Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Craig Melvin 20170228

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Craig Melvin 20170228 18:00:00

saw fairly recently at the white house when president trump announced judge neil gorsuch would be his pick to replace justice scalia. several people people will be in attendance whose family were killed from undocumented immigrants. at president trump's campaign rallies he'd bring people on stage to talk about this with regard to immigration. this will be a discussion of potentially economic security, national security, and possibly immigration as we look ahead later in the week, ali, to the president revealing his revised travel ban. on friday remember, it will be a month that original ban has been tied up in court essentially since the stay was put on it. the president might talk about his budget, too, something a lot of members of congress are particularly interested in hearing. here's what he had to say when it came to what he would do with entitlement reform with cuts to medicaid and social security. listen. >> you have an omb director finally.
he says you have to take an axe to entitlements. u.s. treasury says we're not touching it. who is right? >> who is right if the economy sails i'm right, i'm not touching social security. >> your omb is wrong? >> i'm not saying anybody is wrong. i think this is what's going to happen, brian, i think our country is going to sail. >> reporter: parse that. that is the president doing what he's done for months now, to continue to reiterate he is not going to be touching these entitlements. paul ryan is somebody who has worked for years to try to make the point that that overhaul needs to happen in order to make real dramatic changes to government spending, the house speaker saying this morning on nbc news with matt lauer that health care reform would be entitlement reform. it was interesting to hear him at his press conference earlier this morning ali talk about that given that did not seem to be one of his big pushes prior to president trump taking office. >> yes but you don't have to be an expert to look the at the budget and say if you are increasing defense spending to the degree they want to, you
forward on it. i do think there is kind of, they're looking for some direction here. paul ryan the house speaker was pressed on all of these issues earlier today. take a look at what he had to say. >> two, entitlements are reformed with repealing and replacingby ma cair right now. that's two entitlements we're reforming just this spring so we are well on our way to reforming entitlements by repealing and replacing obamacare so i think that's a pretty darned good start. >> reporter: but the reality here, ali, is that you know, president trump, his rhetoric is much different than paul ryan, when it comes to entitlements like medicare and social security. paul ryan has essentially built almost his entire political kind of reputation and career as the guy who is willing to te on the hardest questions in government, and trying to control the costs associated with entitlements. it's both a necessary thing for the long-term fiscal health of the country, republicans would
expect a reset or like what he said to "fox&friends" this morning where everything is fine. >> a lot of people watching to see how he decides to pivot. last year his famous line in his convention nomination speech was i alone can fix this." well we've seen now few weeks in office that you can't do everything by yourself as president. he's tried signing a lot of executive orders, some of them have gone forward, some of them have been stopped by the courts. there's a limit to how much you can do without congress and so far he actually hasn't proposed much of a legislative agenda. they're talking about it but haven't come up with the specifics. if he's going to begin engaging congress-to-tonight's the night to do it. what are we asking congress to dos? 'his republican party in charge of both houses. what does he want to do on health care, on tax reform and a loof other issues. >> hallie, there are som protests taking place tonight that will take place inside the capitol, some because people won't show, some because of what
people are wearing, some because of the way that they are breaking with tradition. tell us about this. >> reporter: ali, we know this. let me start with who won't be attending, the name we've heard so far is congressman maxine waters. according to sources who are familiar with this house democratic caucus meeting this morning she stood up and said hey and i'm paraphrasing i'm not going to be here and urged other members not to attend if they felt they couldn't contain themselves when they watched the president speaking. about a half other democrats said it's important to attend to listen to be respectful, fight the fight after but at least go and listen to what the president has to say. that is what congressman elliot engel says he'll listen. what won't he do, ali? we found out in the last hour or two the congressman will not for the if, time in nearly 30 years stand on the aisle and shake the president's hand as he walks by. you might remember from past joint addresses to congress, whether they be state of the union addresses or addresses like this time of year, there's
been a little bit of jockeying position who can shake the president's hand and have that moment as the president was walking into the chamber. congressman engel is not going to try for it this year because he has so many concerns about the trump presidency and administration so far. >> peter, let me ask you something about this discussion of thinning down the state department, and what some people are criticizing as eliminating some of the u.s.'s soft power. i want to read to you what 121 retired generals said about president trump's plan to slash the state department's budget. "elevating and strengthening diplomacy and development alongside defense are critical to keeping america safe." this was signed by people like david petraeus, anthony zinny, james stavrides and echoed by a number of people on our air today saying soft power is much more important than this president seems to think it is. >> that's right.
