Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Craig Melvin 20180823

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Craig Melvin 20180823 17:00:00

case. also, arming teachers. the department of education weighing whether to let states use federal funding to arm teachers. we're going to hear from a student and a parent from parkland, florida. and unsportsman-like conduct. one of college football's most decaded coaches, ohio state's urban meyers, suspended for his response to domestic abuse allegations. a lot of critics are saying it was a slap on the wrist. is there a double standard at play? we'll dig into that. but we start with that breaking news. nbc news has just confirmed one of president trump's longtime friends, a man who may know his secrets better than just about anyone, was granted immunity in the michael cohen case. his name is michael pecker. he is the ceo of the company that published the national inquir inquirer. let's start with tom winter. hans nichols is standing by for us at the white house. tom, tell us all that you know.
and somebody who either decided to cooperate and capitulate and pleaded guilty. >> do we know whether this is all that david pecker told prosecutors? do we know if there's other information that mr. pecker might have provided to prosecutors unrelated to this particular case but perhaps related to another case involving the president or michael cohen? >> so that's the exact question asked. i think at this point we don't know yet if his information went beyond the specific count, count seven, that's in the criminal information i have here, or whether or not this goes to any sort of other active investigation that's ongoing. of course we know that the case involving michael cohen was coordinated with and in conjunction with the special counsel's office robert mueller so does he have anything that extends beyond that, we don't know. it would -- we would presume perhaps that it's tightly correlated to the specific allegation, specific payment, but right now we don't know if it goes beyond that. >> hans, any reaction from the white house on any of this just yet? is there a briefing scheduled
for any point this afternoon? >> there's nothing on the schedule. there's an opportunity to talk and engage with the president earlier this morning. the president kept it to the issue at hand. what's interesting about tom's reporting here is whether or not this additional flipper, this additional collaborator is going to stay within the four corners of that seventh indictment, that seventh plea. because even if it is there, this is significant because it's an indication there's more collaboration on the michael cohen's side of the story than there is from the donald trump side that's been going back and forth. when president trump this morning, when he was talking to fox news, had in mind whether or not david -- whether or not it would be that additional flip. let's listen to what the president had to say. >> this whole thing about flipping they call it. i know all about flipping for 30, 40 years, i've been watching flippers. everything's wonderful, then they get ten years in jail and
they flip on whoever the next highest one is. it almost ought to be outlawed. it's not fair. >> so a lot of that interview from the president this morning. just in the last hour, we've heard on capitol hill two different accounts from senate republicans. you have lindsay graham saying he suspects president donald trump is going to fire sessions after the mid-term elections. you're hearing from cohen saying he thinks that would be a mistake. a lot to sort through and as of yet no comment from the white house -- >> hans -- >> craig. >> i want to stop you there because lindsey graham, senior senator from south carolina, saying on the record he suspects the president is going to fire the attorney general. that's significant. we should also note that president trump and he are bffs. if anyone would know what the president might be thinking about, it would be senator graham. have we heard any more about
whether the president's actually considering firing his attorney general? >> well, just dozens of hints from the president over the last 12 months. the most recent in this morning's interview. you're right to zero in on the suspects from lindsey graham, that he suspects the president is going to fire him. this is someone who plays golf with the president. who knows his thinking. is able to bend his thinking sometimes. so the question is, did donald trump indicate to lindsey graham that he was planning on firing jeff sessions? that would take the story to the next lelevel. as it is right now, this is his feeling, this is what he anticipates might happen. whether or not it's stronger than that or whether or not the president is using lindsey graham as a trial balloon, we don't know. craig. >> i think your latter point is very significant, hans nichols. it will be interesting to see if the white house says anything about the speculation. we've just gotten a statement in from the attorney general. i'm going to share that with you in just a moment. i want to play the sound bite
