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Garret, Bernie Sanders, hes spending the day there in north carolina. Its a place where he did pretty well the last go around. It appears hes trying to recreate some of his 2016 magic. How does he do that in the south . Especially since hes been struggling to win over black voters. Reporter this stop in ashville can serve as a springboard for sanders where he did do well in 2016, getting that base of supporters fired up. There are 20 other candidates in the field that would love to have a committed base of 20 of the vote, which was what sanders has been able to command across the country as hes brought his 2016 campaign into 2020. That does raise questions about if and how he can tweak his message to more to africanAmerican Voters who were so decisive in the 2016 primaries. The next several stops will be in charlotte, orangeburg, south carolina. Sanders does not change a lot of his message. Its part of the reason his supporters like him so much because he has been so consistent. He will be more aggressively taking that message to block voters and hoping to chip away at whats been an enormous advantage for joe biden this race so far, bed rock of his support with black voters. Josh, youre there with mayor pete. The rap on him is hes big on the back story. Hes a millenial, openly gay, military veteran, he speaks an untold number of foreign languages. But the one big hit he takes over and over again is his lack of policy specifics. Now it appears hes trying to counter that, right . Reporter right. For months as Pete Buttigieg was asked where are the specifics. Dont worry its coming sooner or later. He thought democrats hadnt put enough emphasis on explaining their values, who they are to voters before they get in the weeds on policy statements. Now hes getting in the weeds with these 27 position statements on his website, more could be added later. A lot of them reiterate positions hed already discussed on the campaign trail. Repealing the amendment on abortion funding. Moving the country toward single payer healthcare system. Theres one major new position hes taking in the last 24 hours, which is on gun control. He is coming out in support of having gun licensing nationwide. Basically a national gun registry. Thats a position that puts him in line with cory booker and some of the other candidates and among the more liberal positions on gun control, a very pote wy issue. Great point. In the time we have left, youve been on the road for months covering these candidates. Open your reporters notebook and give us a sense of what youre seeing on the ground that doesnt break through on the coverage. Reporter people look at these polls and think those are the positions that folks are locked into. As i talk to voters, i continue to be struck about how fluid this race is. The degree to which candidates are courting voters, but voters are still shopping. Even here at a Bernie Sanders event where folks have been committed to Bernie Sanders for a long time, they say they are still willing to take a look at other candidates. Some of that is driven by the size of the field and how important democrats view it beat donald trump who in 2016 was a theoretical threat to democrats. Now the primary voters, particularly the votes who are coming out this early to see candidates are absolutely driven to get him out of office. Theyre watching for that perception of strength and a perception of who can do that job. I expect well see a lot more movement in those polls to come. All right. My colleagues and friends, thanks to both of you. An update on two counties in florida hacked by the russians in 2016. The fbi had prevented officials, including Florida Governor ron desantis from naming those two counties. Now the Washington Post and politico have identified one of them. Its washington county. Washington county lies in the panhandle of florida. More than three out of four voters there supported President Trump in 2016. Governor desantis said tuesday that according to the fbi, the hackers didnt compromise election results. He also said officials in the two counties are aware of the hacks. Now to a big face off in federal court today for critics of President Trumps border wall. Opponents are scare withiquarin Justice Department officials over whether the president can fuse Defense Department dollars to build a war that congress wont. Pete Williams Joins us. What are the two sides arguing here . This hearing will start in two hours in oakland, california, before a federal judge. Its a lawsuit brought by the sierra club and communities in the southern part of the u. S. What they claim is that basically two points, that the president didnt have the authority to use this money for the pentagon because his Emergency Declaration would only allow the use of military Construction Funds for activities to support the military. And they say that the border wall construction is way beyond that. Secondly, they say the administration is doing something beyond what Congress Allowed them to do. Congress gave them a certain amount of money, they cant go beyond that or use it for purposes other than what Congress Allowed. The administration in response says the president gets wide authority to decide when the military is needed and because he declared the military was needed to assist in the emergency on the the border with immigration, they say that solves that problem. And they say congress has opened the door to this by authorizing 1. 