lot of times people come into office we're going to cut foreign aid and spend it at home, america first. what they don't understand when they say that is the foreign aid is a tiny, tiny percentage of our budget. polls have shown that americans think it's something like 20%, 25% but it's really like a percent and a lot of that goes to our friends like israel, egypt, and others that we would find important recipients for a lot of reasons that you just mentioned. so that's why bob gates, who was the defense secretary under george w. bush and stayed under barack obama he made one of his primary missions when he was at the pentagon to bolster the state department because he felt that was anmportant complement to the kind of military power that he exercised that without it, the pentagon would be in worse shape so you do hear this from a lot of people on the military side of the equation, not just the diplomats. >> kasie, hallie, peter, stand by. i want to bring in my other
guests here, harold ford jr., former congressman and msnbc political analyst, michael waldman, president of the brandon center for justice. gentlemen, i want to play what you lindsey graham said about president trump's budget proposals. let's just play that. >> it's dead on arrival. it's not going to happen. it would be a disaster, if you take soft power off the table then you're never going to win the war. what's most disturbing about the cut in the state department's budget, it shows a lack of understanding what it takes to win the war. >> now, congressman ford, it is -- you get in-party fighting. in the republican fighting it's unusual with john mccain and lindsey graham when it comes to military matters. when lindsey graham says this is off the table, pulling soft power off the table and john mccain said yesterday the amount of money he's putting into the defense is not enough. this is a problem.
>> there's no doubt. i think you said it best in the outset your introductory remarks, probably more interesting than to see how many democrats don't attend or don't stand to see how paul ryan and i would argue mitch mcconnell and lindsey graham and john mccain how they perceive and receive the speech. trump thinks he can make the economic message about growth. we'll spend some and grow the deficit. you're going to see if the freedom caucus stands up to trump. you get a sense trump will say we'rg to spend until we grow this economy and put people back to work. he won't be able to get around john mccain on the issues. stavrides and pea tray was were considered for two high jobs in the administration. for them to make that point it is clear there's an alliance
growing within the republican party and within the military intelligencia saying mr. president you can't cut the state department funding and argue that you're increasing the defense spending and make america safer. the two go hand in hand. i'll be as curious about republican reaction as anything else. >> it's a shift. i don't know how you describe it, michael, the shift that says all right, there are a lot of people you can agree or disagree whether you want more military. experienced people say they do need to upgrade the military and a lot who don't but the concept of reducing our soft power and our influence which we have seen in the president's behavior in the first 40 days but now being backed up by an actual thinning down of the state department and our diplomatic efforts around the world, i don't know if there's a school of thought for that other than isolationism. >> you're right, the military spending was frozen for so many years in some ways by the sequester. >> right. >> putting that aside, this has more of the wreak of the kind of pretend budgeting where you pretend that you can get it all
by closing down the washington monument and cutting out of the discretionary spending. >> we heard somef that in the sequester, federal government chefs earn too much money and these people earn too much money. you can't add up to the amount of money you need. >> and presidents often will find themselves late in their term almost become a lame duck setting up a budget that, as it is said, dead on arrival. president his first month in office maybe needing a reset. the most unpopular new president since they invented polling, and a budget that seems like if it couldn't go more inkept and more into detail than we've heard up until now, congress will roll its eyes and do its own thing. that is not a recipe for the kind of "i alone with fix it" strongman leadership trump wanted people think he was going to offer. >> if you eliminated discretionary spending for the next ten years you still can't
get to. >> but this is an achilles heel for republicans because we've had a really bad ten years when it comes to budgeting. we haven't even met the basic rules of budgeting. in the constitution, congress only as you know has one written out responsibility in its appropriation. >> the 13 appropriations. >> they've got to do this. we've been bad at it, it's become so partisan, can they do something whereby the president and the executive branch puts forward a budget and there's really robust discussion about it, and there's a vote and by october we actually have a budget? >> so to your point i served there. i don't think there was a time i was in congress, in my ten years that we passed the budget by seember 30 for the beginning of the fiscalear october 1. trump is saying he's going to do it, and he's going to have a big test on his hand, if he's able to convince this congress to run some deficits, if he's able to convince his own omb chief who comes from the freedom caucus this is okay to do.
