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Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. Well go to trial, what evidence was the government to prepare to prove each single count that Michael Cohen pleads guilty to. The ones that involved the president , the government says and i am holding a copy of the transcript today. We were prepared to offer hard documents. Documents that was taken from Michael Cohens Search Warrant back in april. Also, prepare to offer Audio Recordings that were made by cohen. We heard one of those involving the president several weeks ago. Then theyre going to introduce additional witnesses to the to this. Hey, we got hard evidence here thats going to corroborate the information thats included in the these counts. It is not just Michael Cohen is saying well the president is telling me to do this and this is why i wrote or sent this person a check or money. It was not just his words. They have to have evidence well, not only Michael Cohen say that but we can back it up in these different ways. We have ed as well as testimonies. It is not a situation of he said she said. It is not just one piece of evidence but it sounds like a slew of evidence and again, Rudy Giuliani who says back in may that the president knew about these payments to Michael Cohen. Got tom talking about these tapes and emails and more the prosecutors say of what they have. What kind of story does cohen need to tell to interest bob mueller . Well, i think he just needs to be able to provide insiders view of whats going on in recent months and years with respect to the campaign and other Business Dealings that the president before he was the president was involved with. It seems to me and i would agree to tom that there there seems to be a lot there and increasingly i would suggest that it is beyond their not being a he said she said because of the existing of corroborating evidence, i would submit that increasingly what cohen is saying fits into what i think most people outside observers just assume was going on. This was a story that i think increasingly just believable to the average person and some have assumed that this is the way trump cohens team operated and now we have someone talking about it and it is going to make sense and be believable to most people. We heard from the special counsels office essentially saying they dont need cohens testimony to corroborate whatever they have with regards to the president. What can we make of that . We well, that can be fairly directed criminal conduct. It is very different and i just dont think what about obama excuse is going to play. It is an important distincti distinction. The Obama Campaign was 375,000 if i remember this correctly. You were there last night in West Virginia, i want to play something, this is the closest that he came to talk about either case. This is the president. Fake news and the russian witch hunt, where is the collusion . Theyre still looking for collusion, where is the collusion . Find some collusion. We want to find the collusion. Supporters there in West Virginia could not careless about this . People did not care. I question them specifically of whether or not they cared and i questioned them about Paul Manafort of the former chairman being found guilty of eight charges. People said it does not matter to me, the president has not been convicted of anything. It does not matter. One specific supporter i thought knocked me off my socks said the president was paying women off like a boss and he said the president was protecting melania trump, the first lady, by paying off these women. Thats the way this one supporter put it. He was taking care of h is wife by spending this money and quieting these women and i also asked people whether or not they would be bothered if the president himself was somehow either pled guilty or convicted of campaign violations. Unless he shoots somebody on fifth avenue that theyre not going to change their support of this president and that unless he shoots somebody or commits treason that theyre not going to see a problem with it. These are of course the people that are most strongly supported of the president. Theyre the people thats coming out to the rally. It is indicative of the fact that his supporters are not worried about this and dont think this will impact the midterms. Manny davis, i understand you had a conversation with mr. Cohens personal attorney short time ago. Any new information from him. Lanny davis was telling me he think the president did break campaign f Campaign Finance laws. He thinks the president should be indicted for those crimes. Thats a gray legal area on their right to say that the president cant be indicted. Lanny davis says Michael Cohen is ready to talk about all sorts of things and including things that may impact the mueller probe. He did not say it specifically but there is ideas where hacking emails may have had some sort of involvement and Michael Cohen may talk about that and he does say Michael Cohen does not want to be pardon because he thinks the pardon would be dirty because the president is reckless and correct. Gregg, quickly before i let you go. Could a president be charged with a crime that was committed before he was president . Could he be held responsible for committing a legal act before he occupy the office of the president of the United States . Potentially. So the two office of Legal Counsel opinions that address this issue, the doj opinions are simi simply opinions. They take the form of doj policy. The big question that i think is looming is do those opinions when