375 billion. The pentagon says that it would spend up to 6 billion total under this Emergency Declaration over the following years to build about 265 miles of wall and about 60 or so could be be built by the end of the year. The two sides here, the two parties that brought the lawsuit are asking the judge for an injunction to stop construction right now. I dont think its likely the judge could rule from the bench today. I suppose thats always a possibility. The sides are asking for an immediate temporary injunction rather, and judges usually take time to issue those. But if he did, the plaintiffs are asking for a nationwide injunction. Theyre asking basically for two things, they say stop the wall construction in these specific areas because of potential environmental problems, but also a nationwide injunction that would stop it everywhere its being built under this Emergency Declaration. Well see on when the judge rules. Quick question, congress, members of congress in both chambers are on the record objecting to the president s declaration. Does it bolster the governments argument or the opponents . The opponents cite it as fodder for their side. Congress has the right to say no, you cant do this and pass legislation to stop it. Of course, the president can veto that. Congress is clearly on the record here. And the sierra club and the parties on their side say this is just further evidence the administration is doing Something Congress didnt authorize them to do and the president is exceeding its powers. Thanks for your time. President trumps border wall is the focus of an eye opening new piece in the Washington Post. The president reportedly is micromanaging the project, frequently shifting instructions and driving up the price. The president s main obsession . The design. Quote, he prefers the slats painted flat black to absorb heat in the summer. Trump told one group of aides that it could cut the hands of climbers. Ashley parker is a White House Reporter and noah rothman is associate editor for commentary magazine. Both are msnbc analysts. You wrote that one goal was to balance Public Perception im going to read back to you what you rote of hiS Immigration as hard line. When i talk to people in the administration, you come away with a sense that the point of hiS Immigration proposals, the cruelty and severity, thats the point of it. The family separation policy. The president wants to paint the thing black to make it hot. How do you think thats going to play in an Election Year when the president s proposal he laid out yesterday was a Campaign Document . Thats right. What youre seeing there in what the president has said previouslypreviou previously is the inherent tension in that white house, which is you had Jared Kushner who was tasked with helping with the immigration proposal. Hes a more moderate down the middle. You have Steven Miller who is very hard right nationalistic in hiS Immigration views. You have a president who does believe in a very severe tough approach to immigration. He wants that big beautiful wall as he said. He wants people rounded up and deported as quickly as possible and he feels the pull of 2020. He understands there are voters he needs to win over. Youre sort of seeing him make a move in that direction, but to me the real question is does he stay there or when ann coulter tweets she doesnt like the plan, does he pull back to that hard right position . The power of the ann coulter tweet. You heard our Pete Williams report about that lawsuit. What do you think is going to be the result of all this . I hope its an injunction and its a pushback from the courts doing the job the legislature would not. They did say pretty definitively, although they couldnt pass it in a veto proof majority that it was a usu asurpitation of authority. This reset on immigration from the president makes a lot of sense. They have the base. They have the hard line immigration voters. Now theyre going after something thats a little bit more moderate, a little bit more se sente centri centrist. Theyre not creating momentum for a legislative approach to this. Its not ann coulter thats going to be the problem, but the crowds. When he gets before his crowds in the 2020 cycle, hes going to return to his the stuff that really works for them, which is usually hard line immigration r rhetoric. Marine one is landing there on the south lawn. The president coming back from here in new york city. He was here for a fundraiser. Hes going to speak later to an association of realtors there in washington, d. C. Lets get back on topic. I want to read for you what Mitch Mcconnell had to say. I look forward to reviewing the president s proposal. Mitch mcconnell can be a man of few words, but this is a tepid response. Whats your read of the response to the stuff that President Trump had to say yesterday . Thats what is so striking. Leader mcconnells response was so lukewarm. Hes the only person who leads the only part of congress that the president s party controls. So if you dont have him sort of enthusiastically on board, its going to be a tough climb. Our understanding is that republicans are tepid about this proposal. They like the president , they want to help him largely. They understand immigration is a problem for their party, but they felt they didnt get a lot of details for this plan. Some of the