we're talking about from lindsey graham, talking about the president's thinking as it relates to his attorney general. this is what lindsey graham said a short time ago. >> -- replacing attorney general sessions now would create havoc for the body. jeff sessions has done a fine job. he's an honorable man. replacing him before the election to me would be a nonstarter. >> senator graham just a few moments ago. this is a statement from the attorney general of the united states jeff sessions. a statement we got in just a few moments ago. i took control of department of justice the day i was sworn in, which is why we have had unprecedented success at effectuating the president's agenda. one that protects the safety and security and rights of the american people. reduces violent crime. enforces our immigration laws. promotes economic growth. and advances religious laborty. the actions of the department of justice will not be improperly
influenced by political considerations. i demand the highest standards. i take action. however no nation has a better group of talented law investigators than the united states. i'm proud to serve with them and proud of the work we've done in successfully advancing the rule of law. again, that statement just coming in from attorney general jeff sessions amid suggestions from lindsey graham that the president plans to fire him after the midterms. chuck rosenburg is with me now. chuck rozenburrosenberg, msnbc contributor, also a former u.s. attorney, former fbi official. worked there for the department of justice. tim carney, commentator editor for "the washington examiner." also joining us as well. tim, thanks for your time. chuck, let's talk about both of these stories. we'll talk about sessions and we'll talk about this news as it relates to mr. pecker here. let's start with sessions
interfere with the investigation of bob mueller. this would be another step in that direction. he has threatened and berated his attorney general constantly in the media and over twitter. and while i may not be the biggest fan of the attorney general, if he's going to stand for the rule of law, i'd like to see him stay in this job and do that. >> our man that covers the justice department, pete williams, joining us now from washington, d.c. pete, let me bring you in to the conversation here. we heard president trump in the interview this morning on fox talking about the attorney general. we heard from lindsey graham as well. >> this is a response to what the president said on fox this morning. where he said that jeff sessions has lost control of the justice department. this is response to that. because he says i took control of the department of justice the day i was sworn in. so it's a direct response to that. and it basically says three things. number one, it praises the people in the justice
department. number two, he says he won't be subject to improper political influence. and then the other thing that's notable about it, it's something that jeff sessions does every time he ever appears in public. he praises the president. so even though this is a response to the president, he also says "i'm carrying out the president's agenda. i think you have to say there's probably no cabinet member who is more faithful about -- in every public appearance, praising the president, saying he wants to do the president's agenda on fighting violent crime. but to chuck rosenberg's point, you know, jeff sessions has taken a lot of hits from the president ever since the president was elected on twitter, in public statements, and this statement is very interesting in that, number one, it's pretty short. number two, it praises the president, but number three, for the first time in any of these pushbacks, he says the justice department is not going to be improperly influenced by political considerations.
it's getting that pressure from all sides. it's getting it from republicans in the house who are pushing the justice department to release what is probably an unprecedented amount of internal investigative documents related to the mueller investigation and the hillary clinton e-mail investigation. and of course the suggestion that the justice department could be used to follow the political will of the white house. so it's a very strong -- it's a very muscular statement. it's surprising in the sense that jeff sessions has been taking these shots repeatedly and only now has decide to push back. in a very concise and, yet, muscular way. >> pete, again, i don't want to get you to spoke laeculate here you just alluded to it. the president has taken a number of shots at his attorney general on television, on twitter. why the response now? what do we make of the timing of this particular response this
time around? >> my guess is it's because the president has kind of changed the -- normally the president's attacks on jeff sessions has been he should have recused himself and he didn't, which is something the president said again today on fox. this time, he brought something new to the party, saying jeff sessions has never had control of the justice department and i think perhaps that was an especially sore point and that's why he decided to pushback. now, also, it's very interesting, in terms of what lindsey graham said about the potential firing. in the president's comments this morning on fox, he seems to once again say that is something he just can't do as long as the mueller investigation is going on. he's gotten this message loud and clear from the republicans in the senate. not just lindsey graham and not just today. which is don't fire jeff sessions. he's popular among senate republicans. they basically said to the president if you get rid of jeff sessions, we're not going to