>> the white house budget director came out at the beginning of the press conference and speak the language of we're getting a budget out there and going to go through the process, going to get passed and we'll get back to the business congress is supposed to do. nevermind naming post offices and things like that. they need a budget. >> this is like the famous parable of the dog that caught the car and what is it going to do with the car? there's been ten years of republican oppositional taunts like we're going to repeal obamacare on the first day. everybody in the country should understand the president and the congress are controled by one party. i think there was a lot of confusion before because of the star power of somebody like barack obama or whoever is the president. so not only will the republicans in congress have to grapple with these numbers, whatever the tone we hear from the speech tonight, they will own that, too. after the most divisive and dark inaugural address ever and the most angry and self-absorbed presidential press conference ever, what kind of tone will we hear from this president?
i'm not necessarily betting it will be unifying and forward-looking. >> i'm a bit of a geek about these things but important for people to remember the budget is the writing down of the priorities of that government. it's where they put their money where their mouth is. so they can say anything they want to do, but until it shows up in that document, it doesn't make any sense. >> and he will have an opportunity -- look, i hear michael and i hear a lot of my democratic friends. i don't remember a state of the union that was terrible. i remember state of the unions i didn't agree with. >> sure. >> he's starting out with a good title, american renewal and he is going to have to navigate tough trends around health care, the main governors opposing his health care plan because they don't want to see medicaid reform are republican governors. i'm nervous. i want to see some of the details about how we get these things done. where the unrubber meets the road and legislators and governors and mayors have to
legislate at home. >> donald trump surprises us all sometimes so if he does go down that road of an optimistic speech about revival we'll be all ears. that brings us to microsoft's pulse question. here is what president trump said about health care. >> nobody knew that health care could be so complicated. >> actually lots of people say they knew that health care was complicated but we're asking you, many say health care is broken is it too complicated to ific? le us know at us.msnbc.cpulse.m. i grew up in canada so i'll recuse myself from this conversation. the white house denying they're calling for mass deportations of illegal immigrants but some aren't so sure that's actually true. we'll talk to congressman joaquin castro about his recent conversation with the head of immigration and custom enforcement and the white house's immigration plans. and activists across the country getting ready to fight back as republicans vow to crack
down on illegal immigration. jacob ras cope in austin, texas w what's happening there. >> reporter: hundreds marched on the capitol and held a rally and headed inside to talk to their lawmakers. what they are protesting and why, coming up. ♪ announcer: get on your feet for the nastiest bull in the state of texas. ♪ ♪ (crowd cheers) ♪ i did... n't. hat? hey, come look what lisa made. wow. you grilled that chicken? yup! i did... n't. smartmade frozen meals. real ingredients, grilled and roasted. it's like you made it. and you did... n't. parts a and b
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which would gut funding to cities that don't enforce immigration laws so-called sanctuary cities. jacob rascon is live at the site of the protest in austin. what is it that the protesters want? >> reporter: we've talked to people from el paso and houston and dallas and the rio grande valley. they've come in, probably several hundred of them, after a march and a rally, what you're seeing now is them going into the capitol building, they want to talk to lawmakers and also want to chant and make some noise and what they hope, what they are demanding is sb4 doesn't make it through the house and into the governor's office, where he would sign it into law. the truth is that it may do just that. it passed the senate with flying colors. what it does as you pointed out bans sanctuary cities and will gut the money from the state to local or county or any other governments that refuse to comply. we'll talk with one of the people who came from out of on,
roscio from houston. why did you choose to come? >> i choose to come because i know what it feels like to have a parent be deported back to their home country and it's just not a pretty feeling. >> reporter: it was a couple of weeks ago your father was deported, and you found out because he called you from mexico. what do you stye those who will say look, the law is the law. if you're here illegally and you commit a crime that's just what happens. what is the argument? >> well, sometimes back in their home country there's just a lot of vionce going on that it's way too dangerous and you can be risking your life there and coming to the u.s. it's a much safer place and you have a brighter future here and you're safe. >> reporter: thank you so much forever your time, rocio. lot of them say they want a better process and of course they want sanctuary cities to be okay. back to you. >> all right, jacob rascon thank