taken together mean that no president can be indicted whether of alleged crimes during his presidency or before or is it simply a matter that was simply in the past. It sort of depends on Rod Rosenstein and bob mueller of what they think of those opinions and what they think is the right thing to do in this case. Should there be sufficient evidence to charge the president. Thats a big unknown and well have to see how that is sorted out. Thank you, tom winter and yam yamiche, is always a pleasure. Pardon me . Power politics, republicans Control Washington right now, how do they deal with blow after blow, corruption and an indictment of another republican congress. On the other side, powerless politics. The democrats control nothing in washington right now. But, we are starting to see a strategy bubble up. How theyre looking to turn the cohen and manaforts news to perhaps a win on the Supreme Court fight. This wifi is fast. Simple, easy, awesome. In many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40s. Paul manafort woke up this morning a Con Vickvicted Felon his future seems bleak. These charges predate his time of the trump campaign. He does face up to 80 years in prison and faces additional threat. Another criminal trial in september. This one in washington, d. C. I want to bring in our former u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york, aelie, yo also cowrote a piece of the headline of manaforts choices. If you are Paul Manafort, which one would you do . Manafort is now convicted and looking at a serious sentence, hes a 69yearold man. I do not think hell go off and serve that sentence and out lives it. Hes got two choices, one is cooperate and hell have to tell everything he knows. He still have to do jail time less but some, verses if hes pardoned, He We Dont Waont Ph Walk Out of that prison right now. The related question is what is the president doing . Is there a chance that lets just say there is something to know, is there a chance that Paul Manafort does not know it . Is there a chance that a lot of folks for months now have gotten this thing all wrong that maybe manafort y manafort, yes, guilty of all financial crimes may not have been emersed enough in the president s inner circle to become familiar with some illegal dealings he may or may not have. When you are sitting down with a potential cooperator, they need to understand that all i want from you is the truth. I dont want you to make up thing that things that will make me happy. I just need the truth. I have cooperators who have high hopes for. Maybe he knows who did this murder and break it for us and he came in and says i know about that murder, i just dont. Sometimes that exact scenario you lay out just happens where the cooperator knows something but not everything you hope. I want to play something after what the president said after the manaforts conviction and Michael Cohens plea as well. I have to tell you that Paul Manafort was a good man, he was with Ronald Reagan and with a lot of people throughout the years and i feel very sad about it because it involves me but i still feel it is a sad thing that has happened. This had nothing to do with russian collusion. There is the sound byte from yesterday fast forward to today. The president is using his favorite megaphone, twitter, i feel badly for Paul Manafort and his wonderful family. Justice took a 12yearold tax case among other things applied tremendous pressure on him. Michael cohen he refused to break such a respect for a brave man. Are we reading too much into this . The president is trying to lay a foundation where he can pardon manafort and have a pretext to say why. If the president marpardons manafort, people are going to go nuts. Hes trying to prevent manafort of cooperating. That tweet you just showed us and the quotes and prior tweets, i think this is an unjust prosecution. If he pardons manafort hell say no, it was not to prevent from cooperating and as i have said many times before, i felt this is an unjust prosecution. People mercedes agree, i am the president and i get to decide that. It is giving h i im some cover. You alluded to this. Manaforts second child in washington, d. C. A lot of legal insiders are suggesting that is the trial that he should be everyone more concerned about. Why is that . There is more charges and more Volume Evidence that we are going to get into more details on his dealing as this unregistered foreign agent. Well get into more depth of his work in the ukraine for these prorussian interests. It would be interesting to see where it goes and potentially worse for manafort. For folks who live down there, there are some distinct difference. It is all gravy for prosecutors. They already have what they need for the virginia conviction, it can omnivonly get worse for man. Duncan hunter is indicted. Now republicans attempt to limit his power may be more difficult than they hope. Oh oh ozempic® vo people with Type 2 Diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . vo and you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. Oh up to 12 pounds . vo a twoyear study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. Oh no increased risk . Ozempic® ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with Type 1 Diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not share needles or pens. Dont reuse needles. 