questions they asked, they didnt feel satisfied with the answers. This is not legislation. This shis a plan and messaging document. Even if they were wildly enthusiastic, they could sort of take it up and attempt to make it law. Great point. Will herd, his district runs across the texas border. Heres how he described his dissatisfaction with the president S Immigration plan. We need to be addressing the humanitarian crisis were dealing with at the border. Ashley was talking about leadership. Hes rank and file and hes not on board either. Yeah, so theres a lot of consensus for actually doing something on humanitarian issues. Its really incremental and marginal and would make very few Interest Groups happy. Thats the sort of thing they could get done. Theres appetite for Something Big but nobody knows what that means. If you were to do something small and incremental you could pass legislation ahead of 2020. Setting up the big reform package is going nowhere. He does put his finger on where congress is but its not where trump is. Great point. Thanks for your time, appreciate it. Still ahead, investigating the investigators. In his first tv interview since becoming attorney general, bill barr focused on the start of the Mueller Investigation, not the conclusion. Escalating tension with iran. Well talk to a veteran whos been on the ground in combat near the Iranian Border and what war with iran would really look like if it happened. Iran would like if it happened. Chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. 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Access netflix, prime video, youtube and more, all with the sound of your voice. Click, call or visit a store today. New questions today about the Mueller Investigation being raised by attorney general bill barr. In his first tv interview as attorney general, he told fox news he stands by his decision to investigate the origins of the russia investigation. Been trying to get answers to questions, and i found a lot of the answers have been inadequate and i have also found that some of the explanations ive gotten dont hang together. People have to find out what the government was doing during that period. If were worried about foreign influence for the very same reason we should be worried about whether government officials abused their power and put their thumb on the scale. Lets break this down with paul butler, Georgetown University law professor, msnbc an list and a former federal prosecutor. You heard barr say the answers were inadequate. Whats your take on the attorney generals comments . This attorney general is the attorney general of President Trumps fantasies. He takes trumps bizarre conspiracy theories and puts the power and prestige of the Justice Department behind it. Lets remember how this started. It started would trumps lie that the Obama Administration was spying on the Trump Campaign. We know that never happened. So then it turned to focusing on carter page, who was a Foreign Policy advisor to the Trump Campaign. And we know that during the campaign, the fbi had probable cause to think that carter page was working with the russians. And not only that, they also knew that russian intelligence had identified carter page as someone who might be recruited to be a double agent. On that basis, they went to the fisa court and got a warrant that three judges had to sign off on and it had to be renewed every 90 days. Had to get approval from the Deputy Attorney general. One of those Deputy Attorney generals who approved it was Rod Rosenstein who remains the Deputy Attorney general for the next few days. Thats how the investigation started. And so when barr says he thinks there was spying, all ebbs hesg is echoing trumps talking points. Hes acting like trumps fixer. I want to play something he said about Robert Muellers work. Were you surprised he came back with no recommendation on that obstruction charge . Yes, that surprised me. How come . The function of a prosecutor is to make a call one way or the other. I talked to democrats, democratic lawmakers who make that same point. Do you think the attorney general is right . Did the special counsel fail to carry out his responsibilities here . Well, what the special counsel says in the report is that he was very aware of the department of Justice Policy that a sitting United States president cannot be indicted. So he was respecting that policy. At the same time, he said he did find ten different episodes when there was substantial evidence that President Trump had committed obstruction of justice. He went on to make the point that after trump leaves office, he can be charged with a crime. Then he said that one reason he took so long and the Mueller Report is 400 pages long, is that he wanted to preserve evidence while memories were fresh and while he can obtain the documents. So he all but said that the president is guilty of obstruction and the only reason mueller didnt charge him is because of that doj policy. Were learning that Michael Flynn told the special counsel that people tied to trump and congress tried to obstruct the investigation. A portion of a newly unredacted court paper reveal the defendant informed the government of multiple instances before and after his guilty plea where he or his attorneys received communications from persons connected to the administration or congress that could have affected both his willingness to cooperate