you very much. let's stay in texas, joining me is congressman joaquin castro, democrat from texas. good to see you. thank you for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> you met with immigration and customs enforcement i.c.e. and after that meeting you said it was not hard to conclude that president trump has started his mass deportation plan. here's what attorney general jeff sessions said this morning about immigration reform. listen. >> i believe there's nothing wrong legally morally or intellectually with a lawful system of immigration. it serves the national interest. what's wrong with that? >> all right, let's take him at his word. what's wrong with a lawful system of immigration? >> absolutely nothing, and in 2014 i believe the senate passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill and that bill had enough votes in the house of representatives to pass both democrats and republicans at the
time, but the speaker refused to put it up for a vote. and what we're seeing from now stem from congress's failure to pass an immigration reform bill that clearly outlines who gets to stay and who has to go. nobody is standing up and saying that somebody who is a murderer or a rapist should be allowed to stay in the country but there are millions and millions more people who are nothing like that, who are peaceful people, many of whom have lived here for decades, who are raising their kids and their families, who have paid their taxes, and most americans and most texans agree those peoplehould have a path to legalization. >> let me ask you this, congressman. parse this with me. yesterday i was speaking to governor mcauliffe of virginia, who said that he had spoken with homeland secretary kelly, who said to him that no one who hasn't had a mixup with the law who is here illegally should fear being deported. then governor mcauliffe said he
relaid that, he asked secretary kelly if he could speak about this and secretary kelly said okay. governor mac awe live relayed that to the president and the president also said he could speak of that and that was likely true. do you believe that, that if you haven't had a brush-up with the law and you are an undocumented immigrant in the united states that you are safe from deportation? >> that's absolutely untrue. if you look at what's going on, we see that it's untrue and i.c.e. basically said that's not the case. let me tell you why. they specifically said that if they have for example a warrant to pick somebody up at a particular location, an undocumented immigrant, that they have the right and the ability and they will go and ask the other people who are living in that household basically for their citizenship documents to prove whether they have the right to be here or not. those could be kids, those could be other adults who have committed no crimes whatsoever, so what you're telling me points to a bigger problem we've had with this administration that
has not to do with immigration but just about every issue which is on controversial issues you're getting three or four or five different answers from the white house, and the president on these things, and honestly, americans don't know whose word to trust. >> right, this is the governor of virginia, the secretary of homeland secuty, and the president, and then you talking to the head of i.c.e. that's a lot of different information coming from a whole lot of people who should know. let's get down to the business about having a brush with the law. there was a deportation recently in arizona and the government was saying this is somebody who had been convicted of an offense, the offense was working with a social security number because she was illegal. in the case of many undocumented workers in the united states, there are two things that they do, if they require, if they have to drive and they are not able to get a driver's license, they sometimes drive without a license, and in other cases they work with someone else's social security number. that puts them into the system so if the government does stick
to the idea that if you've had a brush with the law, they will deport you, those people do fall into that basket. >> that's right. you raise a great point. when we think of deporting people who are criminals, we're thinking of people who have, you know, committed a kidnapping, a murder, a rape, burglary, something that we really consider a fundamental crime. now defined as a crime are also those things that you describe, people who come here who are desperate to support their families, that do come up with the social security numbers, who by the way are paying taxes, but they're also being hired by american businesses for cheap labor, and that's been going on for a long time, so there's incredible hypocrisy in the entire immigration system, but also as part of the listf offenses that i.c.e. listed to us was something as simple as traffic tickets. so not even forging a social security number or other documents, but literally getting a traffic ticket, and so that's
why i made the comment that they basically declared open season on all immigrants except for maybe some daca recipients. >> there was a young boy, 19-year-old boy arrested for having less than two ounces of marijuana and looked like he was going to be deported. apparently that didn't happen but he got into the process. >> that's right my office intervened, congressman lloyd dogett intervened. this kid had a joint or some possession of marijuana which you know, obviously in most states marijuana possession is still illegal, but the young man is also not a murderer. he's not a rapist. and marijuana is legal in many states so it's not as black and white as it seems. >> we haur you've been mulling a run against ted cruz for the senate. you come from a very political family. you are a texas politician.