confirm whoever you come up with to replace him as attorney general. so i think the president seems to know that that's a nonstarter. he seemed to acknowledge it today on fox. >> chuck, we know how the president feels about his attorney general. you still have a number of friends that work there at the justice department. how do they feel about jeff sessions? is he someone they still respect? >> well, i think everyone respects the position. we always respect the position. the attorney general is our boss when we're at the justice department. whether we're a prosecutor, dea, he's our boss and we follow that direction. that said, i think lots of folks would like to see the attorney general do more of what he just did today. which is publicly and clearly say that he's standing by the men and women of the department of the rule of law. that's what you need in a leader. you need to know that he or she
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pawn but she says the evidence was overwhelming that manafort was guilty and she says 11 of 12 jurors wanted to convict him on all counts against him but there was one lone holdout. another female juror she said who couldn't be convinced. i asked her was this person also a trump supporter and she said she didn't think so based on the conversations about politics. it was just a woman who thought there was rez age doubts and really according to paul duncan could not explain her reasoning. but as for duncan, her position is, look, i wanted paul manafort to be innocent but he wasn't. he was guilty. there was a lot of evidence to suggest that. even though she's a trump supporter, believes trump's a great president, believes paul manafort was a good political strategist. and she voted to convict him, craig. >> to be clear here, ken, she believes that manafort was guilty as sin but that he's also a pawn in some sort of grand
scheme. but i think i also hear you saying you had a bunch of jurors sitting around talking about politics? >> it was more subtle than that. >> okay. >> she said in discussions over the course of a two-week trial, you get a sense of someone's politics. that's what she explained to me. i think this is so interesting because, look, a lot of what this juror, paula duncan, believes about the mueller investigation -- and she said she doesn't follow it very closely. a lot of it may be mistaken. she thinks it's a witch hunt. it shows somebody like that can be persuaded. she sat through a 12-day trial. and she agreed, despite her political views, he was guilty and voted to convict him. i find that fascinating. >> i also find it quite dilania. a live look outside that san diego county courthouse where protesters are gathering as republican congressman duncan hunter and his wife were being arraigned on charges he misused roughly $250,000 in campaign
funds. we'll look at that. also, the rise of "me me me" politics in the gop. (vo) this is not a video game. this is not a screensaver. this is the destruction of a cancer cell by the body's own immune system, thanks to medicine that didn't exist until now. and today can save your life. ♪ ♪ i've been making blades here at gillette for 20 years. there's a lot of innovation that goes into making america's #1 shave. precision machinery and high-quality materials
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now that breaking news. attorney general jeff sessions now pushing back on criticism from president trump. in a statement he issued just a few minutes ago. the attorney general writing, in part, quote, while i am attorney general, the actions of the department of justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations. i demand the highest standards and where they are not met, i take action. however, no nation has a more talented, more dedicated group of law enforcement investigators and prosecutors than the united states. i am proud to serve with them and proud of the work we have done in successfully advancing the rule of law. let's bring in nancy cook, white house reporter for politico. and jonathan la mere, white house reporter for the associated press. he is also an msnbc political analyst. nancy, let me start with you there. because, again, pete alluded to this earlier, chuck rosenberg talked about this as well. the president has made it a
habit, if you will, of going after his attorney general on twitter, on television as well. this morning on fox news, he criticized him once again, saying that he hasn't been in control of his department of justice since day one. has the thinking, nancy, inside the white house, changed at all on jeff sessions? is it different this time? >> well, think it's just really the president who's thinking has sort of changed. we're reporting the story to figure out what exactly is going on. really, president trump has been angry with jeff sessions, you know, since march of -- march of 2017 right after he was inaugurated. he's furious that sessions didn't recuse himself from the russia investigation. he's made that really known publicly. he's tweeted about sessions. he said in interviews that he wants sessions out. he has privately belittled sessions. so i think the combination of all the legal developments this