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To be clear those are republican senators, jake sherman is a Senior Writer with politico and ana palmer, a senior washington correspondent of politico. It is wednesdays play book here on msnbc. Mr. Sherman, i will start with you here, what are you hearing behind the scenes from republicans about the i word or anyone is talking about impeachment . It is not about republicans but about democrats, where Will Democrats go if they take back the house which as we know is not a certainty but certainly a probability. There is going to be intense pressure from the progressive base especially in the House Democratic caucus which is drifting to the left as we have seen the last couple of months to impeach trump and i think Democratic Leaders no matter who they are, we dont know whos going to be the leaders, nancy pelosi or somebody else. Leadership will have to be careful in looking over and ip peaching trump is not a good look. We dont know when mueller is going to deliver his report. Rudy giuliani told us this morning theyre at the end of the process. It is certain that if democrats take back the house, there is going to be an intense over sight of this administration, Something Like we saw frankly when republicans first took over the house in 2010 of barack obama. Anna palmer, there does so many to be a movement if you will. We heard from the senator from hawaii who says shes not going to be taking a meeting and hes not taking a meeting with the president s Supreme Court nominee of brett kavanaugh. Are we starting to see more democrats there in the upper chamber sort of used this as justification for not even talking to kavanaugh . Yes, i think what we saw is just the beginning of democrats trying to use this and the clips you pay before we went on and really showing a stumbling of republicans trying to find a way forward and they dont want to be talking about this and theyre coming into Campaign Season and every pole we look at shows that voters want a check on President Trump and republicans have not proven that theyre going to do that and willing to take him and separate themselves from him. What you are starting too see in the coming weeks do republicans start to distance themselves . I doubt it on the kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination. Thatll be very, very surprising. Some of the other things you can see them taking action on tariffs or other things that they have not in alignment with the president on. Adding to the president s troubles yesterday out in california, republican congressman thought by many to be quite the rising star, douncn hunter, he and his wife indicted on charges of misused campaign funds. Chris collins was charged with Insider Trading two weeks ago. Axios is quoting. The Republican Party looks like a Criminal Enterprise. How do republicans counter this narrative that the entire party has become corrupt, thanks to donald trump. Well, two out of 235 members of the House Republican conference being indicted does not exactly total up to Criminal Enterprise but this is the second republican this month to be indicted and if you look at the evidence laid out against hunter, it is stunning. Spending 15,000 to a vacation in italy and drinking around town with other members of congress and friends and other colleagues. Stunning stuff and it is definitely looks criminal. The big thing democrats are going to try to do over the next couple of weeks is try to do what they did in 2006 which is say that republicans are not fitting to serve in office and that republicans are corrupt and kind of paint the entire party with this brush. That i will say is republicans doing themselves no favors. Dunn can hunter is not going to resign. Hes fighting to keep his Committee Seat and force a vote on the house floor for him to keep his Committee Seat. Everybody is kind of out for themselves at this point including Duncan Hunter whos not doing his party any favors as they face what is basically mounting evidence that theyll lose control of the house of representatives. Really quickly, anna palmer, likelihood of paul ryan who again retiring after this year, paul ryan decides to use this as an opportunity to audition for profiling encourage award and decides perhaps there should be some sort of hearing in the house judiciary committee. The probability of that happening . I cant imagine republicans want to have a hearing on this. Theyll want Duncan Hunter to step back and it is going to be an embarrassing time when they come back from their recess and they have to go from the floor to vote to remove him from committees. Anna palmer and jake, it is called political play book if you have heard of it. It is worth the read. Will democrats be able to use it in their fight over their Supreme Court nominee, well hit on that. We are keeping a close eye on that podium. There will be a Press Briefing of 45 minutes from now of sarah sanders taking to the podium for the First Time Since the Michael Cohen Indictment Conviction and manaforts convictions. Well hear from sarah in just a few minutes. To most, hes phil mickelson, pro golfer. To me, hes, well, dad. So when his joint pain from Psoriatic Arthritis got really bad, it scared me. And what could that pain mean . Joint pain could mean joint damage. 