what's your timetable to make that decision? >> you know, i said that within the next few months, i expect to make that decision, as you can imagine i'm trying to balance that with the incredible responsibilities of being on the house intelligence committee, and we literally in the eye of the storm with the russia investigation and so i'm hoping to make decisn in the next few months. it's clear to me going around the state and talking to texans from all walks of life that they want a different senator, they want somebody who will serve the people of texas and they're hungry for change. >> congressman joaquin castro thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> republicans are growing increasingly concerned over plans to repeal and replace obamacare. who is responsible for coming up with an alternative and can they pull it off? before fibromyalgia,
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the president is expected to discuss the repeal and replacement of obamacare in his prime time address tonight. nbc's tom costello joins me now from washington with a preview. tom, good to see you. i don't know if it's a fair question to ask you but what are you expecting to hear from the president about the reform of the affordable care act? >> i think there are so many unanswered questions right now and so many parties with conflicting ideas about what's going to happen. there appears to be growing consensus among republicans in congress and republican governors that they need to have a replacement plan in effect. they can't just throw out the affordable care act and not have something to take its place. is congress considering replacing obamacare or in the end revising it? today the speaker of the house suggested a popular element of obamacare which requires
insurers to cover preexisting conditions that will likely stay. >> our whole purpose is to improve access to affordable health care coverage, regardless of whether you have a preexisting condition or not. that is what we ran on last year, that's what we're working on this year, and that is our objective. >> critical piece of information there. so what could stay or what could go from obamacare? we heard about preexisting conditions, if the speaker is to be believed that will likely stay. what about children covered until they're 26 years old? that's a popular portion of obamacare? what about preventative care? the law requires insurers to offer preventative care medicine to everybody, not just obamacare patients. we're talking colonoscopies and blood pressure and cholesterol screening and mental health care, addiction care. what about the individual mandate, very unpopular with republicans that requires everybody to have insurance, therefore paying into a system to provide coverage for everybody. if that goes away, will fewer
americans be covered? the problems with the law are very well documented ali. insurers are pulling out of the marketplaces in many states because they're not making enough money to make it viable for them. premiums on average up 20% this year, in some cases like arizona much more, deductibles up. that said, 20 million more people have insurance than before the law was enacted and the percentage of americans without health insurance has dropped from 16% down to 11%. >> so tom, let's just talk mano e mano. we're business guys, there's math and it's basic. regardless of politics and where you think obamacare should go and whether you like it or not, to have people with preexisting conditions remain on these policies and to have kids remain on their parents' policies, you haveo have that individual mandate. no one's come up with different way of doing this yet. prident obama didn't like the idea initially and he had to
succumb because the actuaries told him that's the only way you can do it. this is an insurance concept. >> you're absolutely right and that's not a political discussion. if you keep certain elements everybody seems to like how do you pay for it if you're not requiring people to pay in, how are you going to do this? the republican side has talked about certain types of penalties if you will, that's not the correct phraseology. >> credits and tax credits, but again, there are other republicans saying that's not republican orthodoxy, just a wolf in sheep's clothing. >> certain elements of obamacare which were not part of the law eight years ago are prebaked into this conversation. there doesn't appear to be any appetite for losing the law which requires people to, which allows people to have insurance even if they have a preexisting condition, that 26-year coverage for 26 years old and under is popular, there's certain portions of this which now may
become simply part of the fabric of the country, much as social security when fdr proposed that, that was unpopular. >> tom great to talk to you as always. i want to bring in congresswoman barbara lee of california, staunch advocate of the ofordable care act and opposes any efforts to repeal or replace it. congresswoman thank you for beingith us. some said earlier it's like the dog that caught the car. they've got it now and they are struggling with the very things this my colleague tom costello says they're struggling with. there are parts of obamacare that are remarkably popular. what are you going to do if you're a republican? >> i would say the majority of the affordable care act is very, very popular. when you look at what people have said throughout the country, at town meetings, it's don't take away my health care, don't make america sick again.