week and then just this ongoing frustration may be boiling over at this point. and, again, we haven't heard directly from the president this morning or today that he wants to replace sessions immediately. this is something coming from the hill from senator lindsey graham. although graham is a close ally of trump's and someone who golfs with him and spends time with him pretty regularly. >> we've been having this conversation. we've also just gotten word that jeff sessions is headed to the white house, but we are told this was a preplanned meeting between the president and his attorney general that mr. sessions is going there to talk about criminal sentencing reform. but one would assume, jonathan, that this is something that would likely come up between the two men. i would imagine. why wouldn't jeff sessions just say the heck to this and resign? >> i believe he believes in the job he's doing. there are many republicans, conservatives, who feel like jeff sessions has not only been perhaps the most loyal member of
the cabinet but perhaps the most effective. the make america great again agenda. and of course the forced separation at the border, a month or so back, is someone who is carrying out what the president wants. he told people around him he's not going to quit. graham's comments are interesting. because he was one of the leading voices counseling trump against firing sessions for a time. thinking that -- and mcconnell has more or less said, like, don't give us another confirmation hearing. we can't handle this. sessions has a lot of allies in the senate. still, they don't want to see him go. >> could it be that lindsey graham, again, someone who has been in the upper chamber since the '90s could it be that lindsey graham in that interview, that sound bite we've been playing, was seeing that as sort of a flare? he was throwing up a flare for
other republican lawmakers to create some sort of backlash, a preemptive strike? >> it's possible. certainly that happened in the past. we've noted time and time again how rarely it is that republican senators stand up to this president. going to bad for jeff sessions was one of those cases. they've done it before. they continue to counsel the president privately that he shouldn't. i think what we're seeing here is just as nancy said the president's frustrations boiling over in terms of this week that has seen the manafort conviction and cohen taking guilty plea. that he feels this is emblematic of this deep state witch hunt conspiracy that he thinks has been undermining him since the day he took office and he is lashing out at jeff sessions. remember, he has said time and time again where is my roy cohen? like, i want someone loyal to me like bobby kennedy was. >> nancy, i do want to talk about your article as well. unrelated to the jeff sessions news of the date. but you do write about the
president and his detachment from reality as it would seem. you write in part, quote, the president is painting his own reality here. the president in an interview on fox news this morning was asked about the michael cohen payment. this is just part of what president trump said. >> did you direct him to make these payments? >> he made the deals. and, by the way, he pled to two counts that aren't a crime. which nobody understands. i watched a number of shows, sometimes you get some pretty good information by watching shows. those two counts aren't even a crime. >> clearly the president has been watching this show. but that notwithstanding, nancy, how do white house officials -- how do they try to even explain answers like that? >> well, i think there's a few things going on. one, i don't think there's a very coherraent strategy on howo deal with the fallout. two, i think there's a little bit of a strategy from outside allies and advisers from the white house. where they're going to try to
undercut cohen and try to paint him as someone who's dishonest, someone who's changed his story and someone who would say anything that needed to be said to cut some sort of deal with the prosecutors and lessen his jail time. three, i just really think that, you know, the president, time and time again, has been very successful at undermining government institutions and the media by just continuing to repeat things that aren't necessarily true and sort of keeping on that and saying that. i think in this case, he's trying to do that, despite what we've seen in the court doubts. i think for people in the white house, you know, this is a huge deal, but they're also going back to this bunker mentality that they have. where they're, like, this is just another crisis. >> sure. >> we've seen all these crises before and this too will pass. >> nancy cook, thank you. jonathan, thank you, as always. right now in a federal courthouse in san diego, congressman duncan hunter and his wife margaret are being arraigned on charges they used more than a quarter million
dollars in campaign funds to pay personal expenses and filed false campaign records. in the whopping 47-panel federal indictment, the hunters allegedly used the congressman's campaign account like a piggy bank. including spending more than $20,000 on vacations to italy and hawaii. another $11,000 on household items at costco. 600 bucks on an airline ticket for a pet rabbit. and if that's not unusual enough, they allegedly also spent more than $300 on personal items including punky brewster paraphernalia. on the taxpayer's dime. we're told from one of our producers in california both of them pled not guilty. and the government says it is open to a low bond, saying, quote, they are living paycheck to paycheck.
