another in that debate there. But this is a political moment for joe biden where his campaign feels hes at his strongest. When he can make the stakes of the election very clear to voters and talk about that contrast with the president , talk about how he wants to take the fight to President Trump and he believes hes the most electable candidate. What we can also expect to see by Campaign Advisers is some discussion about the epidemic of gun violence as well. Joe biden saying that he is the only candidate in this race who has taken on the nra and won. And did he that in that 1994 crime bill that has been the source of criticism from other democrats. Big thanks to both of you. We continue to keep a very close eye on the ground in dayton, ohio where President Trump is meeting with First Responders and victims right now. Hes currently visiting a hospital. This is the scene not far from that hospital in the Oregon District of dayton, ohio, where nine people were massacred over the weekend and more than two dozen others hurt. On the other side of this break, what we usually hear from president s in moments like these and what we are likely to hear from this one. E are likely to hr from this one. Right now President Trump is inside a dayton, ohio, hospital, speaking with survivors of the shooting there that left nine people dead this weekend. Hes speaking with their families, First Responders and Hospital Staff as well. Thats the scene on the left side of your screen. On the right side, protesters in dayton who gathered to greet the president. I want to bring in jon meacham, Pulitzer Prize winning president ial historian. His latest book is songs of america, cowrote that book with tim mcgraw. Also with me, brian costello, republican from pennsylvania. Mr. Meacham, weve talked this hour and in the past as well about the role of the president as consolerinchief. The president is going to be trying to play that role in two cities today. If the past is any indication, jon meacham, what do you suspect well hear from the president . I suspect well hear at least out of his mouth fairly wrote, fairly routine words of attempted comfort and reassurance. I think you saw the Real Donald Trump in what he tweeted this morning, attacking congressman orourke. Where we are right now is we have a president who has abdicated the genuine efficacy of the role of what Franklin Roosevelt called the presidency as a place preeminently of moral leadership. I think what youre seeing today which is fascinating, senator booker and Vice President biden filling that vacuum. There is people can argue its, quote, just symbolic as Flannery Oconnor said, if the eucharist is just symbolic, then to hell with it. Symbols matter, moments like this matter. The action you do on the policy front matters. I think on all those scores this is not a partisan point, on all those scores this president has come up short again and again. Congressman, as we watch these protesters in dayton, ohio. If you were advising this president ahead of this speech, what would you tell the president to say to the people of dayton, to the people of el paso, texas . I would say focus on what you need to do, what legislation youre willing to sign to improve Public Safety across this country. Most specifically sign a red flag law. Senator graham spoke about a bill hes going to bring forward in the senate and sign the toomeymanchin universal background check bill. This moment is going to come and go, the grief, the sorrow, the tragedy. What will come of it . Will there be Lessons Learned . I think most americans want to see action taken. If the president is going to lean forward and say im going to take these affirmative steps to make our community safer, leaving aside some of his rhetoric which i think even his supporters acknowledge can be problematic for him, thats what i think the American Public wants to see. Jon, i was in charleston, South Carolina more than four years ago when president obama spoke in the wake of that Terrorist Attack at mother emanuel church. I want to remind folks what president obama said in the wake of that shooting. Here is part of it. Amazing grace how sweet the sound theres a man singing Amazing Grace to the country in the wake of a Mass Shooting. When you compare president obamas response to these horrible acts of violence, whether charleston, sandy hook, and then you compare this president s response, jon, this current president is incapable of it, or is it that hes unwilling to do it . I dont know. Hes selfevidently not willing to do it. So capability becomes a second question. He just it doesnt interest him, i suppose. I was shocked, honestly, watching the speech the other morning with Vice President pence. People made this comment, but it did feel like a hostage video, as if the establishment had come in and said, you have to be a human being here, so get through this as quickly as possible. Were on two different planets with obama and trump. Its fascinating isnt it that historically and culturally that trump rose to his current political prominence by suggesting incorrectly and repeatedly that barack obama had not been born in the United States and was, therefore, an illegitimate president. So you have this racist theme that helped fuel the rise of this particular president. Thats a fascinating connection, because we now see and i know senator booker talked about it, and i know Vice President biden is going to talk about it. We have this argument sometimes, and you saw it in charleston, that this is not who we are. The hell its not who we are. Of course it is. Its who we are on our worst day. The role of a president and the role of every citizen, of you and me and everybody else, is to try to heed those better angels that lincoln talked about, and were not going to do it all the time, and bad things are going to happen. No piece of legislation, with due respect to the congressman, is going to solve that

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