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I dont know if you know, i tweeted about the payments. But, they did not come out from c the campaign. My first question, did they come out of the campaign because that could be a little dicey. They did not come out of the campaign. It is not even a campaign violation. If you look at president obama, he had a Massive Campaign violation but he had a different Attorney General and they viewed it a lot different. Okay, again that was the president talking there to fox. Thats the first clip they put out. The tweet that the president was referring to, we got that tweet pulled up and lets read that, trying to give you some sort of Con Tengs He Context here. The president tweets a lot and quite frankly duifficult toll keep up. Mr. Cohen, an attorney, received a monthly retainer, not from the campaign and having nothing to do with the campaign from which he entered into through reimbursements. This is the president avoided Air Force One when asked about payments and asked about Michael Cohen. Take a listen. Did you know of the 130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels . No. Why did Michael Cohen make this . You have to ask Michael Cohen. Hes my attorney, you have to ask michael. Do you know where he got the money . No, i dont know. Well, the president was clearly lying then. That was april 5th, Air Force One, President Trump asked by a reporter, did you know about the payments and his response was no. I want to bring in our msnbc legal analyst, danny cevallos, am i misreading something here . The president was asked if he knew anything about it and now in this interview he says i know about it later on. Thats the theme that hes been going into that he did not know about the postgamayment a time and he found out about it later. If the question as i believe it is is did you know and his answer no can mean did you know at the time, not did you ever know. You sound like a criminal attorney. Ladies and gentlemen, it depends on what your definition of did is. Thats what it is going to come down to. I suspect hes going to spin it did you know at the time or not did you ever know. What about the assertion he made of the sound byte that they put out there. It did not come out of the campaign, the president is saying thats a much bigger thing that did not come out of the campaign. They came from me and i tweeted about it. What did we make of that. This is an awkward attempt to tiptoe through the laws that applies here. What the president is saying this for is because hes aware that there are different rules for Campaign Contributions from other folks verses the candidate himself. While it is true that there are unlimited, there are no restraints on direct contributions from the candidate, there is still reporting requirements. That still does not resolve the issue of if he paid Michael Cohen as a retainer and cohen use this retainer as a slush fund to pay people off without trumps knowledge. That raises a lot of other potential issues. Was this a benefit to the campaign in an in kind contribution, the kind that would trigger Campaign Finance laws . What we dont know because we have not seen the full interview there. We dont know how the president addresses Michael Cohens damming assertion yesterday that it was the president or the candidate presidency who directed him to break federal law. I think we are skipping over Significant Developments in some way. We are focusing on whether the president know about this specific payments but there are two payments. We are talking about one payment through mcdougal and we are talking about the stormy dani s daniels. Those were separate counts. With mcdougals payment, there is an audio tape that existed and that we heard. We are looking at hes saying in an interview today a day after a significance developments in the criminal case. There are two tracks. There are two sets of payments and one of the payments, the president absolutely knew at the time because we have him on tape talking about it. All right. Lets take a breather here, with we are watching the white house briefing. What is Sarah Sanders going to say about what we saw going down yesterday in two courtrooms. Also, a College Student killed in iowa. The suspect is an undocumented immigra immigrant. Our reporter just saw him walking to court for a hearing. Well go to iowa as well in just a moment. We do whatever it takes to fight cancer. These are the specialists were proud to call our own. Experts from all over the world, working closely together to deliver truly personalized cancer care. Expert medicine works here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com in court for his first appearance. His na President Trump brought up his case last night. You saw what happened to that incredible beautiful young woman. Should have never happened. Illegally in our country, we had a huge impact but the laws are so back. The Immigration Laws are such a disgrace, we are getting them changed. Ba ron, let me start with you wharwhat are we expecting to happen in that courtroom . Reporter moments ago, Christian Rivera was escorted in the courthouse. The camera were able to get up on him. He offered no comments when shouted questions about did he in fact killed now. Earlier this morning i made a stop over at the familys house at mollie tibbettss home and ran into her aunt in the driveway, extending condolences on behalf of our company to her family. Hee says the family was not ready and will not be ready to talk to the media at this time. Just a few moments ago they released a statement. I want to read that briefly. It says our hearts are broken on behalf of mollies entire family, want to thank those Around The World who sent their thoughts and prayers for our girl. We know many of you will join us as we continue to Carrie Mollie in our hearts forever. Cristhian rivera is charged with firstdegree murder, being held on a 1 million bond. Authorities in laying out this case in the affidavit yesterday, chilling details they say he vieded about provided about what happened to mollie on that