and the completeness of that cooperation. So put this in perspective for us, if you can. So, you know, there was a mystery about why since Michael Flynn had been the National Security advisor and had pled guilty to lying about the russians, why the mueller team seemed to be giving him such a big break. They didnt recommend any jail time for him at his sentencing. The judge said it sounds to me like this man may have committed treason. The sentencing was postponed. Now we have a sense of how flynn was so helpful to mueller. Hes indicated that trumps personal defense attorney called him and tried to get flynn not to cooperate. If this was anybody, trump or the attorney would be charged with obstruction of justice, with witness tampering. Trump was like trumps attorney was like, you know, we really think highly of Michael Flynn. Trump recruited two other people also to tell flynn keep your head up. Again, this is mob behavior. This is like gang behavior. If it were anybody else but the president of the United States theyd be in prison right now for witness intimidation, witness tampering, obstruction of justice. One thing were waiting to see is if House Democrats subpoena Michael Flynn for his public testimony given all this. Thank you so much. Always a pleasure. Up next, President Trump downplaying the threat of war with iran. But how dangerous would it be for u. S. Soldiers if war breaks out . Well talk to someone whos seen first hand how lethal iran backed militias are. Lethal iran backed militias are. Consider fostering. When a plan stops being a plan and gets set into motion. 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I wont let a heart attack or stroke come between me and everything i love. Neither should you. Tell your doctor to lower your ldl and reduce your risk with repatha®. Pay no more than 5 per month with the repatha® copay card. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. And reduce your risk with repatha®. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Shaving has been difficult for me. I have very sensitive skin, and i get ingrowing hairs. So its a daunting task. Oh i love it. Its a great razor. It has that fence in the middle. It gives a nice smooth shave. Just stopping that irritation. That burn that i get is really life changing. Iran is laying down a new warning to the u. S. This morning, saying their missiles could reach u. S. Warships deployed in the region. So far President Trump and irans Supreme Leader say they want to avoid a confrontation. Im joined now by david french, an iraq war veteran and journalist who has a new piece in Time Magazine with this headline. Congress must stop trump from blundering into americas most dangerous war in decades. In your piece for time, you write, quote, trump moves from hawk to dove and from dove to hawk. This has been his pattern since the president ial campaign. How worried should we be about intering in enterri ent entering into war . A healthy amount of concern. There is undeniable increase in tensions. The u. S. Has alleged that iran has sabotaged oil tankers over the weekend. Threat levels are increasing for u. S. Forces in the middle east. The state department has ordered nonemergency personnel out of iraq. All of this says be concerned. Im concerned when the president of the United States has been erratic in his National Security Decision Making in his presidency. Thats why its very important right now, not just for americans to pay attention, but for the administration to brief congress s congress. You served in iraq near the Iranian Border as we mentioned in the intro to you. You saw the iranian backed militias first hand. Help us understand what it was that you saw. Yeah, what part of the force we were fighting were some of these iranian backed shiite militias. They had developed weapons called efps that could penetrate our most strongest armor. They were lethal. They were deadly. They were deadly throughout the iraq war. Whats important to realize is if there is a conflict with iran, that these shiite militias would be part of it. Iran has the largest Missile Force in the middle east. It also has a formidable proxy force in syria. It also has the ability to close the strait of hormuz with 20 of the oil reserves is shipped through. It has the ability to hit American Forces throughout the middle east. This would be we would of course prevail in a conflict, but this would be the most significant military conflict that americans have seen in a very, very long time. You know, one of the things weve been watching is the way in which this confrontation has exposed conflict among members of the Trump Administration. And i want to read for you a quote in the new york times. A president who is instinctively wary of military ventures. And in your piece, you say it would be something of a perfect storm of danger. When it comes to matters of war, how dangerous is it to have key Decision Makers on such different pages . Yeah, thats what really concerns me. What concerns me is you have on one side, you have the iran hawks that are very consistent. Theyre very relentless. They have a clear goal in mind it seems. On the other hand, you have a president who veers one direction and the other. Hes done that from the campaign. He said we need to be pulling out of the middle east, then hed say we need to take the oil. In the office hes said we need to pull out of syria, no we need to stay. North