nbc's kelly o'donnell is live on capitol hill. jake sherman is a senior writer with politico. he is for some reason in new orleans. we'll get to that. kelly o., let me start with you on the hill what more can you tell us about duncan hunter and the response there on the hill to what he's been charged with? >> well, this is using campaign dollars, not taxpayer dollars. as what appears to be a slush fund as prosecutors lay it out. when the duncans could not -- the hunters could not make their ends meet, they would dip into the campaign coffers to cover their expenses. that's what's alleged against them. one of the challenges on capitol hill is the timing of all of this. house speaker paul ryan has stripped duncan hunter of his committee assignments. that is a powerful rebuke at this stage. there's always the tension when a member of congress is accused of a crime, of allowing the process legally to play out. there are political extend jed
circumstances like not look like you're condoning this. the ethics committee having its own inquiry, putting that aside to allow the criminal prosecution to move forward. duncan cannot be pulled from the ballot. so the timing of this is frustrating to republicans because you've got a red district in san diego that typically a republican would have an easy time winning. and certainly duncan hunter has over his several elections. but now he's so deeply compromised by these allegations and there really isn't an option for republicans. so he could resign his seat and still not be off of the ballot. he intends to fight this. we have seen in a very different case with senator bob menendez of new jersey where he went to trial, was acquitted on a number of counts and then the department of justice decided not to pursue a corruption case against him and he is up for re-election and is ahead in the polls. so they have to find that balance on capitol hill of taking action, looking like they
take this seriously, and at the sa same time, letting the process play out. >> thank you for correcting that slip of the tongue. again, the charges here are related to using campaign funds, not taxpayer dollars. jake, hunter blaming the justice department for his problems. here's what he said. >> you have to -- partisan biased department of justice employees that are doing it to trump. they're doing it to me. this is political, period. this is the u.s. government, what i would call the deep state or folks in the u.s. government that don't care what the election does, that they want to rig the election their own way. >> deep state. "rigged." jake sherman, it would seem as if the congressman from california is trying to take a page from the president's playbook there. >> he definitely is. deep state or not, you can blame it on whatever you'd like, but there are facts here the justice department believes are facts they've laid out. which is hunter spent tens of thousands of dollars on -- of
campaign money on vacations to italy. he would have no business whatsoever spending that money there. that he was buying golf shorts and things that nature. justice department laid out a specific and well-defined case that they are using that money improperly. members of congress have very wide berth is using the campaign money. you see it all the time. members of congress giving out, you know, scarves and going out to dinner with their staffers. all on campaign money. so it is a kind of unclear line, but it seems like what the justice department laid out is not -- is far beyond the pale of anything i've seen and i've been looking at this kind of stuff for a decade. >> hey, jake, hunter also, again, he's running for re-election here. what are his chances, for folks who aren't following that race there very closely? and who his this gis this guy hg
against? >> his chances independent of this incident would be very good. this is a slice of san diego county that is conservative. there's another seat around san diego that is more difficult which darrell issa has retired from. there are many members of congress, we've seen it on the democratic side and the republican side that run for re-election while they're under indictment and win. i want to put what kelly said in kind of broader context. she's absolutely right, this is a tough position for republicans. i wrote a series of stories a couple years ago about aaron shok who resigned from congress. he still hasn't gone to trial two or three years later. this is a process that is really damaging for republicans, especially because two house republicans have been indicted this month. democrats are trying to make this a quote/unquote corruption election. about how republicans are not fit to govern. and that narrative they're
laying out seems to be quite salient at this point. >> jake, you also wrote something in playbook this morning that caught my attention. the me, me, me era of politics. citing duncan hunter. you also wrote about the indi indicted new york congressman as well. indicted in the last few weeks. refusing to step aside. speaker ryan who announce head wouldn't run, retiring after election day. you see these all as examples of contemporary politicians who subscribe to the ethos of putting self before party. what's behind the shift in thinking? >> we could put these guys on the couch and be arbitrary psychiatrists as much as we want and i will tie this together to the previous segment here. i mean, we all understand the president is upset with jeff sessions about the russia investigation. but you have almost to a person republicans on capitol hill
perhaps until today begging him not to fire the attorney general and still he can't get out of his own way and put the issue aside no matter how angry he is. i think that this has gotten worse in the era of trump. it's not just republicans, it's democrats too. there are scores of democrats who are urged the house democratic leadership to step aside and make way for new blood. i don't know what to make of this. but it does seem like it's two-headed. it's definitely politicians who are more perhaps self-interested is what people told us than ever before. it's also the weakening parties. parties are weaker than ever. have less sway over members of congress than ever before. >> why are you in new orleans? >> i cannot reveal that. this is an undisclosed location. >> okay. >> it's not for partying. i wish it were. new orleans is beautiful in august. >> playing coy here, usually forthcoming. jake is her msherman, thank you. kelly, thank you for being at the capitol for us, your assigned post.