night. A piece of Surveillance Video was given to authorities where they say they saw mollie go running by. What caught their attention was a dark color sedan traced to mr. Rivera they saw go back and forth around that time, and that was the big break. Thats how they were able to close this case and make an arrest. We spoke to his employer, a farmer here in Town Near Brooklyn who says they hired him four years ago, he was a model employee, in Good Standing with them, and they used the everify system to verify his eligibility to work in this country. Okay. Ron, thank you. I want to pick up on that point there. We heard President Trump last night say at that rally in West Virginia, talk about this case as he has been prone to do, talk about cases involving undocumented immigrants in this country. Is it reasonable to expect this a president who is going to continue to use this particular case to advance some sort of political agenda . Yes. And Newt Gingrich said essentially if mollies name becomes a household name, that will help republicans in november because the president uses these racial wedge issues to excite his base and get them excited about voting for republicans. And i think that is a really sad State Of Affairs because what happened to mollie is tragic. Certainly the court system is going to kick into gear and hopefully there will be justice in terms of trying to hold the person allegedly responsible accountable for this crime. But i would also say this. Neil wilson is also an american who was killed tragically for no apparent reason in oakland, california recently. A black teenager. And there wasnt the same amount of coverage. By an undocumented immigrant . No, but allegedly by a White Supremacist. So thats a different type of crime, but you didnt hear anything from the president. You didnt see anybody out talking about it in terms of it being a crisis we needed to solve immediately. But White Supremacist violence is up while undocumented immigrants commit fewer crimes than United States citizens. So thats just the context for this particular story in this news cycle. Its tragic. Also we need to understand that the president is using it and exploiting it for his political purposes. Zerlina maxwell, thank you. Ron mott, thanks to you as well in iowa. Meanwhile, in the last hour the Democratic National committee confirmed a Phishing Attempt to access their voter file. How they handled it differently than the massive breach before the 2016 election. We will talk about that. And again there is a White House Press briefing for the First Time Since two members of the president s former inner circle found they will likely be facing prison time. We will hear from Sarah Sanders roughly 20 minutes from now. In the movies, a lot of times, i tend to play the tough guy. But i wasnt tough enough to quit on my own. Not until i tried chantix. Chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. It reduced my urge to smoke to the point that i could stop. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. Serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be lifethreatening. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. 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The Democratic National committee has alerted authorities to an attempted hack of their voter file. The Phishing Scam is eerily similar to those Democratic National committee released during the 2016 election. Also, facebook has apparently removed more than 650 fake pages targeting hundreds of thousands Around The World. Facebook says the accounts originated in iran and russia. Jo ling kent Covers Business and technology for msnbc. First of all, what do we know about this Phishing Attempt against the dnc . Lets start there. What we know about that dnc attempted hack it was unsuccessful but the target really was the voter database. This is some of the most Important Information for any campaign headquarters. So that is what the hackers were going after. They were not able to hack into the dnc system, but the issue here, the takeaway really is this continues to be a major issue. Cyber security continues to be a threat not just on the democratic party, but parties across the board, including candidates themselves as we have been reporting over the past couple of months. So its targeted at voters. Thats what the take away is here. Lets turn to the facebook story. What more do we know about these new influence campaigns identified by facebook . Well, facebook is now saying about 650 some groups and pages and individuals all fake accounts have been neutralized. But they were coming out of russia and iran. They werent necessarily coordinated with each other. What we know is they are trying sow discord and push information. I asked Mark Zuckerberg last night on a reporter Conference Call about what his message is to worried users out there. He said they believe they are making more progress, this is a lot of accounts they have taken down, but they believe they are starting to get a little bit more of a handle on this. But they have been trying to fix this for the past couple of years, and going into the 2018 midterm race they still are unwilling to tell us how much of an influence or how much disruption is occurring on their platform. Craig, as you know, facebook is trying to be a little bit more transparent about this, but this comes after twitter also saying they have shut down about 300 accounts, mostly originating from iran. Jo ling kent there. We should expect to learn a bit more when the senate starts

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