korea, he said, called kim jongun little rocket man and then he goes and meets with them. Hes been all over the place. My concern is you would have low low lower level distributiconversat constricts the president and he might feel boxed in. I think thats a real concern. This is a serious matter and its a matter that Congress Needs to be heard on. Its a matter the American People need to be fully apprised of. And at this point, were largely in the dark. We know there have been threats. We see movements of ships and planes. But it was very concerning to hear Lindsey Graham say earlier this week, Lindsey Graham, one of the closest allies of the president in the senate said what he knows about these threat streams are what hes reading in the paper. Thats not acceptable. Thanks for your time, we appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Now to an issue here at home. Today missouris legislature is expected to become the latest state to pass a sweeping bill to restrict abortion access. The Missouri House is planning to vote today on a proposal to ban abortions at eight weeks of pregnancy. It would include exceptions for medical emergencies but not pregnancies caused by rain or incest. If it passes it will go to the states republican governor who is expected to sign it. Coming up, President Trumps new strategy to sell his tariff hike to americans, patriotism. And more than a dozen eyewitnesses back this mans claims of innocence, but he was still convicted of murder and sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. 25 years to life in prison plus well match your miles at the end of your first year. Youll match my miles . Yeah mile for mile and no blackout dates or annual fee. Nice i was thinking about taking a scuba diving trip i love that. Or maybe go surfing. Or not. Ok. Maybe somewhere else. 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Talk to your doctor today, and learn how janssen can help you explore cost support options. Remission can start with stelara®. House democrats passed a slue of healthcare bills on thursday, restoring 100 million in funding for the Affordable Care act and lowering Prescription Drug prices. Every single House Democrat backed the bill as they try to position themselves as the party of healthcare heading into 2020. And nbcs rehema ellis has an up close look at why they think its such a key winning issue. Shes in smith county, virginia, in the Appalachian Mountains talking to people at a free traveling Health Clinic there. Reporter in rural smith county, virginia, appalachia country, this hangar was transformed. Hundreds of doctors, nurses and supporters began providing dental, vision and general medical care free of charge. To people with no insurance are struggling to make ends meet like kayley gliste glisson. Im in college. Reporter since 1985 they began to help people in third world countries, but in 1992 volunteers set up shop in Rural America for millions of poor people here. I live 120 miles away. Reporter Joanne Bradley lining up a day before the clinic opens to see a dentist. I dont have the money to pay for it, for dental care. Its a National Disgrace we dont have insurance that cant cover peoples medical and dental conditions in this country in the wealthiest country in the world. Reporter jeff eastman runs the clinics. Are you telling me its a mistake if people think this is something thats operating in rural appalachia . One of our biggest clinics we held was in baltimore. Reporter they started with one dental chair and last year they set up 60 clinics nationwide. Healthcare for more than 40,000 people. When we found out, we were surprised this many people needed it in this country. Reporter this family of volunteers usually traveles to haiti, but this year directed their efforts here at home. What does it mean to you to get here and get this dental care for free . A lot. Get a feeling, youre looking at two, three hundred dollars. I cant afford it. Aint no way. Reporter here, a dire need for Critical Care built by the kindness of volunteers. People here are saying they would love to have healthcare they could afford. Theyre proud people and willing to pay their way, they just dont have the money. What theyre saying is that this traveling clinic is a godsend. Theyre going to be thinking about healthcare when they pick a president ial candidate in 2020. Jeff . Rehema ellis, thank you for that important reporting. President trump is taking a new approach to sell his tariff plan to the american public. Patriotism. Appealing to hard hit farmers specifically, the president tweeted this, our great patriot farmers he says will be one of the biggest beneficiaries of what is happening now. Lets bring in gabby orr. This was the thesis of your latest piece. You write in part, trump has often made political appeals to patriotism as when he urged nfl executives to ban player protests during the national anthem. The china trade is the first case where hes called for americans to sacrifice in the name of a longterm Greater National good. So what are you hearing . Look, this is not an abstract argument for the farmers who are struggling. Do the president s team see this as an effective way to build support . Reporter they see it as an opportunity to bring the company together under the guise of national sacrifice ahead of 2020, but also at a time when we dont know whats going to happen with china. I talked to a Trump