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program. that omission would allow the education secretary to use her discretion to approve any state or district plans to use grant funding for firearms and firearm training. senior administration official tells nbc news no decision is imminent. this stems from educators asking the education department about using these funds to buy firearms. our guest is a candidate for the local school board there. and matt dietech, a recent graduate, whose brother and sister survived that tragic shooting back in february. thank you both for your time this afternoon. tamial, let me start with you. lamar alexander was asked for his reaction. >> well, i'm no fan of arming teachers, but the safe schools act for many years has allowed
states to make the decision about how to use those federal dollars to make schools safer for children. >> your son was a survivor of that shooting. from your perspective, as a parent, a candidate as well, is there anything about this that's a good idea? >> nothing at all. i don't know if the trump administration or good old betsy are living under a rock, but you do not fix a problem by bringing more guns into the school. you do not arm teachers with guns. you give them more pay. how about you put that federal money into their salaries? or maybe we should implement mental health programs for children suffering mental health issueses or even teachers? why would you put more guns in into a school? are they not seeing what is going on around the united states? this is a bad idea and the trump administration, including betsy, really need to get it together. they are just making things worse. >> matt, you graduated from the
school in 2016, but your brother and sister were survivors. your brother, as i understand it, has met with betsy devos. what's your family's take on this possibility? >> this is not a solution. this is a sales pitch. this is a distraction from the issue of gun violence in this agree that not only affects schools, but our streets and our church and our movie theaters and people walking home from school or going to football games. we have already had a shooting this year. we cannot stand for this. i cannot imagine someone more out of touch of what the students are going through than the current department of education and speciespecially b >> to play devil's advocate for a second, the argument has been made in the past that there are certain school districts in this country that are in rural areas. they have schools that are far from police departments. schools that are out in the middle of nowhere where it might actually make sense to have teachers armed in the
classrooms. what would you say to that? what would you say about the idea that local school districts and local schools should be allowed to make these kinds of decisions? >> i'm against it totally because why don't we put that money and hire more police officers? why don't we put more police officers in the school? not only that. why would you have a teacher with a gun? god forbid there is another shooting. what if that teacher accidentally shoots a child trying to get the shooter? there are so many consequences by putting more guns in the school. i am totally against it. hire more trained police officers or security guards. teachers are here to teach our children, not protect them, not have a gun on their side. they should have a pencil, a notebook or something to help our children. >> if we are actually talking about how to prevent gun violence in this country and protect students we have to look at the larger issue of how easy it is to obtain a firearm in this country and there aren't enough checks to stop domestic
abusers and individuals from obtaining firearms. adding more guns into a situation has statistically shown us it creates more danger and puts more lives at risk. >> that's a high-five right. >> tenille, matt, thank you for your time and for your enthusiasm, as well, on this issue. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you very much. >> i would absolutely love lebron to replace betsy. >> that's another high-five. >> all right. continuing with the sports theme here, ohio state's urban meyer. he has been suspended for three games for how he handled domestic abuse allegations against an assistant coach. a lot of folks are saying that his punishment didn't go far enough. is there a double standard when it comes to accountability?
what happens when you catch a fish? gecko: whoa. geico. more than just car insurance. see how much you could save at i'm ok! this wi-fi is fast. i know! i know! i know! i know! when did brian move back in? brian's back? he doesn't get my room.
he's only going to be here for like a week. like a month, tops. oh boy. wi-fi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. in many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40's. >> oxford university's head football coach has been benched for a few games. urban meyer has been suspended for the first three games of the season for mishandling accusations of domestic abuse. a lot of folks say this is a slap on the wrist. sally jenkins is a sports columnist for "the washington post." let's start there. in this #metoo era, is it a slap on the wrist? >> oh, i think so. but worse than that, how do you think courtney smith, the victim of the domestic violence, is feeling about now to hear that urban meyer got a three-game suspension for mishandling, you know, what to her was the trauma of her life?