i don't know how the republicans are going to get out of this. they can't repeal this. 30 million people will lose health care coverage and we're not going to go there, and so i thank the people of the country for organizing, mobilizing, raising their voices and making sure that the affordable care act is not repealed. >> let me give you the hits i'm getting from this, a sound bite from house speaker ryan's conference or he made some comments this morning about why he thinks they're going to get away with repeal and reform. listen. >> the democrats admitted very clear with us they don't have any interest in repealing owe pa ma cai obamacare. they want to go down with a sinking ship, they want to go down with a collapsing law. >> yesterday they said it will collapse under its own weight. surely as a democrat you can see there are some problems around the edges or maybe even closer to the middle with obamacare
that some form of reform could be useful. >> first with regard to tinkering around the edges, fixing what the problems are, correcting some of the problems, fine. but we're talking about allowing a full repeal of the affordable care act. to the republicans don't take away my health care. it's really unfortunate that the president didn't really realize how difficult this is. that's pretty ignorant. my grandchildren knew how difficult it was to put together a health care plan that would cover all americans regardless of their income level, background or where they lived. even in west virginia, black lung disease is covered now, people suffering from that have coverage. people aren't going to let this administration take away their health care and we'll fight to the end. >> the president and the administration often talk about arizona, they often talk about premiums, having spiked 20% in
some areas. how do you address those things, insurers who are leaving certain areas? look, i like to correct people that the increase in insurance rates is slower over the last five years than it was in the previous five years but insurers have left in some areas, so should the democrats come up with their own replacement? >> the first thing we have to do is make sure that the 30 million people who are covered do not lose their health care. once we do that, if there are fixes that we have to engage in, then okay. but right now we're not going to allow this administration to take away health care from people who desperately need it. this is a matter of life and death. preventative health care, all of the coverages that people receive now, their premiums would go up if in fact the republican ideas are put into place and we're not going to let that happen. so we're going to continue to work with our constituents and to help organize around the country, so people, the republicans excuse me and
speaker ryan and the president, so they understand that people do not want to lose their health care coverage. >> congresswoman, you said your grandchildren would understand it was complicated. i suspect you have unnaturally smart grandchildren. thanks for spending time with me. >> they are very smart. to that issue of health care let's get a quick check on today's microsoft pulse question. many say health care is broken. is it too complicated to fix? what you're saying so far, 8% say it's too complicated to fix, 92% of you say no, it is fixable. there is time to weigh in at and as we go to break, breaking news from the meth un methuen, massachusetts, outside of boston a small plane crashed into a building. no word yet on injuries. we'll stay on top of the story and get you more when we come back. i should take a closer look at geico...
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agree the country is divided but all say it's time to get back to the basics. >> i think in order for us to bring the country together generally speaking is we have to start acting as individuals and as human beings. so the way i see the divide is people generally speaking again are far too attached to their political parties. >> i just try to always point out the things that we can agree on, we love america, you know, there are things that we all would like to see a balanced budget. we'd all like to see less spending in government. you know, there are so many things that i found over the half that you just mention year these things and everybody comes together. >> i think americans now they're anonymous. they're behind that keyboard and nobody's home and they're locked in a room and they can say whatever they want to say, no matter how mean or no matter
what it takes away from somebody else. the truth matters not a lot anymore. it's how fancy your website is, or how many listeners or likes when we first came here, we didn't know each other. i didn't know susie was a republican. i didn't ask her. it didn't matter. why does it matter in d.c. so much? >> uh-huh. >> uh-huh. >> why does it matter in rally
so much? it doesn't matter. it really don' >> thas right. >> yeah. >> it really doesn't. >> we brought together some strangers, but by the end of the conversation they were shaking happened and exchanging phone numbers. ali? >> now, if we can multiply that about by 100,000, we might actually work something out in this country. thank you for going there and listening to what people's views are. for us in burlington, north carolina. president trump and the war on terror. what can we expect to hear from the president tonight about his plans to defeat isis? all finished.
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plus 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. and look where life can take you! boost®. be up for it.™ the point pentagon has submitted to the white house a new proposal to ramp up the fight to defeat isis. cal perry joins me now. he knows the area well and has some sense what have the fight is going to look like. >> here are the countries where isis has a footprint. by foot print i mean some sort of governance. here's the area that we are talking about, the black, that's area controlled by isis. mosul and raqqah. these are going to be the two cities we are going to hear the most about in the coming weeks and months. one more thing, you have got to cut off the supply lines. that's what u.s. special forbess are doing right now. here are the current military assets donald trump has at his disposal. i would highlight one other,
aircraft right now the george hmmm w. bush is there, it needs to travelthrough the suez. we aushly keep one in the gulf and one outside the gulf. that was the plan when general mattis was demanding the fifth fleet. they have tested 162 new weapons systems in syria. they are using syrians as the training ground. important to the russians russians, she is two ports. this gives them a port to the mediterranean. >> that's the only access they have in the mediterranean. >> yes, and they are doing this by propping up a charles tan. >> that's an excellent explanation. we'll be right back. stay with us. s can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order
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