Campaign official last week, who said this is really an opportunity for the president to talk about patriotism, to talk about themes that are going to be a central pillar of his 2020 campaign. And that the trade negotiations, the ongoing dispute with china has sort of opened up a grand moment for him to make these arguments. Were seeing him do that on his twitterfeed and comments recently. Its not as though past president s havent done this. I note in my article that jimmy carter made similar comments back in 1977 during the Energy Crisis when he was urging americans to carpool, to turn their thermostats down. President trump is turning to farmers and saying the exact same thing. Arguing they can sacrifice temporarily in order to insure hes able to hold china accountable. The one refrain we keep hearing from the president and his supporters is that this is a matter of shortterm pain for longterm gain. As you know, its not just farmers. One trade Association Says the tariffs will cost american households an additional 767 a year. Is this white house prepared to deal with this . Reporter thats one of the reasons why were seeing the argument and the president repeatedly invoke patriotism. They know its going to have an impact on american consumers. The one way they can ease the pain, so they think, is to encourage americans to make the sacrifice. This is something thats going to help the u. S. End what they claim are unfair trade practices, currency manipulation, cyber espionage, all these things the chinese have engaged in for decades, that if americans can endure this pain and strain for the next few months or at least the next year, that well be out of this era in which china has been able to take advantage of the u. S. Thats the argument that theyre making. Are consumers going to be okay with that . Are americans going to accept that and say okay, this is my patriotic duty . I guess thats the question well see play out as the trade dispute goes on. A question for you, full disclosure, youre the guy i turn to when im at the white house and have questions about the market. The Trump Administration announced earlier this morning that its going to delay tariffs on cars and auto part inports for up to six months they say and theyre going to try to pursue negotiations. Help us understand what it means for the overall china trade talks. Reporter the president has decided he doesnt want a multifront war right now. Hes pushing that decision off 180 days. Hell have the opportunity to reengage if they want to. He can focus on the china trade piece of it. The political question you were getting to is a good one. When this starts to bite, how will voters and shoppers react . So far the impact has been very narrow. Its soybean farmers in particular states that have been impacted so far. We just saw this week walmart come out and say eventually its going to have to raise prices as a result of these china tariffs because its bringing in a lot of product from overseas and they have very thin margins at walmart. Ultimately, shoppers there are going to see price increases. Thats a broad chunk of American Voters who are now going to see the impact of this. And the question for the president is how long will they stay with him on this . Weve seen some very unusual support this week from a titan of wall street. The former head of Goldman Sachs who tweeted out this is like a labor strike. Everyone feels the pain, but labor sometimes has to go on strike and sacrifice their own salaries in order to change the power dynamic. He said thats partly whats going on here between the United States and china. Thats a voice of support from an unlikely quarter. Maybe the president is going to be able to rally more of that. Big picture question for you. The trade war hit the market and all of our investments earlier this week, as anyone with a 401 k can attest to. What gives . Have the markets baked in the sort of like, trump unpredictability factor . Reporter the markets have been reacting to everything on trade. You know, at cnbc we follow this second by second. You can see the dow moving in response to all these different announcements. So it is impacting the market. But there are folks on wall street who are hopeful that the president will ultimately get a good and better deal for American Business and that will lead to renewed growth in this country. And they also have sort of adapted themselves a little bit to the volatility of the situation. They understand that its a bit of a moving target and you have to follow the bouncing ball here. Thanks to the both of you. Coming up, 13 people said he didnt do it. So how did this man end up in prison for murder for more than two decades . Han two decades . When you shop for your home at wayfair, you get more than Free Shipping. You get everything you need for your home at a great price, the way it works best for you, ill take that. Wait honey, no. When you want it. 