>> and to be clear, courtney smith, married to zach smith, who vehemently denied he abused his wife. zach smith is the assistant coach under urban meyer. we should note zach smith has not been charged with domestic violence. but reportedly his wife shows the pictures of the abuse to urban meyer's wife rchts we. >> well, there were photographs and text messaging between urban meyer's wire and courtney smith. interestingly enough, urban meyer deleted all of his text messages prior to one year ago. so there is no way of knowing what he ever received. that was in the 23-page report that ohio state produced when evaluating what to give him as a penalty here. so it doesn't look great. at a minimum it looks like there was an attempt at a cover-up on urban meyer's part to delete those text messages. >> to you think if this was a lesser known coach, a less successful coach, if this were a coach of a football program at a d-3 school or something, would they have gotten the same
punishment? how much of this is about being urban meyer at the oxford university, a national champion? >> there is no question the stakes are extremely high f financially for the university. there is a lot of bowl money potentially at stake if you are a number one team in the bowl championship series. so, yeah, the stakes are very high at these major schools. there is no question. the thing that's most disappointing to women observers like me is courtney smith's name was never mentioned at the press conference by urban meyer. they don't appear to get it. they don't appear to get that basically what this message sends, the suspension and the press conference that followed, is that guys are right when they tell a female victim, you know what? no one is going to care about you. >> we will have to leave it there. thank you so much. always enjoy your work at "the washington post." >> thank you. >> i hope you come back. that is going to wrap up this hour of "msnbc live." katy tur is standing by. i'll see you tomorrow morning on "today" and i'll see you back here on msnbc at 1:00.

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Number One , Three , Something , Number , It , Public , Subject , Influence , Cabinet Member , Appearance , Faithful , Statements , Hits , Justice , Department Of Education , Time , Pushbacks , House , Pressure , Sides , Amount , Documents , Sense , E Mail Investigation , Suggestion , Will , Hillary Clinton , Shots , Muscular Way , Timing , Television , Kind , Guess , Attacks , Party , Pushback , Terms , Comments , Firing , Message , Dont Fire , It Today On Fox , Everyone , Folks , Position , Boss , Prosecutor , Lots , Idea , Men , Women , Department , Leader , Road , Procedure , Progressive , Mouth , Tapping , The Rain , Sleep Number , Bed , Movement , Sale , Home Delivery , Beds , Novationt Inng Blades , 360 , 50 , World , Nobody , Best , Innovation , Precision Machinery , Materials , Gillette , Making Americas 1 Shave , 1 , 7 99 , 99 , 20 , Counts , Evidence , Juror , Jurors , Cohen Manafort , Pawn , Couldn T , Holdout , Who , 11 , Politics , Person , Supporter , Woman , 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Darrell Issa , Aaron Shok , Series , Narrative , Democrats , Attention , Pindi , New York City , Wouldnt Run , Election Day , Guys , Politicians , Examples , Self , Ethos , Shift , Upset , Segment , Psychiatrists , Couch , Matter , Blood , Leadership , Scores , Two Headed , Partying , Location , Sway , Weakening Parties , Parties , Msherman , Capitol , Post , Teachers , Schools , States , Plan , Funds , Teacher , Business Unlimited Card , Cash Back , Feel , 1 5 , Ink Card , Details , Mouthfeel , Thought , Supermarkets , Ice Cream , Fine , More , Chase Ink Business , Cash , Purchase , Chase For Business , Home , Homes , Boat , Hotels , Whatever , Booking Com , Alzheimers Association , Booking Yeah The First Survivor Of Alzis Out There Ase , Yurt , Treehouse , Ride , Leg , Fight , Dvt , Help , Stop Taking Xarelto , Doctor , Another , Danger , Blood Thinner , Spain , Pe Blood Clot , Blood Clot , Chest , Lung , Risk , Pe , Blood Clots , Studies , Patients , 98 , Blood Clotting Factors , 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