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Dan, walk usg through this cas because im suregh lots of peop approach you wanting you to take on their case and take a closer look at tait. What made this case stand out. Generally, whether someone is guilty or nernginnocent, it tak several paragraphs to explain. This one you can do on an elevator d ride. I was convicted a murder in the bronx, i wasnt there. I had 13 alibi witnesses in florida and i w gave them names phone numbers and addresses and Contact Information to the police when i turned myself in. Nobody contacted them. That was the claim. From that headline, it begs the question whats going on. Im told you were skeptical about this case at first. Why is c that . Because it was so simple. This guy was in prison by the time i learned about it for 17 or 18 years. If it was as simple as it sounded, i was skeptical about it. Thats when i went down and first spoke with the witnesses and t i went down the list thate gave police from the top and john torres, the sheriffs deputy was the first one on the list. After i spoke with john and hell tell you why he and the other witnesses remember that day for a very specific reason. I found them very credible. Once the sheriffs deputy was telling me that then it took on a whole new level because i have a Law Enforcement officer telling me that this guy was definitely in my house that day. It was up with of two things, either he was innocent or this guy aser lying. When you get that call out of the blue, what was your First Impression . It was interesting. Careful. Honest. Obviously, i was happy someone was looking into richards case. Thats for sure. It doesnt seem believable that you have 13 alibie witnesses an no one attempted to contact them. He seemed like he was missing something. Why do you remembermi that specific day . That day, its hard for me to remember what i did a month ago, lasta week for that matter but that dayth on june 19th, it changed my life forever because i was getting ready to be a father forge the first time. My wife was giving birth on the 20th because she was going to be induced to have our first child. Richard was in my home on the 19thho talking to me because i s getting prepared to go into the hospital on the 20th in the morning. He was just giving me advice because he already had a child. Heres a guy standing in front of his squad car in his uniform, in his Police Officers uniform telling me this story. What do you do with that . The other thing too is from a Law Enforcement perspective, i investigation minor cases to higher levelat cases. One of the main things you do is follow up on an alibi if you have a suspect in mind. The idea that such a high profile case like a murder case that no alibi witnesses were contacted at all, its hurtful. Its almost embarrassing to the Law Enforcement community. We should say they were contacted later over the years through the appellate process and people neede to download t podcast theow hear the whole story. Theho alibi witnesses, it wasn only a sheriffs deputy, another alibi witness was a pastor. Another was a federal corrections officer. Once i starred to hear the stories from the alibi witnesses, as john said, i felt, wait a second, what am i missing here. As i started to look if other places speaking to the victims family, everything started to be elevated and everything changed. Ill will listening to this for sure. Findis out how this case turd out on datelines 13 alibis anywhere where you listen dwrour podcasts. Controversial changes coming to the s. A. T. How the College Board is trying to levelbo the playing field. Coming up, senator Chris Van Hollen on the letter he and other senators senter to the president voicing their concerns about iran. Stay with us. Voicing their concs anout ir stay with us at carvana, no matter what car you buy from us, you get the freedom of a 7day return policy. This isnt some dealership test drive around the block. Its better. This is seven days to put your carvana car to the test and see if it fits your life. Load it up with a weeks worth of groceries. Take the kiddos out for ice cream. Check that it has enough wiggle room in your garage. You get the time to make sure you love it. And on the 6th day, well reach out and make sure everythings amazing. If so. Excellent. If not, swap it out for another or return it for a refund. Its that simple. Because at carvana, your car happiness is what makes us happy. What is that . Uh mine, why . Its just that its. Lavender. Yes it is, its for men but i like the smell of it laughs the s. A. T. , the entrance examine is adding an adversity score. The score will be a number between 1 and 100 using 15 factors including the poverty and crime rate of a students neighborhood. It will not be reported to students and parents. Only college officials. The fairness debate, its already raging. I do think its a good idea. I think one of the things that we talk about at our school is accebasiaccess and opportunity. Colleges will get a full scope of understanding of what a kid can bring to their college campus. I dont think it can reasonably be done. It risks reducing something that is very human to a number. 50 colleges uses the score last year. It will expand to more this year. That wraps up this hour of msnbc live. Andrea mitchell reports starts now. Right now, a matter of obstruction. Former National Security adviser Michael Flynn told prosecutors that people linked to trump inner circle and congress tried to pressure him once he began cooperating even as he remained focus on investigating the investigators. The thing thats interesting about this is this was handled at very senior level of these departments. It wasnt handled in the ordinary ware. I think people have to find out what the government was doing during that period. The commander in chief says hopes theres not war

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